The Specter of Friendly Fascism
excerpted from the book
Friendly Fascism
The New Face of Power in
by Bertram Gross
South End Press, 1980, paper

The Unfolding Logic
... as I survey the entire panorama of contending forces, I can
readily detect something more important: the outline of a powerful
logic of events. This logic points toward tighter integration
of every First World Establishment. In the United States it points
toward more concentrated, unscrupulous, repressive, and militaristic
control by a Big Business-Big Government partnership that-to preserve
the privileges of the ultra-rich, the corporate overseers, and
the brass in the military and civilian order-squelches the rights
and liberties of other people both at home and abroad. That is
friendly fascism.
At any particular moment First World leaders may respond to crisis
like people in a crowded night club when smoke and flames suddenly
billow forth. They do not set up a committee to plan their response.
Neither do they act in a random or haphazard fashion. Rather,
the logic of the situation prevails. Everyone runs to where they
think the exits are. In the ensuing melee some may be trampled
to death. Those who know where the exits really are, who are most
favorably situated, and have the most strength will save themselves.
Thus it was in Italy, Japan, and Germany
when the classic fascists came to power. The crisis of depression,
inflation, and class conflict provided an ideal opportunity for
the cartels, warmongers, right-wing extremists, and rowdy street
fighters to rush toward power. The fascist response was not worked
out by some central cabal of secret conspirators. Nor was it a
random or accidental development. The dominant logic of the situation
Thus too it was after World War II. Neither
First World unity nor the Golden International was the product
of any central planners in the banking, industrial, political,
or military community. Indeed, there was then-as there still is-considerable
conflict among competing groups at the pinnacle of the major capitalist
establishments. But there was a broad unfolding logic about the
way these conflicts were adjusted and the "Free World"
empire came into being. This logic involved hundreds of separate
plans and planning committees-some highly visible, some less so,
some secret. It encompassed the values and pressures of reactionaries,
conservatives, and liberals. In some cases, it was a logic of
response to anticapitalist movements and offensives that forced
them into certain measures-like the expanded welfare state-which
helped themselves despite themselves.
Although the friendly fascists are subversive
elements, they rarely see themselves as such. Some are merely
out to make money under conditions of stagflation. Some are merely
concerned with keeping or expanding their power and privileges.
Many use the rhetoric of freedom, liberty, democracy, human values,
or even human rights. In pursuing their mutual interests through
a new coalition of concentrated oligarchic power, people may be
hurt-whether through pollution, shortages, unemployment, inflation,
or war. But that is not part of their central purpose. It is the
product of invisible hands that are not theirs.
For every dominant logic, there is an
alternative or subordinate logic. Indeed, a dominant logic may
even contribute to its own undoing. This has certainly been the
case with many strong anticommunist drives as in both China and
Indochina-that tended to accelerate the triumph of communism.
If friendly fascism emerges on a full scale in the United States,
or even if the tendencies in that direction become still stronger,
countervailing forces may here too be created. Thus may the unfolding
logic of friendly fascism-to borrow a term from Marx-sow the seeds
of its destruction or prevention.
A few years before his death, John D. Rockefeller III glimpsed-
although through a glass darkly-the logic of capitalist response
to crisis. In The Second American Revolution (1973) he defined
the crises of the 1960s and early 1970s as a humanistic revolution
based mainly on the black and student "revolts," women's
liberation, consumerism, environmentalism, and the yearnings for
nonmaterialistic values. He saw these crises as an opportunity
to develop a humanistic capitalism. If the Establishment should
repress these humanistic urges, he wrote, "the result could
be chaos and anarchy, or it could be authoritarianism, either
of a despotic mold or the 'friendly fascism' described by urban
affairs professor Bertram Gross."
A similar note of urgency is trumpeted by General Maxwell Taylor
who, in contrast with Zoll's response to internal dangers, warns
mainly against external dangers. "How can a democracy such
as ours," he asks, "defend its interests at acceptable
costs and continue to enjoy the freedom of speech and behavior
to which we are accustomed in time of peace?" Although his
answer is not as candid as Zoll's, he replies that such traditional
and liberal properties must be dispensed with: "We must advance
concurrently on both foreign and domestic fronts by means of integrated
rational power responsive to a unified national Will''. Here is
a distressing echo of Adolf Hilter's pleas for "integration"
(Gleichschaltung) and unified national will.
James Madison
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of
the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments
of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."
Although friendly fascism would mean total ruin of the American
dream, it could hardly come suddenly- let alone in any precisely
predictable year. This is one of the reasons I cannot go along
with the old-fashioned Marxist picture of capitalism or imperialism
dropping the fig leaf or the mask. This imagery suggests a process
not much longer than a striptease. It reinforces the apocalyptic
vision of a quick collapse of capitalist democracy-whether "not
with a bang but a whimper," as T. S. Eliot put it, or with
"dancing to a frenzied drum" as in the words of William
Butler Yeats. In my judgment, rather, one of the greatest dangers
is the slow process through which friendly fascism would come
into being. For a large part of the population the changes would
be unnoticed. Even those most alive to the danger may see only
part of the picture-until it is too late. For most people, as
with historians and social scientists, 20-20 vision on fundamental
change comes only with hindsight. And by that time, with the evidence
at last clearly visible, the new serfdom might have long since
... in the movement toward friendly fascism, any sudden forward
thrust at one level could be followed by a consolidating pause
or temporary withdrawal at another level. Every step toward greater
repression might be accompanied by some superficial reform, every
expansionist step abroad by some new payoff at home, every well-publicized
shocker (like the massacres at Jackson State, Kent State, and
Attica, the Watergate scandals or the revelations of illegal deals
by the FBI or CIA) by other steps of less visibility but equal
or possibly greater significance, such as large welfare payments
to multinational banks and industrial conglomerates. At all stages
the fundamental directions of change would be obscured by a series
of Hobson's choices, of public issues defined in terms of clear-cut
crossroads-one leading to the frying pan and the other to the
fire. Opportunities would thus be provided for learned debate
and earnest conflict over the choice among alternative roads to
serfdom . . .
