Democracy Now: A Relief From Corporate
News B.S.
by Thomas Boothe and Danielle
Le Monde diplomatique
www.alternet.org/, January 16,

How one of the country's most
fiercely independent news programs is surviving -- and thriving
-- in the Republican-controlled heartland.
A small group of activists in the rural
northeastern corner of Tennessee in the United States persuaded
their local public radio station, WETS, to start broadcasting
the progressive news-hour Democracy Now two years ago. This pocket
of Appalachia would seem to be unwelcoming territory for such
an endeavor since the economically depressed farming and mining
region votes overwhelmingly Republican -- by as much as 75 percent
in the last presidential election -- and is, according to Joseph
Fitsanakis, organizer of Democracy Now Tri-Cities (DNTC), "the
kind of place where 30 years ago you couldn't really do anything
politically unless you were a Klan member."
And there was an immediate response; some
donors to the mostly listener-supported radio station, which is
a partnership between East Tennessee State University and the
listeners, warned that continued donations would depend on Democracy
Now being taken off the air. It could have been much worse; Fitsanakis
points out that in this part of the country, political activism
has sometimes been met with personal attacks, including bullets
through windows and dog poisonings. "People that got involved
in organizing mining, the unionists, have a lot of that kind of
story to tell you."
One of DNTC's main objectives is to have
a network of vocal supporters in place in case a campaign is launched
against the program. But Democracy Now seems to have a good chance
of surviving on its own merits. Despite the early objectors, overall
reaction has been, according to WETS director Wayne Winkler, "most
gratifying ... The positive response has far outweighed the negative."
Although there has been some backlash against the program, "we
lost track of the numbers of people calling in to say they became
first-time contributors because of Democracy Now." It is
now one of the most successful fund-raisers for the station.
Thanks to such grassroots organizations,
the broadcast reach of Democracy Now's "War and Peace Report"
has been expanding in the United States at a remarkable rate:
An average of two radio or television stations now add the show
to their lineup each week. Its informal network combines university,
listener-supported National Public Radio (NPR) and low power radio
stations; with satellite and public-access cable television stations;
as well as the internet, where it is offered in video, audio and
text format. When the show began broadcasting out of New York
12 years ago, it was aired on about 30 stations; today that is
approaching 700. Some of the program is translated into Spanish
and aired on 150 stations, mostly in Latin America.
This rapid growth is a testament to a
widespread desire for the critical journalism and extended, banter-free
discussion that characterizes its broadcasts. Like mainstream
morning or evening news programs, the show can be relied upon
for a summary of the day's events. But unlike them, Democracy
Now takes a critical stance toward its subjects, interrogating
the policies and statements of those in power, regardless of party
affiliation. Amy Goodman, the executive producer and primary host,
is fond of quoting a comment by reporter I.F. Stone to a group
of journalism students: "If you're going to remember two
words, remember these: Governments lie."
The heterogeneity and financial autonomy
of the outlets offers the world a model of broad-based and independent
media networking. Bill Moyers, perhaps the only critical journalist
on U.S. broadcast television, recently praised the program's "network
that is not an institution." But contrary to many recent
independent media endeavors, it is not merely internet-based.
Robert McChesney, media scholar and founder of the reform organization
Free Press, argues: "What really distinguishes Democracy
Now ... has been the success of their enterprise in the last 10
years, going from being a program on a few community stations
in the U.S. to having now an enormous audience on a network they've
cobbled together."
Still, Democracy Now remains at the margins
of media because its coverage is routinely dismissed as partisan,
despite being the sole focus of a not-for-profit organization
that is not affiliated with any political party or organization
and that receives no financing from advertisers, corporations
or the government. Before moving to rural Tennessee, Fitsanakis
worked with a group in Nashville trying to bring the program to
the airwaves there. "We organized a huge petition drive,
we got 3,000 to 4,000 signatures ... and the station just basically
told us, 'We don't care how many signatures you get, this is too
partisan for our area, end of story.'"
Alternative top stories
The accusation of partisanship is best
understood in the context of the ongoing consolidation of U.S.
media into the hands of a few large corporations, which spend
millions lobbying the five members of the Federal Communications
Commission, upon whom they rely for friendly regulatory policies.
