Afghanistan: The Other Lost War
by Stephen Lendman
www.zmag.org, September 29, 2006

In his important new book Freedom Next
Time, dealing with "empire, its facades and the enduring
struggle of people for their freedom," John Pilger has a
chapter on Afghanistan. In it he says that "Through all
the humanitarian crises in living memory, no country has been
abused and suffered more, and none has been helped less than Afghanistan."
He goes on to describe what he sees as something more like a
moonscape than a functioning nation. In the capitol, Kabul, there
are "contours of rubble rather than streets, where people
live in collapsed buildings, like earthquake victims waiting for
rescue....(with) no light or heat." It seems like it's always
been that way for these beleaguered people who've had a long history
of conflict and suffering with little relief. In the 19th century,
the Afghan people were victimized by the "Great Game"
struggle pitting the British empire against Tsarist Russia for
control of that part of the world. More recently in the 1980s,
it paid dearly again when a US recruited mujahideen guerrilla
army battled against a Soviet occupation. It forced the occupiers
out but at the cost of a ravaged country and one forced to endure
still more suffering and destruction from the brutal civil war
in the 1990s that followed the Soviet withdrawal. Then came 9/11,
the US attack, invasion, occupation and further devastation that's
ongoing with no end in sight and now intensifying in ferocity.
In his book, Pilger explains that Afghanistan today is what the
CIA once called Vietnam - "the grand illusion of the American
cause." There's no assured safety even in most parts of
the capitol now where for a brief time after the US invasion the
people of Kabul enjoyed a degree of freedom long denied them by
the Taliban. Now there's neither freedom nor safety almost anywhere
in the country as the brutal regional "warlords" rule
most parts of it, and the Taliban have begun a resurgence reigniting
the conflict that for a time subsided. Today the nation is once
again a war zone and narco-state with the "warlords"
and drug kingpins controlling everything outside the capitol and
the Taliban gaining strength and fighting back in the south trying
to regain what they lost. In Kabul itself, the country's selected
and nominal president Hamid Karzai (a former CIA asset and chief
consultant to US oil giant UNOCAL) is a caricature of a man and
willing US stooge who functions as little more than the mayor
of the city. Outside the capitol he has no mandate or support
and wouldn't last a day on his own without the round the clock
protection afforded him by the US military and the private contractor
When they ruled most of the country in the 1990s, the Taliban
at least kept order and wouldn't tolerate banditry, rape or murder,
despite their ultra-puritanical ways and harsh treatment of the
disobedient. They also virtually ended opium production. Now
all that's changed. The US - British invasion in 2001 ended the
ban on opium production, allowed the "warlords" to replant
as much of it as they wanted, and the result according to a report
released by the UN is that cultivation of this crop is spiraling
out of control. Antonio Maria Costa, the UN anti-drug chief,
said this year's opium harvest will be a record 6,100 tons (enough
to make 610 tons of heroin) or 92% of the total world supply and
30% more than the amount consumed globally. Costa went much further
in his comments saying southern Afghanistan "display(s) the
ominous hallmarks of incipient collapse, with large-scale drug
cultivation and trafficking, insurgency and terrorism, crime and
corruption (because) opium cultivation is out of control."
He directed his comments at President Karzai for not acting forcefully
to deal with the problem saying provincial governors and police
chiefs should be sacked and held to account. He also accused
government administrators of corruption.
The reason why this is happening is that elicit drug trafficking
is big business with an annual UN estimate gross of around $400
- 500 billion or double the sales revenue from legal prescription
drugs the US pharmaceutical giants reported in 2005. Those profiting
from it include more than the "kingpins" and organized
crime. The elicit trade has long been an important profit center
for many US and other banks including the giant international
money center ones. It's also well-documented that the CIA has
been involved in drug-trafficking (directly or indirectly) throughout
its half century existence and especially since the 1980s and
the Contra wars in Nicaragua. Today the CIA is partnered with
the Afghan "warlords" and criminal syndicates in the
huge business of trafficking heroin. It guarantees the crime
bosses easy access to the lucrative US market and the CIA a large
and reliable revenue stream to augment its annual (heretofore
secret) budget disclosed by Mary Margaret Graham, Deputy Director
of National Intelligence for Collection, to be $44 billion in
Why the US Attacked and Invaded Afghanistan
The now famous (or infamous) leaked Downing Street (or smoking-gun)
memo on the secret July, 2002 UK Labor government meeting discussed
how the Bush administration "wanted to remove Saddam, through
military action (and) had no patience with the UN route. (So
to justify it) the intelligence and facts were being fixed around
the policy." It doesn't get much clearer than that, and
the high UK official (Richard Dearlove, head of British intelligence
MI6) had to know as he sat in on the high-level secret meetings
in Washington at which the plan was discussed. So to help out
in serious damage-control, the US corporate media, in its customary
empire-supportive role, either called the document a fake or ignored
it altogether. It was no fake, and as such, got front page coverage
in the European press after the Rupert Murdoch-owned London Sunday
Times broke the story in their online edition on May 1, 2005.
