Amy Goodman interviews
Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn
on Iraq, Vietnam, Activism and
April 16th & 19th, 2007

In a Democracy Now! special from Boston,
two of the city's leading dissidents, Noam Chomsky and Howard
Zinn, sit down for a rare joint interview. Noam Chomsky began
teaching linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
in Cambridge over 50 years ago. He is the author of dozens of
books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. Howard Zinn is one
of the country's most widely-read historians. His classic work
"A People's History of the United States' has sold over 1.5
million copies and it has altered how many teach the nation's
history. Chomsky and Zinn discuss Vietnam, activism, history,
Israel-Palestine, and Iraq, which Chomsky calls "one of the
worst catastrophes in military and political history." [rush
transcript included]
We are broadcasting today from Boston.
It is Patriots Day here in Massachusetts - a state holiday to
mark the start of the Revolutionary War. In a Democracy Now! special
we are joined today by two of the city's leading dissidents, Noam
Chomsky and Howard Zinn. Noam Chomsky began teaching linguistics
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge over
50 years ago. He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics
and U.S. foreign policy. His most recent book is titled "Failed
States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy."
Howard Zinn is one of the country's most
widely-read historians. He taught political science at Boston
University from 1964 to 1988. His classic work "A People's
History of the United States" has sold over 1.5 million copies
and it has altered how many teach the nation's history. Howard
Zinn's latest book is "A Power Governments Cannot Suppress."
Today an hour with Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky in a rare joint
Noam Chomsky. Professor Emeritus of linguistics
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author
of dozens of books on linguistics and U.S. foreign policy. His
latest book is "Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the
Assault on Democracy."
Howard Zinn. Professor emeritus at Boston
University. His classic work "A People's History of the United
States" has sold over 1.5 million copies. His latest book
is "A Power Governments Cannot Suppress."
AMY GOODMAN: Today an hour with Howard
Zinn and Noam Chomsky in a rare interview with them together,
and I welcome you both to Democracy Now!
NOAM CHOMSKY: Nice to be here.
HOWARD ZINN: Thanks Amy.
AMY GOODMAN: What a day to be here. This
is a day of the Boston Marathon, it is raining. It is a major
storm outside and tens of thousands of people -- were either of
you planning to run today?
HOWARD ZINN: Well we were, yes, but you
know -
NOAM CHOMSKY: but you really made it impossible
for us.
AMY GOODMAN: I'm sorry about that.
HOWARD ZINN: We had a choice of running
in the marathon or having an interview with you, what's more important?
AMY GOODMAN: Well, today is Patriot's
Day, Howard Zinn, what does patriotism mean to you?
HOWARD ZINN: I'm glad you said what it
means to me. Because it means to me something different than it
means to a lot of people I think who have distorted the idea of
patriotism. Patriotism to me means doing what you think you're
country should be doing. Patriotism means supporting your government
when you think it's doing right, opposing your government when
you think it's doing wrong. Patriotism to me means really what
the Declaration of Independence suggests. And that is that government
is an artificial entity.
Government is set up--and here's what
a Declaration of Independence is about, government is set up by
the people in order to fulfill certain responsibilities: equality,
life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. And according to the
Declaration of Independence when the government violates those
responsibilities, then, and these are the words of the Declaration
of Independence it is the right of the people to alter or abolish
the government.
In other's words the government is not
holy, the government is not to be obeyed when the government is
wrong. So to me patriotism in it's best sense means thinking about
the people in the country, the principals for which the country
stands for, and it requires opposing the government when the government
violates those principles.
So today, for instance, the highest act
of patriotism I suggest, would be opposing the war in Iraq and
calling for a withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Simply because everything
about the war violates the fundamental principles of equality,
life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, not just for Americans,
but for people in another part of the world. So, yes, patriotism
today requires citizens to be active on many, many different fronts
to oppose government policies on the war, government policies
which have taken trillions of dollars from this country's treasury
and used it for war and militarism. That's what patriotism would
require today.
AMY GOODMAN: Noam Chomsky, the headlines
today, just this weekend, one of the bloodiest months in Iraq,
the number of prisoners in U.S. Jails in Iraq has reached something
like 18,000. Who knows if that's not an underestimate? An Associated
Press photographer remains in jail imprisoned by U.S. authorities
without charge for more than a year. The health ministry has found
70% of Baghdad school children showing symptoms of trauma-related
stress. Your assessment now of the situation there?
NOAM CHOMSKY: This is one of the worst
catastrophes in military history and also in political history.
The most recent studies of the Red Cross show that Iraq has suffered
the worst decline in child mortality, infant mortality, an increase
in infant mortality known. But it's since 1990. That is, it's
a combination of the affect of the murderers' and brutal sanctions
regime, which we don't talk much about, which devastated society
through the 1990's and strengthened Saddam Hussein, compelled
the population to rely on him for survival, which probably saved
him from the fate of a whole long series of other tyrants who
were overthrown by their own people supported by the U.S.
And then came the war on top of it which
has simply increased the horrors. The decline is unprecedented.
The increase in infant mortality is unprecedented; it's now below
the level of, worse than some of the countries in sub-Saharan
Africa. It's one index of what's happened. The most probably measure
of deaths in a study sponsored by M.I.T. incidentally carried
out by leading specialists in Iraq and here last October was about
650,000 killed, soon to be pushing a million. There are several
million people fled including the large part of the professional
classes, people who could in principal help rebuild the country.
And without going on, it's a hideous catastrophe and getting worse.
It's also worth stressing that aggressors
do not have any rights. This is a clear-cut case of aggression
and violation of the U.N. Charter, a supreme international crime
and in the words of the Nuremburg Tribunal, aggressors simply
have no rights to make any decisions. They have responsibilities.