This process intensified in the 1990s with measures enacted under
President Bill Clinton. According to Eric Klinenberg, professor
of sociology at New York University, "the government did
not so much deregulate the market as reregulate it," allowing
"big media companies [to] expand and consolidate ownership
across outlets." The Telecommunications Act of 1996 had especially
dramatic effects on radio, allowing a single media company to
own eight or more radio stations in a community.
Given the resulting streamlining of editorial
stances and nationwide reductions in news-gathering staff, large
media corporations have a stake in maintaining the illusion of
the neutrality of their coverage. This illusion is reinforced
when an independent news source is stigmatised as partisan. McChesney
says: "Democracy Now is as much or more committed to factual
accuracy than the commercial news media. So much of our political
journalism has been so warped to suit the agendas of those in
power, and so uncritical of those agendas. What Democracy Now
does is that it regards everyone in power with tremendous skepticism,
not just Republicans and not just Democrats."
Goodman has credited the professional
failings caused by the corporate media climate for her program's
success. The mainstream media "just mine this small circle
of blowhards who know so little about so much. And yet, it's just
the basic tenets of good journalism that ... you talk to people
who live at the target end of policy." This dereliction of
duty, she believes, has created "a hunger out there for an
alternative. It's almost explosive."
Working with modest resources, Democracy
Now does not maintain a staff of story-breaking investigative
journalists or cultivate inside sources. While many among its
staff of 25 are experienced journalists, the demands of producing
a daily news broadcast prevent them from full-time reporting.
The show's effectiveness lies in its choice of guests and its
ability to contextualize events to reflect a different set of
priorities. The pool of information theoretically available to
everyone allows the producers to choose subjects and approaches
that do not get aired elsewhere. According to Klinenberg, "because
there's so much information online, I think their editing function
really does matter. They select a different set of stories than
typical news organizations select."
The 10 to 15 minutes of headline briefs
are the long day's work of a single producer and a laptop. Democracy
Now uses wire services but also scours international (mostly English-language)
online news sources, blogs and reports from NGOs. Of the 15 or
so daily headlines, three or four will not be found on mainstream
broadcast sources. Widely covered headlines are often presented
in a different way. When President Gerald Ford died in 2006, the
U.S. press eulogized him as the man who, after Watergate, "healed
a nation." Democracy Now was alone in pointing out his role
in the massacres in East Timor: "Ford gave Indonesian dictator
Gen. Suharto explicit approval to launch the invasion."
Interviews are conducted without trivial
banter, and unlike most news programs, guests are invited to speak
at length. Interviewees range from investigative reporters to
noncelebrities at the target end of policy, to public officials,
activists, politically engaged artists and representatives of
NGOs, who are rarely, if ever, invited onto mainstream shows,
including Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales, Noam Chomsky, Naomi
Klein, Ralph Nader, Robert Fisk, Edward Said, Arundhati Roy and
Cuban National Assembly president Ricardo Alarcón. While
it is the intention to bring marginalized voices to the airwaves,
the aim is not to establish a left-wing echo chamber. Representatives
of the government agency or corporation under discussion are invited,
although they often decline. Recent participants have included
former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan and the president
of a trade association for private mercenary companies.
One uninvited guest was then-President
Bill Clinton, who called into the show on Election Day in 2000
as part of an effort to encourage radio listeners to vote for
Democratic candidate Al Gore. Goodman seized the opportunity and
asked: "You are calling radio stations to tell people to
get out and vote. What do you say to people who feel that the
two parties are bought by corporations and that ... their vote
doesn't make a difference?" From there, he was quizzed for
30 minutes on issues such as sanctions on Iraq and Democratic
Party members' support for the death penalty. An exasperated Clinton
finally lashed out at Goodman for asking "hostile and combative"
questions. "They've been critical," she replied.
