Targeting North Korea
by Gregory Elich
Z magazine

For all the ballyhoo surrounding the North
Korean admission of a nuclear weapons program, one salient fact
has been overlooked. It never happened. No North Korean official
ever made such a statement. Western news reports repeated endlessly
the claim that a North Korean official admitted to a nuclear weapons
program in an October meeting with U.S. Assistant Secretary of
State James Kelly. No evidence was presented other than Kelly's
assertion. On this matter, the word of the Bush Administration
was accepted as sufficient evidence the same Bush Administration
that has consistently lied about virtually every issue. But on
North Korea its word was sufficient evidence. If North Korea did
not confess to a nuclear weapons program, then what really happened
during that ill-fated October meeting? To understand what took
place in October and the resulting confrontation, events must
be viewed in the broader context of U.S.-North Korean relations
and the nuclear issue. This context is also important for explaining
why the Bush Administration would deliberately mislead the world
public, using the nuclear issue as a pretext for imposing economic
and political measures in an attempt to bring about the collapse
of North Korea.
To the Brink of War and Back
The conflict in U.S.-North Korean relations
over the nuclear issue first arose on January 26, 1993, when President
Clinton announced that the U.S military would conduct war games
in South Korea. This was followed the next month by the news that
some of the nuclear weapons previously targeted on the Soviet
Union would be redirected at North Korea. By March, the massive
Team Spirit war games involving bombers, cruise missiles and naval
vessels were underway. Interpreting this as a provocation, North
Korea responded by signalling that it would withdraw from the
nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). However, talks with U.S.
officials in June 1993 led to North Korea rescinding its stated
intention to depart from the NPT. But new difficulties soon arose
when the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) insisted on
inspecting undeclared nuclear sites in North Korea, something
the agency had never demanded from any other nation. The demand
came at the instigation of U.S. officials, who had been pressing
the IAEA to engage in more intrusive and wide-ranging inspections,
hoping to turn up a pretext for applying pressure on North Korea
and to expand opportunities for gathering intelligence. At this
time, North Korea discovered that IAEA inspectors at declared
nuclear sites in North Korea were passing intelligence to American
officials. (1) Encouraged by news reports whipping up emotional
responses, the Clinton Administration charged that plutonium extracted
from North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear facility was being utilized
in the development of nuclear weapons. No evidence for the accusation
presented, but it achieved wide acceptance by dint of repetition.
In November of that year, President Clinton
appeared on "Meet the Press," insisting that "North
Korea cannot be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb." By 1994,
talks between the U.S. and North Korea had broken off, and the
United States was exerting pressure on the UN Security Council
to impose sanctions. In June 1994, the U.S. formally submitted
a draft resolution in the UN on graduated sanctions, but behind
the scenes the Clinton Administration had already decided on war.
Defense Secretary William Perry and Assistant Secretary of Defense
Ashton Carter "spent much of the first half of 1994 preparing
for war on the Korean peninsula." According to Perry and
Carter, "we readied a detailed plan to attack the Yongbyon
facility with precision-guided bombs. We were highly confident
that it could be destroyed without causing a meltdown that would
release radioactivity into the air." It seems highly dubious
that a release of radioactivity could have been avoided, but the
attack was likely to trigger far greater devastation. Perry and
Carter anticipated that North Korea would respond by, as they
put it, "lashing out," or to put it more accurately,
fighting back against U.S. aggression. "In the event of a
North Korean attack," they said, "U.S. forces, working
side by side with the South Korean army and using bases in Japan,
would quickly destroy the North Korean army and the North Korean
regime. But unlike Desert Storm, which was waged in the Arabian
Desert, the combat in another Korean War would take place in Seoul's
crowded suburbs." Perry and Carter admit that "the price
would be heavy, estimating that "thousands of U.S. troops
and tens of thousands of South Korean troops would be killed,
and millions of refugees would crowd the highways. North Korean
losses would be even higher. The intensity of combat would be
greater than any the world has witnessed since the last Korean
War." Note the failure to mention how many civilians might
perish in their war. It should be recalled that 4 million Koreans
lost their lives in the Korean War of 1950-1953, and that a new
war with modern weapons held the potential of sowing death on
a massive scale. The hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions
of ordinary Koreans who would have lost their lives concerned
the Clinton Administration not at all. (2)
South Korean President Kim Young-Sam wasn't
as indifferent to the sacrifice of Korean lives as U.S. officials
were. "At that time the situation was really dangerous,"
he recalls. "The Clinton government was preparing for war,"
with an aircraft carrier off the coast and U.S. warships planning
a naval bombardment. As American forces amassed for an assault,
Kim warned U.S. Ambassador James Laney that another war would
turn all of Korea into a bloodbath and that South Korea would
not move "even a single soldier" in support of the U.S.
war. Kim then phoned President Clinton and argued with him for
32 minutes. "I told him there would be no inter-Korean war
while I was president," Kim said. "Clinton tried to
persuade me to change my mind, but I criticized the United States
for planning to stage a war with the North on our land."
Finally, Clinton relented, but he considered South Korean opposition
only a temporary setback, and U.S. officials continued to plan
for war. (3)
No diplomatic initiatives were issued
from the American side, and talks had broken off. Alarmed at the
drift towards war, former President Jimmy Carter chose to personally
intervene, flying to Pyongyang on an unofficial mission to open
negotiations. According to Carter, in their first meeting together,
North Korean President Kim Il-Sung "was willing to freeze
their nuclear program during the talks and to consider a permanent
freeze if their aged reactors could be replaced with modern and
safer ones." President Kim also requested a guarantee from
the U.S. not to attack his country with nuclear weapons. That
evening Carter phoned the White House, interrupting a council
of war then in session. Carter passed along the news that President
Kim had agreed to a freeze to be monitored by the IAEA and to
engage in negotiations with the U.S. on a final resolution of
the issue. Knowing that the White House might be inclined to ignore
the prospect of a negotiated settlement, Carter told them that
he had arranged for a CNN film crew to transmit a live broadcast
immediately after the phone call in which he would announce the
outcome of the day's meeting. When the news of Carter's intention
was passed to others in the White House council of war, they reacted
with indignation. Tuning to CNN, Clinton Administration officials
were aghast as they saw Carter announcing, "The commitment
I have received is that all aspects of North Korea's nuclear program
would be resolved through good-faith talks." Carter went
on to indicate that under the circumstances, proceeding with the
imposition of sanctions would be a mistake. "Nothing should
be done to exacerbate the situation now. The reason I came over
here was to try to prevent an irreconcilable mistake." Furious
at the scuttling of their war, Clinton Administration officials
were left with no option but to respond to the diplomatic opening.
They chose to do so by immediately placing additional demands
on North Korea and insisting on proceeding with efforts to win
UN approval for the imposition of sanctions. Further negotiations
the following day between Carter and President Kim Il-Sung resulted
in North Korea agreeing not to reprocess their spent fuel, deflating
the last excuse by the U.S. side for rejecting a diplomatic solution.
A State Department official later reflected, "The shocking
thing about the Carter visit wasn't that people were disappointed
that someone was going. It was that when he got the freeze, people
here were crestfallen." (4) According to another official
in the State Department at the time, "It went down to the
wire. The American people will never know how close we were to
war. Had [North Korea] not accepted, we had 50,000 troops on the
[border]. We were hell-bent about stopping them." (5)
Official negotiations between the two
sides opened on July 8, 1994 in Geneva, and led to the signing
of the Agreed Framework on October 21. Under terms of the agreement,
North Korea was obligated to freeze its graphite-moderated reactor
at Yongbyon and halt construction of two more reactors. The freeze
was to be monitored by the IAEA. North Korea was also required
to dispose of the spent fuel from the Yongbyon reactor "in
a safe manner that does not involve reprocessing." In return,
the United States agreed to "undertake to make arrangements
for the provision" to North Korea of a light water reactor
(LWR) project "with a total generating capacity of approximately
2,000 MW(e) by a target date of 2003." An international consortium
would be organized under the leadership of the U.S. to finance
and supply the project. Light water reactors do not hold the same
potential as graphite-moderated reactors for the production of
plutonium that can be reprocessed for use in the development of
nuclear weapons. As an interim measure, while the light water
reactors were under construction the United States was obligated
to supply North Korea annually with half a million tons of "heavy
oil for heating and electricity production." (6) The oil
shipments were intended to serve as partial compensation to North
Korea for being forced to abandon efforts to meet its energy needs.
