50 Years Is Enough

1994 marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the World
Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), institutions which
have been promoting and financing inequitable and unsustainable
development overseas that create poverty while destroying the
environment. These organizations are also profoundly undemocratic
in that they have consistently denied citizens information about,
and involvement in, major decisions affecting their respective
For more than a decade, citizens' groups in the United States,
in collaboration with partner organizations in the Third World
and Eastern Europe, have lobbied the IMF and the World Bank, as
well as the U.S. government, for reforms in the operations and
policies of these institutions. Despite these efforts and the
growing chorus of criticism from the U.S. Congress, governments
and U.N. agencies, the IMF and World Bank continue to resist fundamental
and meaningful change.
To mark the 50th anniversary of the Bretton Woods conference
at which these institutions were founded, a diverse group of U.S.
organizations established the 50 Years Is Enough Campaign. (Now
the 50 Years Is Enough: U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice).
"50 Years Is Enough" was chosen as the slogan to express
the strongly held belief by growing numbers of people around the
globe that the type of development that the World Bank and IMF
promote could not be allowed to continue.
Above all, the Network calls for the full participation of
affected women and men in all aspects of World Bank and IMF projects,
policies and programs. This requires far-reaching changes in the
lending policies, internal processes and structure of the World
Bank and the IMF. Only when these reforms are implemented will
these institutions be able to play a positive role in support
of equitable and sustainable development. This will require the
1 - Openness and full public accountability of the Bretton
Woods institutions and the systematic integration of affected
women and men in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of Worid Bank and IMF projects and policies;
2 - A major reorientation of World Bank- and IMF-financed
economic policy reforms to promote more equitable development
based upon the perspectives, analysis and development priorities
of women and men affected by those policies;
3 - An end to environmentally destructive lending and support
for more self-reliant, resource conserving development;
4 The scaling back of the financing, operations, role and,
hence, power of the World Bank and the IMF and the rechanneling
of financial resources thereby made avaiiable to a variety of
development assistance alternatives; and
5 - A reduction in multilateral debt to free up additional
capital for sustainable development.
Years Is Enough