Letter to America
by Breyten Breytenbach
The Nation magazine, September 23, 2002

[Concerned that a much-needed international perspective is
missing from the debate in this country over the course of American
foreign policy and US relations with the world, The Nation asked
a number of distinguished foreign writers and thinkers to share
their reflections with us. It is our hope that, as in the early
1980s, when a "letter " in these pages from the late
E.P. Thompson expressing rising European concern about the Reagan
Administration s nuclear weapons buildup was instrumental in building
common bonds between antinuclear movements across the Atlantic,
this series will forge bonds between Americans concerned about
how Washington is exercising power today and the rest of the world.
We begin with a letter to an American friend written by the South
African writer Breyten Breytenbach, whose opposition to apartheid
resulted in his spending seven years in prison.-The Editors]
Dear Jack.
This is an extraordinarily. difficult letter to write, and
it may even be a perilous exercise. Dangerous because your present
Administration and its specialized agencies by all accounts know
no restraint in hitting out at any perceived enemy of America,
and nobody or nothing can protect one from their vindictiveness.
Not even American courts are any longer a bulwark against arbitrary
exactions. Take the people being kept in that concentration camp
in Guantanamo They are literally extraterritorial, by force made
anonymous and stateless so that no law, domestic or international,
is habilitated to protect them. It may be an extreme example brought
about by abnormal circumstances-but the criteria of human rights
kick in, surely, precisely when the conditions are extreme and
the situation is abnormal. The predominant yardstick of your government
is not human rights but national interests. (Your President keeps
repeating the mantra.) In what way is this order of priorities
any different from those of the defunct Soviet Union or other
totalitarian regimes?
The war against terror is an all-purpose fig leaf for violating
or ignoring local laws and international agreements and treaties.
So, talking to America is like dealing with a very aggressive
beast: One must do so softly, not make any brusque moves or run
off at the mouth if you wish to survive. In dancing with the enemy
one follows his steps even if counting under one's breath. But
do be careful not to dance too close to containers intended for
transporting war prisoners in Afghanistan: One risks finding one's
face blackened by a premature death.
Why is it difficult? Because the United States is a complex
entity despite the gung-ho slogans and simplistic posturing in
moments of national hysteria. Your political system is resilient
and well tested; it has always harbored counterforces; it allows
quite effectively for alternation: for a swing-back of the pendulum
whenever policies have strayed too far from middle-class interests-with
the result that you have a large middle ground of acceptable political
practices. Why, through the role of elected representatives, the
people who vote even have a rudimentary democratic control over
public affairs! Except maybe in Florida. Better still-your history
has shown how powerful a moral catharsis expressed through popular
resistance to injustice can sometimes be; I have in mind the grassroots
opposition to the Vietnam War. And all along there was no dearth
of strong voices speaking firm convictions and enunciating sure
ethical standards.
Where are they now? What happened to the influential intellectuals
and the trustworthy journalists explaining the ineluctable consequences
of your present policies? Where are the clergy calling for humility
and some compassion for the rest of the world? Are there no ordinary
folk pointing out that the President and his cronies are naked)
cynical, morally reprehensible and very, very dangerous not only
for the world but also for American interests- and by how probably
out of control? Are these voices stifled? Has the public arena
of freely debated expressions of concern been sapped of all influence?
Are people indifferent to the havoc wreaked all over the world
by America's diktat policies, destroying the underpinnings of
decent international coexistence? Or are they perhaps secretly
and shamefully gleeful, as closet supporters of this Showdown
at OK Corral approach? They (and you and I) are most likely hunkered
down, waiting for the storm of imbecility to pass. How deadened
we have become!
In reality the workings of your governing system are opaque
and covert, while hiding in the chattering spotlight of an ostensible
transparency, even though the ultimate objective is clear. Who
really makes the policy decisions? Sure, the respective functions
are well identified: The elected representatives bluster and raise
money, the lobbyists buy and sell favors, the media spin and purr
patriotically, the intellectuals wring their soft hands, the minorities
duck and dive and hang out flags... But who and what are the forces
shaping America's role in the world?
The goal, I submit, is obvious: subjugating the world (which
is barbarian, dangerous, envious and ungrateful) to US power for
the sake of America's interests. That is, to the benefit of America's
rich; It's as simple as that. Oh, there was a moment of high camp
when it was suggested that the aim was to make the world safe
for democracy! That particular fig leaf went up in cigar smoke
and now all the other excuses are just so much bullshit, even
the charlatan pretense of being a nation under siege. This last
one, I further submit, was a sustained Orson Wellesian campaign
to stampede the nation in order to better facilitate what was
in effect a right-wing coup carried out by cracker fundamentalists,
desk warriors proposing to "terminate" the states that
they don't like, warmed up Dr. Strangeloves and oil-greedy conservative
I do not want to equate your glorious nation with the deplorable
image of a President who, at best, appears to be a bar-room braggart
smirking and winking to his mates as he hoids forth his hand-me-down
platitudes and insights and naive solutions. Because I know you
have many faces and I realize how rich you are in diversity. Would
I be writing this way if I had in mind a black or Hispanic or
Asian-American, members of those vastly silent components of your
society? It would be a tragic mistake for us out here to imagine
that Bush represents the hearts and the minds of the majority
of your countrymen. Many of your black and other compatriots must
be just as anguished as we are.