The unifying element in this unfolding
logic is the capital-accumulation imperative of the world's leading
capitalist forces, creatively adjusted to meet the challenges
of the many crises I have outlined. This is quite different from
the catch-up imperatives of the Italian, German, and Japanese
leaders after World War I. Nor would its working out necessarily
require a charismatic dictator, one-party rule, glorification
of the State, dissolution of legislatures, termination of multiparty
elections, ultranationalism, or attacks on rationality.
As illustrated in the following oversimplified
outline, which also points up the difference between classic fascism
and friendly fascism, the following eight chapters summarize the
many levels of change at which the trends toward friendly fascism
are already visible.
Despite the sharp differences from classic
fascism, there are also some basic similarities. In each, a powerful
oligarchy operates outside of, as well as through, the state.
Each subverts constitutional government. Each suppresses rising
demands for wider participation in decision making, the enforcement
and enlargement of human rights, and genuine democracy. Each uses
informational control and ideological flimflam to get lower and
middle-class support for plans to expand the capital and power
of the oligarchy and provide suitable rewards for political, professional,
scientific, and cultural supporters.
A major difference is that under friendly
fascism Big Government would do less pillaging of, and more pillaging
for, Big Business. With much more integration than ever before
among transnational corporations, Big Business would run less
risk of control by any one state and enjoy more subservience by
many states. In turn, stronger government support of transnational
corporations, such as the large group of American companies with
major holdings in South Africa, requires the active fostering
of all latent conflicts among those segments of the American population
that may object to this kind of foreign venture. It requires an
Establishment with lower levels so extensive that few people or
groups can attain significant power outside it, so flexible that
many (perhaps most) dissenters and would-be revolutionaries can
be incorporated within it. Above all, friendly fascism in any
First World country today would \ use sophisticated control technologies
far beyond the ken of the classic fascists.
Although American hegemony can scarcely return in its Truman-Eisenhower-Kennedy-Johnson
form, this does not necessarily signify the end of the American
Century. Nor does communist and socialist advance on some fronts
mark American and capitalist retreat on all fronts. There are
unmistakable tendencies toward a rather thoroughgoing reconstruction
of the entire "Free World." Robert Osgood sees a transitional
period of "limited readjustment" and "retrenchment
without disengagement," after which America could establish
a "more enduring rationale of global influence." Looking
at foreign policy under the Nixon administration, Robert W. Tucker
sees no intention to "dismantle the empire" but rather
a continued commitment to the view that "America must still
remain the principal guarantor of a global order now openly and
without equivocation identified with the status quo." He
describes America as a "settled imperial power shorn of much
of the former exuberance." George Liska looks forward to
a future in which Americans, having become more mature in the
handling of global affairs, will at last be the leaders of a true
Amaury De Riencourt
"Caesarism can come to America constitutionally without having
to break down any existing institution."
... a friendly fascist power structure in the I United States,
Canada, Western Europe, or today's Japan would be far more sophisticated
than the "caesarism" of fascist Germany, Italy, and
Japan. It would need no charismatic dictator nor even a titular
head... it would require no one-party rule, no mass fascist party,
no glorification of the State, no dissolution of legislatures,
no denial of reason. Rather, it would come slowly as an outgrowth
of present trends in the Establishment.
Under the full-fledged oligarchy of friendly fascism, the Chief
Executive network would become much more powerful than ever before.
And the top executive-in America, the president-would in a certain
sense become more important than before. But not in the sense
of a personal despotism like Hitler's.
Indeed, the president under friendly fascism
would be as far from personal caesarism as from being a Hirohito-type
figurehead. Nor would a president and his political associates
extort as much "protection money" from big-business
interests as was extracted under Mussolini and Hilter. The Chief
Executive would neither ride the tiger nor try to steal its food;
rather, he would be part of the tiger from the outset. The White
House and the entire Chief Executive network would become the
heart (and one of the brain centers) of the new business-government
symbiosis. Under these circumstances the normal practices of the
Ultra-Rich and the Corporate Overlords would be followed: personal
participation in high-Ievel business deals and lavish subsidization
of political campaigns, both partly hidden from public view.
This transformation would require a new concept of presidential
leadership, one emphasizing legitimacy and righteousness above
all else. As the linchpin of an oligarchic establishment, the
White House would continue to be the living and breathing symbol
of legitimate government. "Reigning" would become the
first principle of "ruling". Only by wrapping himself
and all his agents in the trappings of constitutionality could
the President succeed in subverting the spirit of the Constitution
and the Bill of Rights. The Chief Executive Network, Big Business,
and the UltraRich could remain far above and beyond legal and
moral law only through the widely accepted image that all of them,
and particularly the president, were fully subservient to law
and morality. In part, this is a matter of public relations-but
not the old Madison Avenue game of selling perfume or deodorants
to the masses. The most important nostrils are those of the multileveled
elites in the establishment itself; if things smell well to them,
then the working-buying classes can probably be handled effectively.
In this context, it is not at all sure that the personal charisma
of a president could ever be as important as it was in the days
of Theodore or Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, or John
F. Kennedy.
It is no easy task to erect a shield of
legitimacy to cloak the illegitimate. Doing so would require the
kind of leadership that in emphasizing the long-term interests
of Big Business and the Ultra-Rich would stand up strongly against
any elements that are overly greedy for short-term windfalls.
Thus in energy planning, foreign trade, labor relations, and wage-price
controls, for example, the friendly fascist White House would
from time to time engage in activities that could be publicly
regarded as "cracking down on business." While a few
recalcitrant corporate overseers might thus be reluctantly educated,
the chief victims would usually be small or medium-sized enterprises,
who would thus be driven more rapidly into bankruptcy or merger.
In this sense, conspicuous public leadership would become a form
of followership.
During the 1970s, as its forces slowly retreated from the Asian
mainland, the U.S. military establishment seemed to dwindle. Even
with veterans' and outer-space expenditures included, war spending
declined as a portion of the GNP. Conscription ended in 1973.
All proposals for overt military intervention in the Third World-whether
in Angola, West Asia, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, the Caribbean,
or Central America-were sidetracked. From an earlier high of 3.5
million people in 1968, the active military fell to 2 million
at the beginning of the 1980s.
