Part 3
excerpted from the book
The Book That Drove Henry Kissinger
[international drug trafficking,
money-laundering, and state power]
Executive Intelligence Review,
1992, paperback (original 1986)

Since the 1920s, British Dope, Inc. gangsters have struck from
their Canadian base to seize effective governmental power throughout
the islands of the Caribbean, the countries of Central America,
and certain watering holes in Mexico. The casino hotels sprang
up, the titled nobility took up residence, the banking shells
proliferated. As the U.S. media enticed Americans to spend more
and more "leisure" money in these offshore principalities
of Meyer Lansky's syndicate, Dope, Inc. struck directly at the
U.S. post-war economy, and the U.S. government's executive branch.
The turning point in Britain's opium war
was the five years following World War II. The key operational
capability implanted by Dope, Inc. in the U.S.A. at that turning
point was the Special Operations Executive (SOE) of British secret
The law enforcement official confronts
today two major obstacles in going after the narcotics trade.
The first is the extraordinary degree of "inside" protection
enjoyed by Dope, Inc. within the national intelligence establishment.
[A] problem for the law enforcement investigator confronts him
because of his habit of working his way up, from the street level
to the large-scale suppliers and then toward the real financial
and political power of the international narcotics cartel. He
confronts what the intelligence trade calls "cutouts"-layers
of operatives who are political camouflage for their masters-on
a scale that becomes more dense and complex as he goes up. Only
District Attorney Garrison, fresh on the trail of a presidential
assassination, reached far enough up through the "cutout"
layers to hit at the top. His efforts were rewarded by drawing
out into public confrontation the layers of direct British intelligence
Should the law enforcement official, however-with
aid of this report-start at the top, then the picture becomes
quite simple.
The British financiers of Dope, Inc. employ
three major layers of political camouflage to run the drug trade
in North America. The first is a front for Jewish-surnamed criminal
This cutout begins at the top with a cohesive
grouping of "Hofjuden" (court Jews) who have served
British monarchs and Venetian doges for generations. These families
have a centuries-long unbroken tradition of attaching themselves
to the predominant noble houses of Europe; the Venetians and Genoese,
the nobility of Amsterdam, and then when the Dutch nobility was
merged with the British in the so-called Glorious Revolution of
1688, the Hofjuden centered themselves around the British and
have served it to this day.
The Bronfman family is best known to Americans through its ownership
of Seagrams, the biggest liquor company in North America. The
family's holdings stretch from whiskey, banking, mining, to real
estate, and-although somewhat less publicized-narcotics. Today
they are regarded as respectable and outstanding "philanthropists"
whose name is attached to everything important in Canada-and Israel-be
it government, business, or cultural affairs.
This was not always the public profile
of the Bronfman family. Less than fifty years ago, they were known
to be the biggest bootleggers in North America and were referred
to by the less prestigious title "the Bronfman gang."
With Prohibition, crime became a big-time business. It was no
longer based on small-scale prostitution, loan-sharking, or petty
protection rackets. Now it was centralized around the marketing
of one precious and outlawed commodity whose supply was controlled
from London and from the British colony of Canada. Crime was reorganized
from top to bottom into an integrated wholesale and retail distribution
chain with well-defined marketing districts, quotas, and uniform
pricing. Crime became syndicated.
... With Prohibition, Britain-through
its Bronfman gang cutout-had created a nationally syndicated crime
cancer. Within a decade of the Roaring Twenties, the Bronfman
syndicate would be peddling heroin, cocaine, and every other available
poisonous drug through the same wholesaling, transporting, and
retailing system that bootlegged booze.
Bronfman's counterpart in the United States
was one Arnold Rothstein. Just as Bronfman made it into the big-time
under the auspices of the Hofjuden elite, so Arnie Rothstein was
sponsored by Our Crowd Zionist investment bankers who arrived:
in New York as the Montefiores were setting up business in Canada.
Arnold Rothstein - the godfather of organized crime - was the
son of a wealthy Our Crowd dry goods merchant.
... For the British, Prohibition was a
roaring success. What had begun as a three-way contract between
Britain (the supplier), Bronfman (the cutout), and Rothstein (the
distributor) had become within the space of a decade a nationally
organized crime syndicate, a private, secret army under British
banking and syndicate, control.
... When Prohibition began in 1920 Arnold
Rothstein had personally gone to Great Britain to establish the
liquor pipeline with the British distilleries. At the same time
he had dispatched his underling Jacob "Yasha" Katzenberg
to Shanghai to begin negotiations for a dope pipeline from the
Far East into the East Coast of the United States.
... Arnold Rothstein ... was a product
of the Rothschild dry goods empire that included the Seligman,
Wanamaker, and Gimbel families. During Prohibition, according
to the Bronfmans' own testimony, Rothstein, Meyer Lansky, and
Lucky Luciano were the Bronfmans' main distributors. As Prohibition
came to a close, Bronfman associates traveled to Shanghai and
Hong Kong to streamline and expand the drug trade into the United
States, negotiating with the foremost Chinese drug runners who
were not only encouraged but pressured by the British business
community to pull together an opium cartel.
... With the repeal of Prohibition, the
Bronfmans, like so many of their partners across the border, "went
legit." Organized crime sunk its millions in legitimate businesses
that both acted as cover for illegal activities and set up the
laundry networks for dirty money. The new phase of respectability
signaled that the most successful big-time whiskey bootleggers
were switching to big-time narcotics.
In the early days, the Bronfmans had to
run all the risks of the smuggler's profession. They had to dodge
the law, stay one step ahead of the desperados on the other side
of the border, and whenever things went wrong, face the humiliation
of public exposure and scandal. As a result, the family acquired
a considerable reputation.
Looking expectantly toward the fast increase
in drug trade in America, the British could not afford to leave
their leading cutout in such an exposed and precarious position.
Nor could they simply dispose of the Bronfmans after Prohibition.
The family had become irreplaceable due to its in-depth control
over the syndicate. Yet, the Bronfmans would be a liability if
they continued to work as openly with their distributors in narcotics-trafficking
as they did running Prohibition.
The problem was resolved by bringing the
Bronfmans into the lower rungs of the Hofjuden caste. Almost overnight
the Rothschilds, Montefiores, de Hirsches, et al. took Mr. Sam
[Bronfman], the crime czar of North America, and transformed him
into a rising star of the Canadian Zionist movement.
... After World War II, Mr. Sam established
the National Conference of Israeli and Jewish Rehabilitation,
using his considerable smuggling skills to run guns to the Haganah.
Similar posts were awarded to the other
Bronfmans. Allan Bronfman was named president of the Zionist Organization
of Canada, a member of the board of trustees of the Federation
of Jewish Philanthropists and of the national council of the Canadian
Jewish Congress. Abe Bronfman was posted to the Joint Distribution
Committee and also to the national council of the Canadian Jewish
Finally, in 1969 the Bronfmans were given
the highest reward issued by Her Majesty. Sam was made a Knight
of Grace of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
His brother Allan and his son Charles were appointed to the highest
rank, Knight of Justice of the order. These appointments are emphatically
not ceremonial, but are only bestowed on those who have carried
out the most dangerous and fruitful missions for the British Crown.
