Arms Exports and Israeli Government
Israel's Arms Industry,
Israel and Latin America,
South American Case: Ecuador and
excerpted from the book
Israel and Latin America: The
Military Connection
by Bishara Bahbah
St. Martin's Press, 1986, paper

Arms Exports and Israeli Government Policy
Israel's absolute imperative to export arms. Dependence on arms
sales is such that: a defense minister pledges upon assuming office
to step up arms production and exports in order to improve the
country's sagging balance of payments; the governor of the Bank
of Israel publicly states that arms exports kept the country from
going under economically; and a prime minister, introducing a
strategic dimension, comments that as long as Israel's security
situation remains the same, there is no alternative but to push
The story of Israel's arms industry since it was seriously launched
in 1967, besides being a record of successive achievements and
technological advances, is the story of its growing centrality
to the Israeli economy. Over the years industrial development
has been channeled into the arms sector. As former Defense Minister
Moshe Arens pointed out: "every country should be dealing
in those products in which it has a comparative advantage . .
. . Israel's largest comparative advantage is in military products,
because these demand advanced technology on one hand and military
experience on the other. Today, it can be said that no country
in the world is as dependent on arms sales as Israel. The Jaffa
orange is fast being edged out of the public consciousness by
the Uzi submachine gun as Israel's major export. Israel is the
largest per capita arms exporter in the world. Arms exports constitute
about 16 percent of its total exports'° compared with 4.5
percent for the United States," to 5 percent for France,
and 2.5 percent for Great Britain, which gives Israel the world's
highest ratio of military to total exports as well. Conventional
wisdom has it that dependence on arms exports reaches a danger
point when these exports exceed 25 percent of industrial exports,
and Israel has exceeded this limit, with one-fourth to one-third
of its industrial exports being arms.
Regardless of how many wars Israel may fight, its domestic market,
unlike those of the United States and the USSR, is not large enough
to provide the economies of scale required for the development
of main weapons systems such as tanks, missiles, boats, and aircraft.
It is not merely a question of lowering unit costs; development
costs of major weapons are such that the projected export volume
determines whether or not a project can be undertaken in the first
... with as much as 60 percent of its output exported (compared
with about 25 percent for the United States* and the United Kingdom
and up to 41 percent for France),t the arms industry is able to
run at or close to full capacity. Consequently, in an emergency,
Israel can commandeer production earmarked for export, as was
the case during the prolonged fighting following the invasion
of Lebanon in the summer of 1982. Furthermore, with the high rate
of turnover between generations of sophisticated weaponry, foreign
orders allow Israel to sell models that are being replaced by
new generations and thus move ahead to new levels of sophistication.
Finally, arms export earnings help to support the research and
development that enables Israel to maintain a leading edge in
weapons technology.
Although Israeli arms reportedly have found their way to sixty-two
countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, serious obstacles
impede export capabilities. The Soviet bloc is off-limits as are,
a fortiori, the Arab states (the largest purchasers of arms) and
most Muslim countries. Most of the industrialized countries either
produce their own weapons or purchase them from NATO allies. Many
potential third world buyers, Israel's natural clientele, prefer
to avoid the political risks of visible arms purchases from Israel,
especially if other sources are available. Thus, Israel is forced
to pursue a particularly aggressive arms sales drive in the markets
that remain, using every competitive advantage it can summon.
For Israel the chief competitive advantage, aside from the weapons
themselves, is expertise in counterinsurgency techniques and the
control of popular resistance.
No other region of the third world has had as continuous a relationship
with Israel, both diplomatically and militarily. Apart from Nicaragua,
Guyana, and Cuba, all the Latin American countries have diplomatic
ties with Israel. This provides a regional context lacking for
other major Israeli arms buyers (such as South Africa) which are
scattered geographically. Furthermore, arms sales are most concentrated
in this region. Not only has Latin America been Israel's primary
market, but at least eighteen of the Latin American states have
purchased Israeli arms.
Israel's Arms Industry
... in 1967 can't be said to mark the beginning of the militarization
of the Israeli economy. According to Aaron Klieman, after the
June 1967 war under the impetus of defense industrialization,
Israeli society was transformed from a rural economy based on
citrus exports to a highly industrialized one, producing electronics
and high-technology items.