The US war on Afghanistan was also planned well in advance (at
least a year or more) of the 9/11 attack that provided the claimed
justification for it. It was part of the US strategic plan to
control the vast oil and gas resources of Central Asia that former
National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski under President
Carter explained the importance of in his 1997 book The Grand
Chessboard. In it he referred to Eurasia as the "center
of world power extending from Germany and Poland in the East through
Russia and China to the Pacific and including the Middle East
and Indian subcontinent." By dominating this region including
Afghanistan with its strategic location, the US would assure it
had access to and controlled the vast energy resources there.
Early on the US was very willing to work with the Taliban believing
their authoritarian rule would bring stability to the country
without which any plan would be in jeopardy. Their religious
extremism, harsh treatment of women and the disobedient, and overall
human rights abuses were of no concern and never are anywhere
else despite the pious rhetoric from Washington to the contrary.
It was only in 1999 when the Taliban failed to stabilize the
areas they controlled and negotiations broke down trying to convince
them to bow to US interests that official policy changed and the
decision was made to remove them. Initially the plan to do it
was to be a joint US - Russia operation, and at the time, meetings
were held between US officials and those from Russia and India
to discuss what kind of government should be installed. The US
needs stability in Afghanistan and control of the country for
the oil and gas pipelines it wants built from the landlocked Caspian
Basin to warm water ports in the south. It wants them gotten
there through Pakistan and Afghanistan as the prime transhipment
route to avoid having them cross Russia or Iran.
September 11, 2001 provided the US with the pretext it needed
to begin the war it intended to wage using whatever reason it
decided to pick to justify it. It began a scant four weeks later
on October 7 as a joint US - British intensive aerial assault
against a country unable to put up any kind of defense against
it. It then ended a second scant 5 weeks after that on November
12 when the Taliban fled from Kabul allowing the Northern Alliance
forces the US had recruited to replace them to enter the city
the following day.
The intense but brief conflict came at an enormous cost to the
Afghan people already devastated by the effects of almost endless
war and internal turmoil for over two decades. It displaced as
many as about six million or more people fleeing to neighboring
countries or becoming internally displaced persons and being categorized
as IDPs. About half to two-thirds of those refugees have now
returned home but most are unable to find much relief from where
they'd been. Refugees International interviewed returnees to
Kabul in 2002, where conditions are much more stable than elsewhere,
and learned that while people were happy to be back they found
conditions there to be terrible - no shelter, no schools, no work,
no medical care, no security, and for many little or no food.
Things are no better today, and according to UK-based Christian
Aid are likely to become worse. It recently assessed conditions
in 66 villages in the west and northwest of the country and learned
millions of Afghans face hunger because because draught caused
complete crop failures in the worst hit areas. It reported people
are already going hungry and without considerable aid famine is
a real possibility. Things are all the harder because the internal
conflict resumed beginning with the resurgent Taliban (discussed
below) that began slowly in late 2002, grew significantly by mid-2003
and has been building in intensity since.
It all began with the US-led attack on Afghanistan that from the
start took a great toll in injuries and deaths, mostly affecting
innocent civilians. Marc Herold of the University of New Hampshire
estimated between 3,100 - 3,600 deaths resulted from the 5 week
conflict or as many as over 600 more than those killed on 9/11
in the US which was the pretext used to go to war. Herold continues
estimating deaths and injuries to Afghans and occupying forces
since and believes as of July, 2004 about 12,000 Afghan troops
and civilians have been killed in the conflict and about 32,000
seriously injured. As things have intensified since, those numbers
increase daily and are now considerably higher but it's not known
to what level. And what's not included in any of the estimates
is the many unknown number of thousands who've died since October,
2001 from the crushing poverty causing starvation and disease.
US "Liberation" Brought No Relief
For a brief time after mid-November, 2001, the Afghan people were
free from the repression forced on them under Taliban rule, but
what replaced them was no improvement nor did the US "liberator"
intend it to be. The US-installed so-called Northern Alliance
is terminology used to identify the United Islamic Front for the
Salvation of Afghanistan that prior to October 7, 2001 controlled
less than one-third of the country. They never were in the past
or were they to be now the "salvation" of anything but
their own self-interest. The Alliance is comprised of about five
dominant mujahideen factions each led by a thugish "warlord"
ruling over a band of murderers, brutes and rapists whose criminal
acts Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have condemned.
As a result, the brief respite from conflict the Afghan people
enjoyed was short-lived under their new rulers. With them back
in charge in the regions their respective "warlords"
controlled, murder, rape and mayhem became common again as it
was under their previous rule that gave rise to the Taliban in
the first place. So while the Taliban initially faded away after
mid-November, 2001, defenseless against the US-led onslaught against
them, growing anger and discontent with the present rule has allowed
them to regroup and begin a campaign of resurgence. That campaign
is gaining strength and looking more all the time like it may
turn Afghanistan into a Central Asian version of the conflict
in Iraq that cooler civilian heads in Washington and at the Pentagon
know is out of control, a lost cause and only will end when the
occupation does under a future US administration. The Bush administration,
that's usually wrong but never in doubt, makes it clear it will
"stay the course" and not "cut and run."
