Neoliberalism, Militarism,
and Armed Conflict
by Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey
Social Justice magazine, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2000)

The trend toward a neoliberal economy and the prevalence of militaries
and militarism worldwide are often treated as separate, unrelated
phenomena. Many activists and scholars who critique and challenge
the negative effects of increasing global integration emphasize
economic factors (e.g., Bales, 1999; Chossudovsky, 1997; Greider,
1997; Mander and Goldsmith, 1996; Sassen, 1998; Teeple, 1995).
These include the fact that workers in one country are pitted
against those of another as corporate managers seek to maximize
profits, that systems of inequality based on gender, race, class,
and nation are inherent in the international division of labor,
that nation-states are cutting social welfare supports, that women
and children experience superexploitation especially in countries
of the global South, and that there is increasing polarization
of material wealth between rich and poor countries, as well as
within richer countries. Critics also point to the role of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the World
Trade Organization (WTO), which require structural changes to
make economies more profitable for private investors and to open
markets for so-called free trade.
... Around 50% of U.S. federal discretionary spending is directed
toward the military, amounting to $309 billion in FY 2001-more
than the military budgets of the next 12 countries combined. Military
budgets, bases, and operations have negative effects on communities
in many parts of the world, as well as in the United States. Military
spending has been kept at very high levels while socially useful
spending on education, health, job training, social services,
and welfare supports have been cut. This disinvestment, which
disproportionately affects poor communities, together with automation
and the movement of manufacturing jobs overseas, has led to high
unemployment for young working-class and poor African Americans
and Latinos. Their main "choices" are to join the military
or to work in the informal economy, often ending up in jails and
prisons. In the United States, military recruitment and the criminalization
of people of color are two aspects of increasing global economic
Outline of this Issue
Worldwide military spending totaled a massive $785 billion
in 1998, of which the United States accounted for 30% (National
Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, 2000). Indeed, the U.S. has had
what Seymour Melman (1970; 1974) termed a permanent war economy
since World War II. A Department of Defense website currently
describes the Pentagon as "not only America's largest company,
but its busiest and most successful," and boasts a budget
considerably larger than that of ExxonMobil, Ford, or General
Motors. Addressing CEOs of major U.S. corporations in October
1998, William Cohen, then the U.S. Secretary of Defense, expressed
the relationship between economic investment and military activity
in the most basic terms:
Business follows the flag.... We provide the kind of security
and stability. You provide the kind of profits that guarantee
investment and profit for the local communities who in turn will
buy our products.... We need to continue to have this relationship
where we provide the security and you provide the investment.
As Friedman (1999: 40) put it, McDonald's cannot flourish
without McDonnell Douglas.
The current integration of the world economy into a neocolonial
system of capitalist production, consumption, and reproduction
requires access to and control of resources-including labor-so
that transnational corporations can maximize profits. Corporations
need the assurance of political stability and protection of their
investments. As part of the nation-state apparatus, the military
is on hand whenever necessary to intimidate and repress popular
resistance to exploitative working conditions, to structural adjustment
programs, or the privatization of resources in aid of profit accumulation.
Steven Staples argues:
The relationship between globalization and militarism should
be seen as two sides of the same coin. On one side, globalization
promotes the conditions that lead to unrest, inequality, conflict,
and, ultimately, war. On the other side, globalization fuels the
means to wage war by protecting and promoting the military industries
needed to produce sophisticated weaponry. This weaponry, in turn,
is used or is threatened to be used to protect the investments
of transnational corporations and their shareholders.
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