The Kennedys are clean because, beginning with Papa Joe, they
were flea-dipped, scrubbed, and polished by the British to be
the respectable front for organized crime. Whether or not a Kennedy
crosses the British Crown in terms of policy-as Jack Kennedy did
in l963-does not alter the fundamental content of the political
machine that gives the Kennedy dynasty its power. The Kennedy
machine is organized crime in government.
... The job of the Kennedy dynasty is
to usher in British dope and the criminals who distribute it -
through the front door.
As the end of Prohibition approached, [Joseph] Kennedy again turned
to London, where Winston Churchill personally approved the grant
given to him for the British distillers' franchise for the American
market. Through Kennedy's Somerset Importers, Ltd. and Renfield
Importers, Kennedy marketed Dewar's scotch, Gordon's gin, Ron
Rico rum, and Haig and Haig.'°
But as Papa Joe made clear early in the
game, he was not in it for the money. His goal was to build a
political dynasty, and his wife produced nine children in succession
to guarantee it. : Churchill's nod of approval and the cash flow
accompanying it signaled that the British were ready to take advantage
of Joe Kennedy's political ambitions.
... In 1933, Kennedy was appointed by
President Franklin Roosevelt to head the new Securities and Exchange
Commission. Kennedy's earlier association with the London banking
circles had put him on the inside track to conduct a flurry of
stock speculation on the eve of the 1929 stock market crash and
walk away from it all with a pocket full of cash. When the SEC
was created to regulate the market, Roosevelt returned Kennedy's
favor of swinging the Boston Democratic machine behind the FDR
candidacy at the 1932 nominating convention.
In 1936, FDR appointed Kennedy U.S. ambassador
to Great Britain, a post Kennedy wanted more than life itself.
As Joe's official biographer explained, "The old American
aristocracy, with its Anglophilic leanings regarded the post as
the nation's highest social office.
... Kennedy quickly attached himself to
the most pro-Nazi British aristocrats centered around Lady Astor's
Cliveden Set where Roundtable figures such as Lazard Brothers'
Lord Robert Brand, the Marquess of Lothian, Fabian George Bernard
Shaw, and the opium-trading Sassoon family congregated to dictate
Britain's appeasement policy for the British Foreign Office.
... During his sojourn in Britain, [Joseph
Kennedy] turned over his sons to the British Roundtable for a
"proper" education. Joseph Kennedy, Jr. and John F.
Kennedy were trained at the London School of Economics, an institution
founded by the Fabian Society dedicated to training and recruiting
foreign cadre as future British agents within government, business,
media, and educational posts in their own countries. The Kennedy
brothers were trained by Fabian Society Executive member Harold
At Harvard, on the Kennedys' return to
the United States, further tutoring for son John was secured from
Sir John Wheeler-Bennett, the founder and head of the research
division of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
When John F. Kennedy became President of the United States in
1960, it is reported that André Meyer of Lazard Brothers,
Ltd. went around Europe introducing himself as "the real
President." Whether the story is true or not, it is the case
that the Court of St. James had at least temporarily seized control
of the Oval Office.
So had organized crime. The Kennedy machine
moved into the Justice Department, specifically Robert Kennedy's
Organized Crime Strike Force. The Organized Crime Drive, as it
was called, was a highly irregular unit, even according to its
nominal chief, Ed Silberling. The section was in fact run by nonlawyer
Walter Sheridan, a former FBI man who had worked as chief of the
Counterintelligence Section, Special Operations Division, Office
of Security, and the National Security Agency.
Almost simultaneously with Kennedy's inauguration, Harold Macmillan
moved into 10 Downing Street. Macmillan was himself part of the
extended Devonshire family into which Kennedy's sister Kathleen
had married. His Canada.-based pulp and paper company, Macmillan
Bloedel, as noted, was a component of the British Columbia drug-smuggling
... During early 1963. Policy differences
between the Kennedy and the Macmillan governments began to surface,
as the U.S. President took a series of initiatives to launch the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration and to buck the
Bertrand Russell-McGeorge Bundy military policy of Mutual and
Assured Destruction.
The diaries of Macmillan testify that
Kennedy had to be intensely armtwisted at the famous Nassau summit
in spring 1963 before he would agree to turn over the Polaris
missile program to the British. That move precipitated French
President Charles de Gaulle's vehement denunciation of the AngloAmerican
violation of the Atlantic Charter, followed by France's withdrawal
from the NATO military command.
During the spring and summer months of
1963, JFK began reversing previous policies. Plans were being
prepared to devolve U.S. presence in Southeast Asia. Detente discussions
were opened up with the Soviet Union; in the weeks prior to his
assassination, Kennedy even sent a secret emissary to Havana o
to open up talks with Fidel Castro. The Kennedys were showing
signs of bucking the machine that had put them in power. The British
had him killed ...
... When Robert Kennedy refused to back
off from the track of his brother's assassins and began to prepare
his own campaign for the presidency, he too was murdered on British
Playing by the rules of the game is Ted
Kennedy's insurance policy. That's what makes him the foremost
proponent of dope decriminalization; that's what makes him today's
frontrunner for organized crime; that's what makes him the collaborator
of the assassins of his brothers.
According to an unpublished manuscript on the assassination of
John F. Kennedy authored by "William Torbitt" (an apparent
pseudonym), during the spring, summer, and autumn months of 1963,
a series of top-secret conspiratorial meetings took place behind
well-guarded closed doors at an exclusive resort spot at Montego
Bay on the Caribbean island of Jamaica. The location for those
meetings was the Tryall Compound, built at the close of World
War II by Britain's highest-ranking secret espionage agent, Sir
William Stephenson. Reportedly present at various times for the
planning sessions were: Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, in 1963
still a top officer in Sir William Stephenson's British Special
Operations Executive (SOE); Ferenc Nagy, a wartime cabinet minister
in the pro-Hitler Horthy government of Hungary and later its Prime
Minister; Georgio Mantello, a Rumanian-born Jew who had served
as a trade minister under Mussolini; Colonel Clay Shaw, a former
officer in the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) who in
1963 was the director of the New Orleans International Trade Mart;
Jean de Menil, a White Russian emigré who at that moment
was the president of the Houston-based Schlumberger Company, a
heavy equipment manufacturer frequently used as a covert conduit
for weapons; Paul Raigorodsky, another White Russian active in
the right-wing Solidarist movement. The purpose of the meetings,
the manuscript alleged, was to plot the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy.
Whether or not the meetings took place
as described in the manuscript, the authors of Dope, Inc. have
been unable to confirm. But through interviews in the United States
and Western Europe and through reviews of the evidence presented
before the Warren Commission and before the grand jury proceedings
and trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans, the authors have established
links between the named individuals and the Permindex trading
company at the center of the Kennedy assassination plot.
