Department of Peace.
introduced in the House of Representatives by
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
July 1, 2001

Congress finds the following:
(1) On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress unanimously
declared the independence of the 13 colonies, and the achievement
of peace was
recognized as one of the highest duties of the new organization
of free and independent States.
(2) In declaring, `We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable
rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness', the drafters of the Declaration of Independence, appealing
to the Supreme Judge of
the World, derived the creative cause of nationhood from `the
Laws of Nature' and the entitlements of `Nature's God', such literal
referrals in the Declaration
of Independence thereby serving to celebrate the unity of human
thought, natural law, and spiritual causation.
(3) The architects of the Declaration of Independence `with
a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence' spoke
to the connection between the
original work infusing principle into the structure of a democratic
government seeking to elevate the condition of humanity, and the
activity of a higher power
which moves to guide the Nation's fortune.
(4) The Constitution of the United States of America, in its
Preamble, further sets forth the insurance of the cause of peace
in stating: `We the People of the
United States, in Order to Form a more perfect Union, establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general
welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and
our Posterity.'
(5) The Founders of this country gave America a vision of
freedom for the ages and provided people with a document which
gave this Nation the ability to
adapt to an undreamed of future.
(6) It is the sacred duty of the people of the United States
to receive the living truths of our founding documents and to
think anew to develop institutions that
permit the unfolding of the highest moral principles in this Nation
and around the world.
(7) During the course of the 20th century, more than 100,000,000
people perished in wars, and now, at the dawn of the 21st century,
violence seems to be
an overarching theme in the world, encompassing personal, group,
national, and international conflict, extending to the production
of nuclear, biological,
and chemical weapons of mass destruction which have been developed
for use on land, air, sea, and in space.
(8) Such conflict is often taken as a reflection of the human
condition without questioning whether the structures of thought,
word, and deed which the
people of the United States have inherited are any longer sufficient
for the maintenance, growth, and survival of the United States
and the world.
(9) Promoting a culture of peace has been recognized by the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) through passage
of a resolution declaring an International Decade for a Culture
of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children 2001-2010. The objective
is to further strengthen
the global movement for a culture of peace following the observance
of the International Year for the Culture of Peace in 2000.
(10) We are in a new millennium, and the time has come to
review age-old challenges with new thinking wherein we can conceive
of peace as not simply
being the absence of violence, but the active presence of the
capacity for a higher evolution of the human awareness, of respect,
trust, and integrity; wherein
we all may tap the infinite capabilities of humanity to transform
consciousness and conditions which impel or compel violence at
a personal, group, or
national level toward developing a new understanding of, and a
commitment to, compassion and love, in order to create a `shining
city on a hill', the light of
which is the light of nations.
(a) ESTABLISHMENT- There is hereby established a Department
of Peace (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the `Department'),
which shall--
(1) be a cabinet-level department in the executive branch
of the Federal Government; and
(2) be dedicated to peacemaking and the study of conditions
that are conducive to both domestic and international peace.
(b) SECRETARY OF PEACE- There shall be at the head of the
Department a Secretary of Peace (hereinafter in this Act referred
to as the `Secretary'), who shall be
appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the
(c) MISSION- The Department shall--
(1) hold peace as an organizing principle, coordinating service
to every level of American society;
(2) endeavor to promote justice and democratic principles
to expand human rights;
(3) strengthen nonmilitary means of peacemaking;
(4) promote the development of human potential;
(5) work to create peace, prevent violence, divert from armed
conflict, use field-tested programs, and develop new structures
in nonviolent dispute
(6) take a proactive, strategic approach in the development
of policies that promote national and international conflict prevention,
nonviolent intervention,
mediation, peaceful resolution of conflict, and structured mediation
of conflict;
(7) address matters both domestic and international in scope;
(8) encourage the development of initiatives from local communities,
religious groups, and nongovernmental organizations.
