Descent Into Slavery ?
by Des Griffin
Emissary Publications, 1980, paperback

When people hear of 'The Crown' they automatically think of the
King or Queen [of England]; when they hear of 'London' or 'The
City' they instantly think of the capital of England in which
the monarch has his or her official residence.
... When we speak of 'The City' we are
in fact referring to a privately owned Corporation - or Sovereign
State - occupying an irregular rectangle of 677 acres and located
right in the heart of the 610 square mile 'Greater London' area.
... The 'Crown' is a committee of twelve
to fourteen men who rule the independent sovereign state known
as London or 'The City.' 'The City' is not part of England. It
is not subject to the Sovereign. It is not under the rule of the
British parliament. Like the Vatican in Rome, it is a separate,
independent state. It is the Vatican of the commercial world.
The City, which is often called "the
wealthiest square mile on earth," is ruled over by a Lord
Mayor. Here are grouped together Britain's great financial and
commercial institutions: Wealthy banks, dominated by the privately-owned
(Rothschild controlled) Bank of England.
During its heyday in the nineteenth century approximately 90%
of all international trade was carried in British ships. Other
shippers had to pay the Crown royalties or commissions for the
privilege of doing business on the high seas.
Two separate empires were operating under the guise of the British
Empire. One was the Crown Empire and the other was the British
All the colonial possessions that were
white were under the Sovereign - i.e. under the authority of the
British government. Such nations as the Union of South Africa,
Australia, New Zealand and Canada were governed under British
law. These only represented thirteen percent of the people who
made up the inhabitants of the British Empire.
All the other parts of the British Empire
- nations like India, Egypt, Bermuda, Malta, Cyprus and colonies
in Central Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong and Gibraltar (those areas
inhabited by the browns, yellows and blacks) were all Crown colonies.
These were not under British rule. The British parliament had
no authority over them. They were privately owned and ruled by
a private club in London, England, known as the Crown.
... The City reaped fantastic profits
from its operations conducted under the protection of the British
armed forces. This wasn't British commerce and British wealth.
It was the Crown's commerce and the Crown's wealth. The international
bankers, prosperous merchants and the British aristocracy who
were part of the City 'machine' accumulated vast fortunes.
About seventy years ago [1910] Vincent Cartwright Vickers stated
that "..
[British] financiers in reality took upon
themselves, perhaps not the responsibility, but certainly the
power of controlling the markets of the world... Loans to foreign
countries are organized and arranged by the City of London ...
solely in order to increase indebtedness upon which the City thrives
and grows rich .... This national and mainly international dictatorship
of money plays off one country against another and through ownership
of a large portion of the Press, converts the advertisement of
its own private opinion into a semblance of general public opinion.
Roland G. Usher in his book "Pan Germanism"
The London and Paris bankers [the international
bankers] control the available resources of the world at any one
moment, and can therefore practically permit or prevent the undertaking
of any enterprise requiring the use of more than a hundred million
dollars actual value.
The international bankers "own probably the major part of
the bonded indebtedness of the world. Russia, Turkey, Egypt, India,
China, Japan, and South America are probably owned, so far as
any nation can be owned, in London or Paris.
E.C. Knuth in his book "The Empire of The City", 1946
The bulwark of the British financial oligarchy
lies in its ageless and self-perpetuating nature, its long-range
planning and prescience, its facility to outwait and break the
patience of its opponents. The transient and temporal statesmen
of Europe and particularly of Britain itself, who have attempted
to curb this monstrosity have all been defeated by their limited
tenure of confidence. Obligated to show action and results in
a too short span of years, they have been outwitted and out waited,
deluged with irritants and difficulties; eventually obliged to
temporize and retreat. There are few who have opposed them in
Britain and America, without coming to a disgraceful end, but
many, who served them well, have also profited well.
Banks aren't interested in lending money to businesses that they
think are going to pay them back immediately and not borrow any
more. They prefer to lend to businesses that they know are going
to grow and need more and more money, and become bigger and better
customers, and pay more and more interest. They are interested
in keeping their money out and earning interest. Their motive
is profit.
