The Megacorporate World
of Ronald Reagan
excerpted from the book
The Ralph Nader Reader
(presented at The National Press Club, Washington
D C., June 6, 1984)

Many years ago, when some of our nations political leaders
were wise, Thomas Jefferson said that the purpose of representative
government was to curb "the excesses of the monied interests."
Many decades later, in I936, Franklin D. Roosevelt, one of the
last presidents to hold corporations accountable for the state
of the economy, promised that while "the malefactors of great
wealth" had met their match in the previous four years, they
would meet their master in the following four years.
Ronald Reagan has the opposite plan in mind. During Mr. Reagan's
first term, "the malefactors of great wealth," now described
as big business or multinational corporations, have regularly
met their obedient servant in the white house. The power of "the
monied interests" has become ever more focused on turning
representative government into a versatile accounts receivable
for too many mismanaged, speculating negligent, avaricious, unsafe
or downright criminal companies. This Reagan-corporatist revolution,
whereby business regulates government in pursuit of private profit
at the expense of the legitimate interests of Americans as taxpayers,
consumers and citizens, has little to do with being conservative.
It has everything to do with building a government of the Exxons,
by the General Motors, and for the DuPonts.
So systematic, recurrent and widespread are these retrograde
policies against basic, historic American values, as shall be
noted shortly, that political commentators have wondered aloud
how Mr. Reagan can still be so much in the running for re-election.
The implication in their observations is proper: Presidents should
be judged for what they do, not for what they say, or what they
say they do. These commentators still expect a framework of accountability
around the White House that includes the departments and agencies
of the Executive Branch directed largely by presidential appointees
or Schedule C personnel.
"The Teflon President"-one of those very apt descriptions
by Democrats that ironically serve to encourage their discouragement
about November- has a strategy for irresponsible power that invites
closer scrutiny.
Rule One is never get openly involved in the details. He who
rises by details falls by details could be his motto. Stay abstract,
using heroic phrases of reassurance and national pride.
Rule Two is amiability-especially in 'Aw shucks' demeanor
with lots of even-toned voice, pendant smiles and head shrugs.
Remember Reagan in China. When asked by American reporters what
he thought of Peking censoring his remarks on Chinese television,
he replied with a slight smile "You fellows do it all the
time." Imagine how Nixon would have been treated had he tried
that one.
Rule Three is insulate the President from impromptu media
exposure. His aides even joke about it, as Lyn Nofziger did on
the campaign trail in 1980 when he told reporters, "I've
got Ronnie under house arrest from you guys."
Rule Four is induce condescension. If people think they are
so much smarter than you, they don't expect much and they forgive
Rule Five is create a banality of wrongdoing, of cruelty,
of hypocrisy, of selling the country short. Banality avoids the
constant search for novelty by the media and helps opposing politicians
throw up their hands in despair. Any President whose administration
can incite the response of the jaded- "So what else is new"-is
already almost out of the woods. Banality is nourished by a numbing
frequency of abuses whose very quantity depreciate their provocative
Rule Six is seize the semantics and wrap the national symbols
around one's own political ideology.
Rule Seven is be blessed by an opposition party that has largely
surrendered the basic contention of its politics-namely that of
challenging the mal-distribution of power between the haves and
have nots. The formula which used to win again and again for the
Democrats-that they were the party of the people and the Republicans
were the party of the rich-is no longer used. It fails because
these are times of massive campaign finance beggary and a giant
corporate lock on an economy increasingly within corporate prerogative
to transfer operations overseas or close down plant by plant.
People see this overlap by the two parties in currying the favor
of business interests. Deprived of distinct political choice,
citizens begin to doubt the credibility of the party out of office
when it claims it will be different. The candidates who can convince
us that there will be a difference on concrete policy after concrete
policy will move people's minds.