Faced with a dire energy shortage, the
Agreed Framework in effect obliged North Korea to forgo economic
recovery until the light water reactors would be completed. Once
the light water reactors would become operational, they would
be capable of generating far more power than the graphite-moderated
reactors that North Korea was compelled to freeze. While the energy
shortage in North Korea continued to worsen under the press of
U.S. sanctions and a series of natural disasters, the U.S. deliberately
delayed construction of the new reactors. Although the 1994 Agreed
Framework obligated the consortium to complete construction of
both light water reactors by 2003, years passed without any action
other than building the infrastructure needed to support the construction
project. The U.S. calculated that North Korea would not long survive
its economic difficulties, and that if construction of the reactors
could be delayed long enough, they need never be built. Newly
elected President Bush openly expressed his disdain for the 1994
Agreed Framework. It was only in August 2002 that cement was finally
poured for the foundation of the first reactor, at Kumho on the
eastern coast. At a minimum, eight years would be required to
complete the project, ensuring that at best North Korea would
receive relief for its energy shortage 16 years after signing
the Agreed Framework. "Upon conclusion of the supply contract
for the provision of the LWR project," reads the Agreed Framework,
"ad hoc and routine inspections will resumewith respect to
the facilities not subject to the freeze." Inspections of
the closed plutonium facilities had continued regularly since
1994, but the more widespread and intrusive inspection program
that the U.S. desired could not be implemented under the agreement
until completion of the LWR supply contract. The U.S. was not
inclined to wait. It wanted those inspections now. At the ceremony
marking the laying of the foundation for the first plant, James
Pritchard, American delegate to the consortium, insisted that
North Korea must immediately allow an expanded inspection program.
Nuclear Threat
The commitment to complete construction
of the light water reactors by 2003 wasn't the only provision
flouted by the U.S. Article 2 called for a "move toward full
normalization of political and economic relations," and Article
3 clearly stated, "The U.S. will provide formal assurances
to the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea North
Korea], against the threat or use of nuclear weapons by the U.S."
(8) Despite those commitments, the U.S. never abandoned its aggressive
nuclear posture in relation to the DPRK. Less than four years
after signing the 1994 Geneva agreement, in the spring of 1998,
U.S. warplanes based at the Seymour Johnson Air Base in North
Carolina conducted a mock exercise to simulate a long-range mission
to drop nuclear bombs on North Korea. Aircraft from the 4th Fighter
Wing carrying concrete dummy bombs intended to represent B61 nuclear
bombs flew to the Avon Park Bombing Range in Florida, where they
dropped their loads. According to Brigadier General Randall K.
Bigum, "We simulated fighting a war in Korea, using a Korean
scenario" that "simulated a decision by the National
Command Authority about considering using nuclear weapons We identified
aircraft, crews, and weapons loaders to load up tactical nuclear
weapons onto our aircraft. When that phase was terminated, the
last phase of the exercise, the employment phase, began. It required
us to fly those airplanes down to a range in Florida and drop
a concrete blivet. The blivet has the same aerodynamic shape as
a bomb, but is full of concrete." (9)
President George W. Bush was no more disposed
to respect Article 3 of the Agreed Framework than was his predecessor.
During his State of the Union address on January 29, 2002, President
Bush singled out North Korea along with Iraq and Iran as belonging
to his ludicrous concept of an "axis of evil," accusing
North Korea of "arming with missiles and weapons of mass
destruction." (10) Officials in North Korea were not blind.
They could see Bush preparing to wage a war of aggression against
Iraq, first on the list of so-called "evil" nations.
It was no mystery which nation was second. Less than three months
later, the Bush Administration ordered the Pentagon to develop
plans for a more flexible policy in the use of nuclear weapons,
authorizing their use in three potential scenarios. Henceforth
nuclear weapons could be employed in "retaliation for attack
with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons" and "against
targets able to withstand non-nuclear attack," an apparent
reference to North Korean underground industrial and military
facilities. A third category called for nuclear attack "in
the event of surprising military developments," a phrase
vague enough to allow open-ended interpretation. The policy directed
the Pentagon to be prepared to use nuclear weapons against seven
countries: Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya and Syria.
The North Koreans had ample cause to fear
such aggressive posturing, based on bitter memories of their last
experience with the US military during the 1950-3 Korean War.
In the first year of that war, on November 5, 1950, General Douglas
MacArthur ordered the destruction of "every means of communication,
every installation, factory, city and village" in an area
stretching from the Yalu River to the battle line. The first city
to be levelled was Sinuiju, and napalm soon began to be employed
during bombing raids against civilians. Over 2,300 gallons of
napalm were dropped on Pyongyang in one raid alone, in July 1952.
Mass fire bombings systematically wiped out one town after another,
and US planes also targeted power stations and irrigation dams
that supported rice fields. As irrigation dams were destroyed,
villages downstream were swept away in the resulting floods, inflicting
enormous death and destruction. At various times during the war,
the US even considered use of tactical nuclear weapons. Hungarian
correspondent Tibor Meray witnessed the "destruction and
horrible things committed by the American forces. Everything which
moved in North Korea was a military target, peasants in the fields
were often machine gunned by pilots" motivated by what seemed
to him amusement. Meray saw "complete devastation between
the Yalu River and the capital" of North Korea. There were
"no more cities in North Korea," he reported. Every
city Meray passed through "was a collection of chimneys.
I don't know why houses collapsed and chimneys did not, but I
went through a city of 200,000 inhabitants and I saw thousands
of chimneys and that was all." General William Dean, taken
prisoner during the war, remembered being amazed at the sight
of the city of Huichon. "The city I'd seen before two
storied buildings, a prominent main street wasn't there
anymore," while "most of the towns were just rubble
or snowy open spaces where buildings had been." All of these
towns, he said, "once full of people, were unoccupied shells.
The villagers lived in entirely new temporary villages, hidden
in canyons." Executions of civilians occurred on a mass scale,
both by American troops and by U.S.-installed South Korean President
Syngman Rhee's forces. As U.S. soldiers were pushed out of North
Korea by advancing Chinese and North Korean troops, they deliberately
destroyed everything in their path. The war diary of the 24th
Infantry Division relates, "Razing of villages along our
withdrawal routes and destruction of food staples became the order
of the day." A Chinese soldier remembers that virtually no
house was left standing and that the region was filled with homeless
people during the winter of 1950-1 when temperatures dropped to
40 below zero. According to General Curtis LeMay, "We burned
down just about every city in North and South Korea both,"
and "we killed off over a million civilian Koreans and drove
several million more from their homes." During the war, North
Korean responded to such terror tactics by building underground
factories and housing on a large scale. (12) North Korean concerns
over U.S. threats are routinely dismissed as over-sensitivity,
but such a view can only be sustained by ignorance of the history
of the Korean War. The North Koreans haven't forgotten the experience,
building many post-war factories and military facilities underground.
It should be pointed out that such underground facilities fall
into the second category of targets the Bush Administration identifies
as justifying the use of nuclear weapons: targets able to withstand
non-nuclear attack.
Nuclear Frame-up and Imperial Arrogance
Once President Bush took office, he promptly
broke off contacts between the U.S. and North Korea. Nearly a
year and a half passed before the Bush Administration notified
North Korea that it would send Assistant Secretary of State James
Kelly to discuss a resumption of dialogue. Eagerly awaiting what
was expected to be a diplomatic discussion leading towards regular
dialogue, North Korean delegates were shocked during the October
3-5, 2002 meetings to find that Kelly had a different task in
mind. At no time during the meetings was Kelly willing to discuss
the resumption of relations. Instead, Kelly led off the first
meeting by ignoring the usual protocol of greetings, blunting
saying that he had not come to negotiate. Kelly then accused North
Korea of violating the terms of the Agreed Framework by conducting
a secret uranium enrichment program to develop nuclear weapons.
Furthermore, he added, there could be no dialogue between the
two nations until this program was disbanded. According to the
North Koreans, Kelly was "very rude" and presented his
demands in an "extremely threatening and arrogant manner."
North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Kye-Kwan was "stunned"
by Kelly's display of arrogance. During the first coffee break
Kim communicated Kelly's statements to top ranking officials.