But in real terms the military establishment
is enormous, much more than most people know To the million on
active duty must be added another 2 million in the reserves, and
a million civilians in the defense department. This 5-million-figure
total is merely the base for a much larger number of people in
war industries, space exploration, war think tanks and veterans'
assistance. Behind this total group of more than 12 million-and
profiting from intercourse with them-stands an elaborate network
of war industry associations, veterans' organizations, special
associations for each branch of the armed services, and general
organizations such as the American Security Council and the Committee
on the Present Danger. But there is something else that George
Washington could never have dreamed of when he warned against
an overgrown military establishment and that Dwight D. Eisenhower
never mentioned in his warning against the military-industrial
complex: namely, a transnational military complex. This American-led
complex has five military components beyond the narrowly defined
U.S. military-industrial complex itself:
1. The dozen or so countries formally
allied with the United States through NATO
2. Other industrialized countries not
formerly part of NATO, such as Spain, Israel, Japan, Australia,
and New Zealand
3. A large portion of the Third World
4. Intelligence and police forces throughout
the "Free World"
5. Irregular forces composed of primitive
tribesmen, often operating behind the lines of the Second World
All these forces are backed up by a support
infrastructure which includes training schools, research institutes,
foreign aid, and complex systems of communication and logistics.
If there is one central fact about this
transnational military complex at the start of the 1980s it is
growth. Paradoxically, every arms-control agreement has been used
as a device to allow growth up to certain ceilings, rather than
prevent it. And since those ceilings apply only to selected weapons
systems, growth tends to be totally uncontrolled in all other
forms of destruction. In the United States, total military expenditure
has started to move upward at a rate of about 5 percent annual
growth in real terms-that is, after being corrected for the declining
value of the dollar. A drive is under way to register young people
for a draft, while also providing alternative forms of civilian
service (at poverty wages) for people objecting to military service
on moral, religious, or political grounds. New weapons systems
are being initiated-particularly the MX missile, which holds forth
the promise of a "first strike" capability against the
Soviet Union. Major steps are being taken to increase the military
strength of all the other components of the transnational complex-
particularly through the expansion of
both tactical and strategic nuclear weapons in Western Europe
and the beefing up of the defense forces and nuclear capabilities
of the Japanese. Above all, despite some internal conflicts on
when and where, the leaders of the U.S. Establishment have become
more willing to use these forces. Richard Falk of Princeton University
presents this thesis: "A new consensus among American political
leaders favors intervention, whenever necessary, to protect the
resource base of Trilateralistic nations'-Europe, the United States
and Japan-prosperity and dominance." 3 This has required
strenuous propaganda efforts to overcome the so-called "post-Vietnam
syndrome," that is, popular resistance to the sending of
U.S. troops into new military ventures abroad. Equally strenuous
efforts are made to convince people in Western Europe that as
East-West tensions have been relaxing and East-West trade rising,
the West faces a greater threat than ever before of a Soviet invasion.
The logic of this growth involves a host
of absurdities. First of all, statistical hocus-pocus hides the
overwhelming military superiority of the "Free World."
One trick is to compare the military spending of the United States
with the Warsaw Pact countries but to exclude NATO. Another trick
is to compare the NATO countries of Europe with the Warsaw Pact
countries, but to exclude the United States. Still another is
to exclude not merely Japan, but also the huge Chinese military
forces lined up on China's border with the Soviet Union. Any truly
global picture shows that while the geographical scope of the
"Free World" has been shrinking, its military capability
has been expanding. This expansion has been so rapid that there
may even be good reason for the nervous old men in the Kremlin
to feel threatened.
Second, much of this expanding military
power involves nothing more than overkill. Thus just one Poseidon
submarine carries 160 nuclear warheads, each four times more powerful
than the Hiroshima bomb. These warheads are enough, as President
Carter stated in 1979, "to destroy every large and medium-sized
city in the Soviet Union." Pointing out that the total U.S.
force at that time could inflict more than fifty times as much
damage on the Soviet Union, President Carter then went on to raise
the level of overkill still higher.
Third, the advocates of new interventionism
foster the delusion that military force can solve a host of intertwined
political, economic, social, and moral problems. This delusion
was evidenced in the long-term and highly expensive U.S. support
for the Shah of Iran and the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua.
As U.S. strike forces are being prepared for intervention in West
Asia (whether in Saudi Arabia, Libya, or elsewhere) the presumption
is that military action of this type would preserve the availability
of petroleum for the West. What is blindly lost sight of is the
high probability-and in the judgment of many, the certainty-that
any such intervention would precipitate the blowing up of the
very oil fields from which the deep thinkers in the White House,
Wall Street, and the Pentagon want to get assured supplies.
Yet in the words of Shakespeare's Polonius,
"If this be madness, yet there is method in it." It
is the not-so-stupid madness of the growing militarism which is
an inherent part of friendly fascism's unfolding logic. "Militarism,"
Woodrow Wilson once pointed out at West Point in 1916, "does
not consist of any army, nor even in the existence of a very great
army. Militarism is a spirit. It is a point of view." 10
That spirit is the use of violence as a solution to problems.
The point of view is something that spills over into every field
of life-even into the school and the family.
Under the militarism of German, Italian,
and Japanese fascism violence was openly glorified. It was applied
regionally-by the Germans in Europe and England, the Italians
in the Mediterranean, the Japanese in Asia. In battle, it was
administered by professional militarists who, despite many conflicts
with politicians, were guided by old-fashioned standards of duty,
honor, country, and willingness to risk their own lives.
The emerging militarism of friendly fascism
is somewhat different. lt is global in scope. It involves weapons
of doomsday proportions, something that Hitler could dream of
but never achieve. It is based on an integration between industry,
science, and the military that the old-fashioned fascists could
never even barely approximate. It points toward equally close
integration among military, paramilitary, and civilian elements.
