The Undeclared War Against the
Middle Class
by Thom Hartmann
a book
review by Stephen Lendman
www.zmag.org, October16, 2006

Thom Hartmann is a multifaceted man. He's
a well-known host of three nationally syndicated radio talk shows
and a Project Censored award winner for his writing on the issue
of corporate personhood. He also began seven companies, worked
in international relief, founded schools and hospitals on four
continents, and has expertise in childhood psychological disorders.
Along the way he found time to write 19
books including his newest one just out in early September dramatically
titled Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class. It's
an account of how our government lost its moorings and is acting
against the interests of the people it was elected to serve. The
results are disturbing as the book shows how the US middle class
is shrinking, democracy is ebbing, and both are on life support
and threatened with extinction by an omnipotent corporatocracy
wanting to destroy the system of government on which the nation
was founded and is codified in the letter and spirit of the Constitution.
Those in power today want to destroy what
the Founding Fathers believed in, created, and handed down for
all those who followed them to preserve. In its place, the current
ruling class wants to replace that vision with an imperial presidency
supported by a submissive Congress and compliant courts that's
no different than the repressive monarchy and aristocracy the
American Revolution overthrew in the first place.
The nation's Founders no longer wanted
to be ruled by an exploitive foreign monarch and instead had in
mind an experimental system of government never tried before in
any form in the West outside of Athens in ancient Greece under
their system of "demokratia" or rule by the entire body
of Athenian citizens (or at least the non-slave adult male portion
of it). It blossomed under Pericles around 460 BC and stood for
equality of justice and opportunity secured by a jury system even
though Athens was a slave-owning city-state, women couldn't participate
in government and those who ruled ended up being the aristoi (or
aristocrats) for a few decades before the whole idea was destroyed
in the war between Athens and the oligarchs and militarists of
Sparta who believed, like George Bush and the neocons, that war
is good, except, of course, for the ones on its losing end and
soldiers in the ranks who have to fight them.
Hartmann is a knowledgeable and astute
observer and critic of US history and more recent policies gone
awry under 25 years of this kind of government, beginning with
the Reagan presidency. It's been corrupted by the notion that
what serves the interests of business elites in corporate boardrooms
benefit ordinary people as well. It never has, never will, and,
despite the slick rhetoric, isn't intended to.
If it did, it would prevent the new US
corporate aristocracy from getting richer and more powerful which
it only can do at the expense of the public and especially the
middle class it wants to destroy.
Hartmann takes the reader on a journey
of discovery in his book divided into three parts and his conclusion
on how to fight back and reclaim what these forces of darkness
are taking from us. This review will try to cover as much of the
flavor and substance of the book as space allows, but make no
mistake, this book is important reading. It documents how our
system of democracy and way of life are being destroyed by greedy
and ruthless corporatist oligarchs allied with the government
they installed in Washington to serve their interests at our expense.
The only way to save our precious system is first learn what they're
doing, understand how its harming us, and then follow the ideas
laid out in the final chapter to act in our own self-interest.
Unless we do and soon, it won't be long before the precious liberties
and way of life we take for granted are lost because we weren't
paying attention and now it's too late to act.
Part I: A Middle Class Requires Democracy
- It won't survive without it.
Hartmann begins by recalling a past time
many of us grew up in when working people earned a living wage,
had good health insurance, defined-benefit pensions secure at
retirement, were protected by unions and needed only one family
wage-earner to get by on a single job. Those days ended when Ronald
Reagan was elected president with about one-quarter of the nation's
eligible voters, hardly a groundswell of support in an election
that could have gone the other way had events preceding it turned
out differently.
The public lost out because they didn't.
The America of the past is now fast disappearing.
Today giant corporations literally run
They control what we eat and drink, where
we live, what we wear, how we get most of our essential services
like health care, and the information fed us that influences how
we think including our view of them, our government and the world.
They even now own patents on our genetic code, the most basic
elements of human life, and want to manipulate and control them
like any other commodity to exploit for profit in their brave
new world.
The corporate goliaths also decide who
governs, for whose interest, and at whose expense. They control
the political process from the White House to the Congress to
who gets to sit on the nation's courts.
