Clinton Is The WorId's
Leading Active War Criminal
Clinton's crimes, after just seven years in office,
are competitive with Suharto's
by Edward S. Herman
Z magazine , December 1999

I use war crimes to encompass the commission of all acts declared
illegal under international rules of war as enumerated in the
various Hague and Geneva agreements and conventions and pronounced
in the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals. Among these acts are the
carrying out of wars of aggression, the use of poison gases and
other inhumane weapons, deliberately killing and starving civilian
populations, and the use of force beyond military necessity. War
crimes can be carried out directly or through proxy forces that
are funded, encouraged, and protected in their own war criminality.
This means that inaction-failure to discourage or prevent the
carrying out of war crimes known to be going on, planned for enlargement,
and preventable-is itself a form of war criminality. Thus, if
the Clinton administration knew that Indonesia was killing large
numbers of East Timorese and planned to ravage East Timor on a
larger scale if it lost an independence referendum, and did nothing
to prevent the crimes, Clinton and associates were guilty of war
crimes by inaction.
Clinton and Suharto
I put the adjective "active" in the title to this
article because Indonesia's now retired president Suharto probably
holds the overall top place today, as the person responsible for
three genocides (Indonesia, East Timor, and West Papua). But Suharto
had 33 years to carry out his crimes whereas Clinton has become
competitive within 7 years. Who can doubt that if Clinton had
more time to add to his mark in history he would easily top Suharto?
There are links between Suharto and Clinton. When Suharto
visited Washington in 1995 a Clinton administration official was
quoted in the New York Times as saying that Suharto was "our
kind of guy." But it would be wrong to infer from this that
the Clinton official was expressing approval of Suharto's mass
murders; rather, he was saying that Suharto was easy to do business
with in arranging trade deals and joint public relations statements.
Still, it was quite clear that Suharto's murders and dictatorial
rule were of little consequence to the Clinton leadership, not
detracting significantly enough to make Suharto a "bad guy."
This brings us to the deeper connection between Clinton and
the U.S. economic and political establishment to Suharto's crimes:
because Suharto has been "our kind of guy" since 1965
when he took power during his first genocidal outburst, he has
been protected and given positive support by the U.S. establishment,
which therefore has a shared responsibility for his crimes. This
was clearly evident in the U.S. provision of arms and diplomatic
support during the first round of Indonesian genocide in East
Timor, and has now been followed up with U.S. support for the
second round where this country, with the closest links to the
Indonesian military, took no action to curb its client's behavior.
This form of war crime-by the provision of military support
and follow-up inaction as the proxy army kills-is a longstanding
U.S. mode of operation. These U.S.-organized and/or supported
proxy armies have mainly killed people the U . S. wants killed,
although sometimes they have "gone too far" and their
excesses may be deplored, though not stopped. This purposefulness
was most obvious and notorious in the rise of the National Security
State in Latin America in the 1950s and thereafter. Internal documents
make clear the official worry over Castroism, the hostility to
popular movements seeking "an immediate improvement in the
low living standard of the masses" (NSC, 1954), and the determination
to combat them. This was done through U. S. military aid, training,
arms supply, and the anti-populist politicization of the Latin
military, who served as U. S. gendarmes. The triumph of these
U.S. proxies was closely correlated with the ending of democracy-11
constitutional regimes were overthrown by our Latin American gendarmes
in the 1960s-along with the rise of death squads, disappearances,
and systems of torture.
With the help and genius of the U.S. media, however, the U.S.
connection to and responsibility for this continent wide regression
was not acknowledged-it was all a remarkable happenstance that
we regretted but apparently couldn't do anything about. On the
other hand, in the phony campaign of the 1980s to blame the Soviet
Union for the world's terrorism, it was enough to find any link
of the terrorists to the Soviets for the latter to be responsible.
As the London Economist said, "The Soviet Union, as it were,
merely puts the gun on the table and leaves others to wage a global
war by proxy." But although the United States did far more
than "leave guns on the table," the actions of its proxies
were never its responsibility.
Power, Arrogance, and Criminality
Clinton follows in a great tradition, although the special
characteristics of the man and his Administration, along with
the end of the limited Soviet containment of U. S. anti-populist
interventionism, have helped make a long-standing global rogue
into a super-rogue. The U.S. has long considered that it has the
right to intervene at will among the "savages" occupying
its own backyard in Latin America, but especially after World
War II when its predominance was overwhelming and its global interests
were growing rapidly its managers felt it could straighten things
out everywhere. Because of U.S. power and the longstanding racist
arrogance of its leaders, they have never felt that laws apply
to themselves-they only apply to others. And what for the Soviet
Union would be described as "aggression" or "subversion"
was felt to be perfectly reasonable when done by us. The Soviet
Union was declared to be engaging in subversion and even aggression
in Central America when Czechoslovakia shipped one boatload of
arms to Guatemala in May 1954 as that virtually disarmed country,
under relentless U. S. subversive attack, was within a month of
being subjected to a U.S.-organized proxy invasion. The U.S. could
deliberately subvert a dozen countries in Latin America via arms,
military training, and support of coups (most notably Brazil and
Chile) and not be guilty of any misbehavior at all.