Many of the civilian leaders-such as Zbigniew Brzezinski or Paul
Nitze-tend to be much more bloodthirsty than any top brass. In
turn, the new-style military professionals tend to become corporate-style
entrepreneurs who tend to operate-as Major Richard A. Gabriel
and Lieutenant Colonel Paul L. Savage have disclosed-in accordance
with the ethics of the marketplace. The old buzzwords of duty,
honor, and patriotism are mainly used to justify officer subservience
to the interests of transnational corporations and the continuing
presentation of threats to some corporate investments as threats
to the interest of the American people as a whole. Above all,
in sharp contrast with classic fascism's glorification of violence,
the friendly fascist orientation is to sanitize, even hide, the
greater violence of modern warfare behind such "value-free"
terms as "nuclear exchange," "counterforce"
and "flexible response," behind the huge geographical
distances between the senders and receivers of destruction through
missiles or even on the "automated battlefield," and
the even greater psychological distances between the First World
elites and the ordinary people who might be consigned to quick
or slow death.
William W. Turner
"Leadership in the right has fallen to new organizations
with lower profiles and better access to power . . . What is characteristic
of this right is its closeness to government power and the ability
this closeness gives to hide its political extremism under the
cloak of respectability."
Although most of these right-wing extremists avoid open identification
with the classic fascists, the similarities with the early fascist
movements of the 1920s are clear. Small clusters of highly strung,
aggressive people think that if Hitler and Mussolini (both of
whom started from tiny beginnings) could make it into the Big
Time under conditions of widespread misfortune, fortune might
someday smile on them too.
I doubt it. Their dreams of future power
are illusory. To view them as the main danger is to assume that
history is obliging enough to repeat itself in unchanged form.
Indeed, their major impact-apart from their contribution to domestic
violence, discussed in "The Ladder of Terror," (chapter
14)-is to make the more dangerous right-wing extremists seem moderate
in comparison.
The greatest danger or the right is the
rumbling thunder, no longer very distant, from a huge array of
well-dressed, well-educated activists who hide their extremism
under the cloak of educated respectability. Unlike the New Left
of the 1960s, which reached its height during the civil rights
and antiwar movements, the Radical Right rose rapidly during the
1970s on a much larger range of issues. By the beginning of the
1980s, they were able to look back on a long list of victories.
Their domestic successes are impressive:
* Holding up ratification of the Equal
Rights Amendment
* Defeating national legislation for consumer protection
* Defeating national legislation to strengthen employees' rights
to organize and bargain collectively
* Undermining Medicare payments for abortions
* Bringing back capital punishment in many states
* Killing anti-gun legislation
* Promoting tax-cutting programs, such as the famous Proposition
13 in California, already followed by similar actions in other
parts of the country
* Promoting limitations on state and local expenditures, which
in effect (like the tax-cutting measures) mean a reduction in
social programs for the poor and the lower middle-classes
* Undermining affirmative-action programs to provide better job
opportunities for women, blacks and Hispanics
* Killing or delaying legislation to protect the rights of homosexuals
They have also succeeded in getting serious
attention for a whole series of "nutty" proposals to
amend the Constitution to require a balanced federal budget or
set a limit on the growth of federal expenditures. By the beginning
of 1980, about 30 State legislatures had already petitioned the
Congress for a Constitutional convention to propose such an amendment;
only 34 are needed to force such a convention, the first since
1787. The major purpose of this drive, however, was not to get
a Constitutional amendment. Rather, it was to force the president
and Congress to go along with budget cutting on domestic programs.
By this standard it has been remarkably successful.
On foreign issues, the Radical Right came
within a hair's breadth of defeating the Panama Canal Treaty and
the enabling legislation needed to carry it out. They have been
more successful, however, on these matters:
* Reacting to the Iranian and Afghanistan
crises of 1979 with a frenetic escalation of cold war
* Helping push the Carter administration toward more war spending
and more militarist policies
* Making any ratification of the SALT II treaty dependent on continued
escalation in armaments
* Preventing Senate consideration, let alone ratification, of
the pending UN covenants against genocide, on civil and political
rights, and on economic, social, and cultural rights.
In a vital area bridging domestic and
foreign policy, they provide a major portion of support for the
drive to register young people for possible military service and
then, somewhat later, reinstitute conscription.
Almost all of these issues are "gut
issues." They can be presented in manner that appeals to
deep-seated frustrations and moves inactive people into action.
Yet the New Right leaders are not, as the Americans for Democratic
Action point out in A Citizen's Guide to the Right Wing, "rabid
crackpots or raving zealots." The movement they are building
is "not a lunatic fringe but the programmed product of right
wing passion, plus corporate wealth, plus 20th century technology-and
its strength
This strength has been embodied in a large
number of fast-moving organizations:
* American Legislative Exchange Council
* American Security Council
* Americans Against Union Control of Government
* Citizens for the Republic
* Committee for Responsible Youth Politics
* Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress
* Committee on the Present Danger
* Conservative Victory Fund
* Consumer Alert Council
* Fund for a Conservative Majority
* Gun Owners of America
* Heritage Foundation
* National Conservative Political Action Committee
* National Rifle Association Political Action Committee (PAC)
* Our PAC
* Public Service PAC
* Right To Keep and Bear Arms Political Victory Fund
* Tax Reform Immediately (TRIM)
* The Conservative Caucus (TCC)
* Young Americans for Freedom/The Fund for a Conservative Majority
Many of these groups, it must be understood,
include nonrabid crackpots and nonraving zealots. They are often
backed up-particularly on fiscal matters-by the National Taxpayers
Union and many libertarian groups which may part company from
them on such issues as the escalation of war spending or the return
of military conscription.
All of them, it should be added, seem
to be the recipients of far more funds than were ever available
to the less respectable extremists. Much of this money unquestionably
seeps down, as the ADA insists, from corporate coffers. Some of
it unquestionably comes from massive mail solicitations by Richard
Viguerie, who has been aptly christened the "Direct Mail
Wizard of the New Right." Since 1964, when he was working
on Senator Goldwater's campaign for the presidency, Viguerie has
been developing a mailing list operation which puts the New Right
into touch with millions upon millions of Americans.
Today, the momentum of the Radical Right
is impressive. It has defeated many well-known liberal candidates
for reelection to national, state, and local offices. Having helped
elect a quarter of the members of the House of Representatives
in 1976, it looks forward to much greater influence by the mid-1980s.
