IRAQ 1990-1991
Desert holocaust
by William Blum

"This is the one part I didn't want to see," said
a 20-year -old private. "All the homeless, all the hurting.
When we came through the refugee camp, man, that's something I
didn't need."
"It's really sad," said the sergeant. "We've
got little kids come up and see my gun, and they start crying.
That really tears me up."
"At night, you kill and you roll on by," said another
GI. "You don't stop. You don't have to see anything. It wasn't
until the next morning the rear told us the devastation was total.
We'd killed the entire division."{1}
While many nations have a terrible record in modern times
of dealing out great suffering face-to-face with their victims,
Americans have made it a point to keep at a distance while inflicting
some of the greatest horrors of the age: atomic bombs on the people
of Japan; carpet-bombing Korea back to the stone age; engulfing
the Vietnamese in napalm and pesticides; providing three decades
of Latin Americans with the tools and methods of torture, then
turning their eyes away, closing their ears to the screams, and
denying everything ... and now, dropping 177 million pounds of
bombs on the people of Iraq in the most concentrated aerial onslaught
in the history of the world.
What possessed the United States to carry out this relentless
devastation for more than 40 days and nights against one of the
most advanced and enlightened nations in the Middle East and its
ancient and modern capital city?
It's the first half of 1990. The dismantling of the Berlin
wall is being carried out on a daily basis. Euphoria about the
end of the cold war and optimism about the beginning of a new
era of peace and prosperity are hard to contain. The Bush administration
is under pressure to cut the monster military budget and institute
a "peace dividend". But George Bush, Commander-in-Chief
of the Armed Forces, former Texas oil man, and former Director
of the CIA, is not about to turn his back on his many cronies
in the military-industrial-intelligence complex. He rails against
those who would "naively cut the muscle out of our defense
posture", and insists that we must take a cautious attitude
towards reform in the USSR.{2} In February, it's reported that
"the administration and Congress are expecting the most acrimonious
hard-fought defense budget battle in recent history"; and
in June that "tensions have escalated" between Congress
and the Pentagon "as Congress prepares to draft one of the
most pivotal defense budgets in the past two decades".{3}
A month later, a Senate Armed Services subcommittee votes to cut
military manpower by nearly three times more than recommended
by the Bush administration ... "The size and direction of
the cuts indicate that President Bush is losing his battle on
how to manage reductions in military spending."{4}
During this same period Bush's popularity was plummeting:
from an approval rating of 80 percent in January -- as he rode
the wave of public support for his invasion of Panama the previous
month -- to 73 in February, down to the mid-60s in May and June,
63 on 11 July, 60 two weeks later.{5}
George Herbert Walker Bush needed something dramatic to capture
the headlines and the public, and to convince Congress that a
powerful military was needed as much as ever because it was still
a scary and dangerous world out there. Although the official Washington
version of events presented Iraq's occupation of neighboring Kuwait
as an arbitrary and unwarranted aggression, Kuwait had actually
been a district of Iraq, under Ottoman rule, up to the First World
War. After the war, to exert leverage against the abundantly oil-rich
Iraq, the British Colonial Office established tiny Kuwait as a
separate territorial entity, in the process cutting off most of
Iraq's access to the Persian Gulf. In 1961, Kuwait became "independent",
again because Britain declared it to be so, and Iraq massed troops
at the border, backing down when the British dispatched their
own forces. Subsequent Iraqi regimes never accepted the legitimacy
of this state of affairs, making similar threats in the 1970s,
even crossing a half-mile into Kuwait in 1976, but Baghdad was
also open to a compromise with Kuwait under which Iraq would gain
access to its former islands in the Gulf.{6}
The current conflict had its origins in the brutal 1980-88
war between Iraq and Iran. Iraq charged that while it was locked
in battle, Kuwait was engaged in stealing $2.4 billion of oil
from the Rumaila oil field that ran beneath the vaguely-defined
Iraq-Kuwait border and was claimed in its entirety by Iraq; that
Kuwait had built military and other structures on Iraqi territory;
and worst of all, that immediately after the war ended, Kuwait
and the United Arab Emirates began to exceed the production quotas
established by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC), flooding the oil market, and driving prices down. Iraq
was heavily strapped and deeply in debt because of the long war,
and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein declared this policy was an
increasing threat to his country -- "economic war",
he called it, pointing out that Iraq lost a billion dollars a
year for each drop of one dollar in the oil price.{7} Besides
compensation for these losses, Hussein insisted on possession
of the two Gulf islands which blocked Iraq's access to the Gulf
as well as undisputed ownership of the Rumaila oilfield.
In the latter part of July 1990, after Kuwait had continued
to scorn Iraq's financial and territorial demands, and to ignore
OPEC's request to stick to its assigned quota, Iraq began to mass
large numbers of troops along the Kuwaiti border.
The reaction to all this by the world's only remaining superpower
and self-appointed global policeman became the subject of intense
analysis and controversy after Iraq actually invaded. Had Washington
given Iraq a green light to invade? Was there, at a minimum, the
absence of a flashing red light? The controversy was fueled by
incidents such as the following:
19 July: Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney stated that the
American commitment made during the Iran-Iraq war to come to Kuwait's
defense if it were attacked was still valid. The same point was
made by Paul Wolfowitz, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy,
at a private luncheon with Arab ambassadors. (Ironically, Kuwait
had been allied with Iraq and feared an attack from Iran.) Later,
Cheney's remark was downplayed by his own spokesman, Pete Williams,
who explained that the secretary had spoken with "some degree
of liberty". Cheney was then told by the White House: "You're
committing us to war we might not want to fight", and advised
pointedly that from then on, statements on Iraq would be made
by the White House and State Department.{8}
24 July: State Department spokeswoman Margaret Tutweiler,
in response to a question, responded: "We do not have any
defense treaties with Kuwait, and there are no special defense
or security commitments to Kuwait." Asked whether the United
States would help Kuwait if it were attacked, she said: "We
also remain strongly committed to supporting the individual and
collective self-defense of our friends in the gulf with whom we
have deep and longstanding ties" -- a statement that some
Kuwaiti officials said privately was too weak.{9}
24 July: The US staged an unscheduled and rare military exercise
with the United Arab Emirates, and the same Pete Williams then
announced: "We remain strongly committed to supporting the
individual and collective self-defense of our friends in the gulf
with whom we have deep and longstanding ties." And the White
House declared: "We're concerned about the troop buildup
by the Iraqis. We ask that all parties strive to avoid violence."{10}
25 July: Saddam Hussein was personally told by the US ambassador
to Iraq, April Glaspie, in a now-famous remark, that "We
have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement
with Kuwait." But she then went on to tell the Iraqi leader
that she was concerned about his massive troop deployment on the
Kuwaiti border in the context of his government's having branded
Kuwait's actions as "parallel to military aggression".{11}
25 July: John Kelly, Assistant Secretary of State for Near
Eastern and South Asian Affairs, killed a planned Voice of America
broadcast that would have warned Iraq with the identical party-line
words used by Tutweiler and Williams.{12} Hussein may not have
known of this incident, although in April he had been personally
assured by visiting Senate Minority Leader Robert Dole, speaking
in behalf of the president, that the Bush administration dissociated
itself from a Voice of America broadcast critical of Iraq's human-rights
abuses and also opposed a congressional move for economic sanctions
against Iraq.{13}
27 July: The House and Senate each voted to impose economic
sanctions against Iraq because of its human-rights violations.
However, the Bush administration immediately reiterated its opposition
to the measure.{14}
28 July: Bush sent a personal message to Hussein (apparently
after receiving Glaspie's report of her meeting with the Iraqi
leader) cautioning him against the use of force, without referring
directly to Kuwait.{15}
31 July: Kelly told Congress: "We have no defense treaty
relationship with any Gulf country. That is clear. ... We have
historically avoided taking a position on border disputes or on
internal OPEC deliberations."
Rep. Lee Hamilton asked if it would be correct to say that
if Iraq "charged across the border into Kuwait" the
United States did "not have a treaty commitment which would
obligate us to engage U.S. forces" there.
"That is correct," Kelly responded.{16}
The next day (Washington time), Iraqi troops led by tanks
charged across the Kuwaiti border, and the United States instantly
threw itself into unmitigated opposition.
Official statements notwithstanding, it appears that the United
States did indeed have an official position on the Iraq-Kuwait
border dispute. After the invasion, one of the documents the Iraqis
found in a Kuwaiti intelligence file was a memorandum concerning
a November 1989 meeting between the head of Kuwaiti state security
and CIA Director William Webster, which included the following:
We agreed with the American side that it was important to
take advantage of the deteriorating economic situation in Iraq
in order to put pressure on that country's government to delineate
our common border. The Central Intelligence Agency gave us its
view of appropriate means of pressure, saying that broad cooperation
should be initiated between us on condition that such activities
be coordinated at a high level.
The CIA called the document a "total fabrication".
