Why China has it wrong on Myanmar
By Bernt Berger
www.atimes.com/, October 3, 2007

While Myanmar's military government cracks
down on peaceful protesters, China, as one of the regime's main
benefactors, is being held in some quarters as tangentially co-responsible
for the violence.
Although China's ability directly to influence
the regime is limited, Beijing does maintain considerable diplomatic
sway in Yangon, and whether it supports new mooted international
initiatives against Myanmar's regime will likely determine their
failure or success in affecting change.
China's stance on Myanmar is based on
several misjudgments about the internal situation under the military
regime and about Beijing's own international role. In his recent
speech to the United Nations Security Council, Chinese Ambassador
to the UN Wang Guangya admitted to problems in Myanmar. Yet he
also expressed Beijing's belief that these problems did not constitute
a threat to international peace and security and that in the current
situation new Western-led sanctions against the regime were not
That follows China's move in January to
block a US-led initiative to put Myanmar's rights record on the
UN Security Council's agenda. Last week, the United States and
the European Union drafted a joint statement urging China, India
and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to use
their influence in support of Myanmar's people to press for dialogue
between the regime and the political opposition led by detained
pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. So far, however, that call
has gone unanswered.
Myanmar poses a growing challenge to China's
international image, which Beijing is bidding to establish as
a responsible global power. After its recent engagement in Sudan
over Darfur backfired, Beijing finds itself once again associated
with an abusive government that has manufactured a humanitarian
Although China is not the only country
engaged in Myanmar and should not carry sole responsibility for
the emerging crisis, it is a member of the UN Security Council
and thereby indirectly accountable for any actions that are, or
are not, taken. In view of a regime that unscrupulously mistreats
its citizens and spurns with impunity all standards of civility,
Beijing clearly lacks a sense of urgency.
Even before protesters took to the streets
in September, there were rumors on the Yangon street that a popular
uprising was in the cards. At the same time, China was gradually
changing its approach toward Myanmar. For instance, in May a statement
was posted on the Chinese Embassy's website criticizing the extraordinary
expense of the establishment of Myanmar's new capital at Naypyidaw.
China also initiated a behind-the-scenes meeting between Myanmar
and US government representatives to discuss new directions in
their severely strained relations.
Faced with the current crisis, however,
China has reverted to its traditional stance of non-interference
in another country's internal affairs. In doing so, Beijing is
not only arguably damaging its international image, but also squandering
a unique opportunity to take an active and moral role in influencing
Myanmar's leadership. Globally, it could enhance its image considerably
by acting as a responsible stakeholder. It could also distinguish
itself from regional rival India, which so far has similarly preferred
to deal with Myanmar's crisis by looking the other way.
The agreement to send UN special envoy
Ibrahim Gambari to Myanmar to meet with both military leaders
and the pro-democracy opposition represents only a starting point
toward internationally influencing the junta to change tack.
China's policymakers understand that the
effectiveness of US-led sanctions has been undermined by Beijing's
willingness to economically engage the regime. Indeed, Myanmar's
military leadership has exhibited significant staying power in
the face of economic sanctions, which in the main have hit the
already poor and overburdened population and left the ruling junta
unscathed. In the current situation, change can only come from
within the military and China could use its channels, contacts
and influence to convince the regime that now is the time to change.
Redefining interference
China has instead stood firm on its stated
policy of non-interference in another country's internal affairs
and has emphasized the need for restraint on both sides of the
confrontation to ensure stability. However, China has in reality
been interfering in Myanmar's internal affairs for at least half
a century. During much of the Cold War, Beijing overtly supported
the Communist Party of Burma, which fought against government-led
forces. Burmese military leader General Ne Win reached a rapprochement
with China in 1980, and Beijing has since been a strategic ally
to different military governments.
China has invested heavily in Myanmar's
infrastructure, business and natural resources and has tacitly
supported the waves of migration of Chinese citizens into that
country. By providing arms to the regime, Beijing has also disturbed
government-society relations and helped to shift the center of
political power toward the military. This kind of interference
is no different from Western approaches to maintaining influence
in their former colonies, and without a change in policy, China
will continue to be subjected to accusations of neo-colonialism.
Interference no longer narrowly implies
the disturbance of a smaller country's political and economic
development, as it arguably did across the developing world during
the Cold War. Today, the conviction in the West and many parts
of the developing world is that social rights are integral to
political stability and development. Indeed, the lack of interference
into a rogue regime's internal affairs can have important humanitarian
and developmental implications for the global community. Insistence
on human rights and development is not just a way to pressure
abusive governments, but because of spillover effects, is increasingly
important to maintaining global security.
Nonetheless, Beijing frowns on any external
intervention toward Myanmar, including a multilateral response
led by the UN, because of the precedent it would set. Observers
have argued that Beijing fears a similar fate if in future it
proves unable to manage the rising number of internal challenges
it faces.
However, despite its own spotty human-rights
record, today China's pragmatic Communist Party leadership is
not viewed as darkly as the likes of Zimbabwean President Robert
Mugabe, Myanmar's General Than Shwe or other rogue governments
with which Beijing is known to have close ties. There are no serious
external initiatives to promote regime change in China, and whatever
international action is taken toward Myanmar's military junta
is unlikely to set any precedent for future action against Beijing.
China has recently said that no country
in Myanmar's immediate neighborhood seriously believes that the
recent anti-government protests represent a threat to regional
stability and security. Yet even before last week's crackdown
on demonstrators, some ASEAN members had come around to view Myanmar
as more of a liability than an asset to the grouping's international
Despite several diplomatic overtures,
Myanmar has steadfastly ignored ASEAN's urgings to improve its
human-rights record and move toward more democracy. The grouping's
condemnation of recent events underscored its members' growing
frustration with the military regime and mounting concerns that
Myanmar's obstinacy could undermine efforts under way to become
a more rules-based organization.
If China's influence is to transcend merely
maintaining good commercial relations with regional governments,
its handling of the crisis in Myanmar represents an important
test case. Yet all indications so far are that China aims to support
the status quo in Myanmar, reaffirming global perceptions that
Beijing's foreign policy is guided almost exclusively in pursuit
of its narrowly defined economic interests. Beijing clearly fears
that international pressure on Myanmar's leadership or possible
regime change would harm its economic interests, including in
particular its privileged access to the country's energy and natural
After the Cold War, Myanmar's leaders
learned to survive by strategically playing their neighbors, namely
India and China, against one another as they competed for access
to Myanmar's resources. The ideal scenario now would be for China
and India to join forces with the West in demanding political
change in Myanmar. If China appears now as a progressive force
toward influencing political change in Myanmar, potential future
democratic governments will be less likely to exclude Beijing
from their list of preferred trading partners.
China is Myanmar's biggest neighbor and
will inevitably remain a factor in the country's future. In the
event of possible regime change, presumably where the military
is knocked from power, any new government would be well placed
to leverage China's financial resources and technical expertise
in managing the transition. Yet any democratic-minded government
that rises in Myanmar will no doubt lean toward the US and Europe
- which have long maintained economic sanctions against the military
regime - at China's expense.
China's accustomed role of blocking UN
Security Council resolutions that involve sanctions or interventions
against abusive regimes no longer necessarily reflects the spirit
among other UN member states from the developing world. Today,
many countries, rich and poor, stand for democratization, human
rights and good governance and are ready to condemn regimes such
as Myanmar that routinely flout those ideals. It's a global reality
that China's leadership has, to its international detriment, failed
to embrace.
Bernt Berger is a research fellow at the
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg (IFSH)
and associate researcher of the Institute for Asian Studies at
the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).
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