Like the American labor movement, which has always supported some
Republicans as well as many Democrats, the Radical Right has no
firm commitment to any one party. Its strength among Democrats
is much larger than that of labor among Republicans. It supports
candidates of the two major parties and is closely associated
with small-party movements, which sometimes have a decisive impact
on electoral or legislative campaigns. Its biggest success, however,
is that many of its positions which first sounded outrageous when
voiced during the Goldwater campaign of 1964 are now regarded
as part of the mainstream. This is not the result of Radical Right
shifts toward the center. On the contrary, it is the result of
a decisive movement toward the right by the Ultra-Rich and the
Corporate Overseers.
The unfolding logic of the Radical Right,
however, is neither to remain static or to become more openly
reactionary. "We are no longer working to preserve the status
quo," says Paul Weyrich, one of its ablest leaders. "We
are radicals working to overturn the present power structure."
To understand what Weyrich means, we must heed Amo J. Mayer's
warning-based on his study of classic fascism-that in a time of
rapid change "even reactionary, conservative and counter-revolutionary
movements project a populist, reformist and emancipatory image
of their purpose." More populism of this type can be expected:
in a word, more attacks on the existing Establishment by people
who want to strengthen it by making it much more authoritarian
and winning for themselves more influential positions in it.
The routinized reiteration of this older conservative doctrine,
however, is buttressed by a new ideological reformation that emphasizes
the excellence of hierarchy, the wonders of technology, and the
goodness of hard times. In The Twilight of Authority, Robert Nisbet
makes an eloquent call for a return to the old aristocratic principle
of hierarchy: "It is important that rank, class and estate
in all spheres become once again honored rather than, as is now
the case, despised or feared by intellectuals." If democracy
is to be diminished and if rank, class, and estate are once again
to be honored, the intellectuals at the middle and lower levels
of the establishment must be brought into line on many points.
Those who advocate a somewhat more egalitarian society must be
pilloried as "levellers" who would reduce everybody
to a dull, gray uniformity. They must be convinced that the ungrateful
lower classes whom they hope to raise up are, in fact, genetically
and culturally inferior. They must be flattered into seeing themselves
as part of a society in which true merit, as defined by the powerful,
is usually recognized and rewarded. The power of the Ultra-Rich
and the Corporate Overlords must be publicly minimized and the
endless plutocratic search for personal I gratification must be
obscured by lamenting the self-gratifying hedonism | of the masses.
A successful transition to friendly fascism would clearly require
a J lowering of popular aspirations and demands. Only then can
freer rein be given to the corporate drives for boundless acquisition.
Since it is difficult to tell ordinary people that unemployment,
inflation, and urban filth are good for them, it is more productive
to get middle-class leaders on the austerity bandwagon and provide
them with opportunities for increased prestige by doing what they
can to lower levels of aspirations. Indeed, the ideology of mass
sacrifice had advanced so far by the end of the 1970s that the
most serious and best-advertised debate among New York liberals
on the New York City fiscal crisis rested on the assumption that
the level of municipal employment and services had to be cut.
The only questions open for debate were "Which ones?"
and "How much?" This ideology-although best articulated
in general form by political scientists like Samuel Huntington
and sociologists like Daniel Bell-also receives decisive support
from Establishment economists.
Religious doctrines on the goodness of
personal sacrifice in this world have invariably been associated
with promises of eternal bliss in the next world. Similarly, the
emerging ideologies on the virtues of austerity are bound to be
supplemented by visions of "pie in the sky by and by."
In their most vulgar form these ideologies may simply reiterate
the economistic notion that reduced consumption now will mean
more profitability, which will mean more capital investment that
in turn will mean increased consumption later. In more sophisticated
form, these ideologies take the form of a misty-eyed humanism.
While moving toward friendly fascism we might hear much talk like
Jean-Francois Revel's proclamation that "The revolution of
the twentieth century will take place in the United States"
or Charles Reich's view that the counterculture of the young will,
by itself, break through the "metal and plastic and sterile
stone" and bring about "a veritable greening of America."
Indeed, work at such "think-tanks" as the Rand Corporation
and Hudson Institute increasingly foregoes its old base in economics
and related "dismal" disciplines for straight and unadulterated
"humanism," the rhetorical promotion of which seems
directly related to their involvement in dehumanized and dehumanizing
As with the ideologies of classic fascism,
there is no need for thematic consistency in the new ideologies.
An ideological menu is most useful when it provides enough variety
to meet divergent needs and endless variations on interwoven melodic
lines. Unlike the ideologies of classic fascism, however, these
new ideologies on market virtue, hierarchic excellence, wondrous
technology, and the goodness of hard times are not needed to mobilize
masses to high peaks of emotional fervor. In contrast, they help
prevent mass mobilization. Yet their growing function is to maintain
the loyalty of intellectuals, scientists, and technicians at the
Establishment's middle and lower ranks, thereby minimizing the
need for systemic purges. On this score the two streams of conservative
ideology have been remarkably effective. They have taken over
the most commanding heights on the intellectual fronts, reducing
to a "small section" those anti-Establishment intellectuals
who try to swim against the main currents. Indeed, through a remarkable
dialectic, the opponents of the so-called "new class"
have themselves become a dominant new class of intellectuals who
provide the moral and intellectual guidance on the harsh and nasty
imperatives of imperial survival in the era of the stagflation-power
tradeoff and the movement toward Super-America, Inc.
During the take-off toward a more perfect
capitalism, the debasement of the language moved no slower than
the abasement of the currency through creeping inflation. The
myths of the cold war gave us the imagery of a "free world"
that included many tyrannical regimes on one side and the "worldwide
communist conspiracy" to describe the other. The "end
of ideology" ideologies gave us the myth of all-powerful
knowledge elites to flatter the egos of intellectuals and scientists
in the service of a divided Establishment. The accelerating rise
of scientific and pseudoscientific jargon fragmented social and
natural scientists into small ingroups that concentrated more
and more on small slices of reality, separating them more than
ever before from the presumably unsophisticated (although functionally
literate) working-buying classes.
In the early days of this process, George
Orwell envisioned a future society in which the oligarchs of 1984
would use linguistic debasement as a conscious method of control.
