The Takeoff Toward
a New Corporate Society
excerpted from the book
Friendly Fascism
The New Face of Power in
by Bertram Gross
South End Press, 1980, paper

Daniel R. Fusfeld
As long as an economic system provides an acceptable degree of
security, growing material wealth and opportunity for further
increase for the next generation, the average American does not
ask who is running things or what goals are being pursued.
During the war [WWII] thousands of businessmen, political leaders,
military officers, and their professional, scientific, and technical
aides had grown. accustomed to working together on national and
world affairs. Some of them were consciously preparing for the
"American Century." As the war ended, they won the quick
support of major elites in Western Europe and Japan in reconciling
the contradictions among capitalist countries, fighting communism
and socialism in a more unified manner, and moderating the capitalist
business cycle. This is how it happened that they converted a
bleak and squalid system from a catacysmic failure in the 1930s
into a formidable, if faulty, "engine of prosperity."
Without returning to classic fascism, they developed a new, expanding,
and remarkably flexible-even to the point of sharp internal conflicts-structure
of business-government partnership. If in the process constitutional
rights had been thoroughly suppressed in many dependent countries,
civil rights and civil liberties (although not all) were at the
same time considerably expanded not only in America, but also
in America's newfound allies, the former Axis powers.
As American leaders-political, economic, military, and cultural-
were preparing for the American Century, they rushed in to extend
a protecting arm over the major capitalist countries, fill the
vacuums left by their departure from former colonies, and seek
decisive influence over all parts of the globe up to (or even
across) communist boundaries. In response to each extension of
communism, American leadership strove to integrate the noncommunist
world into a loose network of constitutional democracies, authoritarian
regimes, and military dictatorships described as the "Free
For conservative commentators, the word
"empire" is more descriptive. It emphasizes the responsibilities
of imperial leadership with respect to protectorates, dependencies,
client states, and satellites, without suggesting the Marxist
connotations of "imperialism."
... If this be empire, it is very different
from-as well as much larger than-any previous empire. First of
all, the "imperium" (to use another word favored by
conservative observers) is not limited to preindustrial countries.
It also includes the other major countries of industrial capitalism:
Canada, Japan, the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance
(including Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland,
Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Turkey, and West
Germany), Spain, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel. In turn,
instead of being excluded from America's preindustrial protectorates,
the largest corporations in most of these countries share with
American corporations the raw material, commodity, labor, and
capital markets of the third world.
Then, too, U.S. imperial control is exercised
not by American governors and colonists, but by less direct methods
(sometimes described as "neocolonialism"). This has
involved the development of at least a dozen channels of influence
operating within subordinate countries of the "Free World":
* The local subsidiaries or branches of
transnational businesses, including banks
* U.S. foreign military bases, which reached
a peak of more than 400 major bases (and 3,000 minor ones) in
30 countries
* The C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies
* U.S. agencies providing economic and
military aid through loans, grants, and technical assistance
* U.S. embassies, legations, and consulates
* The local operations of U.S. media (radio,
TV, magazines, cinema) and public relations and consulting firms
* The local operations of U.S. foundations,
universities, and research and cultural institutions
* Local power centers and influential
individuals, friendly or beholden to U.S. interests
* Local armed forces, including police,
equipped or trained in whole or part by U.S. agencies
* Subordinate governments-like Brazil,
the Philippines, and Iran under the Shah-capable of wielding strong
influence in their regions
* Transnational regional agencies such
as NATO, the European Economic Community and the Organization
of American States
* Agencies of the United Nations, particularly
the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
While these channels of influence have
frustrated the efforts of any U.S. ambassador to establish personal
control and have pushed final coordinating responsibilities to
the level of the White House and the president's National Security
Council, the net result has been a remarkably flexible control
system in which competing views on strategy and tactics make themselves
felt and are resolved through mutual adjustment. When serious
mistakes are made, they can be corrected without injury to the
dominant sources of a system that can adjust, however painfully,
to the loss of any single leader, no matter how prominent. During
the Korean War, when General Douglas MacArthur erred in driving
through North Korea toward the Chinese border (which brought the
Chinese into the war and lost the U.S.-occupied portion of North
Korea to the capitalist world), he was promptly replaced. When
President Lyndon Johnson erred in overcommitting U.S. troops and
resources to the Indochinese war, he was pressured into retiring
from the 1968 presidential campaign. Moreover, when new conditions
call for new policies, the leaders of transnational corporations
may move flexibly where political and military leaders fear to
tread-as with corporate initiatives in commercial relations with
the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba.
