"We hold you responsible
excerpted from the article
The People Lead When Their Leader's
The Citizen's Hearing on the Legality
of U.S. Action in Iraq, Tacoma Washington, January 21-22, 2007
by Zbignew Zingh
www.dissidentvoice.org, January
23, 2007

... You Republicans, we hold you responsible
as the authors of an illegal, unconstitutional war based on lies
and deception. You are responsible for thousands of dead American
soldiers and tens of thousands of physically and psychologically
crippled veterans. You are responsible for hundreds of thousands
of Iraqi human lives - most of them women and children. Your are
responsible for cultural assassination. You are responsible for
the murder and degradation of the Earth itself. You will bear
this responsibility for decades, and certainly into the next election
cycle upon which politicians are so focused.
You Democrats, we hold you responsible as the authors of an illegal,
unconstitutional war based on lies and deception. You are responsible
for thousands of American war casualties, hundreds of thousands
of civilian deaths and millions of Iraqi civilian deaths over
the lifetime of the Clinton "sanctions" and "bipartisan"
support for this war. You are responsible for the murder and degradation
of the Earth itself. You have trotted out a pantheon of retread
candidates running for president. We caution you: we will not
support candidates who voted for and supported the war and then
act like we do not remember. We will support no supposedly "fresh
face", no Madison Avenue charismatic who will not clearly
delineate an anti-war and a pro-humanist agenda. We have graduated
beyond party politics. We are Citizens of a country that would
be great.
You generals and military officers, we hold you responsible for
failing to obey your own oaths of loyalty to the Constitution
of the United States. You have been complicit in the meaningless
deaths of your own soldiers and countless numbers of physically
and psychologically crippled veterans. You have lacked the courage
to resist, in word or deed, a racist, economically driven quasi-religious
crusade and war of occupation. You have chosen to prosecute Lt.
Ehren Watada, an officer of principal and impeccable courage,
and by prosecuting, convicting and sentencing him, you officers
of the JAG Corps will yourselves have violated your oaths of office
and participated in a pattern of war crimes.
You ambassadors at the United Nations, you fool us no longer.
We hold you responsible for the war and its destruction. We recognize
that the General Assembly has no power and that everything that
the UN does . . . and does not do . . . is because one or more
of the five permanent nations of the Security Council vetoes or
promotes it. Nevertheless, we hold you, United Nations, as an
entity, responsible for the countless deaths in Iraq that, by
the smallest demonstration of courage and ethics, you could have
prevented. We hold you responsible for your failures throughout
the world for seeming to act beneficially, while, in fact, you
are enabling the geopolitical ambitions of your five permanent
Security Council members. We hold you, United Nations, responsible
for violating your duty to protect the weak from the strong.
You false critics from the nations of the world, we hold you responsible
for the deaths of millions, the murder and degradation of the
earth itself. It is not acceptable that you should criticize war,
but then fly in to profit from it like vultures feasting on cadavers.
If American citizens have a duty to lead when their leaders are
corrupt, then you in France, in Britain, in Germany, in Saudi
Arabia, in Egypt, in Jordan, in India, China, Russia, Mexico and
everywhere, likewise have a duty to lead when your leaders are
venal, corrupt or collaborators.
And you, brother and sister Citizens of the United States, we
hold you and ourselves responsible for our collective sin of silence.
We cannot criticize the occupation while we benefit from the fruits
of the occupation. We cannot blame the Administration when our
own engineers, lawyers, psychologists, programmers, technicians,
media consultants, reporters, doctors, scientists, longshoremen,
truckers and businesspeople profit from the business of war through
our work, our complicity and our consumerism. The testimony of
the Citizen's Hearing on the Legality of US Actions in Iraq was
overwhelming. Notwithstanding the distracting drone of a media
fully integrated, fully embedded with your government, the truth
is, indeed, available to all of us. Either we know, or we could
know with little effort, the truth and the horror that we have
wrought. As Alexis de Tocqueville observed two centuries ago about
democracy, a people get the government that they deserve. To get
good government, it is incumbent on all of us to act and speak
out like we deserve it...
in America
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