It could also invade and bomb other countries at its discretion
and be free from international sanction. In the case of Indochina,
the U.S. and its supportive media accomplished another propaganda
miracle. It committed blatant aggression, overturned the Geneva
Accords of 1954, installed its puppet in "South Vietnam,"
and in the process of trying to keep that puppet in power, killed
as many as 4 million people and virtually destroyed all of Vietnam,
Cambodia, and Laos. It did this using the most fearsome technology-including
the largest quantity of chemical weapons ever employed-against
virtually defenseless peasant societies. The racism underpinning
this mass killing was strong: "In Vietnam racism became a
patriotic virtue. All Vietnamese became 'dinks,' 'slopes,' 'slants,'
or 'gooks' and the only good one was a dead one." And there
was great enthusiasm for "skunk hunts" and "turkey
shoots" that killed innumerable farmers and their wives and
children. (Philip Knightley, The First Casualty).
But the only "crimes" the world now recognizes in
connection with this holocaust are those of Pol Pot, whose criminality
was real, but less far reaching than that of the U.S., in an important
sense a derivative of the larger U.S. assault, disruption, and
mass killing. In the United States, however, this country is seen
as having "lost" the war because of an adversarial media
and the insufficient use of force (the conservative view); or
as a result of a "tragic error" carried out with the
"best intentions" (the liberal view); or in a noble
failed effort that was a "necessary" part of the struggle
of good against evil (the latest revisionism, harking back to
old Cold War and neocon ideology).
The propaganda system allows the U.S. Ieadership to commit
crimes without limit and with no suggestion of misbehavior or
criminality; in fact, major war criminals like Henry Kissinger
appear regularly on TV to comment on the crimes of the derivative
butchers. The loyal U. S. allies neither contest this vision of
criminality nor seriously impede the global rogue's behavior.
From Truman to Bush
Because of its power and global interests U.S. leaders have
committed crimes as a matter of course and structural necessity.
A strict application of international law would,( I believe,)
have given every U.S. president of the past 50 years Nuremberg
treatment. The sainted Harry Truman, for example, not only dropped
atom bombs on two Japanese cities, in clear violation of the rules
against the use of inhumane weapons and targeting civilians, he
was also the engineer of the vicious U.S. counterinsurgency war
in Greece in 1947-1949 that reestablished the rule of fascists
who had sided with the Nazis. In Korea also, although others too
were guilty of serious crimes, Truman's ferocious use of air power
in which "we burned down every town in North Korea and South
Korea, too" (General Curtis LeMay), made him principally
responsible for the devastation of Korea, the killing of perhaps
four million Koreans, and the firming up of the power of the murderous
dictator Syngman Rhee. In its heavy use of napalm in all these
victim countries, the sponsorship of torture and concentration
camps in Greece during that war, the ruthless use of air-power
against civilian targets and a food deprivation strategy in Korea,
the Truman administration gave advance notice of the kind of merciless
anti-people war the U.S. would bring to its culmination in Indochina.
Jumping to Clinton's immediate predecessor George Bush, war
crimes were committed in his invasion of Panama in 1989, arguably
a war of aggression in clear violation of the OAS agreement and
the UN Charter. It was done to capture a leader who was involved
in the drug trade, although the U.S. had backed him for many years
with full knowledge of and no objection to his drug connections-until
he ceased to be cooperative in support of the U.S. war on Nicaragua.
Several thousand Panamanian civilians were killed and scores of
thousands injured in the U.S. invasion, many in bombing raids
on civilian areas in Panama City.
Bush's criminality escalated in his war against Iraq. Although
the U.S. was able to obtain Security Council agreement to this
assault, it evaded efforts at a peaceable settlement in violation
of the UN Charter, so that even this UN sanctioned war can be
called a war of aggression. The war was also fought with the use
of weapons that would be condemned in a hypothetical Bush-Iraq
War Crimes Tribunal, including enhanced uranium shells and fuel
air bombs. Thousands of helpless Iraqi conscripts and fleeing
refugees were butchered in cold blood in the "turkey shoot"
on the "Highway of Death," and hundreds of Iraqis were
deliberately buried alive in the sand and large numbers were dumped
in unmarked burial sites in violation of the rules of war. The
civil society infrastructure of Iraq was shattered far beyond
any military justification. In the aftermath, Bush insisted on
the continuation of sanctions that prevented recovery of the civil
society and was responsible for many thousands of civilian deaths
from disease and starvation. This was first class criminality.