They thus have effective control over
what laws are written and how they're interpreted by friendly
judges up to the High Court. It's called democracy but it's one
in name only serving the elite few. It's a corruption of the letter
and spirit of a true democracy that influences an unequal and
unjust distribution of the nation's resources to benefit an elite
minority able to control the political process to their advantage.
It operates behind a facade of fairness while working to destroy
the very things it claims to represent. It's a system of government
described by investigative journalist Greg Palast in his 2003
published book - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Those who can
pay can play, but those who can't have no say or sway.
It amounts to a system under which the
political game is rigged by the incestuous relationship between
big business and the government it empowers to serve it.
The only choice voters now have at the
polls is what Ralph Nader calls "the evil of two lessers
(or) government for General Motors, by Dupont and for Exxon Mobil."
The corporate giants today are so huge that if the 50 largest
ones were nations, they'd rank among the 100 largest sovereign
states in the world. They take full advantage of their size and
clout to thrown their weight around and get their way on most
everything they want - again at the expense of the public interest.
The result of this concentrated corporate
power and a government in league with it has taken its toll on
the working public. Adjusted for inflation, workers today earn
less than 30 years ago, the federal minimum wage at $5.15 an hour
hasn't been raised since 1997, and it's now at its lowest point
relative to average wages since 1949. It also means those earning
it fall well below the poverty line, and they still have to pay
a growing portion of their health insurance cost if they have
an employer giving them any at all. In addition, companies are
eliminating defined-benefit pension plans and government is sharply
reducing essential social services. At the same time, average
inflation-adjusted CEO pay rose dramatically to $9,600,000 in
2004 even without including how much more these top executives
get in lucrative stock options and many other perks including
the extraordinary benefit they receive from so-called Supplemental
Executive Retirement Plans called SERPs which pay them millions
of dollars a year when they become eligible. Another measure of
how inequality has widened since Ronald Reagan was elected shows
in the ratio of CEO pay to the average working person.
It rose from 42 times in 1980 to 85 times
in 1990 and 431 times in 2004.
Hartmann contrasts what now exists to
the most ancient form of democracy that characterized the societies
of most indigenous peoples for his estimate of over 150,000 years.
Others, including eminent biologist Ernst Mayr, believe humans
have been around for about 100,000 years. Over those many millennia
there were no rich and poor, and everyone was middle class.
There was also little hierarchy and the
concept of "chief" didn't exist in America because Native
nations were ruled by concensus. Benjamin Franklin studied the
Iroquois Confederacy and was so impressed with it he got the Founders
to model much of our Constitution after their system of governance.
They did it on the basis of government of, for and by the people
based on the notion that everyone has the right to "life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Unlike the aristocracy of Europe they
sought to be free from, they also wanted the new nation to have
a middle class. They understood that no democracy can survive
without one. They also knew a middle class depends on a public
that's educated, secure and well-informed and that the greatest
danger to its survival is an empowered economic aristocracy that
would polarize society and eventually destroy the democracy they
were trying to create. Today those opposed to this notion are
people Hartmann calls "cons." They call themselves conservatives
or neoconservatives, but they violate the core conservative principles
they claim to represent. They only want to "conserve"
their privileged status, and they prove it in how they govern
by "conning" the public. Hartmann explains that the
battle people face today in the country isn't between liberals
and conservatives or Democrats and Republicans. It's between those
who want to protect our democratic heritage and those "cons"
who want to create an elitist privileged society based on corporate
power and inherited wealth.
We've had this kind of society before
during the Reconstruction era after the Civil War leading to the
age of the "robber barons," many of whose names are
well-known today and held up as models in a nation that lionizes
its business titans. It lasted on and off until the Wall Street
crash in 1929 that ushered in the "Golden Age of the middle
class" with the election of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932. In
his 1933 inaugural address, FDR said he wouldn't stand by and
watch the Depression deepen and asked Congress for the power to
combat it. He got it because 25% of the working public was unemployed
and demanded help out of their desperate situation. Roosevelt
was a wealthy patrician but one smart enough to know he had to
act forcefully in a state of emergency. He also got a number of
wise corporate leaders to go along as they and the President knew
only strong enough measures could save capitalism and prevent
a possible worker revolt that could be as extreme as the one in
Russia in 1917 when the Czar was toppled in a violent revolution
that in 10 days shook the world.
