Robert Fisk Criticizes Iraq Study
Group Report
Keynote address at sixth annual
convention of the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Long Beach,
www.democracynow.org/, December
20th, 2006

Robert Fisk is the Chief Middle East Correspondent
for the London Independent and author of the book "The Great
War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East." He
has reported from across the Arab world for the past thirty years.
He was in Iraq in the 1980s during the Iran-Iraq war, in the early
1990s during the Persian Gulf War and most recently during the
U.S. invasion and occupation.
This past weekend Robert Fisk was invited
to deliver the keynote address before hundreds of Muslim Americans
gathered in Long Beach, California for the sixth annual convention
of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. At the convention, Fisk
- who was the keynote speaker - participated in a roundtable discussion
on the Iraq Study Group's implications. He took to the podium
with a copy of the report in his hand.
Robert Fisk, chief Middle East correspondent
for the London Independent. He is the author of several books,
his latest is "The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest
of the Middle East."
AMY GOODMAN: We turn to Robert Fisk. Robert
Fisk is the chief Middle East correspondent for the Independent
of London. He has been reporting from the Middle East for the
last 30 years, whether in Afghanistan or Iran, Lebanon, the Occupied
Territories, Israel or in Iraq, year after year. Well, he came
to California, to Long Beach this weekend to address the Muslim
Public Affairs Council, a group of more than 1,000 Muslims who
gathered for their sixth annual conference. He gave the keynote
address at night, which we will play. But first, we go to the
speech he gave late in the afternoon at a roundtable discussion
on the Baker-Hamilton report. He came to the podium with a copy
of the report in his hand.
ROBERT FISK: Ladies and gentlemen, how
many of you have actually read the Iraq report by Baker and Hamilton?
A sea of no hands, virtually, yes. It reads, oddly enough -- it
has this odd journalistic flavor. It keeps talking about "time
is running out," "porous borders." It reminds me
of the kind of stuff we get from the Brookings Institution or
my favorite journalist, Tom Friedman of the New York Times. So,
I do suggest before you read it -- I managed to get through this
on United Flight 979 yesterday. Before you actually read it, I
do suggest you start at the back, because you will find that Mr.
Hamilton and Mr. Baker have been kind enough to list all the experts
who helped them. They're actually called former officials and
Let me read through a few things here
for you: Strobe Talbott, the Brookings Institution; George Will,
the Washington Post; Kenneth Pollack, the man who brought you
The Threatening Storm, the book that told you there really were
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; the Brookings Institution;
Carlos Pascual, the Brookings Institution; Michael O'Hanlon, the
Brookings Institution; American Enterprise Institute; Martin Indyk,
the Brookings Institution. You get the idea that perhaps these
proposals are not really going to work, don't you? And then, here
we are, Thomas Friedman, the New York Times. So, I do strongly
advise you to read this document.
Maybe Mr. Bush is right. You know, I think
we don't want democracy, we Westerners. We don't want democracy
in the Middle East. We have no intention. I think the people of
the Middle East -- well, actually, I agree entirely -- would like
some of our democracy. I think they'd like some packets of human
rights off our Western supermarket shelves. But they also, I think,
want a different kind of freedom. They want freedom from us. And
this we do not intend to give them.
Is it about oil? Of course, it is. Do
you really think that if the national export of Iraq was asparagus
or carrots that the 82nd Airborne would be in Mosul or the US
Marines in Ramadi and Fallujah and elsewhere in Anbar Province?
I really don't think so.
It's also about something else, though.
It's about the visceral need of imperial powers to project themselves
-- military -- and expand. I mean, the Romans did it, the British
did it. I had a very strange conversation a couple of years ago
when the Spanish were withdrawing after the Madrid bombings. And
I went down to the Spanish headquarters at Kufa, just outside
Najaf. And while I was talking to some Spanish officers, all of
whom couldn't wait to get home to Spain, out walks a guy, an American
military man, pistol, rifle, civilian clothes, obviously CIA.
