Rios Montt: Authoritarian Fundamentalist
by Velia Jaramillo
Proceso (liberal newsmagazine), Mexico City,
Mexico, April 15, 2001
World Press Review July 2001

Efrain Rios Montt [Guatemala's former president] is known
as "Guatemala's Pinochet," but until a few months ago,
his fate seemed to be quite different from that of Chile's former
dictator. While Pinochet was subjected to international prosecution,
Rios Montt-17 years after a military coup that brought him to
power for 16 months-became the president of the Guatemalan National
Rios Montt's position was not even jeopardized by the denunciation
of Nobel Prize-winner Rigoberta Menchu before Spain's High Court,
in which she accused Rios Montt of genocide. Spain's court ruled
against prosecution of Rios Montt outside his country.
In the few interviews [since then], the Guatemalan general
said that allegations of the extermination of 440 Mayan villages
known as the "scorched-earth" policy-which according
to the country's Historical Clarification Committee brought death
to tens of thousands of peasants-"was invented by the guerrillas"
and that "there was no genocide" in Guatemala, "only
a war." After temporarily overcoming that stormy weather,
the specter of being prosecuted within his own country has begun
to pursue Rios Montt-just as it did Pinochet. But not for war
crimes, including extrajudicial executions, summary trials, and
persecution of community and opposition leaders. Rather, for a
crime that is much lower on the scale: illegally altering a law
passed by the legislature.
Last August, opposition legislators went before the Supreme
Court of Justice to charge Rios Montt and 24 other legislators
from the Guatemalan Republican Front (Frente Republicano Guatemalteco-FRG)
party with altering the Law on Alcoholic Beverages by publishing
a tax lower than the one approved by Congress and altering legislative
session records to cover up their action. Video and audio versions
of the session in question disappeared.
On March 6, a Supreme Court ruling removed the 24 legislators'
immunity from prosecution and ordered criminal proceedings against
them to begin. With this resolution, the general should have had
to step down from the congressional president's seat, but a few
days before the ruling, legislators from his party changed the
internal congressional regulations -an action provisionally repealed
by the Constitutional Court on March 21. Two days after the latter
ruling shots were fired at the home of the president of the Constitutional
Court. [On April 24, a judge dismissed the charges against Rios
Montt. Human-rights groups will appeal the ruling.-WPR]
Political scientist Edmundo Urrutia, a researcher at Rafael
Landivar University, warns: "We can't say we're close to
prosecuting Rios Montt for his past actions. At least in Guatemala,
that is still a long way off." And, as for the lesser charge,
Urrutia foresees "an endless process of appeals. If all the
legal avenues are used, a definitive trial can be delayed for
the four years [of his term as congressional president], and neither
the civil society nor opposition parties have the capacity to
change this situation." Urrutia adds that Rios Montt is in
a completely different position than other Latin American dictators
at the time of prosecution. He is at the height of power. "This
is an extremely important issue, and I think the international
community is very conscious of the precariousness of Guatemala's
institutions and the need to strengthen them. Countries like Spain
and the United States know what's at stake at this particular
moment in Guatemala, and if they didn't go after Pinochet precisely
to avoid affecting the status of institutions in Chile, it's even
less likely they would do so to Rios Montt." The Guatemalan
Conference of Catholic Bishops declared the following in May 1982
with regard to the massacres committed during Rios Montt's rule:
"Not even the lives of the elderly, pregnant women, or innocent
children were spared. We have never in our history seen such serious
In 1982, when Rios Montt headed the military junta that overthrew
Gen. Romeo Lucas Garcia-and when Montt also became a pastor of
the Word fundamentalist church-he "demonstrated a very complicated
personality," writes Hector Rosada, a military analyst. "A
combination of a disappointed presidential candidate [he won the
1974 presidential elections but they were not officially recognized],
a Protestant pastor, and a military man determined to win the
war against the guerrillas. This combination took on the form
of a messianic personality."
Rios Montt is now the president of the National Congress,
the permanent leader of the political party he created, and he
wields powerful influence over political life. His daughter Zury
Rios is the congressional vice president, and his second son,
Enrique Rios Sosa, is head of finances for the army. As in days
gone by, the general maintains ironclad control over legislators
from his party in Congress and over legislative activities. He's
revived the moralistic speeches common during his regime in the
Nineth Montenegro, a founder of the Mutual Support Group organization
that works to find those disappeared during the war and a local
legislator for the leftist New Guatemala Democratic Front, describes
the general's leadership as "extremely messianic, very individual,
authoritarian, and totally lacking in democracy. Because of this,
he's made a lot of errors. He doesn't discuss; he imposes. He
thinks it's the same as when he headed a de facto government."
One of the reforms under his leadership in Congress has been to
"keep himself as congressional president for four years,
since previous legislation established that a new president had
to be named each year."
The unity of FRG legislators has begun to fall apart with
the March 16 resignation of two of the 63 legislators from the
official party that still maintains the majority in the Congress
of 113 representatives. Juan Carlos Gutierrez, one of those who
resigned, said the legislative bloc from the official party is
characterized by a militaristic structure controlled by an intelligence
apparatus and by legislators who are former military men. "He
runs a theocratic government, but in this case God is called Rios
Montt," Gutierrez added. Despite the possibility that Montt
could lose his prestigious seat in Congress, there are rumors
that he could become his party's candidate for the country's presidency
in the next elections. And Urrutia believes his position will
be further weakened, making this impossible. But Hector Rosada
warns: "The last word on the general who's maintained his
presence in the country's political life for 20 years has yet
to be said: He has an incredible ability to be born again, and
he's very good at operating from the trenches. He retreats, digs
in, waits as long as it takes, and then emerges once again."
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