The Scramble for Africa
Africa is endowed with an overwhelming
abundance of gems, metals, minerals and other natural resources
- but Katharine Ainger asks whether this wealth is a blessing
or a curse.
www.newint.org/, May 2004

Tilbury dock, on the sea-reach of the
Thames, is a bizarre industrial landscape patrolled by strange
beast-like machinery: trucks lift sea-containers in their jaws
and place them on railway wagons and lorries. Towering over them
are giant cranes and mountain ranges of coal and scrap metal.
Docked in one of the berths, a ship's
belly yields up cargo, its container crates stacked high in the
warehouses. In the previous week the ship has nudged up the west
coast of Africa loading goods at the war-ravaged cities of Luanda,
Matadi, Monrovia and Freetown before arriving here in London.
Across from Tilbury on the far bank of
the Thames, barely visible through the slanting grey rain, is
the old Gravesend pier where Joseph Conrad began his 1899 tale
of colonialism and atrocity in the Belgian Congo, Heart of Darkness.
His story opens on the ship Nellie as the protagonist Marlow waits
with the rest of the crew for the turn of the tide in order to
depart. 'The sea-reach of the Thames stretched before us like
the beginning of an interminable waterway,' Conrad wrote. 'The
air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed
into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the biggest and
the greatest town on earth "And this also," said Marlow
suddenly, "has been one of the dark places of the earth."'
Conrad's 'heart of darkness' was not just
a reflection of the racist view of Africa as 'the dark continent',
but a reference to complicity in an African holocaust, the taint
of blood on goods acquired in shameful circumstances and Europe's
plunder of Africa's wealth. Standing on the banks of the Thames
under an overcast sky, the London of today seems shrouded still
by Conrad's 'mournful gloom'.
At Tilbury dock today there is nothing
to prevent the importation of timber sold to fund distant conflicts.
Just beyond the circle of the M25 motorway, diamonds arrive at
Heathrow airport, where customs can't detect 'blood' gems sold
for arms by warmongers. Mobile phones made with the mineral coltan
- a rare substance traded by brutal combatants in the Democratic
Republic of Congo - are ubiquitous. In the financial heart of
the City, unpoliced investments and financial institutions have
profited from some of Africa's bloodiest wars.
Private interests from warlords to unscrupulous
corporations to arms dealers and organized crime have helped to
fuel African conflicts over the past decade as they vie for control
over valuable resources. Globalization has added a key dimension
to contemporary warfare - armed groups from some of the world's
most remote places can be directly linked with commerce in the
'technological heartland of metropolitan society'.1 A complex
international network of smugglers, brokers and traders means
that everything from diamond rings and garden furniture to the
components of mobile phones and Playstations may have originated
as the booty of Africa's conflicts.
It was a ship worker who first discovered
the truth about Belgian King Leopold's brutal exploits in the
Congo. In 1897 Edward Morel stood on the quayside at Antwerp watching
shipments being unloaded from the Congo. He noticed that though
ivory and rubber of enormous value were being brought in by ship,
the only goods being sent back to the Congo in exchange were bullets
and firearms. He deduced that there was just one explanation for
this - slave labour.2 He wrote: 'I have stood on that quay in
Antwerp and seen the rubber disgorged from the bowels of the incoming
steamer. To my fancy there was mingled with the sound of musical
chimes of the old cathedral tower another sound - a sigh breathed
in the gloomy Equatorial forest by those from whose anguish this
wealth was wrung.' He went on to form the worldwide international
human rights campaign, the Congolese Reform Movement.
At Tilbury docks today, amidst the clatter
of the late industrial global economy, one might hear a faint
echo of that same sigh. But we who end up with Africa's wealth
- when we fill up our petrol tanks, buy a gold watch or throw
away a mobile phone - do not see the connection or the plunder
at the other end of the resource chain. For the brutal reality
of where many of these raw materials originate is a far cry from
abstract notions of virtual wealth and seamless trade.