Permindex was an obscure international
trading exposition company, incorporated in Switzerland and housed
in Montreal; Permindex is a contraction of "Permanent Industrial
Expositions." Its president and chairman of the board from
its inception in 1958 was Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. The
individuals named as plotting at the Tryall Compound were, at
the time, board members, officers, and investors in Permindex.
Each of these individuals was also a longstanding
trusted asset of the British SOE. Unlike any other trade expositions
company in the world, the employees and investors in Permindex
had all been selected for specific operational capabilities that
they represented; capabilities that would be indispensable to
the conducting of high-level political assassinations.
As we delve into the Permindex international
assassination bureau and discover the suppressed facts behind
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, we shall encounter
three capabilities in particular already familiar to us as Dope,
First we shall encounter an international
web of dirty money outfits, responsible for channeling millions
of dollars in black market revenues into the hands of the professional
killers deployed on behalf of Permindex and its SOE control. Not
surprisingly, we shall discover that these dirty money channels
are hard-wired into the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank-centered apparatus
that launders the $400 billion in annual revenues from illegal
drug sales.
Second, we shall discover an international
band of protected killers, drawn from the ranks of the Nazi and
Fascist gestapos of World War II - many now in the employ of the
Soviet KGB - from the street-level crime syndicate responsible
for the retail distribution of narcotics; and from a secret capability
established by the Stephenson organization at the outset of World
War II, operating under the cover of missionary activity in Latin
America and the East bloc. Their missions? Political assassinations
employing high-powered rifles at a distance of 1,000 yards.
Third, we shall encounter a British SOE
fifth column embedded deeply into the American official intelligence
community. This fifth column, linked directly to Permindex and
its chairman Major Bloomfield, represents perhaps the single most
crucial component of the international assassination bureau: its
cover-up capability. Seventeen years after the assassination of
John F. Kennedy, Permindex remains one of the best kept secrets
in the world-despite the fact that it has been exposed on more
than one occasion as the agency behind high-level political exterminations
touching on top political officials of no fewer than three sovereign
In 1967, the French Intelligence Bureau SDECE released the results
of a five-year investigation into the 1962 aborted assassination
attempt against General de Gaulle, carried out by the rabidly
right-wing Secret Army Organization (OAS). While the SDECE report
traced the origins of the assassination plot to the Brussels headquarters
of NATO and to a specific group of disgruntled French and British
generals, as well as the remnant of the old Nazi intelligence
apparatus, it also singled out Major Bloomfield's Permindex trading
company as the agency responsible for conduiting $200,000 into
the OAS to bankroll the attempt. The source of the funds was FBI
Division Five, the secret counterespionage branch of Hoover's
agency that was run out of the Montreal law offices of Major Bloomfield.
As the result of the de Gaulle exposé
of Permindex's role in the OAS hit squads, Permindex was forced
to shut down its public operations in Western Europe and relocate
its headquarters to Johannesburg, South Africa.
As a related feature of the de Gaulle
crackdown, Israel's overseas intelligence branch, the Mossad,
was temporarily kicked out of France.
BCI was the creation of Dr. Tibor Rosenbaum, a Hungarian-born
Jew who migrated to Palestine under the sponsorship of the Jewish
... Following Israel's statehood, Tibor
Rosenbaum was appointed the first minister of supply and finance
for the foreign intelligence branch, the Mossad. In 1951, Rosenbaum
was deployed to Geneva, ostensibly as the director of Israeli
migration, holding full diplomatic papers. As there was no migration
from Switzerland to Israel during this period, speculation that
Rosenbaum was already involved in setting up funds-laundering
operations on behalf of the Mossad is well-founded. According
to a recently published book-length exposé of the Israeli
mafia, by L'Express journalist Jacques Derogy,'° Rosenbaum
traded his Israeli diplomatic papers for Liberian documents in
the mid-1950s on the eve of his launching the Banque du Credit
Internationale. Rosenbaum incorporated the BC! in 1958, the same
year that his fellow "Liberian diplomat" Major Louis
Mortimer Bloomfield established Permindex.
According to Derogy, Dr. Rosenbaum was
designated as the "Swiss connection" in an international
money-laundering apparatus created to facilitate the diamonds-for-dope
trade that was to make up an increasingly large share of the foreign
trade of Israel.
[Ernst Israel] Japhet's presence on the board of directors of
the Banque du Credit International brings us full circle back
to the London boardrooms of the Big Five commercial banks that
command the international narcotics cartel top down.
Who is Ernest Israel Japhet, in addition
to being a board member of the BCI, an entity servicing the black-market
money needs of the Mossad, the Israeli mafia and the "wizard"
of North American syndicate financing, Meyer Lansky? Japhet was,
at the time, the chairman and president of the Bank Leumi, the
largest bank in Israel-a bank that we have already identified
as a critical component of the diamonds-for-dope traffic into
Hong Kong. The current heir of a German banking family that traces
its roots back centuries, Japhet sold the family's trading company
to the Quaker Barclays Bank of London, which in turn placed him
on the board of directors of its thus-created subsidiary Charterhouse-Japhet.
Charterhouse-Japhet, like the Japhet Company before it, deals
exclusively in the diamond trade between Israel and Hong Kong-trading
those precious stones for the same Golden Triangle opium that
launched the Japhet's family's career in international finance
150 years ago.
Bank Leumi keeps its hands in the drug trade through its 100 percent-owned
subsidiary Union Bank. Ernest Israel Japhet is the chairman of
Union Bank, which handles over one-third of the world's financing
in diamonds.
Bank Leumi was not the only Israeli bank
to interface its operations with the Geneva laundering-hole of
Dr. Rosenbaum. Even more heavily involved in the BCI is the Bank
Hapoalim. The second largest bank in Israel, Bank Hapoalim was
founded as an offshoot of the Jewish Agency. Its founder and present
board director, British High Commissioner Viscount Erwin Herbert
Samuel, belongs to the same Samuel family behind Bank Leumi and
the Cunard Lines. Viscount Samuel presides as head of the Israel
Red Cross, an official branch of the Most Venerable Military and
Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem-the same order held
by Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfleld of Permindex.
According to the ... Derogy exposé
of the Israeli mafia, Bank Hapoalim figured prominently in the
same diamonds-for-dope apparatus. Illegal revenues from the diamonds-for-dope
exchange run between Israel and the Golden Triangle banks of Thailand,
would be initially deposited in an escrow account in London, for
transfer to protected accounts in Johannesburg, South Africa.
From South Africa, the same funds would be laundered through the
Bank Hapoalim into Dr. Rosenbaum's BCI.
... Investors Overseas Service (lOS),
until its demise in 1975, was indistinguishable from the Banque
du Credit Internationale. Nominally an international mutual fund
founded by Bernie Cornfeld, and eventually taken over by Robert
Vesco, LOS in reality was a laundering service deploying an army
of "salesmen" in every corner of the globe, often carrying
phenomenal volumes of cash which the lOS directors claimed were
the investment deposits of thousands of small investors. These
investors for the most part remained anonymous. According to author
Hank Messick, a significant number of the so-called small investors
were local operatives of the Meyer Lansky-Israeli mafia apparatus."
