Toward the New Rome,
The Institutions of American Militarism,
Surrogate Soldiers and Private
excerpted from the book
The Sorrows of Empire
Militarism, Secrecy, and the End
of the Republic
by Chalmers Johnson
Henry Holt, 2004, paper

Most neocons have their roots on the left, not on the right. A
number of them came out of the Trotskyist movement of the 1930s
and 1940s. During the first thirty years of the Cold War, they
adopted an anticommunist liberalism, which during the Reagan administration
led them to embrace militarism and rightwing imperialism.
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research and the Lawyers'
Committee on Nuclear Policy, analyzed the U.S. response to eight
major international agreements, including the Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and the Anti-Ballistic
Missile Treaty,
Nicole Deller, coauthor of the report
"The United States has violated,
compromised, or acted to undermine in some crucial way every treaty
that we have studied in detail... [The United States] "not
only refuses to participate in newly created legal mechanisms,
it fails to live up to obligations undertaken in treaties that
it has ratified?"
According to the report [Institute for Energy and Environmental
Research and the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy]
[The United States is] "drifting
away from regarding treaties as an essential element in global
security to a more opportunistic stand of abiding by treaties
only when it is convenient."
On March 11, 2003, the ICC began formal operations in The Hague
considering charges of war crimes committed after July 1, 2002.
Anticipating that development, both houses of Congress passed
the American Services Members' Protection Act, which would, in
effect, allow the 'United States to use military force to free
any American citizen held by the court.
Prosecutors in Chile, Argentina, Spain, and France would like
to put former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on trial for
his support and sponsorship of f the military dictatorships of
Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, and Ecuador
while, in the 1970s, they were killing, torturing, and "disappearing"
their own citizens and those of neighboring lands.
... the U.S. Army has 480,000 members, the navy 375,000, the air
force 359,000, and the marines 175,000, for a total of 1,389,000
men and women on active duty. The payroll for these uniformed
personnel in 2003 was $27.1 billion for the active army, $22 billion
each for the navy and air force, and $8.6 billion for the marines.
Today, the federal government can tap into and listen to all citizens'
phone calls, faxes, and e-mail transmissions if it chooses to.
It has begun to incarcerate native-born and naturalized citizens
as well as immigrants and travelers in military prisons without
bringing charges against them. The president alone decides who
is an "illegal belligerent' a term the Bush administration
introduced, and there is no appeal from his decision. Much of
the defense budget and all intelligence agency budgets are secret.
These are all signs of militarism and of the creation of a national
security state.
... recruiting and retaining enough people to staff all the outposts
and ships of the empire is a full-time job, and the military has
become extremely creative in finding ways to lure young men and
women into signing up. A standard ploy by recruiters is to obtain
the names, addresses, and phone numbers of students in a community's
high schools and flood their homes with unsolicited mail, phone
calls, prowar videos, and T-shirts emblazoned with slogans. The
message is aimed at parents as well as students and stresses the
benefits of serving in the armed forces, including possible help
toward a college education. When the recruiters get an interview
with a prospect, they are obliged to ask whether he or she has
ever smoked marijuana. According to many reports, if the student
answers yes, they just keep asking the same question until the
answer is no and then write that down .
Complaints about harassment by military
recruiters in San Diego, California, became so numerous in 1993
that the San Diego Unified School District adopted a policy against
releasing student information to recruiters of any kind. From
then on, the military mobilized politicians, the chamber of commerce,
the superintendent of schools, even the county grand jury to pressure
the school board to reverse itself. Yet in those years of "the
ban' the Pentagon's message was never absent from the San Diego
schools because there are eleven Junior ROTC (Reserve Officer
Training Corps) units embedded in the city's high schools that
function as permanent on-campus recruiting centers. Finally the
military decided to take a national legislative route to force
all public high schools to allow recruiters to proselytize under
threat of a cutoff of federal funds for education.
In 2000, President Clinton signed a new
law promoted by the Pentagon that gave military recruiters the
same access to high schools granted to college and business recruiters.
This law contained no penalties for refusal, however, and exempted
schools wherever an official districtwide policy, as in San Diego,
had been adopted restricting military access. To overcome these
obstacles, in 2001 the Pentagon engineered an amendment to a new
law intended to help disadvantaged students. This amended law,
which President Bush called (without apparent irony) his No Child
Left Behind Act of 2001, states: "Any secondary school that
receives federal funds under this Act shall permit regular United
States Armed Services recruitment activities on school grounds,
in a manner reasonably accessible to all students of such school?'