Goodman says that the following day a
staffer from the White House Press Office called and berated her
for violating the ground rules. "What ground rules?"
she asked. It had been an impromptu call, and no rules had been
discussed. Goodman's transgression was to stray to topics beyond
getting the voters out -- and to keep Clinton on the phone too
long. She told the staffer: "President Clinton is the most
powerful person in the world; he can hang up if he wants to."
She added: "I don't treat those in power as royalty. They
are employees of the people of this country."
Democracy Now opts out of the role usually
taken by the media during presidential elections. Campaigns count
on mainstream outlets to treat their tactical decisions as breaking
news. When, during the current race for the Democratic Party nomination,
the Hillary Clinton campaign was faced with falling poll numbers,
the decision to have the candidate get aggressive in a debate
left the mainstream press abuzz. Pieces slightly varying the theme
"Clinton comes out swinging" appeared, and she was given
ample airtime to explain her new persona. Democracy Now didn't
cover it.
During the 2004 race between George Bush
and John Kerry, although the show provided its audience with regular
updates about poll results, its energies were devoted to larger,
systemic problems. Then, as now, it refused to spend time helping
candidates shape their images, focusing instead on the ostracism
of third-party candidates, police crackdowns on election-related
protests, and the danger (and ultimately the reality) of widespread
disenfranchisement. Treatment of campaign issues was compensatory:
most often Democracy Now discussed what was not being addressed
by press and politicians, rather than what was. On Oct. 14, 2004,
a story was headlined "Million worker march to address labor
issues ignored by both major candidates."
By late 2001, many mainstream news sources
were preparing public opinion to accept an attack on Iraq. When,
citing federal officials, these outlets began to weave in information
suggesting that "Bin Laden's evil pal Saddam" was behind
postal anthrax attacks on press and politicians, Democracy Now
called attention to the fact that "Bush administration officials
and the media have persistently tried to link Iraq either to the
Sept. 11 attacks or to the anthrax attacks" and that the
FBI was following leads in other directions.
Closer to the time of the invasion, when
the British press reported that the U.S. government was tapping
the phones of Security Council members at U.N. headquarters, Democracy
Now was almost alone in reporting this news in the United States.
It was also unique in its in-depth coverage of domestic anti-war
activities. Audiences of mainstream news programs were not told
about the occupation of Sen. Hillary Clinton's office following
her vote in favor of the Iraq War Resolution, nor were they privy
to dozens of stories similar to "Man arrested in shopping
mall for wearing a 'Give Peace a Chance' T-shirt: over 150 respond
by showing up in similar shirts" (Democracy Now, March 6,
Democracy Now's scrutiny of the official
line and use of wider sources gave listeners a more lucid narrative
of what was brewing in Iraq and the United States. Such a critical
approach would perhaps seem a journalistic obligation, but at
the time in the United States it was a minority position. During
the war's first three weeks, the six major U.S. television news
programs did not have a single at-length interview with an American
opposed to the invasion, and with few foreigners or Iraqis. Democracy
Now conducted 30.
It has had occasional success in influencing
corporate news coverage. In March 2004, while the mainstream press
was dismissing the coup in Haiti as a popular uprising against
a corrupt dictator, it pursued the matter further. In an exclusive
interview with exiled Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide,
it discovered that the U.S. military had forced his resignation
at gunpoint and kidnapped him. The extensive coverage obliged
mainstream sources to come back to the situation with new questions.
Goodman said: "I call this trickle-up journalism."
When Democracy Now interviewed BBC investigative
reporter Greg Palast in February 2007 and aired part of his exposé
on vulture funds, showing the role of the White House in allowing
debt relief funding to be used to pay the exploitative private
creditors of developing countries, two members of Congress brought
the issue to President Bush the next day, pressuring him to address
the issue at June's G8 summit. Palast later said: "Until
they heard the Democracy Now report -- a lot of members of Congress
listened to this program -- they had no idea that the money was
being sucked up."
A huge amount of space to occupy
Because Democracy Now reaches its audience
through such a heterogeneous network, it is difficult to ascertain
the size of the audience, let alone its political beliefs. "But
it's not the stereotypical version of the left -- latte-drinking
San Franciscans or Bostonians," McChesney says. "There
are people from diverse branches of society and absolutely from
middle America as well."