FDR's remedy was his New Deal, and it
was unlike anything that ever preceded or succeeded it. It was
wonderfully radical in ways unimaginable today. He liberated labor
with the Wagner Act guaranteeing workers the right to bargain
collectively, regulated financial and other markets, and insured
bank deposits with FDIC insurance. He put people back to work
with government funded programs spent on jobs to build vital infrastructure
instead of on weaponry and a strong military like today. Most
important was his broad array of social programs, the centerpiece
of which was the Social Security Act that to this day is the single
most important piece of social legislation in our history and
the one most responsible for keeping a vast number of the elderly
out of poverty plus providing other services and benefits for
those in need. The Golden Age ran through the 1970s and included
Lyndon Johnson's Great Society civil and voting rights legislation
and, second to Social Security in importance, the Medicare and
Medicaid programs begun in 1965.
But that was then and this is now. With
the election of Ronald Reagan, the Golden Age was transformed
into a Dark Age of government of, for and by the special interests
that mainly are corporate ones and the rich overall. Reagan used
the false rhetoric of "morning in America," a "shining
city on a hill," and the ability of even a former grade B
actor to read his lines. The senior Bush after him then spoke
of "the new world order" but didn't explain it was based
on imperial expansion and fealty to the rich and powerful. Then
Bill Clinton (a stealth Republican) began with the slogan "it's
the economy, stupid," then told us how he felt our pain and
went on to dissemble on almost everything from his mangled "managed
competition" notion of health care to the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and WTO that destroy the lives of
working people everywhere under their one-sided trade rules favoring
the corporate giants. He also enacted so-called welfare reform
that threatens to impoverish the needy any time the economy weakens
enough to throw enough people out of work and in the same year
the 1996 Telecommunications Act that promised consumers a world
of benefits and only ended up removing competition in the giant
communications industry to create media and telecom monopolies
destroying any chance for an open market place of ideas and an
informed electorate.
Then came the age of George W. Bush that's
the closest thing to the apotheosis what of corporate America
wanted since the time of the original robber barons.
For the ravenous war-profiteers, it's
an age of a permanent "long war" against terrorist and
"Islamo-fascist" threats that don't exist and outrageous
levels of expenditures on military and "homeland security"
to do it. Overall for the corporatocracy, it's big tax cuts for
the rich and corporate giants at the expense of the public welfare,
a crackdown on civil liberties at home to control dissent, a contempt
for the need to protect the environment's ability to sustain life,
and big cuts in social services in an all out war against the
New Deal and Great Society programs including the bedrock Social
Security, Medicare and Medicaid ones.
And now in a contemptuously defiant pre-election
act of infamy and indifference to constitutional law and all the
Founders stood for, the Bush-controlled 109th Congress just passed
the Military Commissions Act of 2006 defiling the letter and spirit
of their landmark achievements. -- This act annuls the Magna Carta
and sacred habeas corpus fundamental principle in it and in Article
1, Section 9 of the US Constitution guaranteeing everyone the
right of judicial appeal of arrest and detention.
It effectively strips US citizens of this
right as well as everyone everywhere may now be designated an
"unlawful combatant" at the whim of an out-of-control
president. In enacting this unconstitutional law, the Greek chorus
on Capitol Hill posing as a Congress annulled 800 years of what
that sacred doctrine represents and took away our constitutionally
protected right. It did it in a pathetic act of fealty to a depraved
president any legitimate legislative body acting on principle
long ago would have impeached and removed from office.
-- It also legalizes torture as an interrogation
technique for those held in detention placing this country alongside
Israel as the only two nations in the world to have legalized
this practice as confirmed by Amnesty International. The legislation
passed also granted US officials, including CIA operatives and
others, retroactive immunity from prosecution for having authorized
the use of torture or committed acts of it.
-- In a final outrageous pre-election
act, the House of Representatives also annulled our right to privacy
and the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches
and seizures by authorizing warrantless wiretaps.
