Laos 1957-1973
L'Armee Clandestine
excerpted from the book
Killing Hope
by William Blum

For the past two years the US has carried out one of the most
sustained bombing campaigns in history against essentially civilian
targets in northeastern Laos.... Operating from Thai bases and
from aircraft carriers, American jets have destroyed the great
majority of villages and towns in the northeast. Severe casualties
have been inflicted upon the inhabitants ... Refugees from the
Plain of Jars report they were bombed almost daily by American
jets last year. They say they spent most of the past two years
living in caves or holes.
Far Eastern Economic Review, Hong Kong, 1970
[The Laos operation] is something of which we can be proud
as Americans It has involved virtually no American casualties.
What we are getting for our money there ... is, I think, to use
the old phrase, very cost effective.
U. Alexis Johnson, US Under Secretary of State, 1971
The United States undertook the bombing campaign because its
ground war against the Pathet Lao had failed.
The ground war had been carried out because the Pathet Lao
were led by people whom the State Department categorized as "communist",
no more, no less.
The Pathet Lao (re)turned to warfare because of their experiences
in "working within the system".
In 1957 the Pathet Lao ("Lao nation") held two ministerial
posts in the coalition "government of national union. This
was during John Foster Dulles's era, and if there was anything
the fanatic Secretary of State hated more than neutralism it was
a coalition with communists. This government featured both. There
could be little other reason for the development of the ma)or
American intervention into this impoverished and primitive land
of peasants. The American ambassador to Laos at the time, J. Graham
Parsons, was to admit later: "I struggled for sixteen months
to prevent a coalition."
In addition to its demand for inclusion in the coalition government,
the Pathet Lao had called for diplomatic relations with the countries
of the Soviet bloc and the acceptance of aid from them, as was
already the case with Western nations. "Agreement to these
conditions," said Washington, "would have given the
Communists their most significant gains in Southeast Asia since
the partition of Indochina." Others would say that the Pathet
Lao's conditions were simply what neutralism is all about.
In May 1958, the Pathet Lao and other leftists, running a
campaign based on government corruption and indifference, won
13 of 21 contested seats for the National Assembly and wound up
controlling more than one-third of the new legislature. Two months
later, however, Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma, a man universally
categorized as a neutralist, "resigned" to form a new
government which would exclude the Pathet Lao ministers. (He subsequently
claimed that he was forced to resign due to continued American
opposition to Laotian neutrality; as it happened, one Phoui Sananikone,
backed by the US, became premier in the reorganized government.)
Then, in January 1959, the non-left majority in the National Assembly
voted, in effect, to dissolve the Assembly in order "to counteract
communist influence and subversion". The left was now altogether
excluded from the government, and the elections scheduled for
December were canceled.
If this wasn't enough to disenchant the Pathet Lao or anyone else
with the Laotian political process, there was, in the late 1950s
and early 1960s, the spectacle of a continuous parade of coups
and counter-coups, of men overthrown winding up in the new government,
and regimes headed by men who had sided with the French in their
war against Indochinese Independence, while the Pathet Lao had
fought against the colonialists. There were as well government-rigged
elections, with the CIA stuffing ballot boxes; different regimes-cum-warlords
governing simultaneously from different "capitals",
their armies fighting each other, switching allies and enemies
when it suited them; hundreds of millions of US dollars pouring
into a tiny kingdom which was 99 percent agricultural, with an
economy based more on barter than money, the result being "unimaginable
bribery, graft, currency manipulation and waste.
The CIA and the State Department alone could take credit for
engineering coups, through force, bribery or other pressures,
at least once in each of the years 1958, 1959 and 1960, if not
in others. "By merely withholding the monthly payment to
the troops," wrote Roger Hilsman (whose career encompassed
both agencies, perhaps covertly simultaneously), "the United
States could create the conditions for toppling any Lao government
whose policies it opposed. As it turned out, in fact, the United
States used this weapon twice-to bring down the government of
one Lao leader and to break the will of another."
