Bulgaria 1990 / Albania 1991
Teaching communists what democracy is all about
from the book
Killing Hope
US Interventions in the Third World
by William Blum

For American anti-communist cold-warriors, for Bulgarian anti-communist
cold-warriors, it couldn't have looked more promising.
The cold war was over. The forces of Western Civilization,
Capitalism and Goodness had won. The Soviet Union was on the verge
of falling apart. The Communist Party of Bulgaria was in disgrace.
Its dictatorial leader of 35 years was being prosecuted for abuses
of power. The party had changed its name, but that wouldn't fool
anybody. And the country was holding its first multiparty election
in 45 years.
Then, the communists proceeded to win the election.
For the anti-communists the pain was unbearable. Surely some
monstrous cosmic mistake had been made, a mistake which should
not be allowed to stand. It should not, and it would not. Washington
had expressed its interest early. In February, Secretary of State
James Baker became the most senior American official to visit
Bulgaria since World War II. His official schedule said he was
in Bulgaria to "meet with opposition leaders as well as Government
officials". Usually, the New York Times noted, "it is
listed the other way around". Baker became deeply involved
in his talks with the opposition about political strategies and
how to organize for an election. He also addressed a street rally
organized by opposition groups, praising and encouraging the crowd.
On the State Department profile of Bulgaria handed to reporters
traveling with Baker, under the heading "Type of Government",
was written "In transition".{1}
In May, three weeks before election day, a row broke out over
assertions by the leader of the main opposition group. Petar Beron,
secretary of the Union of Democratic Forces, a coalition of 16
parties and movements, said that during UDF's visits to Europe
and the United States, many politicians pledged that they would
not provide financial assistance to a socialist Bulgaria. This
would apply even if the Bulgarian Socialist Party -- the renamed
Communist Party -- won the elections fairly. Beron stated that:
Western leaders want lasting contacts with governments which
are building Western-style democracy and economies. The British
Foreign Secretary, Douglas Hurd, was particularly categorical.
He said he was drawing up a declaration to go before the European
Community to refuse help for the remaining socialist governments
in Eastern Europe.{2}
Meanwhile, the National Endowment for Democracy, Washington's
specially created stand-in for the CIA (see Nicaragua chapter),
with funding in this case primarily from the Agency for International
Development, was pouring some $2 million into Bulgaria to influence
the outcome of the election, a process the NED calls promoting
democracy. This was equivalent to a foreign power injecting more
than $50 million into an American electoral campaign. One major
recipient of this largesse was the newspaper of the opposition
Union of Democratic Forces, Demokratzia, which received $233,000
of newsprint, "to allow it to increase its size and circulation
for the period leading up to the national elections". The
UDF itself received another $615,000 of American taxpayer money
for "infrastructure support and party training" ...
"material and technical support" ... and "post-electoral
assistance for the UDF's party building program".{3}
The United States made little attempt to mask its partisanship.
On June 9, the day before election day, the US ambassador to Bulgaria,
Sol Polansky, appeared on the platform of a UDF rally.{4} Polansky,
whose early government career involved intelligence research,
was a man who had had more than a passing acquaintance with the
CIA. Moreover, several days earlier, the State Department had
taken the unusual step of publicly criticizing the Bulgarian government
for what it called the inequitable distribution of resources for
news outlets, especially newsprint for opposition newspapers,
as if this was not a fact of life for genuine opposition forces
in the United States and every other country in the world. The
Bulgarian government responded that the opposition had received
newsprint and access to the broadcast outlets in accordance with
an agreement between the parties, adding that many of the Socialist
Party's advantages, especially its financial reserves, resulted
from the party's membership of one million, about a ninth of Bulgaria's
population. The government had further provided the printing plant
to publish the UDF newspaper and had given the opposition coalition
the building from which to run its operations.{5}
The Socialists' lead in the polls in the face of a crumbling
economy perplexed the UDF, but the Bulgarian Socialist Party drew
most of its support from among pensioners, farm-workers, and the
industrial workforce, together representing well over half the
voting population.{6} These sectors tended to associate the BSP
with stability, and the party capitalized on this, pointing to
the disastrous results -- particularly the unemployment and inflation
-- of "shock therapy" free enterprise in Russia.{7}
Although the three main parties all proposed moving toward a market
economy, the Socialists insisted that the changes had to be carefully
controlled. How this would be manifested in practice if the BSP
were in charge and had to live in an extremely capitalist world,
could not be predicted. What was certain, however, was that there
was no way a party named "Socialist", née "Communist",
recently married to the Soviet Union, could win the trust and
support of the West.