(a) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall--
(1) work proactively and interactively with each branch of
the Federal Government on all policy matters relating to conditions
of peace;
(2) serve as a delegate to the National Security Council;
(3) call on the intellectual and spiritual wealth of the people
of the United States and seek participation in its administration
and in its development of policy
from private, public, and nongovernmental organizations; and
(4) monitor and analyze causative principles of conflict and
make policy recommendations for developing and maintaining peaceful
(b) DOMESTIC RESPONSIBILITIES- The Secretary shall--
(1) develop policies that address domestic violence, including
spousal abuse, child abuse, and mistreatment of the elderly;
(2) create new policies and incorporate existing programs
that reduce drug and alcohol abuse;
(3) develop new policies and incorporate existing policies
regarding crime, punishment, and rehabilitation;
(4) develop policies to address violence against animals;
(5) analyze existing policies, employ successful, field-tested
programs, and develop new approaches for dealing with the implements
of violence, including
gun-related violence and the overwhelming presence of handguns;
(6) develop new programs that relate to the societal challenges
of school violence, gangs, racial or ethnic violence, violence
against gays and lesbians, and
police-community relations disputes;
(7) make policy recommendations to the Attorney General regarding
civil rights and labor law;
(8) assist in the establishment and funding of community-based
violence prevention programs, including violence prevention counseling
and peer
mediation in schools;
(9) counsel and advocate on behalf of women victimized by
(10) provide for public education programs and counseling
strategies concerning hate crimes;
(11) promote racial and ethnic tolerance;
(12) finance local community initiatives that can draw on
neighborhood resources to create peace projects that facilitate
the development of conflict
resolution at a national level and thereby inform and inspire
national policy; and
(13) provide ethical-based and value-based analyses to the
Department of Defense.
(1) advise the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State
on all matters relating to national security, including the protection
of human rights and the
prevention of, amelioration of, and de-escalation of unarmed and
armed international conflict;
(2) provide for the training of all United States personnel
who administer postconflict reconstruction and demobilization
in war-torn societies;
(3) sponsor country and regional conflict prevention and dispute
resolution initiatives, create special task forces, and draw on
local, regional, and national
expertise to develop plans and programs for addressing the root
sources of conflict in troubled areas;
(4) provide for exchanges between the United States and other
nations of individuals who endeavor to develop domestic and international
(5) encourage the development of international sister city
programs, pairing United States cities with cities around the
globe for artistic, cultural, economic,
educational, and faith-based exchanges;
(6) administer the training of civilian peacekeepers who participate
in multinational nonviolent
police forces and support civilian police who participate
in peacekeeping;
(7) jointly with the Secretary of the Treasury, strengthen
peace enforcement through hiring and training monitors and investigators
to help with the
enforcement of international arms embargoes;
(8) facilitate the development of peace summits at which parties
to a conflict may gather under carefully prepared conditions to
promote nonviolent
communication and mutually beneficial solutions;
(9) submit to the President recommendations for reductions
in weapons of mass destruction, and make annual reports to the
President on the sale of arms
from the United States to other nations, with analysis of the
impact of such sales on the defense of the United States and how
such sales affect peace;
(10) in consultation with the Secretary of State, develop
strategies for sustainability and management of the distribution
of international funds; and
(11) advise the United States Ambassador to the United Nations
on matters pertaining to the United Nations Security Council.
(d) HUMAN SECURITY RESPONSIBILITIES- The Secretary shall address
and offer nonviolent conflict resolution strategies to all relevant
parties on issues of
human security if such security is threatened by conflict, whether
such conflict is geographic, religious, ethnic, racial, or class-based
in its origin, derives from
economic concerns (including trade or maldistribution of wealth),
or is initiated through disputes concerning scarcity of natural
resources (such as water and energy
resources), food, trade, or environmental concerns.
(e) MEDIA-RELATED RESPONSIBILITIES- Respecting the first amendment
of the Constitution of the United States and the requirement for
free and independent
media, the Secretary shall--
(1) seek assistance in the design and implementation of nonviolent
policies from media professionals;
(2) study the role of the media in the escalation and de-escalation
of conflict at domestic and international levels and make findings
public; and
(3) make recommendations to professional media organizations
in order to provide opportunities to increase media awareness
of peace-building initiatives.
