Haiti and the Dangers of Responsibility
to Protect (R2P)
by Anthony Fenton
www.zcommunications.org/, December
27, 2008

Introduction __
In 2004, Haiti's democratically-elected
president, Jean Bertrand Aristide, was overthrown by a small but
well organized and funded opposition movement backed by the most
powerful members of the "international community" -
the U.S., Canada, and France. __
Doing what his father and Bill Clinton
were unable to before him, President George W. Bush led the way
in answering the question that had vexed consecutive administrations
since Haiti's popular movement swept the Duvalier's totalitarian
dynasty from power in 1986: "Who will rid me of this turbulent
priest?" __
In December of 2005, Fabiola Cordova,
the program officer who was overseeing the National Endowment
for Democracy's (NED) burgeoning program in Haiti described how,
even after more than a decade of efforts to undermine, demonize,
and isolate Aristide leading up to the 2004 coup, the U.S. based
their political operations on the following calculation: __
"Aristide really had 70% of the popular
support and then the 120 other parties had the thirty per cent
split in one hundred and twenty different ways, which is basically
impossible to compete [with]..." __
The goal, then, was to us "even the
[political] playing field' inside of Haiti under the auspices
of 'promoting democracy." This translated to the establishment
of policies operating in parallel fashion on several tracks. The
political opposition, factions of which were linked to the 'rebel'
paramilitary movement that would emerge, was bolstered in attempt
to consolidate it as a united movement against Aristide. Meanwhile,
Aristide's government was simultaneously isolated diplomatically,
a de facto economic embargo was placed on his government, and
aid money was circumvented around the government and given to
NGO's, many of which helped form the opposition. __
Combined with a variety of other factors,
the strategy had the effect of creating an enabling environment
for Aristide's extra-constitutional removal from power. __
With UN Security Council authorization,
the U.S., Canada, France, and Chile were the first countries to
send their militaries in to "stabilize" the country.
They quickly joined forces with the anti-Aristide political opposition
and "rebel" insurgency. On the one hand, they set up
a puppet regime that was swept clear of Aristide's Lavalas party,
which was occupied by Western 'technical assistants' and Western-friendly
'technocrats.' On the other hand, the UN occupying forces joined
the anti-Aristide insurgency and waged a counterinsurgency (COIN)
war against Lavalas, whose members were included among those identified
as anti-occupation 'insurgents.' __
By the end of the summer of 2004, the
UN's Multilateral-Interim Force (MIF) had morphed into the Brazilian-led
MINUSTAH. A lower intensity COIN war continued through 2006; according
to various reports, thousands of Haitians - civilians, militants,
non-violent activists - lost their lives to conflict during this
The UN's military and policing occupation
continues today, with continuing Brazilian leadership alongside
the forces of ten other Latin American countries, plus Jordan,
Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. Despite having largely receded
from their muscular military role, the U.S., Canada, and France
remain, individually, the three most powerful external political
actors in Haiti. __
Needless to say, the kind of 'stability'
sought by the foreign interveners has not yet arrived; nearly
five years of UN-sanctioned occupation has not improved life for
most Haitians; incredibly, a popular movement still exists calling
for the return of exiled former President Aristide. Few would
contest the claim that, were he to return to Haiti and run in
a future election, Aristide would win in a landslide.