At the close of the Constitutional Convention
in 1787, Benjamin Franklin reportedly said in answer to whether
the nation now had a republic or a monarchy: "A republic,
if you can keep it." Prescient words from an extraordinary
man, and we hardly need wonder what he'd say now. Unlike the Founders,
this shameless Congress shares the guilt of a morally depraved
president who believes no one has the right to challenge him,
champions the use of torture and the denial of habeas and due
process rights to anyone on his say alone, now (law or no law)
authorizes wiretaps and illegal surveillance on anyone, and calls
dissent an act of terrorism in direct contradiction to what Thomas
Jefferson believed when he said: "All tyranny needs to gain
a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Having now made a mockery of constitutional law, this Congress
and president have moved the nation to within an "eyelash"
of a full-blown national security fascist police state. It's given
the president the right to act solely on his own authority as
a virtual dictator to do whatever he pleases in the name of national
security as he defines it. It simply means the rule of law has
been abolished and ordinary people no longer have constitutionally
protected rights.
Is it any wonder George Bush is so abhorred
worldwide he's met by large (sometimes huge) protest demonstrations
everywhere he goes and has to be protected by an unprecedented
amount of security to keep him safe. With two years left in his
presidency, this shameless man has already embroiled the country
in two unwinnable wars of illegal aggression that's destroyed
the credibility of the nation and made the US a moral pariah in
the eyes of the world. Yet, in open defiance he's contemptuously
planning new ones and continues running up massive budget and
current account deficits to finance his failed agenda. The result
of his disastrous six years in office is a nation's economy on
such shaky financial footing any shock severe enough could push
it over the edge triggering a global crash that will be the death
knell of the middle class, impoverishment of the people and the
end of democracy that would be sacrificed on the alter of martial
law needed to quell dissent and possible rebellion.
If it happens, it will end the Founders'
dream of what they fought a liberating revolution for - to create
a liberal democracy and system of government to "promote
the general welfare." Hartmann shows that FDR governed by
that principle and created what became a vibrant middle class
the corporatists and "cons" today want to destroy and
are doing a pretty good job of it.
Instead of using government resources
to invest in essential infrastructure vital to a thriving democracy
like good education, quality health care for all and a full array
of social services, the Bush administration defrauded the public
by its militarism and one-sided service to the interests of capital.
It did it at the expense of the public
welfare and viability of the middle class that's always been the
bedrock of the nation. If it's destroyed it will fulfill the con's
dream to turn the country into a nation of serfs run by corporatists
treating people like commodities no different than any other kind
of production input used to grow profits and then discarded when
no longer of use. No one will have rights or security, and everyone
but the elite few will be at the mercy of a wealthy ruling class
in league with government serving them alone. Hartmann explains
if we want a healthy and vibrant middle class and a strong democracy
we have to work for it. We must "define it, desire it, and
work both to create and keep it." It can only happen when
government participates in the market place as a counter-force
to corporate power. Hartmann lists three ways to do it:
-- by creating and regulating the rules
under which business must operate
-- by growing and protecting jobs at home
with fair trade policies and ending the practice of job destruction
through outsourcing to cheap labor markets
-- by providing a full array of essential
social services including education, health care and a safety
net for those most in need
-- and by a fourth one mentioned elsewhere
in the book
- with a progressive tax system requiring
corporations and those most well-off to pay their fair share according
to their income level as well as providing tax relief for those
least able to afford it
Hartmann explains unless "we the
people" take control and act in our own self-interest, the
nation is heading for the kind of society an early 20th century
tyrant advocated and created when he was in power. It was "a
system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme
right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership
with belligerent nationalism." The tyrant was Mussolini,
and he called it fascism. Today in the US we're perilously close
to that model as democracy and people rights are threatened by
a corporate-run state that's destroying civil society and everything
the nation claims to stand for.
Part II - Democracy Requires a Middle
Class - It can't exist without one
The Founders and Framers of the Constitution
wanted to create a society with a vibrant middle class different
from the aristocratic European one they rebelled against that
was "of, by, and for the rich." In doing it they believed
they were changing the course of European history that never had
this kind of government other than what once existed imperfectly
in ancient Athens. Their goal was to combine the European tradition
of civilization they knew with the Iroquois nation model of democracy
they studied and wanted to emulate. In this way, they hoped to
create a better world than had ever before existed. It was a noble
revolutionary experiment that depended on a strong middle class
unhindered by corporate power like the British East India Company
exercised in league with the Crown to impose unfair taxes for
an advantage to help crush competition and then exploit people
for profit.