However, as the Los Angeles Times pointed out, "The memo
is not an obvious forgery, particularly since if Iraqi officials
had written it themselves, they almost certainly would have made
it far more damaging to U.S. and Kuwaiti credibility."{17}
It was apparently real enough and damaging enough to the Kuwaiti
foreign minister -- he fainted when confronted with the document
by his Iraqi counterpart at an Arab summit meeting in mid-August.{18}
When the Iraqi ambassador in Washington was asked why the
document seemed to contradict US Ambassador Glaspie's avowal of
neutrality on the issue, he replied that her remark was "part
and parcel of the setup".{19}
Was Iraq set up by the United States and Kuwait? Was Saddam
provoked into his invasion -- with the conspirators' expectation
perhaps that it would not extend beyond the border area -- so
he could be cut down to the size both countries wanted?
In February 1990, Hussein made a speech before an Arab summit
which could certainly have incited, or added impetus to, such
a plot. In it he condemned the continuous American military presence
in the Persian Gulf waters and warned that "If the Gulf people
and the rest of the Arabs along with them fail to take heed, the
Arab Gulf region will be ruled by American will." Further,
that the US would dictate the production, distribution and price
of oil, "all on the basis of a special outlook which has
to do solely with U.S. interests and in which no consideration
is given to the interests of others."{20}
In examining whether there was a conspiracy against Iraq and
Saddam Hussein, we must consider, in addition to the indications
mentioned above, the following:
Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat has
asserted that Washington thwarted the chance for a peaceful resolution
of the differences between Kuwait and Iraq at an Arab summit in
May, after Saddam had offered to negotiate a mutually acceptable
border with Kuwait. "The US was encouraging Kuwait not to
offer any compromise," said Arafat, "which meant there
could be no negotiated solution to avoid the Gulf crisis."
Kuwait, he said, was led to believe it could rely on the force
of US arms instead.{21}
Similarly, King Hussein of Jordan revealed that just before
the Iraqi invasion the Kuwaiti foreign minister stated: "We
are not going to respond to [Iraq] ... if they don't like it,
let them occupy our territory ... we are going to bring in the
Americans." And that the Kuwaiti emir told his military officers
that in the event of an invasion, their duty was to hold off the
Iraqis for 24 hours; by then "American and foreign forces
would land in Kuwait and expel them." King Hussein expressed
the opinion that Arab understanding was that Saddam had been goaded
into invading, thereby stepping into a noose prepared for him.{22}
The emir refused to accede to Iraq's financial demands, instead
offering an insulting half-million dollars to Baghdad. A note
from him to his prime minister before the invasion speaks of support
of this policy from Egypt, Washington and London. "Be unwavering
in your discussions," the emir writes. "We are stronger
than they [the Iraqis] think."{23}
After the war, the Kuwaiti Minister of Oil and Finance acknowledged:
But we knew that the United States would not let us be overrun.
I spent too much time in Washington to make that mistake, and
received a constant stream of visitors here. The American policy
was clear. Only Saddam didn't understand it.{24} We have seen
perhaps ample reason why Saddam would fail to understand.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz declared that a sharp drop
in the price of oil was something the Kuwaitis, with their vast
investment holdings in the West, could easily afford, but which
undercut the oil revenues essential to a cash-hungry Baghdad.
"It was inconceivable," said Aziz, that Kuwait "could
risk engaging in a conspiracy of such magnitude against a large,
strong country such as Iraq, if it were not being supported and
protected by a great power; and that power was the United States
of America."{25} There is, in fact, no public indication
that the United States, despite its very close financial ties,
tried to persuade Kuwait to cease any of its provocative actions
against Iraq.
And neither Washington nor Kuwait seemed terribly concerned
about heading off an invasion. In the week prior to the Iraqi
attack, intelligence experts were telling the Bush administration
with increasing urgency that an invasion of at least a part of
Kuwait was likely. These forecasts "appear to have evoked
little response from Government agencies."{26} During this
period Bush was personally briefed and told the same by CIA Director
William Webster, who showed the president satellite photos of
the Iraqi troops massed near the Kuwaiti border. Bush, reportedly,
showed little interest.{27} On 1 August, the CIA's National Intelligence
Officer for Warning (sic) walked into the offices of the National
Security Council's Middle East Staff and announced: "This
is your final warning." Iraq, he said, would invade Kuwait
by day's end, which they did. This, too, did not produce a rush
to action.{28} Lastly, a Kuwaiti diplomat stationed in Iraq before
the invasion sent many reports back to his own government warning
of an Iraqi invasion; these were ignored as well. His last warning
had specified the exact date (Kuwaiti time) of 2 August. After
the war, when the diplomat held a press conference in Kuwait to
discuss the government's ignoring of his warnings, it was broken
up by a government minister and several army officers.{29}
In July, while all these warnings were ostensibly being ignored,
the Pentagon was busy running its computerized command post exercise
(CPX), initiated in late 1989 specifically to explore possible
responses to "the Iraqi threat" -- which, in the new
war plan 1002-90, had replaced "the Soviet threat" --
the exercise dealing with an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait or Saudi
Arabia or both.{30} At a war-games exercise at the Naval War College
in Newport, R.I., participants were also being asked to determine
the most effective American response to a hypothetical invasion
of Kuwait by Iraq.{31} While at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina,
another war "game" involved identifying bombing targets
in Iraq.{32}
And during May and June, the Pentagon, Congress and defense
contractors had been extensively briefed by the Center for Strategic
and International Studies of Georgetown University on a study
of the future of conventional warfare, which concluded that the
most likely war to erupt requiring an American military response
was between Iraq and Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.{33}
Another person who seems to have known something in advance
was George Shultz, who was Reagan's Secretary of State and then
returned to the Bechtel Corp., the multinational construction
giant. In the spring of 1990, Schultz convinced the company to
withdraw from a petrochemicals project in Iraq. "I said something
is going to go very wrong in Iraq and blow up and if Bechtel were
there it would get blown up too. So I told them to get out."{34}
Finally, there was this disclosure in the Washington Post:
Since the invasion, highly classified U.S. intelligence assessments
have determined that Saddam took U.S. statements of neutrality
... as a green light from the Bush administration for an invasion.
One senior Iraqi military official ... has told the agency [CIA]
that Saddam seemed to be sincerely surprised by the subsequent
bellicose reaction.{35}
On the other hand we have the statement from Iraqi Foreign
Minister Aziz, who was present at the Glaspie-Hussein meeting.
She didn't give a green light, and she didn't mention a red light
because the question of our presence in Kuwait was not raised.
... And we didn't take it as a green light ... that if we intervened
militarily in Kuwait, the Americans would not react. That was
not true. We were expecting an American attack on the morning
of the second of August.{36}
But one must be skeptical about so casual an attitude toward
an American attack. And these remarks, in effect denying that
Iraq was played for a sucker, must be considered in light of the
Iraqi government's stubborn refusal for some time to admit the
harm done to the country by US bombing, and to downplay the number
of their casualties.
The Bush administration's position was that Iraq's Arab neighbors,
particularly Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, had urged the United
States all along not to say or do anything that might provoke
Saddam. Moreover, as Ambassador Glaspie emphasized, no one expected
Hussein to take "all" of Kuwait, at most the parts he
already claimed: the islands and the oilfield.
But, of course, Iraq had claimed "all" of Kuwait
for a century. The invasion When Iraq invaded, the time for mixed
signals was over. Whatever devious plan, if any, George Bush may
have been operating under, he now took full advantage of this
window of opportunity. Within hours, if not minutes, of the border
crossing, the United States began mobilizing, the White House
condemned Iraq's action as a "blatant use of military aggression",
demanded "the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all
Iraqi forces", and announced that it was "considering
all options"; while George Bush was declaring that the invasion
"underscores the need to go slowly in restructuring U.S.
defense forces".{37}
Before 24 hours had passed, an American naval task force loaded
with fighter planes and bombers was on its way to the Persian
Gulf, Bush was seeking to enlist world leaders for collective
action against Iraq, all trade with Iraq had been embargoed, all
Iraqi and Kuwaiti assets in the United States had been frozen;
and the Senate had "decisively defeated efforts to end or
freeze production of the B-2 Stealth bomber after proponents seized
on Iraq's invasion of Kuwait to bolster their case for the radar-eluding
weapon"; the attack, they said, "demonstrates the continuing
risk of war and the need for advanced weapons" ... Said Senator
Dole: "If we needed Saddam Hussein to give us a wake-up call
at least we can thank him for that."{38}
"One day after using Iraq's invasion of Kuwait to help
save the high-tech B-2 bomber, senators invoked the crisis again
Friday to stave off the mothballing of two World War II-vintage
Within days, thousands of American troops and an armored brigade
were stationed in Saudi Arabia. It was given the grand name of
Operation Desert Shield, and a heightened appreciation for America's
military needs was the prevailing order of the day ...
Less than a year after political changes in Eastern Europe
and the Soviet Union sent the defense industry reeling under the
threat of dramatic cutbacks, executives and analysts say the crisis
in the Persian Gulf has provided military companies with a tiny
glimmer of hope.
"If Iraq does not withdraw and things get messy, it will
be good for the industry. You will hear less rhetoric from Washington
about the peace dividend," said Michael Lauer, an analyst
with Kidder, Peabody & Co. in New York.
