If We Decided to Tax the Rich
from the book
Sharing the Pie
by Steve Brouwer

Can the people of the United States retake control, once again
taxing the richest citizens at a progressive rate and creating
a fair society for all? If we had a Congress and a president who
were willing to promote the interests of the vast majority of
Americans, we could recapture some of the accumulated wealth that
has been transferred to the rich over the last two decades. A
reallocation of our resources could serve working people in the
following ways:
* by creating full employment, with a higher minimum wage
and shorter workweek
* by supporting quality day care for all who need it
* by providing for federally funded health care that serves
* by rebuilding the nation's schools, roads, bridges, sewers,
and parks
* by offering free higher education and other training to
all citizens
Measures such as this will certainly cost hundreds of billions
of dollars. Where can we get this kind of money while keeping
the budget deficit reasonably low? There are several places to
* We must reestablish upper-bracket federal income tax rates
comparable to those imposed during the prosperous decades of the
1950s and 1960s. The current effective rate on the richest 1 percent,
whose income is at least $900 billion per year, is about 25 percent.
An effective tax rate of 50 percent on the very richest 1 percent
of Americans would raise an extra $225 billion.
* Raise the effective tax rate on corporate profits to 50
percent, the approximate rate of the 1950s. Profits have risen
dramatically, to over $600 billion per year, while taxes have
remained at an effective rate of about 25 percent, so this increase
would yield another $150 billion.
* Institute an annual wealth tax of 3 percent on the richest
1 percent of Americans; this will yield $250 billion per year.
* Cut defense spending on new weaponry by $100 billion to
stay in line with the diminished military budgets of the rest
of the world.
These proposals, and the $725 billion they would raise, might
outrage the corporations and the rich, as well as the politicians
whom they have so carefully cultivated; but it would hardly be
a case of impoverishing the well-to-do. The $625 billion in increased
taxation would simply restore the more equitable (but hardly equal)
distribution of income and wealth enjoyed by Americans three decades
ago. The exact fiscal measures used to achieve more egalitarian
economic outcomes are not all that important; the ones listed
above could be modified or partially replaced by others. (For
instance, Social Security taxes could be made less regressive
by assessing them on the highest salaries, and on all forms of
property and financial income as well. Other worthy forms of taxation
could be reestablished, such as the once progressive but now largely
eviscerated inheritance tax.
Big Problems Require Big Solutions
A class war, waged by the rich with very little opposition
from the working class, has already taken place. The size of economic
transfers recommended here would enable us to redress the imbalance
of power in appropriate proportion to the inequality that has
been imposed over the past twenty years. The money is there, and
its redistribution back to working people would establish the
balance that exists in most of the other highly industrialized
Righting the imbalance between the rich and the working class
is not just a matter of tinkering with budget deficit rules or
massaging the Consumer Price Index or the measures of productivity.
It is a battle for political and economic power, a matter of control
over the political economy. Sharing our economic resources more
equitably again will require ordinary citizens to exercise their
democratic rights in a determined and unified manner. This fundamental
shift cannot be accomplished by a quick swing of voters in one
election, but only through a lengthy process of education and
organization that convinces the American people that major changes
are both desirable and possible.
Labor and Work
Even though labor unions in the United States threw $35 million
into targeted congressional races in 1996, there is little merit
in the conservative claim that organized labor has the same kind
of power in the Democratic Party as big business interests have
in the Republican Party. Unions have resources that are minuscule
compared with those of business interests: in 1996, all labor
associations together collected $6 billion in dues, as compared
with the $4 trillion in revenues and $360 billion in profits gathered
by corporations. Labor can gain politically only when millions
of working people, unionized and non-unionized, are engaged in
the political process.
There are reasons for optimism. Despite the fact that the
percentage of organized workers has been more than cut in half
in the past forty years, from 35 percent to less than 15 percent,
unions have made recent gains in organizing women, Hispanics,
and African-Americans as members. In making an effort to organize
the working poor and to alleviate the exploitation of part-time
and contingent workers, unions are reviving the universal goals
that once gave life to the labor movement. The emphasis on raising
the wages of those at the bottom is crucial in two ways: it stresses
the equal status due to all those who are willing to work, and
it protects the wages and benefits of those already organized.