The responsibilities are, first of all to pay enormous reparations
and that includes for the sanctions-- the effect of the sanctions,
in fact it ought to include the support for Saddam Hussein in
the 1980's, which was torture for Iraqis and worse for Iranians.
The paid reparations hold those responsible,
accountable and attend to the will of the victims. It doesn't
necessarily mean follow blindly, but certainly attend to it. And
the will of the victims is known, the regular U.S.-run polls in
Iraq, and the government polling institutions, it's just an overwhelming
support for either immediate or quick withdrawal of U.S. Troops,
about 80 percent think that the presence of U.S. Troops increases
the level of violence. Over 60% think that troops are legitimate
targets. This isn't for all of Iraq, if you take the figures of
Arab Iraq where the troops are actually deployed the figures are
higher. The figures keep going up. They're unmentioned, virtually
unreported, scarcely alluded to in the Baker-Hamilton critical
report. That'll be our primary concern, along with the concerns
of the Americans.
AMY GOODMAN: Vice president Cheney is
saying this war can be won.
NOAM CHOMSKY: There's an interesting study
being done right now by a former Russian soldier in Afghanistan
in the late 1980's, he's now a student in Toronto who's comparing
the Russian press and the Russian political figures and military
leaders, what they were saying about Afghanistan, comparing it
with what Cheney, others and the press are saying about Iraq and
not to your great surprise, change a few names and it comes out
about the same.
They were also saying the war in Afghanistan
could be won and they were right. If they had increased the level
of violence sufficiently, they could have won the war in Ira-in
Afghanistan. They're also pointing out -- of course they describe
correctly the heroism of the Russian troops, the efforts to bring
assistance to the poor people of Afghanistan, to protect them
from U.S.-run Islamic fundamentalist terrorist forces, the dedication,
the rights they have won for the people in Afghanistan, and the
warning that if they pull out it will be total disaster, mayhem,
they must stay and win.
Unfortunately they were right about that
too, when they did pull out, it was a total disaster. The U.S.-backed
forces tore the place to shreds, so terrible that the people even
welcomed the Taliban when they came in. So yes, those arguments
can always be given. The Germans could have argued if they had
the force that they didn't, that they could have won the Second
World War. I mean the question is not can you win. The question
is should you be there.
AMY GOODMAN: You say and talk about Afghanistan,
sure the Russians could have won if they had--could have tolerated
the level of violence. What are you saying about Iraq? Do you
feel the same way?
NOAM CHOMSKY: It depends on what you mean
by win. The United States certainly has the capacity to wipe the
country out. If that's winning, yeah, you can win. It's -- in
terms of the goals that the united states attempted to achieve,
the U.S. Government, not the -- the United States, to install
a client regime, which would be obedient to the United States,
which would permit military bases, which would allow U.S. and
British corporations to control the energy resources and so on,
in terms of achieving that goal, I don't know if they can achieve
that. But that they could destroy the country, that's beyond question.
AMY GOODMAN: We're talking to Noam Chomsky
and Howard Zinn, on this Patriot's Day that is celebrated in Massachusetts.
We're in Boston, Massachusetts and we'll be back with them in
a min.
AMY GOODMAN: As we continue today, talking
about the state of the world with two of the leading dissidents
here in this country, Howard Zinn, legendary historian, author
of many books, The People's History of the United States as well
as, his latest is A Power Governments Cannot Suppress. We're also
joined by Noam Chomsky, linguist at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, his latest book is Failed States: The Abuse of Power
and the Assault on Democracy. Howard, you went to North Vietnam,
can you talk about how the Vietnam War ended, and also your experience
there, why you went?
HOWARD ZINN: Well, I went to North Vietnam
in early 1968 with Father Daniel Berrigan and the two of us went
actually at the request of the North Vietnamese government who
were going to release the first three airmen prisoners, American
fliers who were in prison in North Vietnam and the North Vietnamese
wanted to release them on the Tet holiday, also the Tet Offensive,
sort of as a gesture, I suppose as a good will gesture and they
asked for representatives of the American peace movement so Daniel
Berrigan and I went to Hanoi for that reason.
And of course it was an educational experience
for us. Noam was talking about in response to your question about
victory and winning. And the question is, of course, why should
we win if winning means destroying a country? And there's still
people who say, oh, we could have won the Vietnam war, as if the
question was, you know, can we win or can we lose, instead of
what are we doing to these people.
And, yes, Noam said, yes, we could win
in Iraq by destroying all of Iraq. The Russians could have won
Afghanistan by destroying all of Afghanistan. We could have won
in Vietnam by dropping nuclear bombs instead of killing two million
people in Vietnam, killing 10 million people in Vietnam. And that
would be considered victory, who would take satisfaction in that?
What we saw in Vietnam is, I think what
people are seeing in Iraq. And that is huge numbers of people
dying for no reason at all. What we saw in Vietnam was the American
army being sent halfway around the world to a country, which was
not threatening us and we were destroying the people in the country.
And here in Iraq, we're going the other way, we're also going
halfway around the world to do the same thing to them. And our
experience in Iraq contradicted as I think the experiences of
people who are on the ground in Iraq contradicted again and again
the statements of American officials.
The statements of the high military, statements
like, oh, we're only bombing military targets, oh, these are accidents
when so many civilians are killed. And, yes, as Cheney said, victory
is around the corner. What we saw in Vietnam was horrifying. And
it was obviously horrifying even to G.I.'s in Vietnam because
they began to come back from Vietnam and oppose the war and formed
Vietnam Veterans against the war.