As it turned out after the second round of voting, the Socialists
had won about 47 percent of the vote and 211 seats in the 400-seat
parliament (the Grand National Assembly), to the UDF's 36 percent
and 144 seats. Immediately following the first round, the opposition
took to the streets with accusations of fraud, chanting "Socialist
Mafia!" and "We won't work for the Reds!" However,
the European election observers had contrary views. "The
results ... will reflect the will of the people," said the
leader of a British observer delegation. "If I wanted to
fix an election, it would be easier to do it in England than in
"If the opposition denounces the results as manipulated,
it doesn't fit in with what we've seen," a Council of Europe
delegate declared.
Another West European observer rejected the opposition claims
as "sour grapes".{8}
"Utter rot" was the term chosen by a conservative
English MP to describe allegations of serious fraud. He asserted
that "The conduct of the poll was scrupulously fair. There
were just minor incidents that were exaggerated."
"The opposition appear to be rather bad losers,"
concluded one Western diplomat.{9}
These opinions were shared by the many hundreds of observers,
diplomats and parliamentarians from Western Europe. Nonetheless,
most of the American observers were not very happy, saying that
fear and intimidation arising from "the legacy of 45 years
of totalitarian rule" had produced "psychological"
pressures on Bulgarian voters. "Off the record, I have real
problems with this," said one of the Americans. Asked if
his team's report would have been as critical had the opposition
won, he replied: "That's a good question."{10}
Members of the British parliamentary observer group dismissed
reports that voting was marred by intimidation and other malpractices.
Most complaints were either "trivial" or impossible
to substantiate, they said. "When we asked where intimidation
had taken place, it was always in the next village," said
Lord Tordoff.{11}
Before the election, Socialist Prime Minister Lukanov had
called for a coalition with opposition parties if his Bulgarian
Socialist Party won the election. "The new government,"
he said, "needs the broadest possible measure of public support
if we are to carry through the necessary changes."{12} Now
victorious, he repeated the call for a coalition. But the UDF
rejected the offer.{13} There were, however, elements within the
BSP which were equally opposed to a coalition.
The opposition refused to accept the outcome of the voting.
They were at war with the government. Street demonstrations became
a daily occurrence as UDF supporters, backed by large numbers
of students, built barricades and blocked traffic, and students
launched a wave of strikes and sit-ins. Many of the students were
acting as part of the Federation of Independent Student Societies
(or Associations), which had been formed before the election.
The chairman of the student group, Aptanas Kirchev, asserted that
the organization had documentation on electoral abuses which would
shortly be made public. But this does not appear to have taken
The student movements were amongst the recipients of National
Endowment for Democracy grants, to the tune of $100,000 "to
provide infrastructure support to the Federation of Independent
Student Associations of Bulgaria to improve its outreach capacity
in preparation for the national elections". The students
received "faxes, video and copying equipment, loudspeakers,
printing equipment and low-cost printing techniques", as
well as the help of various Polish advisers, American legal advisers,
and other experts -- the best that NED money could buy.{15}
The first victory for the protest movement came on 6 July,
less than a month after the election, when President Mladenov
was forced to resign after a week of protests -- including a hunger
strike outside of Parliament -- over his actions during an anti-
governmental demonstration the previous December. His resignation
came after the UDF released a videotape showing Mladenov talking
to his colleagues and appearing to say: "Shouldn't we bring
in the tanks?" Said a UDF official of the resignation, "We
are rather happy about all this. It has thrown the Socialists
into chaos."{16}
The demonstrations, the protests, the agitation continued
on a daily basis during July. A "Cityof Freedom" consisting
of more than 60 tents was set up in the center of Sofia, occupied
by people who said they would stay there until all senior Bulgarian
politicians who served under the old communist regime were removed.
