Diamonds of Death
by Ken Silverstein
The Nation magazine, April 23, 2001

For much of last year, the diamond industry was rocked by
a wave of bad publicity concerning "conflict diamonds"-smuggled
gems whose sale allows African governments and rebel groups to
finance their wars. In addition to several United Nations reports
and hearings in the US Congress on conflict diamonds, the media
devoted considerable space to the topic. Particularly damaging
was a PrimeTime Live segment that included dramatic footage from
Sierra Leone, where rebels known as the Revolutionary United Front-best
known for cutting off the limbs of civilians who oppose it-fund
themselves primarily through diamond sales. Meanwhile, groups
such as Global Witness, World Vision, Physicians for Human Rights
and Amnesty International threatened to launch a consumer boycott
until the industry changed its buying practices so as to insure
that conflict diamonds are eliminated from international markets.
Fearful that diamonds might become to this decade what fur
was to the last, industry leaders in the United States (such as
Lazare Kaplan International) and abroad (especially De Beers of
South Africa) vowed to take action. To address the issue of conflict
diamonds-which account for 4 percent of the world's $7-billion-a-year
trade according to industry and at least 15 percent according
to human rights groups-the companies formed the World Diamond
Council last July. The WDC pledged to support the campaign for
reform, including efforts to halt imports of conflict diamonds
into the critical US market, where about two-thirds of diamonds
are sold.
Instead, diamond companies and trade groups have launched
a lavishly funded lobbying and public relations campaign aimed
at burnishing the industry's reputation while protecting its profits.
The centerpiece of the industry effort is a bill called the Conflict
Diamonds Act of 2001, which was written by one of the Beltway's
most well-connected lobby shops. Representative Tony Hall, an
Ohio Democrat who has spoken at rallies against conflict diamonds
at jewelry stores in New York City and Chevy Chase, Maryland,
calls the act "mushy, fishy and full of loopholes."
"The industry is completely untrustworthy," says Hall,
who along with Republican Representative Frank Wolf and Democratic
Representative Cynthia McKinney has introduced an opposing bill
to crack down on conflict diamonds. "The fact that they've
hired so many of the top lobbyists in town shows that they don't
want any serious legislation to get passed."
During the cold war, dictators and guerrillas in Africa could
turn to one of the superpowers for financial support. Now rebel
groups need to raise their own money to buy weapons and pay for
their wars. In Africa the source of that money is invariably diamonds,
which are small, easy to smuggle and hugely lucrative. The three
primary sources of conflict diamonds are Angola, Sierra Leone
and the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). In the
first, Jonas Savimbi's UNITA rebels, supported until the early
1990s by cash and materiel from the CIA, have raised almost $4
billion from diamond sales during the past decade. In Sierra Leone,
the Revolutionary United Front has smuggled out at least $630
million in diamonds through Liberia, in exchange for support and
weaponry from Charles Taylor, the corrupt warlord who heads that
nation. To pay for its war against rebel groups and their foreign
allies, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo formed
a diamond joint venture with the armed forces in neighboring Zimbabwe.
The combined death toll from fighting in the countries named above
is more than 2 million. About a quarter of the casualties are
in Angola, where four-fifths of the country's population lives
in poverty, average life expectancy is 42 and more than 2 million
people are internal refugees. ';
Countries that launder diamonds smuggled out of war zones
also profit from the conflict diamond trade. The big players here,
in addition to Liberia, are the Ivory Coast, Guinea, Gambia, Togo,
Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe and Ukraine (the last of which is accused
by the UN of bartering arms for diamonds from UNITA). Profiting,
too, are diamond finishing and polishing centers, notably Belgium
and Israel. "Why should Antwerp and Tel Aviv be built on
the limbs and backs of Freetown, Luanda and Kinshasa?" Representative
McKinney asks.
If course, the other big beneficiaries of the conflict diamond
trade are the corporations that control the industry. De Beers,
which buys about two-thirds of the world's diamonds, reported
an 83 percent increase in profits for 1999. Though it claims to
no longer buy conflict diamonds, just a few years a o De Beers
publicly acknowledged-indeed, boasted-that it was purchasing most
of UNITA's output in order to prevent a glut on the world market
that would drive prices down.
Lazare Kaplan International, America's largest diamond cutter,
is headed by Maurice Tempelsman, whose initial foray into diamonds
came in Zaire, where he was a close friend of the tyrant Mobutu
Sese Seko. In the 1960s Tempelsman hired as his business agent
the CIA station chief in Kinshasa, Larry Devlin, who helped put
Mobutu in power and afterward served as his personal adviser.
Tempelsman is best known as Jackie Onassis's longtime companion,
but he's also a prominent player in Washington. He's doled out
about $500,000 to the Democratic Party in the past decade, and
during the Clinton years he was twice invited to state dinners
and was one of a dozen executives who went on the President's
1998 trip to South Africa.