We owe the largest portion of our national debt to the international
If a government is to borrow money, it has to go to somebody or
some organization that has almost limitless resources.
The end of the Napoleonic wars and the rise of the House of Rothschild
as the 'invisible rulers' of Europe, there had to be two groupings
of powers of almost equal strength, which represented the 'balance
of power'. The reason for this was simple: the House of Rothschild
had to make sure that all the King A's could be threatened by
all the King B's. Naturally, they were all financed and largely
controlled by the Rothschilds.
.. To ensure that the system worked as
planned, there had to be an outside power that would act as an
'insurance policy' in the event that someone stepped out of line
and appeared likely to upset the scheme.
This 'insurance policy' was Nathan Rothschild's
England, which now reigned supreme in the Eastern Hemisphere.
One could always determine which way a war was going to go by
watching which side England favored... The power and wealth of
the now 'invisible' House of Rothschild grew to such proportions
that by 1900 it was estimated that they controlled half the wealth
of the world.
The basic principle of 'urban renewal ... involves the leveling
of an area that has been condemned by the authorities, and the
construction of a new development to take its place... In a local
community urban renewal program the 'leveling' job is carried
out by a demolition crew
To make a killing on 'urban renewal' projects
internationally, it is necessary for the 'developers' to send
in demolition crews at no cost to themselves, and have them level
the prime portions of the target areas, so that these may be picked
up inexpensively when the countries are defeated and inundated
with war debts.
Internationally, these demolition 'jobs'
are engineered and brought to fruition by means of war... The
international 'developers' then step in to seize control of the
blighted areas for a pittance, and launch massive redevelopment
projects without having paid a cent for the use of the demolition
crews. The profits on such international projects are astronomical.
The highly financed and immensely profitable
'urban renewal projects' that have taken place on the international
scene since the beginning of the 20th century have been staged
in 'theaters of war'.
... Is there one group that has truly
prospered in the midst of all this diabolical mayhem? Yes, there
is such a group - international bankers. They finance and stage
these bloodletting extravaganzas, and reap the blood-soaked profits
as they move towards the accomplishment of their plan to enslave
mankind in a New World Order.
Many of the wars recorded in history resulted in widespread carnage,
but, in World War I, the word carnage took on a deeper and more
sobering meaning. This resulted from the fact that military leaders
on both sides refused to acknowledge the fact that their conventional
ways of waging war were now obsolete and needed to be abandoned.
The fact that cavalry and infantry bayonet charges were useless
in the face of the newly-developed techniques of barbed wire entanglements,
deep trenches and machine guns never seemed to sink into the consciousness
of many of the military 'experts' until most of their troops had
been annihilated.
Following the Germany invasion of France on August 3, 1914, the
French authorities implemented their plan to stop the invaders
at Lorraine, and to counterattack into southern Germany. In just
sixteen days they transported nearly four million men in 7000
trains to their forward positions. During the period August 6-12,
the German High Command transported one and a half million troops
across the Rhine at the rate of 550 trains a day. The French launched
a massive attack on August 14, but with catastrophic results;
within hours the French had suffered a morale shattering three
hundred thousand casualties.
... However, in the months that followed
neither the Germans or the 'Allies' were successful in their efforts
to gain the upper hand. Neither side was able to make any headway
against the firepower of the other. A series of vain efforts by
both sides to outflank the others' positions resulted in stretching
the battle line from English Channel in the north to the Swiss
border in the south. Fierce fighting, resulting in millions of
casualties, raged across the entire front for the next three years.
Jacob Schiff [was] the Rothschild agent who ... had taken over
control of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, the international banking house,
on behalf of his European masters. Schiff had come into his own
on the American banking scene some years earlier when, in his
capacity as the Rothschilds' top agent in the United States, he
arranged financing for John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil, the
railroad empire of Edward Harriman and the steel empire of Andrew
When Trotsky's private army of ruthless
cutthroats, whose 'boot camp' was located on Standard Oil property
in New jersey, was sufficiently trained for its campaign of subversion
and terror, they sailed from New York on the S.S. Kristianiafiord
bound for Russia. With them on the ship was $20,000,000 in gold,
supplied by international banker Jacob Schiff.
