Slow Motion Holocaust
US designs on Iraq
by Stephanie Reich
CovertAction Quarterly, Spring 2002

The George Bush II administration is implementing war preparations
for an all-out attack on Iraq. In his January 2002 "Axis
of Evil" speech, Mr. Bush accused Iraq of having plotted
to "develop anthrax and nerve gas and nuclear weapons,"
fulminating against "...a regime that agreed to international
inspections then kicked out the inspectors...a regime that has
something to hide..." This despite that fact that in January
2001, outgoing Secretary of Defense William Cohen advised the
incoming administration that "Saddam Hussein's forces are
in a state where he cannot pose a threat to his neighbors... Scott
Ritter, the outspoken former US Marine and UN weapons inspector,
has reiterated this assessment.
Immediately after Iraqi troops entered Kuwait on August 2,
1990, George Bush I implemented war preparations, bypassing both
UN procedures for conflict resolution and inter-Arab efforts at
resolving the dispute. This happened despite the fact that during
the previous decade, the Iraqi government had adopted policies
designed to improve its relations with the US. For example, Iraq
substituted France for the Soviet Union as its leading trading
partner and arms supplier, and condemned the Soviet intervention
in Afghanistan.
These Iraqi moves did not alter the basic thrust of US policy
in the Persian Gulf region, which was to maintain the Arabian
Peninsula monarchies as Washington's chief strategic allies, and
to marginalize both Iraq and Iran. During the Iran-lraq war, the
US carried out this policy by assisting one belligerent and then
the other. Henry Kissinger said at the time: "The ultimate
American interest in the war is that both should lose."
Despite its propaganda regarding the Iranian government, the
US did not take any action against Israeli arms sales to Teheran,
since they served the US objective of keeping Iran and Iraq in
combat. Israel reconstructed its Iranian arms market impressively
during the Iran-lraq war, accounting for as much as 50 per cent
of Iran's war needs from the outbreak of hostilities to March
1982. During the war, Israel supplied Iran with at least $500
million worth of arms per year. The Reagan administration got
involved in arms sales to Iran after receiving reports from Israeli
intelligence about Tel Aviv's contacts with what Israel called
"anti-Khomeini and proWestern elements" (the debut of
the so-called "Moderates") within the Iranian government.
Thinking to keep the conflict going, President Reagan authorized
Israel to sell TOW antitank missiles to Iran, in July 1985, and
in January 1986, approved direct US arms sales to the Khomeini
government. These two directives contravened "Operation Staunch,"
a US-led arms embargo on Iran.
While the war brought Iraq severe economic problems, the country
seemed to have emerged from the conflict with increased military
strength in 1988. This apparent development set the stage for
US and Israeli moves to contain Iraq. For the US, such moves were
to ensure that Iraq would not become strong enough to interfere
with US warships patrolling the Gulf. Between 1988 and 1990, Gulf
oil had become more important to the US than ever because the
global demand for oil had increased. In January 1990, Director
of Central Intelligence (DCI) William Webster speculated that
the share of Gulf oil would increase from 10 to 25 per cent of
all US imports over the next few years. Furthermore, Soviet oil
production was declining, and this made it likely that Moscow
would become a competitor with the US for Gulf oil.
Israel, for its part, aimed to maintain its position as paramount
military power in the region by portraying the strengthening of
any Arab state's armed forces as a major security threat. Israel
included in this category the growth and battle experience of
Iraq's armed forces, Iraqi and Syrian moves toward reconciliation,
and the formation, in March 1990, of a joint Iraqi-Jordanian squadron
armed with Mirage aircraft. Israel considered all of these developments
precursors to the emergence of a new, anti-lsraeli eastern front.
The following month, US intelligence claimed that Iraq had completed
the installation of fixed launching sites for modified versions
of its Scud-B missile, as preparation for attacks on Israel. The
seizure in Greece of steel pipes slated to be components of Iraq's
1,000 mm supergun provoked speculation that this gun was to be
used to lob large chemical or nuclear warheads into Israel. Israel
further alleged that both Iraq and Syria possessed waterborne
biological agents capable of poisoning Lake Tiberia, Israel's
chief source of water.
