We must travel...

We must travel before we can see the world
We must see the world before we can discover the Third World
We must discover the Third World before we can meet Third World
We must meet Third World peoples before we can observe how they
We must observe how they live before we can notice their suffering
We must notice their suffering before we can understand oppression
in the Third World
We must understand oppression in the Third World before we can
know how unjust the world is
We must know how unjust the world is before we can comprehend
the exploitation of the Third World
We must comprehend the exploitation of the Third World before
we can acknowledge the role of the First World
We must acknowledge the role of the First World before we can
recognize the responsibility of the United States
We must recognize the responsibility of the United States before
we can make other Americans aware of the US role in the repression
of the Third World
We must make other Americans aware of the US role in the repression
of the Third World before we can make them care
We must make them care before we can make them act
We must make them act before we can force the US to change its
Third World policies
We must force the US change its Third World policies before we
can end the oppression of Third World peoples
We must end the oppression of Third World peoples before we can
make the world a just place
We must travel to the Third World to meet the people, to observe
how they live, to see their suffering, to recognize the US role
in this suffering, and to force the US to change its policies
toward the Third World in order to make the world a more just
World Travel