Revving Up the China Threat
The Bush Administration is spoiling
for a new cold War in the Far East
by Michael Klare
The Nation magazine, October
13, 2005

Ever since taking office, the Bush Administration
has struggled to define its stance on the most critical long-term
strategic issue facing the United States: whether to view China
as a future military adversary, and plan accordingly, or to see
it as a rival player in the global capitalist system. Representatives
of both perspectives are nestled in top Administration circles,
and there have been periodic swings of the pendulum toward one
side or the other. But after a four-year period in which neither
outlook appeared dominant, the pendulum has now swung conspicuously
toward the anti-Chinese, prepare-for-war position. Three events
signal this altered stance.
The first, on February 19, was the adoption
of an official declaration calling for enhanced security ties
between the United States and Japan. Known officially as the "Joint
Statement of the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee,"
the declaration was announced at a meeting of top Japanese and
US officials, including Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and Secretary
of State Rice. The very fact that US and Japanese officials were
discussing improved security links was deeply troubling to the
Chinese, given the continued salience of Japanese World War II
militarism in the sixtieth anniversary year of Japan's surrender,
and their ongoing anxiety about US plans to construct an anti-Chinese
alliance in Asia. But what most angered Beijing was the declaration's
call for linked US-Japanese efforts to "encourage the peaceful
resolution of issues concerning the Taiwan Strait through dialogue."
While sounding relatively innocuous to American ears, this announcement
was viewed in Beijing as highly provocative, an example of illicit
interference by Washington and Tokyo in China's internal affairs.
The official New China News Agency described the joint declaration
as "unprecedented" and quoted a senior foreign ministry
official as saying that China "resolutely opposes the United
States and Japan in issuing any bilateral document concerning
China's Taiwan, which meddles in the internal affairs of China
and hurts China's sovereignty."
The second key event was a speech Rumsfeld
gave June 4 at a strategy conference in Singapore. After reviewing
current security issues in Asia, especially the threat posed by
a nuclear North Korea, Rumsfeld turned his attention to China.
The Chinese can play a constructive role in addressing these issues,
he observed. "A candid discussion of China...cannot neglect
to mention areas of concern to the region." In particular,
China "appears to be expanding its missile forces, allowing
them to reach targets in many areas of the world," and is
otherwise "improving its ability to project power" in
the region. Then, with consummate disingenuousness, he stated,
"Since no nation threatens China, one must wonder: Why this
growing investment? Why these continuing large and expanding arms
purchases? Why these continuing robust deployments?"
To Beijing, these comments must have been
astonishing. No one threatens China? What about the US planes
and warships that constantly hover off the Chinese coast, and
the nuclear-armed US missiles aimed at China? What about the delivery
over the past ten years of ever more potent US weapons to Taiwan?
What about the US bases that encircle China on all sides? But
disingenuousness aside, Rumsfeld's comments exhibited a greater
degree of belligerence toward China than had been expressed in
any official US statements since 9/11, and were widely portrayed
as such in the American and Asian press.
The third notable event was the release,
in July, of the Pentagon's report on Chinese combat capabilities,
The Military Power of the People's Republic of China. According
to press reports, publication of this unclassified document was
delayed for several weeks in order to remove or soften some of
the more pointedly anti-Chinese comments, to avoid further provoking
China before George W. Bush's November visit there. In many ways
the published version is judicious in tone, stressing the weaknesses
as well as the strengths of China's military establishment. Nevertheless,
the main thrust of the report is that China is expanding its capacity
to fight wars beyond its own territory and that this constitutes
a dangerous challenge to global order. "The pace and scope
of China's military build-up are, already, such as to put regional
military balances at risk," the report states. "Current
trends in China's military modernization could provide China with
a force capable of prosecuting a range of military operations
in Asia--well beyond Taiwan--potentially posing a credible threat
to modern militaries operating in the region."
This annual report, mandated by Congress
in 2000, is intended as a comprehensive analysis, not a policy
document. However, the policy implications of the 2005 report
are self-evident: If China is acquiring a greater capacity to
threaten "modern militaries operating in the region"--presumably
including those of the United States and Japan--then urgent action
is needed to offset Chinese military initiatives. For this very
reason the document triggered a firestorm of criticism in China.
"This report ignores fact in order to do everything it can
to disseminate the 'China threat theory,'" a senior foreign
ministry official told the American ambassador at a hastily arranged
meeting. "It crudely interferes in China's internal affairs
and is a provocation against China's relations with other countries."