The American wheeling and dealing centered around giving power
to the CIA's hand picked rightist strongman Phoumi Nosavan, ousting
Souvanna Phouma and other neutralists, and jailing Pathet Lao
leaders, including the movement's head, Souphanouvong (the half-brother
of Souvanna Phouma, both being princes of the royal family). Souphanouvong
insisted that neither he nor the Pathet Lao were communist, but
were rather "ultra-nationalist''. Crucial to understanding
his statements, of course, is the question of exactly what he
meant by the term "communist". This is not clear, but
neither is it clear what the State Department meant when it referred
to him as such. The Pathet Lao were the only sizable group in
the country serious about social change, a characteristic which
of course tends to induce Washington officials to apply the communist
One thing that came through unambiguously ... was the determination
of the United States to save Laos from communism and neutralism.
To this end, the CIA set about creating its now-famous Armee Clandestine,
a process begun by the US Army in the mid 1950s when it organized
Meo hill tribesmen (the same ethnic group organized in Vietnam).
Over the years, other peoples of Laos were added, reaching at
least 30,000 in the mid 1960s, half of them more or less full-time
soldiers ... many thousands more from Thailand ... hundreds of
other Asians came on board, South Vietnamese, Filipinos, Taiwanese,
South Koreans, men who had received expert training from their
American mentors in their home countries for other wars, now being
recycled ... an army, said the New York Times, "armed, equipped,
fed, paid, guided, strategically and tactically, and often transported
into and out of action by the United States" ... trained
and augmented by the CIA, and by men of every branch of the US
military with their multiple specialties, the many pilots of the
CIA's Air America, altogether some 2,000 Americans in and over
Laos, and thousands more in Asia helping with the logistics. A
Secret Army, secret, that is, from the American people and Congress-US
military personnel were there under various covers, some as civilians
in mufti, having "resigned" from the service for the
occasion and been hired by a private company created by the CIA;
others served as embassy attaches; CIA pilots were officially
under contract to the Agency for International Development (AID).
Americans who were killed in Laos were reported to have died in
Vietnam ... all this in addition to the "official" government
forces, the Royal Laotian Army, greatly expanded and totally paid
for by the United States ...
Laos was an American plantation, a CIA playground. During
the 1960s, the Agency roamed over much of the land at will, building
an airstrip, a hangar, or a base here, a ware house, barracks,
or a radar site there; relocating thousands of people, entire
villages, whole tribes, to suit strategic military needs; recruiting
warriors "through money and/or the threat or use of force
and/or promises of independent kingdoms which it had no intention
of fulfilling, and then keeping them fighting long beyond the
point when they wished to stop;" while the "legendary"
pilots of Air America roamed far and wide as well, hard drinking,
daredevil flying, death defying, great stories to tell the guys
back home, if you survived.
Some of the stories had to do with drugs. Flying opium and
heroin all over Indochina to serve the personal and entrepreneurial
needs of the CIA's various military and political allies, ultimately
turning numerous GIs in Vietnam into addicts. The operation was
not a paragon of discretion. Heroin was refined in a laboratory
located on the site of CIA headquarters in northern Laos. After
a decade of American military intervention, Southeast Asia had
become the source of 70 percent of the world's illicit opium and
the major supplier of raw materials for America's booming heroin
At the same time, the hearts and minds of the Laotian people,
at least of those who could read, were not overlooked. The US
Information Agency was there to put out a magazine with a circulation
of 43,000; this, in a country where the circulation of the largest
newspaper was 3,300; there were as well USIA wall newspapers,
films, leaflet drops, and radio programs.
The nature and extent of North Vietnam's aid to the Pathet
Lao before this period difficult to ascertain from Western sources,
because such charges typically emanated from the Laotian government
or the State Department. On a number of occasions, their report
of a North Vietnamese military operation in Laos turned out to
be a fabrication. William Lederer and Eugene Burdick, in A Nation
of Sheep, summarized one of these non-events from the summer of
'The people of the United States were led to believe that
Laos physically had been invaded by foreign Communist troops from
across its northern border. Our Secretary of State called the
situation grave; our ambassador to the U.N. called for world action;
our press carried scare headlines; our senior naval officer implied
armed intervention and was seconded by ranking Congressmen ...