The House of Representatives passed it by a vote of 366-57. The
Senate did the same by a voice vote, and on January 8, 2002, President
Bush signed it into law. As Representative John Shimkus (R-Illinois)
said triumphantly, "No recruiters, no money?
By far the most powerful tool of the Department of Defense in
promoting its image and protecting its interests from public scrutiny
is official secrecy-the so-called black programs paid for through
the "black budget?' Reliance on a budget that systematically
attempts to confuse and disinform the public started during World
War II with the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb. All
funds allocated for nuclear weapons research and development were
hidden in fake accounts of the War Department and never made public
to Congress or the people. The president and the military made
the decision entirely on their own to develop the first "weapons
of mass destruction?'
With the onset of the Cold War, the Pentagon
became addicted to a black-budget way of life. After passage in
1949 of the Central Intelligence Act, all funds for the CIA were
(and still are) secretly contained in the Department of Defense's
published budget under camouflaged names. As the president, the
Pentagon, and the CIA created new intelligence agencies, the black
budget expanded exponentially. In 1952, President Truman signed
a still-secret seven-page charter creating the National Security
Agency, which is devoted to signals and communications espionage;
in 1960, President Eisenhower set up the even more secret National
Reconnaissance Office, which runs our spy satellites; in 1961,
President Kennedy launched the Defense Intelligence Agency, the
personal intelligence organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the secretary of defense; and in 1996, President Clinton combined
several agencies into the National Imagery and Mapping Agency.
The budgets of these ever-proliferating intelligence organizations
are all unpublished, but estimates of their size are possible.
In August 1994, an internal Pentagon memorandum was accidentally
leaked to and published in Defense Week, a weapons-trade magazine.
According to this memo, the NSA at that time spent $3.5 billion
The official name for the black budget
is "Special Access Programs" (SAPs), which are classified
well above "top secret?' ("SAP" may be a subtle
or unintentional bureaucratic reference to the taxpayer.) SAPs
are divided into three basic types: weapons research and acquisition
(AQSAP), operations and support, including much of the funds for
the various Special Forces (OS-SAP), and intelligence (IN-SAP).
Only a few members of Congress receive briefings on them, and
this limited sharing of information itself came about only late
in the Cold War, in the wake of the Watergate scandals. Moreover,
at the discretion of the secretary of defense, the reporting requirement
may be waived or transmitted orally to only eight designated members
of Congress. These "waived SAPs" are the blackest of
black holes. The General Accounting Office has identified at least
185 black programs and notes that they increased eightfold during
the 1981-86 period. There is no authoritative total, but the GAO
once estimated that $30 to $35 billion per year was devoted to
secret military and intelligence spending. According to a report
of the independent Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments,
black programs requested in President Bush's 2004 defense budget
are at the highest level since 1988.
As with the seemingly unstoppable growth of secrecy within the
government, so too has there been implacable pressure from the
Pentagon to expand its functions and seize bureaucratic turf from
other agencies. There are many aspects to this problem, but perhaps
the most important politically, and certainly one of the clearest
signs of militarism in America, is the willingness of some senior
officers and civilian militarists to meddle in domestic policing.
The U.S. Constitution establishes a clear separation between the
activities of the armed forces in the defense of the country and
law enforcement under the penal codes of the various states. James
Madison so feared military dominance that he wrote in The Federalist,
No. 41, "a standing [military] force is a dangerous provision?'
While this fear was rooted in the political preoccupations of
the American Revolution, it did not become a pressing issue until
the disputed presidential election of 1876, when troops were dispatched
to polling stations in three southern states-South Carolina, Florida,
and Louisiana. Rutherford B. Hayes, a northerner from Ohio, won
by only one electoral vote in a situation comparable to the disputed
Florida election of 2000, when the Supreme Court rather than the
military interfered in state affairs.
The purpose of the Posse Comitatus Act
of 1878 was to prevent the military from ever again engaging in
police activities without the consent of Congress or the president.
Posse comitatus, Latin for "power of the country," is
a medieval term for the English practice of a sheriff summoning
citizens to help him arrest a criminal or quell a civil disturbance.
In nineteenth-century America, the phrase was shortened simply
to "posse?' Although the act has been modified many times
to allow the military to aid in drug interdiction and help patrol
the Mexican border, it still is meant to ensure that the standing
army will not have any role in policing American citizens in their
own country.