Conditions In Afghanistan Today
Life in Afghanistan today is surreal. In parts of Kabul an opulent
elite has emerged many of whom have grown rich from rampant corruption
and drug trafficking, and the city actually has an upscale shopping
area catering to them offering for sale specialty products like
expensive Swiss watches and other luxury goods. They can be found
at the Roshan Plaza shopping mall and Kabul City Center plaza
that has three floors of heated shops, a cappuccino bar and the
country's first escalator. The rutted streets are locked down
and deserted at night, but during the day luxury jeeps and four-wheel
drive limousines are seen on them. There are also upscale hotels
including the five-star Serena, built and run by the Aga Khan
Development Network (AKDN), offering luxury accommodations for
visiting dignitaries, Western businessmen and others able to afford
what they cost in an otherwise impoverished city still devastated
by years of conflict and destruction. The arriviste class there
can, mansions are being built for them, foreign branch banks are
there to service their needs, and an array of other amenities
are there to accommodate their extravagant tastes and wishes.
In a country where drug trafficking is the leading industry and
corruption is systemic, there's a ready market for those able
to afford most anything, even in a place as unlikely as Afghanistan.
There's also a ready market provided by
the array of well-off foreign ex-pats, a well-cared for NGO community
(with their own guest houses for their staff), colonial administrators,
commercial developers, mercenaries, fortune-hunters, highly-paid
enforcers and assorted other hangers-on looking to suck out of
this exploited country whatever they can while they're able to
do it. So far at least, there's nothing stopping them except
the threat of angry and desperate people ready to erupt on any
pretext and the growing resistance gaining strength and support
from the resurgent Taliban. There's also no shortage of alcohol
in a fundamentalist Muslim country where it's not allowed, high-priced
prostitutes are available on demand with plenty of ready cash
around to buy their services, a reported 80 brothels operate in
the city, and imported Thai masseuses are at the luxury Mustafa
Hotel where the owner is called a Mr. Fix It, an Internet Cafe
is located on the bottom floor offering ethernet and wireless
connectivity, and the restaurant fare ranges from traditional
Afghan to steaks, pizza and "the best burger in all of Kabul."
The impoverished local population would surely not be amused
or pleased comparing their daily plight to the luxury living afforded
the elite few able to afford it. Their city is in ruins, and
desperation, neglect, despair and growing anger characterize their
daily lives.
This Potemkin facade of opulence doesn't represent what that daily
life is like in the city and throughout the country for the vast
majority of the approximate 26 million or so Afghans. For them
life is harsh and dangerous, and they show their frustration and
impatience in their anger ready to boil over on any pretext.
As in Iraq, there's been little reconstruction providing little
relief from the devastation and making what work there is hard
to find and offering little pay. The result makes depressing
* Unemployment is soaring at about 45%
of those wanting work.
* The half of the working population getting it earns on average
about a meager $200 a year or a little over $300 for those involved
in the opium trade which is the main industry in the country.
* The poverty overall is overwhelming and about one-fourth of
the population depends on scarce and hard to find food aid creating
a serious risk of famine.
* The life expectancy in the country at 44.5 years is one of the
lowest in the world.
* The infant mortality rate is the highest in the world at 161
per 1,000 births
* One-fifth of children die before age five.
* An Afghan woman dies in childbirth every 30 minutes.
* In Kabul alone an estimated 500,000 people are homeless or living
in makeshift and deplorable conditions.
* Only one-fourth of the population has access to safe drinking
water and adequate sanitation.
* Only one doctor is available per 6,000 people and one nurse
per 2,500 people.
* 100 or more people are killed or wounded each month by unexploded
* Children are being kidnapped and sold into slavery or murdered
to harvest their organs that bring a high price.
* Less than 6% of Afghans have access to electricity available
only sporadically.
* Women's literacy rate is about 19%, and schools are being burned
in the south of the country and teachers beheaded in front of
their students.
* Many women are also forced to beg in the streets or turn to
prostitution to survive.
In addition, lawlessness is back, Sharia law has been reinstated,
the internal conflict has resumed, and no one is safe either from
the country's warring factions or from the hostile occupying force
making life intolerable for the vast majority of the Afghan people.
Afghanistan, Inc. - The Lucrative Business
of War-Profiteering
Those wondering why the US engages in so many conflicts (aside
from the geopolitical reasons) and is always ready for another
might consider the fact that wars are so good for business. Corporate
America, Wall Street and large insider investors love them because
they're so profitable. It shows up noticeably on the bottom line
of all contractors the Bush administration choose to "rebuild"
Iraq and Afghanistan. It's also been a bonanza for the many consultants,
engineers and mercenaries working for them who can pocket up to
$1,000 a day compared to Afghan employees lucky to earn $5 for
a day's work when they can find it.
In both Iraq and Afghanistan, huge open-ended, no-bid contracts
amounting to many billions of dollars were awarded to about 70
US firms including the usual array of politically connected ones
whose names have now become familiar to many - Bechtel, Fluor,
Parsons, Shaw Group, SAIC, CH2M Hill, DynCorp, Blackwater, The
Louis Berger Group, The Rendon Group and many more including the
one that nearly always tops the list, Halliburton and its subsidiary
Kellogg, Brown and Root. Since 2001, this arguably best-connected
of all war-profiteers was awarded $20 billion in war-related contracts
the company then exploited to the fullest by doing shoddy work,
running up massive cost-overruns and then submitting fraudulent
Halliburton and other contractors have managed to build permanent
military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan for the Pentagon and prisons
to house and torture whomever US authorities choose to arrest
and for whatever reason. But their work is nothing short of shoddy
and sloppy when it comes to assessing the job they've done rebuilding
both countries. In Iraq Halliburton did such a poor job repairing
the country's oil fields the US Army estimates it's cost the country
$8 billion in lost production. It also botched the simple job
of installing metering systems at ports in southern Iraq to assure
oil wasn't being smuggled out of the country.