Hence the Party Leaders imposed doublethink on the population
and set up a long-term program for developing newspeak. If Orwell
were alive today, I think he would see that many of his ideas
are now being incorporated in something just as sophisticated
and equally fearful. I am referring to the new triplespeak: a
three-tiered language of myth, jargon, and confidential straight
Unlike Orwell's doublethink and newspeak,
triplespeak is not part of any overall plan. It merely develops
as a logical outcome of the Establishment's maturation, an essential
element in the tightening of oligarchic control at the highest
levels of the Golden International. Without myths, the rulers
and their aides cannot maintain support at the lower levels of
the major establishments, and the might itself-as well as the
legitimacy of empire-may decay. Jargon is required to spell out
the accumulating complexities of military, technological, economic,
political, and cultural power. Straight talk is needed to illuminate
the secret processes of high decision making and confidential
bargaining and to escape the traps created by myth and jargon.
Herein lie many difficulties. With so
much indirection and manipulation in the structure of transnational
power, there is no longer any place for the pomp and ceremony
that helped foster the effulgent myths surrounding past empires-no
imperial purple, no unifying queen, king, or imperial council,
no mass religion or ideology to fire the emotions of dependent
masses. Hence the symbolic trappings of past empires must be replaced
by smaller mystifications that at least have the merit of helping
maintain the self-respect and motivations of the elites at the
middle and lower levels of the national Establishments. Thus the
operating rules of modern capitalist empire require ascending
rhetoric about economic and social development, human rights,
and the self-effacing role of transnational corporations in the
promotion of progress and prosperity. The more lies are told,
the more important it becomes for the liars to justify themselves
by deep moral commitments to high-sounding objectives that mask
the pursuit of money and power. The more a country like the United
States imports its prosperity from the rest of the world, the
more its leaders must dedicate themselves to the sacred ideal
of exporting abundance, technology, and civilization to everyone
else. The further this myth may be from reality, the more significant
it becomes-and the greater the need for academic notables to document
its validity by bold assertion and self-styled statistical demonstration.
"The might that makes right must be a different right from
that of the right arm," the political scientist, Charles
Merriam, stated many years ago. "It must be a might deep
rooted in emotion, embedded in feelings and aspirations, in morality,
in sage maxims, in forms of rationalization . . .~, 30
Thus, in 1975 and 1976, while the long
right arm of the American presidency was supporting bloody dictatorships
in Chile, Brazil, Indochina, and Iran (to mention but a few),
Daniel P. Moynihan, the U.S. ambassador at the United Nations,
wrapped himself in the flag of liberty and human rights. His eloquent
rhetoric-deeply rooted in emotion and embedded in feelings and
aspirations-set a high standard of creative myth-making. At that
time, his superiors in Washington failed to realize that Moynihan's
approach was, in Walter Laqueur's terms, "not a lofty and
impractical endeavor, divorced from the harsh realities of world
endeavor, but itself a kind of Realpolitik." Within two years,
however, the next president, Jimmy Carter, seized the torch from
Moynihan's hand and, without thanks or attribution, set a still
higher standard by clothing the might of his cruise missile and
neutron bomb in human-rights rhetoric even more deeply rooted
in morality, sage maxims, and forms of rationalization.
Domestic myths are the daily bread of
the restructured Radical Right and the old-style and new-style
conservatives. Many of the ideologies discussed in the last section
of this chapter serve not only as cover-ups for concentrated oligarchic
power. They provide code words for the more unspoken, mundane
myths that define unemployed people as lazy or are brought into
unemployable, women, blacks and Hispanics
as congenitally inferior to other people. Presidential candidates
invariably propagate the myth that Americans are innately superior
to the people of other countries and that therefore they have
a high destiny to fulfill in the leadership of the world's forces
for peace, freedom, democracy, and-not to be forgotten- private
corporate investment and profitability. Trying to flatter the
voting public as a whole, they ascribe most of America's difficulties
to foreign enemies or a few individuals at home-like Richard Nixon-who
have betrayed the national goodness. Not so long ago, General
Westmoreland went much further when, to reassure the more naive
members of the American officer corps, he soberly declared that
"Despite the final failure of the South Vietnamese, the record
of the American military of never having lost a war is still intact."
33 With the arrival of friendly fascism, myths like these would
no longer be greeted, at least not publicly, with the degree of
skepticism they still provoke. Instead, the Establishment would
agree that the domestic tranquility afforded by these convenient
reassurances qualified them, in contrast to more critical, less
comforting diagnoses, as "responsible." As old myths
get worn out or new myths punctured, still newer ones (shall we
call them "myths of the month"?) are brought into being.
The momentum of jargon would not abate
in a friendly fascist society but move steadily ahead with the
ever-increasing specialization and subspecialization in every
field. New towers of Babel are, and would be, continuously erected
throughout the middle and lower levels of the Establishment. Communication
among the different towers, however, becomes increasingly difficult.
One of the most interesting examples is the accumulation of complex,
overlapping, and mystifying jargons devised by the experts in
various subdivisions of communications itself (semiotics, semantics,
linguistics, content analysis, information theory, telematics,
computer programming, etc.), none of whom can communicate very
well with all the others. In military affairs, jargon wraps otherwise
unpleasant realities in a cloak of scientific objectivity. Thus,
"surgical strike," "nuclear exchange," and
even the colloquial "nukes" all hide the horrors of
atomic warfare. The term "clean bomb" for the new neutron
bomb hides the fact that although it may not send much radioactive
material into the atmosphere it would kill all human life through
radiation in a somewhat limited area; this makes it the dirtiest
of all bombs. Similarly, in global economics the jargon of exchange
rates and IMF conditions facilitates, while also concealing, the
application of transnational corporate power on Third World countries.
The jargon of domestic economics, as 1 have already shown, hides
the crude realities of corporate aggrandizement, inflation, and
unemployment behind a dazzling array of technical terms that develop
an esprit de corps which unites the various sectors of Establishment
Rising above the major portion of jargon
and myth is straight talk, the blunt and unadorned language of
who gets what, when and how. If money talks, as it is said, then
power whispers. The language of both power and money is spoken
in hushed whispers at tax-deductible luncheons or drinking hours
at the plushest clubs and bars or in the well-shrouded secrecy
of executive suites and boardrooms. Straight talk is never again
to be recorded on Nixon-style tapes or in any memoranda that are
not soon routed to the paper shredders.