Prior to 1967 less than 10 percent of the Israeli work force was
involved in the military sector. By 1980 approximately one-fourth
of the total labor force, or 300,000 people, * and one-half the
industrial labor force worked in the military sector, including
the armed forces.
It was especially after 1973 that the industry acquired a high
degree of sophistication, enabling it to produce advanced military
equipment ranging from tanks and jet aircraft to precision-guided
"smart weapons," microelectronics, and rocket-propelled
engines for sea-to-sea and air-to-air missiles. This success,
particularly in view of the size of the country, its lack of natural
resources, and the short time in which the industry was developed,
has been a source of considerable national pride. The arms industry
has given Israelis not only a sense of security, but provided
foreign currency and, in many cases, a vehicle for reaching and
influencing the third world.
Israel's best resource is its human resource. It has the highest
per capita concentration of scientists and engineers in the world...
... Because of Israeli government policy,
the nation's research and development efforts are concentrated
in the military sector. By the early 1960s, Israel was spending
$5 to $10 million on military research and development at a time
when total military expenditures amounted to only $200 million.
This figure increased from $20 to $30 million in 1966-67 and almost
doubled in 1969-70 to reach $50 million. Of all government expenditures
for research and development, 46 percent goes to the military
sector, as compared to 2 percent in Japan, 3 percent in Holland,
and 8 percent in Canada.
Israel has also mobilized a highly skilled
labor force whose salary levels, low relative to Western standards,
make possible less costly products. Government subsidies of research
also lower costs to between one-third and one-quarter of those
in the United States or Europe. Less tangible but equally important
is the motivation of workers, nearly all of whom are members of
Israel's military reserves. In the words of an IAI official, "everyone
who works here is emotionally involved." Workers are urged
in the name of patriotism to manufacture equipment "good
enough for your sons" to use.
Israel and Latin America
During the last decade Latin America was undisputedly Israel's
largest market for arms, accounting for approximately 50 to 60
percent of its total military exports.' According to the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), one-third of Israel's
total arms sales of $1.2 billion in 1980 went to Argentina and
El Salvador alone. Recently, Israeli arms to Asia and Africa have
increased, partly as a by-product of Israel's success in regaining
some of its old friends, particularly in Africa. Nevertheless,
Latin America continues to be a primary market, * accounting for
one-third to one-half of Israel's total arms sales. It is no coincidence
that Israeli military sales literature continues to come out in
two languages, English and Spanish.
No region outside of Western Europe and North America has been,
as a bloc, as supportive of Israel as Latin America, even predating
the establishment of the state. Largely Western in orientation,
in the 1940s the Latin American countries tended to identify more
with the essentially European Zionists than with the non-European
indigenous population of Palestine that opposed the growing Jewish
political power. Latin American sympathy for Zionist aspirations
found expression in the role played by the heads of Latin American
delegations during the diplomatic maneuvering at the United Nations
that led to the creation of Israel in May 1948. Guatemala and
Uruguay, especially, made significant contributions to advancing
the Zionist cause at the United Nations Session on Palestine and
as members of the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) which
was set up in the spring of 1947. Latin America was instrumental
in the passage of the partition plan, without which Israel would
not have been created, because at that time Jews were only 35.
1 percent of the population of Palestine and owned only 7 percent
of the land. In addition to mobilizing other countries to vote
for the resolution, the Latin American delegates provided thirteen
of the thirty-three votes in favor of partition. Cuba was the
only Latin American country to vote against the resolution. The
Latin American bloc of eighteen countries also voted unanimously
in favor of Israel's admission to the United Nations as its fifty-ninth
member.* Within a year twenty Latin American countries had extended
diplomatic recognition. By the end of 1956, in contrast, Israel
had succeeded in gaining the recognition of only ten of the more
numerous Asian countries. The Latin American countries were also
the only states, aside from the Netherlands, that agreed to set
up their primary diplomatic missions in the disputed city of Jerusalem.
A study of bloc voting patterns on Israel at the UN General Assembly
reveals that in the 1950s the Western bloc was the most supportive,
followed by Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. In the 1960s
the Latin American bloc became the most supportive, followed by
the Western and Black African blocs. Even with the erosion of
support in the 1970s, Latin America remained Israel's largest
supporter among third world groups, and, except for Cuba and Nicaragua,
disagreements have always stopped short of rupture.