When they were denied what they considered adequate access to
the media, the protesters added to their demands the resignation
of the head of Bulgarian television.{17} At one point, a huge
ceremonial pyre was built in the street in which text books from
the communist era were burnt, as well as party cards and flags.{18}
The next head to fall was that of the interior minister, Atanas
Smerdjiev, who resigned in a dispute over the extent to which
the questioning of former dictator Todor Zhivkov should be public
or behind closed doors. The Bulgarian people indeed had a lot
to protest about; primarily a rapidly declining standard of living
and a government without a president which seemed paralyzed and
unable to enact desperately-needed reforms. But the question posed
by some MPs -- as thousands of hostile demonstrators surrounded
the parliament building during the Smerdjiev affair -- was "Are
we going to be dictated to by the street?" "The problem,"
said Prime Minister Lukanov, "is whether parliament is a
sovereign body or whether we are going to be forced to make decisions
under pressure." His car was attacked as he left the building.{19}
Finally, on 1 August the head of the UDF, Zhelyu Zhelev, was elected
unopposed by Parliament as the new president.
A few weeks later, another demand of the protesters was met.
The government began to remove communist symbols, such as red
stars and hammer-and-sickles, from buildings in Sofia. Yet, two
days later, the headquarters of the Socialist Party was set afire
as 10,000 people swarmed around it. Many of them broke into the
building and ransacked it before it wound up a gutted and charred
The protest movement in Bulgaria was beginning to feel and
smell like the general strike in British Guiana to topple Cheddi
Jagan in 1962, and the campaign to undermine Salvador Allende
in Chile in the early '70s -- both operations of the CIA -- where
as soon as one demand was met, newer ones were raised, putting
the government virtually under siege, hoping it would over-react,
and making normal governing impossible. In Bulgaria, women demonstrated
by banging pots and pans to signify the lack of food in the shops,{21}
just as women had dramatically done in Chile, and in Jamaica and
Nicaragua as well, where the CIA had also financed anti-government
In British Guiana, the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade had
come down from the US tospread the gospel and money, and similar
groups had set up shop in Jamaica. In Bulgaria in August, representatives
of the Free Congress Foundation, an American right-wing organization
with lots of money and lots of anti-communist and religious ideology,
met with about one-third of the opposition members in Parliament
and President Zhelev's chief political adviser. Zhelev himself
visited the FCF's Washington office the following month. The FCF
-- which has received money from the National Endowment for Democracy
at times -- had visited the Soviet Union and most of the Eastern
European countries in 1989 and 1990, imparting good ol' American
know-how in electoral and political techniques and for shaping
public policy, as well as holding seminars on the multiple charms
of free enterprise. It is not known whether any of the students
were aware of the fact that one of the FCF's chief Eastern European
program directors, Laszlo Pasztor, was a man with genuine Nazi
By October, a group of American financial experts and economists,
under the auspices of the US Chamber of Commerce, had drawn up
a detailed plan for transforming Bulgaria into a supply-side free-market
economy, complete with timetables for implementing the plan. President
Zhelev said he was confident the Bulgarian government would accept
virtually all therecommendations, even though the BSP held a majority
in Parliament. "They will be eager to proceed," he said,
"because otherwise the government will fall."{23}
Witnesses and police claimed that Konstantin Trenchev, a fierce
anti-communist who was a senior figure in the UDF and the leader
of the Podkrepa independent trade union, had called on a group
of hardcore demonstrators to storm the BSP building during the
fire. He had also called for the dissolution of Parliament and
presidential rule, "tantamount to a coup d'etat" declared
the Socialist Party. Trenchev went into hiding.{24}
Trenchev's Podkrepa union was also being financed by the NED
-- $327 thousand had been allocated "to provide material
and technical support to Bulgaria's independent trade union movement
Podkrepa" and "to help Podkrepa organize a voter education
campaign for the local elections". There were computers and
fax machines, and there were advisers to help the union "get
organized and gain strength", according to Podkrepa's vice
president. The assistance had reached Podkrepa via the Free Trade
Union Institute,{25} set up by the AFL-CIO in 1977 as the successor
to the Free Trade Union Committee, which had been formed in the
1940s to combat left-wing trade unionism in Europe. Both the FTUC
and the FTUI had long had an intimate relationship with the CIA.{26}
In the first week of November, several hundred students occupied
Sofia University once again, demanding now the prosecution, not
merely the removal, of leading figures in the former communist
regime, as well as the nationalization of the Socialist Party's
assets. The prime minister's rule was shaky. Lukanov had threatened
to step down unless he gained opposition support in Parliament
for his program of economic reform. The UDF, on the other hand,
was now demanding that it be allowed to dominate a new coalition
government, taking the premiership and most key portfolios. Although
open to a coalition, the BSP would not agree to surrender the
prime minister's position; the other cabinet posts, however, were
open to negotiation.{27}
The movement to topple Lukanov was accelerating. Thousands
marched and called for his resignation. University students held
rallies, sit-ins, strikes and protest fasts, now demanding the
publication of the names of all former secret police informers
in the university. They proclaimed their complete distrust in
the ability of the government to cope with Bulgaria's political
and economic crisis, and called for "an end to one-party
rule", a strange request in light of the desire of Lukanov
to form a coalition government.{28} In June The Guardian of London
had described Lukanov as "Bulgaria's impressive Prime minister
... a skilled politician who impresses business executives, bankers
and conservative Western politicians, while maintaining popular
support at home, even among the opposition."{29}
On the 23rd of November, Lukanov (barely) survived a no- confidence
motion, leading the UDF to storm out of Parliament, announcing
that they would not return for "an indefinite period".