A distinct turnaround in public perceptions of the labor movement
became evident in August of 1997 during the strike by drivers
and package handlers at United Parcel Service. Opinion polls showed
that Americans backed the Teamsters over UPS management by a margin
of 2 to 1. This was a bit surprising given the Teamsters' well-publicized
history of corruption and the fact that UPS was generally regarded
as a good company. Two beliefs seemed most compelling to average
Americans: first, that a company making billions in profits should
be able to share them with hardworking employees; and second,
that a company which had increased its number of part-timers to
over 60 percent of its workforce, then paid them only half the
wages of full-time workers, was trying to screw people over. This
resonated with many average Americans who had either experienced
downsizing themselves or who clearly understood that many companies
felt free to throw loyal and competent workers aside.
The shift in public attitudes was having an effect on some
voices emanating from the business press. Business Week, which
had celebrated corporate CEOs as "stars" who deserved
the 30 percent raises they received in 1995, did an about-face
in April of 1997 when it reviewed the 54 percent increase in CEO
compensation for 1996: "Call it Executive Over-Compensation,"
read the headline of their editorial, which concluded, "Compensation
is running riot in many comer offices of corporate America. This
simply has to stop." More surprising still was the magazine's
reaction when it uncovered a tiny increase in wages of working
Americans (about 1 percent) that had occurred between the summer
of 1996 and the summer of 1997: "The prosperity of recent
years is finally being shared by those in the lower tier of the
economy-and that is cause for celebration, not despair. "
While Business Week was obviously premature in announcing that
prosperity was being shared, its sentiments suggested that American
concerns with inequality were finally being heard.
While the destruction of the social safety net has been a
defeat for labor, welfare itself can be redefined by a progressive,
labor-backed political program. Welfare should represent part
of a universal social contract that can be extended to anyone
who meets with severe economic hardships. The contract would make
only one demand: that every capable citizen be willing to work.
In return each citizen would receive good wages, quality education,
and job training, with the added benefits of universal health
care and day care. This kind of practical social democracy, grounded
in the culture of working people, would quickly deflate the false
claims of the right, that the poor are "lazy," "shiftless,"
and worse. The vast majority of the unemployed and underemployed
poor, of whatever race, would be happy to claim membership in
a newly dignified working class.
The power of labor has been unfairly curtailed in recent decades,
so it is necessary to fight the legal restrictions and management
policies that prevent union activity among the poorly paid and
unorganized. But this alone is not sufficient. The more challenging
task is convincing a good portion of the middle class that it
too benefits from working-class mobilization. New kinds of political
and social organizations must be formed-not necessarily traditional
labor unions-to articulate the goals that middle-class employees
share with lower-paid workers. Political solutions will require
a very broad solidarity among working Americans, a solidarity
that can bridge class, racial, and ethnic lines. This should not
be too difficult at a time when working conditions, benefits,
and job security are deteriorating even among privileged salaried
workers, and when many in the so-called middle class are being
subjected to "working-class" treatment by senior management.
... Not all of our economic and social problems began in the
last two decades of the twentieth century, but the policies pursued
during the Reagan-Bush-Clinton era have made things considerably
worse. Working people have suffered so that a small elite could
enlarge its fortunes. In turn, this accumulated money has been
wasted on speculative trading, widespread fraud, and nonproductive
sectors of the economy, as well as corporate investment in countries
where labor is provided by desperately poor people.
The old structures of capital accumulation have brought us
regular cycles of poverty and depression in the past. Today things
are worse, for capital has lost whatever productive drive and
capability it once possessed; the glorification of entrepreneurship
in the 1980s brought on the destruction, not the multiplication,
of our national assets. The upper class tried to regenerate itself
through money games that were far removed from real economic production:
the plunder of the banking system, the privatization of public
savings, and the paper trade in corporate assets.