A lot of credit for what happened then
goes to Thomas Paine, a man we now know about but only because
Thomas Edison discovered him in the 1920s and believed he was
our most important political thinker. Edison was able to convince
the nation's mainstream educational system to include Paine's
writings and teach what he had to say. In Paine's The Rights of
Man and other works, he supported the notion of a strong middle
class and a democratic system of government. Hartmann believes
his writings were so important and influential in his day, there
might never have been a revolution liberating the nation from
the Crown without them.
His thinking was profound and included
the notion that only people have rights, not governments or corporations,
and everyone should be taxed proportionally to income. He also
believed inherited wealth needed to be curbed to avoid creating
a new feudalism. Otherwise, it would corrupt government because
heirs could create dynasties with the power to co-opt a ruling
body to use for their own purposes,
hurting ordinary people. He felt the best
way to
build a strong democracy was to provide
financial aid for young families with the expense of raising children.
In addition, he proposed food and housing assistance for the poor
and retirement pensions for people in old age. Further, he was
a strong anti-militarist wanting all nations to reduce their armaments
by 90% to ensure world peace. Tom Paine was a great and enlightened
thinker and a man most educated people know of and respect. He
had such great influence in his day we can only wish for someone
of his stature to emerge now when the need for it is greater than
Hartmann also briefly mentions what he
covered in some detail in his earlier book Unequal Protection.
There he explained a little known event in our history that might
have changed everything had Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
prevailed over Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. Jefferson and
Madison were able to add the first 10 amendments to the Constitution
we know as The Bill of Rights but wanted two others as well Hamilton
and Adams opposed. One was the "freedom from monopolies in
commerce" (what are now giant corporations) and the other
was the "freedom from a permanent military" or standing
armies. Try to imagine how different the country might be today
if Jefferson and Madison had prevailed.
Hartmann devoted much more time on a crucial
Supreme Court Decision he covered in great detail in Unequal Protection.
It concerned the issue of corporate personhood that came out of
the defining 1886 Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railway
case. It was a simple tax dispute case that ended up changing
the direction of the country. The Court settled the tax issue
no one remembers or cares about now, and the Justices said nothing
in their decision about corporate personhood. It was left to the
Court's reporter J.C. Bancroft Davis who, in effect as it turned
out, decided it in his accompanying "headnotes" which
the Court did nothing to refute, likely by intent.
The result was corporations got what they
long coveted - the same constitutional rights as people, but because
of their limited liability status, their shareholders were protected
from the obligations of their debts, other obligations, and many
of the responsibilities individuals legally have. With this new
status, corporations could now win many other favorable court
decisions they weren't entitled to before. They also got much
regulatory relief, favorable legislation, and all the while, were
and are still protected by their limited liability status.
More than any other High Court decision,
this one gave corporations the ability to increase their power
and grow to their present size and dominance.
Think of it. Corporations aren't human,
they can live forever, change their identity, reside in many places
simultaneously in many countries, but can't be imprisoned for
wrongdoing and can change themselves into new persons at will
for any reason. Under the Constitution, they have the same rights
as people but not the responsibilities. And they got all this
because a court reporter gave it to them in his "headnotes,"
after the fact, in a Court decision having nothing to do with
corporate personhood. The result today is that corporations have
the right to operate freely and virtually be able to do whatever
they choose with impunity. Even when they're caught breaking the
law, most every time (with rare exceptions) their executives get
off scot-free and the penalty assessed is a small fine that amounts
to chump change.
Hartmann then goes on to discuss the business
of war and notes what James Madison believed compared to most
modern-day presidents. War is big business and a permanent state
of it is much bigger, which is why waging many of them is so appealing
to those in power today. It's also usually a winning political
issue as wartime presidents are more likely to be reelected, and
they also have more power than those serving in peacetime. George
Orwell knew that democracy was weakest in a state of war, and
Hitler used that to his advantage to seize total power after scaring
the German people with threats that didn't exist to give him enough
of it in the first place. This is what James Madison warned against
when he wrote: "Of all the enemies to public safety war is,
perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops
the germ of every other." He added that "No nation could
preserve its freedom in the midst of continual war."
