Abandon this Neocolonial Adventure!
[Canada's role in ousting Aristide
& Haitian democracy]
by Jean St. Vil
www.zmag.org/, December 24, 2005

"We cannot abandon Haiti again"
wrote former Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall
in a December 15th Globe & Mail article. However, far from
abandonment, Canadian policy towards Haiti speaks of betrayal.
McDougall is with the Haiti International
Assessment Committee established by the International Republican
Institute (IRI), a Washington-based organization that is deeply
implicated in the Haitian crisis.
In February 2001, as many as 5 days before
Jean-Bertrand Aristide took the presidential oath in Haiti, the
Washington Post revealed that IRI's "Convergence Democratique"
is lobbying for a CIA-backed coup against the elected president
Convergence was formed as a broad group
with help from IRI...it also includes former backers of the hated
Duvalier family dictatorship and of the military officers who
overthrew Aristide in 1991 ...The most determined of these men...express
their desire to see the U.S. military intervene once again....
to get rid of Aristide and rebuild the disbanded Haitian army...
the CIA should train and equip Haitian officers exiled in the
neighboring Dominican Republic so they could stage a comeback
themselves» (Washington Post, February 2, 2001).
Incredibly, this is exactly what happened
3 years later, in February 2004 ! A group of thugs trained and
equipped by the CIA, led by Guy Philippe and Louis-Jodel Chamblain,
crossed the Haiti - Dominican Republic border and prepared the
way for U.S. Marines to enter the Haitian President's residence
and complete the regime change, discussed and planned years in
advance. http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2004/marzo/mier31/14haiti.html
All the while the Canadian Armed Forces
secured the Toussaint Louverture Airport to facilitate the U.S.
Marines' dirty work.
The participation of IRI in the bloody
February 2004 coup was so deep that the matter was debated in
the U.S. Congress and, eventually, it did cost a U.S. Ambassador
his job.
In her December 15th Globe & Mail
article, Mrs. McDougall suggests that "the Haitian people
deserve the continuing support of outsiders such as Canada".
However, it was precisely in Canada that, one year prior to the
coup, "outsiders" invited by Denis Paradis (Canadian
Minister for la Francophonie) further elaborated on January 31
and February 1, 2003 how Haiti's President was to be overthrown,
the country put under U.N. Tutelage, and the military resurrected
(Vastel, L'Actualité, March 2003).
It would seem that "outsiders"
have already contributed more than enough to Haiti's fortune !
Now, elections which were supposed to
have taken place within 90 days of the change in government are
facing major difficulties.
Last April, Ron Gould, a consultant with
the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), wrote "the
voter registration process is technology driven as a result of
a decision of the Organization of American States." Gould,
who openly worried about the "the high cost, high risk nature"
of this decision given Haiti's lack of infrastructure, concluded
still "there is no turning back.". Yet, as we had predicted,
now that it is painfully obvious that the election registration
process is a dismall failure, the benevolent "outsiders"
are pointing the fingers of blame towards any and all Haitians,
including the puppet regime they have imposed on the Haitian people.
Tarzan can do no wrong in the jungle! (see Fair Elections in Haiti:
Imagine the Possibilities, August 2005 http://www.embassymag.ca/html/index.php?display=story&full_path=/2005...)
Mrs. McDougall wrote: "the candidates
list is being purged of drug dealers and other criminals... but
it is hard to tell whether all the criminal elements have been
eliminated". Definitely, Mrs. McDougall needs to be better
informed about her organization and its relationship with known
drug trafficker turned presidential candidate, Guy Philippe. During
the lead up to the coup, in a May 2003 article of Haiti-Progrès,
one can read that "Stanley Lucas, an International Republican
Institute operative based in the Dominican Republic, met with
Philippe and his gang on Dominican soil". Then, earlier this
morning, the Miami Herald published an article by Joe Mozingo
where he states: "Two of Haiti's best-financed presidential
candidates - Guy Philippe and Dany Toussaint - have long been
linked to cocaine trafficking by U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) officials. And a Senate candidate who's a nephew of interim
Prime Minister Gerard Latortue has close links to a gang that
controls drug smuggling in the port of Gonaives, according to
the Haitian and U.S. officials". http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/13469273.htm
Really !? Who is fooling who here?
It is so hypocritical for Haiti's self-appointed
foreign saviors to pretend that they are only now becoming aware
of the credentials of their long time partners in crime, including
the notorious Guy Philippe.
(please find out more about IRI's Stanley
Lucas, Guy Philippe and the 2004 Coup: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Stanley_Lucas)
Some who are still puzzled by this ugly
mess are, no doubt, asking themselves why in the world then, the
United Nations would partake in what is evidently a shameful cover-up
for a multinational and racist coup d'état?
The wise elder Nelson (Madiba) Mandela
warned us in his farewell speech of May 10, 2004: "We see
how the powerful countries, all of them so-called democracies,
manipulate multilateral bodies to the great disadvantage and suffering
of the poorer developing nations."
In less diplomatic terms, it is sad but
safe to say, the U.N. has become nothing but a tool in the hands
of crazy little men from rich countries who fantasize about establishing
their own little colonies East, West, North and South.
"Tonton Nwèl se Malatchong
tande timoun !" (kids you must know this: Santa Clauss is
nothing but a sham !) said my wide-eyed 5 year old son. Good for
I would like one day to teach Kebindayiti
how to sing happily "what a wonderful world!", but it
would also have to be sincerely so.
Haiti page