Nazification of Germany vs.
Nazification of America
by Norman D. Livergood

German Nazification Phase 1
Seizure of Power
1933: January 30
Hitler is appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg
Weimar Republic President Paul von Hindenburg
appointed Adolph Hitler Chancellor even though the Nazis were
only a small minority in the German government. On his first day
as chancellor, Hitler manipulated Hindenburg into dissolving the
Reichstag and calling for the new elections he had wanted - to
be held on March 5, 1933. President Hindenburg had fallen under
Hitler's spell and was signing just about anything Hitler put
in front of him. Hitler began immediately to orchestrate the complete
takeover of all mechanisms of governance and functions of state,
to make Nazi Germany a totalitarian dictatorship.
February 3, 1933
In a speech to the leading army and navy
commanders, Hitler revealed his Lebensraum program for the conquest
of "living space" for the German people, rearmament,
and resistance to the Versailles Treaty. He spoke of the importance
of the military and promised not to involve it in domestic political
American Nazification Phase 1
Seizure of Power
1999: November
Bush is appoinited President by the Supreme
Bush is foisted on the American public
through a coup d'etat of the Supreme Court after massive election
fraud perpetrated by his brother in Florida
Thousands of voters were illegally disqualified
in the 2000 election in the state of Florida, when Jeb Bush and
his Secretary of State compiled a false list of felons who would
not be allowed to vote.
The Supreme Court was packed with reactionary
right-wingers several of whom had conflicts of interest because
of their ties to the Bush family.
Dubya appoints convicted criminals, racists,
and corporate-controlled underlings to his cabinet.
January, 2000
Bush pushes his tax cuts for the wealthy
through Congress, begins his assaults on the environment, and
commands the FBI to stop investigations concerning the Bin Laden
family and other suspected terrorist cells.
Phase 2
An Atrocity to Subdue the People
February 27, 1933
The Reichstag Fire
On the night the German Parliament Building--the Reichstag-- burned
down, Hitler was at Goebbels's apartment having dinner. They rushed
to the scene where they met Göring who was already screaming
false charges and making threats against the Communists. At first
glance, Hitler described the fire as a beacon from heaven. "You
are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in German history.
. . This fire is the beginning," Hitler told a news
reporter at the scene.
While not all historians agree on who
actually perpetrated the Reichstag Fire, writers such as Klaus
P. Fischer feel that most likely the Nazis were responsible.
A dazed Dutch Communist named Marinus
van der Lubbe was found at the scene and charged with arson. He
was later found guilty and executed.
On February 28, 1933--the day after the
Reichstag fire--President Hindenburg and Chancellor Hitler invoked
Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, which permitted the suspension
of civil liberties in time of national emergency.
A Decree of the Reich President for the
Protection of the People and State abrogated the following German
constitutional protections:
Free expression of opinion
Freedom of the press
Right of assembly and association
Right to privacy of postal and electronic communications
Protection against unlawful searches and seizures
Individual property rights
States' right of self-government
A supplemental decree created the SA (Storm
Troops) and SS (Special Security) Federal police agencies.
Phase 2
An Atrocity to Subdue the People
September 11, 2001
The Terrorist Attacks
When the Word Trade Center and the Pentagon
were attacked, Bush was reading to grade school children in Florida.
When informed of the attack by his associates , he continued reading.
He then flew to a security bunker in Nebraska before finally returning
to the White House.
No military aircraft had been scrambled
to intercept the four hijacked planes, though there was plenty
of time to do so.
The fact that there has been no genuine
investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attack on American citizens
creates the odor of a cover-up of gigantic proportions. Some news
analysts point to the possibility that the Bush administration
could have been complicit.
Hundreds of suspects were immediately
jailed, without benefit of habeas corpus or other rights. Some
of these suspects have already been found guilty of the crime.
The Bush junta forced the Patriot Act
bill through Congress, suspending essential civil liberties. Excusing
oppression as essential to the "war on terrorism," and
maintaining that dissent was treason.
The Patriot Act abrogated the following
American constitutional protections:
Free expression of opinion
Freedom of the press
Right of assembly and association
Right to privacy of postal and electronic communications
Protection against unlawful searches and seizures
Individual property rights
States' right of self-government
Presidential decrees make it possible
for military forces to be used to monitor and control the civilian
population, in abrogation of the posse comitatus act.
The Reichstag Fire Syndrome occurs whenever
a democracy is destroyed by creating a law-and-order crisis and
offering as a "solution" the abdication of civil liberties
and state's rights to a powerful but unaccountable central dictator.
The men of wealth who put the tyrant into power are then able
to reap obscene war profits.
Phase 3
The Dictator Destroys Elections and Appoints
Himself Dictator
March 24, 1933
The Enabling Act
On March 24, 1933, the Reichstag passed
the Law for Terminating the Suffering of People and Nation, also
known as the Enabling Law, essentially granting Adolph Hitler
dictatorial power. There was no further need for elections because
the Fuhrer/Dictator made all the decisions!
Since the Nazis had only been able to
gain a 44% plurality in the Reichstag in the March 5, 1933 elections,
Hitler looked for another way to establish a full dictatorship.
Herman Göring--later to become the
head of Germany's armed forces--declared that there was no further
need for State governments. So Over the next few weeks, in each
of the legal Weimar states the local Nazi organizations instigated
riiots and then summarily replaced the elected state government
by appointed Nazi Reich Commissioners to quell the disorder.