However, the rise of militarism, aided
by the attacks of September 11, 2001, has eroded these old distinctions.
By expanding the meaning of national security to include counterterrorism
and controlling immigration, areas in which it now actively participates,
the Pentagon has moved into the domestic policy business. The
Department of Defense has, for instance, drafted operational orders
to respond to what it calls a CIDCON ("civilian disorder
condition"). During the Republican Party's convention in
Philadelphia in August 2000, for example, the Pentagon placed
on alert in case of a large-scale terrorist incident a "Joint
Task Force-Civil Support" based at Fort Monroe, Virginia,
and "Task Force 250?' Task Force 250 is actually the army's
Eighty-second Airborne Division, based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina."
During the summer of 2002, the Bush administration directed lawyers
in the Departments of Justice and Defense to review the Posse
Comitatus Act and any other laws that might restrict the military's
ability to participate in domestic law enforcement. At the time,
the Defense Department was creating a new regional command to
defend North America, comparable to those for Latin America, Europe,
the Middle East, and the Pacific. The Northern Command, based
at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, is intended to
better position the military to respond to terrorism close to
home and to prevent the introduction of chemical, biological,
or nuclear weapons into the United States. (Even during World
War II, the federal government did not create a centralized command
for the American mainland, because of concerns that it could become
the basis for a military dictatorship.) The command's jurisdiction
includes the United States, Mexico, Canada, and Cuba. Neither
the Mexicans, the Canadians, nor, of course, the Cubans were consulted.
This new headquarters, like that of the other regional "CINCs"
(commanders m chief), will exist largely outside either the civilian
or the military chains of command. CINCs are, in fact, comparable
to Roman proconsuls, except that the men assigned to that post
in the Roman Republic had already held the highest office in the
realm, that of consul, and were deeply trusted civilians and military
The first CINC of the Northern Command
is General Ralph E. Eberhart of the air force, another former
head of the Space Command. On his appointment, Eberhart said,
"We should always be reviewing things like Posse Comitatus
and other laws if we think it ties our hands in protecting the
American people." It seemed not to have occurred to Eberhart
that the Posse Comitatus Act was intended to protect Americans
from generals like himself.
In 1997, responsibility for shaping key foreign political and
military strategies was officially given to the regional commanders
(called commanders in chief, or CINCs, until October 2002, when
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, apparently feeling threatened by their
growing power, rechristened them "combatant commanders").
These semiautonomous generals and admirals perform functions that
until the 1990s had been handled primarily by civilian officials.
In the Middle East (CENTCOM), the Pacific
(PACOM), Europe (EUCOM), and Latin America (SOUTHCOM), the CINCs
oversee such things as intelligence, special operations, space
assets, nuclear forces, arms sales, and military bases; and they
produce what are called "theater engagement plans."
These are essentially mini-foreign policy statements for each
region and include explicit programs to cultivate close relations
with local military organizations .411 This is done chiefly by
deploying approximately 7,000 Special Forces soldiers in 150 countries
to train local militaries in what is called "foreign internal
defense" (FID)-in many cases merely a euphemism for the techniques
of state terrorism. The training missions allow the United States
to spy on these countries, sell them weapons, and encourage their
armies to carry out policies the Pentagon favors. Everything is
done very quietly and with virtually no political oversight.
Over time, the CINCs have become more
influential in their regions than ambassadors. When General Anthony
C. Zinni of the marines was head of CENTCOM, he had twenty ambassadors
serving under him and a personal political adviser with ambassadorial
rank. PACOM (also known as CINCPAC) supervises the affairs of
forty-three countries. Each CINC has at his disposal virtually
unlimited funds, his own airplanes and helicopters, and numerous
staff officers. A CINC reports directly to the president and the
secretary of defense, avoiding the service chiefs and the normal
chain of command.
When, in October 1999, General Pervez
Musharraf carried out a military coup d'etat in Pakistan, President
Clinton telephoned to protest and asked to be called back. Musharraf
instead called General Zinni and reportedly began, "Tony,
I want to tell you what I am doing' General Zinni ignored the
congressional ban on foreign aid to a country that has undergone
a military coup and emerged as one of Musharraf's strongest supporters
before 9/11.