And he says, "They're saying that there are men, 60 or 70,
with weapons, moving around the roads here at night." And
I said, "There probably are."
He said, "How will we do? What will
we do? Where did we go wrong?" And I said, "Look, when
the Romans conquered another country -- and they did so with great
brutality; they crucified anyone who opposed them -- they made
everyone a citizen of Rome. Everybody had the equivalent of a
Roman passport. Just imagine," I said, "what would have
happened if, when the first American troops crossed the Tigris
River in April of 2003, the United States had said every citizen
of Iraq who wishes to be can join our democracy and become an
American citizen." I can't tell you how long the queue would
be around the first American embassy to open. That doesn't mean
all the people of Iraq would go and live in America, or vice versa.
But I don't think there would have been an insurgency if generosity
had been shown to Iraqis.
When I watched Baghdad burn -- its institutions,
its museums, its art galleries, its heritage -- the United States
military should have been setting up a massive tent medical city
around Baghdad. Free medical aid for everyone, the sick, the wounded,
those in pain, to show you that we are your fellow human beings.
But that, of course, was not part of the plan. What a terrible,
terrible mistake, much worse than disbanding the Iraqi army or
disbanding their police force. Even worse than stealing the oil.
You know, we face today in the media the
same constant problem of weakness, laziness and fear. In trying
to report the realities, what newspaper have you read in your
country, mainstream newspaper recently, where an ordinary mainstream
reporter can say the things that I've said to you tonight? Which
is probably why I'm here and Tom Friedman is not, isn't it? Well,
Tom Friedman could say it up to a point, but I think we can read
him in this report.
The problem, I'm afraid, is that we have
grown used to a kind of mild, temperate reporting out of the Middle
East in the US media, which is incomprehensible unless you happen
to know the region. The "wall" becomes a "security
barrier," like the Berlin security barrier, which some of
you may remember. "Occupied territory" is "disputed
territory." A "colony" becomes a "neighborhood."
And thus, of course, the Palestinians, generically violent for
opposing this by throwing stones, or worse.
I think, you know, you see the same thing
happen with Mearsheimer-Walt report. I interviewed poor old Walt
up in Harvard just after he produced his famous report on the
Israeli lobby and the power of the Israel lobby, and he was in
a state of near catatonic shock. And I said, "Calm down,
you know. Join the club. We've been through this before."
Anybody who has a reasonable decent criticism of Israel, including
Israelis, will be called anti-Semitic. And we respond to this
very clearly. In Britain, we threaten to sue when anyone calls
us that, because it's a lie. John Malkovich, the actor, who said
at the Cambridge Union he wanted to shoot me, followed this up
in the Observer by saying he hated me because of my, quote, "vicious
anti-Semitism." Our lawyers went into action immediately.
The Observer withdrew the story and apologized. You've got to
stand up. And journalists have got to stand up when they are falsely
accused of racism.
I agree entirely with my friend when he
talks about the shamefulness of denying the Jewish Holocaust.
It happened. Six million Jews were murdered in Europe. I've been
to Auschwitz. I've been to Birkenau. I've been to Treblinka. It's
all true. Read Martin Gilbert's magisterial book, The Holocaust.
But why doesn't President Ahmadinejad and those many Arab figures
who say the same things, but not so loudly, why doesn't he say,
"Yes, yes, six million Jews were foully murdered, and it's
true, but we didn't do it"? There's the mistake.
Over and over again, the Arabs are blamed
now for the Holocaust. Do you remember Menachem Begin, when he
was sending his troops towards Beirut in 1982, he wrote this rambling,
crazed letter to Reagan saying he felt he was the Red Army advancing
on Berlin where Hitler was -- Hitler being the poor old Yasser
Arafat, who was claiming at the time, by the way, that he was
defending Beirut like Stalingrad.