No Serious US-Directed Effort To Rebuild
Two War-Torn Countries
Far more important for most Iraqis and Afghans, there's been no
serious effort to rebuild these war-torn countries across the
board. That effort is desperately needed to restore the essential
infrastructure destroyed in both conflicts like power generating
stations and water and sewage facilities, but the funding for
them has been poorly directed, lost in a black hole of corruption
or wasted because of inefficiency, design flaws, construction
errors or deliberate unwillingness to do much more than hand out
big contracts to US chosen companies then able to pocket big profits
while doing little for the people in return for them. It also
shows in the state of the countries' basic facilities like schools,
health clinics and hospitals that are in deplorable condition
with little being done to improve them despite lofty promises
otherwise. One example is the US pledge of $17.7 million in 2005
for education in Afghanistan that turned out, in fact, to be for
a private for-profit American University of Afghanistan only available
to Afghans who can afford its cost - meaning none of them but
the privileged few.
It's clear the US occupier has no interest in helping the people
it said it came to "liberate" unless by "liberate"
it meant from their freedom to be able to exploit and abuse them
in service to the interests of capital which is all the Bush administration
ever has in mind. Just as Iraq has the misfortune of having a
vast oil reserve beneath its sand the US wants to control, so
too Afghanistan happens to be strategically located as part of
a prime transhipment route over which the Caspian Basin's great
oil and gas reserves can be transported by pipeline to the warm
water southern ports the US wants to ship it out from to countries
it will allow it to be shipped to. These are the reasons the
US invaded both countries, and that's why no serious effort is
being made to do any reconstruction or redevelopment to help the
people. There are also reports, unconfirmed for this article,
that hydrocarbon reserves have been discovered in the northeast
of Afghanistan amounting to an estimated 1.5 billion barrels of
oil and from 15 - 30 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. If this
proves accurate, it will be one more curse for the Afghan people
who already have an unbearable number of others to deal with.
There isn't likely to be relief for them in reconstruction or
anything else as long as the US occupies the country and remains
its de facto ruler. It's sole funding priority (besides what
it ignores lost to corruption) is to its chosen contractors and
the bottom line boosting profits they get from being on the corporate
welfare dole. A revealing window into this and how reality diverges
from rhetoric is seen in a June, 2005 report by the well-respected
Johannesburg based NGO Action Aid. It documents what it calls
phantom aid that's pledged by the US and other countries but never
shows up. At most, maybe 40% of it does while the rest never
leaves the home country. It goes to pay so-called American "experts"
who overprice their services but provide ineffective "technical
assistance" for it. It also obliges recipient countries
to buy US products and services even when cheaper and more accessible
ones are available locally. The report goes on to accuse the
US to be one of the two greatest serial offender countries (France
being the other one) with 70% of what it calls aid requiring receiving
countries to get from US companies (and much of that is for US-made
weapons) and that 86% of all the US pledges turn out to be phantom
aid. So, in fact, so-called US donor aid to rebuild a war-torn
country is just another scam to enrich politically-connected American
corporations by developing new export markets for them. Iraq,
Afghanistan and other recipient countries get nothing more than
the right to have their nations, resources, and people exploited
by predatory US corporations as one of the spoils of war or one-way
trade agreements.
All of this has caused deep-seated mostly repressed anger that
erupted in Kabul this past May in the worst street violence seen
in the capitol since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. It happened
after a US military truck speeding recklessly smashed into about
a dozen civilian vehicles at a busy intersection killing five
people in the collision. It touched off mass rioting in angry
protest against an already hated occupier with crowds of men and
boys shouting "death to America, death to Karzai" and
blaming the government and US military for what happened. People
set fires to cars, shops, restaurants and dozens of police posts.
They also attacked buildings and clashed with US forces and Afghan
police on the scene throwing rocks at their vehicles. US troops
responded by opening fire on unarmed civilians killing at least
4 and leaving many others injured. When it finally ended, eight
people were reported dead and 107 injured. This uprising in the
Kabul streets showed the great anger and frustration of the people
breaking out in mass rage in response to one dramatic incident
that symbolized for them everything gone wrong in the country
now under an unwanted occupier, the oppressive US-installed Northern
Alliance "warlord" rule, and the deprivation of the
people suffering greatly as a result. There's no end of this
in sight, and it's almost certain the resistance will only intensify
in response as it's now doing.
Growing Resistance Against Repression
and War Crimes
Like the mythological phoenix rising from the ashes, the Taliban
have capitalized on the turmoil and discontent and have reemerged
to reclaim most parts of southern Afghanistan. This part country
has long been ungovernable and is known as an area too dangerous
even for aid agencies. The Taliban now openly control some districts
there, have set up shadow administrations in others, and have
moved into the province of Logar located just 25 miles from Kabul
where they have easy access to the capitol. For the British who
know their history, it should be no surprise. Sir Olaf Caroe,
the last British governor of North West Frontier Province in bordering
Pakistan spoke of it when he said: "Unlike other wars, Afghan
wars become serious only when they are over." Surely the
former Soviet occupiers also could have told George Bush in 2001
what he'd be up against. The Brits could have as well.