Immediately following the terrorist attacks of September 11 -
once it had been established that al-Qaeda was the probable terrorist
organization responsible - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz ordered Undersecretary
of Defense Douglas J. Feith to set up a special intelligence unit
within the Pentagon. Its specific purpose was to find links between
al-Qaeda and the regime of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq even
though the CIA did not believe such links existed. Feith, like
his bosses, had held several defense positions in the Reagan administration,
including special counsel to then Assistant Secretary of Defense
Richard Perle, and was part of a group of officials strongly influenced
by Vice President Dick Cheney, the former secretary of defense.
From the moment the new Bush administration was formed, this group
passionately wanted to go to war with Iraq. Feith had been, in
the words of the New York Times, "data mining" to find
an al Qaeda connection to Saddam Hussein that would justify an
American war against him. Wolfowitz, Feith, and their associates
were "intent on politicizing intelligence to fit their hawkish
It soon developed that the chief obstacle
to these efforts was the Central Intelligence Agency. Its operatives
and analysts could find no connection between Iraq and the attacks
of September 11. The agency also believed that the secular regime
in Iraq was unlikely to have anything to do with the militantly
Islamicist al-Qaeda and doubted that Saddam Hussein would supply
terrorists beyond his control with any kind of weaponry that could
be traced back to him. This difference of opinion soon developed
into a full-blown bureaucratic turf war.
Particularly since the end of the Cold War, the military has developed
close relations with myriad governments and officer corps in the
Third World and has put immense effort into military-to-military
training programs. During the 1990s, leaders in both political
parties concluded that many foreign policy goals could best be
fostered through such military-to-military contacts and weapons
sales as opposed to traditional economic and diplomatic ties.
One program for implementing such policies, the State Department's
International Military Education and Training Program (IMET),
has increased fourfold since 1994. In 1990, it was offering military
instruction to the armies of 96 countries; by 2002, that already
impressive number had risen to 133 countries. There are only 189
countries in the United Nations, which means that this single
program "instructs" militaries in 70 percent of the
world's nations. In recent years we have been training approximately
100,000 foreign soldiers each year-and here we are ordinarily
talking about officers who then can pass on American methods to
their troops. In 2001, the military taught 15,030 officers and
men in Latin America alone. The Pentagon either brings the trainees
to about 150 different military educational institutions in the
United States or sends military instructors, almost always army
Special Forces, to the countries themselves. The war on terrorism
only accelerated these trends. Funding for IMET rose from $58
million in fiscal year 2001 to $80 million for 2003, a jump of
38 percent.
The United States claims that it trains
foreign armies as a way of teaching them American values and models
of civil-military relations. Pentagon officials regularly assure
congressional committees that educating foreign soldiers helps
correct the civil rights records of sometimes abusive militaries.
However, Lora Lumpe, the leading authority on the subject, concludes,
"Most of the programs have had no discernible focus on human
rights and have been carried out in a highly, if not completely,
unaccountable manner."
The United States has two alternative ways of implementing its
[foreign military] training programs, each with different unintended
consequences. Both have long-standing precedents in the practices
of the British Empire, of which the United States has become a
dutiful if not particularly inspired pupil. I call these the "sepoy
strategy" and the "private military companies strategy:'
The word sepoy probably derives from the Urdu word for "horseman"
or "soldier' and the sepoy strategy once involved training
"native" troops to serve in regiments commanded by British
officers or in imperial Indian regiments thought to be loyal to
the British crown, which were normally composed of Sikh and Gurkha
mercenaries. In 1857, at the time of the Sepoy Mutiny-which Indian
nationalists call their "first war of independence"-Britain
deployed an army of 300,000 soldiers in India, 96 percent of whom
were sepoys. The fact that, when push came to shove, they proved
not to be loyal to Britain highlights one of the major potential
pitfalls of this approach.
The classic American example of the employment
of sepoys was in the "secret war" in Laos that stretched
from 1960 to 1975. Army Green Berets and the CIA supplied clandestine
aid to French-trained General Vang Pao of the Laotian army, who,
in turn, recruited a 30,000-strong army of Hmong tribesmen to
fight the Pathet Lao Communist forces allied with North Vietnam.
Vang Pao became a hero to American strategists in Saigon and Washington-the
best puppet we ever found in Indochina. Our most important form
of aid to him was air power. We backed the Hmong fighters with
bombing missions from our bases in Thailand. We also used the
CIA's private airline, Air America, to supply the scattered Hmong
villages with arms, rice, and other supplies and then transported
their main cash crop, opium, to Vang Pao's headquarters in the
Plain of Jars. From there the opium went on to supply American
troops fighting in Vietnam and, via underworld traffickers, on
to the international market.