The convergence of the drug syndicate
and the intelligence services of Great Britain and Israel in the
person of Dr. Tibor Rosenbaum ...
... Among its principal holdings, the
Swiss-Israel Trade Bank owns one-third interest in the Paz conglomerate.
Owned until the early 1950s by the Rothschild family, the Paz
group of corporations maintains a virtual monopoly over the Israeli
oil and petrochemical industry, including the vital shipping lines
transporting oil and petrochemicals in and out of the Middle East.
... Sharing the Paz ownership with Dr.
Rosenbaum's Swiss-Israel entity are Max Fisher, a Detroit, Michigan-based
"businessman-philanthropist" ...
... The Swiss-Israel Trade Bank, the third
owner of Paz, is a who's who of the combined British-Israeli Mossad
apparatus, beginning with Dr. Tibor Rosenbaum. The manager of
the Swiss-Israel Trade Bank ... was General Julius Klein.
... Sir William Stephenson's access to
the intelligence facilities, of the Zionist movement in the United
States and Canada was greatly facilitated by the fact that from
1922, he had employed Chaim Weizmann as his principal adviser
on scientific and technical espionage activities. The fact that
Stephenson's own mentor, Sir William Wiseman, was a leading figure
in the Anglo-Zionist movement also provided the future SOE head
with an inside track to the resources and talents of the Zionist
... In the effort to create an Israeli
intelligence apparatus married to the British SOE, Julius Klein
would play a major role on behalf of Sir William Stephenson. From
his position at the close of World War II as head of the U.S.
Army Counterintelligence Corps responsible for Western Europe,
Klein-by his own admission-illegally rerouted whole shiploads
of medical supplies, trucks, construction equipment, etc. from
earmarked destinations in Germany and Austria to the Haganah in
Palestine. Throughout the early 1950s, Klein made frequent trip
to Israel to aid in the training and structuring of the Moss Mossad.
According to the findings of the SDECE, $200,000 in black market
revenues were channeled into the Banque du Credit Internationale
accounts maintained by Permindex. Among the sources of those funds
was the Bank Hapoalim, the Israeli banking institution owned by
the Histadrut, for which Major Bloomfield was the chief Canadian
Those funds were passed onto the New Orleans
station chief of the FBI's Division Five, Guy Bannister. From
New Orleans, Bannister deployed one of his agents, Jerry Brooks
Gatlin, directly to Paris with a suitcase full of cash for hand
delivery to the OAS generals. '8 In 1966, at the very outset of
the Garrison investigation into the assassination of President
Kennedy, Gatun-who operated a Permindex-Division Five front called
the Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean-died when he was thrown
out of a sixth-floor window in a San Juan, Puerto Rico hotel.
By this time, FBI Division Five spook Bannister had already died
under equally mysterious circumstances.
... There was no coincidence to the fact
that the Permindex funds for the 1962 aborted assassination attempt
against Charles de Gaulle were laundered through a New Orleans-stationed
agent of Division Five. By 1962, New Orleans had already assumed
the role of field operations center for the assassination cabal
headquartered offshore on the island retreat at Tryall.
The reason that New Orleans assumed a
special role in the cabal is that it headquartered the major U.S.
subsidiary of Permindex, the International Trade Mart, directed
by Colonel Clay Shaw.
Within the overall organizational chart
of Permindex, Colonel Shaw maintained two principal roles. Through
his International Trade Mart, Shaw retained a secondary capability
for washing large volumes of money on an international scale.
But first and foremost, Shaw was responsible for "handling"
the nest of agents deployed trough Permindex's various fronts
to carry out the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Today, there are over fifty "world trade marts" located
in thirty countries around the world. Each of these world trade
marts is made up of over 1,000 corporate subscribers.
Since 1968, all of the world trade marts
have been hooked together through a massive computerized data
bank. That data bank now functions through an intelligence-transmitting
satellite system, one of the largest privately owned satellite
systems in existence. The satellite-computer control point is
maintained by the World Trade Center Association-the offspring
of the very New Orleans World Trade Center that Clay Shaw assumed
the directorship of at the close of World War H on behalf of the
Stephenson SOE apparatus.
The computer-satellite system maintains
a tracking of all international trade routes, carriers and rate
scales; a virtual inventory and tracking map of every air-land-sea
shipping medium and bulk cargo in the world.
Among the fifty-plus world trade marts
hooked into the WTCA satellite-computer complex is the Hong Kong
World Trade Center-a joint venture of the Hongkong and Shanghai
Bank and Jardine Matheson. HKWTC is the single largest and highest-priced
chunk of real estate in Hong Kong. Dope, Inc., through this Hong
Kong center, thus maintains a transnational tracking system that
is more sophisticated and technologically advanced than the capabilities
at the disposal of any government attempting to combat its deadly
... In 1958, however, Permindex had not
yet emerged as an international octopus of trading fronts hooked
up through satellite-based computers, possessing the resources
for global money-laundering at the push of a button on a computer
console. Yet, as court records in New Orleans, Montreal, and Paris
document, millions of dollars in "hit money" passed
through 14 the Permindex organization to bankroll the most deadly
assassination plots of the century.
We have already met the black market bankers,
many of them linked to the financial, political, and intelligence
establishment of the state of Israel, whose special role in the
Permindex cabal involved the laundering of the "hit money"
into the hands of FBI Division Five couriers for delivery to the
designated assassin teams.
... the second major component of the
Permindex assassination bureau [is] the network of protected killers
whose actions have irreversibly shaped the course of history for
the last two decades.
... In February of 1969 proceedings began
in the New Orleans Parish Court in the case of The State of Louisiana
v. Clay M. Shaw. New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, flouting
the findings of the Warren Commission, had gone before a grand
jury and successfully petitioned for a murder conspiracy indictment
against Permindex board member Clay Shaw.
It would take the mysterious deaths of
seventeen key prosecution witnesses and the launching of a nationwide
media witchhunt against the New Orleans DA to defeat Garrison's
effort to get to the bottom of the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
... According to evidence presented in
the course of the Garrison inquiry into the Kennedy assassination,
Clay Shaw, Georgio Mantello, and Ferenc Nagy, all of the board
of directors of Permindex and its subsidiary Centro Mondiale Commerciale,
were in place in New Orleans, Dallas, and Los Angeles on November
22, 1963, handling aspects of the assassination and coverup. That
deployment had been set by Major Bloomfield...
... Who were the assassins deployed to
carry out the "triangulated firing" on President Kennedy
in Dallas on November 22? ... the assassins - seven expert riflemen
in all - were part of a special team of the most expert killers
in the world that had been put together in 1943 at the combined
initiative of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and SOE Commander Sir
William Stephenson. Members of that team would be implicated in
the assassinations of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator
Robert F. Kennedy.