When the meeting resumed, Kelly continued his attack, accusing
North Korea of "human rights violations." The North
Koreans felt that Kelly "behaved as though he was some sort
of investigator who came here to check if we were willing to accept
U.S. demands and move accordingly or not." The North Korean
delegates were particularly upset when Kelly delivered an ultimatum:
either they give up their non-existent nuclear weapons program
or the U.S. would end contact. Worse yet, Kelly warned that the
U.S. would force a halt to burgeoning North Korean relations with
Japan and South Korea. The North Korean delegation countered Kelly's
demands with the suggestion that they would discuss settling US
security concerns if the Bush Administration would renounce its
hostile policy towards the DPRK. The first day's meeting was followed
by an all-night session among top-ranking North Korean officials.
If the Bush Administration had calculated
that its one-size-fits-all diplomatic approach of pressure and
bullying would work with the DPRK, then it had seriously miscalculated.
Fiercely independent, North Korea bases its political philosophy
on what it calls 'juche sasang' the ideology of self-reliance.
Rather than bend to threats, the North Korean delegation responded
predictably with an assertion of pride. During the second day
of meetings, First Deputy Foreign Minister Kang Sok-Ju told Kelly
that the DPRK was entitled to have nuclear weapons to ensure its
security if the U.S. continued threatening it. This was not an
admission of a nuclear weapons program. Kang was sending the U.S.
a message that North Korea could not be pushed around and that
if the Bush Administration's nuclear threats continued, then the
DPRK would consider taking measures in self-defense. It was in
fact their right to do so, a right ensured by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty. Article X of the treaty stipulates that "Each party
shall in exercising its national sovereignty have the right to
withdraw from the Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events,
related to the subject matter of this Treaty, have jeopardized
the supreme interests of its country." Clearly, North Korea
faces just such a threat from the U.S. According to North Korean
state television, "We just explained out basic position that
we are entitled to possess nuclear weapons if the United States
violates their nuclear agreement and forces the country into a
nuclear war. However, the Bush Administration made use of this
to argue that we are developing nuclear weapons. Such a fabrication
will not be accepted." While emphasizing its right to pursue
development of nuclear weapons if pressed too hard, the North
Koreans preferred a diplomatic solution and repeatedly asked for
assurance that the US would cease its threats. The North Korean
delegation offered to negotiate a resolution of the nuclear issue
with the U.S. based on three conditions: 1) that the U.S. recognize
the sovereignty of the DPRK; 2) that the U.S. not impose punitive
economic measures; and 3) that the U.S. provide assurance that
it would not attack North Korea. The North Koreans were painfully
aware of the hostile intent of the Bush Administration as well
as its plans to invade Iraq. Their concerns were brushed aside
by the U.S. delegation, which used the nuclear accusation to push
its demand that Western inspectors be permitted to roam at will
throughout North Korea. (14) From the standpoint of the Bush Administration,
such inspections promised several potential benefits. The inspection
process might turn up something which the U.S. could usefully
misrepresent, providing a pretext for military action or threats.
As with UN inspectors in Iraq until 1998 and European monitors
in Kosovo before the NATO war, the process could double as an
intelligence-gathering mission, aiding the U.S. military in planning
future military operations. And finally, an intrusive inspection
program would provide a foot in the door for Western meddling
in the DPRK, leading to further demands and pressure on the North
Koreans to allow other forms of interference.
The Bush Administration surely knew that
the North Koreans would not grovel, and Kelly's performance therefore
was probably intended to sever relations and allow the U.S. to
withdraw from its commitments under the 1994 Agreed Framework.
Following the meetings Kelly returned to Seoul, where he announced
that he had communicated to North Korean officials "our serious
concerns and raised the implications of North Korean conduct,"
but that there were "no decisions on additional meetings
at this time nor did either side expect any." Nothing was
mentioned about a North Korean nuclear weapons program. (15) The
next day, the North Koreans went public with their own reaction
to the failed meetings, pointing out that "the U.S. Bush
Administration is continuing to pursue instead of dialogue
a hard-line hostile policy of trying to dominate us with
strength and high-handedness." (16) Twelve days passed after
the end of the meeting before the U.S. suddenly proclaimed that
the North Korean delegation had admitted to conducting a secret
nuclear weapons program. The Bush Administration had apparently
determined that it could best achieve its goal of isolating North
Korea by twisting Kang's words. A compliant press could be counted
on to parrot the accusation as if it was fact, and there was little
risk that a reporter would inquire about evidence. It was an expectation
that was not disappointed.
Outside the U.S., not everyone bought
the story. The South Korean Defense Ministry questioned the assertion
that North Korea had already built plutonium nuclear weapons and
pointed out that these bombs "if they exist, would
weigh between 2 and 3 tons because of lack of technology to make
them lighter." The weight of such weapons would exceed the
delivery capability of North Korea's missiles and bombers. (17)
Russian military analysts concluded that North Korea lacks the
"military and economic potential" to produce nuclear
weapons and that the "existing military potential of the
DPRK is quite definitely of defensive nature." (18) U.S.
Undersecretary John Bolton visited Russia and presented U.S. evidence
of the North Korean nuclear weapons program, hoping to persuade
the Russians to back American pressure on North Korea. Russian
Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov was distinctly unimpressed
with the quality of such evidence, stating that "the Russian
side has not yet received any convincing evidence of the existence
of such a program." (19) South Korean Unification Minister
Jeong Se-Hyun suspected that the U.S. was not being entirely honest.
"I am afraid that Kang Sok-Ju's remarks were quoted without
their full context." Lim Dong-Won, South Korean Presidential
Advisor for Security and Unification, commented that the timing
was suspicious. "The U.S. notified us of the secret program
in August, when Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi planned
to visit Pyongyang and the two Koreas embarked on reconnection
of railways and roads." (20) There was an added reason for
suspicion about the timing of the announcement, which was sure
to have an effect on the South Korean presidential election scheduled
to take place on December 19.
Opening Salvos in the Anti-DPRK Campaign
Once the press was filled with the contrived
story of a nuclear arms program, the propaganda groundwork was
laid for diplomatic efforts to isolate and pressure North Korea.
James Kelly met with Chinese and South Korean officials, revealing
afterwards that the U.S. was working to apply "maximum international
pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons ambition."
That the U.S. intended to abrogate the 1994 Agreed Framework was
indicated by Kelly's assertion that the U.S. would not consider
a diplomatic resolution such as the one in 1994. Bush was determined
to kill the agreement, and U.S. officials visiting Japan and South
Korea pushed for shutting down the project to build light water
reactors. While Kelly was meeting with Asian leaders, U.S. Undersecretary
of State John Bolton travelled to Russia, France and Great Britain
hoping to win support for the isolation of North Korea. While
Kelly and Bolton's efforts to persuade foreign officials to agree
to an economic embargo against North Korea failed to bear fruit,
they planned to persist. "This is going to take some time,"
admitted one American official, "because a lot of countries
have different equities with the North Koreans." In addition
to an end to the non-existent nuclear weapons program, U.S. officials
also called for "verification," by which they meant
intrusive inspections in North Korea. But that was not all. "This
time," one American official insisted, "we must also
address other problems missile transfer, the conventional
forces the North has, and the abominable way it treats its people."
All code words for what would in reality be an endless series
of demands and pressure intended to lead to toppling the government
of North Korea. "We control [North Korea's] hopes for the
future, and we can hold those hopes hostage," a high-ranking
State Department official threatened. (21)
In October 2002, President Bush upped
the ante by issuing a classified executive order granting U.S.
special forces authority to operate clandestinely in nations with
which the U.S. is not at war and to destroy "arms supply
lines" to terrorists and the three nations comprising the
so-called axis of evil. The targets of U.S. covert military operations
could include both arms and scientific equipment that the U.S.
judged might potentially serve a dual use for the manufacture
of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. As the U.S. has for
years denied permission for Iraq to import medical equipment based
on questionable claims of potential dual use, the executive order
could permit covert military operations against a wide variety
of firms engaging in normal trade with Iran, Iraq and North Korea.
The furor caused by the U.S. accusation
would not die down, and North Korea was caught in a bind. It could
not abandon a nuclear weapons program that it did not have. U.S.
demands were perfectly crafted to prevent a diplomatic solution,
enabling the U.S. to implement any hostile tactic it chose. The
Foreign Ministry of the DPRK issued a statement pointing out that
the Bush Administration had listed North Korea as a member of
an "axis of evil" and a potential nuclear target. "Its
reckless political, economic and military pressure is most seriously
threatening the DPRK's right to existence, creating a grave situation
on the Korean peninsula." For that reason, the statement
continued, North Korea had told Kelly that it was "entitled
to possess not only nuclear weapons but any type of weapons more
powerful than that so as to defend its sovereignty and right to
existence from the ever-growing nuclear threat by the U.S."