Protecting Haitians, 'Sharing' their Sovereignty
Some comments published recently by the
former commander-in-chief of the Chilean Army, Juan Emilio Cheyre,
speak to the need to return our attention to the roots of the
Haiti intervention. Having just returned from Haiti, Cheyre, now
the director of an elite Chilean think tank, wrote a column calling
for a reduction of the Haiti's sovereignty, which he thinks should
be placed in "de facto trust" with the international
community. Together, the foreigners and Haiti would exercise a
sort of "shared sovereignty." Although a "drastic
option," Haiti is, according to the retired general, after
all, a "failed state." The evolution of "the conventional
concept of sovereignty," Cheyre reasons, renders foreign
tutelage over Haiti a necessary evil. __
Cheyre is only the latest in a long line
of foreigners to publicly pontificate on the neo-colonization
of Haiti. __
Speaking to a Canadian parliamentary committee
only a few weeks after Aristide's removal, the head of a Canadian
think tank and 'democracy' promotion NGO, John Graham of the Canadian
Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL), wanted to avoid having "the
stones of anti-colonialism hurled," at the foreign trustees,
but at the same time felt that some measure of foreign control
over the Haitian state was necessary: __
"We don't want to call it a trusteeship,
but we didn't call Bosnia a trusteeship. We didn't call East Timor
a trusteeship. But some control has to be vested in the international
community to give Haiti a beginning." __
As it turned out, the "international
community" opted to officially abandon the rhetoric of trusteeship,
following both the advice of Graham, as well as one of the concept's
21st century progenitors, Stephen Krasner. Writing in the NED's
Journal of Democracy in 2005, Krasner reasoned that "for
policy purposes," "shared sovereignty" should be
termed "partnerships," in order to simultaneously undermine
and pay lip service to state sovereignty. The distinction is important.
By claiming that they are merely a collective of "donors"
who are "accompanying" their "partner," Haiti,
the foreign interveners try and render themselves unaccountable
for their actions. If things go wrong, the blame can be placed
on Haitians themselves. __
Another, related concept that has been
abandoned rhetorically but applied in actuality in Haiti is that
of the 'Responsibility to Protect' (R2P) doctrine. Alongside the
multi-track process of destabilizing Haiti in the period 2000-2004,
a radical reconfiguration of how state sovereignty is to be viewed
began to be formalized. In the middle of this process, Haiti was
characterized by some as an 'ideal R2P situation.' Since the coup,
however, and since the R2P is becoming embedded in international
institutions and law, Haiti has dropped off the R2P radar. Dozens
of papers, panels, symposiums, and conferences seem to have studiously
avoided Haiti when discussing R2P. __
Although its roots go back at last as
far as the conceptualization of the idea of "sovereignty
as responsibility," first formulated by the elite Brookings
Institution think tank's Francis Deng with generous funding from
the Carnegie foundation in the early 1990s11, R2P made its most
serious advancement with the 2001 Report of the International
Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS).
The ICISS was spearheaded and coordinated
by the Canadian government beginning in 2000, and, importantly
received crucial seed money from several key U.S.-based liberal
philanthropic foundations. As two U.S.-based R2P advocates, Adelle
Simmons and April Donnellan wrote recently, the R2P simply "would
not have come about without the support of philanthropy."
Historically, many foundations have undertaken
extensive programming abroad, at arms length but also inextricable
from the interests of U.S. imperialism. In the case of R2P, philanthropy
is said to possess a "comparative advantage" to the
extent that they can contribute "to the larger goal of establishing
norms by supporting civil society groups whose work complement[s]
and reinforce[s] governments or official organizations."
