Money, Law, and Genocide
excerpted from the book
The Splendid Blond Beast
by Christopher Simpson
Common Courage Press, 1995

... the events of the Armenian Genocide and of the Holocaust
... reveal a basic dynamic in the relationship of great powers
to mass crimes. The problem is fundamentally structural; it is
built into the system and not simply a product of a particularly
evil or inept group of men. The terms of international law concerning
war crimes were articulated at the turn of the century primarily
by the countries then dominating international affairs: the major
European powers, czarist Russia, and the United States. The big
powers crafted the Hague and Geneva conventions to help manage
the expensive arms race of the day and to set new, ostensibly
more rational rules for wars and occupation of disputed territories.
The conferees limited "legal" wars to those fought among
regular, uniformed armies-a provision that greatly favored the
larger and established powers, for they had the clear advantage
in such conflicts. They asserted the absolute sovereignty of nationstates
over their subjects; declared most revolutions, most forms of
civilian resistance to occupying armies, and colonial rebellions
to be war crimes; and strengthened the claims of heads of state
to legal immunity for acts in office. They set out detailed rules
for commerce during wartime that tended to insulate business and
trade from the disruptions of war to the greatest degree possible.
Nevertheless, these treaties did lead to some important humanitarian
advances, particularly in improving treatment of prisoners of
This structure for international law was put to the test during
World War I, and failed. Despite some amelioration of the conditions
for soldiers on the battlefield, the new framework of law did
not confront or contain one of the signal crimes of the day: the
Turkish Ittihod government's destruction of some one million Armenians.
Nor did existing international law achieve justice for the Armenians
when the killing was over, in part because Britain, France, and
the United States saw greater advantage in cooperating with Turkey
in a new division of Middle Eastern oil than they did in bringing
Ittihad criminals to justice.
The failure to do justice in the Armenian Genocide can be
traced in important part to the overlapping, interlocking dynamics
of economics, international law, and mass murder. The more predatory
aspects of international law dovetailed well with the destructive
social patterns of the Turkish killing. The law proved to be incapable
of prosecuting genocide without drawing more "conventional"
aspects of colonialism, national development, and international
trade into the dock as crimes as well.
The legal and economic precedents set in the wake of World
War I had considerable impact on the course of the Holocaust during
World War II, just as the more widely understood political precedents
did. Hitler himself repeatedly raised the international community's
failure to do justice in the wake of the Armenian Genocide to
explain and justify his own racial theories, and the Germans'
pattern of "learning through doing" genocide was similar
in important respects to that of the Turks. While the two crimes
were different in important respects, they both were led by ideologically
driven, authoritarian political parties that had come to power
in the midst of a deep social crisis. Both the Ittihad and the
Nazis-each originally a marginal political party-managed to perpetrate
genocide by enlisting the established institutions of conventional
life-the national courts, commercial structures, scholarly community,
and so on-in the tasks of mass persecution and eventually mass
murder. In both cases, the ruling party achieved its genocidal
aims in part by offering economic incentives for persecution,
the most basic of which were the opportunity to share in the spoils
of deported people and the ability to transfer the costs of economic
crisis onto the shoulders of the despised group.
... The U.S. State Department and its allies orchestrated
an effort preserve and rebuild Germany's economy as quickly as
possible as an economic, political, and eventually military bulwark
against new revolutions in Europe, even though much of the corporate
and administrative leadership of German finance and industry that
they wished to preserve had been instrumental in Hitler's crimes.
Many critics, not least of whom was the U.S. secretary of the
treasury, accused this State Department faction of anti-Semitism,
blocking rescue of refugee Jews, appeasement of Hitler, and protection
of Nazi criminals in the wake of the war.
... The similarities between the Armenian Genocide and the
Holocaust suggest that the "Nazi problem" in postwar
Germany is only partially traceable to the pressures of the cold
war. Throughout the twentieth century, regardless of the prevailing
atmosphere in EastWest relations, most powerful states have attended
to genocide only insofar as it has affected their own stability
and short-term interests. Almost without exception, they have
dealt with the aftermath of genocide primarily as a means to increase
their power and i preserve their license to impose their version
of order, regardless of the price to be paid in terms of elementary
Several dozen new international treaties intended to defend
human rights have been signed since the end of World War II, including
conventions against slavery, torture, race and sex discrimination,
apartheid, and genocide. Each new agreement suggests that there
is broad popular support for fundamental change in this aspect
of state behavior and international relations. This sentiment
is embodied, albeit imperfectly, in the United Nations, the European
Commission on Human Rights, the InterAmerican Commission on Human
Rights, a similar intergovernmental organization in Africa, the
private association Amnesty International, and many other groups
that monitor human rights issues and publicize offenses. Today's
popular resistance to crimes against humanity is more sophisticated,
better equipped, and better informed than ever before in human
But the actual implementation of these treaties and the legal
framework supporting human rights efforts remains notoriously
weak. The horror of the Nazi gas chambers was unambiguously condemned
in the wake of the Holocaust, for example, but both sides' practice
of bombing civilians (and its tactical cousin, missile attacks
on cities) has not only escaped criminal prosecution, it has become
the centerpiece of the major powers' postwar national security
strategies. Usually there is little effective protest on behalf
of the people living under the bombs.3 Similarly, after dragging
its heels for four decades, the U.S. Senate in 1986 nnally approved
a simple international convention declaring genocide to be a crime.