It was not until the 1960s, when relations with Argentina soured
following the kidnapping of Adolph Eichmann and fear of radicalization
swept the area in the wake of Castro's victory in Cuba, that Israel
began to turn its attention to Latin America. An Israeli-sponsored
conference in Montevideo, Uruguay, in February 1961 broached the
need to improve relations, and officials from the Israeli ministries
of foreign affairs and agriculture were subsequently dispatched
to study possibilities for providing technical assistance. Technical
cooperation agreements, the first signed with Bolivia in 1961,
followed, and by 1973 there were agreements with eighteen Latin
American countries.
As a result of wars with its Arab neighbors and the latter's economic
influence, Israel has access to only about 10 percent of the international
oil market. While Egypt is a major supplier, Israel has been unsuccessful
in obtaining a long-term, binding Egyptian guarantee of oil shipments.
Latin America, therefore, has become the largest source of oil,
with Mexico supplying 42 percent in 1982. Moreover, while Mexico
is the only Latin American country that publicly acknowledges
selling oil to Israel, Venezuela and Ecuador are doing so as well.
... the most important aspect of Latin American-Israeli relations
is arms sales. By the end of 1984, at least eighteen Latin American
countries had purchased military equipment-all, indeed, but Guyana,
Suriname, French Guyana, and Uruguay.
Many factors led to Latin America's emergence as a primary market
for Israeli arms. This region is beyond question the largest potential
market. Israel's friends in Western Europe either manufacture
their own weapons or utilize interlocking, complementary weapons
systems as part of NATO policy. The Soviet bloc is off-limits.
Many third world countries are dependent on Middle Eastern oil
and hence are sensitive to pressures from the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC); others lean toward the Arab
states for historical or cultural reasons. Furthermore, although
arms production in Latin America is growing, the region continues
to meet most of its weapons needs through foreign markets.
While territorial disputes have unquestionably fueled the arms
buildup in the region ... most of the weapons procured in Latin
America have been used in suppressing internal dissent. Uruguay,
Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Honduras,
Guatemala, and El Salvador have all had to deal with guerrilla
movements, and the instability and economic duress of other countries
make the threat of insurgency real. Reflecting the increased use
of the military in an internal security role, the strength of
the army in South America overall has increased by 50 percent
over the past two decades ...
Governments dominated by the military are inevitably more attentive
to the needs of their defense establishments and inclined to acquire
arms that are perceived to add to the military's institutional
dignity. The only countries with strong civilian traditions are
Mexico, Costa Rica, and to a lesser extent Venezuela. All the
others either are or have been controlled by the military, either
directly or through the exercise of a kind of veto power. Argentina,
Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Peru recently emerged from long
years of direct military rule, but political and economic uncertainties
and the history of the military coup d'etat as a tool for change
make it impossible to take the new civilian rule for granted.
In any event, the critical role of the
military in the region has worked in favor of the intensification
of Israel's relations with Latin American governments. Aside from
professional admiration for Israel's military exploits and an
affinity of world view, or at least common understanding shared
by professional military men, the Latin American military is fervently
anticommunist and tends to perceive Israel as the guardian of
Western civilization in the face of leftist terrorists and Soviet-backed
Arab regimes. Some Israeli authors have called attention to the
Latin American military establishment's tendency to see an analogy
between Latin American revolutionaries on the one hand, and the
leftist elements of the Middle East that Israel is dedicated to
eradicate on the other.
Beyond this natural affinity, Israel has
been nurturing relations with the military establishments of Latin
America since the early 1960s. At that time the Kennedy administration,
alarmed at Castro's victory in Cuba and the boost it gave to leftist
movements in the region, asked Israel to implement its "civic
action" programs-primarily military-agricultural projects
of the Nahal type and paramilitary youth organizations - to counterbalance
this influence. Using funds from the U.S. Agency for International
Development (AID), Israel offered specialized instruction in how
to organize paramilitary youth groups and Nahal programs for high-ranking
officers and other officials of twelve Latin American countries.
Intangible Advantages of "Buying Israeli." For U.S.
arms clients seeking alternate suppliers, either to diversify
or because of U. S. restrictions on their arms purchases, Israeli
weapons are a good substitute. Sales literature emphasizes that
Israeli products are "oriented to the latest Western technology"
and "compatible with U.S. systems." In a special advertising
section of Aviation Week and Space Technology, care was taken
to emphasize the "vast amount of U. S. made parts and material
in the Kfir, from its engines, made here under license, to the
aluminum in the body." Elsewhere it mentions that because
"a high percentage of the finished product is actually U.