Indicative of the elitist nature of R2P's
development, an American R2P advocate described how an early R2P
conference he helped organize was, in effect "an insiders
game to discuss and decide what some of the elements of the Responsibility
to Protect doctrine should be so that the political extremists
wouldn't get a hold of it before considered people were able to
define it." __
R2P typifies in doctrinal form the 'evolution
of the conventional concept of sovereignty' by "considered
people." In short, R2P has been defined as a situation wherein
"the power of the sovereign state can be legitimately revoked
if the international community decides that the state is not protecting
its citizens." Importantly, the state's power is not only
taken in extreme instances, via military intervention. Sovereignty
can also be undermined by policies imposed under the "preventive"
and "rebuilding" phases of the R2P spectrum, often in
the form of economic sanctions, "coercive diplomacy,"
"democracy promotion," "good governance,"
and structural adjustment programs. __
For myriad reasons, many of which are
illustrated by the case of Haiti, R2P remains relevant for die
hard supporters of sovereignty, not the least of which due to
the fact that the Haiti intervention is seen by some as a model
for future interventions in the hemisphere. __
Providing a case in point in the fall
of 2005, a Canadian diplomat told a group of journalists gathered
in Canada's austere Port au Prince embassy that Haiti is "an
example for the crisis to come in this hemisphere. We could think,
for example, what will happen when Cuba will be in transition..."__
Not only for Cuba, who, for good reason,
have remained one of the few outspoken critics of R2P, but for
the entire world, the case of Haiti shows that the attempted institutionalization
of this doctrine carries with it serious, potential dangers. __
Following the controversial inclusion
of the (albeit watered-down) R2P language in the UN's 2005 World
Summit Outcome document, a veritable, well-funded "R2P Lobby"
has stealthily emerged to advance and consolidate the doctrine
as a 'global norm.' Some lessons from R2P's application in Haiti
offer some sobering reasons to monitor, and, if necessary, counter
R2P's consolidation. __
R2P's Haitian Genesis __
On the last weekend of January 2003, the
Canadian government hosted a secret meeting to discuss Haiti's
future. Only informing the Haitian government after the fact,
the "Ottawa Initiative on Haiti," was attended by representatives
of the self-identified "friends of Haiti," including,
chiefly, the U.S., Canada, and France, along with representatives
from the EU and OAS. __
Although the details of the meeting remain
disputed - the relevant portions of declassified documents describing
the meeting were redacted - the journalist who broke the story
of the meeting, Michel Vastel, stands by his claim that the meeting's
attendees arrived at "a consensus that 'Aristide should go.'"
Vastel claims that the French government "suggested there
should be a 'trusteeship' like there was in Kosovo. That was not
an intervention, they said, that was their responsibility - all
these countries - to protect." __
One of Vastel's sources for the story
was then-Canadian Secretary of State for Latin America and Liberal
Member of Parliament Denis Paradis, who organized the meeting.
In an interview following Aristide's removal in 2004, Paradis
denied that Aristide's ouster was discussed, but said that R2P
was the "thematic that went under the whole meeting,"
and that "if there is one place where the principles of this
'responsibility to protect' would apply around the world, it's
Haiti." __
Paradis's statements are important to
the extent that Canadian and UN officials were loathe to publicly
tout Haiti as an example of R2P's application, especially when
at the same time R2P advocates were busily lobbying to get it
adopted at the 2005 UN Summit. __
Nevertheless, there is some indication
that Haiti was seen by Canadian officialdom as an ideal R2P situation.
In a declassified talking points memo from Canada's Department
of Foreign Affairs dated 26 March 2004 titled "Canada's Responsibility
to Protect Follow-up Efforts," the following question is
posed: "Why is Canada not applying The Responsibility to
Protect in the case of Haiti?" The answer is revealing. __
On the one hand, the R2P was, at that
point, "a report only" and "not considered part
of customary international law," although this was (and remains)
the goal. On the other hand, "Canada's actions in the case
of Haiti are entirely consistent with our support for R2P's core-findings..."
Official rhetoric aside, there are other
sets of since-declassified memos that illustrate the extent to
which 'R2P principles' were applied, not to 'protect' Haitians,
but to destabilize the democratically elected government in preparation
for its overthrow. __
There is an interesting convergence that
is worth noting between Canada's unprecedented leadership role
in Haiti, and its leadership role in advancing the R2P doctrine.