When, after 1969, the Pathet Lao began
to defeat the Hmong guerrillas, Air America evacuated thousands
of them to refugee camps under Vang Pao's control and carpet-bombed
the Hmong villages that had been overrun. Ultimately, after the
collapse of anti-Communist resistance throughout Indochina, the
CIA evacuated Vang Pao and thousands of his supporters to the
United States, where they now live. Britain's sepoys, Vang Pao
and the Hmong always remained loyal to the CIA. As Alfred McCoy,
the leading authority on the opium trade that accompanied this
secret war, notes, "While the U.S. military sent half a million
troops to fight a conventional war in South Vietnam, this mountain
warfare required only a handful of American personnel
The private military companies strategy
is typified by the Vinnell Corporation of Fairfax, Virginia, a
subsidiary of the large defense conglomerate Northrop Grumman.
Vinnell was created by retired American military officers and,
since 1975, has been licensed by the government to train the Saudi
National Guard, the 100,000-strong force that protects the monarchy
and serves as a counterweight to any threat from the regular armed
forces. Over the years Vinnell has constructed, run, written doctrine
for, and staffed five Saudi military academies, seven shooting
ranges, and a health care system, while training and equipping
four Saudi mechanized brigades and five infantry brigades. Saudi
Arabia has, in turn, funneled hundreds of millions of dollars
into major defense corporations to equip these forces, which briefly
saw action in the first Gulf War by recapturing the Saudi town
of Khai, on the Kuwait border, from the Iraqis.'
Vinnell is one of about thirty-five private
rent-a-trainer, rent-a-mercenary, and rent-a-cop companies whose
leaders and employees, mostly retired high-ranking officers and
members of the Special Forces, hire themselves out to the government
and its foreign allies to perform any number of military tasks,
including troop training. Since these companies are private contractors,
they are not subject to military discipline and their operations
remain the proprietary secrets of the companies, not subject to
any form of public oversight. From the 1950s to the 1970s, the
British and South Africans created similar companies of mercenaries
to train and sometimes fight alongside both governmental and insurgent
forces in the Middle East, Angola, and Sierra Leone. The United
States also hired private companies to train South Vietnamese
military forces and police during the 1960s and 1970s, but to
little avail. I will return to the American private companies
below, but let us first consider our record with sepoys.
IMET was created in 1976 in the wake of
the Nixon Doctrine, that forlorn attempt to "Vietnamize"
the Vietnam War-that is, to shift to the principle that "Asian
boys should fight Asian wars." IMET's primary mode of operation
was-and remains-to pay foreign officers and soldiers to take courses
at such places as the National Defense University in Washington,
DC; the U.S. Army Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, Arizona;
the Naval Special Warfare Center (headquarters of the SEALs) at
Coronado, California; the Inter-American Air Force Academy at
Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas; the Air Force Special
Operations Command's school at Huriburt Field, Fort Walton Beach,
Florida; and the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Fort
Bragg, North Carolina.
By far the most notorious of these institutions
is the Spanish-language School of the Americas (SOA), which, to
evade a congressional order that it be closed, in 2000 renamed
itself the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
(WHISC). This ruse, which fooled no one, nonetheless formally
stopped the movement to abolish SOA. Founded in 1946 and situated
in the then American colony of the Canal Zone, it was evicted
in 1984 by the Panamanian government, whose president, Jorge Illueca,
termed it the "biggest base for destabilization in Latin
America?' SOA/WHISC is now located on the grounds of the army
base at Fort Benning, Georgia. Over the years it has trained well
over 60,000 Latin American military and police officers, significant
numbers of whom have been implicated in cases of torture, rape,
massacre, and assassination. Among them was Roberto D'Aubuisson,
the leader of El Salvador's rightwing death squads. Lower-level
SOA graduates have participated in human rights abuses that include
the March 24, 1980, assassination of El Salvador's Archbishop
Oscar Romero (in which the CIA may have been implicated) and the
December 1981 El Mozote massacre of 900 Salvadoran civilians.
As of late 2002, civil war-torn Colombia's army includes some
10,000 SOA/WHISC graduates.
In 1996, the American press discovered
that between 1982 and 1991 the SOA adopted as textbooks seven
different Spanish-language manuals based on a U.S. Army original
that called for "neutralizing [i.e., killing] government
officials, political leaders, and members of the infrastructure?'