The Taliban are now gaining supporters among the people fed up
with the misery inflicted on them by the US and multinational
force invaders and the Northern Alliance rule that's even more
repressive than the Taliban were during their years in power.
It led to their 1990s rise and conquest of over two-thirds of
the country in the first place. It happened in the wake of the
vacuum created in the country following the withdrawal of the
defeated Soviet forces. During the decade-long conflict while
they were there, the Afghan resistance fought the West's war with
its funding and arms. It was heroic and the darling of the US
media. But once the war ended and the Soviet Union collapsed,
Afghans were abandoned and left on their own to deal with the
ravages of their war-torn country and the chaos of warlordism
and civil war that erupted in its aftermath. Out of that despair
and with considerable aid from Pakistan, the Taliban fighters
emerged and by 1996 had defeated the competing warlords to control
most of the country.
Today it looks like de jeva vu all over again as many Afghans
apparently prefer Taliban rule again they see as the lesser of
the only choices they now have. The result is that daily violence
has erupted into a growing catastrophic resistance guerrilla war,
slowly becoming more like the one in Iraq, that's intensifying
and making the country unsafe and ungovernable. It's led the
international policy Senlis Council think tank, that does extensive
monitoring of Afghanistan, to issue a damning report called: Afghanistan
Five Years Later: The Return Of The Taliban. The report blamed
the occupying forces for doing nothing to address the crushing
poverty, failing to achieve stability and security, and claims
Afghanistan "is falling back into the hands of the Taliban
(and their) frontline now cuts halfway through the country encompassing
all of the southern provinces" (that have) limited or no
central government control." Emmanuel Reinert, Executive
Director, concluded "The Taliban community are winning control
of Afghanistan (and) the international community is progressively
losing control of the country." He added that Afghanistan
today is a humanitarian disaster, and that there's a hunger crisis
with children starving in makeshift unregistered refugee camps
because of lack of donor interest.
It's fueling the Taliban guerrilla resistance that's close to
critical mass, and, despite official reports to the contrary,
the US-led occupying force won't likely be able to contain it.
It's what always happens in one form or other eventually under
any kind of foreign occupation and system of governance unwilling
to address the basic needs of the people - extreme poverty and
desperation demanding relief, without which people can't even
survive. It's also a response to the brutality of this occupation
where war crimes are just standard operating procedure and an
outrageous strategy used to contain the growing resistance. One
example of it, most people in the West wouldn't understand, was
the public burning of supposed Taliban fighters killed by US soldiers.
This is forbidden under Islamic law, and the images of it provoked
outrage in Afghanistan and throughout the Muslim world that views
the US occupiers as barbarians. This is just one of many instances
of deliberately inflicted offenses against Islam including defiling
the Koran, arbitrary and unlawful indefinite detentions as well
as humiliations, torture and other atrocities committed routinely
against Afghans taken prisoner for any reason. The same things
happen in most parts of Iraq as well.
Amnesty International documented some of the crimes and abuses
it learned from former detainees. Just like in Iraq they reported
being made to kneel, stand or maintain painful positions for long
periods, being hooded, deprived of sleep, stripped and humiliated.
They were also held without charge and denied access to family,
legal counsel or any kind of due process. In December, 2004,
US officials acknowledged eight prisoners died in US military
custody with little detail as to why. Earlier in October, the
US Army's Criminal Investigation Division recommended that 28
US soldiers be charged with beating to death two prisoners at
the Bagram air base after autopsies found "blunt force injuries."
At year end only one of the soldiers was charged with any offense,
and it was just for assault, maltreatment and dereliction of duty.
One other report in September showed US Special Forces beat and
tortured eight Afghan soldiers for over two weeks at a base near
Gardez killing one of them. The US military refused calls for
independent investigations of torture and deaths of those held
in custody and instead went through the motions of conducting
them under the auspices of the US Department of Defense (DOD)
- meaning, of course, they were whitewashed. US authorities also
routinely refuse requests by human rights groups, NGOs, and the
Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) for access
to detainees to assess their condition and treatment. Amnesty
also reported on death sentences being meted out, secret trials
in a special court held without the right to counsel or any form
of due process, and many cases of Afghan refugees returning home
and being unable to recover land or property stolen from them.
Amnesty also reported on the many civilian deaths resulting from
randomly targeted US air strikes supposedly directed at "armed
militants." These attacks are frequent killing many hundreds
of innocent Afghans and always claimed by the US military only
to have been directed against Al Queda or Taliban fighters.
The evidence shows otherwise. On one dramatic occasion early
in the conflict in December, 2001, US airstrikes against the village
of Niazi Kala in eastern Afghanistan killed dozens of civilians
resulting in the London Guardian and Independent each running
front page stories with headlines: "US Accused of Killing
Over 100 Villagers in Airstrike" in the Guardian and "US
Accused of Killing 100 Civilians in Afghan Bombing Raid"
in the Independent. Even the Rupert Murdoch-owned London Times
reported "100 Villagers Killed in US Airstrike." In
contrast, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) reported the
New York Times (known as the nation's newspaper of record) could
barely get itself to headline "Afghan Leader Warily Backs
US Bombing." Instead of accurately reporting what happened,
the NYT instead merely mentioned these villagers had been killed
as background information in an article about whether the nominal
Afghan leader (and former CIA asset) Harmid Karzai was holding
firm in "his support for the war against terrorism."