For the North Koreans, Kelly's belligerent behavior during the
October meetings offended their expectation that they be treated
with respect. According to the Foreign Ministry statement, the
North Korean delegation had insisted that it had the right to
develop nuclear weapons if it chose because it was "left
with no other proper answer to the U.S. behaving so arrogantly
and impertinently. The DPRK has neither need nor duty to explain
something to the U.S. seeking to attack it." The Foreign
Ministry concluded by calling for a "non-aggression treaty
between the DPRK and the U.S." With such a treaty, it said,
North Korea would clear American security concerns. (23)
It was clearly apparent that North Korea
had its own security concerns. In its case the concerns were based
on a real threat, not an imagined one. It was the U.S. that had
threatened North Korea with nuclear weapons, not the other way
around. It was the U.S. that was imposing an economic embargo
on North Korea, and it was the U.S. that had repeatedly demonstrated
it would bomb or invade whoever it chose, as it did with Libya,
Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. A disinterested
observer might conclude that not only was North Korea entitled
to develop nuclear weapons, but for the sake of its survival it
should do so. But that is not what the North Koreans had in mind.
The assertion of that right was an expression of resentment at
being treated as a naughty child being scolded by an angry parent.
North Korea resented being lectured in an arrogant manner about
a non-existent nuclear weapons program by a representative of
the nation that was threatening it with nuclear weapons. What
North Korea truly desired was the mere assurance that the U.S.
would not launch a war of aggression against it.
By early November, North Korea had softened
its stance, dropping the demand for a non-aggression treaty as
a pre-condition for negotiations. "Everything is negotiable,"
said the North Korean ambassador to the UN, Han Song-Ryol. "There
must be a continuing dialogue. If both sides sit together, the
matter can be resolved peacefully and quickly." Predictably,
Washington immediately rebuffed the offer, as White House Spokesman
Ari Fleischer responded, "North Korea knows what it needs
to do. It needs to dismantle its nuclear program and honor its
treaty obligations. It's not a question of talking. It's a question
of action." (24) As long as the Bush Administration could
maintain its rigid adherence to the demand that North Korean dismantle
a nuclear program it did not have, it could continue to avoid
Putting the Energy Squeeze on North Korea
The U.S. took a tough stance at the meeting
of the Trilateral Coordination and Oversight Group in Tokyo on
November 9-10, 2002, pressing for the ship carrying the November
allotment of heavy oil to North Korea to be turned around. South
Korea and Japan opposed this demand, arguing that the program
to ship heavy oil should continue "because its cancellation
will only aggravate the situation." Washington took an aggressive
stance, advocating not only a halt to oil shipments but also to
construction of the light water reactors. The U.S. also called
for a readjustment to the Agreed Framework. Unable to come to
agreement, the three nations decided to defer a decision until
they met again on November 14 at the executive board meeting of
the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO). KEDO
is the consortium responsible for construction of the light water
reactors in North Korea. (25)
The night before the KEDO meeting was
to open, President Bush met with his national security advisors
and made a unilateral decision that oil shipments to North Korea
would cease starting in December, thereby excluding the involvement
of South Korea and Japan from the decision. Allowing the November
shipment to proceed was his only concession to their concerns.
South Korea had argued that shipments should continue at least
through to the final shipment for the year, in January. Presented
with a fait accompli by Washington, South Korea and Japan felt
they had no other option than to fall in line. The executive board
meeting of KEDO issued a statement announcing the suspension of
oil deliveries. "Future shipments will depend on North Korea's
concrete and credible actions to dismantle completely its highly
enriched program," it said. "In this light other KEDO
activities with North Korea will be reviewed." An official
from South Korea's Unification Ministry admitted afterwards that
by acquiescing to the "U.S. hard-line position," KEDO's
position would hurt North-South relations. "We had hoped
for more moderate measures," he said. The decision by KEDO
drew a sharp response from North Korea. "We believe it is
time to make clear who is truly responsible for breaking the Geneva
Pact. KEDO by ending its oil supply has cheated against its earlier
pledge to provide substitute energy for production and heat. It
was the only provision among the four that was being implemented
accordingly." For the U.S., halting oil deliveries in December
would have the merit of inflicting hardship on the North Korean
people when the oil was needed most during the cold winter
months. American officials regarded the decision as only an opening
move in a campaign to squeeze North Korea. The U.S. also planned
to tighten sanctions against North Korea by pressuring other nations
to withhold trade credits from North Korea. "We are going
to contain and isolate them," a senior U.S. official announced
with relish. (26)
The delivery of heavy oil to North Korea
was indeed the sole provision of the Agreed Framework honored
by the U.S. The U.S. had for years intentionally delayed construction
of the two light water reactors which the Agreed Framework specified
would both have "a target date of 2003." Furthermore,
while the agreement called for "both sides to reduce barriers
to trade and investment," the U.S. chose instead to maintain
an economic embargo against North Korea. The U.S. was also obliged
by the Agreed Framework to "provide formal assurances to
the DPRK against the threat or use of nuclear weapons by the U.S."
(27) Not only did it fail to do so, but U.S. military policy specifically
called for the possible use of nuclear weapons against North Korea
in the event of conflict. By the time the U.S. had abandoned the
last provision of the Agreed Framework that it had not violated,
North Korea was still honoring the agreement in full.
In the editorial pages of Western newspapers,
U.S. obligations under the Agreed Framework have been portrayed
as an overgenerous gift, in which North Korea gave up nothing.
In fact, the case was nearly the opposite. Although funding of
the light water reactor project would come primarily from South
Korea and Japan, the agreement between KEDO and the DPRK required
North Korea to "repay KEDO for each LWR plant in equal, semiannual
installments, free of interest, over a 20-year term." While
the terms were generous, this was not a gift, and a North Korea
that was invariably strapped for foreign exchange due to sanctions
might be expected to have difficulty in paying for the reactors.
According to the agreement, if North Korea failed to "pay
the full amount of a financial obligation on or before the payment
date," then it would be assessed a penalty at a rate equal
to generally available commercial loan rates plus 2 to 3 percent.
Furthermore, 30 days after partial or non-payment, KEDO could
"declare all or part of" any financial obligations "to
be immediately due and payable." In the worst case scenario,
a single late or missed payment could result in the demand for
immediate payment of the total cost of the reactors. It should
perhaps also be noted that, like the Agreed Framework, the KEDO
agreement stipulates that "KEDO shall develop a delivery
schedule for the LWR project aimed at achieving a completion date
of 2003." Not surprisingly, no penalty is specified in the
agreement for late delivery of the reactors. (28) Labor for construction
of the reactors was to be provided primarily by North Korean workers,
but when the DPRK insisted that its workers be paid fair wages,
KEDO responded by bringing in 700 Uzbek workers willing to accept
low wages until, as the executive director of KEDO put it, "Pyongyang
realizes the error of its ways." (29)
For the DPRK, the Agreed Framework meant
several years of sacrifice and hardship, compelling it to freeze
construction of its graphite-moderated reactors that would have
supplied urgently needed electrical power. Since the agreement
had essentially forced North Korea to put economic recovery on
hold until completion of the light water reactors, the U.S. could
ensure that the North Korean economy would remain hobbled as long
as it delayed construction. Another unfortunate aspect of the
agreement for North Korea was that its graphite-moderated reactors
could rely on its sizable natural deposits of uranium, whereas
light water reactors would have to depend on the import of nuclear
fuel from hostile Western nations that could shut off the supply
at any time. (30)
The demise of the Soviet Union and the
loss of trading partners in Eastern Europe had a devastating impact
on North Korea, which saw its economy contract by 30 percent in
the five years following 1991. Lacking any reserves of oil or
natural gas, North Korea must rely entirely on imports to meet
its oil needs. While the Soviet Union had furnished North Korea
with oil at subsidized rates, post-Soviet Russia would supply
oil only at commercial market rates. By 1993, fuel imported from
Russia stood at only 10 percent of its level three years earlier,
and that amount continued to shrink. Because of sanctions, North
Korea's lack of access to credit and foreign exchange meant that
it could no longer import sufficient quantities of oil. By 1996,
total oil imports had plunged to only 40 percent of the 1990 level.