Moreover, the economic functions of subordinate
countries now go far beyond those described many decades ago by
Hobson and Lenin. Many Third World countries have become, or are
about to become.:
* Markets for raw materials, particularly
wheat produced in the United States, Canada, and Australia
* Sources of trained technicians and professionals
who may then move through the so-called "brain drain"
into the skilled-labor markets of the major capitalist countries
* Channels for mobilizing local capital
which may then be invested locally under foreign control or repatriated
to finance investment in the industrialized countries
* Sources of low-cost labor for transnational
subsidiaries which then manufacture industrial goods that are
marketed in the major capitalist countries as well as locally.
This last point bears special attention.
There used to be a time when industrialization-often referred
to by the magic word "development"- was seen as the
road to economic independence. As it has emerged, however, industrial
development has usually been a process of converting preindustrial
dependencies into industrial dependencies. Previously, many left-wing
revolutionary movements aimed to throw off the yoke of imperialism
by joining with the native capitalists in "national revolutions."
What has often happened however, is that the local capitalists
have supplanted the old landowning oligarchs in trying to cooperate
with, rather than break with, foreign capital. Instead of "ugly
Americans" or Europeans meddling in their affairs, many Third
World regimes are increasingly manned by Americanized Brazilians,
Anglicized Indians and Nigerians, and Westernized Saudi Arabians
and Egyptians. As dependent industrialism grows, moreover, its
roots spread deeply into the state bureaucracies, in the universities
and among the managerial, technical, professional, and intellectual
elites. As this happens, military control or the threat of a military
takeover becomes somewhat less essential and the military themselves
became more civilianized, if not even subordinate to corporate
economic interests. Thus a huge infrastructure of dependency is
developed which Susanne Bodenheimer sees as "the functional
equivalent of a formal colonial apparatus." In fact, external
controls are now internalized in domestic institutions, and the
new infrastructure may be more powerful than any previous colonial
Thus, with the old oligarchies pushed
aside by industrial development, the sons and grandsons of the
preindustrial chieftains and feudal-aristocrats leap from landowning
to stockholding, from the protection of ancient privileges to
the glory of new privileges as the local agents-at times, even
junior partners-of the new industrial oligarchs of the "New
World" empire. The lands they still own allow them to keep
one foot in the past, thus easing the transition, or better yet,
allowing them to move into the new world of chemically fertilized,
supermechanized, and superseded agribusiness.
Oil, of course, is the biggest issue. In Venezuela, nationalization
of currently developed oil reserves, previously scheduled to come
into effect by 1983, was completed in 1975-under terms that proved
a bonanza to the foreign companies. Similarly, nationalization
moved steadily forward in the Middle East, with Libya and Iraq
taking the lead and Saudi Arabia and the smaller sheikdoms trailing
behind. But there is little prospect that the nationalization
of oil would promote socialization in other sectors, any more
than it did during the decades after Mexico's expropriation of
foreign oil companies. On the contrary, it seems likely that the
bulk of any additional money obtained from the larger share of
oil profits will be plowed into private enterprise at home and
abroad. This is one of the strange lessons of the oil embargo
and price increases of 1973-74 and the spectacular rise since
then in the oil income of the oil-exporting countries. Although
the embargo was widely regarded as an anti-Western move inspired
by the Russians, its long-range effect has been to bring the Arab
countries more fully than before into the world capitalist market
as well as to foster dependent industrialism in the entire Arab
Long before World War II, the larger capitalist corporations spread
around the world in their efforts to obtain raw materials and
sell manufactured products; a few developed manufacturing facilities
in other countries. But they did these things in the context of
deadly struggle among capitalist nations. After World War II,
they reached an entirely new stage of international development
by transcending the old limits on the location of activity. They
learned how to do almost anything, any place-to engage in manufacturing
and service enterprises in former colonies, to use foreign subsidiaries
to vault over or under trade and credit barriers, to mobilize
both equity and loan capital in other countries. The modern transnational
corporation not only internationalized production, it became the
only organization with resources and scope to think, to plan,
and to act in developing global sources of raw materials. This
wider scope of planning has given the transnationals the advantage
of escaping whatever inhibitions might be imposed by national
policies on currency, credit, trade, and taxes, and of allowing
them to play national currencies and governments against each
other. It has also put them in the strategic position of encouraging
and profiting from the larger markets made available through the
European Economic Community and other regional arrangements. Within
these larger markets the transnationals have worked together (while
also competing) to contain left-wing movements, subvert left-wing
regimes, and maintain the integrity of the "Free World"
The flexibility of the larger transnationals
is enhanced by the fact that most of them have become conglomerates.