... Three of the principals in the Permindex
assassination of John F. Kennedy were Eastern European and White
Russian emigres. Each of these individuals, Jean DeMeml, Ferenc
Nagy, and Paul Raigorodsky, was a leading figure in the Solidarist
movement of fascists.
... The Solidarists were Eastern European
and White Russian feudalists and fascists, predominantly former
officials of the wartime "Quisling" governments of Eastern
Europe and veterans of the Nazi eastern front intelligence apparatus.
By no later than 1943, as a part of the
Yalta process accepted by FDR, both the Soviet and Anglo-American
intelligence services had begun recruiting from the ranks of the
most rabid Nazis for postwar intelligence work. (Anglo-Soviet
cooperation in such projects actually reflected a longstanding
deal struck between Churchill and members of the Soviet Cheka
of Felix Dzherzhinsky during Lenin's lifetime.) Among those recruited
were the Eastern European Solidarists who became an all-purpose
asset of combined British and Soviet networks in the postwar period.
Among the services rendered by these Eastern Nazis was the penetration
of right-wing circles in the West.
... Among the leading components of the
Solidarist movement was a highly professional espionage, sabotage
and assassination network called Narodnyi Trudovoy Soyuz ("National
Alliance of Solidarists"). Founded in the late 1920s out
of the old Menshevik circles in Russia, NTS functioned as one
of British secret intelligence's premier spy rings inside the
Soviet Union. NTS was bankrolled by Royal Dutch Shell chairman
Sir Henry Deterding and by Vickers Arms president Sir Basil Zaharoff.
In 1941, J. Edgar Hoover, in consultation with British SOE head
Sir William Stephenson and Division Five recruiter Louis M. Bloomfield,
arranged for his close friend Reverend Carl McIntyre to found
the American Council of Christian Churches. McIntyre was already
a contract agent of Hoover's FBI Division Five. The ACCC was to
conceal an extensive espionage and intelligence unit to be deployed
throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Latin America.
The spies and saboteurs were to operate under the cover of Christian
As part of the ACCC espionage net, Hoover,
Stephenson, and Bloomfield created a secret assassination unit
in 1943 under the direction of ACCC Minister Albert Osborne. It
is not clear that McIntyre was ever let in on this sinister aspect
of the ACCC by his "friend" Hoover. The unit consisted
of twenty-five to thirty of the world's most skilled riflemen.
It was housed in a missionary school for orphans in Puebla, Mexico.
Up through at least 1969, the special "kill unit" remained
intact under the personal supervision of J. Edgar Hoover, operating
through his trusted agent of thirty years, Albert Osborne.
According to author "Torbitt,"
it was Osborne and a team of seven expert riflemen from the Puebla
"kill unit" who carried out the assassination of John
F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
... According to testimony before both
the Warren Commission and the Garrison grand jury, given by FBI
operative Jack Martin, Lee Harvey Oswald was recruited into the
FBI Division Five in 1956 by none other than David Ferrie. While
nominally in the Marine Corps, Oswald received special training
in covert espionage activities at the Naval Intelligence School
on the Memphis Naval Base. One aspect of this training included
special instruction in the Russian language, provided by an agent
of the Solidarist movement operating in San Francisco under the
cover of the Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations, a
West Coast branch of the Tolstoy Foundation.
From 1956 until his untimely death in
the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters in November 1963,
Lee Harvey Oswald had been on a secret Division Five payroll,
maintained through a secret account concealed in the budget of
the Immigration and Naturalization Service, a unit within the
Department of Justice.
During the six-month period leading up
to his murder in Dallas, the real Lee Harvey Oswald had been operating
out of New Orleans and Dallas under the immediate supervision
of Division Five regional director Guy Bannister. In fact, the
New Orleans headquarters of the pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba
Committee, a group that Oswald actively participated in during
1963, was located in the same Camp Street office building that
housed Bannister. Unknown to Oswald, his "infiltration"
into the pro-Castro grouping on behalf of Division Five had a
far different purpose than he imagined; a purpose that would become
clear only after he assumed the role of the "patsy"
... According to official incorporation
papers on file in New York City and Berne, Switzerland, mob attorney
Roy Marcus Cohn and Montreal crime boss Joseph Bonanno were both
personal stockholders in Permindex through their ownership of
the Lionel Corporation of Hillside, New Jersey.
Sir William Stephenson and a coterie of SOE spooks moved in on
Montego Bay at the very close of World War II and built that spot
up into a cross between paradise and Fort Knox. In the case of
Acapulco, the guiding figure behind its postwar emergence as a
watering hole for the super-rich and the super-secretive was former
Mexican President Miguel Alemán, himself a central figure
in the international narcotics and assassination cartel.
It was during Alemán's tenure as
interior minister (1940-46) and President of Mexico (1946-52)
that J. Edgar Hoover's Division Five was given carte blanche to
set up shop in that country. Combined SOE-Division Five operations
were set up all over Mexico and very few were shut down at the
end of the war. Reverend Osborne's Christian boys school has already
been identified as one such case in which a "hundred-year
lease" was signed between Alemán and SOE-Division
When President Aleman formally retired
from politics in the 1950s, he built up a vast real estate empire
in Mexico that today includes a string of resort hotels, among
them one of the largest resort spots in Acapulco.
Not coincidentally, all of Alemán's
hotel acquisitions are managed by the Canadian Pacific Corporation-the
biggest covert importer of Golden Triangle narcotics into North
America and a heavy investor in the Caribbean islands that house
some of the most important black market money houses in the Dope,
Inc. international portfolio.
Among Alemán's other major holdings
is a lion's share of the stock in the fifth largest company in
Mexico, Tavos de Acero de Mexico (TAMSA). The director of TAMSA,
Bruno Pagliai, is the cousin of Princess Beatrice of Savoy, herself
a resident of Mexico and a frequent guest at Alemán's own
Acapulco jet set parties.
It is through two Alemán confidants
that the Mexican end of Dope, Inc. begins to emerge more clearly.
Alemán's personal banker and one of his most intimate friends
is Max Schein, president of the Banco Mercantil de Mexico. Schein's
bank is the correspondent bank to Bank Leumi, the Israeli banking
giant that we have already encountered as a major laundering vehicle
for the revenues of international dope traffic. Schein is the
chairman of the Sociedad Technion de Mexico, the local branch
of the Israel Technion Society-the Mossad's overseas scientific
espionage front. Among the board members of the Technion International
is Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Permindex.
Extortion, blackmail, kidnapping, bribery; these were not the
only weapons unleashed in the war against [New Orleans District
Attorney Jim Garrison. By the time of the 1967 Garrison probe,
over a dozen key witnesses had died under mysterious circumstances.
... More than two decades have passed
since the assassination of John Kennedy in Dallas and at this
very moment Permindex and the British command that ordered the
cold coup by assassination remains one of the best-kept secrets
in the world.
