The Invisible Continent - Africa
by David Model
Z magazine, May 2006

Every day there is an inundation of news
debating the myriad issues on Iraq and Iran. Missing from the
radar screen is the tragic plight of the people of Africa who
have suffered the effects of war, poverty, and disease for over
100 years, most of which can be attributed to the empire-building
nations of the North.
Despite the imperialistic ambitions of
these Northern governments, people have occasionally responded
to crises in Africa, but only when, for example, the photograph
of a starving child from Ethiopia appears on television evoking
their generosity and compassion.
Even Live8 concerts-organized by Bob Geldof
to raise awareness and pressure the G8 nations to commit themselves
to more aid and debt reduction-were detrimental to the cause of
social justice. Geldof and Bono infused the G8's plan for reducing
debt and alleviating poverty with legitimacy and reassured people
that there was finally light at the end of the debt tunnel. The
truth is that for every dollar of debt relief, countries would
lose one dollar in aid and, at the same time, any aid increases
would require liberalization and privatization. The deception
effectively removed poor nations from the radar screen.
For example, currently, a major catastrophe
is engulfing East Africa where 6.25 million people are at risk
of starvation in Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, and Djibouti. The World
Food Program reports that assistance from the outside world is
sadly lacking for the people of Eastern Africa where $314 million
is needed to alleviate the crisis while the shortfall is currently
$225.7 million.
One of the major shortcomings in news
coverage in the mainstream media is the lack of context or in-depth
analysis. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO) reported in 2004 that, "Sub-Sahara Africa is the
only region where the number of people living in abject poverty
has grown in the past 20 years." According to another UN
report on December 19, 2005, "Average unemployment rates
have remained at around 10 percent since 1995, the second highest
in the world after the Middle East. The most visible consequence
of such high unemployment is growing poverty in Africa. At least
61 million more Africans go hungry today than in 1990."
Unfortunately, poverty and unemployment
statistics are too broad in scope to capture the real scourge
of the adverse effects of poverty. In 2001, for example, in Sub-Saharan
Africa, 46.4 percent of the population lived on less than $1 a
day compared to Europe and Central Asia where only 3.6 percent
lived on less than $1 a day. Similarly, 76.6 percent in Sub-Saharan
Africa lived on less than $2 a day compared to 19.7 percent for
Europe and Central Asia.
One of the appalling tragedies of poverty
is that in Sub-Saharan Africa 175 children out of every 1,000
failed to reach the age of 5 compared to an average of 6 in industrialized
countries in 2003. Contributing to child mortality is the fact
that only 57 percent of people in this region have access to safe
drinking water.
Furthermore, poverty undermines the ability
of children in Sub-Saharan Africa to ward off diseases such as
measles due to the lack of proper nutrition, vitamin A supplements,
and vaccines. The World Health Organization reports that in 2006
between 216,000 and 279,000 children will die from measles, which
could have been prevented by a vaccine or halved by vitamin A
supplements. Malaria is another major killer in the region where
at least 900,000 people die each year, 70 percent of whom are
children. The UN "African Malaria Report" warns that
"Sub-Saharan Africa faces continued malarial devastation
unless swift action is taken. Malariais the single biggest killer
of children under five and a serious threat to pregnant women
and their newborn."
Approximately 30 million people in Africa
are HIV positive and the resulting disease, AIDS, has already
killed 15 million. Although public pressure has forced pharmaceuticals
to lower the price of drugs that delay the progress of AIDS, only
50,000 African sufferers have access to them.
Another malady is the civil wars in many
African nations. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has suffered
from the worst humanitarian disaster since World War II as a result
of a civil war that has involved eight other African nations and
foreign powers. Over three million people have died and many more
have been displaced. Yet few people are aware of this ongoing
tragedy. The conflict in the Darfur region of Western Sudan alone
has claimed 200,000 lives and left stranded over a million refugees.
Uganda, Angola, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Rwanda, and Nigeria have
also experienced civil wars in the last 12 years.
The outrageous irony in this media disinterest
is the complicity of imperial nations in these crises through
exploitation of natural resources, such as oil, gold, and coltan
and through exploitation of cheap labor, such as slave labor in
the Congo. To ensure the success of their exploitation, countries
such as the United States and Belgium have depended on vastly
superior military strength, surrogate forces, support for insurgents
to secure the land on which the resources were located or to force
unwilling inhabitants to work as slaves.
David Model is professor of political
science, economics, and sociology at Seneca College, King Campus
and the author of Lying For Empire: How To Commit War Crimes With
A Straight Face (Common Courage
Africa Watch
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