Benjamin Franklin also spoke out against
war and said "There never was a good war or a bad peace."
And notable US General Smedley Butler, who was awarded two Congressional
Medals of Honor (the nation's highest military honor) for his
service and at one time was one of the nation's most distinguished
military leaders, later wrote a book called War Is a Racket in
which he denounced it in a polemic we can't even imagine from
anyone in government service today.
Hartmann, too, sounds the alarm about
the dangers of war and where it may lead the nation. It drove
Nazi Germany to fascism and all the horrors from it.
Today we're at the same dangerous juncture
with the nation at war, fascism rising, and doing it behind the
facade of "compassionate conservatisim" and an invented
"Islamo-fascist" terrorist threat used to scare the
public to go along with a rogue president's "long war"
without end to combat it. Hartmann tells us we face a clear and
present threat to our freedom today and "It's up to us -
to We the People - to sound the alarm (to combat it)."
Part III - Governing for We the People
- It's a government of, for and by the people and not one serving
big corporations and inherited wealth[.]
Throughout the book, Hartmann repeatedly
stresses the critical point about whether we want the kind of
nation the Founders gave us serving the people or will we allow
the cons to get a government in service to the "elite of
a corporatocracy" and inherited wealth.
A large part of what the cons want is
what Hartmann calls "a religion of privatization." In
their view, whatever government can do, private business can do
better including controlling all elements of the commons that
comprise our most essential services like health care, education,
parts of the military, prisons and even the electoral system.
It's all part of their fraudulent notion of "faith-based
economics" that doesn't work. Nonetheless, with government
in league with business, it's happening to the detriment of the
public welfare.
Most people would be amazed to learn the
second largest army in Iraq comes from none of the other nations
supplying forces. It's the 30,000 private contractors the Bush
administration hired at an enormous cost that's far higher than
what we pay those in the military. Why do it this way and spend
It's another way to transfer billions
of dollars from the people to big corporations to enrich them
at our expense. Prisons are also being privatized and now are
at a level of about 5% of their capacity in about 100 facilities
in 27 states and growing. But since private prisons are a business,
there's an incentive to fill beds and keep them filled with longer
sentences while minimizing services to keep costs low. It makes
harsh prison life far more grim for those interned.
Most insidious of all is the privatizing
of elections.
Hartmann calls this the "ultimate
crime." He cites that in 2004 more than 80% of the US vote
was counted on electronic voting machines owned, programmed and
operated by three large private corporations. So instead of having
paper ballots counted by hand by civil servants monitored by party
faithful and independent observers, we now have a secretive process
that's unverifiable and all controlled by large companies with
everything to gain if the candidates they support win. It puts
the ugly taint of fraud over the whole process and makes a sham
out of the notion of free, fair and open elections. That's impossible
if they're run by self-serving private corporations as they now
are. Unless this practice is stopped, we've lost what Tom Paine
said at the nation's founding: "The right of voting for representatives
is the primary right by which all other rights are protected.
To take away this right is to reduce a man to slavery."
Besides being able to elect their own
representatives, the electorate must also be well-informed. Hartmann
quotes Thomas Jefferson who said "Our liberty depends upon
the freedom of the press (which starts with a literate citizenry,
something we're far short of today)." The data on the ability
of the public to read varies, but it shows a common pattern. The
US Department of Education reports about 20% of the public to
be functionally illiterate which means they can't read or write
well enough to do such essential things as read a newspaper, understand
written instructions, fill out a job application or do basic computational
tasks, let alone be able to operate a computer. Hartmann uses
other data from the National Center of Education Statistics that
breaks the literacy problem into different skill-level categories,
but any way it's looked at it shows a nation inadequately able
to function the way citizens must be able to do in a modern society.
