Cuba page

"The U.S. policy toward
Cuba [U.S.-sponsored sabotage, espionage, terrorism, hijackings,
trade sanctions, embargo, and outright invasion] has been consistent
with its longstanding policy of trying to subvert any country
that pursues an alternative path in the use of its land, labor,
capital, markets, and natural resources. Any nation or political
movement that emphasizes self-development, egalitarian human services,
and public ownership is condemned as an enemy and targeted for
sanctions or other forms of attack. In contrast, the countries
deemed "friendly toward America" and "pro-West"
are those that leave themselves at the disposal of large U.S.
investors on terms that are totally favorable to the moneyed corporate
Michael Parenti
"Cuba has been condemned
for not allowing its people to flee the island. That so many want
to leave Cuba is treated as proof that Cuban socialism is a harshly
repressive system, rather than that the U.S. embargo has made
life difficult in Cuba. That so many millions more want to leave
capitalist countries like Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, El Salvador,
Philippines, South Korea, Macedonia, and others too numerous to
list is never treated as grounds for questioning the free-market
system that inflicts such misery on the Third World."
Michael Parenti