At the same time, however, the senators wrote a restriction into
their endorsement that effectively barred any U.S. court from
actually enforcing the measure until the Congress passed new implementing
legislation-which it has yet to do.4 Such loopholes are present
in virtually all international agreements concerning crimes against
In each of these examples, the institutions purportedly regulated
by international agreements have succeeded in creating a legal
structure that permits abuses to thrive. For many senior policymakers
in the U.S. and abroad, international law remains "a crock,"
as former Secretary of State Dean Acheson put it, when it imposes
any limit on one's own government.
The logical question, then, is, What should reasonable people
make of the defects in international law on issues of war, peace,
and mass murder? For some, there will be a temptation to conclude
that humanity might be better off discarding the present body
of international law altogether and somehow start again with a
fresh slate.
But there is no such thing as a truly fresh slate, of course.
The gutted and imperfect form of international law concerning
war crimes and crimes against humanity that is presently embraced
by the major powers is better than none at all, at least so long
as those who seek the law's protection have no illusions about
its scope. Compassion and good sense demand that the best features
of international law be preserved and extended, even when existing
treaties provide for little more than moral suasion in defense
of human rights.
International law has often been a kind of pact between strong
and weak nations. Not surprisingly, the powerful have stipulated
most of the terms. But the weaker nations and peoples are not
powerless, and for manifold reasons they are today gathering force.
This means that they can at times obtain the rights and responsibilities
written into international laws and legal precedents such as the
Nuremberg Charter. The same is true, though to a much lesser degree,
for individuals facing brutality at the hands of their governments.
International law has to that extent become a tool for human progress;
it has sometimes ameliorated the suffering of prisoners, helped
contain those who would resort to aggression, and provided some
platform, however fragile, for the assertion of basic rights by
indigenous peoples.
Perhaps some additional hope for the future can be derived
from the way in which the frustrated ideals of an earlier era
are sometimes taken quite seriously by later generations. True,
many aspects of the Nuremberg principles have yet to be implemented
by national and international courts. But millions of people have
nonetheless accepted some sense of these principles as a reasonable
standard of justice that they have a right to expect. Thus, Nuremberg's
impact has sometimes been felt in popular demands for human rights,
justice, and humane treatment for the victims of war even in countries
where the courts refuse to recognize the Nuremberg principles
as legally binding.
For exactly that reason, some powerful nations today view
international law and the Nuremberg precedents with greater suspicion
than previously. The most powerful forces working against an evenhanded
application of international law today are those that have up
to now usually gained the most from its terms.
Major powers continue to cynically exploit international law
to support propaganda claims against their rivals. They call for
strict enforcement of international sanctions when it suits their
purpose, but they ignore rulings by international courts when
it is opportune to do so. In recent years U.S. administrations
(and the media, "opinion leaders," and so on) have consistently
invoked international law to justify actions against Libya, Iran,
Iraq, Grenada, Panama, and other enemies du jour. U.S. leaders
usually present themselves as the only real defenders of international
order in a world that would otherwise be cast into anarchy. Yet,
they maintain an icy silence when the law is less to their liking,
as when the International Court of Arbitration at The Hague ruled
that the U.S. mining of Nicaraguan harbors, shooting down of an
Iranian civilian airliner, and a list of similar acts constituted
serious international crimes. The fact that such obvious deceits
pass by largely without comment in most parliaments, newspapers,
and journals vividly illustrates the extent to which double-think
on genocide and human rights remains ingrained in the present
world order.
Who then, or what, is the splendid blond beast? It is the
destruction inherent in any system of order, the institutionalized
brutality whose existence is denied by cheerleaders of the status
quo at the very moment they feed its appetite for blood.
The present world order supplies stability and rationality
of a sort for human society, while its day-to-day operations chew
up the weak, the scapegoats, and almost anyone else in its way.
This is not necessarily an evil conspiracy of insiders; it is
a structural dilemma that generates itself more or less consistently
from place to place and from generation to generation.
Much of modern society has been built upon genocide. This
crime was integral to the emergence of the United States, of czarist
Russia and later the USSR, of European empires, and of many other
states. Today, modern governments continue extermination of indigenous
peoples throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America, mainly as
a means of stealing land and natural resources. Equally pernicious,
though often less obvious, the present world order has institutionalized
persecution and deprivation of hundreds of millions of children,
particularly in the Third World, and in this way kills countless
innocents each year. These systemic atrocities are for the most
part not even regarded as crimes, but instead are writ- | ten
off by most of the world's media and intellectual leadership as
acts of God or of nature whose origin remains a mystery.
It is individual human beings who make the day-to-day decisions
that create genocide, reward mass murder, and ease the escape
of the guilty. But social systems usually protect these individuals
from responsibility for "authorized" acts, in part by
providing rationalizations that present systemic brutality as
a necessary evil. Some observers may claim that men such as Allen
Dulles, Robert Murphy, et al. were gripped by an ideal of a higher
good when they preserved the power of the German business elite
as a hedge against revolution in Europe. But in the long run,
their intentions have little to do with the real issue, which
is the character of social systems that permit decisions institutionalizing
murder to take on the appearance of wisdom, reason, or even justice
among the men and women who lead society.
Progress in the control of genocide depends in part on confronting
those who would legitimize and legalize the act. The cycle of
genocide can be broken through relatively simple-but politically
difficult-reforms in the international legal system. It is essential
to identify and condemn the deeds that contribute to genocide,
particularly when such deeds have assumed a mantle of respectability,
and to ensure just and evenhanded punishment for those responsible.
But the temptation will be to accept the inducements and rationalizations
society offers in exchange for keeping one's mouth shut. The choice
is in our hands.
Blond Beast
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