As one myth succeeds another and as new
forms of jargon are invented, straight talk becomes increasingly
important. Particularly at the higher levels of the Establishment
it is essential to deal frankly with the genuine nature of imperial
alternatives and specific challenges. But the emerging precondition
for imperial straight talk is secrecy. Back in 1955, Henry Kissinger
might publicly refer to "our primary task of dividing the
USSR and China." * By the time the American presidency was
making progress in this task, not only Kissinger but the bulk
of foreign affairs specialists had learned the virtues of prior
restraint and had carefully refrained from dealing with the subject
so openly. It may be presumed that after the publication of The
Crisis Democracy, Samuel Huntington learned a similar lesson and
that consultants to the Trilateral Commission will never again
break the Establishment's taboos by publicly calling for less
democracy. Nor is it likely that in discussing human rights the
American president will talk openly on the rights and privileges
of American-based transnationals in other countries. Nor am I
at all sure that realists like Irving Kristol, Raymond Aron, George
Liska, and James Burnham will continue to be appreciated if they
persist in writing boldly about the new American empire and its
responsibilities. Although their "empire" is diligently
distinguished from "imperialism," it will never be allowed
to enter official discourse.
For imperial straight talk to mature,
communication must be thoroughly protected from public scrutiny.
Top elites must not only meet together frequently; they must have
opportunities to work, play, and relax together for long periods
of time.
Also, people from other countries must
be brought into this process; otherwise there is no way to avoid
the obvious misunderstandings that develop when people from different
cultural backgrounds engage in efforts at genuine communication.
If the elites of other countries must learn English (as they have
long been doing), it is also imperative for American elites to
become much more fluent in other tongues than they have ever been
in the past. In any language there are niceties of expression-particularly
with respect to money and power-that are always lost or diluted
if translated into another language. With or without the help
of interpreters, it will be essential that serious analysis, confidential
exchanges, and secret understandings be multilingual. Thus, whether
American leadership matures or obsolesces, expands or contracts,
English can no longer be the lingua franca of modern empire. The
control of "Fortress America" would require reasonable
fluency in Spanish by many top elites (although not necessarily
by presidents and first ladies). Trilateral Empire, in turn, imposes
more challenging-but not insuperable- linguistic burdens.
Daniel Fusfield
"There is a subtle three-way trade-off between escalating
unemployment together with other unresolved social problems, rising
taxes, and inflation. In practice, the corporate state has bought
all three."
What will daily life be like under friendly fascism?
In answering this question I think immediately
of Robert Theobald's frog: "Frogs will permit themselves
to be boiled to death. If the temperature of the water in which
the frog is sitting is slowly raised, the frog does not become
aware of its danger until it is too late to do anything about
Although I am not sure it can ever be
too late to fight oppression, the moral of the frog story is clear:
as friendly fascism emerges, the conditions of daily life for
most people move from bad to worse-and for many people all the
way to Irving Kristol's "worst."
To Fusfeld's trio of more unemployment,
taxes, and inflation, however, we must also add a decline in social
services and a rise in shortages, waste and pollution, nuclear
poison and junk. These are the consequences of corporate America's
huge investment in the ideology of popular sacrifice and in the
``hard times" policies that have US "pull in the belts"
to help THEM in efforts to expand power, privilege, and wealth.
Slogan of the Medici family
"Money to get power, power to protect money."
Capital has always been a form of power. As physical wealth (whether
land, machinery, buildings, materials, or energy resources), capital
is productive power. As money, it is purchasing power, the ability
to get whatever may be exchanged for it. The ownership of property
is the power of control over its use. In turn, the power of wealth,
money, and ownership has always required both protection and encouragement
through many other forms of power. Businessmen have never needed
theorists to tell them about the connection. It has taken economic
theorists more than a century to develop the pretense that money
and power are separate. Indeed, while Establishment militarists
persistently exaggerate the real power of destructive violence,
the same Establishment's economic policymakers increasingly present
destructive economic policies as though they have no connection
with power.
The vehicle for doing this is becoming
the so-called "tradeoff" policy. The more conservative
Establishment notables argue that the way to fight inflation is
to curtail growth, even though the inescapable side effect is
recession and higher unemployment. Their more liberal colleagues
politely beg to differ, arguing that the way to cope with unemployment
is to "reflate" the economy. For scientific support,
both sides habitually refer to a curve developed by A. W. Phillips
on the relation between unemployment and changing money rates
in England from 1861 to 1957. Giving modern support to part of
Karl Marx's theory on the "reserve army of the unemployed,"
Phillips showed that when more people were jobless, there was
less chance of an increase in money wage rates. Phillips also
made a sharp distinction between wages and prices, mentioning
prices only to point out in passing that a wage increase does
not by itself require a proportionate increase in prices. On this
side of the Atlantic, Paul Samuelson and various colleagues applied
Phillips's curve to prices instead of wages, and hiding their
biases behind Phillips's data, developed the current tradeoff
In its more virulent form at the beginning
of the 1980s, this theory means the following: Recession is needed
to bring the rate of inflation down below the double-digit level-that
is, to less than 10 percent. The most naive backers of the theory
suggest that once this is done, the "back of inflation will
be broken," inflationary expectations will be buried, never
to rise again, and the country can return to the good old days
of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.
Many liberal opponents of this theory,
in turn, accept on good faith the credentials of the self-styled
inflation fighters. Apparently operating on the premise that economic
policymaking is a technical exercise in puzzlesolving, they argue
that the conservatives are simply mistaken in their understanding
of economic behavior, and in failing to see that untold millions
may be injured by pro-recession policies. In my judgment, however,
the liberals who take this view fail to understand or face up
to the nature of Establishment power.
In a world of many divergent objectives
that must be reconciled with each other, the leaders of any Establishment
are continuously engaged in complex juggling acts. Whether developing
global investment policies or apportioning economic or military
aid around the world, everything cannot be done at the same time.
Above all, in planning for corporate profitability, compromises
must continuously be made. Profitability in one area is often
accompanied by unavoidable losses in another. Short-term profits
must often be sacrificed in the interest of the greater profitability
that can come only from the fruition of long-term investment programs.
