Paying the Price
excerpted from the book
The New Rulers of the World
by John Pilger
Verso, 2002, paper

They know we own their country ... we dictate the way they live
and talk. And that's what's great about America right now. It's
a good thing, especially when there's a lot of oil out there we
Brigadier-General William Looney, US airforce,
_ director of the bombing of Iraq
Wherever you go in Iraq's southern city of Basra, there is dust.
It rolls down the long roads that are the desert's fingers. It
gets in your eyes and nose and throat; it swirls in markets and
school playgrounds, consuming children kicking a plastic ball;
and it carries, according to Dr Tawad Al-Ali, 'the seeds of our
death'. Dr Al-Ali is a cancer specialist at the city hospital
and a member of Britain's Royal College of Physicians. He has
a neat moustache and a kindly, furrowed face. His starched white
coat, like the collar of his shirt, is frayed.
'Before the Gulf War, we had only three
or four deaths in a month from cancer,' he said. 'Now it's thirty
to thirty-five patients dying every month, and that's just in
my department. That is twelve times the increase in the cancer
mortality. Our studies indicate that 40 to 48 per cent of the
population in this area will get cancer: in five years' time to
begin with, then long afterwards. That's almost half the population.
Most of my own family now have cancer, and we have no history
of the disease. It has spread to the medical staff of this hospital;
yesterday, the son of the medical director died. We don't know
the precise source of the contamination, because we are not allowed
to get the equipment to conduct a proper survey, or even test
the excess level of radiation in our bodies. We strongly suspect
depleted uranium, which was used by the Americans and British
in the Gulf War right across the southern battlefields. Whatever
the cause, it is like Chernobyl here; the genetic effects are
new to us. The mushrooms grow huge, and the fish in what was once
a beautiful river are inedible. Even the grapes in my garden have
mutated and can't be eaten.''
Along the corridor, I met Dr Ginan Ghalib
Hassen, a paediatrician. At another time, she might have been
described as an effervescent personality; now she, too, has a
melancholy expression that does not change; it is the face of
Iraq. 'This is Ali Raffa Asswadi,' she said, stopping to take
the hand of a wasted boy I guessed to be about four years old.
'He is nine years,' she said. 'He has leukaemia. Now we can't
treat him. Only some of the drugs are available. We get drugs
for two or three weeks, and then they stop when the shipments
stop. Unless you continue a course, the treatment is useless.
We can't even give blood transfusions, because there are not enough
blood bags . . .'
In the next bed, a child lay in his shrouded
mother's arms. One side of his head was severely swollen. 'This
is neuroblastoma,' said Dr Hassen. 'It is a very unusual tumour.
Before 1991, we saw only one case of this tumour in two years.
Now we have many cases.' Another child had his eyes fixed on me
and I asked what would happen to him. She said, 'He has an abdominal
mass. We have operated on him, but unless the tumour receives
treatment, it will recur. We have only some drugs. We are waiting
for the full course. He has renal failure now, so his future is
bad. All the futures here are bad.'
Dr Hassen keeps a photo album of the children
she is trying to save and has been unable to save. 'This is Talum
Saleh,' she said, turning to a photograph of a boy in a blue pullover
and with sparkling eyes. 'He is five-and-a-half years old. This
is a case of Hodgkin's Disease. Normally, with Hodgkin's, a patient
can expect to live and the cure can be 95 per cent. But if the
drugs are not available, complications set in, and death follows.
This boy had a beautiful nature. He died.'
I said, 'As we were walking, I noticed
you stop and put your face to the wall.'
Yes, I was emotional ... I am a doctor;
I am not supposed to cry, but I cry every day, because this is
torture. These children could live; they could live and grow up;
and when you see your son and daughter in front of you, dying,
what happens to you?'
I said, 'What do you say to those in the
West who deny the connection between depleted uranium and the
deformities of these children?'
'That is not true. How much proof do they
want? There is every relation between congenital malformation
and depleted uranium. Before 1991, we saw nothing like this at
all. If there is no connection, why have these things not happened
before? Most of these children have no family history of cancer.