Forget about the pictures of Resorts International in loss( travel
brochures or the advertisements in the Travel Section of the Sunday
New York Times. Scarcely concealed among the palm trees, the swimming
pools, and the all-night casinos and nightclubs is Major Bloomfield's
Royal Commission of High Executioners - and billed dollars in
dope. Barely hidden behind the Resorts International letterhead
is the eminence grise of organized crime, Meyer Lansky.
Beginning no later than 1960, Lansky hatched
a grand scheme to create a "Hong Kong West"' in the
Caribbean: an offshore center that would bring together gambling,
narcotics, dirty money, and Murder Inc. under one unregulated
and highly respectable roof.
... Resorts International was financed
largely with a transfer of funds from the Banque de Credit Internationale
of Tibor Rosenbaum and Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, and the
Investors Overseas Service of Bernie Cornfeld and the Rothschild
family. An estimated $14 million in transferred monies traveling
through Meyer Lansky's World Trade Bank and the Fiduciary Trust
Company of Nassau, a wholly owned subsidiary of lOS, found their
way into Resorts during its half-dozen formative years.
... From its investors' side then(sorts
International is indistinguishable from the previously Geneva
and Basel-headquartered Permindex-BCI-IOS--a nexus that we have
shown to be founded on the revenues of Dope, Inc. Resorts International
equals big-time drug-trafficking: cocaine and marijuana from the
Caribbean and South America, LSD and hashish produced in factories
in the Bahamas, Costa Rica, etc., with venture capital provided
through 105. Resorts International's stationing on Paradise Island
created the "Silver Triangle"-a dope route up through
the Caribbean that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration estimates
to be the source of over $7 billion a year alone in narcotics
passed through the southernmost tip of Florida.
As the guts of BCI moved to Paradise Island, so the Permindex
ring moved to Intertel [Intelligence International]. No longer
was the Special Operations Executive to house its secret assassination
teams in trading companies, Christian missionary schools, and
commercial executive airline services. Murder, Inc. was to become
part of the respectable, Kennedy "liberal establishment,"
flaunting itself as a private intelligence army for hire.
... What is International Intelligence?
A Who's Who listing of its board and senior staff reads like a
printout of British intelligence, the Mafia and Mossad.
... Resorts International [is] financed
through the Geneva-Base retail revenues of Dope, Inc. The manager
of Paradise Island for its first half decade of operation (1968-73)
was Eddie Cellini, the brother of Dino Cellini and another well-known
lieutenant of Meyer Lansky... In 1972, Robert Vesco came a hair's
breadth away from buying majority holdings in Resorts International
for $60 million-a transaction that was heartily endorsed by the
"supersleuths" at Intertel.
Vesco went on from lOS to become the financial
kingpin of the post-1979 Latin American cocaine bonanza. It is
no exaggeration to state that, on Meyer Lansky's death, Vesco
emerged as the inheritor of the old wizard's Caribbean dope money
empire. Vesco completed Lansky's "dream" in 1982, when,
at the point that U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration began closing
in on his Costa Rica safe haven, he moved to Havana as the personal
guest and financial adviser of Fidel Castro, who had long since
placed the resources of the DGI at the disposal of Dope, Inc.
If Resorts International is a glossy front
for Meyer Lansky's retail end of the biggest business in the world,
then what does that say for its wholly owned subsidiary Intertel?
Is it conceivable that this collection of senior officials from
the most prestigious and sophisticated intelligence services of
the United States, Canada, and Britain could be oblivious to the
fact that they are "riding shotgun" for one of the biggest
channels of narcotics and hot money in the Western Hemisphere?
Intertel stands exposed as the successor
to Major Bloomfield's Permindex, drawing on the same SOE-Division
Five capabilities, the same "direct line" interface
into the official intelligence branches of half the countries
in the world, the same allegiance to the British oligarchy behind
the $200 billion a year Dope, Inc. While the motives may vary
case by case, it is sufficient to say that anyone on the inside
of Intertel attempting to break from its service and spill the
beans would have about the same chance for survival as a Royal
Hong Kong police officer who decides to turn down his weekly bribery
With the consolidation of Resorts International,
we once again swing full circle. From a Prohibition-era jumping-off
point of syndicated organized crime in the United States-fostered
by the same British families that had ordered the Shanghai Massacre
to safeguard the rule of Dope, Inc. in China-we now find ourselves
50 years later confronted by a criminal infrastructure lobbying
for the decriminalization of crime itself. The Kennedy Justice
Department, Scotland Yard, and RCMP boys at Intertel sell their
services as "experts in cleaning out undesirable criminal
elements from your corporation."" Through this ruse
they captured the Howard Hughes fortunes and are at present taking
over "security services" for all the big Las Vegas casinos."
They moved into New Jersey and imposed gambling, horse racing,
and numbers as the three "growth industries"; they are
now posing New Jersey as the model to be followed by Florida,
Arizona, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.
After World War II, one of the economic
warfare specialists in Sir William Stephenson's SOE, a fellow
named Ian Fleming, wrote a series of coded novels describing the
efforts at world conquest of a "third force"-an ultramodern
international crime syndicate housed in the resort islands of
the Caribbean. The weapons of "third force" conquest
were drugs, political assassinations, grand-scale blackmail, and
economic war against the nations of the world. With Resorts International-Intertel,
Fleming's "third force"-the British oligarchy's Dope,
Inc.-put itself up for trade on the stock markets of the world.
Max Fisher was a "runner" for the Purple Gang during
the early 1930s. His job was to carry cash receipts across the
Canadian border to the Bronfman gang in advance payment for the
next shipment of booze and drugs for the speakeasies of Detroit,
Cleveland, and Buffalo. During this period, Fisher's activities
brought him into contact with the Murder, Inc. syndicate headed
by Meyer Lansky.
Meanwhile, on the East Coast, Julius Klein,
as an underling of William Wiseman, the official head of British
intelligence in the United States, was deployed to pull together
a "dirty tricks unit" that would be ready for action
on behalf of British interests in the Middle East as part of the
"Great Game." Klein recruited the unit from the ranks
of the Jewish War Veterans.'
British intelligence's Palestine operation
dates officially back to the 1917 Balfour Declaration-the British
oligarchy's statement of its determination to establish a "Jewish
homeland" that would serve as an asset for British interests
in the Middle East, especially against France. The project was
run through the British Secret Intelligence Service, with the
London Hofjuden families-particularly the Rothschilds-and the
"Our Crowd" investment bank circles of lower Manhattan
the immediate sponsors, as cutouts for the higher-ups of the British-centered
black nobility(we have already met.)
Run out of the Manhattan offices of Kuhn,
Loeb, Wiseman's "plumbers unit" continued work that
had begun with Baron Edmond de Rothschild's founding of the Palestine
Economics Commission in the 1920s. Under Rothschild funding, the
commission established an intricate network of weapons-smuggling
cells, money-laundering channels, and contraband shipping lines-utilizing
criminal enterprises and respectable businesses interchangeably.
In the spring of 1975, Max Fisher was voted in as chairman of
the board of United Brands. This placed him at the helm of a corporation
whose records reveal the very beginnings of organized crime in
the United States.