In sounding these alarms, the US and Israel were attempting
to conceal three realities. The first was that Iraq was developing
these weapons as a defense against Israel, which had a massive
arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. By 1988,
Israel possessed nearly 200 nuclear weapons of various types,
and a fleet of fighter aircraft designed for nuclear payloads.
Israel's tactical nuclear arsenal at the time included land mines
planted along the Golan Heights. Currently, Tel Aviv's Nes Tziyona
Biological Institute produces chemical and biological weapons,
and its arsenal features ballistic and cruise missiles designed
for nuclear warheads, at least 200 neutron bombs, and F-16 fighter
jets designed to carry chemical and biological payloads.
The second reality was that as late as 1990, Iraq's arsenal
of superguns, and nuclear, chemical and biological weapons was
still at a rudimentary stage of development. The third reality
was that it had been US, British and other Western firms and agencies
that sold much of the technology for these weapons to Iraq. The
Reagan administration's removal of Iraq from the list of states
"sponsoring terrorism" granted Iraq the eligibility
that every other "free world" state enjoyed to purchase
high technology equipment from the US. Between January 1, 1985
and August 2, 1990, the US Commerce Department approved hundreds
of license applications for exports of US products to Iraq. Many
of these products had potential military applications. A 1989
US Commerce Department report highlighting areas of the Iraqi
economy that were likely to prove lucrative to US businesses pointed
out that military hardware, and specifically state of the art
weaponry and logistical supplies, were items that Iraq would require
for replenishing its defense forces.
The British firm of Walter Sommers, Ltd., had supplied the
steel tubes for the one operational long-range cannon that Iraq
possessed, a 356mm gun with a range of 150 to 180 kilometers.
(Israel is 825 kilometers distant from Iraq.) Other parts for
the cannon had come from West Germany, Spain and France. Iraq
had not yet assembled by 1991, much less tested, its two highly-publicized
1,000 mm supergun. Walter Sommers, Ltd, and Sheffield Forgemasters
held the contracts for the guns' steel tubes, and a Belgian firm
was to supply the propellants. Despite allegations that Iraq was
planning to use these guns to deliver biological payloads to Israel,
there is no evidence that Iraq had such a capability.
As late as 1985, Iraq possessed only one operative mustard
gas plant, a small complex that the West German firm of Karl Kolb
had built. More significantly, by the end of the 1980s, Iraq was
still importing the precursors for mustard gas, thiodiglycol and
ethylene oxide. Iraq imported its thiodiglycol from the US throughout
that decade, as well as from Western European firms. In the late
1980s, Iraq still lacked facilities for the production of ethylene,
a basic precursor for many petrochemical products, as well as
for thiodiglycol and ethylene oxide. Although Iraq had completed
the construction of its first ethylene plant early in the decade,
the Iran-lraq war had postponed startup until 1989. Not until
1988 did Iraq let contracts for the construction of a second plant
for the production of ethylene oxide. The construction manager
was Bechtel Corporation, to which former Secretary of State George
Schultz had returned as a top executive at the end of Reagan's
second term. Another US company working on this plant was Lummus
Crest, of Bloomfield, New Jersey.