We saw villages as far away from any military
target as you can imagine, absolutely destroyed. And children
killed and their graves still fresh by American jet planes coming
over in the middle of the night. When I hear them talk about John
McCain as a hero, I say to myself, oh, yeah, he was a prisoner
and prisoners are maltreated and everywhere and this is terrible.
But John McCain, like the other American fliers, what were they
doing? They were bombing defenseless people. And so, yes Vietnam
is something that by the way, is still not taught very well in
American schools. I spoke to a group of people in an advanced
history class not long ago, 100 kids, asked them how many people
here have heard of the My Lai Massacre? No hand was raised. We
are not teaching -- if we were teaching the history of Vietnam
as it should be taught, then the American people from the start
would have opposed the war instead of waiting three or four years
for a majority of the American people to declare their opposition
to the war.
AMY GOODMAN: Noam Chomsky, you went to
Cambodia after the bombing.
NOAM CHOMSKY: I went to Laos and North
AMY GOODMAN: When and why?
NOAM CHOMSKY: Two years after Howard,
early 1970. I spent the week in Laos. A very moving week, happened
to be in Laos right after the C.I.A. mercenary army had cleared
out about 30,000 people from the Plain of Jarres area in Northern
Laos, where they had been subjected to what was then the most
fierce bombing in human history, it was exceeded shortly after
by Cambodia. These are poor peasant society, probably most of
them didn't even know they were in Laos. There was nothing there.
The planes were sent there because the bombing of North Vietnam
had been temporarily stopped and there was nothing for the air
force to do so they bombed Laos. They had been living in caves
for over two years trying to farm at night. They had finally been
driven out by the mercenary army to the surroundings of Vientien.
And I spent a lot of time interviewing
refugees with Fred Branfman who did heroic work in bringing this
story finally to the American people. And so more interesting
things in Laos. Then I went to North Vietnam also where Howard
had been, invited by the government, but I was actually invited
to teach. It was a bombing pause, a short bombing pause and they
were able to bring people in from outlying areas back to Hanoi
and the Polytechnic University of what was left of it, the ruins
of the Polytechnic University and I came and lectured on just
about anything that I knew anything about-- these are people who
had been out of touch with the faculty, students, others who had
been out of touch with the world for five years and they asked
me everything from what's Norman Mailer writing these days, to
technical questions and linguistics and mathematics whatever else
I could say anything about.
I also traveled around a little bit, not
very much, but for a few days, but enough to see what Howard described,
right close to Hanoi, I never got very far away, which was the
most protected area because in Hanoi there were embassies and
journalists so the bombing of the city was nothing like what it
was much further away. But even there you could see the ruins
of villages, the shell of the major hospital in Thanh Hoa, which
had been bombed by accident of course. Areas that we're -- just
moonscapes, where there had been villages in an effort to destroy
a bridge and so on. So that those were my two weeks in Laos and
North Vietnam.
AMY GOODMAN: You were a linguistics professor
at M.I.T., at the time?
AMY GOODMAN: So, why did you go? What
drove you to? And, what was the response here at home?
NOAM CHOMSKY: Well, I was able to-and
actually I had intended to go only for one week to North Vietnam.
But the -- if you really want to know the details, the U.N. bureaucrat
in Laos who was organizing flights was a very board Indian bureaucrat
who had nothing to do and apparently his only joy in the world
was making things difficult for people who wanted to do something,
not untypical. And fortunately for me, he made it difficult for
me and my companions, Doug Dowd and Dick Fernandez to go to North
Vietnam. So I had a week in Laos, which was an extremely valuable
week. I wrote about it in some detail. But, I was teaching at
the time, I was to be away, it was a vacation week, so actually
I taught linguistics at the Polytechnic University.
AMY GOODMAN: What about the opposition
here at home and your level of protest at MIT? What did you do?
NOAM CHOMSKY: Well, M.I.T was a curious
situation. I happened to be working in the laboratory, which was
100%, supported by the three armed services, but it was also one
of the centers of the anti-war resistance. Starting in 1965 along
with an artist friend in Boston, Harold Tovish, we organized,
tried to organize national tax resistance, this was 1965. Like
Howard, I was giving talks, taking part in demonstrations, getting
By 1966 we were becoming involved directly
in support for a draft resistance, helping deserters and others
that just continued - it's worth remembering, one often hears
today justified complaints about how little protest there is against
the war in Iraq. But that's very misleading. And here is as Howard
was saying a little sense of history is useful.
The protest against the war in Iraq is
far beyond the protest against Vietnam on any comparable level.
Large-scale protest against the war in Vietnam did not begin until
there were several hundred thousand U.S. troops in South Vietnam,
the country had been virtually destroyed, the bombing had been
extended to the north, to Laos, soon to Cambodia, where incidentally
we have just learned, - or rather we haven't learned, but we could
learn if we had a free press, that the bombing in Cambodia, which
is known to be horrendous, was actually five times as high as
was reported, greater than the entire allied bombing in all of
World War II on a defenseless peasant society, which turned peasants
into enraged fanatics. During those years the Khmer Rouge grew
from nothing, a few thousand scattered people to hundreds of thousands
and that led to the part of the Cambodia that we're allowed to
think about.
But the real protest against the war in
Vietnam came at a period far beyond what has yet been reached
in Iraq. First few years of the war, there was almost nothing.
So little protest that virtually nobody in the United States even
knows when the war began. Kennedy invaded South Vietnam in 1962.
That was after seven years of efforts to impose a Latin-American
style terror state, which had killed tens of thousands of people
and elicited resistance.