As it usually does, the NYT plays the lead role in directing
the rest of the US corporate media away from any disturbing truths
replacing them with a sanitized version acceptable to US authorities.
They call it "All The News That's Fit To Print."
There was also no account at all in the US corporate media, beyond
the usual distorted version, of the killing of about 800 captured
Taliban prisoners in November, 2001 at Mazar-i-Sharif by Northern
Alliance soldiers shooting down from the walls of the fortress-like
prison at the helpless Taliban fighters trapped below. It was
never explained in the US corporate-run media it was in response
to a revolt they staged because they were subjected to torture
and severe maltreatment. US Special Forces and CIA personal were
on the ground assisting in the slaughter by directing supportive
air strikes by helicopter gunships and fighter-bombers in an act
of butchery. It recalled many like it earlier in Vietnam at My
Lai, the many thousands murdered by the infamous Phoenix assassination
program in that war, the CIA organized and financed Salvadoran
death squads in the 1980s and earlier that killed many thousands
more, or the later many thousands of Fallujah residents killed
along with mass destruction inflicted on this Iraqi city in November,
2004 in a savage act of vengeance and butchery following the killing
of four Blackwater USA paramilitary hired-gun enforcers earlier
in the year. There was also no report on 3,000 other Taliban
and innocent civilian non-combatant prisoners who were separated
from 8,000 others who'd surrendered or had been picked up randomly.
They were then transported in what was later called a convoy
of death to the town of Shibarghan in closed containers lacking
any ventilation. Half of them suffocated to death en route and
others were killed inside them when a US commander ordered a Northern
Alliance soldier to fire into the containers supposedly to provide
air but clearly to kill or wound those inside who couldn't avoid
the incoming fire.
The response from people suffering the effects of these attacks
and atrocities or knowing about them is what would be expected
anywhere but especially in a country known for its history of
determined resistance by any means to free itself from an oppressive
occupier. It happened in Afghanistan during the 19th century
"Great Game" period and then during the decade of Soviet
occupation in the 1980s. It's now happening again and getting
especially intense as described by General David Richards, the
British commander of NATO forces in the country. In early August
he described the fighting as some of the worst, most prolonged
and ferocious he knew of in 60 years with his forces coming under
repeated "hit-and-run" and other attacks by Taliban
guerrilla fighters engaging in machine gun and grenade battles
before dispersing and later regrouping for more attacks. He said:
"This sort of thing hasn't really happened so consistently,
I don't think, since the Korean War or the Second World War.
It happened for periods in the Falklands, obviously, and it happened
for short periods in the Gulf on both occasions. But this is
persistent, low-level, dirty fighting." One has to wonder
if the general thinks cluster-bombing and using other terror weapons
from 30,000 feet to kill innocent civilians in villages is fighting
The kind of intense fighting the general is talking about was
reported in the London Observer on September 17 on what relatives
of British troops serving in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province
have to say. They're raising grave concerns for their loved ones
safety claiming they face "intolerable" pressures and
dangers, relentless fighting, inadequate supplies of rations and
water, having to get by on three hours sleep a night, having no
body armour, and so shattered and exhausted by the experience
they can't function properly. With this to expect, why would
any sensible foreign leader heed NATO's request for more troops
to help a failed mission guaranteed to get numbers of them killed
and wounded and frighten and anger their own people at home in
the process. So far only Poland, likely under intense pressure,
agreed to do it in any meaningful numbers in a high-level decision
it may end up regretting.
The result of recent fighting on the British alone is that 33
of their soldiers have been reported killed in the last two months
up to late-September - including 14 killed on September 2 in a
warplane the Taliban claim they downed over Banjwai and Kandahar
province and 22 known killed since September 1. The reported
number of deaths and injuries are likely understated as a good
many of the wounded later die but aren't added to the official
count. It's known and documented this kind of sanitized casualty
reporting is the way it's done in Iraq. No doubt it's handled
the same way in Afghanistan as well.
It's happening because the Taliban resistance is gaining strength
fueled by the repressive occupation and brutality of the Northern
Alliance "warlords," making a growing number of Afghans
determined to fight back. It's also because of the extreme level
of desperation and deprivation Afghans now experience resulting
from the so-called neoliberal Washington Consensus model the US
has imposed on the country just like it wants to do everywhere
else it can get away with it. It's a model solely beholden to
the interests of capital, ignores the essential needs of the people
desperate for relief and help, but in an impoverished country
like Afghanistan, that's a recipe for pushing people toward Islamic
fundamentalist leaders promising something better than their current
state of immiseration. It makes it easy for them to get recruits
to join the struggle to end it. Apparently growing numbers of
them are doing just that as they have been for the past three
years in Iraq to fight back relentlessly refusing to quit until
the occupation ends which it likely will eventually in both countries.
The US Plan to Pacify Afghanistan and
Control It As A Neocolonial State
The Bush administration has no sense of history judging by its
plan to control Afghanistan by neutralizing any resistance in
it to make the country one more de facto pacified US colony.