The quality of education today, particularly
in urban schools, has deteriorated so much because of the rise
in prominence of service-related industries, many of which require
little formal education. There's no incentive to correct the problem,
and George Bush's No Child Left Behind Act and stealth plan to
privatize public education (along with everything else in the
commons that never should be) will only make things worse. The
Bush agenda includes so-called school vouchers that mask an intent
to end the separation of church and state by allowing vouchers
to go mostly to schools where the central mission is (Christian)
religious education or training. The fraudulent rationale for
doing it is the same one the cons always fall back on - that marketplace
competition improves performance. It's not so as in all other
areas where private business replaced government-run programs
the public ended up getting less and paying more for it.
That's how it is with education that's
not a commodity for sale and never should be put in the hands
of for-profit companies that need to minimize costs to keep their
bottom line high.
The same is true for health care that
should be a basic right and not a privilege available only to
those who can afford the cost. But that's not how it is in the
US. This is the only country among the 36 fully industrialized
democracies in the world that treats health care as a marketplace
commodity. The result is that while the country spends far more
on health care than any other one (about $2 trillion in 2005 or
about one-sixth of the nation's GDP) it delivers a quality of
care mediocre enough for the World Health Organization (WTO) to
rank us 37th in the world in "overall health performance"
and 54th in the fairness of health care. No one should be denied
the right to good medical care, but today nearly 47 million people
in the country have no health insurance and millions more are
underinsured, thus denying them the essential care they deserve
to have, especially when they need it most.
So today with more companies reducing
the amount of health insurance coverage they provide employees
combined with stagnant wages rising less than the rate of inflation,
increasing numbers of people can't afford to buy protection for
the most important need they can't afford to do without. It's
created a state of social inequality seen in the Economic Policy
Institute 2004 report on the State of Working America.
It showed the top 1% controls more than
one-third of the nation's wealth while the bottom 80% has 16%.
Even worse, the top 20% holds 84% of all
wealth while the poorest 20% are in debt and owe more than they
own. Just released Internal Revenue Service data shows the same
imbalance. The IRS reported the share of all income earned by
the top 1% of taxpayers rose to 19% in 2004 from 16.8% in 2003
and just below the 20.8% high it hit in 2000 helped by capital
gains from the stock market boom of the 1990s. All this shows
how unbalanced wealth and income distribution are under an economic
model favoring the rich and leaving all others behind. To rectify
this, the nation needs a new model that distributes the nation's
wealth more equitably and that begins with its tax code. It also
needs to provide health care for all its citizens which it already
does for its senior ones - a single-payer system administered
by the government and allowing people to choose their own providers.
But even seniors are in trouble today as the Bush administration
wants to move retirees on Medicare into private for-profit plans
and thus kill off a system that effectively serves the public.
The private operators need to cut costs to grow their profits,
but when they do it people most in need are hurt the most.
All this paints a scenario of a dying
middle class heading for extinction. Good jobs are disappearing,
wages are stagnant or falling making becoming middle class today,
in Hartmann's words "like scaling a cliff." Those who
are middle class now are hanging on for dear life but losing their
grip, and those aspiring to get there find it increasingly harder
to do. It can't be done on the minimum wage or even well above
it in a job that pays at the Walmart level. And it surely can't
be done without the protection unions once could provide before
the Reagan war on labor began reducing their power, or in a nation
that once had a strong base of high-paying manufacturing and other
jobs now being lost to cheap labor markets abroad. The result
in Hartmann's words: "America is regressing (and) Middle-class
income has stopped growing." The problem isn't the economy.
It's the unlevel playing field where union protection is weak,
corporations are in control in league with government supporting
their interests, and workplaces are "run more like kingdoms"
with workers heading toward becoming serfs with no rights.
Hartmann says the cons are winning the
battle to weaken democracy "by screwing over the middle class,"
and he offers a prescription to fight back by reclaiming the government-run
programs that created a strong middle class in the first place:
-- let the public again have the right
to own the military (without the high-priced private contractors),
prisons, and the electoral system.
-- keep private for-profit companies out
of education and have government run it free without phony programs
that don't work like No Child Left Behind.
-- demand a national single-payer health
care system for everyone based on how Medicare is run.
-- demand private companies keep their
hand off Social Security and keep it as a government-run retirement
program and safety net for the disabled.
