Just Call Them Cowardly Hypocrites
BuzzFlash, May, 2001

In case you missed it, BuzzFlash.com enjoyed
a spirited stint on the Alan Colmes radio show last week.
Progressive talk shows not only draw like
minded callers, but they also bring the right wingers out of the
woodwork. So it was no surprise that one caller last Wednesday
started shrieking to Colmes about Clinton being a yellow-bellied
draft evader who avoided Vietnam.
In a perverse way, we were glad to hear
from the psychotic ranter because it got the Buzz thinking about
one of our favorite topics: the GOP leaders are mostly cowardly
men who evaded service in Vietnam.
In fact, Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft all
avoided service in 'Nam. The President, whose Dad got him a position
in the Texas National Guard, ran against Gore, who served in Vietnam.
The closest Bush got to Vietnam was Abilene. Furthermore, Bush
didn't even bother to show up for his last year of service in
Texas. Cheney got a college deferment from military service. Ashcroft
got a deferment claiming that his law school teaching gig filled
a vital national need.
Hey, and let's not forget Tom DeLay, who
is the guy who pulls the strings in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Read an excerpt from a 1999 article that recounts the novel excuse
that DeLay offered as to why he and Dan Quayle didn't serve in
Which Bug Gets the Gas? Will the next
house DeLay fumigates be that big White one or his own? By Tim
In 1988, a little-known Texas congressman
gathered a crowd of reporters in the lobby of a downtown New Orleans
hotel housing several state delegates to the Republican National
Convention. Clutching a pole topped by a drooping American flag,
22nd District two-termer Tom DeLay launched into a rather implausible
defense of Dan Quayle, an Indiana senator freshly picked by George
Bush as his presidential ticket partner.
Bill Clinton's draft-dodging efforts would
become an issue in his successful campaign against Bush four years
later, but now Quayle's own past manipulation of family ties to
get into a national guard unit was touching off a classic feeding
frenzy among the convention press corps.
DeLay seemed to feel the issue applied
personally to him, and perhaps it did. He had graduated from the
University of Houston at the height of the Vietnam conflict in
1970, but chose to enlist in the war on cockroaches, fleas and
termites as the owner of an exterminator business, rather than
going off to battle against the Vietcong.
He and Quayle, DeLay explained to the
assembled media in New Orleans, were victims of an unusual phenomenon
back in the days of the undeclared Southeast Asian war. So many
minority youths had volunteered for the well-paying military positions
to escape poverty and the ghetto that there was literally no room
for patriotic folks like himself. Satisfied with the pronouncement,
which dumbfounded more than a few of his listeners who had lived
the sixties, DeLay marched off to the convention.
"Who was that idiot?" asked
a TV reporter who arrived at the end of the media show. When he
was told the name, it drew a blank. DeLay at that time was a national
nobody, and his claim that blacks and browns crowded him and other
good conservatives out of Vietnam seemed so outlandish and self-serving
that no one bothered to file a news report on the congressman's
(see http://www.houston-press.com/issues/1999-01-07/columns2.html)
And here are some other GOP luminaries
who never served in Vietnam, but join the teeming mob of right
wing zealots in labeling Democrats as draft dodgers. (The list
includes our previously mentioned Vietnam cowards):
Elliott Abrams - Sought deferment for
bad back. Richard Armey - Sought college deferment, too smart
to die. Bill Bennett - Sought graduate school deferment, too
smart to die. Pat Buchanan - Sought deferment for bad knee.
George W. Bush Daddy got him in the National Guard Dick Cheney
- Sought graduate school deferment, too smart to die. Tom DeLay
- - Sought college deferment, too smart to die. Newt Gingrich
- Sought graduate school deferment, too smart to die. Phil Gramm
- Sought marriage deferment, too loved to die. Jack Kemp - Sought
medical deferment while in the NFL. Rush Limbaugh - Sought deferment
for ingrown hair follicle on his ass. Trent Lott - Sought deferment,
didn't want to muss his hair. P.J. O'Rourke - Sought deferment,
too stoned. Dan Quayle - Family got him into the Reserves. Pat
Robertson - Father pulled him out of Korea as soon as the shooting
began. Kenneth Starr Sought deferment for psoriasis. John Wayne
- Sought deferment to further acting career. Vin Weber - Sought
deferment for asthma. George Will - Sought deferment, too much
of a wussy.
(thanks to http://www.rackjite.com/chawks.htm
for this list)
We've also heard from readers (since we
first posted this list) that the current GOP Governor of Michigan
and a big Bush partisan got out of the draft for being
If there is anything that so preeminently
displays the moral bankruptcy of the current administration and
the rest of the GOP leadership, it is their failure to serve our
country in Vietnam while fostering attacks on Democrats, many
of them who actually served the U.S. in that ill-begotten war.
Worse for these major league hypocrites
is that they scammed their way out of Vietnam not because of noble
ideals that the war was a misguided tragedy. Rather, these guys
were just plain cowards looking to save their skins.
It's an abiding fact that the right wing
continues to foamingly deride Clinton for protesting Vietnam because
it was a bad war, while refusing to criticize the GOP leaders
who evaded Vietnam because they were just plain yellow-bellied.
Moreover, it is a glaring indication of the advanced pathology
of the rabid right wing hordes that they don't give a hoot that
their leadership has a yellow streak as wide as Texas running
down their backs.
The Limbaugh loonies are, after all, beyond
reason in matters of politics. They needn't bother with the truth,
even if their own leaders (including pork boy Rush) exemplify
everything they claim to scorn in the way of no guts and fairweather
patriotism. The hypocrisy is so rank, it smells like an Iowa Hog
farm in a heat wave.
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