As of 1988, Iraq's production capacity for the nerve agents
Sarin and Tabun was small. The country's two West German built
pilot plants at Samarra were each capable of producing only 48
tons per year of these agents. (By comparison, the best data available
on US production of chemical weapons suggests production levels
of around 1,000 tons per year as of early 1970s. -Bulletin of
the Atomic Scientists, vol. 53, no. 5, 1997) Furthermore, Iraq
had to import the precursors for these nerve agents, and until
1985, an important source of these imports had been Western Europe
and the US. Because many precursors of nerve agents have few non-military
uses, Iraq had also to contend with the export restrictions that
many potential source countries had imposed. It was not until
1987 that Iraq obtained the equipment for a production plant for
the nerve gas precursors phosphorous oxychloride and phosphorous
trichloride from West German firms. However, Iraq remained unable
to produce elemental phosphorus, a basic component of all nerve
US and other Western firms and agencies were extending considerable
assistance to Iraqi research on infectious diseases, irrespective
of whether or not this research was being conducted for military
purposes. One such agency was the American Type Culture Collection,
which supplied Iraq with the cultures for Tularemia and West Nile
Fever, and no fewer than seventeen shipments of cultures of various
toxins and bacteria between 1985 and 1991. By the outbreak of
the 1991 war, other US centers had transferred the strains for
a number of viruses to Iraq for research, and the US firm Sigma
Chemie had provided Iraq with precursor viruses. In addition,
this firm transferred mycotoxins to its two West German subsidiaries,
Joseph Kuhn and Plato-Kuhn. These firms, in turn, delivered the
toxins to Iraq.
Despite the Bush I administration's hair-raising alarms about
Iraq's alleged nuclear capabilities during the run-up to the 1991
Gulf War, the reality was that Iraq's nuclear achievements by
that year were dismal, and many were traceable to US equipment.
For example, US companies played a significant role in the development
of Saad 16, a complex for designing missiles and conducting nuclear
weapons research. Iraq had imported fully 40 per cent of the equipment
used at this ~' complex from the US, including computers manufactured
by Hewlett Packard Co., oscilloscopes manufactured by Tektronix,
Inc, and microwave measuring devices purchased from Wiltron Co.
Back in 1981, Israel had destroyed Iraq's French-built Osirak
reactor before it became operational, due in part to US-provided
high-resolution satellite photographs. France did not rebuild
the Osirak reactor, nor did Italy conclude the 1981 agreement
that Iraq had tried to initiate for a new reactor, since it was
clear that Israel would destroy it. During the 1980s, Iraq obtained
93% enriched uranium from France, conducted research on the various
techniques for uranium enrichment and plutonium production, and
was able to obtain components for these techniques from German
and US companies such as Maxwell Laboratories of San Diego. Yet
even by the end of the decade, Iraq possessed insufficient quantities
of highly enriched uranium for building the most rudimentary nuclear
device. Producing a smaller weapon with the limited amount of
enriched uranium that Iraq possessed would have required complex
implosion technology that Iraq lacked. As for plutonium, Iraq
had been able to extract slightly over 5 grams by the onset of
the Gulf War, whereas the simplest plutonium weapon requires 8
to 10 kilograms. Nor does any evidence exist indicating that Iraq
was designing plutonium weapons. Finally, by the end of the 1980s,
Iraq still lacked an effective delivery system for nuclear weapons.
At the time of Israel's attack on Osirak, Iraq was a signatory
to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, as it remains today.
Israel has yet to sign.
In February 1990, Saddam Hussein condemned US military presence
in the Persian Gulf, and warned that growing US power in the region
might eventually allow it to dictate the price, production and
distribution of the region's oil, solely according to its own
interests. In April of that year, President Hussein advocated
a panArab troop and materiel buildup, and declared that as long
as the Arab states remained economically and militarily weak,
they would be unable to dislodge Israel from the occupied territories
and establish a Palestinian state. President Hussein's speech
emphasized that economic strengthening of the Arab states required
the investment of oil revenues at home rather than abroad, and
that wealthy Arab governments should assist poor ones. He advocated
special pan-Arab funds to assist the Palestinian intifada, and
stated that Iraq would answer any Israeli nuclear attack, and
would come to the military aid of any Arab nation facing external
aggression. He also pointed out that Israel, and not Iraq, had
introduced nuclear and chemical weapons into the region, and advocated
an alternative: the transformation of the entire Middle East into
a nuclear, chemical and biological weapons-free zone.