The radical regime of Ronald Reagan does provide a background
against which there indeed can be significant choices affecting
the perceived needs and rights of citizens. Here are some of the
directions pursued by the Reagan-Big Business axis
The concentration of power within government and business
has increased in both political and economic manifestations. The
corporate merger movement, given the green light by Reagan, is
moving from rabid to frenzied. Nine of the ten largest mergers
in U.S. history have occurred under the permissive reign of Reagan.
It is difficult to know what limits Reagan would put on mergers,
most of which promise no greater efficiencies, no economies of
scale, no market discipline of bad management (without golden
parachutes) and no new jobs. His former Justice Department antitrust
chief, William Baxter, said: "There is nothing written in
the sky that says the world would not be a perfectly satisfactory
place if there were only one hundred companies, provided each
had one percent of every product and service market." Nothing
written in the sky, but there is much written in the anti-monopoly
laws, their legislative history and judicial decisions that would
give pause to such a concentrated political economy. Corporate
bigness makes its demands on small business and the consumer in
prices, in political manipulation, and in being too big to fail
without a bailout. The loss of the family farm in the tens of
thousands each year to agribusiness and banks receives no attention
from this former rural Illinois native who extolls this way of
life when he wants votes and forgets it after the election.
Over at the Federal Communications Commission, with Mr. Reagan's
full support, his appointees, led by Chairman Mark Fowler, want
to eliminate the few viewer's rights under the Fairness and Equal
Time Doctrines. They want to repeal 7-7-7 limitation (7 am, 7
fm and 7 tv) stations which can be under a single owner and allow
a vastly greater concentration of electronic media ownership.
Within the Federal Government there is greater concentration
of power from many agencies to one-the White House Office of Management
and Budget. The OMB makes political judgements, invites back door
"ex parte" meetings with business lobbyists, excludes
the public from its right to know and respond under the Administrative
Procedures Act, and generally translates unilateral white house
dictates. OMB does this in violation of fair play, and by some
expert opinion, in violation of administrative laws as well. The
Reagan Government also shuts Americans out of its decision-making
processes by ending legal aid for poorer petitioners before regulatory
agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission. They do so by using
every technical objection to deny citizens legal standing to challenge
their government, and by giving early preferential notice of proposals
to their industrial and commercial friends. If there is any company
on the fortune 500 list that objects to these anti-democratic
powerplays, it has kept a very low visibility.
There is a wholesale repudiation of the historic role of the
American Government's duty to protect or expand the public's health
and safety. Health and safety laws go unenforced or underenforced
below even laggard levels of the past. The Food and Drug Administration's
enforcement level is down about 50 percent, as are the enforcement
actions against dirty meat and poultry plants and violators of
motor vehicle regulations. The enforcement record at OSHA-the
job safety agency-is a disgrace made worse by Reaganite reductions
in serious inspections and redrawing what constitutes sanctionable
violations. Since taking office, Reagan has not issued a single
new worker health standard to limit any chemical or gas, though
dozens in January I981 were nearly ready to be issued to reduce
cancer, emphysema, and other diseases and injuries in the workplace.
These diseases claim about I00,000 American lives a year. Only
one motor vehicle standard has emerged-that dealing with rear
mounted lights on automobiles, while several critical lifesavers
were revoked or shunted aside. The list can go on and on to demonstrate
that Mr. Reagan has little interest in saving American lives when
it inconveniences his corporate masters.
With the stroke of Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis' pen,
a lifesaving, crash protection standard was illegally repealed
(according to a 9-0 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court). Thousands
of Americans are now dying or being seriously injured every year
in frontal collisions by their non crashworthy cars. Mr. Reagan
campaigned against this humane and economical engineering system
right along with General Motors which pressed upon him this macabre
position. The pattern recurs in one industry after another. What
do the pesticide companies want? Just follow the Reagan trail
of waivers and exceptions for dangerous pesticides, the absence
of regulatory action against suspected farm chemicals, the virtual
cessation of testing foods for pesticide residues and the reduction
of research for non-toxic ways of controlling pests.