... United Fruit [was] rechartered recently
as United Brands Company ...
Under the directorship of Max Fisher,
United Brands' drug(trafficking appears to have flourished. According
to 1978 estimates of the Drug Enforcement Administration, over
20% of the cocaine and marijuana smuggled into the United States
enters aboard the ships and planes of United Brands.
Fisher's personal hand in this dope route
(DEA official reports show that over $7 billion a year in heroin,
cocaine, and marijuana is smuggled into the Florida Keys alone
through this "Silver Triangle" channel) is further suggested
by reports from several Midwest sources that his principal "contact
man" into the Caribbean is Robert Vesco. Fisher's privately
owned Marathon Oil Company, barging crude oil into the Midwest
from ports of call in South America, is also suspected of joining
United Brands in running the "Silver Triangle" drug
It is common knowledge in the United States and throughout the
world that the power ruling the "banana republics" of
Central America is and has been the United Fruit Company - United
Brands. It is no exaggeration to say that every coup that has
taken place in the region was backed by the fruit company, which
ran the nations of Central America mercilessly as slave-labor
plantations. In 1932, a coup in El Salvador-with United Fruit
sponsorship-exterminated 300,000 peasants who had risen up in
revolt against the conditions in which they were forced to live.
22 For forty years, the United Fruit Company stood behind the
regime of Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua. It is through the offices
of United Fruit that Haganah gun-runner Yehuda Arazi came to be
listed as an ambassador of the Nicaraguan government.
Once the state of Israel was established,
the flow of weapons through Nicaragua into Palestine was reversed:
A sizable part of the Israeli armaments industry (an estimated
60%) was pumped back into the Central American "banana dictatorships."
Israeli weapons and military hardware sustained the Somoza regime
when it came under attack and permitted Somoza to carry out his
scorched earth policy against his own population. When Somoza's
regime finally collapsed, it was a former United Brands employ
, Francisco Urcuyo, who briefly stepped into the presidency. Israeli
weapons to Somoza were funneled under the cover of the Israeli
Maritime Fruit Company, through the services of Max Fisher's associate
... And when the United Brands mafia determined to dump the traditional
dictators of the previous half-century, the same flow of Israeli
and East Bloc originating arms began to flow into the Sandinistas
and Moscow-backed narcoterrorist groups in Guatemala and El Salvador...
The cocaine and marijuana consumed in
the United States is the blood product of hundreds of thousands
in Central America who live under the rule of United Brands. Yet
today, United Brands Chairman Max Fisher is acknowledged "kingmaker"
of the Michigan Republican Party, and has served as president
of the United Jewish Appeal, president of the Jewish Welfare Fund,
honorary chairman of the American Jewish Committee; and was until
1978 the national fundraising chairman for the Republican Party.
In 1979 the Jerusalem Post named him "Jew of the Year."
Emprise was one of the largest non-public, family-owned corporations
in the world, a conglomerate with control or partial control over
450 separate companies. Its stated annual income as of the late
1970s was $350 million, from holdings in North American and British
sports complexes, race tracks, and food consortia. It is probably
the biggest quasi-legitimate cover for organized crime's money-laundering
in the United States.
The Jacobs family's only concession to
the numerous attempts by law enforcement agencies to shut them
down was to change Emprise's name to Sportsystems in 1972.
Despite a record of criminal activity stretching back to World
War I - and never interrupted - the Jacobs family remains one
of the open, "legitimate" fronts for Dope. Inc. Not
only is the Jacobs family protected, but it retains a group of
veterans of the Kennedy administration's Organized Crime Strike
Force as its legal department.
... The original Jacobs brothers, Louis,
Marvin, and Charles, used the old smugglers' cover of "food
concessions" for a chain of vaudeville theaters on the Canadian
border crossing points at Buffalo and Cleveland.' The modus operandi
is pretty much the one Mitchell Bronfman used during the early
1970s for smuggling heroin into the United States. Once established,
the Jacobs machine became a leading distributor for Bronfman liquor
as the United States went dry.
California State Representative [Assemblyman] Willie Brown, [was]
a paid lobbyist for Resorts International.
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith proclaims itself( to
be a non-profit corporation "designed to eliminate defamation
of Jews and other religious and ethnic groups; to advance proper
Understanding among all peoples; and to preserve and translate
into greater effectiveness the principles of freedom, equality
and democracy" (from the Bylaws of the ADL of B'nai B'rith,
as amended by the National Commission, June 1982).
... The ADL is a public-relations front
for that branch of American organized crime founded by Meyer Lansky
during the early decades of this century, under the patronage
an and sponsorship of leading Anglo-American financial interests.
It was no public relations gaffe when, in 1985, the ADL gave its
Torch of Liberty award to gangster Morris Dalitz, a founder :of
the notorious Purple Gang and longtime crime partner of the late
mobster Meyer Lansky. The present leadership of the ADL is dominated
by figures with longstanding ties to organized crime, particularly
to the international drug money-laundering apparatus.
No discussion of the ADL's ties to organized crime and the drug
apparatus would be complete without reference to Edgar Bronfman,
ADL honorary vice chairman and chief of its New York Appeal.
Today touted as a leading international
businessman, philanthropist, and the chairman of the prestigious
World Jewish Congress, Bronfman has been unable to erase the taint
left by the fact that his entire family fortune-Seagram's Corp.,
its majority share in E.I. du Pont de Nemours Co., etc.-derived
from his father's Prohibition-era bootlegging activities. Known
at the time as the "Bronfman Gang," the Canadian Bronfmans
were the main illegal suppliers to America's crime syndicate known
as "Murder, Inc." By no later than 1920, when Edgar's
father Sam Bronfman and Arnold Rothstein agent Jacob Katzenberg
were dispatched to Hong Kong to arrange opium supplies, the bootlegging
routes were also utilized for the smuggling and retail distribution
of illegal drugs.
Top officials of the ADL are suspected accessories in a number
1 of major international political assassinations, including the
murders of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and Indian Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi. While no evidence is known to exist linking
the ADL to the actual executions, very strong evidence does exist
in all three cases implicating top ADL officials in the preparation
or the coverup of those crimes.
... If the assassination of Indira Gandhi
was intended as a blow to improving U.S.-Indian relations to the
benefit of the ADL's London sponsors and Soviet and Israeli friends,
the assassination on Feb. 28, 1986 of Swedish Prime Minister Olof
Palme appears to have been similarly motivated by a common objective
of certain circles in Moscow, London, and Washington: to cover
up the biggest international weapons and drug trafficking scandal
in history-a scandal that only began to surface with the Iran-Contra
revelations in the United States and Western Europe and the more
recent "Stasi-gate" in East Germany.
When Prime Minister Olof Palme ordered
Swedish police to raid the offices of Karl Erik Schmits, a prominent
international arms dealer, just months before his assassination,
significant evidence began to turn up concerning American, British,
Israeli, as well as Soviet bloc arms trafficking to Iran, Iraq,
and the Nicaraguan Contras all in apparent collusion. Palme reportedly
became deeply concerned when the full extent of Swedish socialist
democratic involvement in the arms trafficking and profiteering
was documented in records seized in the Schmits raids, and began
to crack down on the flow of arms from Sweden to the Persian Gulf.