As Paul Martin, the Prime Minister at the time of both the coup
d'etat in Haiti and R2P's adoption in 2005, wrote in his recently
published memoir, Canadian leadership on R2P was desirable since,
as Canada "was never a colonial power, and no one suspects
us of neo-colonial ambitions, we are able to come to this work
with 'clean hands.'" __
Such sentiments were consistent with those
expressed by John Graham's colleague at FOCAL, Carlo Dade, during
Parliament's post-coup hearings on Haiti, who referred to Canada's
"perception in the region as a counterweight to what is viewed
as heavy U.S. involvement in the region." It was this perception
that compelled the U.S. to support a Canadian leadership role
both in Haiti and on the R2P file. __
Although there is no space for an analysis
of the entire ICISS report here, it is worth noting that it stressed
that military intervention was considered a last resort, and that
attention is to be paid to "direct prevention efforts."
According to the ICISS, such measures can "make it absolutely
unnecessary to employ directly coercive measures against the state
concerned." __
Examples of preventive measures listed
that can be found in the case of pre-coup Haiti include "political
and diplomatic" efforts such as "friends groups,"
(i.e. the 'Friends of Haiti), or "problem-solving workshops"
(i.e. the 'Ottawa Initiative on Haiti'). More importantly for
the purposes of this article, the ICISS lists "economic direct
preventive measures," sometimes of "a more coercive
nature" that can be employed, such as "threats of trade
and financial sanctions...threats to withdraw IMF or World Bank
support; and the curtailment of aid and other assistance."
It is no coincidence that all of these
"preventive" economic measures were undertaken against
Haiti beginning immediately following Aristide's landslide election
in 2000, up to the February 29, 2004 regime change. __
On the one hand, the ICISS states that
such "tough threatened direct prevention efforts can be important
in eliminating the need to actually resort to coercive measures,
including the use of force." __
On the other hand, the authors note that
some of the unintended consequences of such measures, responsibility
for which rests with the state being "helped," finds
that "those who wish to resist external efforts to help may
well, in so doing, increase the risk of inducing increased external
involvement, the application of more coercive measures, and in
extreme cases, external military intervention." __
Here is where some declassified documents
from U.S. and Canadian officials help illustrate a key point with
respect to R2P. It wasn't the intransigence of Aristide's government
that led to "increased external involvement," and, eventually
the "extreme case" of military intervention. Rather,
using key multilateral institutions in conjunction with the other
destabilizing efforts noted above, the U.S. and Canada themselves
knowingly fostered conditions of "chaos" that could
only lead to military intervention. __
One illustration of this concerns the
deliberate holding-up of already approved loans for Haiti from
the Inter-American Development Bank in 2001-2002. The details
are drawn from the joint report, "Wòch nan Soley:
The Denial of the Right to Water in Haiti," by New York University's
Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice, the NYU School of
Law's International Human Rights Clinic, Dr. Paul Farmer's Partners
in Health, and the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human
Rights. __
This report shows, through an analysis
of documents obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), that
"political" motivations compelled the U.S. Treasury
Department, working through the Inter-American Development Bank
(IDB), to undertake "continuous efforts to block Haiti's
access to loans in response to these political concerns."
Only as "a reward for [the U.S.'s desired] political change
in Haiti," would the previously approved loans be dispersed.
Notably, such loans were needed in order to provide essential
life requirements to the people, such as water and health care.
Importantly, the U.S. (and, evidently,
Canadian) obstruction of these loans was a violation of the IDB's
Charter, which states that the IDB "shall not interfere in
the political affairs of any member." In the report, one
U.S. official is cited, relaying to the Treasury Department that,
in reality, there were "no obstacles to [the loan's] disbursement."
There was however, a way to manufacture obstacles, by undertaking
to "slow" the process of releasing Haiti's desperately
needed funds, in accordance with U.S. political objectives. __
Canada's role is not mentioned in the
report, which might explain the Canadian media's failure to report
on its findings. __
One might reasonably assume that Canada
was complicit with this process: media talking points for the
Foreign Affairs bureau at the time justified Canada's support
for the policy, stating that Haiti must take steps "toward
resolving the political situation before the resumption of assistance
by the international community, particularly the IFI's."