The sordid behavior of Reagan's Environmental Protection Agency
in bowing to corporate polluters on demand has been reported many
times. But Mr. Reagan's responsibility needs to be made clearer.
EPA Chief Ann Gorsuch did the president's bidding. It was the
Reagan White House that stopped the new EPA Chief William Ruckelshaus
from doing anything to reduce the sources of acid rain. It is
Mr. Reagan and the corporate polluters who oppose overdue implementation
of stricter safety standards for America's drinking water-now
contaminated with heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals. The
corporate polluters want the air and water pollution laws severely
weakened. Many polls conclude that the overwhelming majority of
people want them strengthened. Ronald Reagan joins with his corporate
patrons on these issues as well. Even in the field of toxic waste
dumps, scarring and poisoning the America that he professes to
revere, Mr. Reagan exerts no leadership. For the Great Communicator,
there is no time for compassionate recognition of victims of corporate
abuses, corporate cancer and other forms of industrial violence.
It is as if there needed to be proof that the contamination of
America's air and water were the products of an International
Communist Conspiracy before Mr. Reagan would leap into action.
Alas, for those sick or dying under Reagan-"The Real King
of The Special Interests," as a Washington Post headline
put it-there is no such relief ahead.
Mr. Reagan's insensitivity seems at times to go beyond taking
orders from business. It reaches to uncharted realms of indifference
and irresponsibility that congeal to form a type of intellectual
incontinence. Some view his hard line determination against law
and order for corporations and his softness on corporate crime
as the result of an ideologically indentured mind. It is perfectly
attuned to his political creators-the multimillionaires of the
Southern California kitchen cabinet who, like they'd acquired
a sure winner horse, selected, groomed, trained and financed him
for Sacramento, and finally for Washington. It is all that but
How else can anyone explain why Mr. Reagan would so mistreat
the most vulnerable in our society when he could so easily defend
their right to live in health, safety, and dignity? Infants and
children surely cannot be expected "to vote with their feet,"
Mr. Reagan. Yet, in I98I, he pushed to drop requirements that
gasoline refiners reduce the amount of lead in gasoline. Too many
little children in this country already have the devastating symptoms
of lead poisoning; more lead violence cannot be allowed in their
bodies. What of asbestos in thousands of school buildings? Despite
visible protests from concerned parents, Mr. Reagan and Mr. Stockman
refused to ask Congress to appropriate any money to help seal
or remove exposed asbestos surfaces spinning off deadly microscopic
particles into those young lungs. This Commander-in-Chief, who
has never met a weapons system he didn't like, wanted to abolish
the Consumer Product Safety Commission-a tiny agency with a major
mission of protecting children from household and other product
hazards. With an annual budget worth less than two hours of pentagon
expenditures, the CPSC did not fit within Mr. Reagan's definition
of defense in depth. Fortunately, Congress disagreed. so just
the budget was cut. There is more. After mothers of brain-damaged
infants lobbied through Congress a bill to have the Food and Drug
Administration establish quality control standards for commercial
infant formula, Mr. Reagan's White House delayed the issuance
of these regulations for eighteen months. Without press exposure,
the delay may have been longer. Because of the lack of care and
compassion so characteristic of this Administration, three million
additional cans of deficient formula were sold to unsuspecting
Two years ago, health officials at the Food and Drug Administration
wanted to require aspirin makers to place a label on their product
warning about Reye's Syndrome, a disease causing convulsions and
sometimes death in some children who take aspirin when they have
chicken pox or the flu. The White House OMB intervened on behalf
of aspirin manufacturers and blocked both the move and distribution
through supermarkets of a half million copies of pamphlets cautioning
parents. Again there was wide publicity of this intragovernment
struggle but Mr. Reagan let the aspirin industry prevail.