These manuals were distributed to thousands of military officers
in eleven South and Central American countries. According to a
Pentagon spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Arne Owens, "The problem
was discovered in 1992, properly reported, and fixed ?'9 WHISC
remains the focus of a widespread protest movement led by Father
Roy Bourgeois, a former navy officer who is today a Maryknoll
priest. He has been arrested many times at Fort Benning. Should
he and his supporters ever succeed in closing down the school
on U.S. soil, the Bush administration has announced backup plans
for a successor in Costa Rica.
The rich rival of the State Department's
IMET program is the Pentagon's Foreign Military Financing (FMF),
which gives money to countries to buy American weapons and then
supplies training in how to use them. Appropriations for IMET
in fiscal year 2001 were $57,875,000, with proposed expenditures
for 2003 of $80,000,000-whereas the FMF appropriations are in
the billions and still rising. In 2001, the Pentagon received
$3,576,240,000 and promptly put in a request of $4,107,200,000
for 2003. Such differences between the two programs reflect the
fact that the Pentagon's budget is almost twenty times larger
than the State Department's. J A major portion of the Pentagon's
funds traditionally goes to Israel, but the biggest proposed recipients
in the FMF 2003 budget were Jordan, at $198 million (plus IMET
of $2.4 million); Colombia at $98 million (IMET of $1.2 million);
India at $50 million (IMET of $1 million); Pakistan at $50 million
(IMET of $1 million); Turkey at $17.5 million (IMET of $350,000);
and Uzbekistan at $8.75 million (IMET of $1.2 million). These
sums represented the first FMF payments to Colombia, India, and
Pakistan in recent years. Uzbekistan, which has one of the worst
human rights records anywhere, is a new recipient.
In 1999, after East Timor gained its independence through a United
Nations-sponsored referendum, militias under Indonesian military
guidance pursued a relentless campaign of "ethnic cleansing"
against the island's civilian population. This time the Clinton
administration instituted a ban on all forms of military assistance
to Indonesia, a ban still in effect at the time of the September
11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In December 2001, the Pentagon inserted
a clause into the Defense Appropriations Act establishing a new
"Regional Counter-Terrorism Defense Fellowship Program' worth
$17.9 million. Completely independent of IMET, FMF, and JCET,
this program now brings Indonesian military officers to the United
States for training. The Pentagon uses several other practices
to evade congressional restrictions on its relations with foreign
militaries, evidence of a mind-set consistent with militarism.
Between 1979 and 1989, the CIA supplied mujahideen ("freedom
fighter") groups with over $2 billion worth of light weapons,
including Stinger antiaircraft missile launchers, and offered
instruction in how to use them against the Soviet forces occupying
Afghanistan. The Americans were uninterested in the religious
beliefs, political loyalties, or attitudes toward the West of
those they were recruiting, training, and arming.' Once the Soviet
Union was defeated, the Americans abandoned Afghanistan to its
fate and the Afghan freedom fighters, mainly Islamic fundamentalists,
turned against the United States. The deployment of thousands
of American military forces to Saudi Arabia, site of Islam's two
most sacred sites, and support for Israel only increased their
resentment. Muslim militants retaliated throughout the 1990s,
attacking New York's World Trade Center in 1993, U.S. military
apartment towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996, American embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, and the navy destroyer USS Cole in
2000. It is possible to think of the suicidal attacks of September
11 as a contemporary version of the Sepoy Mutiny-even though the
Bush administration has done everything in its power to ensure
that Americans do not think such things.
America's military trains and equips its
sepoys directly, but increasingly it also does so through private
companies beyond the knowledge and control of Congress. The top
thirty-five of these private military companies are among the
most profitable businesses in the country today. The main ones
are Vinnell Corporation; Military Professional Resources, Inc.,
best known by its acronym, MPRI, located in Alexandria, Virginia,
and owned by L3 Communications; Kellogg Brown & Root, the
legendary Texas company that bankrolled Lyndon Johnson's political
career and is today a subsidiary of the Halliburton Corporation;
DynCorp of Reston, Virginia, which became notorious during the
late 1990s when it was discovered that some of its employees in
Bosnia were keeping under-aged women as sex slaves and then selling
them elsewhere in Europe (DynCorp simply fired these employees);
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) of San Diego,
whose top five executives made between $825,000 and $1.8 million
in salaries in 2001 and held more than $1.5 million worth of stock
options each; BDM International of Fairfax, Virginia; Armor Holdings
of Jacksonville, Florida; Cubic Applications, Inc., of San Diego;
DFI International (originally Defense Forecasts, Inc.) of Washington,
DC; and International Charter, Inc., of Oregon.