The paradox of plenty
Africa is vastly rich in natural resources
but the continent has paid a terrible price for this wealth. In
the past decade horrendous wars in Angola, Sierra Leone, the Democratic
Republic of Congo, Sudan and Liberia have been fuelled by fighting
for control over diamonds, timber, gold, minerals and oil.
An old joke popular in Sierra Leone is
bitter testimony to this fact: 'When God created the world, He
endowed Sierra Leone with such a wonderful wealth of natural resources
that the angels protested. "Don't worry," God replied.
"Just wait until you see the people I've put there."'3
In a 10-year-long horrific civil war, warlords from the armed
rebel group the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) amputated hands
to terrorize the population and sold diamonds to fuel killing
sprees with names like 'Operation No Living Thing'. Some 75,000
people died in the war and over two million were displaced. Ibrahim
Kamara, Sierra Leone's UN ambassador, said in July 2000: ' We
have always maintained that the conflict is not about ideology,
tribal or regional difference The root of the conflict is and
remains diamonds, diamonds and diamonds.'4
This is the 'paradox of plenty': the more
a country is enriched by the extraction of primary resources and
the more its dependency on them deepens, the lower its ratings
for human development drop. Thus while the soil is rich with diamonds,
the average Sierra Leonean can expect to live for just 34.5 years.5
Angola, too, has diamond and oil wealth of enormous value, yet
a quarter of all Angolan children die before the age of five.
Angola's diamonds and oil were used by rebels and the Government
to enrich themselves and to buy arms to fight one another at the
expense of an impoverished, brutalized population.
In a quarter of the roughly 50 wars and
armed conflicts active in 2001, resource exploitation has played
a key role.6 These are known as 'resource wars' and with good
reason. A poor country with weak infrastructure, few options for
making money and possessing significant 'lootable' resources is
four times more likely to experience war than a similar country
without them.7
In a vicious circle, resource exploitation
fuels war, and war facilitates continued exploitation of the resource.
Groups making money from war have a vested interest in perpetuating
conflict. Thus these wars are less about one side winning, than
about the ability to engage in profitable crime under the cover
of warfare.8
Of course resources are not the only cause.
Conflict comes from a complex combination of political, social,
economic and military factors. And the states that descend into
chaos are typically weak, repressive, undemocratic and economically
vulnerable. But how do such states get into this situation? The
benefits of activities such as mining and logging typically go
to a tiny oligarchy of foreign and local business and government
élites. Thus a state heavily dependent on oil and mineral
extraction is statistically very likely to be highly corrupt,
authoritarian and maintaining a massive military budget - all
of which leads to a heightened risk of civil war. And though there
are exceptions to the rule, such as Botswana, they are few and
far between.9
Across sub-Saharan Africa many governments
are in a state of decay. Under pressure from Northern governments
and institutions such as the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund to repay debts and restructure their economies,
the public sector and social infrastructure have been decimated.
Meanwhile leaders and their politically powerful cronies siphon
off state revenues for personal gain.
Young men typically join rebel groups
in these places because the government provides nothing and there
is little else for them to do. Seizing valuable resources is their
ticket to wealth and power.
These factors create a brutal dynamic.
Resource wars often feature 'extreme and conspicuous atrocity'
against the population,10 because corrupt governments' power relies
on large resource revenues not popular support. Meanwhile fighters
are only interested in loot and have no need to win over local
hearts and minds. In fact quite the opposite is true. Plunderers
clear resourcerich areas they wish to control by terrorizing civilians
through systematic rape and torture. Others are forced to serve
as prostitutes, semi-slave labourers and child soldiers.