(1) develop a peace education curriculum, which shall include
studies of--
(A) the civil rights movement in the United States and throughout
the world, with special emphasis on how individual endeavor and
have contributed to advancements in peace and justice; and
(B) peace agreements and circumstances in which peaceful intervention
has worked to stop conflict;
(2) in cooperation with the Secretary of Education--
(A) commission the development of such curricula and make
such curricula available to local school districts to enable the
utilization of peace
education objectives at all elementary and secondary schools in
the United States; and
(B) offer incentives in the form of grants and training to
encourage the development of State peace curricula and assist
schools in applying for such
(3) work with educators to equip students to become skilled
in achieving peace through reflection, and facilitate instruction
in the ways of peaceful conflict
(4) maintain a site on the Internet for the purposes of soliciting
and receiving ideas for the development of peace from the wealth
of political, social and
cultural diversity;
(5) proactively engage the critical thinking capabilities
of grade school, high school, and college students and teachers
through the Internet and other media
and issue periodic reports concerning submissions;
(6) create and establish a Peace Academy, which shall--
(A) be modeled after the military service academies;
(B) provide a 4-year course of instruction in peace education,
after which graduates will be required to serve 5 years in public
service in programs
dedicated to domestic or international nonviolent conflict resolution;
(7) provide grants for peace studies departments in colleges
and universities throughout the United States.
(a) UNDER SECRETARY OF PEACE- There shall be in the Department
an Under Secretary of Peace, who shall be appointed by the President,
by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate. During the absence or disability
of the Secretary, or in the event of a vacancy in the office of
the Secretary, the Under Secretary
shall act as Secretary. The Secretary shall designate the order
in which other officials of the Department shall act for and perform
the functions of the Secretary
during the absence or disability of both the Secretary and Under
Secretary or in the event of vacancies in both of those offices.
(b) ADDITIONAL POSITIONS- (1) There shall be in the Department--
(A) an Assistant Secretary for Peace Education and Training;
(B) an Assistant Secretary for Domestic Peace Activities;
(C) an Assistant Secretary for International Peace Activities;
(D) an Assistant Secretary for Technology for Peace;
(E) an Assistant Secretary for Arms Control and Disarmament;
(F) an Assistant Secretary for Peaceful Coexistence and Nonviolent
Conflict Resolution;
(G) an Assistant Secretary for Human and Economic Rights;
(H) a General Counsel.
(2) Each of the Assistant Secretaries and the General Counsel
shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate.
(3) There shall be in the Department an Inspector General,
who shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions in the
Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C.
(4) There shall be in the Department four additional officers
who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate. The officers
appointed under this paragraph shall perform such functions as
the Secretary shall prescribe, including--
(A) congressional relations functions;
(B) public information functions, including providing, through
the use of the latest technologies, useful information about peace
and the work of the
(C) management and budget functions; and
(D) planning, evaluation, and policy development functions,
including development of policies to promote the efficient and
coordinated administration of the
Department and its programs and encourage improvements in conflict
resolution and violence prevention.
(5) In any case in which the President submits the name of
an individual to the Senate for confirmation as an officer of
the Department under this subsection, the
President shall state the particular functions of the Department
such individual will exercise upon taking office.
(c) AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY- Each officer described in this
section shall report directly to the Secretary and shall, in addition
to any functions vested in or
required to be delegated to such officer, perform such additional
functions as the Secretary may prescribe.
(a) IN GENERAL- There shall be in the Department an Office
of Peace Education and Training, the head of which shall be the
Assistant Secretary for Peace
Education and Training. The Assistant Secretary for Peace Education
and Training shall carry out those functions of the Department
relating to the creation,
encouragement, and impact of peace education and training at the
elementary, secondary, university, and postgraduate levels, including
the development of a
Peace Academy.
(b) PEACE CURRICULUM- The Assistant Secretary of Peace Education
and Training, in cooperation with the Secretary of Education,
shall develop a peace
curriculum and supporting materials for distribution to departments
of education in each State and territory of the United States.
The peace curriculum shall include
the building of communicative peace skills, nonviolent conflict
resolution skills, and other objectives to increase the knowledge
of peace processes.