In 1962, Kennedy sent the U.S. Air force
to start bombing South Vietnam, under South Vietnamese markings,
but nobody was deluded by that, initiated chemical warfare to
destroy crops and ground cover, and started programs which rounded
openly millions of people into what amounted to concentration
camps, called strategic hamlets where they were surrounded by
barbed wire to protect them as it was said from the guerrillas,
who everyone knew they were voluntarily supporting, an indigenous
South Vietnamese resistance. That was 1962.
You couldn't get two people in a living
room to talk about it. In October 1965, right here in Boston,
maybe the most liberal city in the country, there were then already
a couple hundred thousand troops, bombing North Vietnam had started.
We tried to have our first major public demonstration against
the war on the Boston Common, the usual place for meetings. I
was supposed to be one of the speakers, but nobody could hear
a word. The meeting was totally broken up by students marching
over from universities, by others, and hundreds of state police,
which kept people from being murdered. The next day's newspaper,
the Boston Globe, the world newspaper was full of denunciations
of the people who dared make mild statements about bombing the
In fact right through the protests, which
did reach a substantial scale and were really significant, especially
the resistance, it was mostly directed against the war in North
Vietnam. The attack on South Vietnam was mostly ignored. Incidentally
the same is true of government planning. We know about that from
the Pentagon Papers and the subsequent documents, there was meticulous
planning about the bombing of the North. Where should you bomb?
And how far should you go? And so on. Bombing of the South in
the internal documents there's almost nothing. There's a simple
reason for it. The bombing of the south was costless. Nobody's
going to shoot you down. Nobody's going to complain. Do whatever
you want. Wipe the place out. Which is pretty much what happened.
North Vietnam was dangerous. You could
hit Russian ships in harbor. As I said there were embassies in
Hanoi where people could report that you were bombing an internal
chinese railroad that happened to pass through North Vietnam.
So there could be international repercussions and costs, so therefore
it was very carefully calibrated. If you look at say Robert McNamara's
memoirs, lot of discussion of the bombing of North Vietnam, virtually
nothing about the bombing of the South Vietnam. Which even in
1965, was triple the scale of the bombing of the North, and it
had been going on for years. Now there is a great deal more protest.
There actually one interesting illustration,
I'll end with that, Arthur Schlesinger, best known American historian,
in the case of Vietnam, the early years he supported it. In fact
if you read his Thousand Days, story of the Kennedy administration,
it's barely mentioned except for the wonderful things that's happening.
By 1966, as there was beginning to be concern about the costs
of the war, we were reaching situations rather like a lead opinion
today about Iraq: it's too costly, we might not be able to win,
and so on. Schlesinger wrote, I'm almost quoting, that we all
pray that the hawks will be right in believing that more troops
will allow us to win. And if they are right, we'll be praising
the wisdom and statesman ship of the American government in winning
a war in Vietnam after turning the land -- turning it into a land
of ruin and wreck. So we'll be praising their wisdom and statesmanship,
but it probably won't work. You can translate that into today's
commentaries, which are called the doves.
On the other hand, greatly to his credit,
when the bombing of Iraq started, Schlesinger took the strongest
position of anyone I've seen, of condemnation of it. First stated
so strong that it wasn't, almost never--didn't appear in the press
and I haven't heard a word about it since. As the line began he
said this is a date, which will live in infamy. And he re-called
President Roosevelt's words at Pearl Harbor, a date that will
live in infamy because the united states is following the path
of the Japanese fascists, a pretty strong statement. I think that
sort of reflects a difference you see in public attitudes too,
opposition to aggression is far higher than it was in the 60's.
AMY GOODMAN: Howard Zinn, how did Vietnam
end, the war end and what are the parallels that you see today?
Do you see parallels today?
HOWARD ZINN: Well, I suppose if you believe
that Henry Kissinger deserved the Nobel Prize, you would think
that the war ended because Henry Kissinger went to Paris and negotiated
with the Vietnamese. But the war ended, I think, because finally
after that slow buildup of protests, I think the war ended because
the protests in the United States reached a crescendo, which couldn't
be ignored. And because the GI's coming home were turning against
the war and because soldiers in the field were -- well, they were
throwing grenades under the officer's tents, the "Fragging
Phenomenon." There's a book called Soldiers in Revolt by
a man named David Cortright and he details how much dissidence
there was, how much opposition to the war there was among soldiers
in Vietnam and how this was manifested in their behavior and desertions.
A huge number of desertions and essentially the government of
the United States found it impossible to continue the war. The
ROTC chapters were closing down.
In some ways, it's similar to the situation
now where the government in Iraq, the government is finding, our
government is finding that we don't have enough soldiers to fight
the war. So they're sending them back again and again. And where
they're recruiting sergeants here in the United States, they're
going to enormous lengths, lying to young people about what will
await them and what benefits they will get. The government is
desperate to maintain the military force today in Iraq. And I
think in Vietnam, this dissidence among the military, and its
inability to really carry on the war militarily was a crucial
factor. Of course, along with the fact, we simply could not defeat
the Vietnamese resistance. And resistance movements -- and this
is what we are finding out in Iraq today -- resistance movements
against a foreign aggressor, they will get very desperate, they
will not give in. And the resistance movement in Vietnam would
not surrender.
And so, the US government found it obviously
impossible to win without, yes, dropping nuclear bombs, destroying
the country and making it clear to the world that the United States
was an outlaw nation and impossible to hold the support of the
people at home. And so, yes, we finally did what a number of us
had been asking for many, many years to withdraw from Vietnam
and the same arguments were made at that time. That is, when we
called in 1967, well, I wrote a book in 1967 called, Vietnam,
the Logic of Withdrawal and the reaction to that was, you know,
we can't withdraw. It will be terrible if we withdraw. There will
be civil war if we withdraw. There will be a bloodbath if we withdraw.