I have studied what happened in Hiroshima. It is almost exactly
the same here; we have an increased percentage of congenital malformation,
an increase of malignancy, leukaemia, brain tumours: the same.
Under the economic embargo imposed by
the United Nations Security Council in 1990 and upgraded the following
year, Iraq is denied equipment and expertise to decontaminate
its battlefields, in contrast to how Kuwait was cleaned up after
the Gulf War. The US army physicist responsible for cleaning up
Kuwait was Professor Doug Rokke, whom I met in London. Today,
he himself is a victim. 'I am like many people in southern Iraq,'
he said. 'I have 5,000 times the recommended level of radiation
in my body. The contamination was right throughout Iraq and Kuwait.
With the munitions testing and preparation in Saudi Arabia, uranium
contamination covers the entire region. The effect depends on
whether a person inhaled it or ingested it by eating and drinking,
or if they got it in an open wound. What we're seeing now, respiratory
problems, kidney problems, cancers, are the direct result of the
use of this highly toxic material. The controversy over whether
or not it's the cause is a manufactured one; my own ill-health
is testament to that.'
Professor Rokke says there are two urgent
issues to be confronted by people in the West, 'those with a sense
of right and wrong': first, the decision by the United States
and Britain to use a 'weapon of mass destruction', such as depleted
uranium. He said, 'In the Gulf War, well over 300 tons were fired.
An A-10 Warthog attack aircraft fired over 900,000 rounds. Each
individual round was 300 grams of solid uranium 238. When a tank
fired its shells, each round carried over 4,500 grams of solid
uranium. These rounds are not coated, they're not tipped; they're
solid uranium. Moreover, we have evidence to suggest that they
were mixed with plutonium. What happened in the Gulf was a form
of nuclear warfare.
The second issue is the denial of medical
care to American and British and other allied soldiers, and the
tens of thousands of Iraqis contaminated. At international symposiums,
I have watched Iraqi officials approach their counterparts from
the Department of Defence and the Ministry of Defence and ask,
plead, for help with decontamination. The Iraqis didn't use depleted
uranium; it was not their weapon. They simply don't know how to
get rid of it from their environment. I watched them put their
case, describing the deaths and the horrific deformities that
are showing up; and I watched them rebuffed. It was pathetic.
The United Nations Sanctions Committee
in New York, dominated by the Americans and British, has vetoed
or delayed a range of vital medical equipment, chemotherapy drugs,
even pain-killers. (In the jargon of denial, 'blocked' equals
vetoed, and 'on hold' means delayed, or maybe blocked.) In Baghdad,
I sat in a clinic as doctors received parents and their children,
many of them grey-skinned and bald, some of them dying. After
every second or third examination, Dr Lekaa Fasseh Ozeer, the
young oncologist, wrote in English: 'No drugs available.' I asked
her to jot down in my notebook a list of drugs the hospital had
ordered, but had not received, or had received intermittently.
She filled a page.
I had been filming in Iraq for my documentary
Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq. Back in London,
I showed Dr Ozeer's list to Professor Karol Sikora who, as chief
of the cancer programme of the World Health Organisation (WHO),
wrote in the British Medical Journal: 'Requested radiotherapy
equipment, chemotherapy drugs and analgesics are consistently
blocked by United States and British advisers [to the Sanctions
Committee]. There seems to be a rather ludicrous notion that such
agents could be converted into chemical and other weapons. He
told me, 'Nearly all these drugs are available in every British
hospital. They're very standard. When I came back from Iraq last
year, with a group of experts I drew up a list of seventeen drugs
that are deemed essential for cancer treatment. We informed the
UN that there was no possibility of converting these drugs into
chemical warfare agents. We heard nothing more. The saddest thing
I saw in Iraq was children dying because there was no chemotherapy
and no pain control. It seemed crazy they couldn't have morphine,
because for everybody with cancer pain, it is the best drug. When
I was there, they had a little bottle of aspirin pills to go round
200 patients in pain. They would receive a particular anti-cancer
drug, but then get only little bits of drugs here and there, and
so you can't have any planning. It's bizarre.'