Such assumptions appear to be confirmed
by documents obtained via Canada's Access to Information Act (ATI's).29
A few examples from these documents will show how Canada followed
the policy of "slowing" the disbursement of loans to
Haiti in lockstep with the U.S. __
Wòch nan Soley notes how the Organization
of American States (OAS) was drawn into the center of the political
struggle, even though in fact "the OAS position [on the loans]
was irrelevant to the disbursement process." Nevertheless,
when brought in to assess the situation, OAS officials (led by
U.S. Assistant Secretary General Luigi Einaudi, who, only weeks
before Aristide's ouster, publicly lamented that "the international
community is so screwed up and divided that it is letting Haitians
run Haiti") agreed that the loans' release "should be
proportional to President Aristide's progress toward ending political
problems between rival parties in Haiti." __
In a memorandum distributed by Canada's
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAIT), on January 25, 2002, the
"Canadian position" on the disbursement of loans and
on the role of the OAS is stated explicitly: __
"The IDB (with the support of Canada
as a member of the Council) continues to require a green light
from the OAS...before supporting the resumption of large scale
assistance [to Haiti]." __
Although as noted above, the OAS position
was "irrelevant" to the releasing of funds, the Canadians
imposed with the U.S. the belief that a "green light"
from the OAS was still necessary. __
Consistent with the ICISS report, the
memo correctly anticipates that a maintenance of the status quo
policy, or, in the words of Canadian officials, the "consequence
of inaction" on the part of the 'Friends of Haiti' would
"lead to the descent of Haiti into chaos." __
A month later, an Intelligence Assessment
from the Canadian Prime Minister's secretive Privy Council Office
further stated that "Aristide must access blocked foreign
aid or continue to lose ground, and he knows it." __
In another memo, Canadian officials proudly
refer to the "cooperative Canada-US working relationship"
on the Haiti file. Not only was Canada closely coordinating its
policy with the US, once the Bush administration took over the
file from President Clinton, Canada virtually stood alone with
the U.S. in defiance of a majority of the OAS member states who
wanted, at the very least, for the loans to be disbursed. __
A Canadian memo dated July 25, 2002 acknowledges
how the "majority" of the member states who comprise
the OAS Permanent Council "favour release of some IFI funding"
to Haiti. Only the U.S. and Canada stood in the way of this, even
as Haiti's ambassador complained that "No political group
has the right to hold a Government and a people hostage."
_A few days later, one day before a major
meeting of the Permanent Council (July 30, 2002), Canadian officials
indicated that an exasperated Haiti planned to request approval
of a resolution that would lead to a lifting of the barriers to
the disbursement of loans. A Canadian official, who met directly
with Haiti's ambassador, conveyed to him "that Canada would
not be in a position to support the Haitian draft." __
Noting that the Haitian ambassador seemed
to feel, nevertheless, that he "has the numbers necessary
to push the resolution through," the Canadian official said,
"On straight numbers, he is probably correct - but at the
moment, there are two key players outside of the tent."
In case there is any mistake over who
the "two key players outside of the tent" were, the
next day, following the Permanent Council meeting where Haiti
tried to table their resolution that would free up the aid, a
Canadian official boasted how, "Firm opposition to the Haitian
draft from USA and Canada...resulted in Haitian indication of
willingness to work on revisions to the text." __
Although forced to water down the resolution
in order to make "it...acceptable to all," that is,
to Canada and the U.S., the Haitian ambassador defiantly decried
to the Council that "Haiti will not accept the tutorship
of the international community, or that of an institution which
is working to carry out the agenda of some other government."
The ambassador added that "forcing Haiti to accept any outside
framework is incompatible with the sovereign law of the people
and government." __
Nevertheless, the U.S.-Canadian "slowing"
process yielded the desired result. By January of 2003, not long
before the 'Ottawa Initiative' meeting, Canadian intelligence
analysts would accurately predict that circumstances had deteriorated
so much that "Aristide...could be forced to resign or could
face a coup." They even presciently noted how "Ex-military
power brokers may be preparing for 'Regime Change,'" and
that according to "some observers," it was conceivable
that "hundreds of ex-soldiers could be mobilized, should
conditions deteriorate sufficiently and a suitable leader appear."