... The Red Army, under the direction
of [Leon] Trotsky, was the deadly tool of the Rothschild dominated
international bankers.
The Times of London, March 29,1919
One of the curious features of the Bolshevik
movement is the ... high percentage of non-Russian elements amongst
its leaders. Of the twenty or thirty commissaries or leaders who
provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not
less than 75% are Jews.
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
The Bolsheviks had no illusions about
their position in Russia at the end of 1917. They knew that they
formed an infinitesimal group in that vast country and that they
had been able to seize power because they were a decisive and
ruthless minority among a great mass of persons who had been neutralized
through propaganda.
Winston Churchill in an article published in the Illustrated Sunday
Herald, February 8, 1920
A "worldwide... and steadily growing
conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy
of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every
subversive movement during the nineteenth century; and now at
last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld
of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian
people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically
the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
There is no need to exaggerate the part
played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the bringing about
of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most
part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably
outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the
majority of the leading figures were Jews.
Sir Edward Cassel in his book "From Manifest Destiny",
Jacob Schiff of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb
and Company in New York [was] the top Rothschild agent in the
United States and the main financial backer of the Bolshevik Revolution
in 1917.
In 1897, a group of top British and American intellectuals and
money monopolists met to plot ways to implement Cecil Rhodes'
plan for a merging of British and American interests, in preparation
for the final thrust towards the achievement of their ultimate
goal - a One World Government.
The result of their deliberations came
on July 24, 1907, with the creation in London of an ultra-secret
organization known as the Pilgrim Society... The new organization
was funded by money donated by the [Cecil] Rhodes Foundation.
... The basic purpose of the Pilgrim Society
was to promote unity between the two nations - United States and
Great Britain], to maneuver the United States into a position
of dependence upon the [British] Crown.
Kaiser Wilhelm II [Emperor of Germany 1888-1918] memoirs published
in 1922
[United States President Woodrow] Wilson's
reasons for America's entry in to the war [WWI] were fictitious,
that it was far more the case of acting solely in the interest
of Wall Street high finance.
Through their front man E. Mandell House ... Jacob Schiff, the
top Rothschild front in the United States, and Bernard Baruch,
the Jewish Wall Street manipulator, the Money Monopolists selected
Woodrow Wilson and financed his campaign for the presidency of
the United States in 1912.
... On December 23, 1913, when most of
our nation's lawmakers had left Washington for their Christmas
vacations, [the Money Monopolists] rammed through the nationally
destructive and totally unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act which
left our nation's money and credit supply firmly in the hands
of the Rothschild-controlled international bankers.
... The same "money power" also
financed the campaign for the introduction of the income tax.
This Act was not designed to make the wealthy pay for the running
of the country. Its specific purpose ... was to become "a
siphon ... inserted in the pocketbooks of the general public".
World War I created astronomical debts in the nations that participated.
These debts were held by the international bankers who organized
and stage-managed the whole show from start to finish.
... Although the American people were
clearly the losers in World War I, as were the people of the other
participating nations, there was one group for which World War
I was an unqualified success: The Big Bankers.
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
The history of the last century shows
that ... the advice given to governments by bankers [who control
the governments) like the advice they gave to industrialists,
was consistently good for the bankers, but often disastrous for
governments, businessmen, and the people generally. Such advice
could be enforced if necessary by manipulation of exchanges, gold
flows, discount rates, and even levels of business activity.
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
Every, country suspended the gold standard
at the outbreak of the war [WWI]... This removed the automatic
limitation on the supply of paper money. Then each country proceeded
to pay for the war by borrowing from the banks. The banks created
the money which they then lent by merely giving the Government
a deposit of any size against which the Government could draw
checks. The banks were no longer limited in the amount of credit
they could create because they no longer had to pay out gold for
checks on demand. Thus the creation of money in the form of credit
by the banks was limited only by the demands of its borrowers.