And so we didn't withdraw and the war went on for another six
years, another eight years, six years for the Americans to withdraw,
eight years totally. The war went on and on and another 20,000
Americans were killed. Another million Vietnamese were killed.
And when we finally withdrew, there was
no bloodbath. I mean it wasn't that everything was fine when we
withdrew and there were re-education camps set up, and the Chinese
people were driven out of Hanoi on boats, so it wasn't -- . But
the point is, that there was no bloodbath, the bloodbath was what
we were doing in Vietnam. Just as today when they say, oh, there
will be civil war, there will be chaos if we withdraw from Iraq.
There is civil war, there is chaos and no one is pointing out
what we have done to Iraq. Two million people driven from their
homes and children in dire straits, no waters, no food. And so
the remembrance of Vietnam is important if we are going to make
it clear that we must withdraw from Iraq and find another way,
not for the United States, for some international group, preferably
a group composed mostly of representatives of Arab nations to
come into Iraq and help mediate whatever strife there is among
the various fractions in Iraq. But certainly the absolute necessary
first step in Iraq now is what we should have done in Vietnam
in 1967 and that is simply get out as fast as ships and planes
can carry us out.
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! democracynow.org,
the war and peace report. I'm Amy Goodman. My guests here in Boston,
as we broadcast from Massachusetts on this Patriot's Day, are
Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky, a professor of linguistics of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Howard Zinn, a legendary
historian, taught at Spellman for years until he was forced out
because he took the side of the young women students and then
went to Boston University and only recently, in the last few years,
was given -- what --given an honorary degree by Spellman?
AMY GOODMAN: Did you feel vindicated?
HOWARD ZINN: I always feel vindicated.
AMY GOODMAN: Noam Chomsky, what did you
think of Nancy Pelosi, House speaker, third in line in succession
for the presidency after Dick Cheney, going to Syria together
with the first Muslim congress member in the United States, Keith
Ellison from Minneapolis?
NOAM CHOMSKY: The only thing wrong with
it, it was that it was the third person in line. I mean, if the
United States government were sincerely interested in bringing
about some measure of peace, prosperity, stability in the region
instead of dominating it by force, now they would of course be
dealing with Syria and with Iran. Pretty much the way the Baker-Hamilton
report proposed except beyond what they proposed because they
proposed, they should be dealing with it in matters concerning
with Iraq. But there are regional issues. In the case of Syria,
there are issues related to Syria itself, but also to Lebanon
and to Israel. Israel is in control of, in fact has annexed in
violation of Security Council orders, has annexed a large part
of Syrian territory, the Golan Heights. Syria is making it very
clear that they are interested in a peace settlement with Israel,
which would involve, as it should, the withdrawal of the Israeli
troops from occupied territories.
AMY GOODMAN: Are there secret negotiations
going on between Israel and Syria now?
NOAM CHOMSKY: You never know what's going
on in secret. But so far Israel has been flatly refusing any negotiations.
In fact, the only debate that's going on now is whether it's the
United States that's pressuring Israel or Israel is pressuring
the United States to prevent negotiations on the Golan Heights
and in fact on the occupied territories all together. This is
called a very contentious issue, Israel-Palestine, which is kind
of surprising. It's a contentious issue only in the United States,
and even not among the American population. It's a contentious
issue because the US government and the Israeli government are
blocking a very broad international consensus, which has almost
universal support, even the majority of Americans and which has
been on the table for about 30 years, blocked by the US and Israel.
And everyone knows who's involved in this, what the general framework
for a settlement is.
It was put on the --it was brought to
the Security Council in 1976, by the Arab states, Jordan, Syria
and Egypt, the so-called confrontation states and the other Arab
states. They proposed a two-state settlement on the internationally
recognized border, a settlement, which included the wording of
UN-242, the first major resolution, recognition of the right of
each state in the region to exist in peace and security within
secure and recognized boundaries, that would include Israel and
a Palestinian state. It was vetoed by the United States and a
similar resolution vetoed in 1980.
I won't run through the whole history,
but throughout this whole history, with temporary and rare exceptions,
there is a couple here and here, the US has simply blocked the
settlement and still does and Israel rejects it. Sometimes it's
dramatic. In 1988, the Palestinian National Council, their governing
body, formally accepted a two-state settlement. They tacitly accepted
it before. There was a reaction from Israel immediately; it was
a coalition government, Shimon Perez, Yitzhak Shamir. Their reaction
was, quoting, that "there cannot be an additional Palestinian
state between Jordan and Israel." An additional implying
that Jordan already is a Palestinian state. So there can't be
another one and the fate of the territories will be settled according
to the guidelines of the state of Israel. Shortly after that,
the Bush number one administration totally endorsed that proposal
-- that was the Baker plan, James Baker plan of December 1989
-- fully endorsed that proposal, extreme rejectionism.
And so it continues with rare exceptions,
just moving to today, the Arab league proposal has been reintroduced,
it's 2002, but they brought it up again a couple of weeks ago.
That goes even further. It calls for full normalization of relations
with Israel within the framework of the international consensus
on a two-state settlement, which might involve to use official
US terminology from far back, minor and mutual modifications,
like straightening out the border, or in other words in the wrong
place or something. And then there are technicalities to be resolved,
plenty of them.
But that's the basic frame work, supported
by the Arab world, by Europe, by the non-aligned countries, Latin
America and others. It is supported by Iran, it doesn't get reported
here. One loves Ahmadinejad's crazed statements, but do not report
the statements of his superior, Ayatollah Khameni who's in charge
of international affairs -- Ahmadinejad doesn't have anything
to do with it -- who has declared a couple of times that Iran
supports the Arab league position. Hezbollah in Lebanon has made
it clear that they don't like it, they don't believe in recognizing
Israel, but if the Palestinians accept it, they will not disrupt
it, they are a Lebanese organization. And Hamas has said, they
would accept the Arab league consensus. That leaves the United
States and Israel in splendid isolation, even more so than in
the past 30 years in rejecting a political settlement. So it's
contentious in a sense, but not in that there's no way to resolve
it. We know how to resolve it.