S. or European manufactured the purchasing country is committing
itself to Western systems which will need the necessary infrastructure
to support them - meaning more future sales." While the last
statement is obviously a bid for Western tolerance of Israeli
competition, there is a message for the third world buyer as well:
While diversifying arms sources, it can remain firmly in the Western
camp as far as weapons compatibility is concerned and can rest
assured of the technological superiority of the product. From
a political standpoint, too, Israeli arms are a good substitute.
The fact that most third world regimes are fervently anticommunist
makes acquisition of Soviet bloc arms out of the question. Consequently,
Israel's reputation as a bulwark against revolutionary leftist
governments also stands it in good stead. In some cases Israel's
special relationship with the United States is an advantage because
buyers hope to use cooperation with Israel to gain respectability
with Israel's friends in Congress or to help advance their case
with a U.S. administration.*
*** According to Aaron Kijeman, "Israeli
diplomats are not above suggesting the purchase of its military
goods as an acceptable and fair quid pro quo for using the near
legendary strength of the pro-Israeli lobby in the Congress and
its influence with the American Jewish community on behalf of
the arms client" [Israel's Global Reach: Arms Sales as Diplomacy
McLean, Va. PergamonBrassey's, 1985, p 411. There have been a
number of examples of the expectation, if not the suggestion.
According to the Washington Post (13 August 1983) El Salvador
hoped its close ties with Israel would induce the pro-Israel lobby
in the United States to lend a "discreet hand" in congressional
debates to push for higher U.S. military aid levels. Similarly,
according to Israel Shahak (Israel's') Global Role: Weapons for
Repression [Belmont, Mass.: Arab-American University Graduates
Inc., 19821, p. 20), the Chilean regime hoped that published photos
of General Pinochet with high-ranking Israelis such as former
Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur, along with Cur's statements that
press reports of Pinochet's excesses were "not commensurate
with reality," would help its standing with the United States.
For Costa Rica see Shahak, Israel's Global Role, p 199.
Israel's Latin American customers, who are military-dominated,
avowedly anticommunist, and far removed from the Arab-Israeli
conflict, are less subject to the political considerations that
affect certain customers elsewhere (such as Iran under Khomeini,
the Phalangists of Lebanon, Colonel Mengistu's Ethiopia, and other
sub-Saharan African states). This freedom from political constraints
is particularly evident in the right-wing military dictatorships
and the "pariah states." Romeo Lucas Garcia of Guatemala,
Pinochet of Chile, and the military junta of Argentina did not
seek international or domestic approbation.
South American Case: Ecuador and Argentina
... arms sales to Argentina were principally
the result of the vicissitudes of international politics. Indeed,
it was largely because of U. S. arms policies and the boycott
of weapons transfers by the Western powers following the Falklands/Malvinas
War that Israel was able to penetrate the Argentine market. By
1981 Israel was supplying 14 to 17 percent of Argentina's total
arms imports. Products were chiefly heavy and sophisticated military
items such as aircraft and missiles, because Argentina has its
own arms industry (ranking seventh among third world arms producers)
that manufactures equipment ranging from warships, armored vehicles,
and rockets to a wide selection of small arms.
Argentina established diplomatic ties
with Israel almost immediately following the creation of the state
and was the first Latin American country to open a legation there.
Moreover, it has long been Israel's largest trading partner in
Latin America, being Israel's "foremost and steadiest supplier
of meat since 1948," with the trade deficit reaching $67
million in Argentina's favor in 1979 compared to $32 million in
1978. But relations were never warm. In fact, they were minimal
until Argentina's emergence in the late 1970s as Israel's most
important arms client, accounting for 25 percent of its total
sales. Indeed, more so than with any other country, these relations
could be reduced almost exclusively to the military dimension.
Like many countries in the region, Argentina
until recently had an inordinate need for weapons. Dominated by
the military even during most periods of nominally civilian rule
since the 1930s, the country was also embroiled in taxing territorial
disputes and plagued by internal unrest and armed opposition.
The 1970s marked an upsurge of activity on both domestic and external
fronts, reflected in the growth of Argentine military expenditures
by over 50 percent from 1970 to 1980.
