excerpted from the book
Final Judgment
The missing link in the JFK assassination
by Michael Collins Piper
Wolfe Press, 1995, paperback

The State of Israel had integral links
with all of the major power groups that wanted John F. Kennedy
removed from the American presidency.
Israel's global network had the power
to orchestrate not only the assassination of Kennedy, but also
the subsequent cover-up. Israel was indeed a key player in the
JFK assassination conspiracy and, the evidence suggests, the primary
instigator of the crime.
All of Israel's co-conspirators-and those
who had an interest in seeing Kennedy dead-had good reason to
assist in the cover-up. They were protecting their own interests.
Ultimately, Kennedy planned to merge all
of the American intelligence agencies - the FBI included - into
a single entity under his brother Robert's direction. This plan,
of course, was not greeted enthusiastically by FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover whom Kennedy also planned to dethrone following the
1964 election.
Hoover, as we have seen, had his own secret
arrangements with Lansky, individually, and with organized crime
in general. Hoover also had a foundation established in his name
with funding from Lansky-linked liquor industries and the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, which functions as a de facto U.S.
propaganda and intelligence arm of Israel's Mossad.
If Hoover himself did not actively conspire
against the life of John F. Kennedy, he certainly looked the other
way if he knew that a conspiracy to assassinate JFK had been hatched.
Kennedy's intended change in Vietnam policy-his
plan to unilaterally withdraw from the imbroglio--infuriated not
only the CIA but elements in the Pentagon and their allies in
the military-industrial complex.
By this time, of course, the Lansky syndicate
had already set up international heroin-running from Southeast
Asia through the CIA-linked Corsican Mafia in the Mediterranean.
The joint Lansky-CIA operations in the
international drug racket were a lucrative venture that thrived
as a consequence of deep U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia as
cover for the drug smuggling activities.
John F. Kennedy's bitter behind-the-scenes
conflict with Israel brought him into combat with an ally of not
only the CIA but also the Lansky syndicate, both of which entities
also maintained intimate connections to the anti-Castro Cubans.
Vice President Lyndon Johnson's Lansky-Mafia
and defense industry ties, coupled with his close relationship
to the Israeli lobby, and his longstanding friendly dealings with
both the CIA and Hoover's FBI made Johnson an acceptable alternative
(among these diverse special interests) to a Kennedy dynasty.
Kennedy himself had long been suspect
in the eyes of Israel and its allies in this country.
By April 1963, Kennedy's relationship
with Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and the state of
Israel was at a dangerous impasse, particularly over Israel's
determination to develop a nuclear bomb.
At Kennedy's last official press conference,
he bemoaned the Israeli lobby's deliberate sabotage of his own
efforts to build bridges to the Arab world. Little did JFK know
that the seeds of his own destruction had been sown as a consequence
of his efforts to bring peace to the Middle East
Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion had developed
an intense personal distrust-even hatred and contempt-for Kennedy.
He believed that Kennedy's presidency was a danger to the very
survival of the state of Israel-the nation that Ben-Gurion had
helped create.
Ben-Gurion, by this time, was consumed
with paranoia. He believed that Israel might be destroyed. It
was because of his contempt for Kennedy and the American president's
stance toward Israel that Ben-Gurion left his post as prime minister.
It is likely that his last act as prime minister was to order
Mossad orchestration of a hit on John F. Kennedy.
The assassination of Senator Robert F.
Kennedy-with an Arab as the '"false flag" - the fall
guy - was a part of the continuing cover-up of the murder of President
Kennedy. In the RFK assassination, as we have seen, [the Iranian
SAVAK-a joint creature of the CIA and the Israeli Mossad - was
responsible for coordinating the hit on the senator.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy had
a major political impact, far more profound than the simple elevation
of Lyndon Johnson to the presidency. There were several direct
consequences of JFK's death-both in the U.S. and abroad:
o Preservation of the CIA's autonomy;
o Protection of J. Edgar Hoover's FBI
o A change in Vietnam policy, resulting
(a) a profitable war for Lyndon Johnson's
allies in the military-industrial complex; and
(b) a continuing cover for ever-expanding
joint CIA-Lansky drug-smuggling operations out of Southeast Asia.
o An end to the burgeoning crackdown on
the Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate; and
o A drastic reversal in U.S. policy toward
It is, beyond question, the final result
that is the most striking of all, and not subject to debate.
While there are those who contend that
John F. Kennedy would, in fact, have continued American involvement
in Vietnam, one cannot dispute the clear and now widely-documented
fact that JFK was engaged in a fierce battle with Israel on several
fronts and that upon Kennedy's demise, U.S. Middle East policy
took an immediate 180-degree turnabout.
Let us name, for the record, those whom we believe had advance
knowledge that John F. Kennedy was going to be killed on November
22, 1963. They are:
o Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion;
o Israeli Mossad assassinations chief
Yitzhak Shamir
o Permindex chief executive officer Louis
M. Bloomfield;
o Mossad officer and Permindex banker
Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum;
o CIA Counterintelligence chief James
J. Angleton;
o French intelligence officer Georges
o Crime Syndicate boss Meyer Lansky;
o Tampa Mafia chief (and Lansky lieutenant)
Santo Trafficante, Jr;
o New Orleans Mafia chief (and Lansky
lieutenant) Carlos Marcello;
* Mafia "ambassador" Johnny
* Chicago Mafia boss Sam Giancana;
* The actual shooters in Dealey Plaza.
Evidence strongly points toward French mercenary Michael Mertz
as one of those gunmen. Cuban exiles
Here are those persons who were engaged
in some form of activity that tied them to the assassination (whether
or not they were aware that an actual assassination would indeed
take place):
o Lee Harvey Oswald;
o CIA operative E. Howard Hunt;
o CIA station chief for Mexico City, David
Atlee Phillips;
o CIA contract agent and Permindex board
member Clay Shaw;
o CIA contract agent Guy Banister;
o CIA contract agent David Ferrie;
o Maurice Brooks Gatlin; Permindex courier;
o CIA contract agent Robert Morrow;
o Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman,
Mickey Cohen;
o Israeli diplomat (later Prime Minister)
Menachem Begin;
o Mickey Cohen's associate Al Gruber;
o Dallas mob associate Jack Ruby; and
o CIA associate, U.S. Senator John Tower.
various members of the CIA, figures in the Mafia and the Lansky
Syndicate, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, and some investigators
for the
The evidence we have put forth demonstrates
that there is a very strong foundation for the thesis presented
in this volume. It is a scenario that does make sense.
This is our final judgment: the government
of Israel, through its secret spy agency, the Mossad, orchestrated
the conspiracy that ended the life of John F. Kennedy.
Through its own vast resources and through
its international contacts in the intelligence community and in
organized crime, Israel had the means, it had the motive, and
it had the opportunity to carry out the crime of the century -
and did.
Final Judgment
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