No longer limited to specific sectors, their business is to get
money and power, not make specific products. Competence in producing
this or that specific product need no longer be built up over
generations; it can be bought.
Some of these capitalist complexes are tightly organized, some
remarkably loose. Most find ways of using public funds, contracts,
or guarantees as an essential part of their operations. All of
them have blurred older distinctions between "public"
and "private". All have developed increased power by
co-opting, or incorporating as valuable appendages, regulatory
agencies presumably established to control them, and by influencing
research institutions that might otherwise subject them to embarrassing
scrutiny. Large transnationals like General Motors, it has often
been pointed out, have total annual sales volumes larger than
the annual GNP of medium-sized countries. What has been less noted
or understood is that the multinational automobile-highway-petroleum
complex (within which General Motors plays a vital role) controls
far more money, scientists, and technicians than provided for
in the entire budget of any capitalist country's national government,
including the United States itself.
The emerging reality of the Golden International
is concretized in a myriad of private, public, and international
organizations. The growth of the European Economic Community and
its many offshoots has triggered the parallel creation of such
powerful business organizations as UNICE (the Union of Industries
of the European Economic Community) and FBEEC (the Banking Federation
of the European Economic Community). These operations, in turn,
have necessitated more active cooperation among First World governments.
Thus, in the field of international currency, the Group of Ten
finance ministers-representing the United States, Canada, Japan,
Britain, West Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands,
and Belgium-has been negotiating to establish a new monetary system
in which, as Sylvia Porter put it quite a while ago, "our
proud but overburdened dollar will remain a key currency of the
world-a first among equals-but . . . will not longer be the sole
pivot money around which all other currencies revolve." To
those who mistakenly see the international value of the dollar
as an unmistakable indicator of American capitalism's strength,
this may look like an American retreat. For the American transnational
corporations, however, who operate in all the world's media of
exchange (including the International Monetary Fund's special
drawing rights), this is an advance. Together with their European
and Japanese brethren, they provide solid support (and more than
occasional guidance) for the complex efforts of the IMF in setting
up the new multicurrency, and also aid the World Bank in promoting
conditions for profitable capitalist investment in the Third World.
David Rockefeller and other banking leaders designed an organization
of "prominent citizens" rather than governments, and
limited the geographical scope to what they called the "trilateral
world" embracing North America (the United States and Canada),
Japan, and Western Europe. Thus the Trilateral Commission came
into being in 1973. The commission's membership is mainly high-level
bankers and industrialists supported by a sprinkling of enlightened
and reliable politicians, public officials, intellectuals, and
even union leaders-sixty people apiece from each of the three
parts of the trinity. A smaller executive committee has been hard
at work organizing task forces and behind-the scenes discussions
by top corporate and government leaders. Its basic task has been
to formulate top-level strategy for the leaders of the First World's
establishments on such intricate matters as monetary policy, energy,
control of the high seas, trade, development, and relations with
both communist nations and the Third World. It can do this because,
as a Newsweek journalist pointed out, it is not "merely a
rich man's club" but rather a "remarkable cross-section
of the interlocking establishments of the world's leading industrialized
James O'Conner
"Both welfare spending and warfare spending have a two-fold
nature: the welfare system not only politically contains the surplus
population but also expands demand and domestic markets. And the
warfare system not only keeps foreign rivals at bay and inhibits
the development of world revolution (thus keeping labor power,
raw materials and markets in the capitalist orbit) but also helps
to stave off economic stagnation at home."