"The possible beneficiaries" of the crisis, added
the Washington Post, "cover the spectrum of companies in
the defense industry."{40}
By September, James Webb, former Assistant Secretary of Defense
and Secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration, felt moved
to speak out: The President should be aware that, while most Americans
are laboring very hard to support him, a mood of cynicism is just
beneath their veneer of respect. Many are claiming that the buildup
is little more than a "Pentagon budget drill," designed
to preclude cutbacks of an Army searching for a mission as bases
in NATO begin to disappear.{41}
Remarkably, yet another cynical former Assistant Secretary
of Defense was heard from. Lawrence Korb wrote that the deployment
of troops to Saudi Arabia "seems driven more by upcoming
budget battles on Capitol Hill than a potential battle against
Saddam Hussein."{42}
But can anything be too cynical for a congressman stalking
re-election? By the beginning of October we could read:
The political backdrop of the U.S. military deployment in
Saudi Arabia played a significant role in limiting defense cuts
in Sunday's budget agreement, halting the military spending "free
fall" that some analysts had predicted two months ago, budget
aides said. Capitol Hill strategists said that Operation Desert
Shield forged a major change in the political climate of the negotiations,
forcing lawmakers who had been advocating deep cuts on the defensive.
The defense budget compromise ... would leave not only funding
for Operation Desert Shield intact but would spare much of the
funding that has been spent each year to prepare for a major Soviet
onslaught on Western Europe.{43}
Meanwhile, George Bush's approval rating had recovered. The
first poll taken in August after the US engagement in the Gulf
showed a jump to 74 percent, up from 60 percent in late July.
However, it seems that the American public needs the rush of a
regular patriotic-fix to maintain enthusiasm for the man occupying
the White House, for by mid-October, due to Bush's extreme obfuscation
of why the US was in the Persian Gulf, the rating they granted
him was down to 56 -- since Bush's first month in office, it had
never been lower; and it stayed close to that level until the
citizenry's next patriotic-invasion-fix in January, as we shall
see.{44} Prelude to war As Iraq went about plundering Kuwait and
turning it into Iraqi Province 19, the United States was building
up its military presence in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding waters,
and -- employing a little coercion and history's most spectacular
bribes -- creating a "coalition" to support US-fostered
United Nations resolutions and the coming war effort in a multitude
of ways: a figleaf of "multinational" respectability,
as Washington had created in Korea, Grenada and Afghanistan, for
what was essentially an American mission, an American war. Egypt
was forgiven many billions of dollars in debt, while Syria, China,
Turkey, the Soviet Union, and other countries received military
or economic aid and World Bank and IMF loans, had sanctions lifted,
or were given other perks, not only from the US but, under Washington's
pressure, from Germany, Japan and Saudi Arabia. As an added touch,
the Bush administration stopped criticizing the human rights record
of any coalition member.{45}
But Washington and the media were unhappy with Germany for
not enthusiastically jumping on the war bandwagon. The Germans
who only yesterday were condemned as jackbooted fascists marching
through Poland, were now called "cowards" for marching
for peace in large demonstrations.
Washington pushed a dozen resolutions through the Security
Council condemning Iraq, imposing severe economic sanctions, and
getting "authorization" to wage war. Only Cuba and Yemen
voted against any of them. When Yemen's delegate received some
applause for his negative vote on the key use-of-force resolution
of 29 November, US Secretary of State Baker, who was presiding,
said to his delegation: " I hope he enjoyed that applause,
because this will turn out to be the most expensive vote he ever
cast." The message was relayed to the Yemenis, and within
days, the tiny Middle-East nation suffered a sharp reduction in
US aid.{46}
UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar acknowledged
that "It was not a United Nations War. General Schwarzkopf
[commander of the coalition forces] was not wearing a blue helmet."{47}
The American control of the United Nations prompted British political
commentator Edward Pearce to write that the UN "functions
like an English medieval parliament: consulted, shown ceremonial
courtesy, but mindful of divine prerogative, it mutters and gives
The paramount issue in the United States soon became: how
long should we wait for the sanctions to work before resorting
to direct military force? The administration and its supporters
insisted that they were giving Hussein every chance to find a
peaceful, face-saving way out of the hole he had dug himself into.
But the fact remained that each time President Bush made the Iraqi
leader any kind of offer, it was laced with a deep insult, and
never offered the slightest recognition that there might be any
validity to Iraq's stated grievances.{49} Indeed, Bush had characterized
the Iraqi invasion as being "without provocation".{50}
The president's rhetoric became increasingly caustic and exaggerated;
he was putting it on a personal level, demonizing Saddam, as he
had done with Noriega, as Reagan had done with Qaddafi, as if
these foreigners did not have pride or reason like Americans have.
Here's how the Los Angeles Times viewed it:
Shortly after Iraq's invasion ... Bush carefully compared
Iraq's aggression with the German aggression against Poland that
launched World War II. But he stopped short of a personal comparison
of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein with Adolf Hitler. That caution
went out the window last month, when Bush not only compared Hussein
to Hitler but also threatened Nuremberg-style war crime trials.
Then, last week, Bush went further, briefly maintaining that the
Iraqi leader is worse than Hitler because the Germans never held
U.S. citizens as "human shields" at military sites.
After this trivializing of the Holocaust, Bush went on to
warn that any acceptance of uncontrolled aggression "could
be world war tomorrow". Said one of his own officials: "Got
to get his rhetoric under control."{51}
Saddam Hussein could not help but soon realize that by seizing
all of Kuwait -- not to mention sacking and pillaging it -- he
had bitten off substantially more than he could chew. In early
August and again in October, he signaled his willingness to pull
Iraqi forces out of the country in return for sole control of
the Rumaila oil field, guaranteed access to the Persian Gulf,
the lifting of sanctions, and resolution of the oil price/production
problem.{52} He also began to release some of the many foreigners
who had had the misfortune of being in Iraq or Kuwait at the wrong
time. In mid-December the last of them was freed. Earlier that
month, Iraq began laying out a new Iraqi-Kuwait border, which
might have meant a renunciation of its claim of Kuwait being a
part of Iraq, though its meaning was not clear.{53} And in early
January, as we shall see, his strongest peace signal was reported.
The Bush administration chose to not respond in a positive
manner to any of these moves. After Saddam's August offer, the
State Department "categorically" denied it had even
been made; then the White House confirmed it.{54} A later congressional
summary of the matter stated:
The Iraqis apparently believed that having invaded Kuwait,
they would get everyone's attention, negotiate improvements to
their economic situation, and pull out. ... a diplomatic solution
satisfactory to the interests of the United States may well have
been possible since the earliest days of the invasion.
The Bush administration, said the congressional paper, wanted
to avoid seeming in any way to reward the invasion. But a retired
Army officer, who was acting as a middle man in the August discussions,
concluded afterward that the peace offer "was already moving
against policy".{55}
After a certain point in the American military buildup, could
the United States have given peace a chance even if it wanted
to? Former Assistant Defense Secretary Lawrence Korb observed
in late November that all the components of the defense establishment
were pushing to get in on the action, to prove their worth, to
prove that there was still a need for them, to assure their continued
funding ...
By mid-January ... the United States will have over 400,000
troops in the Gulf [it turned out to be over 500,000] from all
five armed services (yes, even the Coast Guard is there). This
is about 100,000 more troops than we had in Europe at any time
during the Cold War. The Army will eventually have eight divisions
on the ground in Saudi Arabia, twice as many as it had in Europe.
... two-thirds of the entire Marine Corps' combat power [will
be there] ... The Navy will deploy six of its 14 aircraft carrier
battle groups, two of its four battleships and one of its two
amphibious groups ... The Air Force already has fighters from
nine of its 24 active tactical wings ... as well as bombers ...
Even the combat reserves are scheduled to be sent ... The reserve
lobby recognized that their future funding may be jeopardized
if their units do not get involved. ... Just as every service
wants to be involved in the deployment, will not each want a piece
of the real action?
And would the military high-command be able to resist the
pressures from each service, Korb wondered. The Navy, which had
moved some its carriers into the narrow and dangerous waters of
the Gulf just to be closer to the action? The Marines, who might
want to demonstrate the continuing viability of amphibious warfare
by staging an assault on the coast? And could the Army lay back
while air power carried the day?{56} [They couldn't, and it prolonged
the war.]
The US military and President Bush would have their massive
show of power, their super-hi-tech real war games, and no signals
from Iraq or any peacenik would be allowed to spoil it. Fortune
magazine, in an ingenuous paean to Bush's fortitude, later summed
up the period before the war began thusly:
The President and his men worked overtime to quash freelance
peacemakers in the Arab world, France, and the Soviet Union who
threatened to give Saddam a face-saving way out of the box Bush
was building. Over and over, Bush repeated the mantra: no negotiations,
no deals, no face-saving, no rewards, and specifically, no linkage
to a Palestinian peace conference [a point raised by Iraq on several
On 29 November, the UN Security Council authorized the use
of "all necessary means" to compel Iraq to vacate Kuwait
if it didn't do so by 15 January. Over Christmas, we have learned,
George Bush pored over every one of the 82 pages of Amnesty International's
agonizing report of Iraqi arrests, rape, and torture in Kuwait.