Maintenance of North Korea's rapidly aging electrical infrastructure
required spare parts that could no longer be obtained at subsidized
prices. Worse yet, sanctions meant that purchasing spare parts
was difficult at best and often impossible at any price. The energy
shortage had a rippling effect throughout the economy, causing
factories and manufacturing plants to shut down. By 2000, the
various sectors of industrial output stood at 11 to 30 percent
of their 1990 levels. In the six years following 1990, road freight
fell 70 percent and rail by 60 percent, placing further burdens
on the manufacturing sector. North Korea has substantial deposits
of coal and this resource provided over two thirds of its energy
in the early 1990s. Unfortunately, many mines were forced to shut
down because of floods later in the decade, as well as due to
a shortage of spare parts and electricity to power mining equipment
and lights. Out of 62 major power plants, 20 are thermal, primarily
based on coal, while the remaining 42 are hydroelectric plants.
Flood damage and droughts reduced the level of electrical power
generated at hydroelectric plants in 1996 to only 38 percent of
the 1990 level. By the end of the 1990s the total supply of commercial
energy in the DPRK had plunged by as much as two-thirds. (31)
Clearly, the addition of nuclear power to the energy mix was an
urgent task; one that North Korea was forced to abandon in 1994
under threat of war by the United States.
The annual supply of 500,000 tons of heavy
fuel oil by the United States accounted for only two percent of
North Korea's total energy and 8 percent of its fuel supply, according
to the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development.
South Koran sources place the percentage of energy supply higher,
at 15 percent. The heavy fuel oil was supplied in the form of
liquid coal, which North Korea used primarily to fire its thermal
power plants. The sulfur content in liquid coal, however, has
the unfortunate effect of corroding boiler tubes eventually making
them inoperable, so the net impact of the heavy fuel oil on production
is questionable. The shipments of heavy fuel oil acquired a disproportionate
importance during the winter months when rivers and reservoirs
feeding hydroelectric plants freeze over. The freeze generally
lasts until March, followed by a dry period before the hydroelectric
plants can resume operation. It is during that time that North
Korea is particularly dependent on its thermal plants. Cutting
off the supply of heavy fuel oil, points out Peter Hayes of the
Nautilus Institute, "as winter arrives basically means that
people who are sick, old, tired, will now be even colder, and
will, at the margin, be slightly more likely to die from being
sick or actually freezing to death in hospitals and homes."
(32) "The power shortage in North Korea is already severe,"
notes Kim Kyoung-Sool of the Korea Energy Economics Institute
in South Korea. "Factories are operating on a rotational
basis and even government officials have held talks by candlelight
in a top-class hotel. One or two months of delay might be okay,
but a complete suspension of the oil deliveries would be a fatal
blow." (33)
By halting deliveries of heavy fuel oil
precisely at the onset of winter, the U.S. had coldly calculated
to further its political objectives by inflicting harm on the
people of North Korea. Already U.S. sanctions had brought the
North Korean economy to its knees, forcing plants to close and
production to grind to a halt. Without the light water reactors
it had been promised by 2003 and constrained by sanctions, there
was no possibility for North Korea to produce the energy that
it needed. Black outs are a frequent occurrence in North Korea,
and the entire nation is blanketed in darkness at night. Throughout
the winter, buildings must manage with little or no heat. Nothing
so clearly illustrates the magnitude of the U.S.-imposed catastrophe
as NASA photographs taken of the Earth at night. Lights abound
in South Korea, China and Japan. In the midst of this panoply
of light sits an area of near total darkness. That is North Korea.
(34) Referring to those same NASA photographs, US Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld arrogantly concluded that the victim was
to blame. "It's a tragedy what's being done in that country,"
he said. It only requires a change of one word for Rumsfield's
sentence to accurately portray U.S. policy: It's a tragedy what's
being done to that country.
Disasters, Natural and Man Made
The energy shortfall also had a parlous
effect on the food supply in North Korea. The shortage of electricity
inevitably limited productivity at fertilizer factories. Before
1990 North Korea was able to meet most of its fertilizer needs
through its own production, accounting for 600,000 to 800,000
tons per year. As a result of the energy crisis, since 1995 North
Korean fertilizer production totals less than 100,000 tons per
year. The lack of foreign exchange has meant that little additional
fertilizer could be imported. Several plants have closed down
entirely or operate at reduced levels due to lack of energy and
spare parts. The precipitous drop in coal production was another
contributing factor to the decline, as fertilizer plants depend
on coal both for energy and for chemical feedstock. Furthermore,
the transportation of the 1.5. to 2.0 tons of coal required to
match old production levels is simply an impossibility given the
lack of fuel. Due to the shortfall in fertilizer production, agricultural
operations operate at only 20 to 30 percent of their previous
levels of land fertilization - the most significant factor in
diminishing crop yields.
Prior to 1990, North Korean agriculture
was heavily mechanized, but the energy crisis has wrought a painful
transformation. The nation's agricultural equipment is primarily
powered by diesel fuel, which is in particularly short supply,
resulting in a 70 to 80 percent reduction in the use of tractors
and other machinery. A UN mission visiting North Korea in 1998
found that a "significant proportion of the motorized agricultural
equipment is out of service due either to having reached the end
of its service life, or due to lack of vital spare parts."
Furthermore, "even if the entire machinery park could rapidly
be brought back into service, the equipment could still not be
operated unless it also became possible to restore adequate fuel
supplies." Inevitably, agriculture in North Korea has become
more labor and animal intensive, further reducing yields. The
UN mission reported that "the entire rice crop is being managed
this year employing only hand labor or animals, apart from an
initial primary tillage operation," and "the entire
maize crop is being produced employing only hand labor or draught
animals." Irrigation depends on electricity to power water
pumps. Rice in particular is affected, as it requires extensive
irrigation. More than half of irrigation pumping occurs during
the month of May, requiring levels of electrical power that simply
cannot be provided under current circumstances. Startlingly, the
demand for irrigation pumping exceeds one third of the total power
capacity in North Korea, and this percentage may be much higher
in some pockets. According to the 1998 UN mission, "The unreliable
water supply is mainly due to unreliable pumping, which is mainly
caused by an unreliable electricity supply." An examination
of the records at three major pumping stations "indicated
that they had suffered an average of nearly 600 power failures
per year, over 2300 hours per year with no power," and that
the "frequent power failures result in considerable waste
of water." In all, the mission concluded, "the shortfall
in water available to the crops is estimated to be about a quarter
of the total requirement." The lack of electricity affected
other aspects of agricultural production as well, including food
processing. Rural transportation is increasingly based on foot
and animal cart traffic, shortening the amount of time available
to farmers for agricultural production. (35)
Compounding its sorrows, North Korea was
buffeted by a series of ruinous natural disasters over the course
of several years. Huge swathes of farmland were ruined as floods
in 1995 and 1996 swept away topsoil from elevated areas and deposited
silt and sand on farmland at lower levels. In the first year of
floods, over 400,000 hectares [1 hectare = 2.471 acres] of farmland
were destroyed just as crops were due to be harvested, leaving
over five million people homeless according to North Korean sources.
In all, floods caused $15 billion damage in the first year alone,
as more than half of North Korea's harvest was swept away. It
was the worst flood to hit Korea in a century. Flooding also destroyed
many irrigation dams and canals, resulting in a reduction in crop
yields the following year. By the end of 1996, over 90,000 hectares
of rice paddy land lay buried under sand and debris deposited
by floodwaters, and the lack of fuel meant that recovery of the
land would be a daunting endeavor. Flooding also inflicted damage
to the energy supply as many coal mines, including many of those
along the coast producing the best quality coal, were filled with
water. Electric transmission lines were damaged by the floods,
as were turbines in hydroelectric plants. In 1996, floods hit
North Korea for the second year in a row, wiping out 20 percent
of the harvest. Before it could recover from these devastating
blows, North Korea endured a severe drought in 1997 that destroyed
70 percent of the maize crop. That same year a tidal wave overwhelmed
a dike along North Korea's western coast, deluging hundreds of
thousands of hectares of rice fields and destroying over 700,000
tons of rice. Calamities continued to pound North Korea, as drought
struck in 2000. Drought was followed in August and September of
the same year by another disaster, when typhoons and heavy storms
swept across North Korea, causing landslides and wiping out 29,000
homes. According to the Red Cross, the storms wrought the worst
damage in 30 years, slashing roads and railways and demolishing
1,930 bridges. But there was more to come. In 2001, this beleaguered
nation experienced the longest drought in recorded Korean history,
as 10 percent of its crops withered and yields in remaining areas
fell by well over half. As the drought wore on, the roots of rice
plants rotted and reservoirs dried up, resulting in hydroelectric
plants shutting down. A correspondent for the Kyodo News Agency
claimed that the drought had caused the worst water shortage in
one thousand years. Cha Du-Hyok, chief manager of the Takan cooperative
farm reported, "There was a continued drought during the
rice planting season and the seedlings withered. We had to plant
rice three times. Yet we did not finish one-third of the paddies
planned for rice planting. The rice output is on the decline.