These private military companies are not small organizations.
DynCorp has 23,000 employees, Cubic some 4,500, and MPRI about
700 full-time staff members with a roster of 10,000 retired military
personnel it can call on. One authority on these new mercenaries,
Deborah Avant of the Elliott School of International Affairs at
George Washington University, estimates that the revenues of the
private military companies, which were at $55.6 billion in 1990,
will rise to $202 billion by 2010. The companies even have their
own industry trade group, the International Peace Operations Association-a
name George Orwell would have cherished.
It is not just foreigners these companies
train. Until March 2002, MPRI held the contract to run the Reserve
Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs in some 217 American universities.
ROTC offers college money to students in return for taking some
military courses, wearing uniforms on campus, training during
part of the summer at a military base, and accepting a commission
in the army reserve upon graduation. When it lost its bid to continue
running the ROTC programs, MPRI picked up a contract to operate
the nation's military recruiting stations. Both MPRI and Cubic
are active in developing curricula, writing doctrine, and running
educational programs for military officers as well as training
military press attaches. Much of this privatization of our armed
forces is actually deeply disliked by uniformed professionals.
As Colonel Bruce Grant notes, "Privatization is a way of
going around Congress and not telling the public. Foreign policy
is made by default by private military consultants motivated by
bottom-line profits."
Brown & Root, long known in Texas for its political connections,
was acquired in 1962 by the oil-drilling and construction company
Halliburton. Dick Cheney was secretary of defense when Brown &
Root first began to supply logistical services to the army. According
to an investigative report by Robert Bryce in the Austin Chronicle,
Cheney is the author of the idea that the military's logistical
operations should be privatized. He was trying not so much to
increase efficiency as to reward the private sector. He basically
asked how private companies could assist the army in cutting hundreds
of thousands of jobs. "In 1992, the Pentagon, then under
Cheney's direction, paid Brown & Root $3.9 million to produce
a classified report detailing how private companies-like itself-could
help provide logistics for American troops in potential war zones
around the world. Later in 1992, the Pentagon gave the firm an
additional $5 million to update its report. That same year, the
company won a five-year logistics contract from the Army Corps
of Engineers to work alongside GIs in places like Zaire, Haiti,
Somalia, Kosovo, the Balkans, and Saudi Arabia. "'
After the 1992 election, Cheney left the
Defense Department, and between 1995 and 2000 he was the chief
executive officer of Halliburton. Under his leadership, Brown
& Root took in $2.3 billion in government contracts, almost
double the $1.2 billion it earned from the government in the five
years before Cheney arrived. Halliburton rebuilt Saddam Hussein's
war-damaged oil fields for some $23.8 million, even though Cheney,
as secretary of defense during the first Gulf War, had been instrumental
in destroying them. By 1999, Halliburton had become the biggest
nonunion employer in the United States, although Wal-Mart soon
replaced it. Cheney also appointed Dave Gibben, his chief of staff
when he was at the Pentagon, as one of Halliburton's leading lobbyists.
In 2001, Cheney returned to Washington as vice president, and
Brown & Root continued to build, maintain, and protect bases
from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf."
During Cheney's term as Halliburton's
CEO, the company advanced from seventy-third to eighteenth on
the Pentagon's list of top contractors. Its number of subsidiaries
located in offshore tax havens also increased from nine to forty-four.
As a result, Halliburton went from paying $302 million in company
taxes in 1998 to getting an $85 million tax refund in 1999. Following
the second Gulf War, while Cheney was vice president, the Army
Corps of Engineers awarded the company a no-bid contract to extinguish
oil well fires in Iraq. The contract was open-ended, with no time
or dollar limits, and was "cost-plus' meaning that the company
is guaranteed both to recover costs and then to make a profit
on top of that. Such contracts are typical of Brown & Root's
operating methods and are worth tens of millions of dollars."
On April 4, 2003, in honor of "Big Business Day 2003' Citizen
Works, a watchdog organization created by the consumer advocate
Ralph Nader, gave Dick Cheney its "Daddy Warbucks" award
for eminence in corporate war profiteering.
Sorrows of Empire
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