... The middle classes of European society,
with their bank savings, checking deposits, mortgages, insurance
and bond holdings ... were injured or even ruined by the wartime
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
[By 1927 Stalin emerged as the new strongman
in Russia. Stalin's plan required that the country be] industrialized
at breakneck speed, whatever the waste and hardships, and must
emphasize heavy industry and armaments rather than rising standards
of living. This meant that the goods produced by the peasants
must be taken from them, by political duress, without any economic
return, and that the ultimate in authoritarian terror must be
used to prevent the peasants from reducing their level of production
to their own consumptive needs, as they had done in the period
1921-1923. This meant that the first step towards the industrialization
of Russia required that the peasantry be broken by terror and
be reorganized from a capitalistic basis of private farms to a
socialistic system of collective farms." It was deemed necessary
to "crush all kinds of ... resistance to the Bolshevik State,
independent thought, and public discontent. These must be crushed
by terror so that the whole of Russia could be formed into a monolithic
structure of disciplined proletariat who would obey their leaders
with such unquestioning obedience.
[Under the communists, Russia became a
"despotic police state] resting on espionage and terror,
in which there was a profound gulf in ideology and manner of living
between the rulers and the ruled.
[Because of its peculiar and unique structure, the communist apparatus
would be] based on intrigue and violence and would inevitably
bring to the top the most decisive, most merciless, most unprincipled
and most violent of its members.
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
Under Stalinism all Russia was dominated
by three huge bureaucracies: of the government, of the party,
and of the secret police. Of these, the secret police was more
powerful than the party and the party more powerful than the government.
Every office, factory, university, collective farm, research laboratory,
or museum had all three structures.
It took the communists twenty one years of unrelenting terror
to completely subjugate the Russian people, to break their will
and to bring them to a state of near mindless conformity... on
numerous occasions during the 1920s and 1930s, when the communist
regime in Russia was tottering on the brink of total collapse,
the United States and other Western Powers jumped to its aid and
kept the Red Monster afloat. The Russian Revolution of 1917, and
the subsequent bloodbath were clearly 'urban renewal' projects
planned and financed by the international money elite. The horrifyingly
gory details of the Illuminati's conquest of Russia were written
in the blood of at least thirty million defenseless human beings
whose only 'crime' was that they lived in Russia, and stood in
the way of the Illuminati's plans for the creation of a One-World
Immediately following the war [World War I] the British government,
acting on orders from their hidden masters in the City [of London],
clamped a blockade on Germany. This move had a devastating effect
on the German people.
[On March 4th, 1919, Winston Churchill declared in the House of
Commons that Britain was] enforcing the blockade with vigor...
This weapon of starvation falls mainly on the women and children,
upon the old, the weak and the poor.
... During the four years of the war Germany
lost 1,600,000 dead. The German death rate during the blockade
was five times higher than during the war.
Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"
The results of the blockade [of Germany
after WWI] were devastating. Continued for nine months after the
armistice, it caused the deaths of 800,000 persons.
British Prime Minister Lloyd George about the Treaty of Versailles
that ended World War I
We have written a document that guarantees
war in twenty years ... When you place conditions on a people
[Germany) that it cannot possibly keep, you force it either to
breach the agreement or to war. Either we modify that agreement,
and make it tolerable to the German people, or when the new generation
comes along they will try again.
In 1920, twenty German marks could be exchanged for one British
pound. By August, 1921, it took more than three hundred marks
to buy one pound. Three months later the exchange rate was a thousand
to one. After that, the situation rapidly degenerated. By January,
1923, it took 80,000 marks to purchase one British pound. Seven
months later the rate was twenty million to one. By the end of
the year it took twenty billion marks to buy one pound.
In the fall of 1929 it was time for the international bankers
to push the button that set in motion the machinery that resulted
in World War II. After they, their agents and friends had sold
out at the crest of an artificially inflated stock market boom,
the international bankers pulled the rug out from under the whole
system and sent the United States plunging into what became known
as the Great Depression.
... The Crash of 1929 ended the American
loans to Germany. This triggered a severe flight from the mark,
as people fell over each other in their efforts to unload the
mark in favor of other currencies in which they had more confidence.