AMY GOODMAN: Do you think it will change?
NOAM CHOMSKY: It depends on people here.
If the majority of the American population, who also accept this
decide to do something about it, yeah, it will change.
AMY GOODMAN: Do you think it's changing,
for example, with Carter's book coming out?
NOAM CHOMSKY: I think it's one of the
signs of change and there are many others. Or is it just a change
mood in the country, I mean, anybody who's been giving talks about
this just knows it from personal experience. I mean not very long
ago, if I was giving a talk on the Middle East, I mean, even at
MIT, there would be armed police present, or at least undercover
police to prevent violence, disruption, breakup of meetings and
so on. That's a thing of the past. By now it's much easier to
talk about this. Actually, Carter's book is quite interesting.
Carter's book was essentially repeating what is known around the
AMY GOODMAN: Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.
NOAM CHOMSKY: Yeah. He -- there were a
couple of errors in the book, they were ignored. The only serious
error in the book, which a fact checker should have picked up,
is that Carter accepted a kind of party line on the Israeli invasion
of Lebanon in 1982. Israel invaded Lebanon and killed maybe 15,000-20,000
people and destroyed much of southern Lebanon. They were able
to do it because the Reagan administration vetoed Security Council
resolutions and supported them and so on.
The claim here, you know, you read Thomas
Freedman or someone, is that Israel invaded in response to shelling
of the Galilee from -- by Palestinians, Palestinian terror attacks
and Carter repeats that, it is not true. There was the border,
there was a cease-fire, the Palestinians observed it despite regular
Israeli attempts, something as heavy bombing and others to elicit
some response that would be a pretext to the planned invasion.
When there was no pretext, they invaded anyway. That's the only
serious error in the book, ignored. There are some very valuable
things in the book, also ignored. One of them, perhaps the most
important is that Carter is the first, I think, in the main stream
in the United States to report what was known in dissident circles
and talked about, namely that the famous road map, which the quartet
suggested as steps towards settlement of the problem, the road
map was instantly rejected by Israel.
AMY GOODMAN: I'm going to interrupt you
here because we're going to have to end the broadcast. We're going
to bring you folks part two of this conversation in the next few
days. But I want to end with Howard, tonight you'll be in Faneuil
Hall in Boston. Do you have hope right now as a man who has been
part of dissident movements for many years, led them, chronicled
them in these last few minutes of this first part of our discussion?
HOWARD ZINN: By the way, you're going
to be with me in Faneuil Hall, tonight. I won't go without you,
AMY GOODMAN: I will be with you tonight
at 7 pm in Faneuil Hall in Boston.
HOWARD ZINN: But do I have hope, it that
what you are asking? Well, I do, I think the American people are
basically decent and good people and if they learn the facts and
as they are learning the facts, they become aroused as they did
during Vietnam, as they did in the years of the civil rights movement.
AMY GOODMAN: I'm going to leave it there
now, but part two later in the week. Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky,
thank you very much.
AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to the second
part of our conversation with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, two
of the leading dissidents in this country today. I spoke to them
yesterday here in Boston in a rare joint interview. Howard Zinn
is one of America's most widely read historians. His classic work
A People's History of the United States has sold over a million
and a half copies, and it's altered how many people teach the
nation's history. His latest book is A Power Governments Cannot
Suppress. Noam Chomsky began teaching linguistics at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in Cambridge over half a century ago.
He is the author of dozens of books on linguistics and US foreign
policy. His most recent book is called Failed States: The Abuse
of Power and the Assault on Democracy.
In a wide-ranging interview, we talked about US wars from Iraq
to Vietnam, about resistance and about academia. I asked Noam
Chomsky about political science professor Norman Finkelstein,
one of the country's foremost critics of Israel policy, and his
battle to receive tenure at DePaul University, where he has taught
for six years. Professor Finkelstein's tenure has been approved
at the departmental and college level, but the dean of the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences at DePaul has opposed it. A final
decision is expected to be made in May. Finkelstein has accused
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz of being responsible for
leading the effort to deny him tenure. In an interview with the
Harvard Crimson, Dershowitz admitted he had sent a letter to DePaul
faculty members lobbying against Finkelstein's tenure. I asked
Noam Chomsky about the dispute.
NOAM CHOMSKY: The whole thing is outrageous. I mean, he's an outstanding
scholar. He has produced book after book. He's got recommendations
from some of the leading scholars in the many areas in which he
has worked. The faculty -- the departmental committee unanimously
recommended him for tenure. It's amazing that he hasn't had full
professorship a long time ago.
And, as you were saying, there was a huge campaign led by a Harvard
law professor, Alan Dershowitz, to try in a desperate effort to
defame him and vilify him, so as to prevent him from getting tenure.
The details of it are utterly shocking, and, as you said, it got
to the point where the DePaul administration called on Harvard
to put an end to this.
AMY GOODMAN: That's very significant, for one university to call
on the leadership of another university to stop one of its professors.
NOAM CHOMSKY: To stop this maniac, yeah. What's behind it? It's
very simple and straightforward. Norman Finkelstein wrote a book,
which is in fact the best compendium that now exists of human
rights violations in Israel and the blocking of diplomacy by Israel
and the United States, which I mentioned -- very careful scholarly
book, as all of his work is, impeccable -- also about the uses
of anti-Semitism to try to silence a critical discussion.