Denis Halliday had resigned after thirty-four years with the UN.
He was then Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations,
with a long and distinguished career in development, 'attempting
to help people, not harm them' . His was the first public expression
of an unprecedented rebellion within the UN bureaucracy. 'I am
resigning,' he wrote, 'because the policy of economic sanctions
is totally bankrupt. We are in the process of destroying an entire
society. It is as simple as that . . . Five thousand children
are dying every month . . . I don't want to administer a programme
that results in figures like these.'
Since I met Halliday, I have been struck
by the principle behind this carefully chosen, uncompromising
words. 'I had been instructed,' he said, 'to implement a policy
that satisfies the definition of genocide: a deliberate policy
that has effectively killed well over a million individuals, children
and adults. We all know that the regime, Saddam Hussein, is not
paying the price for economic sanctions; on the contrary, he has
been strengthened by them. It is the little people who are losing
their children or their parents for lack of untreated water. What
is clear is that the Security Council is now out of control, for
its actions here undermine its own Charter, and the Declaration
of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention. History will slaughter
those responsible."
Dr Eric Herring, of Bristol University, a sanctions specialist
Those policymakers who backed the [Iraq]
sanctions cannot say that they did not know what was going to
happen. Whatever the political purpose, it was a conscious and
callous choice to deny an entire society the means necessary to
The cost in lives is staggering. A study by the United Nations
Children's Fund, Unicef, found that between 1991 and 1998, there
were 500,000 deaths above the anticipated rate among Iraqi children
under five years of age. This, on average, is 5,200 preventable
under five deaths per month. Hans Von Sponeck said, 'Some 167
Iraqi children are dying every day. Denis Halliday said, 'If you
include adults, the figure is now almost certainly well over a
In 1999, a humanitarian panel set up by
the Security Council reported that Iraq had slipped from 'relative
affluence' prior to 1991 into 'massive poverty' . The panel criticised
the Oil for Food Programme as 'inadequate' to remedy a 'dire'
humanitarian situation 'that cannot be overstated'. The panel's
members took the remarkable step of attacking their sponsor, charging
that 'the Iraqi people would not be undergoing such deprivations
in the absence of the prolonged measures imposed by the Security
Council'. Once again, children were found to be the main victims,
with the infant mortality rate soaring from one of the lowest
in the world in 1990 to the highest.
In a separate study, Richard Garfield,
a renowned epidemiologist at Columbia University in New York,
says that, in tripling since 1990, the death rate of children
in Iraq is unique. There is almost no documented case,' he wrote,
'of rising mortality for children under five years in the modern
world.' Extrapolating from these statistics, American researchers
John Mueller and Karl Mueller conclude that 'economic sanctions
have probably already taken the lives of more people in Iraq than
have been killed by all weapons of mass destruction in history.'
In 1999, seventy members of the US Congress
signed an unusually blunt letter to President Clinton, appealing
to him to lift the embargo and end what they called 'infanticide
masquerading as policy' . The Clinton administration had already
given them their reply. In 1996, in an infamous interview on the
American current affairs programme 60 Minutes, Madeleine Albright,
then US Ambassador to the United Nations, had been asked: 'We
have heard that half a million children have died . . . is the
price worth it?' Albright replied, 'I think this is a very hard
choice, but the price-we think the price is worth it.'
The Al Rasheed Hotel is where Saddam Hussein's people are glimpsed.
Dark glasses, large dyed moustaches and spooks proliferate. You
enter by way of an icon of dark Iraqi humour, crossing a large
floor portrait, set in tiles, of George Bush Senior, a good likeness,
and the words: 'George Bush is a war criminal'.
A 1994 Senate report documented the transfer to Iraq of the ingredients
of biological weapons: botulism developed at a company in Maryland,
licensed by the Commerce Department and approved by the State
Department. Anthrax was also supplied by the Porton Down laboratories
in Britain, a government establishment. A Congressional investigator
said, 'It was all money, it was all greed. The US Government knew,
the British Government knew. Did they care? No. It was a competition
with the Germans. That's how the arms trade works.'