Three days later, the Podkrepa labor organization instituted a
"general strike", albeit not with a majority of the
nation's workers.{30}
Meanwhile, the student protests continued, although some of
their demands had already been partly met. The Socialist Party
had agreed to restore to the state 57 percent of its assets, corresponding
to subsidies received from the state budget under the previous
regime. And the former party leader, Todor Zhivkov, was already
facing trial.
Some opposition leaders were not happy with the seemingly
boundless student protest movement. UDF leader Petar Beron urged
that since Bulgaria had embarked on the road to parliamentary
democracy, the students should give democracy a chance and not
resort to sit-ins. And a UDF MP added that "The socialists
should leave the political arena in a legal manner. They should
not be forced into doing it through revolution." Student
leaders dismissed these remarks out of hand.{31}
The end for Andrei Lukanov came on 29 November, as the strike
spread to members of the media, and thousands of doctors, nurses
and teachers staged demonstrations. He announced that since his
proposed economic program had not received the broad support he
had asked for, he had decided that it was "useless to continue
in office". A caretaker coalition would be set up that would
lead to new general elections.{32}
Throughout the period of protest and turmoil, the United States
continued to give financial assistance to various opposition forces
and "whispered advice on how to apply pressure to the elected
leaders". The vice president of the Podkrepa union, referring
to American diplomats, said:
"They wanted to help us and have helped with advice and
strategy." This solidarity gave rise to hopes of future American
aid. Konstantin Trenchev, the head of Podkrepa, apparently out
of hiding now, confirmed that opposition activists had been assured
of more US assistance if they managed to wrest power from the
former communists.{33}
These hopes may have had as much to do with naiveté
as with American support for the UDF. The Bulgarians, like other
Eastern Europeans and Soviet citizens, had led very sheltered
political and intellectual lives. In 1990, their ideological sophistication
was scarcely above the equation: if the communist government was
bad, it must have been all bad; if it was all bad, its principal
enemy must have been all good. They believed such things as: American
government leaders could not stay in office if they lied to the
people, and that reports of homelessness and the absence of national
health insurance in the United States were just "communist
However, the new American ambassador, H. Kenneth Hill, said
that Washington officials had made it clear to Bulgarian politicians
that future aid depended on democratic reform and development
of an economic recovery plan acceptable to Western lenders, the
same terms laid down all over Eastern Europe.
The Bulgarian Socialists, while not doubting Washington's
commitment to exporting capitalism, did complain that the United
States had at times violated democratic principles in working
against the leadership chosen by the Bulgarian people. One reform-
minded Socialist government official contended that Americans
had reacted to his party's victory as if it represented a failure
of US policy. "The U.S. government people have not been the
most clean, moral defenders of democracy here," he said.
"What cannot be done at home can be gotten away with in this
dark, backward Balkan state."{34}
In the years since, the Bulgarian people, particularly the
students, may have learned something, as the country has gone
through the now-familiar pattern of freely-rising prices, the
scrapping of subsidies on basic goods and utilities, shortages
of all kinds, and IMF and World Bank demands to tighten the belts
even further. Politically, there's been chaos. The UDF came to
power in the next elections (with the BSP a very close second)
but, due to the failing economy, lost a confidence vote in Parliament,
saw its entire cabinet resign, then the vice president, who warned
that the nation was heading for dictatorship. Finally, in July
1993, protesters prevented the president from entering his office
for a month and demanded his resignation.
