Good Americans and the Good Germans
under Hitler
by John Rhys-Burgess
www.opendemocracy.net, February
5, 2005

After the unutterable barbarity of the
Nazi era, the question has often been asked as to how the people
of a nation that had hitherto been such a pre-eminent contributor
to western civilisation, could have been so deluded.
More than half a century later, the same
question needs to be asked of the American people. Having become
aware of the death, destruction, violence and misery inflicted
upon millions following the unlawful invasions of Afghanistan
and Iraq and the iconic images of cruelty and depravity at Guantanamo,
Abu Ghraib and Fallujah, how could they, as a supposedly civilised
nation, not only fail to condemn those reposible for such crimes
against humanity, but actually endorse and reward such conduct
by returning them to power?
Bearing in mind, also, that the Bush Doctrine
represents the very worst aspects of U.S. foreign policy, but
which however have been their most consistent feature for many
decades, is it not self-evident that the world should look askance
at the notion of "the good American" as of "the
good German" during the Nazi era? What then, are the common
denominators? What similarities exist between the popular attitudes
of "ordinary" Americans under Bush, and of the German
people under Hitler?
Surely, the first consideration is the
indoctrinated chauvinism of the American people itself, the inherent
self-belief in its own superiority over other, poorer and weaker
nations, inculcated by infantile oaths of loyalty, the idolatrous
reverence of flag, nation and the person of the President and,
that spurious historical perspective of its supposed achievements
of which the reductio ad absurdum is the preposterous neocon
fantasy of world domination implict in the Project for the New
American Century. At the heart of the Bush Doctrine's strident
xenopobia and bellicose nationalism, the fascistic origins of
Amerika über alles are clearly to be perceived.
Indoctrinated by the coercive traditions
of it educational system, an ignorant but well fed and watered,
crass and bovine society, increasingly intolerant, conformist
and fearful, craves the moral certainties of an authoritarian,
hierarchical leadership that will act like Superman in the suburbs,
Robocop in the inner cities and Judge Dredd abroad. In particular,
the President is a "Big Brother" figure. If he did not
exist, he would need, as with Orwell's "Big Brother",
to be invented. The President is merely an actor, a puppet or
dummy. The hands of his advisers and speech writers are concealed,
but they are there, at the President's back, manipulating the
teeth and making it appear that the presidential dummy is actually
capable of thinking and speaking for himself. The role of the
President in American society with its predominantly anti-individualist,
corporate and collectivist mentality is to be the apex of its
hierarchical social pyramid before whom all shall serve. The President
is also the Golden Calf to be adored by the bovine masses. In
the truest Orwellian sense, his principal function is to provide
the "...focusing point for love, fear, and reverence, emotions
which are more easily felt towards an individual than towards
an organization."
Despite the best efforts of their educational
system, their political, religious and business leaders, propagandists
and opinion formers, the Good Americans, are not however, inherently
stupid. It's just that they know which side their bread is buttered
on. In their innermost hearts, they remain fearful and uncertain.
But to guard against heretical thoughts, they will read or listen
to the opinions only of those who will propitiate their flattering
and comforting self-image as champions of freedom, justice, democracy
and righteousness. Theirs is a craving which a venal and self-serving
media is more than happy to indulge. And, most essential to the
moral equilibrium of the Good American is the "...stopping
short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous
thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing
to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments
if they are inimical to..." whatever they want to believe,
which is whatever their President tells them "...and of being
bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of
leading in a heretical direction... in short, ... protective stupidity."
Accordingly, among the Good Americans
there prevails a settled disposition to uncritically swallow and
regurgitate, the most patent absurdities, blatant lies, glib excuses,
pretexts and justifications, even when the administration's self-serving
mendacity and hypocritical cant, is exposed, as indeed it is,
time and time again. The enemy is demonised as both psychopathic
and evil, actuated solely by malice and an unprovoked, irrational
hatred. This is however, immediately contradictory since evil
and malice, by definition involve a deliberate and conscientious
choice to do that which is malignant. On the other hand, an irrational
and unjustified animus is entirely psychotic, by reason of which
it cannot be wholly evil, since moral, as well as legal responsibility
is thereby diminished.
Moreover, whenever any explanation as
to why the United States itself should find itself the object
of such unjustifiable malice, there is only angry and indignant
denial for protective as opposed to solely intellectual stupidity
is essential to the peace of mind of the Good Americans. They
dare not look into themselves. Their indignation, for example,
when told that the indelible images of Abu Ghraib with their distinctly
pornographic, sado-maschostic milieu, are icons indicative of
the depravity of their society and culture as a whole, is to be
compared only to the rage of the monster Caliban upon seeing its
own reflection. In helping to form the opinions of the Good Americans,
the U.S. corporate media has performed its task well. They are
the true inheritors of the spiritual mantle of Josef Goebbels.
The events of September 11, 2001, were
indeed terrifying for the American people. But these were acts
of terror which America's political elite lost no opportunity
to exploit, so that the power of hierarchical society in America
could be greatly enhanced and the widespread curtailment of individual
liberty justified. In particular, the attacks on Afghanistan and
Iraq, which the U.S. administration and those advising it, had
contemplated well before the 9/11 attacks, could, however implausibly,
be justified.
As in Nazi Germany, the ruling elite,
its supporters and collaborators, have lost no opportunity to
curtail dissent to its policies. The official U.S. position was
declared at an early stage. No less an authority than the president
of the United States himself, asserted that those who disapprove
of whatever the government wishes to do, must be considered no
better than the terrorists themselves. No divergence of opinion
is possible. Grotesquely, outspoken thinkers and writers like
Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal or Seymour Hirsch have even been accused
of "sedition" and "treason". The customary
response to those of us who are vociferously opposed to Bush and
his allies, is not rational argument, of which no pretence is
made, but ad hominem abuse, puerile insult, hate mail and even
death threats. Unbelievably, some of us, including me, have in
all seriousness been warned that we could be extradited to the
United States to face trial and imprisonment. Even now, the Blair
government is considering the introduction of new laws that would
permit its citizens to be arbitrarily and indefinitely detained
without trial or charge, if considered to be a danger to national
security by those in power.
America today, tomorrow the world?
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