-- demand a progressive tax system reinstating
a meaningful 35% rate on corporations and a 70% rate on the richest
5% of Americans. Use the extra revenue received to repay the Social
Security system and fund an economic investment program.
-- demand a living wage and the right
of labor to organize again unhindered by laws or business-friendly
government policies restricting its ability to be treated fairly.
-- demand a national energy program that
"puts people and the planet - not Big Oil - first."
If America rebuilds its middle class,
democracy will follow. But if middle-America withers, democracy
will as well. Hartmann sounds the alarm - "We've been conned
for long enough. It's time to take back America."
Conclusion - The Road to Victory - We
must get on it now
Hartmann stresses the situation is dire
and the need for change is urgent. He directs his message to everyone
of all political party affiliations and says "It's time We
the People took back control of our government. He offers his
prescription on how to do it.
-- Take back the Democrat party - the
party is in crisis having bought on to the agenda of the far-right
Republicans. Hartmann says the solution is for progressives to
join together to take back the Democrat party just like the cons
took control of the Republican party with the election of Ronald
-- A third party is not the answer because
of our corrupted "winner take all" system under which
whoever gets the most votes "gets all of the pie." We're
structured this way because it's written into our Constitution
which was a huge mistake by the Founders.
That's not how it is in a system of proportional
representation that most other democracies have under which a
party getting 30% of the votes gets the same percentage of seats
in the legislature.
-- Republicans also need to re-capture
their party from the cons who stole it from the moderates. Today
the party is run by the "Ayn Rand utopians, Pat Robertson
fundamentalists, and the largest and dirtiest of America's corporate
elite." They rejected the values of Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt
and Eisenhower, exploited working people and looted the nation's
treasury for their own self-interest leaving it for those who
follow them to clean up the mess it could take a whole generation
to recover from or longer.
-- Change happens, sometimes slowly, and
people need to band together to work actively for it which means
more than "just showing up for a peace (or other kind of)
-- Other activist tools include the most
fundamental one of all - communication. Hartmann explains without
two simple forms of it, the American Revolution wouldn't have
been possible. There were the two commonly used ones then - letters
to editors of newspapers who published them and pamphlets like
the kind Tom Paine wrote. Today the dominant media are corrupted
by their corporate control that suppresses real information in
favor of only what's friendly to the state and the corporate giants.
Fortunately though, alternatives exist and must be used effectively.
The internet may be the most important
one as long as it remains free and open and not under the threat
of corporate control which may happen if S. 2686/H.R.5252 known
as the Advanced Telecommunications and Opportunities Reform Act
passes that would along with other harmful provisions in it end
so-called "network neutrality" meaning the internet
freedom we now have.
This bill, if passed, will be a major
victory for the cable and telecom giants transforming them into
gatekeepers of internet content and allowing them to charge varying
rates to customers based on whatever set of rules they decide
to establish. In a word, it will destroy the internet as it now
is. As such, it's crucial every effort be made to prevent this
from happening.
-- Don't ignore the obvious influence
we can have by communicating with our elected leaders. They pay
attention, and it guides their policy-making.
-- Joining a union or getting active in
the union movement is crucially important to rebuilding the nation's
middle class. It's essential unions be re-empowered through favorable
legislation, and voters need to petition their legislators to
work for this.
-- Finally Hartmann sends a message everyone
should take to heart - never lose hope and never give up the fight.
He ends his book by quoting what Winston Churchill said at a boy's
school during Britain's darkest hour in WW II: "Never give
in. Never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large
or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good
sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming
might of the enemy."
Today the enemy of all working people
has overwhelming but not invulnerable might. Gandhi taught us
that "A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable
faith in their mission can alter the course of history."
And he inspired us saying "First they ignore you, then they
laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." He did,
and so can we.
Thom Hartmann would agree that We the
People can indeed win if we do enough even though it's never easy,
and the cons will fight us every step of the way with every dirty
trick they know. It's up to us to fight the better fight because
we can't afford to lose. Take heart from Thomas Jefferson and
what he once said: "Every generation needs a new Revolution."
Today he'd likely say we never needed
one more than now.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can
be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog
site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
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