The entire affair was a fraud. No military invasion of Laos had
taken place ... There seemed no doubt that a war embracing thousands
of troops, tanks, planes, and mass battles, was raging.
Regardless of how the accounts were worded, this was the picture
given the nation.'
It had all been a ploy to induce Congress not to reduce aid
for Laos, something seriously being considered because of the
pervasive corruption which had been exposed concerning the aid
program. The Laotian government and the large American establishment
in Laos, each for their own reasons, were not about to let the
golden goose slip away that easily.
... in April 1964, the coalition government, such as it was,
was overthrown by the right wing, with the CIA's man Phoumi Nosavan
emerging as part of a rightist government headed by the perennial
survivor Souvanna Phouma to give it a neutralist fig leaf. The
Pathet Lao were once again left out in the cold. For them it was
the very last straw. The fighting greatly intensified, the skirmishes
were now war, and the Pathet Lao offensive soon scored significant
advances. Then the American bombing began.
Between 1965 and 1973, more than two million tons of bombs
rained down upon the people of Laos, considerably more than the
US had dropped on both Germany and Japan during the Second World
War, albeit for a shorter period. For the first few years, the
bombing was directed primarily at the provinces controlled by
the Pathet Lao. Of the bombing Fred Branfman, a former American
community worker in Laos, wrote: "village after village was
leveled, countless people buried alive by high explosives, or
burnt alive by napalm and white phosphorous, or riddled by anti-personnel
bomb pellets"... "The United States has undertaken,"
said a Senate report, "... a large-scale air war over Laos
to destroy the physical and social infrastructure of Pathet Lao
held areas and to interdict North Vietnamese infiltration ...
throughout all this there has been a policy of subterfuge and
secrecy ... through such things as saturation bombing and the
forced evacuation of population from enemy held or threatened
areas-we have helped to create untold agony for hundreds of thousands
of villagers."
There was no happy way out for the Laotian people. In October
1971, one could read in The Guardian of London ... although US
officials deny it vehemently, ample evidence exists to confirm
charges that the Meo villages that do try to find their own way
out of the war even if it is simply by staying neutral and refusing
to send their 13-year-olds to fight in the CIA army-are immediately
denied American rice and transport, and ultimately bombed by the
US Air Force.
The fledgling society that the United States was trying to
make extinct-the CIA dropped millions of dollars in forged Pathet
Lao currency as well, in an attempt to wreck the economy-was one
which Fred Branfman described thus:
The Pathet Lao rule over the Plain of Jars begun in May 1964
brought its people into a post colonial era. For the first time
they were taught pride in their country and people, instead of
admiration for a foreign culture; schooling and massive adult
literacy campaigns were conducted in Laotian instead of French;
and mild but thorough social revolution-ranging from land reform
to greater equality for women-was instituted.
Following on the heels of events in Vietnam, a ceasefire was
arrived at in Laos in 1973, and yet another attempt at coalition
government was undertaken. (This one lasted until 1975 when, after
renewed fighting, the Pathet Lao took over full control of the
country.) Laos had become a land of nomads, without villages,
without farms; a generation of refugees; hundreds of thousands
dead, many more maimed. When the US Air Force closed down its
radio station, it signed off with the message: "Good-by and
see you next war."
Thus it was that the worst of Washington's fears had come
to pass: All of Indochina- Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos-had fallen
to the Communists. During the initial period of US involvement
in Indochina in the 1950s, John Foster Dulles, Dwight Eisenhower
and other American officials regularly issued doomsday pronouncements
of the type known as the "Domino Theory", warning that
if Indochina should fall, other nations in Asia would topple over
as well In one instance, President Eisenhower listed no less than
Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Indonesia
amongst the anticipated "falling dominos " .
Such warnings were repeated periodically over the next decade
by succeeding administrations and other supporters of US policy
in Indochina as a key argument in defense of such policy. The
fact that these ominous predictions turned out to have no basis
in reality did not deter Washington officialdom from promulgating
the same dogma up until the 1990s about almost each new world
"trouble-spot", testimony to their unshakable faith
in the existence and inter-workings of the International Communist