(c) GRANTS- The Assistant Secretary of Peace Education and
Training shall--
(1) provide peace education grants to colleges and universities
for the creation and expansion of peace studies departments; and
(2) create a Community Peace Block Grant program under which
grants shall be provided to not-for-profit community and nongovernmental
for the purposes of developing creative, innovative neighborhood
programs for nonviolent conflict resolution and local peacebuilding
(a) IN GENERAL- There shall be in the Department an Office
of Domestic Peace Activities, the head of which shall be the Assistant
Secretary for Domestic Peace
Activities. The Assistant Secretary for Domestic Peace Activities
shall carry out those functions in the Department affecting domestic
peace activities, including the
development of policies that increase awareness about intervention
and counseling on domestic violence and conflict.
(b) RESPONSIBILITIES- The Assistant Secretary for Domestic
Peace Activities shall--
(a) ESTABLISHMENT- There is hereby established a Department
of Peace (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the `Department'),
which shall--
(1) be a cabinet-level department in the executive
branch of the Federal Government; and
(2) be dedicated to peacemaking and the study
of conditions that are conducive to both domestic and international
(b) SECRETARY OF PEACE- There shall be at the head
of the Department a Secretary of Peace (hereinafter in this Act
referred to as the `Secretary'), who shall be
appointed by the President, with the advice and consent
of the Senate.
(c) MISSION- The Department shall--
(1) hold peace as an organizing principle, coordinating
service to every level of American society;
(2) endeavor to promote justice and democratic
principles to expand human rights;
(3) strengthen nonmilitary means of peacemaking;
(4) promote the development of human potential;
(5) work to create peace, prevent violence,
divert from armed conflict, use field-tested programs, and develop
new structures in nonviolent dispute
(6) take a proactive, strategic approach in
the development of policies that promote national and international
conflict prevention, nonviolent intervention,
mediation, peaceful resolution of conflict, and
structured mediation of conflict;
(7) address matters both domestic and international
in scope; and
(8) encourage the development of initiatives
from local communities, religious groups, and nongovernmental
(a) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall--
(1) work proactively and interactively with
each branch of the Federal Government on all policy matters relating
to conditions of peace;
(2) serve as a delegate to the National Security
(3) call on the intellectual and spiritual wealth
of the people of the United States and seek participation in its
administration and in its development of policy
from private, public, and nongovernmental organizations;
(4) monitor and analyze causative principles
of conflict and make policy recommendations for developing and
maintaining peaceful conduct.
(b) DOMESTIC RESPONSIBILITIES- The Secretary shall--
(1) develop policies that address domestic violence,
including spousal abuse, child abuse, and mistreatment of the
(2) create new policies and incorporate existing
programs that reduce drug and alcohol abuse;
(3) develop new policies and incorporate existing
policies regarding crime, punishment, and rehabilitation;
(4) develop policies to address violence against
(5) analyze existing policies, employ successful,
field-tested programs, and develop new approaches for dealing
with the implements of violence, including
gun-related violence and the overwhelming presence
of handguns;
(6) develop new programs that relate to the
societal challenges of school violence, gangs, racial or ethnic
violence, violence against gays and lesbians, and
police-community relations disputes;
(7) make policy recommendations to the Attorney
General regarding civil rights and labor law;
(8) assist in the establishment and funding
of community-based violence prevention programs, including violence
prevention counseling and peer
mediation in schools;
(9) counsel and advocate on behalf of women
victimized by violence;
(10) provide for public education programs and
counseling strategies concerning hate crimes;
(11) promote racial and ethnic tolerance;
(12) finance local community initiatives that
can draw on neighborhood resources to create peace projects that
facilitate the development of conflict
resolution at a national level and thereby inform
and inspire national policy; and
(13) provide ethical-based and value-based analyses
to the Department of Defense.