After the holiday, he told his staff that his conscience was clear:
"It's black and white, good vs. evil. The man has to be stopped."{58}
It's not reported whether Bush ever read any of Amnesty's
many reports of the period on the equally repulsive violations
of human rights and the human spirit perpetrated by Washington's
allies in Guatemala, El Salvador, Afghanistan, Angola and Nicaragua.
If he did, the literature apparently had little effect, for he
continued to support these forces. Amnesty had also been reporting
about Iraq's extreme brutality for more than a decade, and only
a few months before the August invasion had testified about these
abuses before the Senate, but none of this had filled George Bush
with righteous indignation.
As the 15 January deadline neared, the world held its breath.
Was it possible that in five and a half months no way could have
been found to avoid inflicting another ghastly war upon this sad
planet? On the 11th, Arab diplomats at the UN said that they had
received reports from Algeria, Jordan and Yemen, all on close
terms with Iraq, that Saddam planned an initiative soon after
the 15th that would express his willingness "in principle"
to pull out of Kuwait in return for international guarantees that
Iraq would not be attacked, an international conference to address
Palestinian grievances, and negotiations on disputes between Iraq
and Kuwait. The Iraqi leader, the diplomats said, wanted to wait
a day or two after the deadline had passed to demonstrate that
he had not been intimidated.
For the United States, with half-a-million troops poised for
battle in Saudi Arabia, this was unacceptable. Saddam Hussein
will "pass the brink at midnight, January 15", said
Secretary of State Baker, and could not expect to save himself
by offering to pull out of Kuwait after that time.{59} The multiple
explanations of George Bush go to notes
Our jobs, our way of life, our own freedom, and the freedom
of friendly countries around the world will suffer if control
of the world's great oil reserves fell in the hands of that one
man, Saddam Hussein.{60}
Thus spaketh George Herbert Walker Bush to the people of America.
As Theodore Draper observed:
These reasons were both mundane and implausible. That "jobs"
should have been mentioned first suggested that Bush, as in a
domestic political campaign, sought primarily to appeal to the
voters' pocketbook. It was, however, a peculiarly crass reason
to go to war, if it came to that, halfway around the world.{61}
During the entire lengthy buildup to the war, during the war,
after the war, no one was sure they understood why Bush had intervened
in the Persian Gulf, and then taken the United States into war.
Congressmen, journalists, editors, plain citizens kept asking,
almost pleading at times, for the president to clearly and unambiguously
explain his motivations, and without contradicting what he had
said the previous week. (Economists and think-tank intellectuals
found it professionally awkward to admit their uncertainty, and
thus wound up writing lots of authoritative-sounding mumbo-jumbo.)
The prevailing bewilderment prompted the Wall Street Journal
to assemble a group of "voters" to discuss the issues.
"They are confused about what's happening and are crying
out for more information," reported the newspaper about the
participants. "And they are unsettled by the perception that
Mr. Bush seems to be switching his reasoning day to day."
Said one participant: "So far it's been like David Letterman's
Top 10 Reasons for Being There. There's a different story every
week or so."{62}
Taking place in the Persian Gulf, as it all did, of course
lent itself to the belief that the liquid gold had a lot, if not
everything, to do with the conflict. This, however, is a thesis
which can not be supported by the immediate circumstances. Supply
was not a problem -- the Energy Department acknowledged that there
was not an oil shortage, and Saudi Arabia and other countries
increased their production to more than make up for the oil lost
from Iraq and Kuwait, which, in any event, together accounted
for only about five percent of American consumption. There was
a whole world ready to supply more oil, from Mexico to Russia,
as well as large untapped American sources. This indicates the
difficulties faced by any single producer -- Hussein or anyone
else -- who might try to control or dominate the market; which
in turn raises the question: what would such a country do with
all the oil, drink it? By December it was reported that "OPEC
is pumping oil at the highest levels since early summer, and unless
a war in the Middle East disrupts supplies, there's a prospect
again of an oil glut and sharply lower prices."{63}
As to the price of oil: did oilmen George Bush and James Baker
and the depressed American oil states want it to go up or down?
A case could be made for either hypothesis. (In January 1990 the
US had secretly urged Saddam to try to raise the OPEC oil price
to $25 a barrel.){64} And how easily could Washington control
it either way in a chaotic situation? As it is, oil prices fluctuate
on a regular basis, often sharply -- between 1984 and 1986, for
example, the price of a barrel of oil fell from around $30 to
less than $10, despite the ongoing Iraq-Iran war which cut into
the production of both countries.
However, this analysis of the immediate circumstances does
not take into consideration the formidable and continual influence
of the "mystique of oil" upon the thinking of American
policy makers. If Bush was looking for a "crisis" to
impress upon the congressional mind the enduring danger of the
world we live in, then getting involved in a conflict between
two major oil producing countries would certainly generate the
desired effect much more readily than if he had seized upon Bolivia
attacking Paraguay, or Ghana occupying Ivory Coast.
The president's remark about the American way of life and
everyone's freedom reflects the life-and-death seriousness that
he and other policy makers publicly ascribe to oil. (What these
men really believe and feel in each instance is something we are
not privy to.) Earlier in the year, CIA Director William Webster
had told Congress that oil "will continue to have a major
impact on U.S. interests" because "Western dependence
on Persian Gulf oil will rise dramatically" in the next decade;
while General Schwarzkopf, who had lifelong ties to the Middle
East, testified:
Mideast oil is the West's lifeblood. It fuels us today, and
being 77 percent of the Free World's proven oil reserves, is going
to fuel us when the rest of the world has run dry. ... It is estimated
that within 20 to 40 years the U.S. will have virtually depleted
its economically available oil reserves, while the Persian Gulf
region will still have at least 100 years of proven oil reserves.{65}
It was actually 69 percent at the time, and since the Soviet
Union has joined the "Free World", it's even less.{66}
It should also be noted that the good general's prediction for
the US is rather speculative, and that the term "economically
available" is a reference to the fact that US domestic oil
reserves are more costly to exploit than those in the Gulf. But
this only makes it a profit problem, not an oil-supply problem.
Moreover, the vast potential residing in alternative energy sources
must be included in the equation.
At this time, the United States -- seemingly in a panic about
danger to the Gulf oil supply -- was receiving about 11 percent
of its oil from the region, while Japan, which got 62 percent
of its oil, and Europe which got 27 percent from there, were hardly
stirred up at all, except for Margaret Thatcher who foamed at
the mouth when it came to Saddam and former colony Iraq.{67} Germany's
figure was about 35 percent, yet both Bonn and Tokyo had to have
their arms twisted by Washington to support the war effort. The
two countries may, in fact, have been leery about helping the
United States acquire greater influence and control over the region's
Official Washington's embrace of the oil mystique has given
rise to a long-standing policy, expressed as follows by political
analyst Noam Chomsky:
It's been a leading, driving doctrine of U.S. foreign policy
since the 1940s that the vast and unparalleled energy resources
of the Gulf region will be effectively dominated by the United
States and its clients, and, crucially, that no independent, indigenous
force will be permitted to have a substantial influence on the
administration of oil production and price.{68}
This has not always meant the use of force. In 1973, when
OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, used substantial price increases and
an oil boycott in an attempt to force Washington to influence
Israel into withdrawing from its recently occupied territories,
the United States did not launch, or even threaten, an invasion.
The matter was resolved through extensive diplomacy without a
shot being fired. What saved the OPEC states from a violent fate
may have been the combination of the Vietnam war still hanging
heavy in the air in Washington, and the Nixon administration on
the verge of being swallowed up by Watergate.
In addition to issuing several dire warnings early on about
the invasion's severe economic consequences for the United States,
which never came to pass, Bush warned of an even worse fate if
Iraq took over Saudi Arabia. The danger-to-Saudi Arabia explanation
was a non-starter. Iraq never had any designs on Saudi Arabia,
as a simple look at a map makes clear. The Iraqis have a long
border with that country; they didn't have to go through Kuwait
to invade the Saudis; and even if they did, they could have moved
into Saudi Arabia virtually unopposed during the three weeks following
their takeover of Kuwait, as General Colin Powell later conceded.{69}
Bush administration officials in fact admitted that neither the
CIA nor the Defense Intelligence Agency thought it probable that
Iraq would invade Saudi Arabia.{70} The Saudis didn't think so
either, until Defense Secretary Cheney flew to Riyadh on 5 August
and personally told King Fahd that his country stood in great
potential danger and desperately needed a very large infusion
of American military forces to defend it.{71}
Bush backed away from the oil rationale when critics charged
that he was only trying to protect the interests of the oil industry.