It was said about Woodrow Wilson that he disliked individuals
but loved humanity. The reverse seems to apply to Mr. Reagan,
with the qualification that the individuals are those friends
who share his dogmas or who are politically useful symbols during
photo opportunities. He brought back, with calculated media exposure,
two Korean children who needed medical operations. Would that
he wield his great powers as President on behalf of America's
infants and children instead of reducing special nutrition programs
for impoverished pregnant women, mothers and their newly born.
He must know by now that polls consistently are showing sizeable
majorities of people dislike his policies though they think he
is a nice fellow. As long as that anomaly continues, he has little
incentive to sensitize himself by meeting with active-victim groups
such as the disabled. He has little incentive to ask his speech
writers for genuine declarations of his compassionate recognition
of their plight and determination to alleviate pain and prevent
further trauma and disease.
Recently a young pediatrician took a long unpaid leave of
absence from his California practice to crusade for reinstatement
of the Crash Protection Standard (commonly called the Airbag Rule).
He has received some mass media coverage of his efforts. He held
a well-prepared vigil of physicians at Lafayette Park one Saturday
afternoon and delivered a "visual letter" on video tape
to the President. The White House, I subsequently learned, did
not even bother to do the routine thing and forward it to the
Secretary of Transportation. The doctor wondered why he and his
fellow physicians could not see the President on a matter that
public health specialists have called "the single most effective
domestic life saving decision that the administration is in a
position to make this year and perhaps for many years." I
could have told the physician, recalling the list of past visitors
to the President, that he did not qualify for a meeting since
he had not won a boxing championship, performed a decisive slamdunk
or won an Emmy.
Mr. Reagan is consistent with his pitiless deregulatory generalities.
Had Congress not stopped him, he would have abolished crucial
health and safety requirements imposed on the heavily tax-supported
nursing home industry. Instead of firmer enforcement efforts and
more adequate standards, he was content to leave defenseless the
more than one million elderly in nursing homes.
So extreme is the President's corporatism that he is finding
more genuine conservative groups taking sharp issue with his policies.
In a little reported evolution that may change the future complexion
of American politics, organizations who call themselves conservative
populists are teaming up with their progressive counterparts to
oppose corporate bailouts. Last year this coalition defeated the
breeder reactor boondoggle-a high Reagan priority. In ~98~, it
nearly defeated the legislation regarding the Alaska gas pipeline
that would coerce consumers into paying for the pipeline even
if the project isn't completed and consumers did not receive any
natural gas. The synfuel industry's welfare project is under similar
pressure, though its predicted mismanagement and awful economics
appear to be self-dismantling. This new coalition put up a strong
fight against the Reaganite bailout of the big U.S. banks that
made such imprudent loans at sky-high interest rates to foreign
countries. Reagan, who spent years lecturing around the country
for General Electric on the virtues of sink or swim free enterprise,
has become the most prominent advocate of big business bailouts
in American history.
If this all goes against his philosophic grain, it demonstrates
the contrary power of giant business over his government. His
formerly strong belief in states' rights is surrendered when companies
want his backing for a weaker federal law replacing the adaptable
common law in the fifty states that gives people injured by dangerous
products rights to sue and recover compensation from manufacturers.
It is surrendered when the banks demand that his agencies preempt
stronger state regulations designed to protect depositors and
borrowers. It is surrendered again when the nuclear industry wants
him to strip state and local governments of their police power
over the transportation of radioactive materials through their
communities. Corporatizing the ex-conservative Ronald Reagan is
a routine matter these days, even when Wall Street's economic
and tax policy demands result in placing Main Street, with its
small businesses, at a comparative disadvantage.
The simplest of international decencies are rejected by the
Reagan administration in obeisance to the multinationals. Mr.