And the framework of his book was a critique of a book of apologetics
for atrocities and violence by Alan Dershowitz. That was the framework.
So he went through Dershowitz's shark claims, showed in great
detail that they are completely false and outrageous, that he's
lying about the facts, that he's an apologist for violence, that
he's a passionate opponent of civil liberties -- which he is --
and he documented it in detail.
Dershowitz is intelligent enough to know that he can't respond,
so he does what any tenth-rate lawyer does when you have a rotten
case: you try to change the subject, maybe by vilifying opposing
counsel. That changes the subject. Now we talk about whether,
you know, opposing counsel did or did not commit this iniquity.
And the tactic is a very good one, because you win, even if you
lose. Suppose your charges against are all refuted. You've still
won. You've changed the subject. The subject is no longer the
real topic: the crucial facts about Israel, Dershowitz's vulgar
apologetics for them, which sort of are reminiscent of the worst
days of Stalinism. We've forgotten all of that. We're now talking
about whether Finkelstein did this, that and the other thing.
And even if the charges are false, the topic's been changed. That's
the basis of it.
Dershowitz has been desperate to prevent this book from being
-- first of all, he tried to stop it from being published, in
an outlandish effort, which I've never seen anything like it,
hiring a major law firm to threaten libel suits, writing to the
governor of California -- it was published by the University of
California Press. When he couldn't stop the publication, he launched
a jihad against Norman Finkelstein, simply to try to vilify and
defame him, in the hope that maybe what he's writing will disappear.
That's the background.
It's not, incidentally, the first time. I mean, actually, I happen
to be very high on Dershowitz's hit list, hate list. And he has
also produced outlandish lies about me for years: you know, I
told him I was an agnostic about the Holocaust and I wouldn't
tell him the time of day, you know, and so on and so forth.
AMY GOODMAN: You mean that he made that charge against you?
NOAM CHOMSKY: Of course, and on and on. I won't even talk about
it. What's the reason? It's in print. In fact, you can look at
it in the internet. In 1973, I guess it was, the leading Israeli
human rights activist, Israel Shahak, who incidentally is a survivor
of the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen-Belsen and headed a small human
rights group in Israel, which was the only real one at the time,
came to Boston, had an interview with the Boston Globe, in which
he identified himself correctly as the chair of the Israeli League
of Human Rights. Dershowitz wrote a vitriolic letter to the Globe,
condemning him, claiming he's lying about Israel, he's even lying
about being the chair, he was voted out by the membership.
I knew the facts. In fact, he's an old friend, Shahak. So I wrote
a letter to the Globe, explaining it wasn't true. In fact, the
government did try to get rid of him. They called on their membership
to flood the meeting of this small human rights group and vote
him out. But they brought it to the courts, and the courts said,
yeah, we'd like to get rid of this human rights group, but find
a way to do it that's not so blatantly illegal. So I sort of wrote
But Dershowitz thought he could brazen it out -- you know, Harvard
law professor -- so he wrote another letter saying Shahak's lying,
I'm lying, and he challenged me to quote from this early court
decision. It never occurred to him for a minute that I'd actually
have the transcript. But I did. So I wrote another letter in which
I quoted from the court decision, demonstrating that -- as polite,
but that Dershowitz is a liar, he's even falsifying Israeli court
decisions, he's a supporter of atrocities, and he even is a passionate
opponent of civil rights. And this is like the Russian government
destroying an Amnesty International chapter by flooding it with
Communist Party members to vote out the membership.
Well, he went berserk, and ever since then I have been one of
his targets. In fact, anyone who exposes him as what he is is
going to be subjected to this technique, because he knows he can't
respond, so must return to vilification.
And in the case of Norman Finkelstein, he sort of went off into
outer space. But it's an outrageous case. And the fact that it's
even being debated is outrageous. Just read his letters of recommendation
from literally the leading figures in the many fields in which
he works, most respected people.
AMY GOODMAN: Most interesting, the letters of support from the
leading Holocaust scholars like Raul Hilberg.
NOAM CHOMSKY: Raul Hilberg is the founder of Holocaust studies,
you know, the most distinguished figure in the field. In fact,
he says Norman didn't go far enough. And it's the same -- Avi
Shlaim is one of the -- maybe the leading Israeli historian, has
strongly supported him, and the same with others. I can't refer
to the private correspondence, but it's very strong letters from
leading figures in these fields. And it's not surprising that
the faculty committee unanimously supported him. I mean, there
was, in fact -- they did -- the faculty committee did, in fact,
run through in detail the deluge of vilification from Dershowitz
and went through it point by point and essentially dismissed it
as frivolous.
AMY GOODMAN: They rejected a 12,000-word attack, point by point.
NOAM CHOMSKY: Aside from saying that the very idea of sending
it is outrageous. You don't do that in tenure cases.
AMY GOODMAN: So, how do you think it will turn out?
NOAM CHOMSKY: Well, the usual story: this depends on public reaction.
AMY GOODMAN: We return to my interview with Noam Chomsky and Howard
Zinn, who joined me in the studio here yesterday. We continued
to look at the issues of academia in a time of war, so I asked
Howard Zinn about his experience at Spelman College, the historically
black college for women in Atlanta. Professor Zinn taught at Spelman
for seven years before eventually being fired for insubordination.
I asked him why he was pushed out.
HOWARD ZINN: I had supported the students, and this was the Civil
Rights Movement, right? My students are black women who get involved
in the Civil Rights Movement. I support them. The administration
is nervous about that, but they can't really say anything publicly,
or do anything, because this is the first black president of Spelman
College. They have all been white missionaries before that. And
so, he doesn't want to do anything then. But when the students
come back from -- you might say, "come back from jail"
onto the campus and rebel against --
AMY GOODMAN: What year was this?