In October, he was interrupted while making a speech by some people
calling out: "Mr. President, bring our troops home from Saudi
Arabia! No blood for oil!" To which George Bush replied --
as the hecklers were hustled out -- "You know, some people
never get the word. The fight isn't about oil. The fight is about
naked aggression that [we] will not stand." A month later,
if not sooner, the president again began to play the oil card,
tying America's economic security to that of Saudi Arabia. Shortly
afterward, he returned to "the devastating damage being done
every day" to the US and international economies by the disruption
of oil markets.{72}
As to Iraq's naked aggression -- a remark requiring selective-memory
skills of a high order coming from a government that held all
modern records for international aggression, naked or otherwise,
and from a man who, less than a year before, had nakedly invaded
Panama -- both Syria and Israel had invaded Lebanon and still
occupied large portions of that country, Israel bombarding Beirut
mercilessly in the process, without a threat of war emanating
from Washington. Saddam Hussein, perhaps wondering when they had
changed the rules, said to the United States: "You are talking
about an aggressive Iraq ... if Iraq was aggressive during the
Iran war, why then did you speak with [us] then?"{73}
During Iraq's epic struggle against the Ayatollah Khomeini,
the United States of course had more than spoken to Baghdad. Washington
-- choosing Iraq as the lesser evil against Shiite extremism --
was responsible for huge amounts of weaponry, military training,
sophisticated technology, satellite-photo intelligence, and billions
of dollars reaching a needy Hussein, who was also lavishly supported
by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, they being concerned that Iran's anti-monarchist
sentiments might spread to their own realms. Indeed, there is
evidence that Washington encouraged Iraq to attack Iran and ignite
the war in the first place.{74} And during this period of American
support of Hussein, he was certainly the same odious, repressive,
beastly thug as when he later came under American moralistic rhetorical
fire. Similarly, absent Washington's prodding, the UN did not
condemn Iraq's invasion, nor did it impose any sanctions or lay
down any demands.
Even as it officially banned arms sales to either combatant,
the US secretly provided weapons to both. The other bête
noire of the region, the Ayatollah, received American arms and
military intelligence on Iraq during the war, so as to enhance
the ability of the two countries to inflict maximum devastation
upon each other and stunt their growth as strong Middle-East nations.
In contrast to Iraq-the-enemy now were the two "allies"
most involved, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Although Washington did
not make a big thing about the "virtue" of either country,
official policy was always that the United States had a principled
commitment to defending the former and liberating the latter.
And they were not a pretty pair. Saudi Arabia regularly featured
extreme religious intolerance, extrajudicial arrest, torture,
and flogging.{75} It also practiced gender apartheid and systematic
repression of women, virtual slavery for its foreign workers,
stoning of adulterers, and amputation of the hands of thieves.
US chaplains stationed in the country were asked to remove crosses
and Stars of David from their uniforms and call themselves "morale
Kuwait, oddly enough, was virulently anti-American in its
foreign policy.{77} Though more socially enlightened than Saudi
Arabia (but less than Iraq), it was nonetheless run by one family
as an elitist oligarchy, which closed down the parliament in 1986,
had no political parties, and forbade criticism of the ruling
emir; no more than 20 percent of the population possessed any
political rights at all. After the country had been returned to
its rightful dictators, it behaved very brutally toward its large
foreign-worker population, holding them without charge or trial
for several months; death squads executed scores of people. "Torture
of political detainees was routine and widespread," said
Amnesty International, and at least 80 "disappeared"
in custody. The targets of the campaign, which took place in the
presence of thousands of US troops, were primarily those who were
accused of collaboration with the Iraqis, although this was something
most of them had no choice in, and those who were involved in
a nascent pro-democracy movement. Additionally, some 400 Iraqis
were forced to return to Iraq despite fears that they would be
harmed or executed there.{78}
The elite of the region did not display much gratitude for
all that George Bush said America was doing for them. Said one
Gulf official: "You think I want to send my teen-aged son
to die for Kuwait?" He chuckled and added, "We have
our white slaves from America to do that." A Saudi teacher
saw it this way: "The American soldiers are a new kind of
foreign worker here. We have Pakistanis driving taxis and now
we have Americans defending us." Explaining the absence of
expressed gratitude on the part of Gulf leaders, a Yemeni diplomat
said: "A lot of the Gulf rulers simply do not feel that they
have to thank the people they've hired to do their fighting for
them."{79} Apart from anything else, people in the Arab world
were very sensitive about the killing of Muslims and Arabs by
foreigners, as well as foreign military presence on Arab soil,
a reminder of a century of Western, white colonialism.
Bush also warned that Iraq posed a nuclear threat. True enough.
But so did the United States, France, Israel, and every other
country that already had nuclear weapons. Iraq, on the other hand,
according to American, British and Israeli experts, was five to
ten years away from being able to build and use nuclear weapons.{80}
It's unlikely that the president himself believed there was any
such danger. His warning came only after a poll showed that a
plurality of Americans felt that preventing Iraq from acquiring
nuclear weapons was the most persuasive argument for going to
One factor not mentioned by Bush as a reason for the intervention,
but which, in fact, probably played an important role, was the
Pentagon's desire to make or strengthen agreements with Gulf-region
countries for an ongoing US military presence; and considerable
progress along these lines appears to have been made.{82} General
Schwarzkopf had earlier told Congress that "U.S. presence"
in the Gulf is one of the three pillars of overall military strategy,
along with security assistance and combined exercises, all of
which lead to all-important "access", which one can
take as a euphemism for influence and control.{83} After the war,
the existence of a network of military-communication -systems
"superbases" in Saudi Arabia was revealed. Ten years
in the building by the United States, in maximum secrecy, its
cost of almost $200 billion paid for by the Saudis, its use during
the Gulf War indispensable, it may explain why Bush moved so quickly
to defend Saudi Arabia, albeit against a non-existent threat.{84}
"Stop me before I kill again!" Josef Stalin studied
for the priesthood ... Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian and anti-smoking
... Herman Goering, while his Luftwaffe rained death upon Europe,
kept a sign in his office that read: "He who tortures animals
wounds the feelings of the German people." ... this fact
Elie Wiesel called the greatest discovery of the war: that Adolf
Eichmann was cultured, read deeply, played the violin ... Charles
Manson was a staunch anti-vivisectionist ...
About Panama, as we have seen, after he ordered the bombing,
George Bush said that his "heart goes out to the families
who have died in Panama." And when he was asked, "Was
it really worth it to send people to their death for this? To
get Noriega?", he replied, "... every human life is
precious, and yet I have to answer, yes, it has been worth it."
About Iraq, Bush said: "People say to me: `How many lives?
How many lives can you expend?' Each one is precious."{85}
Just before ordering the start of the war against Iraq in
January, Bush prayed, as tears ran down his cheeks. "I think,"
he later said, "that, like a lot of others who had positions
of responsibility in sending someone else's kids to war, we realize
that in prayer what mattered is how it might have seemed to God."{86}
God, one surmises, might have asked George Bush about the
kids of Iraq. And the adults. And, in a testy, rather un-godlike
manner, might have cracked: "So stop wasting all the precious
lives already!" Tanks pulling plows moved alongside trenches,
firing into the Iraqi soldiers inside the trenches as the plows
covered them with great mounds of sand. Thousands were buried,
dead, wounded, or alive.{87}
US forces fired on Iraqi soldiers after the Iraqis had raised
white flags of surrender. The navy commander who gave the order
to fire was not punished.{88}
The bombing destroyed two operational nuclear reactors in
Iraq. It was the first time ever that live reactors had been bombed,
and may well have set a dangerous precedent. Hardly more than
a month had passed since the United Nations, under whose mandate
the United States was supposedly operating, had passed a resolution
reaffirming its "prohibition of military attacks on nuclear
facilities" in the Middle East.{89} Sundry chemical, including
chemical-warfare, facilities and alleged biological- warfare plants,
were also targets of American bombs. General Schwarzkopf then
announced that they had been very careful in selecting the means
of destruction of these as well as the nuclear facilities, and
only "after a lot of advice from a lot of very, very prominent
scientists," and were "99.9 percent" certain that
there was "no contamination".{90} However, European
scientists and environmentalists detected traces of chemical-
weapons agents that the bombings had released; as well as chemical
fallout and toxic vapors, also released by the air attacks, that
were killing scores of civilians.{91}
The American government and media had a lot of fun with an
obvious piece of Iraqi propaganda -- the claim that a bombed biological
warfare facility had actually been a baby food factory. But it
turned out that the government of New Zealand and various business
people from there had had intimate contact with the factory and
categorically confirmed that it had indeed been a baby food factory.{92}
The United States also made wide use of advanced depleted
uranium (DU) shells, rockets and missiles, leaving tons of radioactive
and toxic rubble in Kuwait and Iraq. The United Kingdom Atomic
Energy Authority, in an April 1991 secret report, warned that
"if DU gets in the food chain or water this will create potential
health problems." The uranium-238 used to make the weapons
can cause cancer and genetic defects if inhaled. Uranium is also
chemically toxic, like lead. Inhalation causes heavy metal poisoning
or kidney or lung damage. Iraqi soldiers, pinned down in their
bunkers during assaults, were almost certainly poisoned by radioactive
dust clouds.{93}
The civilian population suffered in the extreme from the relentless
bombing. Middle East Watch, the human-rights organization, has
documented numerous instances of the bombing of apartment houses,
crowded markets, bridges filled with pedestrians and civilian
vehicles, and a busy central bus station, usually in broad daylight,
without a government building or military target of any kind in
sight, not even an anti- aircraft gun.{94}
On 12 February, the Pentagon announced that "Virtually
everything militarily ... is either destroyed or combat ineffective."{95}
Yet the next day there was a deliberate bombardment of a civilian
air raid shelter that took the lives of as many as 1,500 civilians,
a great number of them women and children; this was followed by
significant bombardment of various parts of Iraq on a daily basis
for the remaining two weeks of the war, including what was reported
for the 18th in The Guardian of London as "one of [the coalition's]
most ferocious attacks on the centre of Baghdad."{96} What
was the purpose of the bombing campaign after the 12th?