One reason for Democracy Now's vigour
in Republican-controlled northeastern Tennessee may be that many
on the left and right share an anger over the corporate and government
control of news sources. "The corporate media leaves a huge
amount of space to occupy," says Goodman. Elements within
the Republican camp are disillusioned with the Bush government's
lies, scandals, military failures and profligate spending, and
this sentiment often extends to the media. According to Fitsanakis,
a few Republican voters have joined DNTC because of their concerns
over the increasing curtailment of civil liberties and freedom
of speech, a recurring topic on the show. Three conservative voters
have written to DNTC to support the program, saying that, although
they have trouble digesting elements of the show, "they are
so frustrated with the current government that it's the only program
that they can find that has a semireasonable, critical approach
to the administration."
Goodman argues that the media overplay
the differences between right and left. "I think a lot of
concerns are shared," she said. "Conservatives are concerned
about corporate control and privacy issues, just like progressives.
Military families are enraged over what has happened to their
sons and daughters, while the children of the powerful do not
go off to war." In an area like his, where the internet is
not a major source of news, said Fitsanakis, people "turn
on the radio and hear a program that talks about those concerns
that they have."
Some core supporters regularly volunteer
time to help the show, which inherits from its parent network,
Pacifica Radio, an operational structure that counts on volunteer
labor. When it was created in 1996 by Amy Goodman and the Pacifica
Radio Network to cover midterm elections, it quickly became a
flagship news program. But in 1999 a two-year internal power struggle
began at Pacifica during which Democracy Now was at risk. Although
parties hostile to the show were ultimately forced out, Goodman
and her colleagues decided in 2002 to incorporate as an independent
not-for-profit organization to safeguard their autonomy. The two
organizations maintain close ties and Democracy Now is still broadcast
over Pacifica's network.
A coast-to-coast broadcast network would
be impossible without regular contributions of money and man-hours
from its audience. Democracy Now's transition to video was made
possible by unpaid workers and, for many years, the transcripts
of the broadcasts on the show's website were assembled by volunteers
from around the world. The organization draws on a database of
8,000 volunteers, with 1,700 in New York City, who are contacted
to work for a few hours or a day, often handling administrative
tasks. Those outside New York help in outreach, coordinating events
such as Goodman's regular speaking engagements. Supporters promote
the show as well, distributing flyers and bumper stickers. A West
Coast group raised money to put up a Democracy Now billboard:
"The corporate media got it wrong on Iraq. Support the show
that got it right."
Other volunteers work to ensure that the
program reaches as wide an audience as possible. In Japan, a group
offers a website with translations of news, while in Phoenix and
Buffalo, groups frustrated with unresponsive management at their
public radio stations have raised money and temporarily bought
air time for the show on commercial AM stations. In Baltimore,
a volunteer with access to satellite television videotapes the
show every day, then bicycles it to the local public access station
for broadcasting. In Massachusetts, where a group failed to convince
the local public radio station to broadcast the program, octogenarian
Frances Crowe set up a pirate radio transmitter in her backyard.
"Volunteers will always be with Democracy Now," said
the organization's general manager Karen Ranucci. "Now we're
at a point where we could still produce a show without volunteers,
but we would never have gotten this far without them."
In Tennessee, DNTC takes its activism
a step further by trying to build on local support to mobilize
the community. "The way it works," said Fitsanakis,
"is we just figure that the people who listen to Democracy
Now must be the kind of people we want to approach to begin with.
Since the program is being heard all across the area, with a potential
listenership of a million people, some of whom are isolated, physically,
in mountains and all kinds of weird terrain, why not use it to
bring them together?" In its first six months, DNTC recruited
150 members and organized several events: It rallied hundreds
of demonstrators in eight anti-war protests on the fourth anniversary
of the invasion of Iraq and coordinated Earth Day events. A protest
outside a local munitions factory that manufactures depleted uranium
shells was an attempt to connect with miners' union activists.
But this last action had, according to Fitsanakis, limited success:
"There were a few unionists that joined us in picketing,
but when it came to our folks, they were a little timid, a little
shy about having to face the police ... but there's potential
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