Everyone is obsessed with the Second World
War. Everyone. Bush, even our own dear Mr. Blair, think they're
Winston Churchill. And all our enemies, every one of them, believe
me, is a Hitler of the Tigris. Antony Eden actually referred to
Nasser as the Mussolini of the Nile. We're all putting on our
World War II cloaks, it's incredible. And if anyone, anyone, suggests
the war is wrong, then we are Neville Chamberlain, we're in the
house of appeasement, and look what happened in 1939.
And journalists go along with this. Pollack,
one of these people, went along with that line. We're contently
trying to repeat the bits of history that we remember inaccurately
and wrongly. And we do not remember the British invasion of Iraq
in 1917, when the British commander issued a document on the walls
of Baghdad, saying, "We come here" -- to the people
of the Mohafazat, the governorate of Baghdad -- "We come
here, not as conquerors, but as liberators to free you from generations
of tyranny." And in 1920, when the insurgency, the Iraqi
insurgency against British rule in Iraq, began, we shelled Fallujah,
and we shelled Najaf. The British army, in 1920. I've seen the
telegram written by British intelligence in Baghdad to the War
Department in London saying that terrorists were crossing the
border, from?
ROBERT FISK: Yes, quite. You read that
telegram. You knew about that telegram. And then Lloyd George,
the British prime minister, stood up in the House of Commons and
said, "If British troops leave Iraq now, there will be"?
ROBERT FISK: Spot on. You read the Times
parliamentary report in 1920, didn't you? We don't read history.
Our journalists don't read history. My goodness, me, nor do our
You know, I think that this -- one of
these problems of journalism is that we don't carry history books
in our back pocket. And I think the other problem is that our
leaders don't. And there's one major problem, above all others,
which we don't look at. Many of us, many of you here, many of
us have witnessed wars. But there isn't a single member of any
Western government anywhere in the world that has ever experienced
or been in a war. Mr. Bush could have been, of course. Mr. Cheney
could have been. Colin Powell was, and he's gone; he had experience.
When I grew up, Churchill, Eden, we had lots of prime ministers
in Britain who had been in the war. They knew that you don't go
to war on false and meretricious reasons. But that's gone now.
Our leaders' experience of war is now Hollywood.
I think that, you know, the project to
remake the Middle East is a project of a child. It's been forgotten
already. The neoconservative planners have already said, "Not
us mate. Not us, no, no. We're going. His fault. And look at those
Iraqis." The latest line we're getting, by the way -- read
David Brooks in the New York Times -- is that the Iraqis have
proved unworthy of the fruits of civilization which we wish to
give them. Greedy. Sectarian. They only know the tribe. Until,
of course, we find some other nation suitable to be invaded and
offered the fruits of our civilization. Be sure, there's quite
a selection around. It won't be North Korea, because they've got
the bomb.
Look at the way we bought the whole line
on Iran. Iran, whose nuclear facilities were begun with our encouragement,
and Washington's encouragement under the Shah. There is actually
a Muslim country in Southwest Asia, which has many Taliban supporters
there, many al-Qaeda people, and it has a bomb. It's called Pakistan.
But we don't talk about that. That's not part of the narrative
set down by our leaders. It is Iran, Iran, Iran. As if everyone,
for thousands, millions of years to come, who has a turban, will
not be allowed to have nuclear power stations. This is preposterous.
This is the language of children and the policies of children.
And it is us, the most powerful superpower presence in the West,
that is permitting this and actually organizing it.
Ladies and gentleman, we are not going
to reshape the Middle East. We may help to destroy it, but we
are not going to reshape it. If you want to know what is deciding
American politics now and what is deciding British politics, it
is not Mr. Blair, and it is not Mr. Bush, it is the Iraqis. Thank
you very much, ladies and gentlemen.
AMY GOODMAN: Veteran war correspondent
Robert Fisk, writes for the Independent of London, speaking at
a panel discussion of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, their
annual gathering this weekend. The convention was called "Reform,
Relevance and Renewal: Understanding Islam for the Future."
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