Runaway inflation, declining production,
and overall economic deterioration (resulting from rapid industrialization
at the expense of agricultural development and exacerbated by
the demagogic policies of Juan Peron) had given rise to social
unrest and political turbulence. After the military relinquished
its grip in 1973 and the Peronists returned to power, factionalism
and violence reached new heights. Extremists of both the right
and left engaged in terrorism, with the government of Juan Peron,
and then of his widow Isabel, powerless to stop the violence despite
emergency decrees and the declaration of a state of siege. On
March 24, 1976, the military intervened for the sixth time in
less than a half century in an effort to end the chaos.* A "campaign
against terrorism" of unprecedented violence was unleashed.
Thousands of "leftist terrorists" were rounded up by
Argentine security forces and never heard from again. By 1980
the opposition had been largely silenced, but the number of the
desaparecidos (the disappeared ones) had reached some 15,000 to
20,000.t76 Reflecting this massive government effort was the fact
that from 1970 to 1980 the number of police and paramilitary forces
in Argentina doubled, while the armed forces as a whole increased
by only 35 percent.
The atrocities attributed to the military junta were such that
the newly installed Carter, administration with its emphasis on
human rights could not but react. In 1978, despite Buenos Aires'
anger over what it considered U.S. attempts to influence its internal
affairs, President Carter decided to restrict military assistance
and sales to Argentina.
For Israel, President Carter's ban on
military credits to Argentina and the country's need for weapons
for the Beagle Channel dispute could not have come at a better
General Mordechai Cur, former chief of staff of the Israeli Defense
Forces, traveled to both Argentina and Chile in July 1978 with
the aim of selling arms. His first stop was Chile, where he announced
to President Augusto Pinochet that he "knew the Chilean army
is accustomed to victories and hungry for more. "88 The statement,
reported in the Buenos Aires press, created a considerable furor
in Argentina. It did not, however, affect the welcome accorded
to General Cur, who met with General Viola, supreme commander
of the Argentine army, and was treated as if he were still chief
of staff In a newspaper interview General Cur confirmed his interest
in promoting arms sales: "This is no secret; everybody knows
that Israel has emerged as a successful competitor to the suppliers
of arms for the Argentinian army."
Argentina's territorial dispute with Great Britain erupted into
open warfare. The conflict was over a group of islands, known
as the Malvinas to Argentina and the Falklands to Britain, about
480 miles northeast of Cape Horn. Although the islands had been
under British control, first as a Crown Colony and then as a self-governing
dependency, for a century and a halt Argentina never renounced
its claim of sovereignty. As successor to Spanish interests in
the region, it administered the islands until Britain seized them
in 1833, invoking a former sovereignty claim.
Argentina's attempt to reassert its sovereignty
by invading and occupying the islands on 2 April 1982, was a failure.
Britain dispatched its fleet, and by the time Argentina surrendered
ten weeks later, 800 to 1000 Argentine and 250 British lives had
been lost.
British suspicion after the war resulted in persistent sure on
the U.S. and European nations to stem weapons sales to Argentina.
Being less vulnerable to British pressure, Israel was eyed by
the Argentine government as a key resource in its large and expensive
arms-buying campaign.
... Argentina's defeat in the 1982 Falklands/Malvinas
War then discredited the military junta and hastened its decision
in mid-1982 to embark upon a gradual transition back to democracy.
In anticipation of the transfer of power to civilian leaders whom
the military feared would question and curtail new arms purchases,
the junta was anxious to rearm before the transition was completed.
It was thus that Israel's Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir in December
1982 was reported to have intended to sign a new arms deal with
Israel's arms sales to Argentina, in addition to illustrating
how Israel has benefited from international politics to advance
its interests, are noteworthy for another reason. Nowhere else
in Latin America-perhaps nowhere else in the world-is there a
clearer example of Israeli realpolitik in arms sales, of the primacy
of commercial interests over principles. After all, Argentina
was the only country in Latin America that failed to declare war
on the side of the Allies during World War II, and it was reportedly
only under pressure from the United States that it refrained from
overtly joining the Axis. Its German-trained armed forces were
penetrated by the Nazis, and there was a strong pro-Axis faction
within Grupo de Oficiales Unidos (GOU) which seized power in 1943.
Moreover, the U.S. State Department's "Blue Book" on
Argentina issued just prior to the elections in February 1946,
apparently in the mistaken hope of hurting Juan Peron's chances
of victory, contained documentary proof of Peron's Axis ties.
