Who Controls the Heroes
Common Courage Press -
Political Literacy Course, October 12/13, 1999

History's Heroes, Part 1:
Who Controls the Heroes Controls the Present
Heroes can provide inspiration. But James Loewen's "Lies
My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook
Got Wrong" provides a powerful warning: how heroes' stories
are told--or remain untold--shapes our perception not only of
history but of justice and the society we live in. Much has been
made of this point with regard to Christopher Columbus, too much
to add new comment here. But other historical figures bask--or
suffer--from agendas behind today's retelling.
Take Helen Keller as one example. Loewen writes that all students
he has encountered knew she was blind and deaf; many knew personal
details of her life. A few said she was a "humanitarian,"
but few knew of her life's work as a radical socialist. "Keller's
commitment to socialism stemmed from her experienceÖ Through
research she learned that blindness was not distributed randomly
throughout the population but was concentrated in the lower class.
Men who were poor might be blinded in industrial accidents or
by inadequate medical care; poor women who became prostitutes
faced the additional danger of syphilitic blindnessÖ Keller's
research was not just book-learning: 'I have visited the sweatshops,
factories, crowded slums. If I could not see it, I could smell
Loewen continues, "At the time she became a socialist,
she was one of the most famous women on the planet. She soon became
the most notorious. Her conversion to socialism caused a new storm
of publicity--this time outraged. Newspapers that had extolled
her courage and intelligence now emphasized her handicap. Columnists
charged that she had no independent sensory input and was in thrall
to those who fed her information. Typical was the editor of the
Brooklyn Eagle, who wrote that Keller's 'mistakes spring out of
the manifest limitations of her development'."
Loewen notes that how heroes are portrayed can sometimes serve
as an index to white racism in our society. He recounts the case
of John Brown, the radical white abolitionist, whose actions in
two incidents, at Pottawatomie, Kansas and Harpers Ferry, Virginia,
are discussed in today's textbooks. Loewen cites one account of
Brown's 1859 Harpers Ferry raid that describes Brown's attempt
to start a slave rebellion in Virginia that would spread to the
South: "On October 16, 1859, Brown and eighteen of his men
captured the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry.Ö He and his
men were captured by a force of marines. Brown was brought to
trial and convicted of treason against Virginia, murder, and criminal
conspiracy. He was hanged on December 2, 1859."
Missing from the textbooks is the fact that he became a moral
force prior to his impending execution, saying, "Now, if
it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance
of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood
of my children and with the blood of millions in this slave country
whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments,
I say, let it be done."
While Brown's contemporaries knew him to be sane, "After
1890 textbook authors inferred Brown's madness from his plan,
which," Loewen stated, "was admittedly farfetched.ÖWe
must recognize that the insanity with which historians have charged
John Brown was never psychological. It was ideological. Brown's
actions made no sense to textbook writers between 1890 and about
1970. To make no sense is to be crazy."
Loewen shows many other portrayals of heroes throughout our
textbooks that leave out their radical positions. In describing
the anti-Vietnam war movement, textbooks "leave out all the
memorable quotations of the era. Martin Luther King, Jr., the
first major leader to come out against the war, opposed it in
his trademark cadences: 'We have destroyed their two most cherished
institutions: the family and the village. We have destroyed their
land and their cropsÖ. We have corrupted their women and
children and killed their men.' No textbook quotes King. Even
more famous was the dissent of Muhammad Ali, then the heavyweight
boxing champion of the world. Ali refused induction into the military,
for which his title was stripped from him, and said, 'No Viet
Cong ever called me 'nigger'.' "
History's Heroes, Part 2:
How Their Portrayal Affects the Way We Think
It's not just the voices of justice whose words are omitted
or placed in a context that serves the powerful. Some historical
figures get praise where none is due. Loewen notes that President
Woodrow Wilson is often credited with the progressive era reform
of women's suffrage. But "although women did receive the
right to vote during Wilson's administration, the president was
at first unsympathetic. He had suffragists arrested; his wife
detested them. Public pressure, aroused by hunger strikes and
other actions of the movement, convinced Wilson that to oppose
women's suffrage was politically unwise. Textbooks typically fail
to show the interrelationship between the hero and the people.
By giving credit to the hero, authors tell less than half the
Writing about textbooks, Loewen comments, "authors cannot
bear to reveal anything bad about our heroes." An unmentioned
example he notes is that "almost half of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence were slaveowners. Ö Textbooks
canonize Patrick Henry for his 'Give me liberty or give me death'
speech. Not one [of the twelve textbooks Loewen examines] tells
us that eight months after delivering the speech he ordered 'diligent
patrols' to keep Virginia slaves from accepting the British offer
of freedom to those who would join their side. Henry wrestled
with the contradiction, exclaiming, 'Would anyone believe I am
the master of slaves of my own purchase!' Almost no one would
today because only two of the twelve textbooks Ö even mention
the inconsistency."
Much about Thomas Jefferson's slave holdings has come to light
as DNA tests have identified some of his descendants as being
born to one of his slaves. "Textbooks stress that Jefferson
was a humane master, privately tormented by slavery and opposed
to its expansion, not the type to destroy families by selling
slaves. In truth, by 1820, Jefferson had become an ardent advocate
of the expansion of slavery to the western territories. And he
never let his ambivalence about slavery affect his private life.
Jefferson was an average master who had his slaves whipped and
sold into the Deep South as examples, to induce slaves to obey.
By 1822, Jefferson owned 267 slaves. During his long life, of
hundreds of different slaves he owned, he freed only three, and
five more at his death--all blood relatives of his."
The acts of what might only be called anti-heroes are often
sanitized as well. One shocking photograph in Loewen's book shows
a lynching in progress with the victim being burned alive. Perpetrators
are standing posed, smiling at the camera. Writes Loewen:
"Lynch mobs often posed for the camera. They showed no
fear of being identified because they knew no white jury would
convict them. 'Mississippi: Conflict and Change,' a revisionist
state history textbook I co-wrote, was rejected by the Mississippi
State Textbook Board because it included this photograph. At the
trial that ensued, a rating committee member stated that material
like this would make it hard for a teacher to control her students,
especially a 'white lady teacher' in a predominantly black class.
At this point the judge took over the questioning. 'Didn't lynchings
happen in Mississippi?' he asked. Yes, admitted the rating committee
member, but it was all so long ago, why dwell on it now? 'It's
a history book, isn't it?' asked the judge, who eventually ruled
in the book's favor. Ö I hasten to reassure that no classroom
riots resulted from our book or this photograph."
The effects of twisting history in these ways are disturbing.
To cite one example, Loewen writes:
"The superstructure of racism has long outlived the social
structure of slavery that generated it. The following passage
from Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone With the Wind,' written in the
1930s, shows racism alive and well in that decade. The narrator
is interpreting Reconstruction: 'The former field hands found
themselves suddenly elevated to the seats of the mighty. There
they conducted themselves as creatures of small intelligence might
naturally be expected to do. Like monkeys or small children turned
loose among treasured objects whose value is beyond their comprehension,
they ran wild--either from perverse pleasure in destruction or
simply because of their ignorance.' White supremacy permeates
Mitchell's romantic bestseller."
Nonetheless, "when the American Library Association asked
library patrons to name the best book in the library, 'Gone With
the Wind' won an actual majority against all other books ever
The year of the American Library Association poll: 1988.
Howard Zinn said of Loewen's work, "Every teacher, every
student of history, every citizen should read this book."
Courage Press