Lazare Kaplan has a long-term agreement to buy $ 100 million
worth of gems per year from ALROSA, the Russian diamond monopoly
that is rife with corruption and a fierce opponent of efforts
to restrict the trade in conflict diamonds. In the mid-1990s the
US Export-Import Bank issued a $62 million loan guarantee to underwrite
ALROSA's acquisition of mining equipment from Caterpillar. In
March, the Ex-Im confirmed that it has approved a new, $200 million
loan guarantee that will benefit Lazare Kaplan's diamond-cutting
factories in Russia. In January Lazare Kaplan announced that last
year's second-quarter sales of polished diamonds increased by
108 percent.
Retailers such as Cartier and Tiffany are also keenly following
the political maneuvering on conflict diamonds. Mustered in the
Jewelers of America, they form a potent lobbying force, especially
with House Republicans.
When the conflict diamond issue first hit the public's radar
screen, the industry argued that there wasn't much it could do
because it's almost impossible to determine where a diamond was
originally mined. Hence, said the gem companies, any effort to
eliminate conflict diamonds would wreck the entire trade, thereby
devastating legitimate producers like South Africa, Namibia and
Botswana, not to mention thousands of small businesses in the
United States and Europe.
Last May, when bad press was starting to take a political
toll, a South African initiative brought together governments,
industry and critics. What emerged from that meeting, held in
the South African city of Kimberley, was a call for a broad system
of reform called Rough Controls. Under Rough Controls, diamond-mining
countries are to ship stones in tamper-proof containers that will
include country-of-origin documentation. All importing countries,
including cutting and polishing centers- major ones include Belgium,
Israel, Russia and India-will reject stones that can't be certified
as coming from countries that have Rough Controls. When the World
Diamond Council was founded two months after the Kimberley meeting,
it embraced Rough Controls and said that anyone found dealing
in conflict diamonds would be permanently banned from the industry.
Buoyed by these shows of good faith, human rights activists
and members of Congress sought to put words into action. After
months of negotiations with industry representatives, a deal was
struck that all the players, including the Clinton Administration,
agreed to. Last fall, Hall and his allies attached a rider to
an appropriations bill for the Commerce, Justice and State departments
that would have prohibited the importation of diamonds from conflict-diamond
countries. In the Senate, Judd Gregg, a conservative Republican
from New Hampshire- who has compared buying conflict diamonds
to purchasing goods made by Nazi Germany-threatened to cut off
funding to US customs if the rider didn't go through with the
Then on December 8, when it appeared that there were no serious
obstacles to passage, the World Diamond Council invited activists
to a breakfast meeting in Washington and announced that it was
withdrawing support for Hall's bill. According to the WDC's executive
director, Matthew Runci, the law was badly drafted (this was a
surprise, since it was put together by the legislative counsel
of the House and was based on a memo from the Jewelers of America)
and that industry had therefore decided to write its own legislation.
Soon afterward, Hall's rider was stripped from the appropriations
bill, which then sailed through Congress. No one knows for sure
exactly who did the dirty work, but the move clearly had the blessing
of the House Republican leadership.
The WDC recently unveiled its bill-it will likely have been
introduced by the time this story goes to press-which was drafted
by two lawyers at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. Akin,
Gump's most notable door openers during the Clinton years were
Vernon Jordan and Robert Strauss, but the firm is equally well
connected to the GOP. Nine officials from the lobby shop served
as members of the Bush Administration's Transition Advisory Teams,
including Bill Paxon, the former Congressman from New York, who
remains close to the House Republican leadership.
The WDC's bill, the Conflict Diamonds Act of 2001, states
that no diamonds are to be imported into the United States from
countries that are not on an approved list that the Treasury Department
will issue later this year. The problem is that the standards
for making the list are incredibly weak. A "cooperating country"
is defined by the bill as one that is "negotiating in good
faith to develop an acceptable international agreement" or
"acting in good faith" to develop a unilateral certification
system. "With these flimsy guidelines, virtually any nation
can make the [Treasury Department's] good-guy list," says
Holly Burkhalter of Physicians for Human Rights, coordinator of
the eighty-member coalition working to support the reform movement
in Congress.