Carter's executive order requiring notification to foreign governments
was revoked early in this republican administration. The order
had been intended to restrain the export from this country of
hazardous products illegal for domestic sale but not for export
(e.g., certain drugs, pesticides) or to stop outright illegal
exports. Now, with Mr. Reagan's knowledge and support, a clutch
of global corporations, State and Commerce Department officials,
and this government s United Nations' mission is working to stop
the United Nations' draft guidelines on consumer protection. These
principles of consumer safety and economic rights (the freedom
to form consumer associations and the like) are drawn heavily
from U.S. Iaw and practice. They are just principles, having no
force of authority but meant to have a moral impact on many countries
and companies. Apparently, however, suggesting that the world
has something to learn from U.S. consumer protection achievements
over the past century is too provocative for the corporate statists
in the Reagan camp. They seem unmindful of the disasters that
have occurred in Third World countries, not a few generated by
Western corporations taking advantage of the absence of indigenous
consumer safeguards.
Such unmindfulness has become a habit. The Reagan government
is the only member of the United Nations to vote against a U.N.
resolution seeking to deter the kind of dumping of hazardous materials
as occurred with the export of tris-treated (a carcinogen) children's
pajamas from the U.S. All our allies voted the other way. The
World Health Organization, with just one dissent, that of Ronald
Reagan, approved a code for better marketing practices for infant
formula promotion. This code was stimulated by the death of millions
of Third World babies during the seventies linked to over-promotion
of infant formula through scare techniques and other deceptions
in conjunction with unsanitary village water sources. This tragedy
has been reported in the context of the Nestle boycott that was
recently settled with international children's defense groups
after Nestle agreed to modify its actions.
Every president has a unique mission of trust imposed upon
him by certain conservation laws, some of them enacted by Republican-dominated
congresses and presidents early in this century. I refer to the
federal lands onshore and offshore with those glorious wildernesses
and natural resources for present and future generations of Americans
to enjoy and preserve. These lands comprise one-third of our nation
from the pristine wilds of Alaska to the barren deserts of Arizona
(a prime solar energy region someday). Does Mr. Reagan use his
communications skills to graphically etch in the minds of more
Americans the grandeur and permanence of his public trust? No,
although he no longer talks about his support of the Sagebrushers
who want the states to have these lands on their way to private
ownership and exploitation.
Instead, he launched, through his agent James Watt, the biggest
natural resource giveaway program to corporations in modern American
History. The Reagan-Watt team wanted to lease billions of acres
of offshore lands so fast that the oil company beneficiaries-to-be
had to say, "Whoa, we can't absorb that rapid a transfer."
So they settled for merely massive leaseholds on public lands
whose oil and gas potential the government could not independently
verify. In a glutted market of declining prices, Reagan-Watt proposed
to lease as much coal in fifteen months as eleven administrations
have done in the sixty-three years since the government began
to lease its coal-bearing lands. These men knew that the coal
and oil companies already were sitting on existing federal coal
leases without producing any coal. What these companies want is
not to produce but to control huge reserves of the people's resources
at giveaway prices obtained in a depressed market. Reagan was
all too eager to deliver, until organized civic opposition retired
Watt and cooled off an election-sensitive President.
One would at the very least expect Mr. Reagan to want to give
taxpayers (that majority of the taxpayers who will pay more in
total taxes in 1984 than in i980) value for what they paid government
contractors to develop. Not at all. By presidential directive,
agencies are urged to turn over to companies exclusive patent
rights to government-financed discoveries to the fullest extent
permissible. This is one of many areas of corporate privilege
to which the Reaganites neglect to apply their cost-benefit formula.
But the formula is so often rigged to cater to corporations, one
shouldn't be surprised when it is not applied at all.
The curtain around Reagan's corporate state is one of intense
secrecy whose function of excluding the public's participation
and monitoring is nourished by a rising base of zero data. This
administration does not want to know what corporations do; it
has stopped collecting much data about the large oil companies.