While much of this was going on, the American
public and mass media were preoccupied with another source of
tension between the United States and China: the attempted purchase
of the California-based Unocal Corporation by the Chinese National
Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). This attempt received far greater
attention in the media than did the events described above, yet
it will have a far less significant impact on US-Chinese relations
than will the Pentagon's shift to a more belligerent, anti-Chinese
stance--one that greatly increases the likelihood of a debilitating
and dangerous military competition between the United States and
What lies behind this momentous shift?
At its root is the continuing influence of conservative strategists
who have long championed a policy of permanent US military supremacy.
This outlook was first expressed in 1992 in the first Bush administration's
Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) for fiscal years 1994-99, a master
blueprint for US dominance in the post-cold war era. Prepared
under the supervision of then Under Secretary of Defense Paul
Wolfowitz and leaked to the press in early 1992, the DPG called
for concerted efforts to prevent the rise of a future military
competitor. "Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence
of a new rival...that poses a threat on the order of that posed
formerly by the Soviet Union," the document stated. Accordingly,
"we [must] endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating
a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be
sufficient to generate global power." This has remained the
guiding principle for US supremacists ever since.
In this new century the injunction to
prevent the emergence of a new rival "that poses a threat
on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union"
can apply only to China, as no other potential adversary possesses
a credible capacity to "generate global power." Hence
the preservation of American supremacy into "the far realm
of the future," as then-Governor George W. Bush put it in
a 1999 campaign speech, required the permanent containment of
China--and this is what Rice, Rumsfeld and their associates set
out to do when they assumed office in early 2001.
This project was well under way when the
9/11 attacks occurred. Those events gave the neoconservatives
a green light to implement their ambitious plans to extend US
power around the world. However, the shift in emphasis from blocking
future rivals to fighting terrorism was troubling to many in the
permanent-supremacy crowd who felt that momentum was being lost
in the grand campaign to constrain China. Moreover, antiterrorism
places a premium on special forces and low-tech infantry, rather
than on the costly sophisticated fighters and warships needed
for combat against a major military power. For at least some US
strategists, not to mention giant military contractors, then,
the "war on terror" was seen as a distraction that had
to be endured until the time was ripe for a resumption of the
anti-Chinese initiatives begun in February 2001. That moment seems
to have arrived.
Why now? Several factors explain the timing
of this shift. The first, no doubt, is public fatigue with the
"war on terror" and a growing sense among the military
that the war in Iraq has ground to a stalemate. So long as public
attention is focused on the daily setbacks and loss of life in
Iraq--and, since late August, on the devastation wrought by Hurricane
Katrina--support for the President's military policies will decline.
And this, it is feared, could translate into an allergy to costly
military operations altogether, akin to the dreaded "Vietnam
syndrome" of the 1970s and '80s. It is hardly surprising,
then, that senior US officers are talking of plans to reduce US
troop strength in Iraq over the coming year even though President
Bush has explicitly ruled out such a reduction.
At the same time, China's vast economic
expansion has finally begun to translate into improvements in
its net military capacity. Although most Chinese weapons are hopelessly
obsolete--derived, in many cases, from Soviet models of the 1950s
and '60s--Beijing has used some of its newfound wealth to purchase
relatively modern arms from Russia, including fighter planes,
diesel-electric submarines and destroyers. China has also been
expanding its arsenal of short-range ballistic missiles, many
capable of striking Taiwan and Japan. None of these systems compare
to the most advanced ones in the American arsenal, but their much-publicized
acquisition has provided fresh ammunition to those in Washington
who advocate stepped-up efforts to neutralize Chinese military
Under these circumstances, the possibility
of a revved-up military competition with China looks unusually
promising to some in the military establishment. No American lives
are at risk in such a drive. Any bloodletting, should it occur,
lies safely in the future. These moves are supported by a recent
surge in anti-Chinese popular sentiment, brought about in part
by high gasoline prices (which many blame on China's oil thirst),
the steady loss of American jobs to low-wage Chinese industry,
and the (seemingly) brazen effort by China's leading oil company
to acquire Unocal. This appears, then, to be an opportune moment
for renewing the drive to constrain China. But the brouhaha over
Unocal, together with other Chinese attempts to secure oil and
natural gas, also reveals something deeper at work: a growing
recognition that the United States and China are now engaged in
a high-stakes competition to gain control of the rest of the world's
oil supplies.