While the US and Israel were trumpeting allegations about
the "Iraqi menace," Kuwait was engaging in a series
of damaging maneuvers against Iraq. In 1989 Kuwait hindered Iraq's
access to the Gulf by refusing to lease two islands, Bubyan and
Warbah, for shipping purposes. In 1990 Kuwait resumed direct flights
to Iran while prohibiting Iraqi aircraft from crossing Kuwaiti
airspace, thereby preventing Basra from functioning as an international
airport. Iraq's industrialization and debt repayment plan of 1989
was based upon the presumption that in 1990, the price of oil
would rise above the OPEC-set price of $18 per barrel. Instead,
the price of oil fell markedly during that year, and both Kuwait
and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) dallied on agreeing to adhere
to their OPEC production quotas until they received warnings from
Iraq in July. Nor would Kuwait agree to cancel the $17 billion
debt that Iraq had contracted during the war with Iran. A related
Iraqi grievance against Kuwait concerned the Rumailah oil field,
ninety per cent of which lies in Iraq. Iraq charged Kuwait with
taking advantage of the war situation and stealing Iraqi resources
by slant-drilling $10-14 billion worth of oil from the field during
the 1980s.
All along, Kuwaiti officials were confident of US support.
This confidence is revealed in a document the Iraqis discovered
in a Kuwaiti intelligence file at the time of the invasion. The
document was a memo from the head of Kuwaiti State Security summarizing
a November 1989 meeting with CIA Director Webster. Webster and
the Kuwaiti security chief agreed that it was important to take
advantage of Iraq's deteriorating economic situation in order
to pressure Iraq on the border dispute, and that Kuwait could
rely on US cooperation at the highest levels. The Kuwaiti Foreign
Minister fainted when his Iraqi counterpart confronted him with
this document at an Arab summit meeting in mid-August, 199. According
to Jordan's King Hussein, prior to the Gulf War the Kuwaiti Foreign
Minster had stated "We are not going to respond to [Iraq].
If they don't like it, let them occupy our territory...We are
going to bring in the Americans.'
Privately, the US had made its intentions clear to Kuwaiti
officials, but Washington's public statements and communications
to Iraq about troop deployments along the Kuwaiti border in July
1990 were very ambiguous. While both Secretary of Defense Dick
Cheney and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz
(both now in the Bush II administration) stated that the US was
committed to defending Kuwait if it were attacked, the White House
later stated that Cheney had spoken with "some liberty."
State Department spokesperson Margaret Tutweiler stated that the
US had concluded neither defense treaties nor special security
agreements with Kuwait, but then asserted that the US "remained
strongly committed to supporting the individual and collective
self-defense of our friends in the Gulf..." On July 25, 1990,
US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie uttered her infamous statement
to the Iraqi president that the US had no opinion about inter-Arab
conflicts. On the same day, Assistant Secretary of State John
Kelly killed a VOA broadcast reiterating Tutweiler's warning.
Days before Iraq actually entered Kuwait, Kelly told Congress
that the US had no defense treaty with any Gulf country, and had
historically avoided taking positions on border disputes or inter-OPEC
Once Iraq entered Kuwait, the US moved swiftly and decisively
toward war, foiling regional attempts to resolve the conflict,
dismissing Iraqi proposals for withdrawal, and contravening standard
UN procedures for such situations. President Bush brusquely gave
King Hussein of Jordan a mere forty-eight hours to convene a summit
in Saudi Arabia for negotiating a settlement. Believing that he
had persuaded Egypt to refrain from condemning Iraq, King Hussein
then obtained Iraq's agreement to begin troop withdrawals on August
5, the first day of the summit. On August 3, possibly under Egyptian
pressure, fourteen out of twenty-one Arab foreign ministers voted
to condemn the invasion, and so the mini-summit collapsed. On
August 6, the Bush administration secured Turkey's pledge to boycott
Iraq and shut down Iraq's oil pipeline, in exchange for US promises
of military and economic favors.