By 1994, we could read in the Los Angeles Times, by their
most anti-communist foreign correspondent:
Living conditions are so much worse in the reform era that
Bulgarians look back fondly on communism's "good old days,"
when the hand of the state crushed personal freedom but ensured
that people were housed, employed and had enough to eat.{35}
But for Washington policy makers, the important thing, the
ideological bottom line, was that the Bulgarian Socialist Party
could not, and would not, be given the chance to prove that a
democratic, socialist-oriented mixed economy could succeed in
Eastern Europe while the capitalist model was failing all around
Nor, apparently, would it be allowed in nearby Albania. On
31 March 1991, a Communist government won overwhelming endorsement
in elections there. This was followed immediately by two months
of widespread unrest, including street demonstrations and a general
strike lasting three weeks, which finally led to the collapse
of the new regime by June.{36} The National Endowment for Democracy
had been there also, providing $80,000 to the labor movement and
$23,000 "to support party training and civic education programs".{37}
1. New York Times, 11 February 1990, p. 20.
2. The Guardian (London), 21 May 1990, p. 6.
3. National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, D.C., Annual
Report, 1990 (October 1, 1989 -
September 30, 1990), pp. 23-4. The NED grants also included
$111 thousand for an international election observation team.
4. Los Angeles Times, 3 December 1990, p. 13.
5. New York Times, 6 June 1990, p. 10; 11 February 1990, p.
6. The Guardian (London), 9 June 1990, p. 6.
7. Luan Troxel, "Socialist Persistence in the Bulgarian
Elections of 1990-1991", East European Quarterly (Boulder,
CO), January 1993, pp. 412-14.
8. Los Angeles Times, 12 June 1990.
9. The Guardian (London), 12 June 1990, p. 7.
10. Los Angeles Times, 12 June 1990; The Times (London), 12
June 1990, p. 15; The Guardian (London), 12 June 1990, p. 7.
11. The Times (London), 20 June 1990, p. 10.
12. The Guardian (London), 28 May 1990, p. 6.
13. The Times (London), 20 June 1990, p. 10.
14. The Times Higher Educational Supplement (London), 29 June
1990, p. 11.
15. NED Annual Report, 1990, op. cit., pp. 6-7, 23.
16. The Times (London), 7 July 1990, p. 11.
17. The Times Higher Educational Supplement (London), 13 July
1990, p. 9.
18. The Guardian (London), 12 July 1990, p. 10; The Times
(London), 20 July 1990, p. 10.
19. The Times (London), 28 July 1990, p. 8; 30 July, p. 6.
20. Ibid., 27 August 1990, p. 8.
21. The Times Higher Education Supplement (London), 14 December
1990, p. 8.
22. Russ Bellant and Louis Wolf, "The Free Congress Foundation
Goes East", Covert Action
Information Bulletin, Fall 1990, No. 35, pp. 29-32, based
substantially on Free Congress
Foundation publications.
23. New York Times, 9 October 1990, p. D20.
24. The Guardian (London), 29, 30 August 1990, both p. 8.
25. NED Annual Report, 1990, op. cit., p. 23; Los Angeles
Times, 3 December 1990, p. 13.
26. Howard Frazier, editor, Uncloaking the CIA (The Free Press/Macmillan
Publishing Co., New York, 1978) pp. 241-8.
27. The Guardian (London), 7 November 1990, p. 10.
28. The Times Higher Educational Supplement (London), 16 November
1990, p. 11.
29. The Guardian (London), 9 June 1990, p. 6.
30. The Times (London), 24 November 1990, p. 10; 27 November,
p. 16.
31. The Times Higher Educational Supplement (London), 30 November
1990, p. 8.
32. The Guardian (London), 30 November 1990, p. 9; The Times
(London), 30 November 1990, p.10.
33. Los Angeles Times, 3 December 1990, p. 13.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid., 6 February 1994, article by Carol J. Williams.
36. Ibid., 13 June 1991, p. 14.
37. National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, D.C., Annual
Report, 1991 (October 1, 1990- September 30, 1991), p. 42.
This is a chapter from Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions
Since World War II by William Blum