Chavez Code
Eva Golinger's book about Venezuela
and the National Endowment for Democracy
by Jeron Donalds
Marin Interfaith Task Force on
the Americas - Report, Fall 2005

Eva Golinger's "Chavez Code"
- how the U.S. Government has used the National Endowment for
Democracy (NED) to penetrate the civil institutions of foreign
countries for the purpose of subverting or replacing governments
whose policies it opposes.
Eva Golinger is a Venezuelan-American
attorney specializing in international human rights and immigration
law. In 2004, she obtained classified documents from the CIA,
the State Department, and other government entities, declassified
under the Freedom of Information Act, demonstrating the Bush Government's
prior knowledge and complicity in the April 2002 coup d'etat against
President Hugo Chavez. She has also brought to light the more
than $20 million given by the U.S. Government to finance 'anti-Chavez'
groups in Venezuela
In a front page article in the New York
Times on March 31, 1997. journalist John M. Broder declared: "The
National Endowment for Democracy, created 15 years ago to do in
the open what the CIA has done surreptitiously for decades, spends
$30 million a year to support things like political parties, labor
unions, dissident movements and the news media in dozens of countries".
Allen Weinstein, NED's first president
in 1983, The man who helped pass the legislation that established
the organization's goals was surprisingly frank when he stated
in 1991: "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25
years ago by the CIA. In effect, the CIA has been laundering money
through NED."
In 1983 the NED was established and funded
by congressional legislation to 'promote democracy' in foreign
countries. 'Core grantees' were formed to act as funnels for congressional
funds to reach political parties and partisan groups in other
nations: Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), American
Center for Labor Solidarity (ACILS), National Democratic Institute
(NDI), and International Republican Institute (IRI). The NDI and
IRI are affiliates of our two national political parties and are
currently overseen by Madeleine Aibright and John McCain. Carl
Gershman has been president of the NED since 1984 and is linked
to the old school hawks network Known as a 'neocon', Gershman
worked in the early 1970's with Richard Perle, Elliot Abrams,
and Paul Wolfowitz.
The Reagan Administration was determined
to replace the Sandanista Government in Nicaragua and NED funds
were provided to finance the opposition electoral campaign directly.
In 1990, Violetta Chamorro was declared the winner of the presidential
election and the Sandanistas were removed from power.
As the world's fifth largest supplier
of petroleum, Venezuela is a national security interest for the
United States. With President Hugo Chavez' election in 1998 with
a 60% majority, Venezuela is no longer a submissive player to
U.S. policy.
In 2001, the IRI received a $340,000 grant
(up from $50,000) from NED for its work in Venezuela to "train
national and/or local branches of existing and/or newly created
political parties on such topics as party strategy, management
and organization, internal and external party communications,
and coalition building".
In the 2001-2004 period, NED issued grants
of $4.5 million to Venezuelan organizations to destabilize the
Chavez' Government: on April 11, 2002, a failed coup attempt;
December 2, 2002, a 64-day shut down of oil production with a
$10 billion hit to the economy; August 15, 2004, an unsuccessful
presidential recall election.
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
Index of Website