Another Canadian memo drafted eight months
before Aristide's ouster (June 10, 2003) noted how "the gradual
suspension of most external assistance" and the channeling
of funds away from the Haitian state to NGO's had the result of
weakening the government; "Accordingly, the State's capacity
to respond to the needs of the population has been greatly diminished."
Publicly, however, it was Haiti's "failure" and "bad
governance," coupled with Aristide's increasingly "authoritarian"
ways, that diminished the State's capacity. __
No one knows how many Haitians lives were
affected by this "gradual suspension" of aid. As Todd
Howland of the RFK Memorial Foundation said, as a result of these
obstructions, "Haitians have died. There have been actual
deaths linked to the fact that the IDB never disbursed these loans."
Some $200 million in IDB loans ended up
getting approved in late 2003, most of which did not get dispersed
until the damage was done, and Aristide was overthrown, after
which the International Financial Institution's condition-laden
funding taps opened. This period was described in a World Bank
assessment as "a window of opportunity for implementing economic
governance reforms...that may be hard for a future government
to undo." Another $215 million was approved during the coup
government's reign in 2005.33 Now, with a government in power
that de facto 'shares sovereignty' with the international community,
the IDB is projecting a further $520 million to be dispersed between
2007-2011. __
Conclusion __
A full analysis of the impact and de facto
implementation of R2P in Haiti is beyond the scope of this article.
However, a few more general points about R2P can be made in closing.
In purporting to respond to critics of
R2P in his new book, "The Responsibility to Protect: Ending
Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and For All", Gareth Evans, the
person who is perhaps R2P's leading lobbyist, attempts to dismiss
"those who retain a strong aversion to imperialism, or perceived
neo-imperialism" as erecting "straw men" by insisting
on "hammer[ing] away at humanitarian intervention as the
target, and only incidentally mention R2P...without acknowledging
that the debate has moved on and the extent to which their concerns
have already been conceptually accommodated."
Unfortunately for Evans, no such 'conceptual
accommodation' that would allow for the destabilization, regime
change, and counterinsurgency war waged against Haiti, can be
found to exist. As such, it seems reasonable to suggest that until
the appropriate parties are held accountable for their policies,
it is impossible to "move on." Evans himself, as the
president and CEO of the International Crisis Group (ICG), repeatedly
cites ICG documents throughout his book. But when it comes to
Haiti, there is not a single explicit reference to the situation
in Haiti for the period covering 2004-2006 (despite the fact the
ICG issued six Haiti-specific reports during the period).36 __
Writing about the topic of economic sanctions
in a section titled 'Operationalizing the Responsibility to Protect,"
Evans warns, without mentioning Haiti, that "the capacity
of financial sanctions to do real damage...should never be underestimated."
Far from exceptional, Evans' evasion of
R2P's destructive application in Haiti appears to be standard
fare. Indeed, noting the absence of such discussion in the Canadian
discourse, one R2P advocate has noted, "The Canadian government's
justification for the 2004 intervention in Haiti, without open
debate from an R2P perspective, has damaged the R2P campaign,
particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean." __
Even if marginalized, criticism of R2P
in the case of Haiti is not as obscure as one might assume. In
his memoir, Paul Martin describes how the Prime Minister of Jamaica,
P.J. Patterson, resistant to the legitimation of the doctrine
by the UN, "saw the responsibility to protect in the context
of the recent ouster of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti."