(1) advise the Secretary of Defense and the
Secretary of State on all matters relating to national security,
including the protection of human rights and the
prevention of, amelioration of, and de-escalation
of unarmed and armed international conflict;
(2) provide for the training of all United States
personnel who administer postconflict reconstruction and demobilization
in war-torn societies;
(3) sponsor country and regional conflict prevention
and dispute resolution initiatives, create special task forces,
and draw on local, regional, and national
expertise to develop plans and programs for addressing
the root sources of conflict in troubled areas;
(4) provide for exchanges between the United
States and other nations of individuals who endeavor to develop
domestic and international peace-based
(5) encourage the development of international
sister city programs, pairing United States cities with cities
around the globe for artistic, cultural, economic,
educational, and faith-based exchanges;
(6) administer the training of civilian peacekeepers
who participate in multinational nonviolent
police forces and support civilian police who participate
in peacekeeping;
(7) jointly with the Secretary of the Treasury,
strengthen peace enforcement through hiring and training monitors
and investigators to help with the
enforcement of international arms embargoes;
(8) facilitate the development of peace summits
at which parties to a conflict may gather under carefully prepared
conditions to promote nonviolent
communication and mutually beneficial solutions;
(9) submit to the President recommendations
for reductions in weapons of mass destruction, and make annual
reports to the President on the sale of arms
from the United States to other nations, with analysis
of the impact of such sales on the defense of the United States
and how such sales affect peace;
(10) in consultation with the Secretary of State,
develop strategies for sustainability and management of the distribution
of international funds; and
(11) advise the United States Ambassador to
the United Nations on matters pertaining to the United Nations
Security Council.
shall address and offer nonviolent conflict resolution strategies
to all relevant parties on issues of
human security if such security is threatened by conflict,
whether such conflict is geographic, religious, ethnic, racial,
or class-based in its origin, derives from
economic concerns (including trade or maldistribution of
wealth), or is initiated through disputes concerning scarcity
of natural resources (such as water and energy
resources), food, trade, or environmental concerns.
first amendment of the Constitution of the United States and the
requirement for free and independent
media, the Secretary shall--
(1) seek assistance in the design and implementation
of nonviolent policies from media professionals;
(2) study the role of the media in the escalation
and de-escalation of conflict at domestic and international levels
and make findings public; and
(3) make recommendations to professional media
organizations in order to provide opportunities to increase media
awareness of peace-building initiatives.
(1) develop a peace education curriculum, which
shall include studies of--
(A) the civil rights movement in the United
States and throughout the world, with special emphasis on how
individual endeavor and involvement
have contributed to advancements in peace
and justice; and
(B) peace agreements and circumstances
in which peaceful intervention has worked to stop conflict;
(2) in cooperation with the Secretary of Education--
(A) commission the development of such
curricula and make such curricula available to local school districts
to enable the utilization of peace
education objectives at all elementary and
secondary schools in the United States; and
(B) offer incentives in the form of grants
and training to encourage the development of State peace curricula
and assist schools in applying for such
(3) work with educators to equip students to
become skilled in achieving peace through reflection, and facilitate
instruction in the ways of peaceful conflict
(4) maintain a site on the Internet for the
purposes of soliciting and receiving ideas for the development
of peace from the wealth of political, social and
cultural diversity;
(5) proactively engage the critical thinking
capabilities of grade school, high school, and college students
and teachers through the Internet and other media
and issue periodic reports concerning submissions;
(6) create and establish a Peace Academy, which
(A) be modeled after the military service
(B) provide a 4-year course of instruction
in peace education, after which graduates will be required to
serve 5 years in public service in programs
dedicated to domestic or international nonviolent
conflict resolution; and
(7) provide grants for peace studies departments
in colleges and universities throughout the United States.
(a) UNDER SECRETARY OF PEACE- There shall be in the
Department an Under Secretary of Peace, who shall be appointed
by the President, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate. During the absence or
disability of the Secretary, or in the event of a vacancy in the
office of the Secretary, the Under Secretary
shall act as Secretary. The Secretary shall designate the
order in which other officials of the Department shall act for
and perform the functions of the Secretary
during the absence or disability of both the Secretary
and Under Secretary or in the event of vacancies in both of those
(b) ADDITIONAL POSITIONS- (1) There shall be in the
(A) an Assistant Secretary for Peace Education
and Training;
(B) an Assistant Secretary for Domestic Peace
(C) an Assistant Secretary for International
Peace Activities;
(D) an Assistant Secretary for Technology for
(E) an Assistant Secretary for Arms Control
and Disarmament;
(F) an Assistant Secretary for Peaceful Coexistence
and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution;
(G) an Assistant Secretary for Human and Economic
Rights; and
(H) a General Counsel.