The Nazi legislators sponsored the Enabling Act, a bill that gave
Hitler dictatorial powers for four years. To make sure the law
passed, the Nazis imprisoned Communists and created propaganda
campaigns to influence public opinion. Just days before the vote
on the bill, the Nazis held a staged ceremony in Potsdam in which
Hitler was depicted as a conservative national leader, not the
head of a radical party. Hitler promised that the Enabling Act
would only benefit the German people.
The moment the bill passed, however, the German democratic constitution
was abrogated and Nazi Party rule became absolute. Hitler immediately
invoked the new law to rescind the democratic freedoms of the
Weimar Republic and to dissolve political parties and organizations.
The Dictator Established
Death Camps
March 22, 1933
Dachau slave labor death camp established
The Hitler regime established the first
concentration camp about 15 kilometers northwest of Munich, dedicated
on March 20 by Heinrich Himmler. It held about 5,000 prisoners,
mostly Communists, Social-Democrats, and homosexuals. Bavarian
police guarded the prisoners until April 11, when the SS took
over. The slave-labor death camps, so hideous in their reality
that Germans didn't want to hear about them, became an efficient
tool in silencing opponents of the regime. Dachau was a "political
camp" and the first Jewish detainees were among the best-known
political opponents of the Nazi regime. More than 10,000 Jews
from all over Germany were interned there after the Kristallnacht
pogrom. When the systematic genocide of Jews began, the Jewish
prisoners were deported from Dachau and other camps in the Reich
to the extermination camps in the East.
Phase 3
The Leader Destroys Elections and Appoints
Himself Dictator
November, 2002
The Homeland Security Act
In the 2000 and now again in the midterm
2002 elections, electronic voting has meant that our democratic
right to have our votes counted fairly and accurately has been
taken from us by the Bush junta.
Since we now suffer under the situation
where there is no opposition to the criminal Bush regime--most
Democrats having effectively become pawns of the Republicans--then
none of the state election frauds will be investigated. We can't
be sure that key races such as that of Mondale in Minnesota and
Carnahan in Missouri were not the result of massive vote fraud.
We can be sure that the Florida gubernatorial race was completely
This sinister phase 3 of the nazification
of America is best understood by reviewing some of the information
that Greg Palast has made available. Palast is the investigative
reporter for BBC and the Observer who first exposed the 2000 Florida
vote crimes.
94,000 people -- over half of them African
American --were on a "scrub list" in Florida, resulting
in their being blocked from voting in the 2000 election. Did Florida
rectify this mistake before the 2002 election? Fuhgeddaboudit!
Those voters won't be reinstated in Florida until January 2003--if
ever. Electronic, touch screen voting is the basis for election
votes can easily be lost through "software
Democratic votes can become Republican
votes and no one is the wiser
The "touch" screens are made
by ES&S, the vendor chosen by Katherine Harris, Florida Secretary
of State and current congressional candidate. The lobbyist who
sold that company's system to Jeb and Katherine is Sandy Mortham,
founder of Women for Jeb and Harris'
predecessor as Secretary of State. Mortham was the person who
instigated the scam in 1998 to find black voters who could be
ES&S machines, not surprisingly, failed
to work in Black precincts in 2002. And of course with electronic
voting there is no paper ballot back-up.
In the 2002 mid-term "elections"
the Republicans gained control of all branches of government:
executive, legislative, and judicial.
Just as in Hitler's Enabling Act, so Bush Jr. forced the Homeland
Security bill through Congress which gave him complete dictatorial
the President is able to make any decision
he wishes without judicial or legislative restraint
the executive branch can now carry on
its meetings in secret, without scrutiny from the press or the
the "homeland security" agents
can now intrude in any part of citizen's life
slipped into the Homeland Security bill at the last moment
allows police to conduct Internet or telephone
eavesdropping willy-nilly with no requirement to ask a court's
permission first
demands life sentences for hackers that
'recklessly' endanger lives
allows Net surveillance to gather telephone
numbers, IP addresses, and URLs or e-mail information, where an
'immediate threat to a national security interest' is suspected
permits ISPs to hand users' records over
to law enforcement authorities, overturning current legislation
that outlaws such behaviour
the Homeland Security Information Awareness
Office will be run by a former convicted felon
up to 850,000 jobs will be privatized,
knocking out union and civil service oversight
On November 14, 2002, as the Senate was
being pressured to pass a hastily-prepared homeland security bill,
Senator Byrd spoke out vehemently against the bill as Bush's grab
for dictatorial power--the worst act of tyranny, he said, in the
fifty years he's been in Congress.
Secret US Police Concentration Camps
In a revealing admission in June, 1997,
the Director of Resource Management for the U.S. Army confirmed
the validity of a memorandum relating to the establishment of
a civilian inmate labor program under development by the Department
of the Army. The document states, "Enclosed for your review
and comment is the draft Army regulation on civilian inmate labor
utilization" and the procedure to "establish civilian
prison camps on installations."
Amid widespread rumors, Congressman Henry
Gonzales clarified the question of the existence of civilian detention
camps. In an interview, Gonzalez stated, "The truth is yes
-- you do have these stand by provisions, and the plans are here...whereby
you could, in the name of stopping terrorism...evoke the military
and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps."
On Sunday, November 10th, the New York
Times announced that 200,000 to 250,000 troops would be used to
attack Iraq, while 265,000 National Guard and Reserve personnal
would be called to active duty--MOST OF WHICH WILL BE DEPLOYED
IN THE UNITED STATES! Is Bush at war with Iraq or with American
Phase 4
Who knows???
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