The WDC's draft bill exempted diamond jewelry from the import
ban. Hence, a $20 setting could turn an illegal diamond into a
perfectly allowable necklace. In response to criticism from NGOs,
Akin, Gump inserted a clause that allows the President to ban
jewelry imports if he so chooses. Another section of the WDC bill
permits violators of the law to escape prosecution if they import
contraband "through inadvertence, or by reason of clerical
error or other mistake of fact." "It's a trade lawyer's
dream," Deborah DeYoung, an aide to Hall, says scornfully
of the WDC's legislation. "It won't cut the flow of conflict
diamonds, and there's no incentive for countries to take serious
Eli Izhakoff, chairman of the WDC, says that jewelry was exempted
because the problem lies with rough stones and that the Akin,
Gump bill will insure that only clean diamonds find their way
to polishing and finishing centers. "We're looking to make
the law efficient and practical," he said by telephone from
New York. "If you start making it too costly, it's not going
to happen." And why, I asked, did the council draw up its
own bill instead of asking for changes to legislation introduced
last year that it had pledged to support? "I would rather
not have [gone to Akin, Gump]," he says. "It cost a
lot of money, and I'm very cheap that way. But this will affect
the worldwide industry, and it had to be prepared properly."
Over at Akin, Gump, Warren Connelly, head of the firm's international
trade practice group and co-author of the WDC's legislation, says
industry is "amenable to discussing" a flat ban on jewelry,
but that inserting such a provision is complicated. "We have
a concern about how you trace a diamond into a piece of jewelry
and putting too heavy a burden on jewelers in enforcing that,"
he says.
Neither Connelly nor Izhakoff will yet say who the WDC is
working with on Capitol Hill, but to make sure that its legislation
gets through Congress-and to insure that a new bill introduced
by Hall and his allies doesn't-the industry has hired a number
of prominent Beltway influence-peddlers. In addition to Akin,
Gump, the World Diamond Council is using two big PR firms, Powell
Tate-headed by Jody Powell, the former spokesman for President
Jimmy Carter, and Sheila Tate, who performed the same job for
Nancy Reagan-and Shandwick Associates, a firm that specializes
in corporate "grassroots" campaigns. The latter has
represented US clients like Monsanto, Ciba-Geigy, Procter &
Gamble and Georgia-Pacific. Its clients abroad, according to the
newsletter PR Watch, include Timberlands, a New Zealand government-owned
logging firm that required help in spinning its pillage of rainforest
lands; and Royal Dutch/ Shell, which hired Shandwick to counter
protests against its operations in Nigeria, where it has closely
collaborated with the military.
And that's just the start of the industry's hiring spree.
On the payroll of Lazare Kaplan is Ted Sorensen, a former top
adviser to President John F. Kennedy, and Kate McAuliffe, a former
aide to House minority leader Richard Gephardt, ~ both from the
New York law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Carrison.
("As an active figure in the Democratic Party, he has participated
in nine of the last 11 Democratic Party National Conventions and...is
experienced in the ways of Washington," says the bio of Sorensen
on his firm's website.) Tiffany has signed up the blue-chip firm
of Cassidy & Associates, which has deployed Christy Evans,
previously with the House Republican Conference, and Dan Tate
Jr., a former lobbyist for the Clinton White House. The Jewelers
of America has turned for help to Haake and Associates, where
another revolving-door alumnus, Timothy Haake, is handling the
Foreign nations that would be hurt by efforts to ban conflict
diamond imports have also shelled out big bucks to fight off tough
legislation. Herman Cohen, a Republican foreign policy guru who
previously served as Assistant Secretary of State for African
Affairs in the first Bush Administration, is lobbying on behalf
of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burkina Faso. Botswana
has a good record on conflict diamonds but is nervous about Hall's
approach. It has hired Hill and Knowlton to work the Hill, especially
the thirty-seven-member Congressional Black Caucus. Even Liberia
has bought its own hired gun in the form of Ken Yates of Jefferson
Waterman International, a firm whose past clients include Burma's
military rulers. (In a bold display of principle, Jefferson Waterman
quit when the Burmese fell behind on their payments.)
The industry's phalanx of lobbyists have slowly fanned out
across Washington. Before George W. Bush's inauguration, they
met with officials at the White House, the State Department and
the Treasury Department. To garner further support for the WDC
bill, jewelers and jewelry-store owners visited dozens of Congressional
offices on February 27, which industry set as the D-day for its
lobbying drive.
On the other side, Hall has just reintroduced a version of
his bill, which has 107 co-sponsors, including all but seven members
of the Black Caucus. It's similar to last year's measure but includes
a number of new clauses, including one that bars the Ex-Im from
making loans to countries that are not seeking to end the trade
in conflict diamonds-what one Congressional staffer dubs the Maurice
Tempelsman Memorial Provision. Given the firepower deployed by
industry, however, it's not at all clear that the bill can make
it through Congress-which from the industry's point of view is
almost as good as winning passage of its own bill. "We're
going to face a huge uphill battle," Burkhalter concedes.
"There's no way to pass tough legislation without industry
support, and you don't get that support by holding hands. We need
grassroots action."
And as Washington debates the matter and the industry seeks
half-measures, warlords and guerrillas ring up millions of dollars
a day in the sale of conflict diamonds.
Ken Silverstein is an investigative reporter based in Washington,
DC. Research support was provided by the Investigative Fund of
the Nation Institute.
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