The CIA and its
"Unsavory" Foreign Agents

We are told repeatedly and officially that the CIA has no
choice but to associate with "unsavory" persons if it
wishes to obtain certain important information in foreign countries.
But it should be clearly understood that these agents are not
simply informants. To the CIA and the US military these men are
America's allies on the same side a civil war. Our propaganda
insists that these men are fighting for freedom and democracy.
We champion their cause, for it is our cause as well.
We select them to attend American military schools and we
bestow graduation certificates upon them.
We wine and dine them in the US, we give them gifts, we set
them up with prostitutes.
We train them and give them their uniforms.
We teach them methods of torture and methods of assassination.
We provide them with information about individuals from the
CIA's mammoth international databases. Some of these individuals
then wind up murdered.
We cover up their atrocities.
We facilitate and cover up their drug trafficking.
We socialize with them. They are our friends.
CIA payments to these unsavories necessarily bring more than
information -- they bring influence and control. For what ends
is this influence and control used? If the United States must
take sides in a civil war, why must it be on the side of the gross
violators of human rights?
Documentation for the above can be found in Killing Hope:
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, by William
Blum page