The fog of war
At the height of the war in Sierra Leone
it emerged that RUF rebels - whose favoured way to terrorize people
was to amputate their hands - were selling diamonds that were
ending up on the world market. A rumour went round the diamond
world that a British industry man was having nightmares about
a famous jewellery advert featuring a hand adorned by a glinting
diamond ring in which the slogan had been changed to: 'Amputation
is forever'.11
So what, if any, is the degree of complicity
among consuming nations? How do diamonds get from an artisanal
mine in Africa to a ring on your finger? How does the mineral
coltan get from a mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo into
a mobile phone you might buy in the local shops?
Between the two are complex networks of
smugglers, fixers and arms brokers. International commerce is
the key to understanding how these networks operate so effectively.
The illegal economy feeds into the legal economy in this underworld
of crime and high finance.
Arms trafficking is a crucial link in
the chain. According to one source, perhaps only 120 people are
responsible for most of the small arms going to Africa, including
those who armed the genocidal Rwandan militias. Resource commodities
often get sold or swapped for illegal arms shipments coming in
the opposite direction (see pages 13-22 to trace the trail of
plundered resources from the mines to the smuggling networks).
Shipping and aviation companies have also
played a crucial role. In October 2002, a UN Expert Panel issued
an exhaustive report on the exploitation of natural resources
in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which alleged connections
between the atrocities committed there and 85 businesses operating
in Europe, Asia and North America. It showed how coltan, among
other substances, was smuggled into Dubai and then on to other
trading zones.
At the other end of the trail, traders
in places like Antwerp, Oostende, London and Tel Aviv receive
the conflict loot. The diamonds, coltan or gold, now shed of their
bloody associations, enter the legal economy. The truth is that
the UN has no definition of 'conflict resources' to help stop
the trade and there are no workable mechanisms for governing the
behaviour of transnational corporations in conflict zones.
The UN Expert Panel tried to use the voluntary
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations to enforce investigations
into the corporate role in the conflict in the Democratic Republic
of Congo; but governments of the OECD - the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development, the world's most industrialized nations
- have thus far taken no action.
Perhaps the International Criminal Court
may prove more robust. Its Chief Prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo,
has intimated that foreign business people who knowingly supplied
cash or weapons in exchange for conflict resources to people guilty
of war crimes could be prosecuted: ' Follow the trail of the money
and you will find the criminals. If you stop the money then you
stop the crime,' he said last year. A probe into possible war
crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity in the Congo begins
soon, in what Ocampo has called 'the most important case since
World War Two'. He added that among the countries where links
to the purchase of blood diamonds had been found were the US,
Canada, Britain, Russia, Finland, Zimbabwe and China.12
Breaking the cycle
Yet despite the horror stories, there
is hope. In 1999, a fifth of all Africans lived in war-torn countries.
Today, for the first time in five years, no major conflagrations
are taking place, though fighting continues in some hotspots.
The brutal conflicts in Sierra Leone and Angola ended with peace
deals in 2001. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a negotiated
peace deal in 2002 has resulted in a ceasefire except in some
pockets in the east. Liberia's war ended officially in August
2003. In Sudan peace talks are ongoing, as are talks in Burundi
and in Côte d'Ivoire. Perhaps most positive of all, the
African Union has agreed a new peacekeeping mandate to intervene
in members' conflicts. The complex problem of disarmament is ongoing
and many of the countries that are officially at peace are plagued
with instability while fighting and economic exploitation continues.
But barely have the peace deals been signed
than the investors begin circling. The talk among the extractive
industries is of a new 'African gold-rush', with the World Bank
granting concessions in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Liberia.
The idea that the exploitation of natural resources will bring
' development' to shattered economies, however, has been thoroughly
discredited - not least by the World Bank's own recent report
into the extractive industries.13The question must be asked: has
anyone learned the terrible lessons of Africa's resource wars?
For peace in these countries to hold,
for poverty to be eliminated, for societies to be rebuilt, the
underlying causes of the conflicts that tore them apart need to
be resolved. Opening the floodgates to international investment
before the original exploitation has ended, let alone been investigated
and justice brought, is likely to sow the seeds of further corruption
and war.
