The Man at Box 1142
excerpted from the book
America's recruitment of Nazis,
and its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy
by Christopher Simpson
Collier / Macmillan, 1988

Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's most senior military intelligence officer
on the eastern front, had begun planning his surrender to the
United States at least as early as the fall of 1944...
General Gehlen ... was a scrawny man-at five feet eight and
a half inches he weighed less than 130 pounds at the time of his
surrender-with an arrogant demeanor and a violent temper that
got worse as he grew older. But he also had extraordinary powers
of concentration and a jeweler's attention to detail, both of
which served him well in his remarkable thirty-seven-year career
as a spy master.
In early March 1945 Gehlen and a small group of his most senior
officers carefully microfilmed the vast holdings on the USSR in
the Fremde Heere Ost (FHO), the military intelligence section
of the German army's general staff. They packed the film in watertight
steel drums and secretly buried it in remote mountain meadows
scattered through the Austrian Alps. Then, on May 22, 1945, Gehlen
and his top aides surrendered to an American Counterintelligence
Corps team.
Luck was with them. Captain John Bokor was assigned as their
interrogator at Camp King, near Oberursel, in the American occupation
zone. Bokor had been interned by the Germans early in the war,
had been treated well, and had later served as an interrogator
of captured German officers at Fort Hunt near Washington, D.C.
Though he was unquestionably anti-Nazi, Bokor's contact with the
German officer corps had left him with a certain amount of respect
for the enemy and a disdain for the narrow-minded anti-Germanism
of many American officers of the time. He was, as Gehlen recalled
later, "the first American officer I met with expert knowledge
of Russia and with no illusions about the way political events
were turning . . . we became close friends and have remained so."'
During the weeks following Bokor's new assignment Gehlen gradually
laid his cards on the table. Not only did the former Wehrmacht
general know where the precious archives were buried, but he had
also maintained the embryo of an underground espionage organization
that could put the records to work against the USSR. Captain Bokor
was interested.
... it is clear that before a year was out, the Americans had
freed Gehlen and most of his high command, then installed them
in a former Waffen SS training facility near Pullach, Germany,
which has remained the group's headquarters to this day.
... Gehlen derived much of his information from his role in one
of the most terrible atrocities of the war: the torture, interrogation,
and murder by starvation of some 4 million Soviet prisoners of
war. Even Gehlen's defenders-and there are many of them, both
in Germany and in the United States-acknowledge he was instrumental
in organizing the interrogations of these POWs. The success of
this interrogation program from the German military's point of
view became, in fact, the cornerstone of Gehlen's career. It won
him his reputation as an intelligence officer and his major general's
But these same interrogations were actually a step in the
liquidation of tens of thousands of POWs. Prisoners who refused
to cooperate were often tortured or summarily shot. Many were
executed even after they had given information, while others were
simply left to starve to death. True, Gehlen's men did not personally
administer the starvation camps, nor are they known to have served
in the execution squads. Such tasks were left to the SS, whose
efficiency in such matters is well known.
Instead, Gehlen's men were in a sense like scientists who
skimmed off the information and documents that rose to the surface
of these pestilent camps. Now and again they selected an interesting
specimen: a captured Russian general ready to collaborate, perhaps,
or a Ukrainian railroad expert who might supply the locations
of vulnerable bridges when given some encouragement to talk. Gehlen's
officers were scientists in somewhat the same way that concentration
camp doctors were: Both groups extracted their data from the destruction
of human beings.
Nazis and collaborators became integral to the operation of Gehlen's
postwar organization, and nowhere was this clearer than in control
of emigre operations...
Gehlen's man in emigre enterprises, SS Brigadefuhrer Franz Six,
is a major war criminal and is still alive at last report. He
was once described by Adolf Eichmann as a Streber (a "real
eager beaver") on the so-called Jewish Question and as a
favored protégé of SS chief Himmler's. Eichmann
should have known: His own first efforts in the Holocaust were
carried out under Six's personal command in the "Ideological
Combat" section of the security service. In 1941 Six led
the Vorkommando Moskau, an advance squad of the Nazi invasion,
whose job it was to seize Communist party and NKVD archives in
order to compile lists of hunted Soviet officials and to liquidate
those who were caught. Six's Vorkommando never made it to Moscow,
but his own reports indicate that his unit murdered approximately
200 people in cold blood in Smolensk, where they had stopped on
the march to the Russian capital. The Smolensk victims, Six wrote
headquarters, included "46 persons, among them 38 intellectual
Jews who had tried to create unrest and discontent in the newly
established Ghetto of Smolensk."
As late as 1944 Six spoke at a conference of "consultants"
on the "Jewish Question" at Krummhubel. The stenographic
notes of the meeting indicate that "Six spoke . . . about
the political structure of world Jewry. The physical elimination
of Eastern Jewry would deprive Jewry of its biological reserves,
" he announced. "The Jewish Question must be solved
not only in Germany but also internationally". Himmler was
so pleased with Six's work that he lifted him out of projects
in Amt VI and gave him a newly created department, Amt VII, of
his own.
But Six was not simply a killer. He was a college professor
with a doctorate in law and political science and a dean of the
faculty of the University of Berlin and was regarded by some of
his peers as one of the most distinguished professors of his generation.
Six-Dr. Six, as he preferred-had joined the Nazi party in 1930,
then the SS and SD a few years later. He was, along with Walter
Schellenberg and Otto Ohlendorf, one of the nazified professors
and lawyers who supplied a thin cover of intellectual respectability
to the Hitler dictatorship. A number of such men enlisted in the
security service and became the brains of the party, the intelligence
specialists who presented dispassionate analyses to the Nazi high
command concerning ideological warfare, racial questions in the
East, and tactics for the Final Solution.
- CSimpson
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