The Sole Superpower Syndrome
by Michael Klare
In These Times magazine, March 1998

The U.S. rush to judgment in Iraq-one could say the frenzy to bomb-is
the product of a deeper psychosis in American foreign policy. Since the
end of the Cold War, U.S. leaders have been possessed by what can be described
as the "sole superpower syndrome"-a sense of nearly godlike power
derived from the absence of any balancing forces in the international system.
With no curbs on American adventurism, U.S. leaders are undeterred from
engaging in impetuous and ill-conceived actions like the impending attack
on Iraq.
Do not misunderstand me: I am not nostalgic for the Cold War. The arms
race between the United States and the Soviet Union produced ever more horrific
weapons of war, and introduced the prospect of thermonuclear Armageddon.
I do not wish to return to that condition. But the bipolarity of the Cold
War, coupled with the perfectly understandable caution of U.S. and Soviet
allies, discouraged impetuous and provocative behavior on either side. Today,
we lack such built-in restraints, so the sole superpower syndrome reigns
At first, expressions of this syndrome were limited and sporadic. Clinton
was hesitant to go into Bosnia, and procrastinated for three years. Lately,
however, the episodes have become more frequent and pronounced: the determination
to proceed with NATO expansion, despite its devastating impact on U.S. Russian
relations; the cavalier campaign to drop Boutros Boutros-Ghali as secretary
general of the United Nations; and the glee with which Washington has dictated
surrender terms to the fallen Asian "tigers."
The planned attack on Iraq must be seen against this backdrop. Like
other recent developments, it has come about in a world in which no state
is bold enough or strong enough to tell the sole superpower that it is behaving
in an arrogant, and perhaps reckless, fashion. In each instance, Washington
has sallied forth, relying on its own (often misguided) counsel and failing
to calculate the consequences.
Let us look at the Iraqi case. Supposedly, the United States is acting
to destroy Saddam Hussein's remaining capacity to produce weapons of mass
destruction. That Hussein sought to produce such weapons before Operation
Desert Storm is not in doubt. But the war, and U.N. action afterwards, destroyed
all of his weapons plants and laboratories, leaving only what could be easily
removed and hidden: laboratory samples, scientific instruments, computer
gear and so forth. These small remnants cannot be destroyed through an air
campaign such as that contemplated by the Department of Defense. On the
other hand, they cannot be used to mass-produce weapons of mass destruction
(without the construction of major new facilities). So the impending raids
will neither destroy a significant target nor protect us from a genuine
This being the case, it is apparent that U.S. leaders are being driven
by other, less obvious considerations. In my view, the main objective here
is a show of force for its own sake-to remind the world, and potential adversaries
like Saddam Hussein, that the United States has the power to destroy any
military challenger (or combination of challengers), and will do so when
aroused. This would explain the president's evident determination to proceed
with the attacks despite a stunning lack of support by our allies.
This is hubris, pure and simple. And history teaches us that those who
are possessed by hubris often fail to see the dangerous and self-destructive
consequences of their acts. In this case, we can only speculate as to what
those consequences might be-but we can assume that they are likely to be
serious. In one scenario, the United States could so destabilize Iraq as
to unleash a whirlpool of chaos throughout the Persian Gulf; in another,
U.S. action could so inflame Muslim sentiment in the region that it ignites
a new wave of anti-American upheavals. An attack is also certain to scuttle
any short-term hopes of reviving the Arab-Israeli peace process.
Whether or not the attacks occur and any of these scenarios come to
pass, we have to grasp the main point here: The U.S. foreign policy leadership
has been infected with an unhealthy tendency to hubris, with unforeseeable
and potentially dangerous consequences. If we are to promote peace and stability,
therefore, and act in the best interests of the nation, we must create a
countervailing force to the sole superpower syndrome. This means building
a grass-roots network of foreign policy activists, linked to peace and human
rights networks around the world. Only in this fashion can we hope to keep
the prevailing psychosis in check.
Michael Klare is a professor of peace and world security studies at
Hampshire College, in Amherst, Mass., and the author of Rogue States and
Nuclear Outlaws: America's Search for a New Foreign Policy (Hill & Wang).
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