This strategy repeats the pattern of plunder
rather than breaks the cycle of war. As Patrick Alley of the NGO
Global Witness confirms, ' Resource exploitation and conflict
is a cyclical thing. If we can stop the cycle, we can begin to
talk about war prevention.'
As resource wars in some areas die down,
Global Witness is currently mapping the contributing factors of
possible future conflagrations. To take just one example, the
West is keen to tap energy sources outside the volatile Middle
East. The Gulf-of-Guinea countries in West Africa - Nigeria, Equatorial
Guinea, São Tomé and Príncipe, Chad, Cameroon,
Gabon, Congo- Brazzaville and Angola - form a region dubbed the
'New Middle East Gulf' because of its immense untapped petroleum
resources. The United States has declared African oil a 'national
strategic interest' that is predicted to provide 25 per cent of
US oil by 2015. 'The carrier battle groups of the future and the
expeditionary strike groups of the future may not spend six months
in the Med[iterranean Sea], but I'll bet they'll spend half the
time going down the west coast of Africa,' said NATO Supreme Commander,
US General James Jones in April 2003, announcing plans to boost
US troop presence there.14
The new African 'Middle East' is already
a hotbed of instability which, as Diarmid O'Sullivan of Global
Witness points out, has already provided two case studies of oil
revenues that have split society and fed civil wars: namely, Angola
and Congo-Brazzaville. How can we avoid seeing these oil revenues
fuel corruption and conflict in the future? Some ideas for ending
the resource wars cycle are presented on pages 26-27.
The new African 'Middle East' is already
a hotbed of instability which, as Diarmid O'Sullivan of Global
Witness points out, has already provided two case studies of oil
revenues that have split society and fed civil wars: namely, Angola
and Congo-Brazzaville. How can we avoid seeing these oil revenues
fuel corruption and conflict in the future? Some ideas for ending
the resource wars cycle are presented on pages 26-27.
But building long-term peace ultimately
means building democracy, reducing vulnerability to the 'resource
curse' by moving away from dependence on primary commodities,
and creating political systems that are accountable to the rightful
owners of Africa's wealth - its impoverished populations. The
alternative is a future in which resources continue to be the
stake of bloody power-struggles between ruthless plunderers and
M Duffield, Global Governance and the
New Wars: the Merging of Development and Security, Zed Books 2001.
Adam Hochschild, King Leopold's Ghost:
A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa, Pan 2002.
As told by Elijah Zarwan, 'Coming Through
Slaughter: an interview with Sierra Leonean journalist Philip
Neville', World Press Review online, http://www.worldpress.org
21 March 2002.
Quoted by Barbara Crossette, 'Singling
Out Sierra Leone, UN Council Sets Gem Ban', New York Times, 6
July 2000.
Human Development Index, UNDP Human Development
Report 2003, Oxford University Press.
Michael Renner, 'The Anatomy of Resource
Wars', Worldwatch Institute, October 2002.
Paul Collier, 'Economic Causes of Civil
Conflict and their Implications for Policy', World Bank, 15 June
Tim Raeymakers, 'Targeting Business in
Conflict: Beyond the Plunder Logic', Paper presented at the Conference
on Curbing Human Rights Violations by Armed Groups, UBC Centre
of International Relations, Vancouver, 13-15 November 2003.
Michael Ross, 'Extractive Industries and
the Poor', Oxfam America 2001.
Mary Kaldor quoted by Michael Renner,
'The Anatomy of Resource Wars', Worldwatch Institute, October
Greg Campbell, Blood Diamonds: tracing
the deadly path of the world's most precious stones, Westview
Press 2002.
Reuters, 'War Crimes Court Eyes Blood
Diamond Buyers', 23 September 2003.
See Extractive Industries Review http://www.eireview.org
Jim Lobe, 'Pentagon's 'Footprint' Growing
in Africa', Foreign Policy in Focus http://www.fpif.org, 12 May
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