This resulted in a severe drain on German gold reserves. As the
gold reserves declined, the amount of money and credit had to
be reduced by raising the interest rate.
By the end of 1931 the German discount
rate had been raised step by step to a staggering 15 percent,
without stopping the loss of the nation's gold reserves. The main
result of this drastic action was that German industrial activity
was reduced.
[After World War I] Germany continued to writhe in an ocean of
debt, fear and perplexity as everyone strove to keep their heads
above the ever rising tide of calamity. It was at this juncture
that Adolph Hitler and his National Socialist Party came to the
fore on the German political scene.
... Germany in the early 1930s was an
international banker created time-bomb, waiting for a Hitler type
individual to come on the scene and seize control.
Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of
The contribution made by American capitalism
to German war preparations before 1940, can only be described
as phenomenal. It was certainly crucial to German military preparations.
Evidence... suggests that not only was an influential sector of
American business aware of the nature of Nazism, but for its own
purposes aided Nazism whenever possible - with full knowledge
that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the
United States.
The thoroughly documented evidence regarding the heavy involvement
of leading American banking and industrial interests in the rise
of Hitler's Third Reich is a matter of public record. It is to
be found in the records and reports from government hearings,
G. Edward Griffin in his book "World Without Cancer"
In the years prior to World War II there
came into existence an international cartel, centered in Germany,
that dominated the entire world's chemical and drug industries.
It had spread its operations to ninety-three countries and was
a powerful economic and political force on all continents. It
was known as I. G. Farben.
... By the beginning of World War II,
G. Farben had become the largest industrial corporation in Europe,
the largest chemical company in the world, and part of the most
gigantic and powerful cartel of all history.
One of the first goals of German chemists after the war was to
find a way to convert coal into gasoline.
By 1920, Dr. Bergius had discovered ways
to make ... liquid coal products. The final steps into refined
gasoline were then assured. It was only a matter of perfecting
the hydrogenation process. I. G. suddenly was in the oil business.
Frank Howard of Standard Oil was invited to visit the great Baldische
plant at Ludwigshafen in March of 1926. What he saw was astounding
- gasoline from coal! In a near state of shock, he wrote to Walter
Teagle, president of Standard Oil:
Based upon my observations and discussions
today, I think that this matter is the most important which has
ever faced the company.
The Baldische can make high-grade motor
oil fuel from lignite and other low quality coals, in amounts
up to half the weight of the coal. This means absolutely the independence
of Europe on the matter of gasoline supply.
... Negotiations took place between I.G.
Farben and Standard Oil. These resulted in the marriage of the
two industrial giants on November 9, 1929... Both parties agreed
never to compete with each other in the fields of chemistry and
petroleum production.
When Henry Ford established an auto plant in Germany, I.G. Farben
bought a forty percent interest. In the United States, Henry Ford's
son, Edsel, joined the board of directors of I. G. Chemical Company,
as did Walter Teagle, president of Standard Oil, Charles E. Mitchell,
president of Rockefeller's National City Bank of New York, and
Paul Warburg (the chief architect of the 'Federal' Reserve System),
brother of Max Warburg who was a director of the parent company
in Germany".
Dr. Karl Duisberg, I. G. Farben's first chairman [1925] expressed
the desire to find a "strong man" to lead Germany
Be united, united, united. This should
be the uninterrupted call to the parties in the Reichstag. We
hope that our words of today will work, and will find the strong
man who will finally bring everyone under one umbrella... for
he [the strong man] is always necessary for us Germans, as we
have seen in the case of Bismarck.
In the fall of 1932, as the Weimer Republic was crumbling, it
became apparent that Hitler was the one most suited for the role
of "strong man." As a result ... the industrial and
financial leaders of Germany, with I. G. Farben in the lead, closed
ranks and gave Hitler their full support.
Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of
Two cartels, I. G. Farben and Vereinigte
Stahiwerke, produced 95 percent of German explosives in 1937-39
on the eve of World War II. This production was from capacity
built by American loans and to some extent American technology.