During the parallel Scott Inquiry in London
into the arms-to-Iraq scandal, Tim Laxton, a City of London auditor,
was brought in to examine the books of the British arms company
Astra, which the Thatcher Government covertly and illegally used
as a channel for arms to Iraq. Laxton was one of the few observers
to sit through the entire inquiry. He believes that if Sir Richard
brief had been open and unlimited, and
Thatcher's senior aides and civil servants had been compelled
to give evidence under oath, as well as numerous other vital witnesses
who were not called, the outcome would have been very different
from the temporary embarrassment meted out to a few ministers.
'Hundreds,' he said, 'would have faced criminal investigation,
including top political figures, very senior civil servants from
the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Defence, the Department of
Trade . . . the top echelon of government.'
Dr Anupama Rao Singh, Unicef's senior representative in Iraq,
about the effect of the US sanctions
In 1989, the literacy rate was more than
90 per cent; parents were fined for failing to send their children
to | school. The phenomenon of street children was unheard of.
Iraq | had reached a stage where the basic indicators we use to
measure the overall well-being of human beings, including children,
were some of the best in the world. Now it is among the bottom
20 per cent.
Just before Christmas 1999, the Department of Trade and Industry
in London restricted the export of vaccines meant to protect Iraqi
children against diphtheria and yellow fever. Dr Kim Howells told
Parliament why. His title of Parliamentary UnderSecretary of State
for Competition and Consumer Affairs perfectly suited his Orwellian
reply. The children's vaccines were, he said, 'capable of being
used in weapons of mass destruction'.
'Perhaps the most repulsive thing about the whole policy,' wrote
Eric Herring 'is that US and British decision-makers have exploited
popular humanitarian sentiment for the most crucial realpolitik
reasons. They have no desire for the Shi'ite majority to take
control or for the Kurds to gain independence. Their policy is
to keep them strong enough to cause trouble for Saddam Hussein
while ensuring that Saddam Hussein is strong enough to keep repressing
them. This is a direct descendant of British imperial policy from
the First World War onwards [and is about the control]
'Most Americans,' wrote Roger Normand, 'are unaware that sanctions
against Iraq have killed more people than the two atomic bombs
dropped on Japan, because the media have focused exclusively on
the demonised figure of Saddam Hussein and presented Iraq as a
country of military targets rather than people.'
The playwright Arthur Miller was more charitable. 'Few of us,'
he wrote, can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow
make sense. The thought that the State has lost its mind and is
punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence
has to be internally denied.'
A report for the UN Secretary-General, written by Professor Marc
Bossuyt, a respected authority on international law, says that
the 'sanctions regime against Iraq is unequivocally illegal under
existing human rights law' and 'could raise questions under the
Genocide Convention' . His subtext is that if the new court [ICC]
is to have authority, it cannot merely dispense the justice of
the powerful.
A growing body of legal opinion agrees
that the court has a duty, as Eric Herring wrote, to investigate
'not only the regime, but also the UN bombing and sanctions which
have violated the human rights of Iraqi civilians on a vast scale
. . . It should also investigate those who assisted [Saddam Hussein's]
programmes of now prohibited weapons, including western governments
and companies.'
In 2000, Hain blocked a parliamentary
request to publish the full list of law-breaking British companies.
A prosecutor might ask why, then ask who has killed the most innocent
people in Iraq: Saddam Hussein, or British and American policy-makers?
The answer may well put the murderous tyrant in second place:
a crime compounded by a military assault that will kill and maim
civilians and destroy the United Nations Charter.
Denis Halliday ... in the General Assembly at the United Nations,
where he had been Assistant Secretary-General.
This is where the real world is represented,'
he said. 'This is where democracy applies: one state, one vote.
By contrast, the Security Council has five permanent members which
have veto rights. There is no democracy there; it does not in
any way represent the real world. Had the issue of sanctions on
Iraq gone to the General Assembly, it would have been overturned
by a very large majority. We have to change the United Nations,
to reclaim what is ours. The genocide in Iraq is the test of our
will. All of us have to break the silence: to make those responsible,
in Washington and London, aware that history will slaughter them.
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