It failed to heed the lessons learned in Vietnam where the US
was defeated or even in Korea before it where the war there ended
in a standoff. It's proceeding anyway in spite of the information
from the Pentagon's latest quarterly progress report on Iraq to
the Congress. In it Pentagon officials paint a grim assessment
of a lost war where the same tactics now used in Afghanistan have
failed. Those facts, however, don't deter US planners who won't
admit they're wrong and intend to keep repeating the same mistakes
no matter how many times before they haven't worked. It's part
of the Bush administration's Messianic mission of madness under
which the thinking must be if at first you don't succeed, try
again by making things worse with another misadventure. It's
also part of the misbegotten belief that superior air power, high
tech weapons, and a little help mostly from a proxy force on the
ground can solve all problems. High-level military strategists
once again intend to try proving it in Afghanistan even though
they know it hasn't worked in Iraq.
The Afghanistan plan involves the use of overwhelming US air power
that can quickly send down a reign of death and destruction against
any area or resistance it wishes to attack. It's to be done by
concentrating its hub activities at two large, permanent US-constructed
bases, Bagram and Kandahar, while it wants NATO forces to operate
a large new base under construction in Herat that can accommodate
about 10,000 troops. In 2005, the US Air Force spent about $83
million upgrading the two bases it will use in the country.
The plan is also to have US forces maintain about 30 smaller,
forward operating bases with 14 small airfields housing highly
mobile air and ground forces secured in fortified areas and only
used for special search operations leaving routine patrol missions
for the local satraps to handle. The plan calls for a reduction
in US ground forces with NATO troops replacing them, especially
in the more volatile Kandahar, Helmand and Urzugan provinces.
In its "first (ever) mission outside the Euro-Atlantic area"
NATO forces took command of the International Security Assistance
Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan in August, 2003 "to assist the
Government of Afghanistan....in maintaining security....and in
providing a safe and secure environment (for) free and fair elections,
the spread of the rule of law, and the reconstruction of the country."
This was pious rhetoric belying the reality on the ground that
all occupiers are there only as enforcers to make Afghanistan
safe for corporate predators wanting to exploit the country and
its people for profit.
The US is also recruiting, training and wants to employ a local
proxy Afghan National Army and Police to perform the same role
by doing much of the routine patrolling and to engage in ground
combat when necessary. This is a common US tactic to use a surrogate
force of expendable locals to do as much of its fighting and dying
for it to keep its own casualties to a minimum. It intends to
support them with its tactical air strength mostly out of harm's
way and sell the whole package apparently to the Afghan people
and US public by using what the Bush administration calls "strategic
communication" - aka well-crafted propaganda, disinformation
and carefully sanitized versions of the truth to suppress an honest
account of it from ever coming out so that the perception they're
able to craft replaces the reality they wish to conceal.
When it comes to deploying overwhelming conventional military
superiority including the most highly developed and destructive
high-tech weapons and a vast array of almost limitless air power,
no competing force can challenge the US. The Pentagon is now
deploying those air assets round the clock across the country
using its most sophisticated bombers and other aircraft deployed
from its bases in Diego Garcia. They're on call at all times
for tactical support and heavy strike missions as needed. In
addition, unmanned Predator and Desert Hawk aerial drones are
also airborne over the country at all times, especially in areas
thought to be most hostile. The Predator is able to launch rocket
attacks on targets while the tiny Desert Hawk is a spy plane used
for surveillance around US bases. Put it all together and this
is what an unwanted foreign occupier has to do to keep a population
in check after it "liberated" it. The plain fact is
it hasn't worked in Iraq and likely won't fare any better in Afghanistan.
But there's more to this story though as reported on September
5 in the online publication Capitol Hill Blue titled Has Bush
gone over the edge? It explains that Republican and Bush family
insiders including the President's father and former President
are worried George Bush may be heading for a "full-fledged
mental breakdown" judging by his bizarre behavior at times.
Jeffrey Steinberg writing in Executive Intelligence Review said
G.H.W. Bush fears G.W. is obsessed with his Messianic mission
and is "unreachable" even by some of his closest advisors
like Secretary of State Rice. Prominent psychiatrist Dr. Justin
Frank, who wrote Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President,
agrees and believes: "With every passing week, President
Bush marches deeper and deeper into a world of his own making.
Central to Bush's world is an iron will which demands that external
reality be changed to conform to his personal view of how things
are." He goes on to say Bush needs psychiatric analysis
and help. These observations explain a lot - that George Bush
indeed has a Messianic mission and intends to pursue it no matter
how failed it is because he believes it's the right thing to do.
And apparently he has enough close advisors around him reinforcing
this view making it very likely there will be no Middle East or
Central Asian policy change as long as he's President. It helps
explain why the policy that's failed in Iraq is still being followed,
why it's the plan for Afghanistan as well even though it isn't
likely to succeed there either, and why this administration wants
to go even further and is willing to compound the disaster it
already created.
George Bush announced his policy intentions in a speech he made
on September 5 to an association of US military officers in which
he virtually declared war against the entire Muslim world. In
it he used the kind of inflammatory language that should give
the senior Bush far greater cause to worry whether his son has
lost his senses entirely. The speech was more of the administration's
rhetoric to rebrand the "global war on terror" to what
it now calls the "long war with Islamic fascists" and
the threat of "Islamic fascism" that must be confronted
by its reasoning (and by implication) where it's centered in Tehran.