The United States said it thought that the shelter was for
VIPs, which it had been at one time, and claimed that it was also
being used as a military communications center, but neighborhood
residents insisted that the constant aerial surveillance overhead
had to observe the daily flow of women and children into the shelter.{97}
Western reporters said they could find no signs of military use.{98}
An American journalist in Jordan who viewed unedited videotape
footage of the disaster, which the American public never saw,
They showed scenes of incredible carnage. Nearly all the bodies
were charred into blackness; in some cases the heat had been so
great that entire limbs were burned off. ... Rescue workers collapsed
in grief, dropping corpses; some rescuers vomited from the stench
of the still-smoldering bodies.{99}
Said White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater after the bombing
of the shelter: It was "a military target ... We don't know
why civilians were at this location, but we do know that Saddam
Hussein does not share our value in the sanctity of life."{100}
Said George Bush, when criticized for the bombing campaign: "I
am concerned about the suffering of innocents."{101}
The crippling of the electrical system multiplied geometrically
the daily living horror of the people of Iraq. As a modern country,
Iraq was reliant on electrical power for essential services such
as water purification and distribution, sewage treatment, the
operation of hospitals and medical laboratories, and agricultural
production. Bomb damage, exacerbated by shortages attributable
to the UN/US embargo, dropped electricity to three or four percent
of its pre-war level; the water supply fell to five percent, oil
production was negligible, the food distribution system was devastated,
the sewage system collapsed, flooding houses with raw sewage,
and gastroenteritis and extreme malnutrition were prevalent.{102}
Two months after the war ended, a public health team from
Harvard University visited health facilities in several Iraqi
cities. Based on their research, the group projected, conservatively,
that "at least 170,000 children under five years of age will
die in the coming year from the delayed effects" of the destruction
of electrical power, fuel and transportation; "a large increase
in deaths among the rest of the population is also likely. The
immediate cause of death in most cases will be water-borne infectious
disease in combination with severe malnutrition."{103} One
member of both the Harvard group and a later research group which
visited Iraq testified before Congress that "Children play
in the raw sewage which is backed up in the streets ... Two world
renowned child psychologists stated that the children in Iraq
were `the most traumatized children of war ever described'."{104}
Despite repeated statements by American authorities about taking
the greatest of care to hit only military targets, using "smart
bombs" and laser-guided bombs, and "surgical strikes",
we now know that this was little more than an exercise in propaganda,
just as referring to this suffering as "collateral damage"
was. After the war, the Pentagon admitted that non-military facilities
had been extensively targeted for political reasons.{105} Comprehensive
post-World War II government studies had concluded that "the
dread of disease and the hardships imposed by the lack of sanitary
facilities were bound to have a demoralizing effect upon the civilian
population", and that there was a "reliable and striking"
correlation between the disruption of public utilities and the
willingness of the German population to accept unconditional surrender.{106}
In the Iraqi case there was a further motivation: to encourage
desperate citizens to rise up and overthrow Saddam Hussein. Said
a US Air Force planner:
Big picture, we wanted to let people know, "Get rid of
this guy and we'll be more than happy to assist in rebuilding.
We're not going to tolerate Saddam Hussein or his regime.
Fix that, and we'll fix your electricity."{107} Those
who tried to escape the bombing horror in Iraq by fleeing to Jordan
were subjected to air attacks on the highway between Baghdad and
the Jordanian border -- buses, taxis, and private cars were repeatedly
assaulted, literally without mercy, by rockets, cluster bombs
and machine guns; usually in broad daylight, the targets clearly
civilian, with luggage piled on top, with no military vehicles
or structures anywhere to be seen, surrounded by open desert,
the attacking planes flying extremely close to the ground ...
busloads of passengers incinerated, and when people left the vehicles
and fled for their lives, planes often swooped down upon them
firing away. ... "You're killing us!" cried a Jordanian
taxi driver to an American reporter. "You're shooting us
everywhere we move! Whenever they see a car or truck, the planes
dive out of the sky and chase us. They don't care who we are or
what we are. They just shoot." His cry was repeated by hundreds
of others. ... The US military, it appears, felt that any vehicle,
including those filled with families, might be a cover for carrying
military fuel or other war materiel, some perhaps related to Scud
missiles; and even carrying civilian fuel was a violation of the
At the very end, when the hungry, wounded, sick, exhausted,
disoriented, demoralized, ragged, sometimes barefoot Iraqi army,
which had scarcely shown any desire to fight, left Kuwait and
headed toward Basra in southern Iraq, Saddam tried to salvage
a pathetic scrap of dignity by announcing that his army was withdrawing
because of "special circumstances". But even this was
too much for George Bush to grant. "Saddam's most recent
speech is an outrage," declared the president, forcefully.
"He is not withdrawing. His defeated forces are retreating.
He is trying to claim victory in the midst of a rout."
This could not be permitted. Thus it was that American air
power in all its majesty swept down upon the road to Basra, bombing,
rocketing, strafing everything that moved in the long column of
Iraqi military and civilian vehicles, troops and refugees. The
nice, god-fearing, wholesome American GIs, soon to be welcomed
as heroes at home, had a ball ... "we toasted him" ...
"we hit the jackpot" ... "a turkey shoot"
... "This morning was bumper-to-bumper. It was the road to
Daytona Beach at spring break ... and spring break's over."
Again and again, as loudspeakers on the carrier Ranger blared
Rossini's "William Tell Overture", the rousing theme
song of the Lone Ranger, one strike force after another took off
with their load of missiles and anti-tank and anti-personnel Rockeye
cluster bombs, which explode into a deadly rain of armor-piercing
bomblets; land-based B-52s joined in with 1000-pound bombs. ...
"It's not going to take too many more days until there's
nothing left of them." ... "shooting fish in a barrel"
... "basically just sitting ducks" ... "There's
just nothing like it. It's the biggest Fourth of July show you've
ever seen, and to see those tanks just `boom,' and more stuff
just keeps spewing out of them ... they just become white hot.
It's wonderful."
The British daily, The Independent, although it supported
the war, denounced the glee with which the Americans carried out
the barrage, saying it "turned the stomachs" and was
"sickening to witness a routed army being shot in the back".{109}
A BBC Radio reporter summed up the attack by asking: "What
threat could these pathetic remnants of Saddam Hussein's beaten
army have posed? Wasn't it obvious that the people of the convoy
would have given themselves up willingly without the application
of such ferocious weaponry?"{110}
And all this against a foe that had for five days been calling
for a cease-fire.
But heaven forbid that the Americans should offend any of
the people of the Gulf. Thus it was that GIs were taught things
like never to use their left hand when offering food or drink,
for that hand is traditionally reserved for sanitary functions;
and the proper way to beckon an Arab with one's hand and fingers,
so as not to confuse it with beckoning a dog.{111}
We also have the story of the American pilot who, during an
earlier bombing operation, stuffed into his identification packet
a $20 bill and a note written in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish and English.
It said: "I am an American and do not speak your language.
I bear no malice toward your people." Then he was off, roaring
through the skies toward Iraq with his payload of bombs.{112}
Did the GIs bear any malice toward their female soldiers-
in-arms? One post-war study found that more than half the women
who served in the Gulf War felt that they had been sexually harassed
verbally, while eight percent (almost 3,000) had been the objects
of attempted or completed sexual assaults.{113}
And immediately after George Bush ordered the bombing to begin,
his rating with the American people jumped for joy: an 82 percent
approval rating, the highest ever in his two years in office,
higher even than after his invasion of Panama.{114} One journalist
later noted:
One minute of nightly truth on this "popular" war
would have changed American public opinion. ... if for just 60
seconds the 6 o'clock Monday news had shown 5,000 Iraqi soldiers
with hideous phosphorous burns that alter human anatomy followed
by 60 seconds Tuesday night of the slaughter at the Baghdad bomb
shelter ... What if on Wednesday Americans had seen 10,000 Iraqi
soldiers incinerated by American high-tech weapons?{115} Ever
since the Iraqi invasion in August, and despite the many confusing
soundbites and heavy rhetoric emanating from the White House,
one thing seemed clear enough: if Iraq agreed to withdraw from
Kuwait, military attacks against it would not take place, or would
cease, whatever other punishment or sanctions might continue.