Clinton: Postmodern War Criminality
This brings us to Bill Clinton, who has gone beyond the Bush
record of criminality, and has brought to the commission of war
crimes a new eclectic reach and postmodern style. A skilled public
relations person, he has refined the rhetoric of humanistic and
ethical concern and can apologize with seeming great sincerity
for our earlier regrettable sponsorship and support of mass murder
in Guatemala while carrying out similar or even more vicious policies
in Colombia and Iraq at the same moment.
Clinton's military and other aggressive forays abroad have
been partly a result of his political weakness, the need to divert
attention from his domestic policy failures, and the longstanding
need of Democrats to prove their anti-Communist and militaristic
credentials. It will be recalled that Truman could not end the
Korean War; its termination had to await the arrival of the Republican
Eisenhower. Kennedy and Johnson could not get us out of the Vietnam
War; it took Nixon, although with a horrendous time lag.
Clinton's crimes range from ad hoc bombings to boycotts and
sanctions designed to starve into submission, to support of ethnic
cleansing in brutal counterinsurgency warfare, and to aggression
and devastation by bombing designed to return rogues to the stone
age and keep them there.
On June 26, 1993, Clinton bombed Baghdad in retaliation for
an alleged but unproven Iraq plot to assassinate former President
George Bush. Eight Iraqi civilians, including the distinguished
Iraqi artist Layla al-Attar were killed in the raid, and 12 more
were wounded. This kind of unilateral action in response to an
unproven charge is a violation of international law. The legal
excuse given by U.S. officials, which they relied on in justification
of the bombing of Libya in 1986, is the right to self defense
under Article 51 of the UN Charter. But that Article requires
that the response be to an immediate threat to the retaliating
party, clearly not the case, and therefore a legal fraud. This
was a crime-petty by the usual U.S. standard-but still a crime.
And it had the further repellent feature that it was done almost
surely for purely internal political reasons-to show Clinton's
toughness, despite his Vietnam War record, and to countervail
right-wing attacks on his lack of militancy.
The same point can be made as regards his 1998 bombing of
Afghanistan and the Sudan. Unknown numbers were killed in Afghanistan
(and by the missiles that accidentally landed in Pakistan), and
the pharmaceutical factory destroyed in the Sudan was the major
source of medical drugs in that poor country. All evidence points
to the fact that the Sudan factory destroyed had no connection
whatever to chemical weapons or Bin Laden, and was bombed on the
basis of insufficient and poorly evaluated data. But following
the attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa, Clinton felt compelled
to act for internal political reasons once again, and there are
no international constraints or costs to him or his country if
he chooses to bomb small and weak countries to score political
points at home. This was rogue and criminal behavior.
Clinton has given unstinting support to Turkey in its war
against its indigenous Kurds. He has also escalated his aid to
Colombia. In both of these countries the civilian casualties from
counterinsurgency warfare and death squad operations during the
Clinton years has exceeded the pre-NATO bombing deaths in Kosovo
by a large factor.
In the Clinton years these recurrent U.S. policies have impacted
heavily on Cuba and most dramatically on Iraq. The tightening
of the embargo on Cuba under the Toricelli-Helms bill, signed
into law and enforced by Clinton, which banned the sale of U.S.
food and curtailed access to water treatment chemicals and medicines,
took a heavy toll. According to a 1997 report of the American
Association of World Health, the food sale ban "has contributed
to serious nutritional deficits, particularly among pregnant women,
leading to an increase in low birth-weight babies. In addition,
food shortages were linked to a devastating outbreak of neuropathy
numbering in the tens of thousands. By one estimate, daily caloric
intake dropped 33 percent between 1989 and 1993." The decisive
offsetting consideration, however, was that Clinton was able to
preserve some of his political support from the powerful Cuban
lobby in Florida.
The most monumental of Clinton's war crimes, however, has
been his policy of sanctions on Iraq, supplemented by the maintenance
of intense satellite surveillance and regular bombing attacks
that have often resulted in civilian casualties. UNICEF reports
that in 1999 more than 1 million Iraqi children under 5 were suffering
from chronic malnutrition, and some 4,000-5,000 children are dying
per month beyond normal death rates from the combination of malnutrition
and disease. Death from disease was greatly increased by the shortage
of potable water and medicines, that has led to a 20-fold increase
in malaria (among other ailments). This vicious sanctions system,
causing a creeping extermination of a people, has already caused
more than a million excess deaths, and it is claimed by John and
Karl Mueller that Clinton's "sanctions of mass destruction"
have caused "the deaths of more people in Iraq than have
been slain by all so-called weapons of mass destruction [nuclear
and chemical] throughout all history" (Foreign Affairs, May/June
1999). U.S. mainstream reporters, who have so eagerly followed
the distress of the Kosovo Albanians, somehow never get to Iraq
for pictures of the thousands of malnourished children.
