The Control of the
Corporate Community
excerpted from the book
Who Rules America Now?
by G. William Domhoff
Touchstone Books, 1983

Most sectors of the American economy are dominated by a relative
handful of large corporations. These corporations, in turn, are
linked in a variety of ways to create a corporate community. At
an economic level, the ties within the corporate community are
manifested in ownership of common stock on the part of both families
and other corporations, as well as in joint ventures among corporations
and in the common sources of bank loans that most corporations
share. At a more sociological level, the corporate community is
joined together by the use of the same legal, accounting, and
consulting firms and by the similar experiences of executives
working in the bureaucratic structure of a large organization.
Then too, the large corporations come together as a business community
because they share the same values and goals-in particular, the
profit motive. Finally, and not least, the common goals of the
corporations lead them to have common enemies in the labor movement
and middle-class reformers, which gives them a further sense of
a shared identity.
Whatever the actual number of stockholders, systematic studies
show that most of them own very little stock. Robert Lampman's
studies using the estate-multiplier method for six different years
between 1922 and 1953 estimated that the top 1 percent of all
adults held from 61.5 to 76 percent of all privately held stock.
Using the same method, James D. Smith found the percentage to
be 51 percent for the top 1 percent in 1969.3 Smith's work also
demonstrates that stock is even more dramatically concentrated
within the hands of a few thousand major owners. One-twentieth
of 1 percent of American adults have one-fifth of the corporate
stock, and 0.2 percent have one-third of it. Sociologist Maurice
Zeitlin makes this concentration more graphic by pointing out
that "the Rose Bowl's 104,696 seats would still be half empty
if only every American who owns $1 million or more in corporate
stock came to cheer."
... hundreds of very large corporations ... are privately owned
by a family or group of families. The size and extent of such
corporations is often overlooked in discussions of the modern
corporation. In 1976 Forbes estimated that there were over 350
such companies with sales above $100 million a year. Then, too,
in some manufacturing industries that are less concentrated, such
as printing, furniture, and clothing, privately held firms account
for over two-thirds of sales, and privately held firms are even
more important in such non-manufacturing sectors as wholesaling,
retailing, and construction. Moreover, the close relationship
between ownership and control also holds for many large publicly
held corporations that are just below the 200 or 300 largest firms;
in most such firms, large percentages of stock are held by a few
owners who also serve as directors and top managers.
The problem of the relationship between ownership and control
thus arises only for the very largest of corporations in the corporate
community. Little direct information on their owners was available
between 1938, when a thorough government study v - ` conducted,
and the 1970s, when new government studies and improvements in
the laws on the reporting of ownership information again made
systematic analysis possible. For the 30-year period between,
studies by pluralists that took at face value the meager information
provided by official sources often concluded that the role of
big owners within corporations was declining. This conclusion
could not be shaken by the many examples to the contrary that
would emerge in the business press from time to time.
However, even within the large corporations where no large
owners seem apparent at first glance, there are ways in which
families or wealthy individuals in fact continue to play significant
The overall findings on stock concentration, overrepresentation
of upper-class people, and the socialization of rising executives
lead to the conclusion that the upper social stratum is a business
class based in the ownership and control of large corporations.
Contrary to the view that there has been a separation of ownership
and control in large corporations, it seems more likely that there
has been a gradual reorganization of the upper class into a "corporate
rich" that includes top-level executives as well as major
owners. Such was the conclusion of Mills from an examination of
the data available in the 1950s, and it seems even more correct
in the light of the information on ownership and on executive
behavior that has been developed since that time:
The propertied class, in the age of corporate property, has
become a corporate rich, and in becoming corporate has consolidated
its power and drawn to its defense new men of more executive and
more political stance. Its members have become self-conscious
in terms of the corporate world they represent. As men of status
they have secured their privileges and prerogatives in the most
stable private institutions o' American society. They are a corporate
rich because they depend directly, as well as indirectly, for
their money, their privileges, their securities, their advantages,
their powers on the world of the big corporations.
The fact that the upper class is also intertwined with the
corporate community adds a second dimension to the nature of its
cohesiveness. The cohesion is not only social, based on school
and club affiliations, but economic, rooted in common stock ownership
and most visibly manifested in the complex pattern of interlocking
directorships that unites the corporate community and creates
a dense and flexible communication network.
The societal power exercised by the corporate rich through
the corporate community is considerable. Corporate leaders can
invest money where and when they choose; expand, close, or move
their factories and offices at a moment's notice; and hire, promote,
and fire employees as they see fit. These powers give them a direct
influence over the great majority of Americans, who are dependent
upon wages and salaries for their incomes. They also give the
corporate rich indirect influence over elected and appointed officials,
for the growth and stability of a city, state, or the country
as a whole can be jeopardized by a lack of business confidence
in government.
One of the clearest statements of the way in which economic
power influences government is by economist Charles Lindblom in
an article entitled "Why Government Must Cater to Business."
The crux 0 f this argument is that in "our kind of society"
the "big tasks of shaping and doing" have been entrusted
to businesspeople who cannot be "commanded to perform their
functions." Instead, they have to be "induced,"
which means they have to be given whatever they want, generally
speaking, if there is to be prosperity. Therefore, the main job
of government officials, elected and appointed, is to cater to
business. If they do not do this job, there will be economic difficulties
that will lead people to desire new political leadership: "These
ills are not only deeply distressing to the population as a whole,
but suicidal for public officials. That is because political leaders
lose their positions if they cannot maintain a relatively healthy
As useful as this straightforward argument is in explaining
one of the ways in which members of the corporate rich exercise
power in America, it is not sufficient. It does not take into
consideration the possibility that government officials might
turn to nonbusiness constituencies to support new economic arrangements
or that the voting public might elect leaders mandated to change
the economic system. In other words, contrary to the shortsightedness
of such pluralists as Lindblom, it is not only political leaders
who face the possibility of losing their positions when the economy
is in distress. In such situations, the business leaders may need
government to protect their private property. As Bertrand Russell
notes in criticizing the "undue emphasis on economics"
in understanding power: "The power of the industrialist rests,
in the last analysis, upon the lockout, that is to say, upon the
fact that the owner of a factory can call upon the forces of the
State to prevent unauthorized persons from entering it.
Because there is no guarantee that the underlying population
and government officials will accept the corporate viewpoint under
all circumstances, it is necessary to consider the ways in which
the personnel and the economic resources of the upper class and
the corporate community are involved in an effort to shape the
thinking of the American polity and to influence the federal government
Rules America Now?
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