Above all, the maintenance or strengthening of the power to protect
future profitability often requires the sacrifice of some present,
even future, profits. Neither market power nor the political power
supporting it are free goods. They too cost money-and in periods
of stagflation they tend to cost more money than before.
Toward the end of 1979, more than 100
corporate executives attended a meeting of the Business Council
at Hot Springs, Virginia. Almost to a man, they enthusiastically
supported the recessionary policies of the Federal Reserve Board
and the Treasury. "The sooner we suffer the pain," stated
Irving S. Shapiro, chairman of Du Pont, "the sooner we will
be through. I'm quite prepared to endure whatever pain I have
to in the short term." Steven Rattner, the reporter for The
New York Times, pointed out that signs of suffering were nowhere
in sight: "The long black limousines and private jet planes
were still evident in abundance." Rattner also suggested
that Shapiro was apparently referring not to any loss in his personal
income but rather to the "pain" that might be inflicted
on Du Pont's profits.
How much profit a company like Du Pont
might lose in the short run is a matter of conjecture. Unlike
American workers, a giant corporation can engage in fancy tax-juggling
that pushes its losses on to ordinary taxpayers. Unlike middle-class
people, the Ultra-Rich billionaires and centimillionaires can
shift the costs of recession or social expenditures to the lowly
millionaires, who in turn can pass them along to the middle classes.
Above all, the hyenas of economic life can get theirs from recession
as well as inflation.
Any serious effort to control stagflation
either its recession side or its inflation side-would require
serious limitations on both Big Business and the support given
to it by Big Government. Any such limitations, in turn, would
have to be backed up by anti-Establishment coalition including,
but not limited to, organized labor. The other side of this coin
may now be seen in stark clarity: The price of preventing any
such coalition and of preserving, if not expanding, Establishment
power, is to choose continuing stagnation as the price that must
be paid to protect future profitability. The real tradeoff by
the big-time traders is not between price stability and high employment.
Rather, it is the sacrifice of both in order to curtail union
power, dampen rising aspirations among the population at large,
and take advantage of both inflationary windfalls and recessionary
Indeed, not only the U.S. Establishment
but the Golden International as a whole has in practice accepted
the realities of continuing stagflation (with whatever ups and
down may materialize in the proportions of combined inflation
and unemployment) as the new economic order of the "Free
World." This has long been the operating doctrine of the
International Monetary Fund in Third World countries. It is now
emerging as a doctrinal strategy for the 1980s in the entire First
In the 1960s and early 1970s no one ever
dreamed that Americans could become accustomed to levels of either
inflation or official unemployment as high as 6 or 7 percent a
year. As the Big Business-Big Government partnership becomes closer,
the levels previously regarded as unacceptable will-like the hot
water to which a frog has become accustomed-be regarded not only
as normal but as objectives of official policy. Indeed, 8 percent
unemployment is already being regarded as full employment and
8 percent inflation as price stability. Under the emerging triplespeak-in
a manner reminding us of "War Is Peace" and "Freedom
Is Slavery" in Orwell's 1984-the norm for unemployment could
reach and the norm for inflation far exceed the double-digit level
of ten apiece. When the two are added together, this provides
what I call a "limited misery index"-limited because
no similar arithmetic value can be given to such things as job
insecurity, crime, pollution, alienation, and junk. The so-called
"tradeoff" theory merely tells us that either of the
two elements in the index may go down a little as the other one
goes up. What the tradeoffers fail to point out is that despite
fluctuations the long-term trend of the two together is upward.
Thus in the opening months of the 1980s, even without correcting
for the official underestimation of unemployment, the limited
misery index approached 20. Under friendly fascism it would move
toward 30....
As the limited misery index creeps or
spurts ahead, a spiraling series of cure-alls are brought forth
from the Establishment's medicine chest. Logically, each one leads
toward the others. Together, apart from anyone's intentions, the
medicines make the malady worse.
To cure inflation, interest rates are
raised. This cannot be done by bankers alone. Intervention by
central banks, acting on their behalf, is necessary. This results
in a quick upward movement in prices and a further increase in
government spending on new debt service. The companion step is
to cut government spending on most social services- education,
health, streetcleaning, fire and police protection, libraries,
employment projects, etc. The deepest cuts are made in the lowest
income areas, where the misery is the sharpest and political resistance
tends to be less organized.
To cure stagnation or recession, there
are two patent medicines. The first is more Big Welfare for Big
Business-through more reductions in capital gains taxes, lower
taxes on corporations and the rich, more tax shelters, and, locally,
more tax abatement for luxury housing and office buildings. These
generous welfare payments are justified in the name of growthmanship
and productivity. Little attention is given to the fact that the
major growth sought is in profitability, an objective mentioned
only by a few ultra-Right conservatives who still believe in straight
talk. Less attention is given to the fact that the productivity
sought is defined essentially as resulting from investment in
capital-intensive machinery and technology that displace labor
and require more fossil fuels. The second patent medicine, justified
in terms of national emergencies with only sotto voce reference
to its implications for maintaining employment, is more spending
on death machines and war forces. This, in turn, spurs the growth
of the federal deficit.
To keep the deficit within limits and
provide enough leeway for alleviation of the worst cuts in social
services, higher taxes are required. This is done by a hidden
national sales tax. The preparations for this have already been
made by preliminary legislative action toward the imposition of
the so-called Value Added Tax (VAT), already in force in France
and England. VAT takes a bite out of every stage of production.
At the end of the line, this means higher prices for consumers....
And so the dismal round continues-higher interest rates, cuts
in social services, more tax subsidies for Big Business, and higher
sales taxes hitting the middle- and lower-income groups.
Over the short run (which may be stretched
out longer than some expect), the net effect of this cycle is
to move purchasing power upward toward the most privileged people.
This compensates in part for the paradox that making money by
raising prices reduces the value of the money made. Over the longer
run, however, it intensifies the older contradiction of capitalism,
namely, that profit maximization undermines the mass purchasing
power required for continued profitability.
The major responsibility of corporate executives, so long as they
are not constrained by enforced law, is to maximize their long-term
accumulation of capital and power no matter what the cost may
be to ... people or physical resources.
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