One of the notable features of the NATO-U. S. war against
Yugoslavia was the gradual extension of targeting to civilian
infrastructure and civilian facilities-therefore civilians who
would be in houses, hospitals, schools, trains, factories, power
stations, and broadcasting facilities. Two months after the war
was over, the BBC "revealed" that the attack on Yugoslav
television on April 23 was part of an escalation of NATO bombing
whereby the target list was extended to non-military objectives;
NATO was "taking off the gloves." According to Yugoslav
authorities, 60 percent of NATO targets were civilian, including
33 hospitals and 344 schools, as well as 144 major industrial
plants and a large petro-chemical plant whose bombing caused a
pollution catastrophe. John Pilger noted that the list of civilian
targets included "housing estates, hotels, libraries, youth
centres, theatres, museums, churches and 14th century monasteries
on the World Heritage list. Farms have been bombed and their crops
set afire."
This NATO targeting was in open violation of the laws of war,
although this was certainly neither publicized nor condemned in
the mainstream media; U.S. pundits like Thomas Friedman of the
New York Times frequently called for a more aggressive bombing
of Serb civilian targets and the commission of more war crimes
(Rachel Coen, "Lessons of War: Leading papers call for more
attacks on civilian targets next time," EXTRA! Update, August
1999). There can be little doubt that Yugoslavia finally agreed
to a military exit from Kosovo mainly because they recognized
that, although their forces had not been defeated on the battlefield,
the NATO strategy of attacking civilian targets in violation of
international law, was subject to no limits.
On May 27, in the midst of this criminal operation by NATO,
Louise Arbour, chief prosecutor of International Criminal Tribunal
for Former Yugoslavia, issued an indictment of Milosevic for war
crimes, thereby implicitly exonerating and facilitating the NATO
commission of war crimes. By allowing her Tribunal to be so mobilized
in NATO propaganda service, Arbour and her colleagues were arguably
guilty of war crimes themselves.
The U.S. played an important role in the "international
community's" failure in Rwanda, as it worked hard to prevent
any international action to interfere with the gigantic 1994 massacres
(Omaar and de Waal, "Genocide in Rwanda: U.S. Complicity
By Silence," CovertAction, Spring 1995). Bill Clinton has
apologized for this, suggesting that his recognition of the earlier
failure spurred him on to his Kosovo policy, which involved his
commission of further war crimes under the guise of a "humanitarian
intervention" that was devoid of humanitarian intent or effect.
Furthermore, in 1998-1999 Clinton was once more put to the
test in East Timor, where he and his Administration knew of the
Indonesian plans to interfere with the referendum and eventually
to take revenge for any ensuing defeat, but did nothing whatsoever
to prevent this criminal performance. This was worse than Rwanda
in that Clinton had long advance knowledge of Indonesian intentions
and easy access and close links to Indonesian leaders that made
prevention relatively easy. But prevention would have been at
the cost of disturbing the long and warm relationship of Clinton
and his associates with the killers. Clinton once again easily
failed the moral test, and is guilty of criminal behavior by inaction.
U.S. Ieaders commit war crimes as a matter of institutional
necessity, as their imperial role calls for keeping subordinate
peoples in their proper place and assuring a "favorable climate
of investment" everywhere. They do this by using their economic
power, but also (by means of "bombs bursting in the air"
and) by supporting Diem, Mobutu, Pinochet, Suharto, Savimbi, Marcos,
Fujimori, Salinas, and scores of similar leaders. War crimes also
come easily because U.S. Ieaders consider themselves to be the
vehicles of a higher morality and truth and can operate in violation
of law without cost. It is also immensely helpful that their mainstream
media agree that their country is above the law and will support
and rationalize each and every venture and the commission of war
Thus, Clinton's civilian extermination policy in Iraq, which
the Muellers contend has killed more people that all the chemical
and nuclear weapons throughout history, is completely normalized
in the U.S. and brings no discredit to this country via the elite-dominated
global system. The defeat of Milosevic, not on the battlefield,
but by an expanding attack on the civil society of Serbia in direct
violation of the rules of war, also raises few eyebrows in the
West and is not seen as incompatible with the new "humanitarian"
foreign policy of this country and NATO. While hostage taking
is viewed as a form of terrorism, treating the entire populations
of Iraq and Serbia as hostages, and imposing mass suffering and
death on them to achieve a political end, is acceptable in the
But whatever the success of doublethink in making the commission
of war crimes feasible, Clinton has broken new ground as a war
criminal, and people with any concern for human rights should
recognize him as the true world leader in this sphere.
Edward S. Herman is an economist and media analyst. His latest
book is The Myth of the Liberal Media: An Edward Herman Reader
(Peter Lang).
War Crimes
War Criminals