(2) Each of the Assistant Secretaries and the General
Counsel shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate.
(3) There shall be in the Department an Inspector General,
who shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions in the
Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C.
(4) There shall be in the Department four additional
officers who shall be appointed by the President, by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate. The officers
appointed under this paragraph shall perform such functions
as the Secretary shall prescribe, including--
(A) congressional relations functions;
(B) public information functions, including
providing, through the use of the latest technologies, useful
information about peace and the work of the
(C) management and budget functions; and
(D) planning, evaluation, and policy development
functions, including development of policies to promote the efficient
and coordinated administration of the
Department and its programs and encourage improvements
in conflict resolution and violence prevention.
(5) In any case in which the President submits the
name of an individual to the Senate for confirmation as an officer
of the Department under this subsection, the
President shall state the particular functions of the Department
such individual will exercise upon taking office.
(c) AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY- Each officer described
in this section shall report directly to the Secretary and shall,
in addition to any functions vested in or
required to be delegated to such officer, perform such
additional functions as the Secretary may prescribe.
(a) IN GENERAL- There shall be in the Department an
Office of Peace Education and Training, the head of which shall
be the Assistant Secretary for Peace
Education and Training. The Assistant Secretary for Peace
Education and Training shall carry out those functions of the
Department relating to the creation,
encouragement, and impact of peace education and training
at the elementary, secondary, university, and postgraduate levels,
including the development of a
Peace Academy.
(b) PEACE CURRICULUM- The Assistant Secretary of Peace
Education and Training, in cooperation with the Secretary of Education,
shall develop a peace
curriculum and supporting materials for distribution to
departments of education in each State and territory of the United
States. The peace curriculum shall include
the building of communicative peace skills, nonviolent
conflict resolution skills, and other objectives to increase the
knowledge of peace processes.
(c) GRANTS- The Assistant Secretary of Peace Education
and Training shall--
(1) provide peace education grants to colleges
and universities for the creation and expansion of peace studies
departments; and
(2) create a Community Peace Block Grant program
under which grants shall be provided to not-for-profit community
and nongovernmental organizations
for the purposes of developing creative, innovative
neighborhood programs for nonviolent conflict resolution and local
peacebuilding initiatives.
(a) IN GENERAL- There shall be in the Department an
Office of Domestic Peace Activities, the head of which shall be
the Assistant Secretary for Domestic Peace
Activities. The Assistant Secretary for Domestic Peace
Activities shall carry out those functions in the Department affecting
domestic peace activities, including the
development of policies that increase awareness about intervention
and counseling on domestic violence and conflict.
(b) RESPONSIBILITIES- The Assistant Secretary for Domestic
Peace Activities shall--
(1) develop policy alternatives for the treatment
of drug and alcohol abuse;
(2) develop new policies and build on existing
programs responsive to the prevention of crime, including the
development of community policing strategies
and peaceful settlement skills among police and
other public safety officers; and
(3) develop community-based strategies for celebrating
diversity and promoting tolerance.
(a) IN GENERAL- There shall be in the Department an
Office of International Peace Activities, the head of which shall
be the Assistant Secretary for International
Peace Activities. The Assistant Secretary for International
Peace Activities shall carry out those functions in the Department
affecting international peace activities
and shall be a member of the National Security Council.
(b) RESPONSIBILITIES- The Assistant Secretary for International
Peace Activities shall--
(1) provide for the training and deployment
of all Peace Academy graduates and other nonmilitary conflict
prevention and peacemaking personnel;
(2) sponsor country and regional conflict prevention
and dispute resolution initiatives in countries experiencing social,
political, or economic strife;
(3) advocate the creation of a multinational
nonviolent peace force;
(4) provide training for the administration
of postconflict reconstruction and demobilization in war-torn
societies; and
(5) provide for the exchanges between individuals
of the United States and other nations who are endeavoring to
develop domestic and international
peace-based initiatives.