Despite its Jewish community, following
the Second World War Argentina hosted a large colony of Nazis.
Many known Nazi criminals were given de facto asylum, including
Edward Roschmann, "Butcher of Riga," who was responsible
for the killing of 40,000 Jews in Riga. Argentina refused West
Germany's request for the extradition of a number of war criminals,
such as Karl Klingenfuss and Dr. Josef Mengele. Argentina also
gave refuge to Adolf Eichmann, albeit under an assumed name, in
1950. His kidnapping by Israeli secret service agents in May 1960
considerably strained Israeli-Argentine relations even though
Eichmann was stateless and therefore not legally entitled to Argentine
Nor was this legacy of anti-Semitism confined
to the war or the immediate postwar era. Indeed, it may have reached
its apogee at the time Israel was stepping up its arms export
drive to Argentina in the late 1970s. Thus, in 1978 while Jewish
prisoners held without charge in Argentine jails were being forced
to kneel before pictures of Hitler and tortured to accompanying
chants of "Jew! Jew!", Argentina was receiving a series
of high-ranking Israeli military officers on "friendly visits"
to sell arms.
Considering that the Argentine junta's
anti-Semitic activities were well-known, having been documented
by the U. S. Congress, the Catholic Church, and especially the
local branch of the American Jewish Committee, 118 it is impossible
that Israel was not aware of the situation. Later, in fact, it
claimed that its military relations with Argentina had saved hundreds
of Jews from military jails. Nonetheless, at the time the Begin
government consistently refused, at least publicly, to comment.
Reportedly the government even tried to restrain Jacobo Timmerman
the Argentine newspaper publisher whose 1980 Prisoner Without
a Name, Cell Without a Number recounts the five months of torture
and anti-Semitic outrages he endured-in his virulent criticism
of the Argentine junta. The perception expressed in the Latin
America Weekly Report is widespread: "The Jewish State's
concern for the disappeared was subordinated to political and
commercial considerations." In a more general sense, Edy
Kaufman, associated with the Hebrew University, was obliged to
dismiss Israel's claims that arms sales were often undertaken
as an insurance to protect local Jews. He added: "so far,
commercial considerations seem to have prevailed. Arms are being
supplied regardless of the possible consequences concerning the
wellbeing of the recipient country's Jewish community."
The presence of anti-Semitism sets Argentina
apart from other examples of Israeli cooperation with repressive
regimes. Israel's reported involvement in training Savak, the
shah of Iran's notorious secret police, can easily be justified
on strategic grounds given Iran's proximity to Iraq. Its support
of the Somoza government, though certainly not strategic, can
be defended, as indeed Israel has done, on the grounds of repaying
the old debt of Somoza's help to the Zionists before the creation
of the state. * Likewise, South African ties with Israel go back
to the friendship between Chaim Weizman and Jan Smuts, the assistance
extended by South Africa to the early alliance between Britain
and Zionism, and South Africa's support of militant Zionism in
Palestine since the 1930s. Thus, while Israel's arms sales to
South Africa are commercial, they are buttressed by close cooperation
in the political, cultural, and scientific (not to mention nuclear
and military) domains, frequent exchanges of visits and consultations
at the highest level, and even in the pairing of Haifa and Cape
Town as "sister cities" in 1975. With Argentina, there
are no past debts to justify traffic with a regime large segments
of which were known for anti-Semitism. But realpolitik in arms
sales is not new, one recalls Moshe Dayan's rejoinder in the face
of the storm of outrage that followed the discovery in 1959 of
the government-sanctioned munitions sales to West Germany: "Germany
would become strong with or without Israeli weapons-but would
Nonetheless, there was a definite convergence of interests between
the two countries in the military domain, with many examples of
cooperation. Argentine planes were caught transporting Israeli
arms to Guatemala and to Khomeini's Iran. Israeli and Argentine
advisors together train security forces in Guatemala and help
the anti-Sandinista forces operating out of Honduras. A CIA report
seized at the U. S. embassy in Tehran in March 1979 indicates
that the Israeli intelligence and security force Mossad carried
out training missions in Argentina and shared information with
the Argentine army. Finally, Israel also agreed to receive a "planeload
of documents" which Argentine air force officers "spirited
out of the country" when power was transferred to the civilian
president, Raul AlfonsIn, in December 1983.
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