New Party Principles

The New Party believes that the social, economic, and political
progress of the United States requires a democratic revolution
in America-the return of power to the people. Democracy in America
does not work today. The people do not rule. And they must, if
we and our children are to lead lives of dignity, decency, and
Popular democratic organization should be encouraged and strengthened
to make this peaceful revolution. Ordinary people can do extraordinary
things if they are organized. Our basic purpose-reflected both
in our own governance and the aspirations we have for the nation-is
to make democracy work for everyone.
Our commitment to democracy comes from recognition of the
moral equality of persons. People really are created equal, and
their free deliberation is the best hope for achieving the blessings
of liberty. The same recognition fuels our commitment to fairness
in social life. Such moral irrelevancies as race, gender, age,
country of origin or inheritance continue to determine too much
of one's life chances, and this undermines the very idea of a
democratic society.
We are saddened and outraged by the present corruption of
our public institutions; the deliberate weakening of unions and
other popular democratic organizations; the stupid and cruel economic
policies that are destroying our cities and communities, increasing
inequality, lowering living standards, and wrecking the earth;
the special burdens this society still places on women, people
of color, and children; the violence it can inflict on the rest
of the world.
To promote a rebirth of freedom, equality and prosperity,
we dedicate ourselves to the following:
* Full public financing of elections, universal voter registration,
proportional representation, free party competition.
* The establishment, defense, and facilitation of worker,
consumer, shareholder, and taxpayer rights to democratic self-organization.
* The creation of a sustainable economy based on the responsible
and reverent use of our earth's resources-taking no more than
we need, replacing and reusing all that we can.
* A society in which we all take seriously our responsibilities
as parents, workers and citizens.
* The democratization of our banking and financial system-including
popular election of those charged with public stewardship of our
banking system, worker-owner control over their pension assets,
community-controlled alternative financial institutions.
* A Bill of Rights for America's Children, guaranteeing true
equality of opportunity, providing equal education for all students,
and achieving an adequate standard of health care, nutrition,
housing, and safety.
* Community-control and equitable funding of our schools,
within which we seek true excellence in public education along
with equal opportunity to achieve it.
* Full employment, a shorter work week, and a guaranteed minimum
income for all adults; a universal "social wage" to
include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation
time, and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic
phase-in of comparable worth and like programs to ensure gender
* A progressive tax system based on the ability to pay.
Rebuilding our cities and metropolitan regions-the cornerstones
of a high-wage and ecologically sustainable economy-through community-led
programs of comprehensive, democratic, high-wage, and low-waste
economic development.
* A community in which residents, neighborhood organizations,
businesses, police and local officials work cooperatively as equal
partners to provide a safe and secure environment in which to
live and work and study.
* A reduction of national military spending to that necessary
to the defense of the United States and an end to unilateral military
* Trade among nations consistent with mutual improvement in
living standards, reduced cross-national inequalities, and sustainable
* In all aspects of our economy and social life, an absolute
bar to discrimination based on race, gender, age, country of origin,
and sexual orientation, and absolute security in reproductive
rights, fundamental liberties, and privacy.
These are our principles. It will take time and experience
to work out the details of sound policies and procedures based
upon them, but there is no better time to start than the present.
We believe that if we enunciate our principles clearly and firmly,
with honesty and no double talk, the New Party will set a new
standard for political behavior, and be worthy of the people of
these United States.
New Party
227 W. 40th St. #1303
New York, NY 10018
tel 212-302-5053
email newparty@newparty.org