Still, Jack certain things need to be said and repeated. I
realize it is difficult for you to know what's happening in the
world, since your entertainment media have by now totally blurred
the distinctions between information and propaganda, and banal
psychological and commercial manipulation must be the least effective
way of disseminating understanding. You need to know that your
country has made the world a much more dangerous place for the
rest of us. International treaties to limit the destruction of
our shared natural environment, to stop the manufacture of maiming
personnel mines, to outlaw torture, to bring war criminals to
international justice, to do something about the murderous and
growing gulf between rich and poor, to guarantee natural food
for the humble of the earth, to allow for local economic solutions
to specific conditions of injustice, for that matter to permit
local products to have access to American markets, to mobilize
the world against hunger, have all been gutted by the USA. Your
government is blackmailing every single miserable and corrupt
mother's son in power in the world to do things your way. It has
forced itself on the rest of us in its support and abetment of
corrupt and tyrannical regimes. It has lost all ethical credibility
in its one-sided and unequivocal support of the Israeli government
campaign that must ultimately lead to the genocide of the Palestinians.
And in this it has promoted-sponsored? - the bringing about of
a deleterious international climate, since state terrorism can
now be carried out with arrogance, disdain and impunity. As far
as the Arab nations are concerned, America, giving unquestioned
legitimacy to despotic regimes, refusing any recognition of home-grown
alternative democratic forces, favored the emergence of a bearded
opposition who in time must become radicalized and fanaticized
to the point where they can be exterminated as vermin. And the
oil fields will be safe.
I'm too harsh. I'm cutting corners. I'm pontificating. But
my friend, if you were to look around the world you would see
that America is largely perceived as a rogue state.
Can there be a turn-back? Have things gone too far, beyond
a point of possible return? Can it be that some of the core and
founding assumptions (it is said) of your culture are ultimately
dangerous to the survival of the world? I'm referring to your
propensity for patriotism (to me it's an attitude, not a value),
to the fervent belief in a capitalist free-market system with
the concomitant conviction that progress is infinite, that one
can eternally remake and invent the self, that it is more important
to be self-made than to collectively husband the planet's diminishing
resources, that the instant gratification of the desire for goods
is the substance of the right to happiness, that the world and
life and all its manifestations can be apprehended and described
in terms of good and evil, finally that you can flare for a while
in samsara, the world of illusions (and desperately make it last
with artificial means and California hocus-pocus before taking
all your prostheses to heaven).
If this is so, what then? With whom? You see, the most detestable
effect is that so many of us have to drink this poison, to look
at you as a threat, to live with the knowledge of cultural and
economic and military danger in our veins, and to be obliged to
either submit or resist.
I don't want to pass the buck. Don't imagine it is necessarily
any better elsewhere. We, in this elsewhere, have to look for
our own solutions. Europe is pusillanimous, carefully though hypocritically
hostile and closed to foreigners, particularly those from the
South; the EU is by now little more than a convenience for its
citizens and politically and culturally much less than the contents
of any of its constituent parts.
And Africa? As a part-time South African (the other parts
are French and Spanish and Senegalese and New Yorker), I've always
wondered whether Thabo Mbeki would be America's thin globalizing
wedge (at the time of Clinton and Gore it certainly seemed so)
or whether he was ultimately going to be the leader who can strategically
lead Africa against America. But the question is hypothetical.
Thabo Mbeki is no alternative to the world economic system squeezing
the poor for the sustainable enrichment of the rich; as in countries
like Indonesia and your own (see the role of the oil companies),
he too has opted for crony capitalism. Africa's leading establishments
are rotten to the core. Mbeki is no different. His elocution is
more suave and his prancing more Western, that's all.
What do we do, then? As we move into the chronicle of a war
foretold (against Iraq), it is going to be difficult to stay cool.
Certainly, we must continue fighting globalization as it exists
now, reject the article of faith that postulates a limitless and
lawless progress and expansion of greed, subvert the acceptance
of might is right, spike the murderous folly of One God. And do
so cautiously and patiently, counting our steps. It is going to
be a long dance.
Let us find and respect one another.
Your friend,
Breyten Breytenbach
Breyten Breytenbach, who teaches in the creative writing program
at New York University, is executive director of the Goree Institute
in Senegal. His most recent book is a volume of poems, Lady One
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