There were seven to eight tons of rice per hectare of paddies
ten years ago. Production was down to one to two tons in recent
years with the output totalling 500 kilograms in the worst time.
We need pumps to get water, but the pumps need electricity and
we don't have electric power." Yet another tidal wave accompanied
by storms struck in October 2001, inundating thousands of hectares
of rice fields and wiping out much of the stored food in the province
of Kangwon. Eighty-one people were reported killed by the storms
and 27 were missing. It was an astonishing progression of destruction
for a nation that was already hurting from U.S. sanctions. Inevitably,
the combination of incredible natural disasters and an economic
embargo resulted in starvation and malnutrition for millions of
people. (36)
No nation could emerge from such catastrophes
unscathed, and North Korea was no exception. The overall food
deficit exceeded one million tons in every year since 1995. Although
North Korea is beginning to recover from the natural disasters,
the situation is still difficult, particularly for the urban population
which must devote 75 to 85 percent of its earnings for the purchase
of food. It is estimated that this year North Korea will experience
its best level of food production since 1995-96, but this will
still leave cereal production short of the minimum needs of the
country. Normal rainfall has raised water volume in the nation's
irrigation reservoirs to 59 percent of normal capacity, still
well below required levels. The terrain of North Korea is primarily
mountainous, and only 20 percent of its total land area is suitable
for agriculture. Furthermore, many areas of the country lack enough
frost-free days to permit double cropping. Consequently, it is
essential that North Korean farmers have greater access to fertilizer,
pesticides, spare parts and fuel in order to boost productivity
levels, all impossible as long as the U.S. continues to impose
sanctions. Although the government was able to substantially increase
the level of food rations in 2002, this still provides less than
half of the minimum daily energy requirements. Closing this deficit
is particularly difficult for workers in the industrial north
and northeast, where there is less produce available at local
markets and the land is less hospitable for growing food on plots
of urban land, as is done elsewhere. (37)
According to the UN Food and Agriculture
Organization, 13.2 million people in North Korea are now malnourished.
The World Food Program (WFP) has worked to alleviate the suffering
of the North Korean people, providing a total of 2 million metric
tons of food aid since 1995 valued at $500 million. Food aid is
targeted at children, the elderly and pregnant and nursing mothers.
The WFP is also involved in the renovation and operation of 18
local food factories. (38) Dwindling donations compelled the WFP
to announce in September 2002 that it would be halting distribution
of food to three million people and that without additional pledges
an additional 1.5 million people would soon be dropped from the
program. "Such across-the-board cutbacks would cause acute
suffering on a massive scale," warned Rick Corsino, WFP Country
Director for the DPRK. "As we head into the harsh North Korean
winter, those affected will find it very difficult to cope. The
tragedy is that the people most at risk stand to bear the entire
burden. They are already on the edge." Japan, which accounted
for more than half of the funding for the WFP's operations in
the DPRK in 2001, chose not to contribute anything in 2002. Another
factor contributing to the evaporation of funding was publicity
which drew donations to Afghanistan at the expense of other areas.
"From our point of view, things have not been this grim for
quite a while," said WFP spokesman Gerald Bourke. "The
needs are huge. And the danger of a major food crisis, if we don't
get what we asked for, is considerable." On December 3, 2002,
the World Food Program issued an appeal for $201 million to fund
its program in the DPRK for 2003, warning that without additional
funding it might be compelled to close down entirely its operation
in North Korea. (39)
Sensing opportunity, the Bush Administration
responded almost immediately to the appeal by the WFP. On December
6, Washington announced that it would cease donating to the program
unless the DPRK allows monitors for the 13 percent of recipients
who live in areas where Western monitors are not currently permitted.
Additional conditions specified that any donations would be contingent
on availability of U.S. food stocks and consideration of competing
food needs in other countries. In effect, the announcement was
a message that the U.S. would no longer provide support to the
WFP's operations in the DPRK. Only Italy and the European Union
responded to WFP's appeal. "We only have firm commitments
for 35,000 tons," said WFP spokesman Gerald Bourke. "This
will be finished in early February and then we might have to close
shop." Agricultural consultant Tom McCarthy, who often visits
North Korea, comments, "Nobody has ever denied that most
of the food aid has gone to vulnerable populations. The U.S. appears
ready to politicize food aid." Japan also remained firm in
its rejection of aid. "Japan is not considering anything
whatsoever," stated Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary
Shinzo Abe. (40)
"Let me talk about North Korea,"
said President Bush during a rather revealing discussion with
journalist Bob Woodward in August 2002. "I loathe [North
Korean President] Kim Jong-Il. I've got a visceral reaction to
this guy because he is starving his people. They tell me, we don't
need to move too fast [against North Korea] because the financial
burdens on people will be so immense if we try to if this
guy were to topple. Who would take care of I just don't
buy that." (41)
A Crucial Election
As the South Korean presidential election
drew nearer, the Bush Administration's favored candidate, Lee
Hoi-Chang, trailed slightly in the polls. In a last ditch effort
to sway the election in his favor, Washington pulled off a display
of pure theater. For several weeks the U.S. had been following
the progress of the North Korean ship Sosan, bound for the Middle
East. With the election just days away, U.S. military officers
asked the Spanish navy to intercept the vessel. On December 9,
a Spanish ship closed on the Sosan and fired across her bow. When
the Sosan refused to yield, the Spanish ship pulled aside, its
crew firing shots at the Sosan and forcing it to stop. Spanish
sharpshooters then fired at the Sosan's cables, severing them,
to clear the way for boarding from the air. Helicopters soon arrived
and as they hovered over the Sosan, commandos rappelled down to
the deck, while others boarded from a speedboat. "After occupying
an engine room and the steering house," Kang Chol-Ryong,
captain of the Sosan, later reported, "they fired thousands
of large and small-caliber bullets, thus seriously threatening
the lives of crewmen and putting the ship under their complete
control. They even kicked sailors and beat them with rifle butts."
The commandos "bound and tied 18 of our sailors," Kang
recalled, and the captives were then taken to a Spanish warship
and later transferred to an American vessel. In all, Kang said,
"Five wire ropes, other materials and shackles were destroyed.
Other rooms were very seriously damaged." The commandos searched
the cabins and robbed the North Korean sailors of valuables. A
fleet of U.S. warships soon swarmed around the Sosan after 15
scud missiles were found aboard. "I never tried to hide the
missiles," Kang said, "They were regularly stored under
cover plates. It is not good to place them in the open."
The missiles were destined for Yemen, which complained about the
seizure, saying that they had been legally purchased. Not wishing
to antagonize Yemen, an ally it was counting on, Washington allowed
the Sosan to continue on its way. "We have no choice but
to obey international law," admitted White House spokesman
Ari Fleischer. Had Yemen not been an ally, the U.S. would not
even have nodded at international law, which forbids the seizure
of ships. (42)
For North Korea, the export of missiles
was virtually its sole avenue for raising foreign exchange. The
Bush Administration adopted a pose of outrage in regard to North
Korean missile exports, an ironic position given that the U.S.
accounts for 45 percent of the global arms trade. "It just
seems as if they want to protect their territory from up-comers
like North Korea," pointed out Bruce Campbell of the Ottawa-based
Center for Policy Alternatives. "It's a double standard.
It's about proprietary rights rather than outrage about what's
actually being sold." For Richard Sanders, coordinator of
the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade, the U.S. position was
"mind-boggling. The U.S. sells the world's largest volume
of weapons to more countries than anybody else, they have 1.5
million troops stationed around the world, they spend more than
$500 billion a year on the military budget," and "they
just fought a war against Afghanistan and they are ready to bomb
Iraq. I guess it's not the kind of irony you laugh at." Interestingly
enough, if the U.S. truly was concerned about North Korean weapons
exports, it could have responded to the North Korean agreement
late in 2000 to freeze its medium and long range missile program
and to cease exporting missiles and cancel existing contracts.