It seemed, only a few years back, that if the United States
failed to break these habits we would keep sinking in relation
to other highly industrialized countries. The ascent of the economies
of Japan, Germany, and the rest of Western Europe from 1950 to
1990 was remarkable. They seemed poised to leave us behind precisely
because they were taking much better care of their people at the
same time that their societies were becoming more productive.
Today something more frightening is happening. The United
States, in concert with the corporate engines of globalization,
may well bring the rest of the industrialized world down to its
level. Once that has happened, the forces unleashed by international
finance capital will keep pushing living standards downward. It
is uncertain whether the kinds of social democracy set up in Western
Europe can survive the current trends that have internationalized
capital. Now, as capital moves quickly from continent to continent,
often searching for cheap labor disciplined by authoritarian regimes,
the capitalists are becoming more internationalized, too (whether
they know it or not. They cannot possibly show loyalty, whether
feigned or real, to the working and middle classes in their own
Without a sharp turnaround toward democracy and equality in
the United States, Europe will be virtually alone in its commitment
to social democracy. The pressures low-wage immigrant labor, cheap
imports from Eastern Europe and Asia, and free-market practices
of governments are already threatening once secure areas of employment
and causing right-wing populism to pop up in various Western European
countries. Surprising numbers of middle-class and working-class
voters have supported ultra-nationalist, neo-fascist parties throughout
Europe because, like white male workers in the United States,
they see their status slipping.
Europe's weakened remnants of social democracy may survive
for a while, but are unlikely to do very well if the American,
Japanese, and other international investors (including Europeans)
keep filling the world's markets with cheaper products produced
by mainland Chinese, Indonesians, Thais, Vietnamese, Filipinos,
and others in the vast new workhouse of Asia. In this chaotic
world mess, the authoritarian/austerity regimes based on the Taiwanese
and South Korean experience will be the model for modem development;
their kinds of management teams are exportable, as are their long
hours and brutal working conditions. These factors are rapidly
fuming China, the ultimate labor resource, into a giant replica
of the Asian Tiger economy.
In the United States few mainstream commentators are paying
attention to the ways that "free-trade" ideology is
undermining real freedom. They have failed, for instance, to see
the dark portents behind President Clinton's willingness to seek
campaign contributions from Indonesian billionaires and Chinese
corporations. Conservative columnist and former Nixon speechwriter
William Safire was one of the few to see the situation t clearly
when he described "the central point of the ideo-economic
struggle going on in today's world. On one side are governments
that put 'order' above all, and offer an under-the-table partnership
to managers who like arranged outcomes and a docile work force."
If Arkansas, which looks suspiciously like a center of third
world development within the United States, is the economic and
political model stuck inside our President's head, then we are
already in trouble. And if Singapore is the model state for globalizing
high-tech development in the eyes of the world's investing class,
then we are drifting toward something worse: an illusion of democracy
called "authoritarian democracy."
Nearly one hundred and seventy years ago, Alexis de Tocqueville
wrote that "the manufacturing aristocracy which is growing
up before our eyes is one of the harshest that ever existed in
the world.... If ever a permanent inequality of conditions and
aristocracy again penetrate the world, it may be predicted that
this is the gate by which they will enter." The new corporate
aristocracy- controlling not just transnational manufacturing
but also worldwide finance and services-is more powerful than
anything de Tocqueville could have imagined, and it has diminished
the prospects for democracy in America.
The citizens of the United States need to restrain the single-minded
accumulation of private capital, invest in strong public institutions,
and give human values some room to thrive. Real democracy requires
that the people find ways to share wealth and power.
As the repositories of immense wealth and I technical expertise,
the rich nations of the North ought to promote peaceful and fair
development rather than unleash free-market chaos throughout the
rest of the world. At home, the productive forces of the: United
States and the other advanced industrialized countries are easily
sufficient to enhance equality and democratic values, as well
as provide a comfortable standard of living for all.
the Pie