Thus, it seemed like a ray of hope, however late, when the Soviet
Union succeeded on 21-22 February 1991 in getting Iraq to agree
to withdraw completely the day after a cease-fire of all military
operations went into effect. The agreement came with specified
timetables and monitoring.{116}
George Bush refused to offer a cease-fire, per se. He could
not even bring himself to mention the word in his replies. All
he would say was that the retreating Iraqi forces would not be
attacked (which turned out to be untrue), and that the coalition
"will exercise restraint." Saddam could have chosen
to take this as the cease-fire, but he was as proud and stubborn
as George.
The point Bush emphasized the most during these two crucial
days, as well as earlier, was that Iraq must comply with all 12
UN resolutions. In evaluating Bush's legalistic demands, it should
be kept in mind that the policy and practice of the American war
had repeatedly violated the letter and the spirit of the United
Nations Charter, the Hague Conventions, the Geneva Conventions,
the Nuremberg Tribunal, the protocols of the International Committee
of the Red Cross, and the US Constitution, amongst other cherished
In the end, Bush gave Saddam 24 hours to begin withdrawing
from Kuwait, period. When the time came and went, the United States
launched the long-expected ground war, while the aerial attacks
-- including the carnage on the road to Basra -- continued until
the end of the month.
Said Vitaly Ignatenko, a spokesman for Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev: "It seems that President Gorbachev cares more
about saving the lives of American soldiers than George Bush does."{118}
In a postwar survey, a United Nations inspection team declared
that the allied bombardment had had a "near apocalyptic impact"
on Iraq and had transformed the country into a "pre-industrial
age nation" which "had been until January a rather highly
urbanized and mechanized society."{119}
It will never be known how many hundreds of thousands of Iraqis
died from the direct and indirect effects of the war; the count
is added to every day. With the United States refusing to end
the embargo against Iraq, everything has continued: malnutrition,
starvation, lack of medicines and vaccines, contaminated drinking
water, human excrement piling up, typhoid, a near-epidemic of
measles, several other diseases ... Iraq's food supply had been
70 percent dependent on imports, now billions of dollars were
frozen in overseas accounts, and with prohibitive restrictions
on selling its oil ... an inability to rebuild because vital parts
could not be imported, industry closing its doors, mass unemployment,
transportation and communications broken down{120} ... By September
1994, with the US government still refusing to release its death
grip on the embargo, still hoping that the suffering would reach
critical mass and the Iraqi people would overthrow Saddam, the
Iraqi government announced that since the sanctions had begun
in August 1990 about 400,000 children had died of malnutrition
and disease.{121}
After the war, when the Iraqi government was repressing a
Kurdish revolt -- which the US had encouraged, then failed to
support -- Bush said: "I feel frustrated any time innocent
civilians are being slaughtered."{122}
This was the second time the United States had led the Kurdish
lambs to slaughter with a broken commitment. (See Iraq 1972-75
The United States had also encouraged the Shiite muslims in
Iraq to rebel, then did not back them, presumably because Washington
only wanted to drive Saddam up the wall some more, make him irrational
enough to incite a coup against him; but Washington was not looking
to foster a pro-Iranian regime and inspire muslim fundamentalists
elsewhere in the Middle East. American mental hospitals and prisons
are home to many people who claim to have heard a voice telling
them to kill certain people, people they'd never met before, people
who'd never done them any harm, or threatened any harm.
American soldiers went to the Persian Gulf to kill the same
kind of people after hearing a voice command them: the voice of
George Herbert Walker Bush.
1. Los Angeles Times, 17 March 1991, p. 8.
2. Washington Post, 13 January 1990, p. 11; 8 February 1990.
3. Ibid., 12 February 1990, 16 June 1990, p. 6.
4. Los Angeles Times, 11 July 1990, p. 1.
5. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 1990 (Wilmington, Del.
6. a) Ramsey Clark, The Fire This Time: U.S. War Crimes in
the Gulf (Thunder's Mouth Press, NY, 1992), pp. 12-13; this book
is based largely on the findings of the Commission of Inquiry
for the International War Crimes Tribunal, which gathered testimony
from survivors and eyewitnesses. b) Ralph Schoenman, Iraq and
Kuwait: A History Suppressed, pp. 1-11, a 21-page monograph published
by Veritas Press, Santa Barbara, CA. c) New York Times, 15 September
1976, p. 17; the incursion was resolved without war.
7. a) "Note from the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Mr. Tariq Aziz, to the Secretary-General of the Arab League, July
15, 1990", Appendix 1 of Pierre Salinger and Eric Laurent,
Secret Dossier: The Hidden Agenda Behind the Gulf War (Penguin
Books, New York 1991), pp. 223-234. b) New York Times, 3 September
1990, p. 7. c) Los Angeles Times, 2 December 1990, p. M4 (article
by Henry Schuler, director of energy security programs for the
Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington).
d) John K. Cooley, Payback: America's Long War in the Middle East
(Brassey's [US], McLean, Va., 1991) pp. 183-6.
8. Murray Waas, "Who Lost Kuwait? How the Bush Administration
Bungled its Way to War in the Gulf", The Village Voice (New
York), 22 January 1991, p. 35; New York Times, 23 September 1990.
9. New York Times, 23 September 1990.
10. Ibid., 25 July 1990, pp. 1, 8.
11. Ibid., 23 September 1990.
12. Ibid., 17 September 1990, p. 23, column by William Safire.
13. Waas, p. 31
14. New York Times, 28 July 1990, p. 5.
15. Los Angeles Times, 21 October 1992, p. 8.
16. "Developments in the Middle East", p. 14, Hearing
before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the House
Committee on Foreign Affairs, 31 July 1990.
17. Kuwaiti document: Los Angeles Times, 1 November 1990,
p. 14.
18. Washington Post, 19 August 1990, p. 29.
19. Los Angeles Times, 1 November 1990, p. 14.
20. Schoenman, pp. 11-12; New York Review of Books, 16 January
1992, p. 51.
21. Christian Science Monitor, 5 February 1991, p. 1.
22. Michael Emery, "How Mr. Bush Got His War" in
Greg Ruggiero and Stuart Sahulka, eds., Open Fire (The New Press,
New York, 1993), pp. 39, 40, 52, based on Emery's interview of
King Hussein, 19 February 1991 in Jordan. (Revised version of
article in the Village Voice, 5 March 1991).
23. Ibid., p. 42; "they" also referred to the Saudis,
for reasons not pertinent to this discussion.
24. Milton Viorst, "A Reporter At Large: After the Liberation",
The New Yorker, 30 September 1991, p. 66.
25. Schoenman, pp. 12-13, from a letter sent by the Iraqi
Foreign Minister to the Secretary-General of the UN, 4 September
1990; Emery, pp. 32-3.
26. New York Times, 5 August 1990, p. 12.
27. Waas, pp. 30 and 38.
28. New York Times, 24 January 1991, p. D22.
29. Washington Post, 8 March 1991, p. A26.
30. a) Major James Blackwell, US Army Ret., Thunder in the
Desert: The Strategy and Tactics of the Persian Gulf War (Bantam
Books, New York, 1991), pp. 85-6. b) Triumph Without Victory:
The Unreported History of the Persian Gulf War (U.S. News and
World Report/Times Books, 1992) pp. 29-30. c) AIR FORCE Magazine
(Arlington, Va.), March 1991, p. 82. d) Newsweek, 28 January 1991,
p. 61.
31. Los Angeles Times, 5 August 1990, p. 1.
32. Washington Post, 23 June 1991, p. A16.
33. Blackwell, pp. 86-7.
34. Financial Times (London), 21 February 1991, p. 3
35. Waas, p. 30.
36. New York Times, 31 May 1991.
37. Ibid., 2 August 1990, p. 1; Washington Post, 3 August
1990, p. 7; the Bush quotation is the Post summary of his remarks.
38. New York Times, 3 August 1990; Los Angeles Times, 3 August
1990, p. 1; Washington Post, 3 August 1990, p. 7.
39. Los Angeles Times, 4 August 1990, p. 20.
40. Washington Post, 10 August 1990, p. F1.
41. New York Times, 23 September 1990, IV, p. 21.
42. Washington Post, 25 November 1990, p. C4.
43. Los Angeles Times, 2 October 1990, p. 18. See Washington
Post, 10 October 1990, p. 5, and 18 October, p. 1, for some of
the actual numbers and programs testifying to how Congress went
out of its way not to rock the new war boat.
44. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 1989 (Wilmington, Del.
1990); ditto for 1990, published in 1991.
45. Reported in many places; see, e.g., Wall Street Journal,
14 January 1991, p. 14; Fortune magazine (New York), 11 February
1991, p. 46; Clark, pp. 153-6; Washington Post, 30 January 1991,
p. A30 (IMF and World Bank); Daniel Pipes, "Is Damascus Ready
for Peace?", Foreign Affairs magazine (New York), Fall 1991,
pp. 41-2 (Syria); Los Angeles Times, 18 June 1992, p. 1 (Turkey);
Elaine Sciolino, The Outlaw State: Saddam Hussein's Quest for
Power and the Gulf Crisis (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991),
pp. 237-9 (China, Russia).