HOWARD ZINN: This was 1963. And the students rebel against the
conditions that they're living in, very paternalistic, very controlling,
and I support them in that, then that's too much for the president,
and so, although I have tenure and I'm a full professor and I'm
chair of the department, I get a letter saying goodbye.
And so, that was my -- you know, what Noam was talking about when
you ask him what's going to happen, universities, colleges are
not democratic institutions. Really, they're like corporations.
The people who have the most power are the people who have the
least to do with education. That is, they're not the faculty,
they're not the students, they're not even the people who keep
the university going -- the buildings and grounds people and the
technical people and the secretaries -- no. They're the trustees,
the businesspeople, the people with connections, and they're the
ones who have the most power, they're the ones who make the decisions.
And so, that's why I was fired from there, and that's why I was
almost fired by John Silber at Boston University, but there was
a --
AMY GOODMAN: Over what?
HOWARD ZINN: Over a strike. We had a faculty strike. We had a
secretary strike. We had a buildings and ground workers strike.
We had almost a general strike, almost an IWW strike at Boston
University in 1977. And when the faculty had actually won, got
a contract and went back to work, some of us on the faculty said
we shouldn't go back to work while the secretaries are still on
strike. We wouldn't cross their picket lines. We held our classes
out on the streets rather than do that. And so, five of us were
threatened with firing.
But there was a great clamor among students and faculty and actually
across the country. They even got telegrams from France, protesting
against this. And so, one of the rare occasions in which the administration,
with all its power, backed down. And so, I barely held onto my
AMY GOODMAN: You begin your book with two quotes. One of Eugene
V. Debs: "While there is a lower class, I am in it; and while
there is a criminal element, I am of it; and while there is a
soul in prison, I am not free." And Henry David Thoreau:
"When the subject has refused allegiance and the officer
has resigned his office, then the revolution is accomplished."
You also write more about Henry David Thoreau. You write about
him going to jail.
HOWARD ZINN: Yeah, well, Thoreau is worth reading today and remembering
today, because Thoreau committed just a small act of civil disobedience
against the Mexican War. I mean, the Mexican War had some of the
same characteristics as the war in Iraq today, and that is that
the American people were lied to about the reasons for going into
Mexico, and they weren't told that the real reason for going into
Mexico was that we wanted Mexican land, which we took at the end
of the Mexican War, just as today we're not being told that the
real reason for being in Iraq has to do with oil and profits and
money. And so, the situation in the Mexican War, against which
Thoreau objected, was in many ways, you know, similar.
And Thoreau saw that, and he saw that American boys were dying
on the road to Mexico City and we were killing a lot of innocent
Mexican people, and so he decided not to pay his taxes and spent
just a very short time in jail, but then came out, delivered a
lecture on civil disobedience and wrote an essay on the right
to disobey the government when the government violates what it's
supposed to do, violates the rights of Americans, violates the
rights of other people.
And so, that stands as a classic statement for Americans, that
it's honorable and right to not to pay your taxes or to refuse
military service or to disobey your government when you believe
that your government is wrong. And so, the hope is that today
more soldiers who are asked to go to Iraq, more young people who
are asked to enlist in the war against Iraq, will read Thoreau's
essay on civil disobedience, will take its advice to heart, realize
that the government is not holy, that what's holy is human life
and human freedom and the right of people to resist authority.
And so, Thoreau has great lessons for us today.
AMY GOODMAN: Noam Chomsky, as we wrap up, that whole issue of
hope and where you see things going in the current Bush administration,
what it stands for, and the level of protest in this country.
Do you think that level of protest will succeed?
NOAM CHOMSKY: It depends what you mean by "succeed."
I mean, I have a slightly more hopeful sense than Howard, at least
expressed. I suspect he agrees. It's true that the country, that
in terms of the institutional structure -- government for the
wealthy and so on -- there hasn't been much change in 200 years.
But there's been enormous progress, I mean, even in the last forty
years, since the '60s. Many rights have been won: rights for minorities,
rights for women, rights of future generations, which is what
the environmental movement is about. Opposition to aggression
has increased. The first solidarity movements in history began
in the 1980s, after centuries of European imperialism, and no
one ever thought of going to live in an Algerian village to protect
the people from French violence, or in a Vietnamese village. Thousands
of Americans were doing that in the 1980s in Reagan's terrorist
wars. It's now extended over the whole world. There's an international
solidarity movement.
The global justice movements, which meet annually in the World
Social Forum, are a completely new phenomenon. It's true globalization
among people, maybe the seeds of the first true international
-- people from all over the world, all walks of life, many ideas
which are right on people's minds and agenda, in fact, being implemented
about a participatory society, the kind of work that Mike Albert's
been doing. These are all new things. I mean, nothing is ever
totally new. There are bits and pieces of them in the past, but
the changes are enormous.
And the same with opposition to aggression. I mean, after all,
the Iraq war is the first war in hundreds of years of Western
history, at least the first one I can think of, which was massively
protested before it was officially launched. And it actually was
underway, we have since learned, but it wasn't officially underway.
But it was huge, millions of people protesting it all over the
world, so much so that The New York Times lamented that there's
a second superpower: the population. Well, you know, that's significant
and, I think, gives good reason for hope.
There are periods of regression. We're now in a period of regression,
but if you look at the cycle over time, it's upwards. And there's
no limits that it can't reach.
AMY GOODMAN: Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, two of this country's
leading dissidents. We spoke yesterday on Patriot's Day, which
is observed here in Massachusetts -- also, I believe, in Maine.
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