Ever the expert at "personal diplomacy," Martin was
able to "persuade him to change his view, partly because
of Canada's bona fides in the region and in particular with respect
to Haiti, as well as by arguing that no intervention would occur
without regional approval." __
The overall process by which such "regional
approval" for Haiti's occupation and the de facto implementation
of R2P came about is, again, a topic for another paper. Even if
earlier 'damaged,' the R2P Lobby's campaign to achieve acceptance
for R2P have proceeded apace since 2005. The doctrine has made
inroads in the region more generally outside of Haiti. Earlier
this year, a major R2P conference was held in Buenos Ares, Argentina,
"Dialogue on Responsibility to Protect: Latin American Perspectives."
This was just one of numerous such conferences being held by the
R2P Lobby, with an eye toward creating a "global R2P advocacy
movement." __
Fittingly, one of the two Haitian "civil
society" activists to attend the R2P conference was Pierre
Esperance, whose organization NCHR (later named RNDDH) actually
fabricated the perpetration of "genocide" in Haiti during
the "rebels" pre-coup incursion. With Canadian government
funding, Esperance's false claims were responsible for the wrongful
imprisonment of Haiti's Prime Minister, Yvon Neptune. He served
more than two years in prison where he nearly died, before being
released without charge in July 2006. Esperance's false accusations
helped provide post facto justification for "humanitarian
intervention" and the invocation of R2P.
Given what we have seen here, perhaps
the most disturbing potential development is that the R2P Lobby's
efforts have received a considerable boost from the election of
Barack Obama. Far more than pre-emptive, unilateral wars, R2P
appears to be the perfect complement to the U.S.'s expanding counterinsurgency
and emerging "smart power" doctrines, to which Obama
has already indicated a commitment. Some of Obama's key cabinet
picks (namely Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton) and advisors close
to the incoming administration's camp (most notably top Clinton
advisor Lee Feinstein, Samantha Power, and Anne-Marie Slaughter)
are well-known advocates for R2P's "operationalization."
With little sustained criticism of the
doctrine, and an elite establishment that is desperate to "re-brand"
the U.S. image so that it can "move from eliciting fear and
anger to inspiring optimism and hope," formal adoption of
R2P seems possible under Obama, if not likely. __
At the same time, it should be remembered
that it was the Bush administration's consent that allowed for
the adoption of R2P language in the 2005 UN World Summit Outcome
document. Likewise, the same document formalized "democracy
promotion" as the UN's complement to the Bush-led "Freedom
Agenda." Obama, too, has expressed a commitment to the global
"democracy" agenda, the interventionist cousin of the
R2P doctrine. __
Equally, as pointed out in a book by a
close advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the R2P
doctrine, which " the Canadian government has made...[as]
the basis of its international policy in the coming decade,"
essentially mirrors in "value motivations" the Bush
administration's 2002 National Security Strategy. Likewise, R2P
finds resonance with the what (both Bush's, and soon to be Obama's)
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has described as the "balanced
strategy" that is necessary for "Reprogramming the Pentagon
for a New Age." __
In Canada, the close affinity between
"democracy" promotion and R2P is openly displayed. In
Winnipeg recently, NED's Canadian sister organization, Rights
and Democracy, co-hosted a seminar, "Next Steps for Civil
Society to Advance The Responsibility to Protect." Under
the Conservative government, Canada has quietly continued support
for R2P and its funding has contributed to the growth of a "global
R2P coalition." And waiting in the wings to take political
power is the new leader of Canada's Liberal Party, Michael Ignatieff,
cheerleader for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, advocate of "Empire
Lite," and member of the R2P's ICISS. _
Although this article has only focused
on R2P's de facto application in one context, the example of Haiti
alone, combined with the R2P Lobby's silence on the Haiti case
and its close proximity to other interventionist projects, should
compel those who are concerned with the erosion of state sovereignty,
the [re-]emergence of a paradigm of "humanitarian imperialism,"
and a continuation of the global counterinsurgency campaign (aka
'war on terror'), to think twice about supporting R2P's entrenchment
as a global norm. __
Anthony Fenton is an independent researcher
and journalist based near Vancouver, B.C. __
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