The term "welfare state'' ... contains a germ of truth. Under
pressure from communist regimes and movements, the governments
of all major capitalist countries have out-Bismarcked Bismarck
in taking over socialist demands and enacting a host of programs
to provide state-ordained floors under living and working standards.
In a broader sense, however, the "welfare state" idea
is fundamentally misleading. The welfare provided is not the general
well-being of the people. It is welfare, rather, in the narrow
and restrictive sense of public assistance to the poor and other
programs (usually financed by the lower and middle classes themselves)
to take the rough edge off capitalist exploitation, promote docility
among the exploited, and thereby help form a more perfect capitalism.
Although it is perfectly true, as conservative economists insist,
that "there are no free lunches," there are scores of
corporate "free lunchers" who manage to get other people-via
government intervention-to pick up all or part of the bill. Although
new forms of this fine-tuned intervention are created every year,
some of the more conspicuous examples in the United States are:
* The Federal Reserve system, which supports
bankers by maintaining high interest rates and bailing out bank
* The nominally progressive federal tax
system, which has become a labyrinth of special loopholes that
provide many billions of "tax expenditures" (indirect
subsidies) for specific companies or groups. For fiscal year 1980
these tax expenditures amounted to over $150 billion-more than
20 percent of direct budget outlays for the same year.
* The Treasury Department, which maintains
huge interest-free deposits in large banks while at the same time
paying the bank's interest on money lent to the government.
* Billions in direct subsidies that are
paid to airlines, the merchant marine, agribusiness and others.
* Federal expenditures for scientific
research and development, which have subsidized the growth of
capitalism's technological reserve.
* Government guarantees that protect many
billions of bank mortgages and foreign investments against losses.
* Government regulations that give the
large banks control over the investment of the pension funds of
most labor unions.
* So-called regulatory commissions, which
help maintain the oligarchic power of the communication media,
public utilities, and major transportation interests.
* Government forays into wage-price controls,
or "incomes policy," which are used to keep wages down
or squeeze out business competitors.
Kenneth Boulding
With the coming of science and technology, it is fair to say that
we can get ten dollars out of nature for every dollar that we
can squeeze out of man.
The two oldest business commandments-
"buy cheap, sell dear" and "let the buyer (or borrower)
beware"- had to be expanded to a full decalagogue which included
the following: (3) risk other people's money, (4) make money out
of shortages, (5) use only those new technologies that are more
profitable, (6) shift social costs to others, (7) conceal assets
and income, (8) squeeze workers as much as possible, (9) buy political
influence, and (10) help build a powerful establishment. Each
of these maxims. of course, operated under the umbrella of "anything
goes if you can get away with it."
During World War II many corporate planners
learned how to get away with much more than had previously been
imagined. After the war, corporate planning and control became
the central focus of attention for hundreds of colleges or departments
of business administration, thousands of management articles and
books published every year, and hundreds of thousands of students
participating in undergraduate and graduate programs and "management
development" or "advanced management" seminars,
conferences, and discussion groups. With or without the direct
help of such formalities, the leaders of the largest corporate
institutions became not inert organization men but adaptive innovators
in the more rational and unconstrained pursuit of money and power
for the owners and managers of large-scale private property.
The pressures of World War II unleashed a new burst of technological
creativity. The Nazis succeeded in fueling planes and tanks through
gasoline made from coal and in developing advanced rocket technology.
The U.S. success with the atom bomb was matched by a whole spectrum
of less spectacular achievements, including radar, jet propulsion,
computers, and operations research. Instead of subsiding with
the war's end, technological inventiveness thrived in the ebullient
atmosphere of "Free World" integration and corporate
expansiveness. With massive support from military and civilian
agencies of government, Big Business once again devoted itself
to what Karl Marx has called "revolutionizing the means of
production." As had already happened in nuclear physics,
theoretical and applied scientists were caught up within a complex
network of technological research and development. They became
valuable resources to be funded, nurtured, and honored by those
who saw the possibility of distilling new power or capital from
their findings.
The result was "a new technological
revolution" in the methods of collecting, transforming, storing
and moving almost all forms of energy, matter and information.