(a) IN GENERAL- There shall be in the Department an
Office of Technology for Peace, the head of which shall be the
Assistant Secretary of Technology for Peace.
The Assistant Secretary of Technology for Peace shall carry
out those functions in the Department affecting the awareness,
study, and impact of developing new
technologies on the creation and maintenance of domestic
and international peace.
(b) GRANTS- The Assistant Secretary of Technology for
Peace shall provide grants for the research and development of
technologies in transportation,
communications, and energy that--
(1) are nonviolent in their application; and
(2) encourage the conservation and sustainability
of natural resources in order to prevent future conflicts regarding
scarce resources.
(a) IN GENERAL- There shall be in the Department an
Office of Arms Control and Disarmament, the head of which shall
be the Assistant Secretary of Arms Control
and Disarmament. The Assistant Secretary of Arms Control
and Disarmament shall carry out those functions in the Department
affecting arms control programs and
arms limitation agreements.
(b) RESPONSIBILITIES- The Assistant Secretary of Arms
Control and Disarmament shall--
(1) advise the Secretary on all interagency
discussions and all international negotiations regarding the reduction
and elimination of weapons of mass
destruction throughout the world, including the
dismantling of such weapons and the safe and secure storage of
materials related thereto;
(2) assist nations, international agencies and
nongovernmental organizations in assessing the locations of the
buildup of nuclear arms;
(3) develop nonviolent strategies to deter the
testing or use of offensive or defensive nuclear weapons, whether
based on land, air, sea, or in outer space;
(4) serve as a depository for copies of all
contracts, agreements, and treaties that deal with the reduction
and elimination of nuclear weapons or the
protection of outer space from militarization; and
SEC. 201. STAFF.
The Secretary may appoint and fix the compensation
of such employees as may be necessary to carry out the functions
of the Secretary and the Department.
Except as otherwise provided by law, such employees shall
be appointed in accordance with the civil service laws and their
compensation fixed in accordance
with title 5 of the United States Code.
There are hereby transferred to the Department the
functions, assets, and personnel of--
(1) the Peace Corps;
(2) the United States Institute of Peace;
(3) the Office of the Under Secretary for Arms
Control and International Security Affairs of the Department of
(4) the Gang Resistance Education and Training
Program of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; and
(5) the SafeFutures program of the Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of the Department
of Justice.
Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment
of this Act, the Secretary shall prepare and submit to Congress
proposed legislation containing any
necessary and appropriate technical and conforming amendments
to the laws of the United States to reflect and carry out the
provisions of this Act.
There is established a Federal Interagency Committee
on Peace (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the `Committee').
The Committee shall--
(1) assist the Secretary in providing a mechanism
to assure that the procedures and actions of the Department and
other Federal agencies are fully
coordinated; and
(2) study and make recommendations for assuring
effective coordination of Federal programs, policies, and administrative
practices affecting peace.
All citizens should be encouraged to observe and celebrate
the blessings of peace and endeavor to create peace on a Peace
Day. Such day shall include
discussions of the professional activities and the achievements
in the lives of peacemakers.
There is established a Federal Interagency Committee
on Peace (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the `Committee').
The Committee shall--
(1) assist the Secretary in providing a mechanism
to assure that the procedures and actions of the Department and
other Federal agencies are fully
coordinated; and
(2) study and make recommendations for assuring
effective coordination of Federal programs, policies, and administrative
practices affecting peace.
All citizens should be encouraged to observe and celebrate
the blessings of peace and endeavor to create peace on a Peace
Day. Such day shall include
discussions of the professional activities and the achievements
in the lives of peacemakers.
All citizens should be encouraged to observe and celebrate
the blessings of peace and endeavor to create peace on a Peace
Day. Such day shall include
discussions of the professional activities and the achievements
in the lives of peacemakers.
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