It was also George Bush's apparent attempt to rescue his failing
presidency by appealing to his most extremist backers, shore up
his base, and scare everyone else to death enough to support his
"long war" agenda on November 7 by reelecting Republicans
to Congress many of whom see him as radioactive and keep their
No doubt the Svengali hand of Karl Rove is behind this. It can't
be dismissed because it signals another reckless step toward
a widened "long war" crusade against Islam. It further
angered the nearly 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide who were even
more enraged by Pope Benedict's inflammatory September 12 quote
of a 14th century Byzantine Christian emperor who said (during
the Crusades at that time) that the Prophet Muhammad had brought
the world only "evil and inhuman" things. Despite his
disingenuous claim of being misunderstood, Popes don't make accidental
comments, especially in an age of instant worldwide communication,
so clearly this one made his with another purpose in mind. It
may relate to why he disturbingly chose to withdraw from the interfaith
initiatives begun by his predecessor, John Paul II. He did it
at a time when such efforts are more needed than ever and tells
Muslims he believes in the myth that Islam is a violent faith,
war and occupation of Muslim lands is the way to counteract it,
and he's part of the West's new crusade against them.
Put another way, Pope Benedict's comment was a clear papal genuflection
and declaration of fealty to the exploitive and racist war on
the Muslim world policies of the Bush administration. He added
resonance and, in effect, gave his blessing to an out-of-control
US President's belief in the same notion only made worse by George
Bush's further public pronouncement that dissent is an act of
terrorism, saying it solely on his own authority, and effectively
abrogating the First Amendment that prohibits the criminalization
of speech. This kind of assertion reinforces George Bush's earlier
in the year self-anointment as a "Unitary Executive"
giving himself absolute power to suspend the Constitution and
declare martial law to protect the national security any time
he alone decides a "national emergency" warrants it.
Unless the public refuses to accept this reckless endangerment
of our sacred constitutional rights and enough prominent public
figures join in as well to denounce this kind of talk, there's
a real danger this administration is moving toward "crossing
the Rubicon" to tyranny on the false pretext of protecting
us from an Islamic terrorist threat that doesn't exist.
Looking Ahead In Afghanistan
US directed repression of the Afghan people aided by its brutal
Northern Alliance regional "warlord" proxies has led
to the beginning of a growing insurrection against an intolerable
situation that's unsustainable. It has the upper hand in Iraq
and is fast becoming more of the same in Afghanistan. It's what
always happens because no unwanted occupier is ever accepted by
the people it subjugates, especially one whose prime mission is
to terrorize the civilian population to pacify it. The mission
is doomed to fail as eventually it becomes inefficient, ineffective
and people back home no longer will tolerate it. By now it would
seem cooler heads in Washington and at the Pentagon would have
made some headway convincing the hard line neocons behind this
growing misadventure and the out-of-control one in Iraq that it
was time to cut losses, pull out, and go another way. Those among
them with enough good sense have to realize even the most powerful
military in the world has no chance to defeat a determined guerilla
force gaining strength because it has most of the people in the
country behind it. And there have to be at least a few high-level
mandarins with a sense of history to understand they saw this
script before, and it has a bad ending. It brought Rome to its
knees a millennium and a half ago and did the same thing more
recently to the Nazis with delusions of grandeur who thought their
way would prevail for 1,000 years. They only missed by 988.
So it goes for the modern-day Romans in charge in Washington led
by a President who believes his cause is just and the Almighty
is directing him. They also feel with enough super-weapons they
can rule the world forever as long as they don't miscalculate
and blow it up instead (a very real and disturbing possibility).
It didn't work for the original rulers of ancient Rome, and it's
also not working now for those in charge in Israel apparently
under the same illusions, who also have no sense of history except
their own false version of it. It won't work for the US rulers
either who want their dominion to be all of planet earth.
It's high time some clear-thinking high-level insiders went public
convincingly to drive home this point the ones in charge with
"delusions of grandeur" won't ever see without help
and unless forced to. The plain fact is the war in Iraq is lost
militarily and politically. The longer US forces stay there the
greater their losses will be, the larger the number of alienated
countries no longer willing to support us will become, the more
likely the enormous and unsustainable cost will move the nation
closer to economic bankruptcy, and the harder it will be to reverse
the mind-set of the majority of countries that already see us
as a moral pariah and terror state. Conditions are no less true
in Afghanistan where the resistance is close to critical mass
and the situation is fast becoming another lost cause because
the momentum carrying it there is almost irreversible.
It's never easy changing the hearts and minds of the privileged
elite riding high and mesmerized by their own self-adulation and
that heaped on them by the corporate media, PR flacks, and assorted
hangers-on portraying their cause as just. Charting a new course
with that kind of strong tailwind is like trying to get a battleship
to make a quick U-turn - darn-near impossible. It makes for the
same likely conclusion just as in the past. Empires ruling the
waves, and having it their own way, almost never spot the time
when the tide begins to turn and they're swimming against it.
Sooner or later, they're wrecked on the shoals of their own hubris,
a new force is rising to replace them, and an old familiar refrain
is heard again - the king is dead, long live the king.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can
be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blogspot
at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
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