Fascism - characteristics
from Internet

A class of political ideologies (and historical
political regimes) that takes its name from the movement led by
Benito Mussolini that took power in Italy in 1922. Mussolini's
ideas and practices directly and indirectly influenced political
movements in Germany (especially the Nazi Party), Spain (Franco's
Falange Party), France, Argentina, and many other European and
non-European countries right up to the present day.
The different "fascist" movements
and regimes have varied considerably in their specific goals and
practices, but they are usually said to be characterized by several
common features:
1.Militant nationalism, proclaiming
the racial and cultural superiority of the dominant ethnic group
and asserting that group's inherent right to a special dominant
position over other peoples in both the domestic and the international
2.The adulation of a single charismatic
national leader said to possess near superhuman abilities and
to be the truest representation of the ideals of the national
culture, whose will should therefore literally be law
3.Emphasis on the absolute necessity
of complete national unity, which is said to require a very powerful
and disciplined state organization (especially an extensive secret
police and censorship apparatus), unlimited by constitutional
restrictions or legal requirements and under the absolute domination
of the leader and his political movement or party
4.Militant anti-Communism coupled
with the belief in an extreme and imminent threat to national
security from powerful and determined Communist forces both inside
and outside the country
5.Contempt for democratic socialism,
democratic capitalism, liberalism, and all forms of individualism
as weak, degenerate, divisive and ineffective ideologies leading
only to mediocrity or national suicide
6.Glorification of physical strength,
fanatical personal loyalty to the leader, and general combat-readiness
as the ultimate personal virtues
7.A sophisticated apparatus for systematically
propagandizing the population into accepting these values and
ideas through skilled manipulation of the mass media, which are
totally monopolized by the regime once the movement comes to power
8.A propensity toward pursuing a militaristic
and aggressive foreign policy
9.Strict regulation and control of
the economy by the regime through some form of corporatist economic
planning in which the legal forms of private ownership of industry
are nominally preserved but in which both workers and capitalists
are obliged to submit their plans and objectives to the most detailed
state regulation and extensive wage and price controls, which
are designed to insure the priority of the political leadership's
objectives over the private economic interests of the citizenry.
Therefore under fascism most of the more important markets are
allowed to operate only in a non-competitive, cartelized, and
governmentally "rigged" fashion.
Friendly Fascism - by Bertram Gross -
"Don't think that modern fascists
are like Hitler or Mussolini. Today's Big Government-Big Business
tyrants are just as willing to use violence. But they do it more
efficiently than the old-time fascists-- with higher tech and
lower costs to them. They have the best looks, poli- ticians,
celebrities, and control mechanisms that money can buy. Yes, their
own conscience tells them that true democracy would be nice.
But suppressing their conscience, they under- mine the rights
of the working and middle classes. Their operating principle is
"Might, Money, Male, Murder-- and also White--Make Right."
They wreck the environment. They fool you, rule you, use you,
abuse you--and make you like it. They divide you by race, sex,
class, and nationality. But they fear the power of the powerless.
They're afraid of what you could do if you get off the boob tube
and drugs, out of the night clubs and cut-throat competition--and
work with others for equal rights."
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