Bush family finances:
Best democracy money can buy
by Greg Palast
The London Observer, Sunday, November 26, 2000

Last week, I mailed my overseas ballot for the US presidency
- and you can wipe that smug little grin off your face. I won't
put up with condescending comments about America's democratic
rituals from a nation with an unelected House of Lords occupied
by genetic fossils and, soon, Chris Woodhead.
In fact, you could think of the $3 billion spent in the US
campaign in positive, New Labour terms. Call it 'the efficient
privatisation of the democracy' - though an outright auction for
the presidency would be more efficient still.
If the guy who lost the vote, George W Bush, nevertheless
wins the White House, he'll have surfed in on a crushing wave
of nearly half a billion dollars ($447 million), my calculation
of the suffocating plurality of cash from corporate America,
a good 25 per cent more than Al Gore's take.
George W could not have amassed this pile if his surname
were Jones or Smith. The key to Dubya's money empire is Daddy
Bush's post-White House work which, incidentally, raised the
family's net worth by several hundred per cent.
Daddy Bush has many friends who filled up his sonny-boy's
campaign kitty while Bush performed certain lucrative favours
for them. In 1998, Bush père created a storm in Argentina
when he lobbied his close political ally President Carlos Menem
to grant a gambling licence to Mirage Casino corporation.
Bush wrote that he had no personal interest in the deal.
That's true. But Bush fils did not do badly. After the casino
flap, Mirage dropped $449,000 into the Republican Party war chest.
The ex-president and famed Desert Strormtrooper-in-Chief,
also wrote to the oil minister of Kuwait on behalf of Chevron
Oil Corporation. Bush says honestly that he, 'had no stake in
the Chevron operation'.
Following this selfless use of his influence, the oil company
put $657,000 into Republican Party coffers. Most of that loot,
reports the Center for Responsive Politics, came in the form of
'soft money' That's the squishy stuff corporations use to ooze
around US law which, you may be surprised to learn, prohibits
any donations to presidential campaigns in the general election.
Not all of the elder Bush's work is voluntary. His single
talk to the board of Global Crossing, the telecoms start-up,
earned him $13m in stock. The company also kicked in another million
for his kid's run.
And while the Bush family steadfastly believes that ex-felons
should not have the right to vote for president, they have no
objection to ex-cons putting presidents on their payroll. In 1996,
despite pleas of US church leaders, Daddy Bush gave several speeches
(he charges $100,000 per talk) sponsored by organisations run
by Rev Sun Myung Moon, cult leader, tax cheat - and formerly,
the guest of the US federal prison system.
There are so many more tales of the Bush family daisy chain
of favours, friendship and campaign funding. None of it is illegal
- which I find troubling. But I don't want to seem ungrateful.
After all, the Bushes helped make America the best democracy
money can buy.
Blackout in Florida
Vice-President Al Gore would have strolled to victory in
Florida if the state hadn't kicked up to 56,000 citizens off
the voters' registers five month ago as former felons.
In fact, only a fraction were ex-cons. Most were simply guilty
of being African-American.
A top-placed election official (not a Democrat) told me that
the government had conducted a quiet review and found - surprise!
- that the listing included far more African-Americans than would
statistically have been expected, even accounting for the grievous
gap between the conviction rates of blacks and whites in the
The source of this poisonous blacklist: Database Technologies,
a division of ChoicePoint, and under the direction of Governor
Jeb Bush's frothingly partisan Secretary of State, Katherine
Harris. My thanks to investigator Solomon Hughes for informing
me that DBT, a division of ChoicePoint, is under fire for mis-use
of personal data in state computers. ChoicePoint's board is loaded
with Republican sugar daddies, including Ken Langone, finance
chief for Rudy Giuliani's aborted Senate run against Hillary
To see Greg Palast's follow-up of the investigation of the
Theft of the Presidency, printed in The Nation, The Washington
Post, The Observer, Salon.com and broadcast on PBS Television,
go to GregPalast.Com
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