At that point, the prime minister became an expendable adversary
of the very intelligence services for whom he had worked throughout
his political career.
The cover-up of the role of the People's Republic of China [PRC]
in producing and trafficking drugs to the West is one of the biggest
lies perpetrated by a U.S. government, in this case by successive
American presidential administrations, over the last two decades.
The success of this coverup far exceeds even that of the Warren
Commission report on the assassination of John Kennedy.
... Not only did the P.R.C. never stop
growing and trafficking in opium-and there is no evidence to suggest
that Beijing did stop - but in the 1980s, the resurgence of the
Golden Triangle drug flow to the West, surpassing the heyday of
the Vietnam War, shows that Beijing is on a new drug offensive.
Corroborated reports indicate that today
the P.R.C. is the world's largest opium producer. According to
Hong Kong reports, the P.R.C. is producing 800 metric tons of
opium per year. This is the same as the record-high 800 tons produced
annually in the entire region during the height of the Vietnam
War, when Chinese drug-trafficking was an open matter of Chinese
war strategy. Before 1972, it was well known that the P.R.C. produced
65% of the world's opium. The Hong Kong-based Liberation Monthly
reported in December 1989 that the P.R.C. provides 80% of the
high-quality heroin selling on the international market.
... Contrary to the P.R.C.'s own propaganda,
drug-trafficking is not the business of independent criminals,
but a prime earner of foreign exchange and directed by a state
monopoly controlled by some of the top dogs of the communist hierarchy.
The China dope is smuggled out into the world labeled either as
"Burmese," "Pakistani," or "Afghan."
As the Dec. 19, 1985, French journal Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
noted in an article, the P.R.C. drug trade "does not work
in a clandestine way. One of the centers of this Chinese connection
is the extreme-western part of China near Pakistan, Afghanistan,
and the Soviet Union. The reporter arrived in a city called Kashi
where the ethnic minority called the Uygurs are controlling the
drug traffic toward Pakistan." The city is reportedly filled
with Pakistanis.
... P.R.C. interest in drug-trafficking
did not end with the end of the Vietnam War, the end of the Cultural
Revolution, or the death of madman Mao Zedong, but continues to
be the policy of China's "reformist" leadership under
Kissinger crony Deng Xiaoping.
The lid was clamped down on the Chinese communists' role in global
drug-trafficking by Henry Kissinger. Although it was widely known
and of course admitted by Beijing's leaders that the P.R.C. had
produced and trafficked dope to American G.I.s in Vietnam, by
the end of the Nixon administration, Kissinger had squelched all
mention of the P.R.C. as a drug source, in the interests of his
new "China card" policy for a Washington-Beijing rapprochement.
... the United States entered into its
geopolitical alliance with the P.R.C. with the full knowledge
that Beijing-produced and -trafficked drugs were being funneled
into the veins of American youth, with the profits going to Beijing.
After 1949, the communists outlawed all drug consumption, I a
policy which, like all others, was ruthlessly enforced. Simultaneously,
Beijing expanded opium production nationally and brought it under
strict state monopoly control.
As Joseph Douglass reports in his book
Red Cocaine, "Their targets were Japan, the United States
military forces in the Far East, neighboring countries throughout
the Far East, and the U.S. mainland. The primary organizations
involved in the early 1950s were the Chinese Foreign Ministry,
the Trade Ministry, the Intelligence Service. North Korea was
also producing and trafficking narcotics in cooperation with China
at this time and was directly connected with the flow of drugs
into Japan and into the U.S. military bases in the Far East.
"China's narcotics operations...
have been described by several Chinese officials who later left
China and were granted political asylum in other countries. One
such official who left in the late 1950s described a secret meeting
of state officials in 1952 when the Chinese operation was reorganized
and a 20-year plan adopted. At this meeting, decisions were made
to standardize grades of narcotics, establish promotion regulations,
set pricing schedules that would encourage aggressive marketing,
dispatch sales representatives, expand research and production,
and reorganize management responsibility."
As Douglass reports, "In 1957, at
the third meeting of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist
Party, attention was focused on the economy. The decision was
taken at that meeting to expand drug production as one solution
for their economic problems. The collective farms were to be expanded
by 100 percent, and similarly, research and production laboratories
were to be expanded. To further ease the problems, instructions
were sent out to have emigrants invest in business in China and
support China's policy and interests, including the marketing
of drugs and narcotics. Primary targets were Mexico, the United
States and Canada."
"The organization behind the Chinese
narcotics operations was extensive and involved many ministries
and agencies from the national down to the local levels. These
organizations oversaw the reclamation of lands for production
(Ministry of Forestry and Reclamation), the cultivation and research
to produce better varieties of poppies (Ministry of Agriculture),
development of opiates (Committee for the Review of Austerity),
management of storage and preparation for export (Ministry of
Commerce), management of external trade organizations (Ministry
of Foreign Trade), statistical control and programming (Central
Government Production Board), finance (Ministry of Finance), marketing
through special representatives and political intrigue (Ministry
of Foreign Affairs), and security and covert operations (Ministry
of Public Security).
"Another important overseer of opium
production has been the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau of the State Council.
Prior to World War I, much of Chinese opium was produced under
the direction of British tobacco interests, of which British American
Tobacco was the most important. This is the apparent basis for
the later role of the P.R.C. Tobacco Bureau in the trade. Interestingly,
George Bush's White House counsel C. Boyden Gray, is the heir
to the R.J. Reynolds tobacco fortune, which is based on that firm's
partnership with British American Tobacco in that same period.
"The trafficking tradecraft,"
Douglass relates, "included classical smuggling, transport
by shipping companies (both knowingly and unknowingly), use of
communists and ethnic Chinese abroad, collaboration with international
organized-crime syndicates, use of foreign posts of mainland parent
organizations, abuse of diplomatic privilege, use of normal branded
merchandise as a cover, transport by mail, and forgery, or packaging
with misleading trademarks.
"Throughout the 1950s and 1960s,
probably the most important official who exercised day-to-day
control over China's narcotics operations was Chou En-lai"
- Kissinger's grand partner in forging the China card policy.
During a meeting in Wuhan in 1958 convened to discuss the expansion
of opium production, Chou En-lai is quoted by Taiwan specialists
as saying:
"The Center has decided to promote
poppy cultivation on a large scale .... Everyone of you must awake
to the fact that the war in Vietnam is likely to escalate and
U.S. imperialism has determined to fight against our revolutionary
camp by increasing its military force in Vietnam .... From the
revolutionary point of view, the poppy is great force to assist
the course of our revolution and should be used; from the class
point of view, the poppy can also become a powerful weapon to
win the proletarian revolution... By exporting large quantities
of morphine and heroin, we are able to weaken the U.S. combat
force and to defeat it without even fighting at all."
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