There has been a veritable chain reaction in atomic energy: hydrogen
bombs, nuclear-powered submarines and icebreakers, electricity
production through nuclear fission. Important research is underway
on electricity production through nuclear fusion and through the
more direct use of solar energy through photovoltaic cells that
convert sunlight into electricity, tapping the geothermal heat
of the earth itself, and, above all, converting grains and other
agricultural products into alcohol and other substitutes for gasoline.
Also, as Alvin Toffler reports, "scientists are now studying
the idea of utilizing bacteria capable of converting sunlight
into electrochemical energy." There have been continuing
advances in production of energy from fossil fuels and its instantaneous
transmission over vast distances through electrical grids, superconductors
and the more spectacular means of lasers and microwaves.
Materials are no longer limited to those
found in nature. They are now being created de novo either to
substitute for such traditional materials as textiles, rubber,
steel, aluminum, or paper, or to create entirely new materials,
both inorganic and organic. "Just as we have manipulated
plastics and metals," reports Lord Ritchie Calder, an eminent
science commentator, "we are now manufacturing living materials."
Medical technology has been developing new capabilities for eradicating
contagious diseases; for facilitating or preventing childbirth;
for replacing parts of the body. The new "genetic engineers"
have been discovering how to reprogram DNA molecules.
Still more revolutionary changes have
been taking place in successive generations of information technologies.
The collection of information is now possible through increasingly
sophisticated systems, including the more ominous forms of remote
electronic surveillance. The processing of information through
fantastically rapid computers now facilitates the kind and quantities
of calculations never before possible. The transmission, storage
and retrieval of information is accomplished in new ways
by the widespread advances in telecommunications
and electronic coding. Finally, and most disturbingly, the means
of control over this great mass has been developed to such a degree
that centralized systems can keep tabs on incredible amounts of
information over long sequences of widely dispersed and decentralized
This technological revolution is embodied
in the plans and actions of industrial, military and political
leaders. It is institutionally orchestrated and financed. One
strategic objective has been to maintain the military and economic
superiority of the United States and its "Free World"
allies. Another has been to nurture the economic health of the
largest "Free World" conglomerates, clusters, constellations
and complexes by staving off the stagnation that always threatens
in the event of a decline in innovation. Whether intended or not,
a major result has been to help knit together the leading corporations
of the technologically advanced countries and buttress their domination
of technologically inferior countries.
The scientists and technologists have
become an informal "technointernational" whose members
(funded from establishment sources) keep in constant touch with
each other and hold frequent international meetings. Having more
common interests than the managers and owners of corporate wealth,
they play a vanguard role in transcending national boundaries
and helping make all corporate kings kin. They draw the new generations
of Third World scientists and technologists into the First World
culture, thereby fostering a Third World brain drain that turns
out to be a continuing brain gain for the Golden International.
These activities are helped immeasurably
by a euphoric vision- widely shared among the "knowledge
elites", as Daniel Bell calls them- that any problems or
crises created by new technologies can be coped with, if not solved,
by some new technology. The euphoria is nourished by technological
thrusts and feints in myriad directions, with thousands of technologists
or scientists plunging far beyond the realm of what may be immediately
feasible. There is thus built up a huge stockpile or reserve of
embryonic, nascent, semi-developed techniques, devices, inventions,
theories and methodologies-a sort of reserve army of available
but unused technologies.
Although the technology reserve is huge
and growing, it is no cornucopia from which benefits quickly or
automatically flow to meet the needs of humankind. The great bulk
of the new innovations are those fostered by the Establishment's
"master magicians"-namely, innovations responding to
demands for more destructive weapons more profitable products
and more labor-saving processes. In these areas, there is some
relevance in Goethe's fable of the sorcerer's apprentice, in which
the brooms and water pails take off on their own and run wild.
In Pentagon-supported innovation, almost anything goes. For the
first time In history, military leaders have escaped the traditional
fixation on armaments used in past wars and are creatively at
work on the weapons of the future. Side by side with this perverse
form of creativity, untold billions are still spent on increasingly
obsolete weapons of the past-such as tanks and aircraft carriers,
both of which are sitting ducks for the new anti-tank and anti-carrier
In contrast, however, there is only a
small amount of research on nutrition, health promotion (as contrasted
with disease treatment), physical exercise, home building, mass
transportation, the recycling of waste products, energy conservation,
total energy systems, and the full use of agricultural products,
including wood, in the production of alcohol and other fuels.
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