The I. G. Farben-Standard Oil cooperation
for production of synthetic oil from coal gave the I. G. Farben
cartel a monopoly of gasoline production during World War II.
Just under one-half of German high octane gasoline in 1945 was
produced directly by I. G. Farben and most of the balance by its
affiliated companies".
The international bankers poured vast sums of money into the German
economy. The three largest loans made by the money monopolists
went into the development of the three German cartels that aided
Hitler and his National Socialists in their rise to power.
The principal link between Hitler and the Wall Street money barons
was Hjalmar Horace Greely Schacht, the president of the Reichsbank
whose family for many years were closely aligned to the international
financial elite. Schacht was the man who masterminded the plan
to rebuild Germany (the Young Plan) and create the Bank of International
... The Plan masterminded by Schacht worked
perfectly, and resulted in bringing events in the Weimar Republic
to an explosive head.
Dr. Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist stated
Acceptance of the Young Plan and its financial
principles increased unemployment more and more, until about one
million were unemployed. People were desperate. Hitler said he
would do away with unemployment.
... By 1932, Hitler's National Socialist
Party was the largest in the Reichstag. As internal crisis piled
on top of internal crisis, Hitler's powerful promises gained increasing
acceptance and popularity among the German people. To many, he
seemed the only way out for the German nation.
... Hitler' launched a massive campaign
to build Germany up economically, militarily and psychologically.
Repudiating the terms of the Versailles Treaty and the massive
reparation payments that had kept Germany in a state of financial
bondage for the previous decade, Hitler did achieve a remarkable
turnaround in the economic fortunes of the country. The standard
of living of the average German improved dramatically and a successful
campaign was launched to boost the morale of the people. Given
a cause for which to work, the Germans applied themselves with
their customary diligence. Unemployment was virtually eliminated
as industrial production shifted into high gear.
Although American firms were responsible for furnishing Hitler's
Germany with much of the technology and financial backing that
it needed for its military build up, many wealthy non-German Europeans
were more than doing their part in the same cause. Vast sums of
money were poured into Nazi Germany from European sources, through
the Warburg-controlled Mendelssohn Bank in Amsterdam and, later,
through the J. Henry Schroeder Bank with branches in Frankfurt,
London and New York.
The Illuminati began to look around for another presidential candidate
to take his place in the White House. They wanted a man who would
be dedicated to their cause. They also wanted a man who, through
his own personal warmth, could successfully con the American people
into believing that he was 'their man' and that once he was safely
installed in office all their problems would quickly fade into
Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and FDR"
Roosevelt was a creation of Wall Street,
an integral part of the New York banking fraternity, and had the
pecuniary interests of the financial establishment very much at
Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and FDR"
The center of political power [in the
United States] has been elsewhere than with elected and presumably
responsive representatives in Washington, and this power elite
has its own objectives, which are inconsistent with those of the
public at large.
The international bankers made a huge capital investment in the
Bolshevik Revolution and in the totalitarian regime that resulted
from it. Since that time they have used Russia as their 'foil'
in the plan to conquer the world.
The Western Powers continued their unrelenting assault on German
cities [World War II]... Day after day, week after week they criss-crossed
these urban areas laying down a thick blanket of bombs which blasted
Germany's cities into oblivion. Civilian casualties were enormous,
numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Strategically, such 'blanket
bombing' served no useful purpose; it contributed little to the
war effort. If concentrated elsewhere, on targets of vital significance,
this colossal fire-power could have appreciably shortened the
duration of the war.
The official 'reason given for this wanton
destruction of civilian lives and property was that the raids
would undermine the morale of the German population. The real
reason was that the international bankers and their cohorts were
using the Allies' awesome air power as their unofficial wrecking
crew - their bulldozers and demolition crews - to prepare Germany
for their planned urban renewal project at the conclusion of hostilities.
The airborne 'bulldozers' did the preparation work free. The 'Big
Boys' were relieved of the huge expense of having it demolished.
With most German cities 90% demolished in the war, this cost was
kept to a minimum! After the war much of this vacant ground was
picked up for a few cents on the dollar by the international urban
The Zionist World Congress of 1946 condoned the use of terrorism
as a means of bringing about the creation of the Zionist state...