Just a decade ago, in 1994, China accounted
for less than 5 percent of the world's net petroleum consumption
and produced virtually all of the oil it burned. True, China was
already number four among the world's top oil consumers, after
the United States, Japan and Russia, but its daily usage of 3
million barrels represented less than one-fifth of what the United
States consumed on an average day. Since then, however, China
has jumped to the number-two position (supplanting Japan in 2003),
and its current consumption of about 6 million barrels per day
is approximately one-third of America's usage. However, domestic
oil output in China has remained relatively flat over this period,
so it must now import half of its total supply. And with China's
economy roaring ahead, its need for imported petroleum is expected
to climb much higher in the years to come: According to the Department
of Energy (DOE), Chinese oil consumption is projected to reach
12 million barrels per day in 2020, of which 9 million barrels
will have to be obtained abroad. With the United States also needing
more imports--as much as 16 million barrels per day in 2020 --
and with no credible research on alternative energy sources approaching
conclusion, the stage is being set for an intense struggle over
access to the world's petroleum supplies.
This would not be such a worrisome prospect
if global petroleum output could expand sufficiently between now
and 2020 to satisfy increased demand from both China and the United
States--and in fact, the DOE predicts that sufficient oil will
be available at that time. But many energy experts believe world
oil output, now hovering at about 84 million barrels per day,
is nearing its maximum or "peak" sustainable level,
and that there is no way that the world will ever reach the 111
million barrels projected by the DOE for 2020. If this proves
to be the case, or even if output continues to rise but still
falls significantly short of the DOE projection, the competition
between the United States and China for whatever oil remains in
ever diminishing foreign reservoirs will become even more fierce
and contentious.
The intensifying US-Chinese struggle for
oil is seen, for instance, in China's aggressive pursuit of supplies
in such countries as Angola, Canada, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan,
Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Venezuela. Until recently China
derived very little of its petroleum from these countries; now
it has deals with all of them to secure new supplies. That China
is competing so vigorously with the United States for access to
foreign oil is worrisome enough to American business leaders and
government officials, given the likelihood that this will result
in higher energy costs leading to a slowing economy; the fact
that it is seeking to siphon off oil from places like Canada,
Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela--which have long sent a large
share of their supplies to America--is the source of even greater
concern, holding as it does the potential to result in a permanent
shift in the global flow of oil. From a strategic perspective,
moreover, US officials worry that China's efforts to acquire more
oil from Iran and Sudan have been accompanied by deliveries of
arms and military aid, thus altering the balance of power in areas
considered vital to Washington's security interests. China, whose
reach not long ago seemed to be limited to regions on its immediate
borders, has emerged as a significant global player in the energy
sweepstakes and beyond.
Initially, discussion of China's intensifying
quest for foreign oil was largely confined to the business press.
But now, for the first time, it is being viewed as a national
security matter--that is, as a key factor in shaping US military
policy. This outlook was first given official expression in the
2005 edition of the Pentagon's report on Chinese military power.
"China became the second largest consumer and third largest
importer of oil in 2003," the report notes. "As China's
energy and resource needs grow, Beijing has concluded that access
to these resources requires special economic or foreign policy
relationships in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, bringing
China closer to problem countries such as Iran, Sudan, and Venezuela."
Again, the implications of this are obvious: China's growing ties
to "problem states" constitute a threat to strategic
initiatives in volatile areas of particular interest to US policymakers
and so must be met with countermoves of one sort or another.
Two trends have thus joined to propel
this new swing of the pendulum: a drive to refocus attention on
the long-term challenge posed by China and fresh concern over
China's pursuit of oil supplies in strategic areas of the globe.
So long as these two conditions prevail--and there is no repeat
of 9/11--the calls for increased US military preparation for an
eventual war with China will grow stronger. The fact that Bush
has seen his job-approval rating plummet in the wake of Hurricane
Katrina might also tempt the Administration to play up the China
threat. While none of this is likely to produce an immediate rupture
in US-Chinese relations--the forces favoring economic cooperation
are too strong to allow that--we can expect vigorous calls for
an ambitious US campaign to neutralize China's recent military
This campaign will take two forms: first,
a drive to offset any future gains in Chinese military strength
through permanent US military-technological superiority; and second,
what can only be described as the encirclement of China through
the further acquisition of military bases and the establishment
of American-led, anti-Chinese alliances will continue. None of
these efforts are being described as part of an explicit, coherent
strategy of containment, but there is no doubt from the testimony
of US officials that such a strategy is being implemented.
Elements of this strategy can be detected,
for example, in the March 8 testimony of Adm. William Fallon,
Commander of the US Pacific Command (PACOM), before the Senate
Armed Services Committee. "It's certainly cause for concern
to see this continuing buildup [by China]," he noted. "It
seems to be more than might be required for their defense. We're
certainly watching it very closely, [and] we're looking at how
we match up against these capabilities."
To counter China's latest initiatives,
Fallon called for improvements in US antimissile and antisubmarine
warfare (ASW) capabilities, along with a deepening of military
ties with America's old and new allies in the region. With respect
to missile defense, for example, he stated that "an effective,
integrated and tiered system against ballistic missiles"
should be "a top priority for development." Such a system,
in all likelihood, would be aimed at China's short-range missiles.