Next came Saudi Arabia's "invitation" for US military
intervention on August 7, after Secretary of Defense Cheney had
convinced King Fahad that the Kingdom was in danger of an Iraqi
invasion. Reports subsequently surfaced that British Prime Minister
Thatcher had revealed to King Hussein that US troops were actually
en route to Saudi Arabia before King Fahad had requested them.
Both CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency officials expressed skepticism
about the existence of such Iraqi invasion plans. General Colin
Powell also concurred with this assessment by conceding that Baghdad
could have invaded Saudi Arabia without going through Kuwait,
and that Iraq had curiously refrained from carrying out such an
invasion within the three weeks immediately following the takeover
of Kuwait.
Between August 10 and 19, Iraq issued three proposals for
resolving the Gulf crisis. The first proposal offered Iraqi withdrawal
from Kuwait in exchange for Syrian pullout from Lebanon, and Israeli
evacuation of the West Bank and Gaza. The second proposal called
for the replacement of US troops assembling in Saudi Arabia by
UN forces, and the handling of the Iraq-Kuwait situation within
a regional context. The third proposal, delivered to US National
Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, offered Iraq's complete withdrawal
from Kuwait in exchange for Iraqi control of the Rumailah oilfield,
and for Baghdad's guaranteed access to the Gulf. The US responded
to these three Iraqi offerings by continuing its troop buildup
in Saudi Arabia.
The US gained its November 29 UN vote authorizing war against
Iraq from the other Security Council member states by offering
them handsome economic assistance packages. The Soviet Union,
for instance, obtained a US pledge of $6 billion in financial
aid as payment for its "yes" vote. Colombia, Ethiopia
and Zaire were also offered new aid packages, and access to World
Bank credits and IMF loans. China's abstention was purchased by
ending China's post-Tenanmen Square isolation through a high-level
White House meeting with the Chinese ambassador, and by promising
to push for the release of China's withheld World Bank credits.
Yemen was punished for voting against the resolution with a cutoff
of $70 million in US aid.
The Gulf War concluded at the end of February 1991 with the
Highway of Death massacre, in which the US Air Force, in violation
of international law, strafed and killed tens of thousands of
Iraqi troops retreating from Kuwait. The sanctions imposed in
August 1990 remained, now tied to Iraqi compliance with Security
Council Resolution 687, directing the demolition of its weapons
of mass destruction, and compliance inspections at 60-day intervals.
It was a moving goalpost that never stopped moving. Lifting the
sanctions requires unanimity among the Security Council's permanent
members. The US and Britain remain the only holdouts to this day.
Iraq subsisted on UN humanitarian aid and the donations of
NGOs until 1996 when Iraq was permitted to resume oil exports
under the Oil for Food Program. The sanctions continue to wreak
devastation on the country and its people. Sanctions have caused
massive migrations to Baghdad from the impoverished south, inflation,
unemployment, a huge rise in childhood mortality, and an increase
in crime. The Clinton administration consistently blamed all the
sufferings of the Iraqi people on Saddam Hussein. The documentary
evidence tells a different tale.
A series of recently revealed Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA) reports show that the US attack on Iraq's civilian population
was deliberate and calculated. A DIA report of January 1991 stated
that sanctions would prevent the import of chemicals and equipment
required for the provision of safe drinking water, resulting in
epidemics. A second DIA report listed as likely causes of epidemics
in urban areas the fact that US bombing had destroyed water, electrical
and waste disposal systems, and had largely ended distribution
of preventive medicines. The report itemized the predicted disease
outbreaks, highlighting those that strike children. A third DIA
report dated March 1991 explicitly connected outbreaks of gastrointestinal
and respiratory diseases to the war, stated that children in particular
were affected, and noted that potable water had been reduced to
5% of prewar supplies.
Even in the face of these and subsequent reports, many prepared
by the UN, US-backed Iraqi opposition groups continue to support
sanctions. The Iraqi National Congress (INC), the Kurdish Democratic
Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan all support sanctions.