But lame-duck President Clinton was wary of travelling to Pyongyang
to close the deal for fear of criticism from conservative quarters,
passing that responsibility to incoming President Bush, who had
no intention of discussing any issue with North Korea. (43)
According to a Blue House (South Korean
presidential) spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity, "We
are in no position to comment on this event, but in view of the
fact that North Korea has been exporting missiles for some time,
it is not clear why the U.S. has taken a strong-arm issue at this
point in time." The spokesman also refuted U.S. claims that
it had notified South Korean president Kim Dae Jung in advance
of the seizure. (44) Coming just days before the presidential
election in South Korea, it was an opportune time for a seizure.
Countervailing the effect of the U.S. effort to swing the vote
in favor of the conservative Lee Hoi-Chang was the widespread
shock engendered by the acquittal by a U.S. military court in
November of two American soldiers stationed in South Korea. Five
months earlier, two 14 year old girls walking at the side of a
road on their way to a birthday party were crushed to death by
the soldiers' 50-ton mine-sweeper as it sped through a Seoul suburban
neighborhood. The acquittals served as a lightening rod for Korean
anger at years of abuses by U.S. servicemen, and mass protests
erupted throughout South Korea demanding a revision to the agreement
governing the 37,000 U.S. troops stationed there.
South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung had
staked his reputation on improving relations between the two Koreas,
in what he called the "Sunshine policy." Lee Hoi-Chang
belonged to the Grand National Party, which views the Sunshine
policy with considerable skepticism, and he vowed to take a hard
line against North Korea if elected. President Bush was saving
his harshest actions for the post-election period, banking on
a victory by Lee who would offer more enthusiastic support for
punitive measures against North Korea. His opponent, Roh Moo-Hyun
belonged to the ruling Millennium Democratic Party, and was committed
to continuing the Sunshine policy. As one U.S. analyst pointed
out well before the election, "Washington may as well wait
out the next four months and cut a fresh deal with the incoming
government in Seoul." A South Korean analyst commented on
a pre-election visit by a delegation of the Grand National Party
(GNP) to Washington. "I am quite sure that the GNP delegation's
message to the Bush administration officials would have been 'Don't
rock the boat'," and that any significant actions would hurt
Lee in the presidential race." Lee not only favored a tough
stance on North Korea, but he further endeared himself to the
Bush Administration by advocating a major push for privatization.
In contrast, the U.S. was uneasy with Roh's background as a labor
lawyer during the 1980s who defended student and labor activists
arrested by the U.S.-backed military government. As the election
approached, Roh warned, "If those powers which desire a Cold
War gain power in this presidential election, the state of affairs
on the Korean peninsula will return to the former condition of
powerful nations controlling the peninsula." (45) The day
before the election, Roh vowed that "if the U.S. and North
Korea start a war, we will stop it." To the consternation
of Washington, when the votes were tallied from the December 19
election, the progressive Roh emerged as winner, promising to
work with both the U.S. and North Korea. "We must have dialogue
with the North and with the U.S.," he announced. "In
this way we must make sure that the North-U.S. dispute does not
escalate into a war. Now the Republic of Korea must take a central
role. We cannot have a war." "This is a pro-Korea vote,"
observed Donald Gregg, chairman of the Korea Society in New York.
"Koreans are riding a crest of self-confidence, and they
have decided that the most important thing for them is the other
half of their country." It may have been the most important
election in Korean history, an assertion of the right of Koreans
to determine their own future and to have a say in the resolution
of the U.S.-North dispute. It is even possible that the outcome
may spell the difference between peace and war on the Korean peninsula,
as the Bush Administration was well aware. "There is a real
sense of mourning here," revealed one American military official
commenting on the election result. (46)
Escalating Conflict
Far from seeking to assuage North Korean
fears, on December 10, 2002 the Bush Administration released a
new strategy document calling for preemptive military and covert
action against nations possessing nuclear, biological and chemical
weapons. In a secret annex to the report, North Korea was listed
among the nations the strategy was aimed at. High priority was
given to stopping shipments of weapons components either into
or out of the borders of target nations, and the document reemphasized
the U.S. commitment to regard the use of nuclear weapons as a
viable option in any conflict. "The United States will continue
to make clear that it reserves the right to respond with overwhelming
force including through resort to all of our options
to the use of WMD [weapons of mass destruction] against the United
States, our forces abroad, and friends and allies." According
to an unnamed U.S. official, the classified portion of the document
was built on the premise that "traditional nonproliferation
has failed, and now we're going into active interdiction. Active
interdiction is physical it's disruption, it's destruction
in any form, whether kinetic or cyber." Another official
illustrated the new plan by giving an example of a ship relying
on the Philippines as a transshipment point for special weapons
intended for Libya, one of the nations the document places in
the same category as North Korea. "We're going to interdict
or destroy or disrupt that shipment or, during the transloading
process, it is going to mysteriously disappear." (47)
To the North Koreans, the latest strategic
document was yet another slap in the face, and they were no longer
inclined to play a passive role. The United States had violated
every single provision of the Agreed Framework and was clearly
aiming to freeze and starve the DPRK into submission. While work
on the light water reactors officially continued, it was obvious
to all that the West had no intention of allowing the project
to reach completion. Already on October 24, 2002 the European
Union Parliament voted to cancel its contribution of $20 million
to the project for 2003, and the U.S. was lobbying other members
of KEDO to shut down construction of the reactors. "It is
extremely unlikely that both light water reactors will be produced,"
noted Robert Einhorn of the Center for Strategic and International
Studies. "Nobody will announce the actual pulling of the
plug because that would only encourage a North Korean provocation
in response." (48)
Two days after the Bush Administration
unveiled its latest strategic document, North Korea announced
its intention to resume construction and operation of its graphite-moderated
reactors. A statement issued by the DPRK Foreign Ministry stated,
"The supply of heavy oil to the DPRK was neither aid nor
cooperation but the U.S. obligation to make up for the loss of
electricity in return for the freeze of nuclear power plants under
operation and construction. The U.S. actual abandonment of its
obligation has caused the DPRK's production of electricity to
suffer a loss right now. Whether the DPRK refreezes its nuclear
facilities or not entirely depends on the attitude of the U.S."
(49) The announcement came as music to the ears of the Bush Administration,
knowing that they had successfully forced the North Korean hand.
"The South Korean government doesn't like to say so in public,
but they blame the Americans for what is happening," revealed
Moon Chung-In, a specialist on North Korea at Yonsei University.
"The Bush Administration has created a situation where the
North Koreans are pushed into a corner. And their bad behavior
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that allows the Bush Administration
to say, 'I told you so'." Suh Dae-Sook, a North Korea expert
at the University of Hawaii, felt that the North Korean announcement
was an attempt to bring Washington into negotiations. "I
guess they are ready to negotiate," he said. "This is
the only weapon they have or alternative they have." (50)
It was the moment President Bush was waiting
for. Within days he ordered the U.S. military to deploy the first
10 missiles of a missile defense system at Fort Greeley, Alaska
by 2004 and an additional 10 missiles at Vandenberg Air Force
Base in California by 2005. Included in the deployment will be
six radars bringing the initial cost to $30 billion. Plans call
for the anti-missile defense shield to eventually encompass 250
missiles, 15 radars and as many as 30 satellites. The move followed
Washington's abrogation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty early
in 2002, and the Bush Administration sensed that this was the
right moment to launch the program, expecting that the media uproar
over North Korea would silence criticism. (51) Critics of the
anti-missile shield who argue that tests have not shown the concept
to work miss the point. The anti-missile program will work very
effectively at funnelling hundreds of billions of dollars to defense
contractors. A second advantage of the anti-missile program is
its propaganda value, helping to alleviate concerns by presenting
the appearance of invulnerability. That image could assist U.S.
officials in the future to win public support if they ever choose
to wage war against a well-armed nation such as China.
For North Korea, the situation was simply
untenable. North Korean officials correctly gauged that KEDO had
no intention of completing work on the light water reactors, and
they resented the expectation that they were obligated to continue
adhering to the terms of the Agreed Framework while the other
party failed to honor even one provision. While doing so, it would
be the North Korean people who would continue to freeze and starve.
In Pyongyang, a spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification
of the Fatherland issued a statement saying that the resumption
of work at the graphite-moderated reactors was intended "to
make up for the loss of electricity caused by the U.S. unilateral
halt to the supply of heavy oil." Furthermore, he added,
under the Agreed Framework, "we only suffered a big loss
of electricity and the resultant damage done to the economy. If
our nuclear facilities should be faulted, then all the nuclear
power plants in other regions and countries should be called into
question. It is preposterous to assert that our nuclear power
bases pose a threat while nuclear power plants in other regions
and countries raise no problems." (52) The situation was
desperate even before the cutoff of heavy oil, and since the light
water reactor project was destined to be shut down, it was an
urgent task for North Korea to develop its own nuclear power plants.