46. Sciolino, pp. 237-8. Baker's exact words differ slightly
in several of the sources reporting this incident; also, whether
he said it out loud or not; the amount of aid lost by the Yemenis
differs widely as well.
47. Los Angeles Times, 4 May 1991, p. 8.
48. The Guardian (London), 9 January 1991.
49. For an analysis of the Bush administration's method of
negotiating, see John E. Mack and Jeffrey Z. Rubin, "Is This
Any Way to Wage Peace?", Los Angeles Times, 31 January 1991,
op. ed.; also see ibid., 1 October 1990, p. 1, and 2 November
1990, p. 18.
50. New York Times, 9 August 1990, p. 15
51. Los Angeles Times, 6 November 1990, p. 4.
52. August: Robert Parry, "The Peace Feeler That Was",
The Nation, 15 April 1991, pp. 480-2; Newsweek, 10 September 1990,
p. 17; October: Los Angeles Times, 20 October 1990, p. 6.
53. New border: Wall Street Journal, 11 December 1990, p.
54. Newsweek, 10 September 1990, p. 17
55. Parry, op. cit.
56. Washington Post, 25 November 1990, p. C4.
57. Fortune, op. cit.
58. Ibid.
59. The Guardian (London), 12 January 1991, p. 2.
60. Theodore Draper, "The True History of the Gulf War",
The New York Review of Books, 30 January 1992, p. 41.
61. Ibid.
62. Wall Street Journal, 21 November 1990, p. 16.
63. New York Times, 3 August 1990, p. 9; 12 August, p. 1;
Los Angeles Times, 17 November 1990, p. 14; Wall Street Journal,
3 December 1990, p. 3.
64. The Observer (London), 21 October 1990.
65. Webster, 23 January 1990, p. 60, and Schwarzkopf, 8 February
1990, pp. 586, 594 of "Threat Assessment; Military Strategy;
and Operational Requirements", testimony before Senate Armed
Services Committee.
66. Basic Petroleum Data Book (American Petroleum Institute,
Washington), September 1990, Section II, Table 1a, 1989 figures:
Middle East - 572 billion barrels of reserves, "Free World"
- 824 billion, USSR - 84 billion.
67. "Threat Assessment; Military Strategy; and Operational
Requirements", op. cit., p. 600, for 1989 figures.
68. Speaking on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, 11 September
69. Draper, op. cit., p. 41.
70. Judith Miller and Laurie Mylroie, Saddam Hussein and the
Crisis in the Gulf (Times Books, New York, 1990), p. 192.
71. Bob Woodward, The Commanders (Simon & Schuster, New
1991), pp. 263-73.
72. Los Angeles Times, 17 October 1990 (hecklers); 17 November,
p. 14; 1 December,
p. 5.
73. The Guardian (London), 12 September 1990, p. 7.
74. See, e.g., Christopher Hitchens, Harper's Magazine, January
1991, p. 72; Dilip Hiro, The Longest War: The Iran-Iraq Military
Conflict (London, 1989), p. 71. US policy had to do with the hostages
held in the US embassy in Teheran.
75. Saudi Arabia: Religious intolerance: The arrest, detention
and torture of Christian worshippers and Shi'a Muslims (Amnesty
International report, New York, 14 September 1993).
76. Miller and Mylroie, pp. 220, 225; Denis MacShane, "Working
in Virtual Slavery", The Nation, 18 March 1991.
77. Draper, op. cit., p. 38, provides details.
78. See, as a small sample, Los Angeles Times, 7, 13, and
17 March 1991, 12 June 1991, and 10 July 1992 (Amnesty).
79. All three quotations: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., "White
Slaves in the Persian Gulf", Wall Street Journal, 7 January
1991, p. 14.
80. New York Times, 18 November 1990, p. 1.
81. Sciolino, pp. 139-40.
82. Los Angeles Times, 7 May 1991, p. 16; 6 September 1991,
p. 17; Clark, p. 92, lists eight countries with whom Washington
made such arrangements.
83. "Threat Assessment; Military Strategy; and Operational
Requirements", op. cit., pp. 589-90.
84. Scott Armstrong, "Eye of the Storm", Mother
Jones magazine, November/December 1991, pp. 30-35, 75-6.
85. Los Angeles Times, 1 December 1990, p. 1.
86. Ibid., 7 June 1991, pp. 1, 30.
87. Los Angeles Times, 12 September 1991, p. 1; Washington
Post, 13 September 1991, p. 21; this occurred on 24-25 February
88. Los Angeles Times, 12 June 1991, p. 1; 26 September, p.
16; occurred on 18 January 1991.
89. United Nations General Assembly Resolution: "Establishment
of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East",
4 December 1990, Item No. 45/52.
90. New York Times, 24 January 1991, p. 11; 31 January, p.
12; Los Angeles Times, 26 January 1991, p. 6.
91. Clark, pp. 97-8; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs,
"Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans' Health? Lessons
from the Persian Gulf", 6 May 1994, pp. 5-6.
92. Peacelink magazine (Hamilton, New Zealand), March 1991,
p.19; Washington Post, 8 February 1991, p. 1.
93. Clark, pp. 98-9. The UKAEA report was obtained and published
by The Independent newspaper of London.
94. Needless Deaths in the Gulf War: Civilian Casualties During
the Air Campaign and Violations of the Laws of War, a report of
Middle East Watch/Human Rights Watch (US and London), November
1991, pp. 95-111, 248-272.
95. Washington Post, 13 February 1991, p. 22, citing Rear
Admiral Mike McConnell, intelligence director for the Joint Chiefs
of Staff.
96. The Guardian (London), 20 February 1991, p. 1, entitled:
"Bombs rock capital as allies deliver terrible warning".
97. Needless Deaths ... op. cit., pp. 128-47; Clark, pp. 70-72,
for an explanation of the 1,500 number and for a particularly
gruesome description of the carnage and the horror.
98. "The Gulf War and Its Aftermath", The 1992 Information
Please Almanac (Boston 1992), p. 974.
99. Laurie Garrett (medical writer for Newsday), "The
Dead", Columbia Journalism Review (New York), May/June 1991,
p. 32.
100. Needless Deaths ... op. cit., p. 135.
101. Los Angeles Times, 18 February 1991, p. 11.
102. Effects of the destruction of the electrical system:
Needless Deaths ... op. cit., pp. 171-93. Also see Clark, pp.
59-72, for a discussion of the destruction of the infrastructure.
103. Washington Post, 23 June 1991, p. 16; Los Angeles Times,
21 May 1991, p. 1; Needless Deaths ... op. cit., pp. 184-5 (The
Harvard Study Team Report discusses the methodology used to derive
the figure of 170,000.)
104. Julia Devin, Member of the Coordinating Committee for
the International Study Team (87 health and environment researchers
who visited Iraq in August 1991), testimony before the International
Task Force of the House Select Committee on Hunger, 13 November
1991, p. 40.
105. Washington Post, 23 June 1991, pp. 1 and 16.
106. Needless Deaths ... op. cit., pp. 177-80.
107. Washington Post, 23 June 1991, p. 16.
108. Needless Deaths ... op. cit., pp. 201-24; Clark, pp.
72-4; Los Angeles Times, 31 January 1991, p. 9; 3 February, p.
8; apparently these attacks took place mainly during late January
and early February 1991.
109. Road to Basra: Washington Post, 27 February 1991, p.
1; Los Angeles Times, 27 February 1991, p. 1; Ellen Ray, "The
Killing Deserts", Lies Of Our Times (New York), April 1991,
pp. 3-4 (cites The Independent).
110. Stephen Sackur, On the Basra Road (London Review of Books,
1991), pp. 25-6, cited in Draper, op. cit., p. 42.
111. Los Angeles Times, 24 August 1990.
112. Ibid., 21 January 1991.
113. Ibid., 30 September 1994, p. 26.
114. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 1991 (Wilmington, Del.
115. Dennis Bernstein, quoted in the Newsletter of the National
Association of Arab Americans (Greater Los Angeles Chapter), July
1991, p. 2. For an excellent description of the media as government
handmaiden during the war, see Extra! (Fairness and Accuracy in
Reporting, New York), May 1991, Special issue on the Gulf War.
116. Micah L. Sifry & Christopher Cerf, eds., The Gulf
War Reader: History, Documents, Opinions (Times Books, New York,
1991), p. 345, for the main provisions of the agreement arrived
at between the Soviet and Iraqi foreign ministers.
117. Clark, chapters 8 and 9 and appendices, plus elsewhere,
explores all this in detail.
118. Interview with Ignatenko on CBS-TV, aired in Los Angeles
during the evening of 22 February 1991.
119. "The Gulf War and Its Aftermath", The 1992
Information Please Almanac (Boston 1992), p. 974.
120. Clark, pp. 75-84.
121. Los Angeles Times, 7 September 1994, p. 6.
122. International Herald Tribune, 5 April 1991.
This is a chapter from Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA
Interventions Since World War IIby William Blum