Iran's proxy, the Shi'a group Supreme Islamic Council for Revolution
in Iraq, supports them as well
The Oil for Food program, adopted by the UN in 1996 as an
ostensibly humanitarian gesture, was actually another instrument
of punishment aimed at the Iraqi people. By the UN's own admission,
the funds generated from the beginning have been woefully inadequate.
In 1998, UN Humanitarian Coordinator Dennis Halliday publicly
announced his resignation, citing failure by design as his reason
for doing so. In February 2000, Hans von Sponeck resigned the
same post on similar grounds. Von Sponeck points out that Oil
For Food revenue never exceeded $180 per person per year, a tiny
fraction of the cost of mere existence.
Since the end of the Gulf War, the US has justified sanctions
on various grounds, usually blaming all Iraq's ills on Saddam
Hussein, and alleging rapid rebuilding of Iraq's military capabilities.
Scott Ritter exposed such rationales by pointing out that the
Clinton administration was consistently intent on removing Saddam.
This meant continued sanctions regardless of Iraq's behavior.
Few statements illustrate the policy as clearly as that of Madeleine
Albright, then US Ambassador to the UN, on May 12, 1996. Asked
on the CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes about reports citing more than
half a million Iraqi children killed by the sanctions she replied:
"...we think the price is worth it."
Despite the fact that fellow UN Security Council members Russia,
France and China are convinced that Iraq has disarmed, the US
continues to insist on one inspection after another, without any
commitment regarding lifting of sanctions. In 1998, UN weapons
inspector Scott Ritter revealed that the US had successfully inserted
intelligence agents in the UN inspection teams. The Iraqis refused
the final UNSCOM inspection in reply, and this refusal was used
to justify another round of US bombing in Operation Desert Fox.
Compounding the hypocrisy of Washington's stance is the well-publicized
fact that US corporations, including Exxon-Mobil and Chevron,
are profiting from the strangulation of Iraq by purchasing Iraqi
oil from third parties involved in the "humanitarian"
Oil For Food program.
As early as the first half of the Clinton administration,
US was resorting to proxy war in its campaign against Iraq. In
1994, Ahmad Chalabi of the Iraqi National Congress (INC) launched
an insurrection from a base in Iraqi Kurdistan with US backing,
intent on overthrowing the Ba'athist government before it could
resume exporting oil. The insurrection was a dismal failure, but
that didn't stop Chalabi from co-signing, with Caspar Weinberger,
Frank Carlucci, and Donald Rumsfeld, an open letter to President
Clinton in 1998, urging a second try. Toward the end of his term,
President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act, allocating $97
million for training and military equipment for Iraqi opposition
groups. Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and many other
signers of the letter now hold positions in the Bush II administration,
where they are counseling an all-out war under the handy pretext
of the "War on Terrorism. "
After September 11, 2001, Chalabi presented a new battle plan,
featuring a firebase inside Iraq, declaration of a provisional
government (with quick US recognition, no doubt), and recruitment
among Iraq's Shi'a Muslims. Chalabi's new plan also calls for
heavy US bombing and plenty of US Special Forces. Chalabi's plan
anticipates multiple threats paralyzing the Iraqi military. General
Wayne Downing, a former ad hoc advisor to the INC now (appropriately)
serving as the National Security Council's expert on terrorism,
apparently believes a few hundred Americans could train a small
Iraqi force sufficient to seize an airfield near Iraq's oilfields,
and neutralize the Republican Guards. Like Chalabi, Downing claims
to believe that modest military successes by the Iraqi opposition
will ignite wholesale insurrection. Scott Ritter's assessment
lacks such cheerful arrogance. He predicts the Iraqi army would
disperse to villages and towns throughout the countryside, and
logically asks: "What will we do? Flatten the towns?"