"Obviously they have a huge energy crisis," pointed
out one aid worker who frequently works in North Korea. "You
drive through the countryside there after dark, through huge cities
beyond Pyongyang, and you don't see a bulb." (53) The North
Korean response was predictable, given their proclivity to respond
in kind: negotiating when approached diplomatically and presenting
a tough stand when threatened or bullied. Yet the move may have
been a blunder. Clearly the U.S. has no interest in dialogue or
diplomacy, but an opening for a negotiated solution may have presented
itself after newly elected President Roh Moo-Hyun takes office
on February 23, 2003. The North Korean withdrawal from the Agreed
Framework severely constrains Roh's options and will place him
in a tight position when dealing with the U.S.
Once it had withdrawn from the Agreed
Framework, North Korea proceeded to remove seals and IAEA monitoring
equipment from its plants at Yongbyon, taping over the lenses
of monitoring cameras, and requesting that IAEA monitoring personnel
depart by the end of December. The amount of misinformation regarding
North Korea's resumption of nuclear power development is monumental.
The 5-megawatt research reactor at Yongbyon can generate 20-25
megawatts of thermal power. It is repeatedly pointed out that
this reactor is incapable of providing a meaningful source of
power for energy-starved North Korea. What this oft-repeated claim
ignores is what the North Koreans say they intend. According to
Ri Je-Son, Director General of the [North Korean] General Department
of Atomic Energy Agency, North Korea "will resume once suspended
construction of the atomic energy power plants and will embark
on preparation to operate the radiochemical laboratory as a preparatory
step to secure safe storage of large quantities of spent-fuel
rods that would come out once these power plants are in operation.
It is for this sake that we will soon be prepared for the operation
of the radiochemical laboratory." (54) At Yongbyon, North
Korea is primarily interested in resuming operation of the radiochemical
laboratory and storage facility for fuel rods, in preparation
for completion of construction projects at unfinished nuclear
plants. In addition to the 5-MW reactor, there is also a 50-MW
reactor at Yongbyon, which will require at least one year for
construction to be completed. In addition, North Korea plans to
resume construction of its 200-MW reactor at Taechon, capable
of generating 800-MW of thermal power. That project is estimated
to take two years to finish. There is no immediate relief for
North Korea's energy deficit, but it is hoped that completion
of the two reactors will help boost the energy supply in the relatively
near future.
Another dubious claim is that North Korea
stands poised to develop nuclear weapons. Several South Korean
officials point out that the removal of seals from the Yongbyon
facilities does not necessarily indicate that North Korea will
reprocess stored fuel and that it is uncertain whether the rods
are even capable of being reprocessed into weapons-grade material.
South Korean nuclear experts also say that even if North Korea
resumes operations at its 5-MW reactor in Yongbyon, it would be
over a year before waste fuel rods could be extracted. The reactor
would have to run at full power 75 percent of the time for four
years in order to produce enough plutonium for a single nuclear
weapon. (55) Russian nuclear safety analyst Sergei Kazenov reports
that "converting peaceful atom to military use is a special
problem" and that "North Korea lacks the necessary components,
including the detonating systems and some others." Aleksandr
Rumyantsev, Russia's Minister of Atomic Energy, concurs. "The
industrial creation of military nuclear materials is a complicated
process and North Korea so far cannot afford it." Furthermore,
he added, North Korea is "industrially underdeveloped."
(56) The world public is being fed a lie, aimed at keeping North
Korea's economy hobbled by sanctions and denying it the right
to develop energy sources, in the hope that that its system will
The U.S. has encouraged the IAEA to act
as its proxy and present the issue before the UN Security Council
so as to avoid the impression of acting directly and thereby risking
antagonizing nations already aggravated over U.S. policy towards
Iraq. The U.S. hopes to gain approval by the Security Council
for the imposition of UN sanctions against North Korea. U.S. officials
plan to approach countries neighboring North Korea and urge them
to sever or reduce economic relations. In a policy they call "tailored
containment," U.S. officials hope to pressure other nations
into joining an economic blockade. "It is a lot about putting
political stress and economic stress," said one official.
(57) Matters may come to a head in March 2003, the deadline by
which the IAEA demanded that North Korea submit a declaration
on its non-existent nuclear weapons program. The director of the
IAEA, Mohammed ElBaradei, said that his agency would take the
matter before the UN Security Council if North Korea fails to
comply. The failure of North Korea to declare nuclear weapons
it does not possess could then be the trigger for sanctions or
possibly even more severe measures by the U.S. However, the Bush
Administration would prefer not to wait that long, and is urging
the UN Security Council to take up the matter in January. UN sources
indicate that the IAEA may also bring the issue before the Security
Council as early as January. U.S. threats and the move to impose
sanctions and pressure countries to restrict economic ties was
viewed with alarm in Seoul. "We cannot bring ourselves to
war with North Koreans nor can we allow another Cold War confrontation
or other extreme measures," announced South Korean President
Kim Dae-Jung. "All things should be solved through peaceful
dialogue." The North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs again
urged the U.S. to engage in dialogue. "It is quite self-evident
that dialogue is impossible without sitting face to face and a
peaceful settlement of the issue would be unthinkable without
dialogue." (58)
As with Iraq, conflicting messages emerged
from the White House in regard to military action, but it should
be remembered that in the end it is the military option that generally
prevails. One Asian expert recently said that not one of the senior
U.S. officials he met with would rule out military action against
North Korea. (59) Richard Perle, chairman of the Pentagon Defense
Policy Board advisory panel claims that "the danger to be
brought upon us by North Korea's nuclear development is so great
that it will result in a quarantine of unprecedented comprehensiveness,"
and that the military option "should not be eliminated in
dealing with North Korea." (60) The most open indication
that military force was contemplated occurred on December 23,
2002, when Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared in answer
to a question about North Korea, "We are capable of fighting
two major regional conflicts. We're capable of winning decisively
in one and swiftly in the case of the other. And let there be
no doubt about it." (61) President Bush himself hinted that
the U.S. might consider "nondiplomatic" actions against
North Korea (62).
Russia reacted with dismay at Washington's
reckless posturing. Deputy Foreign Minister Georgi Mamedov said,
"The expression 'axis of evil' is very unfortunate, even
inflammatory Imagine what it's like for a small state to be told
that it's virtually part of the biblical forces of evil, which
are to be fought to the point of total destruction. The countries
included in the 'axis of evil' are unlikely to remain passive."
Mamedov rejected the U.S. approach. "Using North Korea's
difficult economic situation to blackmail it is counterproductive
and dangerous." (63) Another Russian Deputy Foreign Minister,
Alexander Losyukov agreed, stating, "You cannot achieve anything
through accusations, pressure or tight demands, not to mention
threats. That will only make it worse." (64)
The U.S. is never going to honor the Agreed
Framework, regardless of what approach North Korea takes. The
best option for North Korea is to avoid inflaming the situation
and hope that negotiations with South Korea will result in alternative
arrangements to alleviate its energy shortage. Without obstruction
from the U.S., perhaps completion of the light water reactors
under South Korean aegis, with support from Russia and China might
even be possible. As long as the U.S. opposes a solution, only
Koreans can reach an accord. Substantial progress between the
two Koreas has already taken place, as they have successfully
worked together to re-link roads and railways, despite U.S. interference
in the demining process. Plans are afoot to create an industrial
complex for South Korean firms in the North Korean province of
Kaesong, 45 miles north of Seoul. President-elect Roh Moo-Hyun
urged North Korea "not to take further steps which would
aggravate the situation" and limit the role the new government
might play. Meanwhile, Roh's incoming administration has established
contacts with North Korea "to find out what it really wants."
(65) As Washington maintains an aggressive and threatening stance
towards North Korea, South Korea is looking for a diplomatic opening.
In order to forestall the threat of peace posed by South Korean
initiatives, the U.S. is planning to internationalize the dispute
by obtaining authorization from the UN Security Council for more
aggressive measures. No matter how the dispute is resolved, it
is the Korean people who will be affected, and it is the Korean
people who should be at the center of finding a resolution. Jeon
Hyun-Joon of the Korean Institute of National Unification expressed
the sentiments of many in South Korea when he said, "Both
North Korea and the United States are playing a hard game of tug-of-war
practically calling for an appropriate third party to mediate
the struggle. Who can better play that part than South Korea?"
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