It was dearly understood that without the use of terrorism the
Zionist state could not be achieved.
Many terrorist organizations sprang up
in Palestine in an effort to force the creation of a state. The
largest of these was the Irgun Zvai Leumi, led by Menachim Begin.
Another was the Stern gangs whose leaders included Yitsak Shamir.
... A Select Committee on Estimates of
the British House of Commons announced that "very large numbers
of Jews, almost amounting to a second Exodus, have been migrating
from Eastern Europe to the American zones of Germany and Austria
with the intention in the majority of cases of finally making
their way to Palestine. It is clear that it is a highly organized
movement, with ample funds and great influence behind it, but
the Subcommittee were unable to obtain real evidence who are the
real instigators." A War Investigating Committee, sent to
Europe by the U.S. Senate, stated that "heavy migration of
Jews from Eastern Europe into the American zone of Germany is
part of a carefully organized plan financed by special groups
in the United States."
It should be noted that this vast "exodus"
took place from Russia and the nations of Eastern Europe which
had been abandoned and sealed off behind what Churchill called
the Iron Curtain.
It is obvious that this "second Exodus"
took place with the consent and full cooperation of Washington,
London and Moscow. During those years nobody left the Soviet Union
without permission, yet here we have clear evidence of the Iron
Curtain parting to allow a massive flood of 'Jews' to leave that
area and head for Palestine. And it was "carefully planned
and financed by special groups in the United States."
To strike stark terror into the hearts of the Arab inhabitants,
"Jewish terrorists from the Stern Gang and the Irgun Zvai
Leumi [led by Menachim Begin] stormed the village of Deir Yasin
and butchered everyone in sight. The corpses of 250 Arabs, mostly
women and children, were tossed into wells"
The Arabs recognized that the Deir Yasin
massacre was a warning of what would continue to happen if they
stayed on in their own land. With the exception of just a few
thousand, they fled to neighboring states.
State Senator Jack Metcalf (R-WA)
When the federal government needs more
money, the Federal Reserve does not merely create and print it
as it would do were it a government agency. No, the Federal Reserve
creates it as a loan and charges the government interest on it.'
Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and
Currency Committee
We have in this country one of the most
corrupt institutions the world has ever known I refer to the Federal
They are not government institutions.
They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these
United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign
In this dark crew of financial pirates
there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out
of his pocket.
... The truth is the Fed has usurped the
government. It controls everything here (Congress) and it controls
all foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.
There is evidence that strongly suggests that President John F.
Kennedy was on the verge of attacking debt/usury problem head
on with a repudiation of Federal Reserve Notes - and that he paid
for it with his life.
Immediately after Kennedy's assassination,
the issuance of non-interest bearing United States Notes (greenbacks)
was banned. Within weeks, undisputed control of our nation's financial
affairs was handed over to the privately owned Federal Reserve
Corporation by the new Johnson administration .
Following the Fourth Wilderness Conference held in Colorado September
13-18, 1987, official host George Hunt blew the whistle on plans
by the banking cartel to create a World Conservation Bank (WCB).
Under the WCB numerous governments worldwide would be required
to give up title to multiple millions of acres of land in their
own countries (and all the natural resources contained therein)
to collateralize loans made to them by international lending agencies.
All the land involved would then be legally in the hands of the
international bankers.
These are called "debt-for-nature"
The money monopolists have maneuvered the nations of the world
into a situation where they are having to trade away title to
their own natural resources (in "debt-for- nature" swaps)
in exchange for financial relief from their financial predators.
Zbigniew Brzezinski at the first Gorbachev Foundation State of
the World Forum in the 1990s
We cannot leap into world government through
one quick step... A consensual global system is not just a matter
of good wishes and goodwill, it requires a process. The precondition
for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization.
Mikhail Gorbachev in his keynote speech at the State of the World
Forum 2000 in New York
We need governance that is adequate to
the global world... We need ... a culture that will be uniform
throughout the world... Unless nations change the rules [give
up their sovereignty and surrender to our will?] we will not have
global governance.
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