It now appears that the CIA and State Department wish to bypass
the I NC, focusing instead on the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan,
the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the pro-lran Supreme Islamic Council
for Revolution in Iraq, and the Iraqi National Accord. Ayad Allawi,
who heads the Iraqi National Accord, and a number of former Iraqi
military officers, including Nizar Khazraji, a Sunni and a former
combat general and Chief of Staff, have been meeting with CIA
The Bush II administration's current obsession with overthrowing
Saddam Hussein might seem hard to understand at first blush. The
Gulf War devastated Iraq's military and civilian infrastructure.
According to several UN inspectors, Iraq no longer has any weapons
of mass destruction, and as discussed earlier, had developed only
limited quantities of them by 1990. Nor could Iraq purchase the
components of these weapons under the present sanctions. The obsession
may relate to unintended consequences of the sanctions. Under
the Oil for Food program, Russian, French, and Chinese companies,
have benefited most. These countries have pursued policies less
hostile to Baghdad. They are poised to benefit most from exploration
and investment in Iraqi oil once the sanctions are lifted. This
is likely to prove an excellent investment, since there are more
than seventy known oilfields in Iraq, only fifteen of which have
been developed. Chalabi has stated that should the INC lead a
new Iraqi government, it would be US oil companies that would
get the contracts. Russian and French companies would be junior
partners at best.
Attacking Iraq directly might also benefit the US further
by diverting international attention from the Palestinian Intifada,
which shows no sign of abating. The chaos that might ensue from
a US attack on Iraq, or Iraqi blows directed at Israel in response,
could facilitate even deadlier Israeli repression of the Palestinians,
possibly including mass expulsions. It could also provide a cover
for greater direct assistance to Israel, including massive arms
Noam Chomsky has recently outlined the motives of US regional
policy planning, and in his view, they are even more criminal
in intent. According to Chomsky's analysis, the real target of
US hostility is not the Ba'athist government of Saddam Hussein,
but the Iraqi population as a labor force. Given the obvious erosion
of international support for sanctions, and the presumed immediate
benefits to Iraq of re-admission to the international community,
Chomsky now believes that the US would prefer to reduce Iraq to
a sparsely populated, politically compliant, oil-pumping state,
similar to the Gulf monarchies. To achieve this before full restoration
of Iraq's oil income, the US must resort to further attacks on
the civilian infrastructure (scarcely possible without all-out
war) and continuation of sanctions for as long as possible.
One of the major problems facing opponents of the US war against
Iraq has been a tendency to focus solely on sanctions and their
enormous human cost. The humanitarian crisis must be alleviated.
Yet only by carefully examining the full range of geostrategic,
economic and political issues in the Gulf region, can we understand
how and why Iraq stepped into the Gulf War trap, and why the US
has insisted on a deadly regime of sanctions and bombing ever
since. Making sense of US policies in the Middle East requires,
at a minimum:
* Recognition of the magnitude of the prize that Gulf energy
reserves and markets represent, and the bottomless depths of US
determination to maintain control over them regardless of the
* Recognition of the importance of Israel as the key US client
in the region. The $6 billion annually sent to Israel is not charity.
In exchange for this income, Israel, the last European settler-colonial
state, has both accepted a role as lightning rod for anti-US sentiments
in the Arab world, and assumed anti-democratic counter-insurgency
responsibilities in defense of US interests in many other parts
of the globe, especially Turkey and Latin America.
* Recognition of the Palestinian struggle as central to the
entire political future of the Middle East, and even the world.
The question of Palestine is the question of whether Middle Eastern
peoples will be allowed to join the international community as
equals, or whether they remain brutalized under the humiliating
subjection of medieval religious and monarchical regimes suitable
to Washington's aims. Iraq has consistently supported Palestinian
struggle and aspirations financially, politically and militarily,
and this is one of the reasons it has been the target of 12 years
of unstinting brutality.
To understand these realities, and to make the case forcefully
and relentlessly for an end to US hostility toward Iraq, is the
minimum required for anyone seriously interested in putting an
end to the suffering of the Iraqi people.
Stephanie Reich is a longtime activist on issues of the Arab
world. She is with the Alliance for Global Justice in Washington,
of Website