It has stopped collecting data about line of business reporting
by conglomerates. Referring to across-the-board cuts in federal
statistical gathering services, University of Chicago Dean William
Kruskal wrote: "When a vessel is in stormy seas, it is foolhardy
to cut corners on radar, navigational equipment, good maps, and
ample, well-trained crews." Coupled with not wanting to know,
the government has defined as trade secrets whatever information
companies want withheld from the public, even though it is supplied
to the government for particular proceedings affecting the public.
The price of government reports and pamphlets has skyrocketed
to levels reachable only by the affluent or desperate. Look at
the government printing office's price list and you will see pamphlets
of only a few pages selling for over two dollars each. Price hikes
have driven the number of publications requested from the government's
consumer information center in fiscal year 1984 to half of what
they were in fiscal 1982 Many publications, such as the popular
Car Book, have been discontinued. Citizens wanting to be placed
on mailing lists of the FCC or the ICC for agency press releases
are referred to private contractors who will sell you this service.
The principle of the broadest possible distribution of information
about what the government is doing and deciding has been destroyed.
The pretext is that the user should pay and as printing volume
declines the prices go up in a vicious circle of exclusion. The
government pays almost $I00 million a year for marching bands.
(That's twice as much as the cost of administering the Freedom
of Information Act and there are no viewer fees charged there.)
To top off Reagan's Darkness at Noon, the basic research and
development which elevates awareness of hazards to be averted
and opportunities to be developed have been severely weakened
due to industry demands. Thus, the experimental Safety Vehicle
Program and the Fuel Economy Research Program have been closed.
Sharply reduced are research undertakings in energy conservation,
cancer prevention, drug safety, toxic chemicals and consumer product
safety. Such inquiries could lead to stronger future safety standards-a
prospect companies usually like to cut off at the pass. What is
so deplorable about Mr. Reagan is that his supine relations with
business brings out the worst in corporate behavior. Executives
see that they do not have to do safety research or be concerned
about compliance with laws that are about to be enforced. General
Motors' Chairman, Roger Smith, disbanded the company's crack air-bag
technology development section unit in April 1981, after learning
that Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis was going to scrap the
Automatic Crash Protection Regulation. Companies that stretch
to advance the cause of safety, as have State Farm and Allstate,
receive no plaudits, no medals, no encouragement from the man
in the White House. If anything, these firms think they may be
inviting resentment for their efforts.
All in all, the Reagan government is the consummate promoter
of the rich and powerful when the latter are arrayed against the
interests of the rest of America. We must not forget that it is
not just Reagan who occupies that eminent political office. It
is the network of collegial business interests who have learned
so well that the essence of privilege in America's marketplace
today requires control over the government's powers and its public
wealth. Subsidies, monopolistic licenses, protectionism, selective
enforcement, lucrative contracts, loan guarantees, bailouts, and
the free results of expensive research and development are among
the dispensations of modern Uncle Sugar in Washington, D.C. Together
these goodies make a bustling bazaar of corporate welfare and
largess that requires nurturing and enlargement. Toward this objective
it helps to have your own business agent in the White House. It
helps to have someone who does not raise American's expectation
Americans have every right to some solutions to their everyday
afflictions, some value for their everyday tax dollars and some
voice for their everyday concerns, some remedies for their everyday
injustices, and some civic mechanisms for building their futures.
The empowerment and widespread exercise of citizenship is
a prerequisite for a sound, democratic society. Leadership that
empowers more people. that reduces the severe concentration of
power and information, and that lifts a nation into missions of
accomplishment which will increase justice. happiness and opportunity-that
is the leadership citizens must demand by involving themselves
in a national political campaign. So too, the media should rise
to their higher responsibility to report the White House and not
just mimeograph its rhetoric.
Our history has demonstrated that the well-being of society
springs from the growth of daily, active citizenship that provides
an enabling environment for good leaders to come forth. Every
significant social movement m this century has sprung from active
citizens fighting for their cause - women's suffrage, workers'
rights, civil rights, environmental and consumer protection, peace.
Put in today's terms, citizens in our country need to spend more
time being citizens. That is the real bottom line.
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