by Allan Nairn
from The Nation magazine, July 17 - 24, 1995

In a seismic political shift that augurs trouble for General Suharto,
the Commander in Chief of U.S. Pacific forces has privately told
Congressional officials that the time has come for Indonesia to
get out of East Timor. For the past twenty years the United States
has helped Jakarta kill Timorese. But now, in the face of growing
grass-roots resistance both in Timor and this country, Adm. Richard
Macke has concluded that the Timor occupation has become more
trouble than it is worth.
According to accounts from officials who have discussed the matter
with him-accounts that Admiral Macke, when contacted by The Nation,
did not deny-Macke told friends on Capitol Hill this May that
Indonesia's continued presence in East Timor, long supported and
armed by Washington in defiance of the U.N. Security Council resolutions
calling on it to withdraw "without delay," has now become
a liability. He said that Jakarta's generals should cut their
(and Washington's) political losses, pull their troops and allow
the Timorese, with U.N. help, to hold a referendum to determine
their own political future.
(Macke's office, after a week's delay, issued three one sentence
statements to The Nation that sidestepped the question of his
private remarks on Timor. The written statements discussed a Macke
visit to Indonesia, referred to his public Congressional testimony
and said that Macke "as a public official" does not
offer personal opinions. When asked directly and repeatedly if
Macke was denying the Timor comments attributed to him, his spokesman,
Col. Joe Chesley, said: "The [written] statements speak for
Macke's comments are a major breakthrough because Washington is
Suharto's main patron. Though Macke's privately stated views are
his own and are not yet official, they indicate that Washington
is beginning to feel the heat for its role in Timor.
That is an impressive testament to the heroism of the Timorese,
who after twenty years of genocide still resist and organize.
Last November, for example, during a regional summit in Jakarta,
as uprisings broke out across East Timor, twenty nine young Timorese
stole the stage from Clinton and Suharto by peacefully occupying
the U.S. Embassy grounds. Macke's shift also indicates the efficacy
of the U.S. grass-roots movement, which has sought to make Washington
pay a price for facilitating the genocide. Since the November
12, 1991, Dili, East Timor, massacre, U.S. activists-with bipartisan
support in Congress-have won a cutoff of Indonesia's IMET military
training aid, blocked a transfer to Indonesia of F-5 fighter planes,
reversed the U.S. stand on Timor at the U.N. Human Rights Commission
and secured a ban on the sale of small arms to Indonesia. (As
one who witnessed and survived the Dili massacre, I fought and
lobbied for those changes and continue to work with the grass-roots
movement to reverse U.S. policy.) It is precisely in hopes of
disposing of such impediments to the larger project of propping
up Suharto that Admiral Macke-for one-has decided that, pragmatically,
it's easier to set East Timor free.
Allan Nairn, with Amy Goodman of WBAI / Pacifica, won the R.F:K
and the Alfred I. duPont - Columbia University journalism awards
for their coverage of East Timor.
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