He also called for establishment of a "robust and integrated
ASW architecture" to "counter the proliferation of submarines
in the Pacific."
Note that Fallon is not talking about
a conflict that might occur in the central or eastern Pacific,
within reach of America's shores; rather, he is talking about
defeating Chinese forces in their home waters, on the western
rim of the Pacific. That US strategy is aimed at containing China
to its home territory is further evident from the plans he described
for enhanced military cooperation with US allies in the region.
These plans, encapsulated in the Theater Security Cooperation
Plan (TSCP), were described by Fallon as "one of the primary
means through which we extend US influence, develop access and
promote competence among potential coalition partners."
Typically, the cooperation will include
the delivery of arms and military assistance, joint military maneuvers,
regular consultation among senior military officials and, in some
cases, expansion (or establishment) of US military bases. In Japan,
for example, PACOM is cooperating in the joint development of
a regional ballistic missile defense system; in the Philippines
it is assisting in the reorganization and modernization of national
forces; in Singapore--which already plays host to visiting US
aircraft carriers--"we are exploring opportunities for expanded
access to Singaporean facilities." And this is not the full
extent of US efforts to establish an anti-Chinese coalition in
the region. In his March testimony Fallon also described efforts
to woo India into the American orbit. "Our relationship with
the Indian Integrated Defense Staff and the Indian Armed Services
continues to grow," he noted. "US and Indian security
interests continue to converge as our military cooperation leads
to a stronger strategic partnership." Central Asia.
All this and much more is described as an essentially defensive
reaction to China's pursuit of forces considered in excess of
its legitimate self-defense requirements--"outsized,"
as Secretary Rice described the Chinese military in a recent interview.
One can argue, of course, about what constitutes an appropriate
defense capacity for the world's most populous nation, but that's
not the point--what matters is that any rational observer in Beijing
can interpret Fallon's testimony (and the other developments described
above) as part of a concerted US campaign to contain China and
neutralize its military capabilities.
Chinese leaders are fully aware of their
glaring military inferiority vis-à-vis the United States,
and so can be expected to avoid a risky confrontation with Washington.
But any nation, when confronted with a major military buildup
by a potential adversary off its shores, is bound to feel threatened
and will respond accordingly. For China, which has been repeatedly
invaded and occupied by foreign powers over the past few centuries,
and which clashed with US forces in Korea and Vietnam, the US
buildup on its doorstep must appear especially threatening. It
is hardly surprising, then, that Beijing has sought modern weapons
and capabilities to offset America's growing advantage. Nor is
it surprising that China has sought to buttress its military ties
with Russia--the two countries held joint military exercises in
August, the first significant demonstration of military cooperation
since the Korean War--and to discourage neighboring countries
from harboring American bases. (Uzbekistan asked the United States
to shut down its base at Karshi-Khanabad after a meeting of the
Chinese-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization in July.) But even
if defensive in nature, these moves will provide additional ammunition
for those in Washington who see a Chinese drive for regional hegemony
and so seek an even greater US capacity to overpower Chinese forces.
This is all bound to add momentum to the
pendulum's swing toward a more hostile US stance on China. But
that outcome is not foreordained: Future economic conditions--a
sharp rise in US interest rates, for example--could strengthen
the hand of those in Washington who seek to prevent a breach in
US-Chinese relations. These figures argue, for example, that Beijing
helps keep US interest rates low by using part of its enormous
trade surplus to buy large quantities of US Treasury bonds and
that China represents an expanding market for US cars, aircraft
and other manufactured goods. But the pursuit of ever more potent
weapons on each side could prove to be a self-sustaining phenomenon,
undermining efforts to improve relations.
The debate over China's military power
and the purported need for a major US buildup to counter China's
recent arms acquisitions will become increasingly heated in the
months and years to come. As always, it will be fueled by claims
of this or that Chinese military advance, often employing pseudo-technical
language intended to exaggerate Chinese capabilities and discourage
close scrutiny by ordinary citizens. If this trend persists, we
will become locked into an ever expanding arms race that can only
have harmful consequences for both countries--even if it doesn't
lead to war. Questioning inflated Pentagon claims of Chinese strength
and resisting the trend toward a harsher anti-Chinese military
stance are essential, therefore, if we are to avert a costly and
dangerous course.
Michael T. Klare is the defense correspondent
of The Nation and a professor of peace and world security studies
at Hampshire College. His latest book is Blood
and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of America's Growing Dependence
on Imported Petroleum. This is a slightly revised version of
an article appeared in The Nation on October 24, 2005.
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